" TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." - PRINCIPLES, HOT MIS.' VOL, XIV. NO. 689 FLESHERTON.ONT. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 15 1894. 1 W.H THUBSTON EDlTOt* "Full as a Tick." Yes, we are filled up with ona of ths finest stocks v c r seen north of Tor- onto. \V have just placed in stock Six Dozen Alurrn Clocks, SELLING AT Only.*l and 8l.2oa Piece. A splendid stock of tilterware has jutt ben placed ca exhibit. Young meu, the w.nUr season is approaching. Get your \VEDDIXG JfclXGS here a Ure* quantity to select from. We have something sxqoulte in LADIES' FOB CHAINS. fI\K HEf.tlRIXG AS r.Sr.l f. Armstrong Bros. - Flesherton. I .undHrur. Our Business Directory niiii tf arris. M AKKIAUE LICENSES. I*ued4av or nlaht at th a offleeor re*idnce of th* anderaiened. Comiotuionrr ID H C ..(. Coaveysncer. *c. Notary public. JOHN W. AKM8TBOSO. - ructmTO. M cCLLLOUGH *TOfSO. Bashers, Markdale. do a Rneral banking bu- ine**. Money loaned l a reaaonabl* rate. Call on as. M R. HAMMOND. ^oit Muter. Kinib*rl*y. Commitioner for taking AAUaviti etc. Iniuren and lo*>n> money at loweit rates. Ex*cutesLa,e*. Deed*. Wills. tc. promptly, .-beaply and efflcieatly. TJ J. bl'EOUI.E. Poetmaster, Flc^herton. Cornmluiouer in P. K.. Lie uw<l Auctioneer, Conveyancer. A Trailer sad Money Lender, Heal f*tate au-> Iii.uraoco AK*nt. DtwU. Ilc>rtffiee. Lesae*. and Will* ilicwuapand Vaiuationi ma-le on liortt uut.. . AIICIIUU Sale* attendmi to iv uy part uf the County. Monoy to luau at low- . -t ratrn of interot. Collection* tt:. n.l.-.l to with prv>tu"tuee* and d*|tch Chrgv low. Agent (or thr IMuunion Stoauulu,. C >::ipan v. cheap Ucki>t from Klnhvrtou to Liverpool, <tlan<>w,Ix>ud.<n or any of the Hr:tii>h |>ort. 1'aitiv* IntMtiUuri to Tinlt K.nKlaml, S . lUnd or Ireland, will p'naee auk rate* be<or* purchaainf their ticket* elxwhire. ittusir. \fIS8 EDITH R1CHAKD90N Pnpll of Boot. Mahr. of Berlio. Geraaav. Iviolini; Mr*. Bradley, of Toronto CoD*eratory Mutic (Voice culture Prof. Kerruou. late of Toronto. Piauoi will rvcein n U |.il in SINGINU, V1OUX. PI- ANO and "' T pupil OHO AN. J W. FB08T. Harrlster. Solicitor. Conveyancer. Etc. riesbenou efflee Next the poMofflc* Sproale'i building, on Thundaye, Owen Sound office Frost'* buildinic I fCAS * WEIGHT, Rarriiteni. Ro'lcltor*. Conveyaneen. etc.. Owen Sound. On.t - Maradale. Ont. W. H. WniiiHT I. B. Lt-Ci* N. B.-Pleohertoo office. Mitchell'* Bank. very Wedneolay. AO.r.W.-meettevervnm and third Mou nay in each month, iu their !o<le room Chriitoe* HI<<ck.FIbrrton.atH.ivm. Oeo -lohn.ton. M. W.; W. J. UeilaiLv, flnenc'er W Irwla Uecorder. VUiting lirethern invited. ROYAL TKMPLARS OF TFMeKRANTK Regular foiiocll meet* very flrt and th'rd neaetai evenins in aach inonib. in Sproulc'* block at 8 p in Selc.-t ilegrve dn"rnoei m.-*u monthly, the Weduiwlav l>reueuiu th* and of eexb montb. TJU BUTTON. II. D. C. IT. M C. P.* 8.. Ont.. Priceville. Residence and ofBc* one door we*t of the Ueth o.lit Church. Kiuro** St. Office da.vi, TuoeOays nd8alur<1ay*. Jjn. CARTER. II. C. P. * S.. Ont. Physician, utgoon. tc., Klrhr:,-n ortJo* -Sltaiui bock. KeM>lvuc Muuahaw'* hotel. S~OX8 OF TEMPKRANCK.-Tni* . meet* In Ur. l'hrito' Hall every ,-, needay evening at d p. in Vi.iun; bretb- <r*n invited. Intaraiice iu connection. \T M. P. P. A., meet in their ball, fhrirtoe, I lock even firjt and third Thursday in each month. * m. Sharp. Matter. T. Clajtou . Secretary. PKiSTF ARTHVR LOD<iK. No. 383. A K * 't u"i'!" t j n lh * M a..nie Hall Ktrniv. Hloek. rl**her*o... every Kr,,lav on or Ueforj th. full moon Dr Carter. W. M . K J. K|irn>. Kecretarv. 3HS A. SCOTT. M 1 Uwber C'olle<;*Phy*ic. * Sunp^no Ontario Gradual* in Modlcln* of Toronto l':iivrmtv. Kllow*M|> DipWma. Po*t Oraduate Medical Hchoeland Hoepltal, Cbicaeo. PI>*B*of eve. .. ear, noneaiM throat ipocially tn-ated. Keel dencellaswell, vi*it* F*<r*rnam Thumdaye I- P.OTTKWRLU IVVKFKHIN LOtKiK. So. 1 1 196, t o O F mee' in Clayton, hall evry Tn dy nveiilnn Mt 8 o'clock. V i. HI UK hretbrouco. dially invited. P. O.aYTOM. , N. (S D. ItcTAVIIH. IMK. .... W.ITEI mm ..or WW i, ue of M-RSKKY s r, ( to tell V*terlnary Rurgton. OnuHmte of Ontai Veterinary Cortege- Ker'Jem-e-Sest door fJW hue of Nl'USKKY MvfK or tiKKP aoutbof Moore's wianlag factor \ POTATOKS ..r both, f KKM ASE.XT and P.\Y - INO POttlTIONBtoUOOD MKX. We can (iv* T KHAl.sTi.AI> VMU 4xcluHiv tarutorv if yju wth It will MP.U.C. *H,OM.. pra.-tc** at Kim- berUy. Rheumatic dl*n**e* < r*ciallty. Tyi MAKY M HKANHI.K From our otnt Curretpoivient. Mother earth baa dua'd again her beauti ful garment. Ai;vn we hear the jingle of the meiry leigh-bells. Health and happiness r; in the beetles, and *>ue cold too. Miss Rebecca Hutchinwm hai been spending a few days at the home of her uncle, Mr. Win Hutchinson. Mr. Kobe Huath has returned tu our neighborhood fur a time. He spent a successful luminer South. The shiHHiiitf match, which took place at the corner, was a decided success- Expert! from various neighboring place* were present. All seemed satuli.-d with the amount of bon'.y secured as prizes. Mr. Campbell, our senial inspector, visitrd our ach. HI! last week. He tound the school in excellent condition, and we believe, reported favorably. He com- mended the enterprising spirit of the tiustres in nrectmi; such a beautiful nchool house for the children. The party given by Mr. Marshal Baird, was a decided success. Lovers of the dance tripped lightly till the morning hours. Delicious viands were du>poneU of in real country style, and "all went merry as a marriage bell " Election thoughts occupy the minds of a few of our thoughtful citizen.*. Mr. Kells is an excellent municipal tfficer, I overheard a candid elector declare. He look* after the alLun of rh twnhip as if it were his own private business. How about his reeveship ? 'all's well that en a* well," came the tender rejoinder. The Foresters here are growing. Last meeting lo i.ew members were initialed into the secrets of the order. A uobl* institution. In reply to the Eugenia interrogation I would say that it was quite an oversight on our part that a certain item '>f new* was omitted. The facts, I suppose, are as he stated, perhaps not so much one- sided either, tu the Euxoni* correspond- ent would hare us beliure. It is too bad indeed that some people mako mischief and others sutler because of it. It is surprising, too, that one who holds a position of trust should *top to engage iu bstic encoui.te*. E\id<iu:ly they be- lieve that extreme cases require extreme treatment. H*>nor Rolf [1 Cor. 1111.- 12. : for tin Advuux. Two winsome little girls I knew, Oft to their happy home* I went, And there.witb frin * beloved and tree. Sweet hour* of fellowship I (pent. I always fonnd a welcome there. ; Their hearts oft huugerwa for the Word* And oft I breathed tbe earneit prayer That they might trust iu Christ the Lord. An.i when my tojourn there mu*t end. When the sad rtay of ue>rting came For each of them a verse I penned, Aad in their album* wrote my name. Four yean then slowly passed away And I a stranger ilowly trod Tbo*e sacred courts wnerio that day The peoplo met to worship God. There two young women forward came And welcomed me with xr*Ung* k nd ; They knew me well, called me by name, \* j; pleaxd a lone, Io*t friend to And. Delighted and >un riMd I foand They were tbe girl* whom 1 had kuown . Like healthy plant* in ferule ground. Tbe girls to woman's *tata had grown. 1 bad a little daughter fair Who grew each day mure dear to me; Bar *nuliug face and flaxen hair We alway* did delight to as*. Fiv* happy years with as she (pent. And tixsbort month* beeidee were given. Ana then our little darliug went To Bad a fairer bo UK in Heaven. W* know nolwtaonce tn< day may be That we *ball reach those mansion (fair Bat we thall there oar darling see, And *be will recognise as there. On that *ublim* and bineful ihora. Where all the fair *tiil fair*r grow. The dear one* who have gone before Will make a* welcome when we go. T. WATSO.V Colborne. Nov. S, M- WORSTED SOTTS TWEED SUTTB ALL TO BE HAD AT C. J. LEITCH, Merchant Tailor. PANTS OVERCOATS GO TO F. A. Baker -FOR YOUR Fall Suits -AND Overcoats As I have started ap in Merchant Tailoring. General News of the Hour. P. 8. is the honor roll for Price- M.U. C. M.. M.<M\ A S.. f>jl. OfHceaml renii'ence oppowte (MiNer* 1 H -tol. )! siiiht nr ilav. iiromi'tlv etit irtwL Visit* tttuiiua IP tu II. I'AY YOf to write in tor u-rn>. Aildre**. The Hawks Nursery Co., Rochester N. Y Farms for Sale. Lot.V4 << * V> In the 7th eonrel< n n' th* townKhip uf ArtvitK'MS. two bnn,li...l aor*> known a* the Kii^Khort. r't*te. Apply in M. KlCHAaMoX. PlrnlL-rton. Adminitrstor T P MAltHUAUU, I,. U. M . M TJL ., Put Yitt MbtrMat* I t h let *lt *! Wln4a7 of *arh ainsUl. TU RKM. Move la FtvenhaB wl )Vf **>. Appl> J. P*UL. r.ver*bau>, 0<rl t V. Class, ST. Martha Brand.-r. Edith Hartley. V. Claw, jr. Jas. McLe-xl, Je^ie McLean, Le. Grier, Aby. J,.nes, P.ter McArtliur. IV. Class- Jeame MoLachlan, Mary E. Mc.Artliur, Krnk AUSMVIII, Jennie McAr- thur. Eililie \V.-t-on. 111. CUw, sr Nathalie Qner. M.igv'ie M-Leau.Wil.ia Ileilev, Lottie Tryoii.Bwila Hendenvni. III. Class.jr Katie McMilUn. Myrtle McArtliur, Jtwie McLean. Ten McKin- iinii, .leiuue Martin II Class, sr. - Miuricif A. McIX>naM. (JretU Xiohul, Henry \Vatw>ii, Mamie McL>n, M*ifgie I. MolX.iuiUl. 7J C1H. jr. Maud Ueiley.John Me- Altliur. Uaifgiv McMillan, Bcllo McO- n I<1. Willie HerKlrrMin. i^it Snd CUsM Kluh McAulav.M.izie Tryoii, Mary tialpeuny, Jewio MclUr, Edith Watsi>ii. Nt (,'lmw, r. .Lilian Me Arthur , Annie McKeclinie, Huvh .\KAnlun. M ^q;ic McLenid. D.in McKuinoii. 1st Class, jr. A. Wilhe Scott. David HtfiuUrmni, (teitic H.<i;>f r,Jea.Hi (iillies, M*v Sc,.tt 1st C'IHKK. jr. B.- -Flora Campbell, Rich- ard H'tlpvuny, Hoy McLwtii, Edith Muir. Surah Me Lew 1 1 K 1iriim;i( ixiu ur-l in a IA v S-iUth Aiin-r LIU Rlit-ii -n.it MII Cure, Fur Rheumatism an,) N.u, ,|^-K.. nidically .-it'.- in 1 tr :i >Uvi lu> action U|ion the "VKtttm in rviHetrkaKle and mystfhia*. It rwnii >e**ar onor the can** anri the rft- <-HNinme<lulr]r rfia|i<*r>. The first doao vrwatly bwnefita. 7& ewou. 8W by W K. Uichviiauu Tuberculosis is said t>> be very prevalent cattle mi Vancouver Island. B. C. Owing to lack of money about 500 of- ficers uf the puhce depsu tmeut uf Chicago are tu be diajharyed. Mr. Lf vi F. M irton. Governor-elect uf New Y->rk state, *pent 919,790 in the election, according to a statemeijt fyled by hi* private secretary. The jury in the \Vetw,>d case rcturiied a verdict Monday night that Frank West- wood came t> his death fn>m a bullet fired by au unknown persun. Mii-hurl Cavanayh, a laborer who ha* been working in Windsor. Ont.. has fallen heir tu a 930.000 I n.inr in (Salt. Chief of Police Willie, of Windsor, loaned him money enough to get to Gait. T'ae I'tiiied States Gororruent Commit- tee's report < n ihe nrwu rmtlnwd strike hiu been made pub'ic at Chicago. The commissioners blame the Manager's Asso- ciation as well as thn A. R. I"., and en- dorse the callii'g out uf the federal troops to quell tl.n diwrdttr. To build a railway from Quebec west- erly to Norway House, thence across the Rocky Mountains to the PitciDc coast, with * branch from a |><-int west of Lake Winnipeg to Hudson Bay, in the gigantic scheme uf a company now seeking incor- poration. Hoii G. R. Foster and Sir IVnald Smith were passengers by the Caiuponut, bk-h armed at New York on Saturday. At the Toronto Court of Revision Sat- urday the Confederation Life Insurance I', inj -mi v .ij.li.-ij tur reduction on their as- xtsiiint of 9156,000 on incoiov. Instead f reducuiK the aiftvsoment Uie court 111- cieosfd it to 1174,000. On Friday mghtJudge Fvrvuson board, ed a G. T. R. train at Napuuee fur T. T- onto. At Kingston a change of conduc- tors wa made, and the judge, by some nmtaki- or lumundentAiidiiiK was called on for a ticket 01 fare. He re- fused to IK-IV .i necoud tinieand stTrent^m he w oroVifl 10 lere the train. The judne stayed in Trenton ail iiiul.t iind when he readied Toronto uext day re- f lined >o listen to tb ratlw.ty o(tici.H.w.i. wanieU to exulain matters. Heart ewiMJUC Believed IN :*o .nutf> I - Ague's wr Cort-of the ilemt give* perfect relief in all UIMW <-f Gorvonic or Sympathetic HrartDuMam 10 30 uiinutea. and speedily dcta a cure It i* a |trl-s rvatedy for Palpitetiun, Shorinnw f Brwath, Smothering Spella, PeM m Lsrfi gs*W and all *y u.pumi of a Dwes-d HSMI (.>qe due* guviltCwe. W. B. I have a fine line of black and fancy PmutiDKs.aian Worsteds snd So-tch Serv'M in black arnl blue. Before buying yuur i f 'Hxis call and see me. The prices as low as the lowest. Bnnt; in yur cloth and jtet it mxle up and trin.med All w> IK guarantfed as usual. No charge fur cut- j tiiitf gc>ods purchased from me. F. A. B.ier - Merclant Tutor CAME ASTRAY Came to the pr*mi*e*of the underiirn>*>' 'rt i9. Ut con , T A S. h . on or about tha l.Uh of October, one 9- year-old iteer Own*r i< r- queitted to prove property and tak* the ceuue awai. iitx JUHNSOK. Pleshertoo P. O. COLTU)ST 1 Strayed from tbe pritniweoi the nnden>ine<t. > ibont N..v S. 'J-yar-olil Itllv ci>!t. light bav twu hmrt feot wlutv", ruatktw. rakher light. Infor- mation an to it* wliareabouL* wul b* tbankfullt r<H-i ml by Kimberley. Sov 11 94. JAS. O'Bl FOR 5JALE OR TO KENT A Hay-prer*. T Waiuir. Klwtherton STRAYlfiD. Strayed 'rom thepr*uii>eof tbe andenia- ed. lot 1J4, T. A . K..III >h*|i i3 *w*s and 3 lame*), lufprination a* to tnmr wneroabiut* will u tbankfuily received. JOfl. CLARK. Flethcrtoo P. O. PIGS FOR SERVICE. Th* underlined ha* two thoroughbred Herk- *hir< tx>*n for eervice.oae **ed an.l , ae VOUP K on lot 18. eon 7, Opnv. Tunic, tl eali *t W time of Mrvii-. \V UEEK SEALED TENDERS Sealed Under* addr?**ed to tb uoJarifine<l. and endoned " Teuder* for tuaiiw. building. " will be rev-eivwl until p. m . Nov. <Ktb fo( building a dwelling boutf acconhun to a plan and ipeuttkation to be wen at the maoee.l'rio- vtlle. Tbeoomuitteedoee not bind iteelf to acoeplth* lowmt or aav wn.iei By order of the uisoatt ouiMiug comuiittae of Ht C'aluiab* Church. IX ML-LIOD, Set PricdV.lle, On*.. Oci. 38, "O*. Tell HNK.HliBTtC MEN ID *I1 our ohoio* and conipfct* liue ut Nunerv Htock *ndMMi potat- oe*. Hi i(be*t aalar y siiil cow- rftote<l *ui<l I goo*. IDHO HVKH.MA! itiducontftnM to bginnrft. xpr:unoe not nt'Oitviurv. E&clut.vtf terriorily vxurowu cho.ctiuf s*oiv fftvvti Do nc^ Urowera tt Pro|M<ator, KOCHB8TUR. N. Y FARM FOR SALE. farm for eale, lot 1A, eon. M. P-^toa "f 10U aci-e*. of which M are . ud abl an I cood wvll on prvnilmvi. , Hltoatert ak*u4>->e*fTouiUundklksndS fraiei Hr>ta tsjro*. lurch a*) sauoel *uaveui*e>l to salt i>ut>.a-~j J> HUPOKTEeV L*.T SM. rrotaev ftwtutoarVkr.O