Til ILIIIliTOR ADUMC1 Hnnlcmyr Oflta* of QEO. MITCHELL avBml aolai baW'nssa trainartad Draft* is*s4 Msasyalw etavmias. . * l Vs. Tioinity Oklpa. at las rmtt a/ 10* for luu for oca uMsrlawsx .1 rsawrhnu witt bt os) ss<rw(i fff 100 USM* or sotr. Hooso to rent- I advt. elsewhere Brick house aad lot or sale iu fleah.r ton *e advt Boys' bag bnoM 75c P* P' * - Kichardaon A (Vs. . Rev. Mr. WtRs wA proaeh a aonswn tu (be A O.U.W. on Sabbath noXt at 11a.m. Men's felt boots) R.cfcardsoa * Co'a. .< por pair at M 1 . _ __ Mr.Wm. Meek. Os(>ry, sdrortises else- wlutre two splendid thoroughbred Brk- slures. Improve your stock by breoding to W. nuskiu's first prixe improvod thorough- bred Yorkshire. Terms 76 cents. Mr. John Irwm and Mis* Irwm, of Ilcathcote, spent Sunday with their brother, Principal Irwm of the public achool. Miss Magvie Waugh, smustant in the I .xttotBcx fur some time, left for her home in H ilUlmnt Isst week. Miss Bull Ujerd turn is taking her place. Mrs. Cieo. Moorehouso has put in some new strum laundry machinery and is pre- pared t<> do any quantity of Uundry wrk .. les than cuy rates. Se advt. dae- vhore. rLtH.-we'eti was not observed iu Flenher ton by any unseemly going ou this time. A <xniple of private parties wen> held, t which the young folks thoroughly enjoyed themselves. Mr Wm. Clark's rvnidencv wan broken into one uinht recently by some party or |iart:ua unknown. The hou.> wa not occupied, but enntainvd alfnf Mr. Clark's furniture. It ia not known whether or not a 'T'liing was stolen. Many people, when little constipa'ixl, make the misiake of using saline <>r other 1 rustic Y'irgative*. All that ia needed is :, 111. 1.1 il.isa of Ayrr's 1'illn to reniure the reisu'ar movement of thu bowela, snd nature ill J-< the rent. They keep the iu fierfect order. An observant IHTMH iiiforms us iluit llie coloring of the forest this fall was not dearly i biillimit as it ia iu souie SCIWOIIB I .nut fall the It-nves were more 1 brilliant <hn they hal been for niiny years, but thia time the colors were very indm'inct. I'ln* wan no doubt owinx to the fact that frost iliil not strike them s-> suddenly anl sveie as last fall There was a sterec;t c in entertainment in the Tow n Hall on Thursday aii:l Kri if last week. Audiencea were mull, |>ro- (.-eds ditto, while the eiitcrtainnient wait t>|*0livn highly of liv thoaa who were |irscut. The meettuKa werv along teiii- Iterance linos snd v/cre conducted by three n^ntle'iien. "Turn the rssc.. 1 !* out" -lie fnmilmr lirty cty may Lu ap| lied to nucrohvH an well as to men. The gprnm uf d'MMHe. that lurk in the blixid are "turned out" by Ayer'a Sarssparill^ as. elf.-ctully an (he old postmasters are dm|>laced by a new adininistrHtii'ii. K. \V Mc(Jraw, t!:e crii>ple who Tit Klvrtheiloii talent to uivc him a C"iicvrr M>UIV limn ago, M kti:l on tin- r.-ail He nan changed his dainta, )>ower. onl in ^ fail of wanting a "nlvel inediail s|i|ili UKV HOW -locides t'l.it it ia a "rubber t re, ball bearing carriage." thai hin he.irt craven in-tet for \V uoticu that N"T- wood ausVrod tli nunanco on Monday. Aniung our death n<>tic<'S this r,-ak will he biuud that of Mr. Wm. Purdy of .| n, (M Mr. PUT*}- fj* !' "in to thv r,dera -4 this |M^JPwvi>K boon a OMM! (!. nU*Ur f r MPe y -*r Kur ^MM y*** past ,lM has boon an invalid health iu N.^h Carolina, and Colarad... whsm hs diod. > la Flesh rto th other day mag ist r* t RicharjJsoa impend the very hsavy pen ilty of fine of 91 and oaats on a ntau fne dimply (Mating his wife. If it had been hisi Hone UM * >cnity fur the prevention of cruelty to animals w<MsU jawe awan that the gwntlewMS) wMBOwdaslsaatttt. Out in Csrberry, MM., looal nagBftrate fined *wo BMa tsW sswa fsw assault ua uoraestk servant F. .rty ladies ' of the town made UM following prqtawt against the raagutraie s Htm of jsw/ius : "Taw women <>f Carberry would like it u, b. kaown throughout UM prrmwae that, though the Bssiiiataalai have swMawad their live* and honor t th low vslaation. they theraelv hsvd taiu m some, what higher osiiiatht . " Tkwrawury fliawawni The Dnasasbsr * of UM Dwliasslor, wbioh u cmlMd the Chri-UuM Number n ml wy a SMUble edition of thi favorite n%^uintf. and this year it U full uf un- isswally food ihini{s. Many of the con- nbti.is hme the diatiaetive favor of the season, among them being Christinas Cheer, Otfu and Giving, A Plantation Christmas), ami a Christinas BnfeTtam- raent Barnard College (New York City) the subject of an *ble paper by grad- uate of '93, ai.d there is a practical and 'helpful article OQ Photo- Negative An touoliing at an employment for w<men. There is an article on Far Rug* and Robns, and the Newest Books are noticed. Tho lubecription price of the Delineator is II a year, single copies, 16 cents eacli. Address order* to the Delineator Publish- ing Cu. of Toronto, Ltd., 33 Richmond St. West, Toronto, Ont. The laws of Ontario provide that an/ person taking up stray stuck shall give notice of such takmn up by publishing a notice three times in a weekly newspaper, if one m published within the section where the eetray is taken up ; and if the property is not called fr within three week* after the tint insertion of ths n tice the fin-ler will go >fore a justice of the peace and take oath to the finding and sdvertntiiig. If the property is not cLiinted withiu one year and should not exceed 950 in value it then IK- long* to the party taking the same up ; if over 960 it nliall be advertised by the justice and told, and the excess of all eipenses shall be paid over to the county treasurer. Any per- son taking up an estray and neglecting t-i cause the same to be attvertuwd and ap- prised shall bv liable to a tin* of $iO. The i-ntnty law applies also t<> any other pemnnal property winch may be f> und in a like niauner. A Mystery. <!". McNichol, a young man aged aliout 28 yean, ->n uf Mr. Jas. McNichol. west back line Ar'cinesia, WHM found in a Held on Saturday liutt with liu thr. .it cut. Dr. Well, <>( Markdale, was autn- iNoneo.and ie altwodmc him. A mystery in made of the affair and tlnwe acquainted with thu facts aill not talk. The younit man. who is a sUmriiiaMiu, worked in Mirhiuati for llirve years, returning homo a few weeks a-jo. It ia supposed t > lie a ciss of attempted suicide. Ms Mxi.nitr-M-OaOrt. nth lust.. at the rwu.lrnt of lu-i father, in Jamentoan. Kentucky. Lulu Stiine. wif of Mr. Anilraw Melitrum. Delta, Colors 1 1. n.l daughter in law of Mr Mai- .Iniiu. pitnnti. Kucn. I'l-Kiiv- On Thumlay. Xov. 1 at bin home, 081 \V Hopklsa Avs . Aspen, Col.. William Puniy. dud 70 yearn. Maxwell. f'ntm '>'ii' torn ( 'i ho funeral of thr late Miss Allmier took place he:e on Sunday the 'JHili. There were nliout I'i7 rig* in attendance Hallowe'en parsed off vtry <)iiiily here. Nothing more srnom limn "n 1'ttle n .mr hy tlie children. " The tUblu at the rectory was raised on Kridav. MewTa. Uainey am) SirocliMii tuok train f..r the irirth laxt Thurmliiy. Mrs. .lonepli K-rtmi IIUK l>een V.M inu friendii here for a tiim*. ' Me. (}.l{ H.TOII le.'t f -r TnMiit liut' KaturtUy. Mm .1. l/itlo speht 11 fow da\" "f tins week with her mother M Kit-slur on. Mr. Linlvy WHH out in HU irch f uVur on Mndny, but lint in search uf a dear. Mm. Sni^.-t.hn is via till^ hem at |>ri- Hfllt. Mm. Alburt Hriiwiiridg luii Sdvii in well ft-r a timo but i r<-v"Vurini.'. -m. On- b t-. uf Kiig'isli Kpa>i i Lniuii.ii', c..iiip.eteij removed a ourb From my h..re. I take plMiuru in rwoawuieiiiliiit! the rvin-tl y, as it acts with tuystonous) irrumptuws iu the removal fr./m Kocsw* of hard, soft or cal- k>WW<l lump-., Moos) p** in.splmti. curb*, , stinwi and spraina. OOR is Ross Farmer. Mark! I. Kchards--n, Alton of ibeC.PR., II ran i OB4th T O. * B. Uardwell Junct^n a,d Caiadoa. a line aV now baing surveyed that is os>stsUted U cut across the country t-i Catrct, and if als ba skipped, stteawwfwi Im M Dr. AKM'I wr Cars** U Heart gives Parfeet relief in allsSS of or Sympathetic Heart Dusass in SB. sssdayeadity asTsosa a cure It it a poeri>*s rassMiiy for Palpitation, SsMTtSMSB wf aweatfc. Smothering Spells, Pain la Uft Side and all sy.Mpu,ns if Diseaed Heart W.K. Hoe-. 1 IBS) little village bs**, was ISM scwns of a swnssks accident . Wedawaway aifht. A SMsabsrWyvastsT sBeasasl buys) f>gagesi in rshhrstisn Hallnwe'eti, aswi to start with ''aerwasslear' Mr. TkossBts Foster, who "SBBHirl osjs" a ft bsH. After "do. ing" th* villa** pretty thorosuihly the crowd indsUgod id firing "If gwjss and creating all th noise they were capable of. file nd of it all csnae abnspUy when a gun burst, with tbe rsssiKT that Jueeph Kidd is minus a infer and has a badiy cut hand ; Waiter BreUly Inaes asi and, and Richard Irwiu has a bad out in the head and saay not recover. He almost bled tu death (MsVire a doctor could be summoned. Distressing Kid ey and Bladder disease* relieved in six hours by the " (treat South American Kidney Cure. " This new remedy is a great surprise and delight on account of its exceeding promptness in relieving pain in the bladder, kidneys, back and every part uf the urinary passages in male or fe- male. It relieves retention of pain iu passing it almost immediately. If you want quick relief and cunt t hm is yoiu remedy. Sold by W. E. Richardson, Druggist. Captain Sweeney, U. 8. A., San Diego, Cal., aays : "Shiloh Cstarrah Remedy is the first medicine I have ever found that would do me any good." Price SO cents. TO KENT. Comfortable dw.llin in Fl*shrton. Apply o St. J. , 1l-H.il L FIBIEETH STEH tHIIIT. I hat" opened up a complete steam laundry in rii'irton. and am i>rpai wl to tak In ally unaiiUty of lauatlry work at lower pnrwi than are chawd elsewhers I have put in tn la'Mt and intwt iinprood maoblnarv to that Md. Kin. II v gle UM a call. Knlira aatidacUoD iniaraii(<l. and price* low Mas. OBO. Mooaisorme. BOOSE ilD LOT FDB SHE. For ! cheap and an oa*v term* in Kl.-li.-r t.m. Rplmnliil IsrK*. nolid hn< k dwnlling, with uiwMl in* cellar, uininar kitvhan ami wsssV houMt, aUo tfM>d f'iut aivhlH. hrick lined. I* mv .ontalintiwolarao lnt'i.lu>"'l V.HIHI; orchard. lM<ariiii4 H.I.IB an. I ou'hiiildins:* ar ::.mllv well Aninhol ami vary couvenl- tutly laid out. Applvto It.J Hraoi-LB. KIihrt<iD. "Only the Scars Remain, 11 Says HENRY HIT>ON. of the .Jamf Snntli \\'oolcil Machinery ( 'o., IMiihulelpliia, Pa., who certi. Des u.s follows: " Amonj tho many to.iiiiiioni- als which I sea in rcg:irtl to o. r- taiu nietlirines Iporformtnjr I tho UltMitl, .'tc. t I non.; impies* 1110 I moro than my own case. I Twenty years |l?1 B^laKo. at the a-e I JU B!| f w i '- >;i "' I l>ad -^ -* ^ swellings coiuo Ion my loga, I which broke anil I becamo run- Inlnsj sores. J Our family phy- si. Kiu coulil do me no good, and it was feared that tho bones would bs affected. At last, my good old Mother Urged Me to try Ay er*s Saraapcri I Ia, I took thrco bottles, the sores liealeil, sad I hsve not !>.. n troubled since. Only the scan remain, and th memory f tho past, to resMbad me uf ths gooil Ayer's a*raapariU, has doss rno. 1 now weigh two liundrt tl aud twenty; Bovada, aad am ia tho bent al health. I bare been on the. road for the pas twalre yAr, haw* iMMscsd Ajwr's, Sar- Mpartlla astasrilesd, > as) pa l too. Call**) wtaesa, an.l alwaya lake plias te la teMtag what food M <kU toe a^." Boot* Shoes Robbers MM M UK if MS, tabbwtw. OvsHShoasi, Kelt rW t VW. Call and try a. The Best & Cheapest to get shod 11 at Prompt tttration to castoa war k mi r^ptiniyr. Ah, There! :; Come right along op to BswJMrville A Co a. Furniture aad Un- dertaking Wareroons. But do Not Forget that onr display carried off three first prises at the East Grey Exhibition. Stay And we will only be too pleased to show yon that we hare the bert aascrted stock hi tbis aoctioD of the country. There Is money iu it for those w'uo deal with us M our prices are tlie lowest Special bargains in all lines of oar basices. Our motto Small profits, quick returns. J. E. Baskerville & Co. Mrs. "Wright's Store, Flcslnerton. We Lead, OTHERS FOLLOW Now that tlie season for cutters and sleighs is approaching, w wish to draw thr attention uf the public to tbe fart that WA arencwprrpsringa large atnck j which ws will have ready for innpuciion in s aflort time, and we will be f.niml to the front botb in price, atyle and quality. Yon will find it tn your niten-t to deal witb i us, a* wa ar>* determined to Jo busineas. We would draw your attention to the fact tha^we took first priis fur tbe bes^xhibit of carriages at the East (irey Kxbibition. ' I'pnght dealing our motto. Tbe leadinK carriage Builder. D. BLAIR. Pointers from Dundalk \\> are detvrmineU to givn Ui people vlii tb:a fall that will nurpriiw one and all. The KlrslirrUin paper linvinsi a la'g* oiroulattou we advertise th.oughit as th bsnt .ro>na of reaching you with the glad nev*. ' Vl)ll ^ Do' not buy your fall and winter O.eva Gxnls until yuu hear tbe prices ia<l <" tlie aiuuirliufnt to be livl at the Patx*on Storo, Dvimclii Ik. U.> bave pnt fortli H\,rv effort tu hsve thin department tncks<l with tbi> latent al *i'll as tlie bsat gootlR xolil A prio that >Uty eoinpeiitimi. Wt- invite your in *|iclinu fi-e.inu tnrc \ou will lie more thin ple*wil with tbe mult*. Arc yu in u- ! .'f Unillles r I o.tliM^-* ? We have both in iinifnai.ni and beautiful gund* irui>ort<i diiwlly friu (Jerui4iiy. etc. Vu uiuat *e them to ka<> what true bargaiUH we bavo in those lines. STAPLE DEPARTMENT COMPLETri. Much more coiiM be ssut .if the aliove linen and others not mentioned, Ant apses will uot permit. Dollars can ) wivp.i by imving in tho u/i.t st...p rrarfy mndr and oritrrrd rlothinK, t-'V' i"< "t". TKI-I.'K, I ii.lerwear uf all kinds can be had iu beat an<! K"'"t .|imlitit)i. for <iu.ill looiify Ht CallloUUH . Knra iu Knh?, Coat*, Capa, Stttv. stc OUR BOOT AND SHOE DEPAKTMEN i U fuK. Tlip? iiotids sre bi'ii^hl from the IcadiaK manufacturers, snd by so doing wa nave yon the pruHl so many ^ive Ui whulvsale bouaus. A ( is a $ tliu vear. Coiau and auve money by buyiog your goodH from C\\ l.\\( H'N'S', THE PEOPLE'S PATRON STORE. DUNDALK. P 8. Our Millinery department ia full of beautiful goodx, Miss Long, of Toronto, mil be pliased to Hflcoiui! and suuw y..u through. DON'T DESPAIR The Fall Fairs ' tlssis< w.J.CJl s\ye>Oa,l C r oHf, will our |*M| DODD'S' KIDNEY '', PILLS WILL CURE YOU AIM over. I'm senson is advancing. and it is time to think about |irv|>aritiK for the rainy >>a>ii. 1 have plsscexi in stock a fine aelectmn of runner* ami boots and allots of all kindn which will be sold st tho very < l.ment price*. I want your trade and am bound to merit your ctnib dunce, f Itave ^.niietlinig f oxtta vulu in moil's string fail boom. I make a Hpeoialty of CUHIOIII work, and ua uoth ing but the bent W st.'vk. placing there upon H"l, hont-Hi w..rkniaiishit> (Md frieiidi will continue to be heartily wi coias, but I wi^h to snake SOBBA new mies. COSJM in aud give iw a trial order L. A. ttMTM CO. Twr HcTaTtik's