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Flesherton Advance, 1 Nov 1894, p. 5

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TH1 IL1SHIRTOH ADTANCI Ofllce of GEO. MITCHELL A fe . r %etit Dra'tn issue I i .1 ,-..r raui MilMy < .-? !<! nleri-ri'.i- Oxrtc -i IK ( Mchudkoa JkCe'-i Vicinity Chips. Ckrat<Ti!llrrth<' P;i-< Week totally Culled fr ('nun-. uinmx none-- ' "st '" fifcfl,-, r ^ .i< <>' .if- me/or . t "''" '' Quarterly <- - in Methoiits- >-n s> Messrs.'iil A ^ > - ' '"' the season's ut of Mit-> I' i iay. The re.'iiUr > lhl< - .n -rf township <\.uirtl ill r< h*W <- M ' next. Tenons r invw.- .rthu buildup <'f aiww J'i uiauseat Will b:nbei 'win for thw |*i*r Cur th prHrrt ye*r kindj/ i*y up Wo must have mon*-* . Improve yr Vy lin-a Huikio's first prize improvM bred Yorkshire. Term* 7~' r.-nt*. A night schwol wa organized mi evaning liwt IB coini.-ciiou with the Meek-allies' Iu<titut4.,wit!i ' eiuy scholars as a Uiniiiiii.-..'. Mr. .J. H. Hill h*s disused of hm har- ness and HidJJury bu-unfsn tw Mr.CUyton, . f Mr. Cl.iyt.-i. to"k l>ssess- . n yesterday. - Culliiv.'w.*..! BulU-tin. \V. Harris, the youiu: man ohur-eJ mt Kiiuherlty Istt-ly with ;itt>-m|i'."l nipo. tutl whose case wa sent to l)w;u S,.im.i for trial at th# next ai*-s, a married last week to a Mis* Mary Louy,!*; nl. An MKtu.n sate of farm stock ami im- j.l. nientf will he he*M -i *he fari >( Mr. .>'. Hi'iiilvrsi.n. lot U '! 1A. Ut * I" I-'-. Hi brvUj N". "<<.' bllu - V Mc - t'oruuck, auctioneer. Mr. Cliariors cmue uji last week miJ identified "d took home his Ui^y and harness which the Clarksburg Iwi.k thieve* hi'l in Mr. Muir's bush, went of thin station Tfc* Ui-itml Vall.-y Tribune w the lattMl .i.Uitimi tit our exchange list. It i.s a well printeu she with O,H! nilvertiiig |>:itn>nas>-, lately trle>l \v Sk..lion A '.i. May j.rpsotrity tt ..... 1 it. A priat* letter frmn tho hiiBtem in Muskok.-i tri'iii thi pUc. wtitteii mi Thuntdnj last. iv< the inforir iiion lliitt <mly two ilccr had beoh secured thus fur. Messrs. Mitchell hd Boll wove the fortunate ones. A ctxHi wliicU jtetMsti dy after dav. should lint be neglei-ti-il any loiv;cr. It inenns soHii'thing nior than a mere l.>r,-\l irritation, tnd tJie sooner it it relieved he hotter. Take Ayet s Cherry Pectoral. It is prompt to act and sure to cure. K:l'or llutlcdge last *eek a<lvi->eil his J -nts to "1-ave out the litilo and |-ern"ial llu.<ion which an- in jjiy way off naive lo l!n* ill <|U -tiii i We are x'nd to note this r\ idt-nco of con- MT.IMIII iu theStanJnrd. May the good vo.k a^ on. The only permanent cure for cSr.'tiie vatarruli i to tliori. uglily espnl lhe]ioin<iii from the vtein by the faithful i*nd pet- .iateiit uw of Ayet|-Hiill.i Thit vuiuierful renieily |>ro\-eiMiee-K'f ul wlien .11 other treatment lias failed t. n liev.- the H itferer. Refeniiitf to thrf ttun el^ewhotx- from the Durham Chronicle, we wmli to ex plain that ii i not Mr. Tlm.s. McAitliur himwlf wlio i< "?) I'V 45 ft., stone finui- ilitiou and ntnlor louml stahliirj,' Init Lin new l*ru tlmt is referral (. llie (^neon's Enulil> wa^ mutilat nl hy the writer, hut this explanation will niako t'.ie i atte.- all tiitht. A correipondent to the Durham Chror - icle says : Mr, Thorn McArthur, <{ Kleaherton Station, tndn pre-eminent on our lilt nf 'oarn-builtlers on a i*nt.:c vaile, hein 70 x 45 ft., stone founda- i >n and underi{round ittabling, every feature of the structure bein on a tna<w- Ive and *ub*Untial tcale. The *rnblo* *r capable of accommndation from 36 to 40 hvad uf horned ca'tle and frum H to 10 horiei, with (MIX stalln for each clan of aniinakiu CiWtiM of etuurgency. Cellar* or DIM for stnrMg different varietieiof rootx, in arrangW an tu cunomitH (one ud lahic Ui feeding. Tlra irranmry i* o airaiiMed an to facilitate loading with the teant pmuible cost of tune aad labor. In thtvshwg a uti-a* and caaf MIHW o*-tes <k- niciMity of e<po*K any portmi of Ui. nd.ler to >h.- weather. This pieeo nf art Had mtvliaiiiuiiiui WAS constructed under the direction nf Mr. James Vauae, axled l>y Mr. Jamen Dow, every teRntxit ami mortici* hemi; fituuii perfect IIH tke .iay nl " \Va feil Alait 300 ennncience ntricken ulerihers to pay ap arrearage*. in nriler tliat tke nditon^I cmascieaoe may n .t lie taied beyond enduranee. We like to pay or w ttebi-^. but m Aider to ihi o tlie eirliei|ii..r will h&re to be r-p'enmhed liy th-e ho are .iwing as Tin- editnr of tint paper is not versed in writing >lvn notices and is doubtful whether hw i<iw g'ven above arc made siirti.-i.-mly clear, but it amountM ru this, |xtlitly put plei) whack up. Sacl Naws trom Honan. The Toronto Globe says : Mr. Hsmil- rmi CasnvU, Convener <if the Fareiijn Mi.tsi..n Coimuittee of the Presbytenan Church, rxceived a cableitram from Tien- Tain, utaung that Miw Lucinda Grelmm, M.D, ilied of cholera on tho 13ik imt., and Mis. Malcolm, wife of Dr. \\m. M.iK-olni, died of peritonitis on tlin ~2'2itd iimt. Miss Ciraham wan a tlaui;hter n Mr. Henry Craliaiu, a well known busi- ness mau f this city, and a prominent member < t' Wettminister congregation. Mrs. Malcnm H maideu uaiue wuiC. A- McArthur, "f a much rese|>e*d fsmily in Gait. TlwHe ladies did e.XivUont nervicu and enjoyed th entire conJideoc* nf the committee ami church, swl tiieir i*ror- tux friends will have the deepest w- pHthy of the whole community. The M - (irnhani referred to wan At one tima a rtiuiU^it of Dundalk, and is it lister of .Mr. (.'..J*ell Grahaui, merchant, of that plaoe. Personal. Mr. .lohn Wright, S r ., and family movrtl to the village this wek. having leaned lu farm for a term of live years. He has pnn-hased the property formerly owned by Mr. Large. Mis L. Armstrmg and Mow Vauiaut spent Sunday with friends in Duudalk. Messrs. 15- RAP sml \V. Lucas, of MwU- dale, were visitors here on Sunday. Mj. E. Vaniautind Mrs. M. Wilwui are K;miidiU|i few days with friends in Durliain this week. Mrs, Pirchell, .rf Detr-nt, is the guest of her son in- law. Mr M'm. Irwm. Mrs. (Rev.) Wells returned on Satur- day from a. N Uit to friends in Southern Ontario. .Mi Howard attended the weiHii'4 "f her brother, Charley, in C..'.I.I.^W.MK| this week. A duwti <>r so young people from Flesherton attended the Jes Alexander colioert iu Markdale "II MotuUy eteliing Mr. T. (1 ranger, fur the past few years a resilient of Philadelphia, in at (ir-sent visitinj; hit many frien Is in this licinity. Horn. Mel.Koo -On 24(4i Sept.. 1N94, tho wifu ut D. Me- 1 .i.i.l. Kl. -lii-it' in. "I u -<HI. llu.i.isii'.iuiM In Hraii Ion, on Out. 17th the 01(0 of Uau. a Hi^inblhm, of V-irrn-il par<ua/iKu. Kle. lion- Ii. mi U - ini t. by Kv. J.ilin ^^'lll^. M. \ '" ' low to Mr SnuuilcK. widow of llio ltu John l of Arli'iula. General News. i; !,bi rs blew the safe of t!ie Cr.iml Tvunk railway ylli ;e in O.i k ham r > p eces M Hiday moioiin!, and secuieJ 10 coir f n- the r n-oubio. D.niii 1 Ritz. Proprietor .mil I'lihiislu^r of the Hamburg, Uoi., In.le|iemlLMii si\ s : "i was Buttering fr in Dvjie|ii i;iil Liv- vr tioiit'iv. I t.mlku few bottles i' Sinl.'li's Vi:i/..-r and ituioi..! inu. 1 can II.-JIM y recouiHMnd it.'' The in-* Canadian luus l- m in - raiins- success in I<udnon. Th call wmj for ^260,000, and the subscriptions a-noimted to .tll,# 14,000. Kli.inu;iUsnf ( ut iii a ny- Soiiih Aiueiioan Rlieiiina,t,'Rin vui, for Rhemnstism and N,-nr,il,'i:. v r^Jically cures in 1 to 3 days- fn>.,^'V"< 'UJMII tl o system is remarkable mid myntu-i"U. U removes st onc the causo and the di- easelinmediatuly disap*r>. The hist dose greatly benefits. 75 cents. Sold by W. V. ICichardson Druggist. A crusade has been inaugurated in Home of the cities nf the United States fr cheaper bread, and in Washington tb price has gone down fro live to celts. Belter ! n.-M<tressi< Kid ey and Bladder disesnex relieved in six hours by the " Great South American Kidney Cure. " This new remedy is a ({rest >ur|jriu snd delight on account of its exceeding promptness in relieving pain <u the Madder, kidneys, hack and every part nf the urinary passages in male or fe- uiale. It relieves retention of pain iu paMing it almost inimediatoly. If you want quick relief and cure this is yoiu remedy, Suld by W. B. Richardson, Druggist. J. Stanley Woodburn, a recent arrival from Knuland, claim* to hare been robbed of 81,501) by some boon compan- ions near (lutlph. A Boon to Horsemen. One tnttle <>f English Spavin Liument completely removed a curb from my horse. I take plesKure in recoiiunending the remedy, aa it acts with mysterious promptness in the removal from horses of hard, soft or cal- loused lumps, blond spavin, splint*, curb*, sweeny, stifles and sprains. GKOROE RIBB, Farmer, Mark ham. Out. Sold by W. E. Richardon. Druggist. Colorado dcspstrhes say it has been snowing steadily there For 24 hours. At Gold Park nnnm^ camp two and a half tVet has fallen. Csptain Sweeney, U. 8. A., San Di. ._". Cal., says : "Shiloh's Catarrah Remedy is the first medicine I have ever found that would do me any good. " Price 50 cents The North Grey plowing match was a grest succeaa. Warden Lemon is still in a serious con- dition. A young man nt the Osprey fair let his young lady pny he" way in while he i- limbed over the fnnce. A farmer from near SinirhampUm Hold a load of sanded oats in Collinnwood Tim next, load he took in was contiiscated hy the bnyer to recompence him for the Hand in the first. It is thought the fann- er WHS the heaviest loser. Bur-Jar* forced .in entrance into Pye % Walkers' tailor shop, Clarksburg, last \Viln<>sday ni^ht, and stole a Bond ov.-r- oot, some tweed and other L"nHls. Mr. I'v. wlm M township treasurer, had Home of the township's ,nney in his safe, but it wasn't meddled witlu Theie is n<> due. A Christmas Book. HE publishers of Toronto .tatunlav .Vii/A* niy well offer to place their Christmas Num- ^^ ^tafli *<* bt ' r * thil1 yoar ^pF^7 _ alongside any- thing produced any when*. The book It?lf Is ex- tremoly hand- sonic. The cover by Mr. John D. Kelly, of Toronto, andlson.- of the miml brilliant aud attractive things In 111'- way of a cover ever done in tho Dominion. Three picture*. In*lc-ml of one, are given away with the Number thin year, nnd "Charmed by the Song Bird" him only to bo seen to be admiral. Tho Mibjivr in a group of ch:iiln-n lli diiiik' < tho birds. It was painted b 0. A. Ilold (whose famous pictures, " Murt- tho Ituniustcsd "utvl " KorcclosliiK I lie ICC." our readers will rcaimnbor having wi-niit. tha Tomnta Kair) aad IH rcpnxlu.-i-il Iu the cheerful colors of real life bv tho newly discovered pruci-s* cnUod phiMn Illliu^riiplir. It Is a great picture. No. 2Sup|il-ini'iil,"riiiy- mates," is K Krnnrb pastel aud n niurvi-1 of dainty coloring. So. 3 la blurk and white, called " A Difficult Trick," is the Unit popular repro- duction nf an old-fashioned su-rl cnKravinx by T. \vbslcr. On the expiry of the copyright The shcpp.-inl I'MhlishlmCo. (l.t-l.iii: "in .- hod a plate nmdu. of which Ifaey are propriiMor., nnd hat formerly could not bo bought for li-s than ten dollar* they now give with the Christ- mas Number froo. An a study In fores it can- not be equalled. The three pictnrcs have been nilmlred by all who have si-en them. Tin- Iciul- IniC torj' In IlieChrlstnios Number Is hy Hubert Ilarr. ricrntly associated wilh K. Jerome In pnUinhinK tho IvOiniun Jtiicr, but - known as Luko Sharp, whose wrlUiiK" mmlo tho l>-troit Free !'rcxx famous. His story. One Uay's Courtship, occupies flftcen pages. Tho scene Is laid in Canada, and 'he liliHtratioiiH are cvpUal. Other stories arc : Tho Shado of Helen, by KrnnciH Mnrison ; Lo Ix)iipGaro, by Cllflbrd Smith: \Vliy Jobnnio AS jut HooU, by Edmund K. Sbcppnrd ; The Taking of H:-Nlhe Club linn, hy Margaret Harvey, ami An .Icroic Imbecile, by Joe Clnrk- Thtrn arc beaiillfnlly UhiHtrnlcil poems by J. V. Iteii^ouKb and Itcubcn Huti hurl, Keppcll Strange and James A. Tm-krr. T here are local c.iiivamers out (If not, someone should tako hold of ii I and our reader* nhoiiM see tho book. II costs fifty cents (pictures and all), and is fur nlshod In tube* ready for mailing. Oriors left at The Advance office will be l rouipUy nil*.'. Booto PRIVATE SALB The nu.l.-rsii;nn.I II\H for sale on lot M, con. A. Aru.uuisls, -I hornei*.'! cows,:i nturs *M.I 't cal~e*. kino* numbvr of fs, m Implaiiu-utii, which t.liJ>> wish to soil bv private sle bttfore Vub. lt- V^. w they bar* dtiposed nf their property. WH. A THOS. Wu,s<m v I IDS. KuRcnia P. O.. Shoes Rubbers Ii Ian Fall Lines of Boots, .Shoes, Rubbers. Oveishoes, Felt BOOM. for fall wear. Call and try us. The Best & Cheapest place to get shod is at Prompt Utintion to custom work and repairing . Ah, There! Com right along up to Baskerville t Go's. Furniture and Un- dertaking Warcrooms. But do Not Forget that our display carried off three first prices at the East Grey Exhibition. Stay And we will only be too pleased to show you that we have the beet assorted stock in this section of the country. There Is money in it for those who deal with ns as our prices are the lowest. Special bargains in all lines of our busices. Our motto Snmll profits, quick returns. J. E. Baskerville& Co. \1 rs. \Vrio-l)t's irHore, Flesherton. nnririr\rv\nnnjy\nivinnivvin^^ We Lead, OTHERS FOLLOW ! Now that tue season for cutters and sleighs is approaching, we wish i tn draw the alu-nlioii of tin- puidic to the fact that we are now pr,.|innniM Urin- s k I, which we will lmv ready for iiiM|M-ciion in a short time, nnd WH will be found to the ' [j front both in prire. style and i|iility. Vou will bnUt Ui your int-r-st to .ienl with ! us, as we r dfti-riuinvd Ui do liiisiui-xti. \V would draw your Httcntion to the fact < that we took first piiz for the best exhibit of carriages nt tlu- i.n-i I-: \liilutioii. Il'prijjbt dealing :n our uiotto. The leading aarriage Uuildi-r. D. BLAIR. Pointers from Dundalk Wr are ili-t.-rmiin-d to uivc tin- people Tallies this fH that will surprise on* snj all. The Kksln-rtmi pspi-r Imvui). ,-x In ^i- cinjuliitiim we aUvarlim- lli.oiighit s the i "-t raus of roscliius you with tbe jjlad HOWK. ' V I > t I - I'.i not buy your full ar.ij winter Diess Goods until you hear the prices tnd sen the IIHhi 1 t UK-lit tcl 1>H llVl ut ' Patx*on Store, Dundallc. \V.- h.-ivo )iut fortli i-v ry effort to have thiM d(-pnrtiu<'iil .1. k. .( with Ifee laUt as well us the best (funds sold ut |ric' that dfy poinio-til! .11. W* un HI- y.nir in fp^clion fivliuit HUH- M.II will IM more ilriii pli-imnl wuli iim ri-Hiill-.. Am you in n.-ifil of Naiillrs or ('UiltillUH ? W.- n.n,. doth m iirofusion snd in-all! iful tjooiK iiiiiMHtr.l ii i-i-'|v frciu i ' i-mi.t.iv . u- \ ..u nu.iil jrn t belli to kuuw nhat trim bargains we hsvp in thnt> IIIH-I.. STAPLE UEFAUTMLNT COMPL.ETL:. Much mor.- <:oiil.| !< said oClbe al.jvr liueb and otbccs not rarntnumJ, but space will not pi-unit. GJ K > 'ri^, K M i" >* : Dollars cnn !>- saved by hiiviu^' MI the ligUt to. . reiul> Illildf Hlld 4r<lcrr<l rlolhillg. Ovi-rcouts. IV .HI...U of all kunU ran In- lui.i in II.-KI ,n.| K.MM! ijiiiiluios fur xiiiiill iiiuiH-r st <';ilbwlln> . l-'urs in Itolun. Coats. C'a|>H, s, u.-. >-tc OUR BOOT AND SHOE DEPARTMliM Is fill!. ThrHO goods sre boii^lil from in,- l.-udini; niHUulHClurcrs, i.uil by so doing wS saw you tin. pi'ili'. so in. 017 i{ive to wholesitlu bou(.-s. A $ is a $ this ycr. Coui>.- snJ HJIVH bv l.uyirn; your '>!- fi THE PEOPLE'S PATRON STORE. Dl : NOALK I' 8. Our Millinery ili-paitiuent is full of brsuliful goods. Mjss ',<-U;v, 'if Toroi.tu. will be pit itsfd to uelcnuio aud suow y.<u through. DESPAIR The Fall Fairs WILL CURE YOU We (ruaran'M! DixlH's Kidney PlUs to cure any case of BiiRh'.'s Dice. Diabetes, I umluKp, I'iuuv Khcumatitm, Hcsrt Disease. rmile TraffBfes, Impure lllood-of monn redm. ed. Sold by .ill Utl-rs in modlcme, or b null am receipt o< ric. joe. per bos. or Six boxes *i.>a. V)R. L. A. SMITH * CO.. Toronto. Are over, thn sesaon is adysncinp. mil it is tiinu to think about preparing for thti rsiny SI-HSOII. I have pUcci! in sDooJt a h'nu scli-ction of rubbrrx and IxioU and shoes of all which will In sohl J at the very closest priiuM. I want ydur . trade and urn l>und to merit your confi- dunce. I havf soini-tliiiiK of nxtta vnlue in men's strong full lx.oi. t make a >;)i><:in!r\ of i-imluin work, tiinl use noth Hig but, tho bu*t of stock, |4ciiig then- U|)on ({>{, hiiiu-Hi wotkniMiishigi. Old ' friends will continue to be heartily wi-1 ' com?, but I wish to nutko sntntt new Cuoyj in and give u<t a trial order a os. SMITH, Flesh erton. Opposite McTavish'3 Carriage Shop. .

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