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Flesherton Advance, 1 Nov 1894, p. 1

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Jffasfcrbm Jtfttautte. v^X >-^ TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." " PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN. 1 VOL, XIV. NO. 687 FLESHERTON, ONT THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 1 1894. W.fl. THURSTON EDITOR* PROPRIETOR " Full as a Tick. " TM, we are filled up with oua of the tinest stocks ever seen north nf Tor- onto. We have just placed iu stock Six Dozen Ala.rrn Clocks, -SKLLIXO AT- .i 2 ! and Jrl.'-jria Ficce. A uplendnl stock of silverware has just been placed ou Young men, the winter season is approaching, Out Tour WEDDIXO here a lar" quantity to select from. \Ve have something axqiuslte in LADIES' FOB CHAINS. f'/.v/-: /;/:/ u HIM: .i.s rsi u Armstrong Bros. - Flesherton. Flrshrrton Station- pulpit on Sunday. Hiti ermi,n waa in- !i-r. sling and instructive. I have heard troni good authority that Quite a congregation awembled in the , lllh . lldlllleil at <mr ,.,,! ,. very Illuch I hall here Lull Sanday evening to hear the mni)|jt . r ,, lau , tenn N(( ,,,,, rh|l) temperance trio. They will continue f(lllillu ()ff , attendance can, U, a great their meeting,, here a few evenings of , d h wh oopi,, K a - . C'Hiiih and the meaHlea, but I ha.'e heard Mr. t.Qmmt* arrived h,m, from tlm , t||W (i> Illlt the chief o.,,^. , t | 111H Philadelphia last Saturday earning af- ^.^ ,.,, ^ t|mt l(Jllcher , inerlil ,. ter an absence of three years. ,., I{ thi . J8 true why , lo ,| le lrumee , Mr. McCatchen and family moved into ,, llt ,,.,, it illllliedilltely T .f it ,. not r. A. \Vh,ttaker-ahou.ehere. th<j ^ t|mt W(j ^ -n I|lefficlent Mrs. McKinnon and family, of Orillia, are viaitiuv with her sister, Mr- S Huinp- hill. Mr. Cairns and son, of Durham, paid the stntion a Hying visit on Sat nnl-ty The hotel here h is changed haiuls. Mr. I'.iteM. of Mount Forest, m the new land- lord. \\ lull- a number of men were engaged in irrloveling gravel at tin- new mad (lit* lunik caiiii* down upon them, frank Brown t'ot one rib broken. Dr. Mutton was exiled. \\V are x'lad t., ht-ar that Mr. Cuislett and son are on the mend. WORSTED SUITS TWEED surre ALL TO BE HAD AT , ly (|o ^ .^ r ,.,,,,. , C. J. LEITCH, Merchant Tailor. f Our Business Directory Cards. Til . UUU.UiE LICKSBES. 1 . . i>< I >lav ar nitflit at t'l offlcoor resilience of the nndnmiiined. ^ DIVISION COl'hTCLR .COMMI88IONKR in H. '.-'. Cmiveyaiicer.fto. Notary public JOHN W. AKM.STHONO. - FLBPHBBTUN. M 'cCL'LLOCOH Jk YOL'SO, Bankers. Markda'.e. do a general hankln riuii- iness. Honey loaned at a reasonable ratu. Call onus. UT K.HAMMOND. i-ost Mantar, Kimborley. Commissioner for taking Affidavit* etc. Insures and loans money at lowest ratai. Kxecutei Lease*, Deeds, WI1U, uto. promptly, cheaply aud nfflciaatly. J SPKOl'LE, R. Pontinaiiter. Fluiihertnn. CommUsloner In B. H, TIIM| * iiotiorieer. Conveyancer, A ),rairwr an, I Money Lender, lUsal Kntate and In.iii-itii.'i' Acnt. Dv,lH. MurtBUfc-en. Luasss. uci Wills diawn npand Valuation* ui*.l ml m)iortt notice. Auction Sale* attrndvil t,i in any part of thu County Money to loan at low 4>t rt,-- of intvr.-ll. Collectino* attundeil to with promi-tnenH aii'l ilenpatch Cliai-Ron low. Auent fur tlio Uuiniuion StnaiiinhipCoinpany, cheap tickets from KleHhm-tnii to t.i (ilawuw, London or any of the llritiih |K>rM. rurt.i-" intfinliUK to vinit Knitlmid. Scollitn.l or Irulaml. will p'oanc ask rat before pqroliasiiiK their ticket* elwwhere. M ISS EUITH ItlCH VHDHON. Pupil of Robt. Mahr. nf Berlin, (it-rmanv, ivlnlini Ura. Bradley, of Toronto L'uiiitervatory MUMI- von* culture) ; Prof. Kerrinuii. Int.- of Toronto. Putin, . will rec-.,iv. |iii|,iU Ml hlNltlNli. VIOLIN PI- ANO mnl OKQAM. J W. FK08T, Karriiiter. Solicitor. Convnyancer. Etc. Fleihnrton offloo Next tlm poKtotBcw Sproule'n builillnu. n Thnnilays. Owen Hound olfloe Front'* 'un J^CCAS Jt WK10HT, Barristern. Hollcltora. CunTnyancorn. eto.. Owi-n Soiiml. Ou.t - - Markdale. Out. W. H Win, .111- | u I,, ,- A . IV-- Klimlii.rton office. Illtoball's Bank, every Wu,hi,*Mlay. T\K HCTTOS. M.D.C. M, M.C.P ft S.,Ont.. Prlci-vllle. Roeidence aud office olio door wont of tin- Metb- idint clonx-li.Kiiirot* St. Office days, Tuewlayi u ml Satunlam. -JK CAKTER. 51 C. P. ft 8., Ont. Phyiii .an. surgeon, etc., irton oflJce Strains u'ock. Kasideuce Muiullaw's hotel. JOHN A. SCOTT, VI B. Member College Phvulr. A Knro*on. Ontario <ira<Uite in Medicine of Toronto I'mvenUtv, ip Diploma. Pout Oraduate M..II. MI School aud Hospital, ChicaKO. UNvaiwiiof eve, rar, niMvai..! throat |ietiallv treated. Ki"-i deuce Maxwell, visit* Keversliam Thursday* I- J 1>. OTTKWKLL, Veterinary Surgeon. Graduate of Ontario Yrteiinary College. Itei-ldonce-Seit door ontl uf Moore s piaoiug factory. ci 1irs. AIM .\V -tntvtH HI, . rv <trt an,l third Mon tey in each moutb, m their l,,.i fio room Cbrlstoa's Block.FleabertoojttR.pji. Uno Johnston. M \V . ; \V .1 i-IU,,. v . BasaVejr : W Irwin Kvciinli i \ iitiii|i Hrothern Invitod. RDYAI, TKMPI.AHS OF TKM I'KII A NCK HHiiiilar Council ineeta ovary nrt H,I-' tlm I Timilav fvi-niiiK in -m, li iin>nji. in Hproul block at p m. Svivn , I, ..,,., iliiiirain-i'! ineetK "loiithlv. trn> Wwln. i!! the tnd of a*:h month SONS OF TKMI-HIXN.T Tins MU.*. meetH III llr . ChrlKtlH)' Hall VWV Wml n..H,lav eveiiinu nt H p.m. Vlnitibi; l>i-i-Ui- :i inviteil ID- limn, ,11 coniiectiun. YM. P. B. A., meet In their hall., v Hluck even :>i-<t and third Tluim.lin in each month. \\ m. shin p. ; Master. T, Clayton Secretary. I JKlNTK AHTHllt I.iipiiK NO-IV,, \ K , I o, M , ",",'"' .""'" ^'icHel|. Strain', Illock. H It hiTfon. i-very Kiiilav on or bnforn thp full u,. .... u r (-., u \, K J. Hpronle. Keori-im v I I'KKKltlX I. HIM,, IV,. I (I li K (l lt\- Vt'lliliy lit H i.'cl.., l<. | l>lel.lnvil0 illall.V iiivitcil. I). Mi -FAVIMI, MM J K IIAUiTEAD, M. D., II. C. A R.. Ont.. practices at Kim berlcy Hhuuuiatic ilis,,ni, ; | D K. MMtY Si. liHAMJKU M. P. C 1 . M.. M.r. 1'. ft S.. Out : r, i 1-,-v,;,- liutt.-i s H -t,-l. falls li!ht ol-'luv, pri.nipt I v Jii l,.ii.l,-'l. \ihll> ton Station I") to 11. \Ve<lne'lii\. TENDERS WANPED. Tnnrlcrs w'l! li,- r,-,-. ,v- I l.v t.ll- tin, lei up '. Ills, in . .'.Ill ilnvof S,,v . IM1I4. lor 'I'in.. ,.|i I WIlMllO, Alt,.,,i...|,t .ili.l u. S)i,'. in. PI: i, MI nint !>,. ^ i . : \,t,-n .-, I ,, l,ni ,|,-i< in,, oiOspri > M, \.i,,.,,,,.^,,, 1 1, !! not uucuKnai l> -, Itto. THTI.M IN !topt24, Xi. Gin. Joint I'omrnniM T 1' UAKoliA..L, L D.S.M U - l>Miiiit. V,s,t M the Ut and .Vd Win,-dav of eiu-h ni.-ntl, WIITEI SUESIEI lop.i ,,r VI us, ' \ ^r, c], ,.r "i>i \r-'l-S.oi l>, tli. I'KIIMANKXTsnil P \Y ISi, Pi HUI.NH to 1.0, I, Ml N. \\ c ,, U iv O <VI .11 It Wl> PAY Yiil to Wl Ito liu lo" t'lintlH. A.l.lrn..*. The HiwLs Nursery Co., R.chesbr H. Y. Mr. < ir.ih.iui is about to remnve his sawiniM from this place and will locatn on the town hue, ArtemcMa and Enplirama, on tht- 1st coil. All are sorry to lose Mr. (irnlntni and family. While he leaven, huwt'Ver, lni< plaee will be tilled by Mr. Hisln.|i. who has pin- liast-d fimn S {line Stunrt a *;iter prixilt-u'e oil what used to and will erreet a sawmill thereon. He hax alsn piirehitsvtl some private timlier limits frniii Mr. 1'nrdy, of KII-.-.-IIIM. t.i Mijiply the mill. From ..,- o. Corre^oN,.. ,,t. K ,. v ,. , . llll| ,| Jl .|i i .,( Dundalk. Turnips, iiiangolila, etc., sre beliiH IIUH preacheil a up st intuuntmif and instrurt- tied togethrduriti!i Lhc presitnt tiuo i ic ivv educational aermou hera on Sahlmth tuber weather. Our local ininroda woods iii search of Bailie. PANTS JVERCOATS GO TO F. A. Baker last. The conr*-uat ion #aa it vovy aro sciiuriiiu; the one, and the sermon very highly n\ . ated. Theru were six funeralx within a short Mr. .1. R FAWcatt i* o*ea*k ou raeoonH. iisr:uice of the vili.i_-.. in tii,, last inonih. he and his faithful dog Truly life is uii.-ertain. Mist M. K. Kishi-r. ..f Klkhorn, Man.. two lately. Trips tu'tUe top (if thu mountain wastht! Ktiest of her i8ttsr. Mis Hrnniei, now the {avorito thing. It may lie term- lnt wi-t-k. Miss Ki.sluT is a t, iifht-r d tho " Lovers' Walk. " tlie Wa.Hhak.'idii India:! huniu at ii , '.;, , i. i,iilu,in and aislttr.Mrs Shaw, l ) l |lct) - of Kitpjie.'. are visitinir (rivnds in < ininuf. Ml. in Mil'. M K, rlniu'.'if ('ollillgwoiul. Mln, spent, a few dajs viHiting IriendK in thu MeMcrs. Robert Stuart, and R. burg last week. t,,..k tv-kets for rN.waNin last Til Mr. and Mi . of Newnmrk,et.aru hy hiuiieis' ex<:nr<ti<)lv at tho parsonngu linn w,-,-k. Mr. A. B KU has jus put, v Fall Suits -AND Overcoats Aa I have started up in Merchant Tailoring. I have a line line of black and faney Paiitinos.alho Worsteds and Scotch Ser^s .11 lilaek and lilne. Hvfom buying viir JJIKMU call ami nee me. The price* *H low as tliB kuH-i-Ht. Bnnit in your cloth ami '<! it uuylit up and tiimmeil. All work as usual. No charge lor out- from me. F. A. Baker Merchant Tailor. SEAUI) TENDERS Oyster Supper. Allu ' s lvlll> The junior fiMit-ball team "i KUiHhurtnii <"ir l"d oi Maniti4>a wheat into liu miH Station failed to put ill an aj^em.'ir^'e la>t Siiturday ufturuoon according to auree ineiit. Of coarse tlie Priceville boys were badly iliHnppointod '^' r ^ llvl '''- w '"' " Wll! > 'U^ Viunrw Die,l ()uMo,,d,,y, -,'L', FergtL ! d ' oe "- < flu!t " r >' ^ ll '"'-t,^, and whuJv be son \Vno\it. aged 74 yean and li M. 1 for s,,n,e yeai. The dceaiHl wan IMITII >.n the coitn'y o( ; ** ' Down, Ireland. Ho wiv educated for an E'lidish Church clentynnvi', hut instead <j his lion- 14 rented hut pr, .^vi-ty t for 'lie ,-,.nmiM season. Mr. Cowan m an the pulpit he turned his attention M c ' lll """ " vlker " f l"^"^ 1 experience. t:, school teaching Uia Krnt attempt bein^ *'"' " 14r .V wiajius are that he may prt.s- in one of the scliiMilM on the uskttu "I Col. ' Fnrd, county of LV.wn, lie WSH married Mr Str "^-" >r v "'"' """ ^'8e "kcr tnhUtiow ...rrowing widow,,,*,- Klizitbeth ! *' tjho V lct " n " fiict<>r y t'"" wmmer, gave M, elt, in the year IHJ.-v. H on. grated *" ">"" ur H "l'l wr l " thu Pf,.lls oftbt. t,. America in l4!l,lnding in Nw York, ** WIV -'" nnd dhUuhterH. l,tat He taimtit school in N. Y. Suite for a year Fndity evening in the hall at 1,,,,., aji.l .u Punsylvania 5 years. He afUr- Tl '^ WH>I "" liltUl ''Jrtking on the wauU caino to Ontario and taujit achoul 1 WM ' J Mr St ' n " -' er ' who hlt ""> 'Vi' HI. I 'wiry W.sL, Streetsville, A*h , wim " f " ls clllrl "K tllc ("W 1 W"'T. and Milton. In l*K he movud f this ; (""l-'cinlly '">" the ladius.) After county where he continued It , -Imu until ' l"*Nl "" tllu "yTs ami all tho KO,,,! did age ivnted him from pursum- that tl>M "<" l-" v ''l'l. very entrt*ii,i.,!; pr.)- ci:ii...- any further. AH through lift- IK, ti^"' 1 '" 1 * |T""ided. Mr. Ames acted w,is a student, especially of M,>tl,,, i >-^'"'"-'nan. Ha m a j.^ly, jovial man. sunjecra. In geoinotry we veiuu tx. i Tlle l IK ^'8 e ul >'" r *' lv " "> '>penin x piece, toiayhohiMliiouuerintlKH county (ir "vlnoh was well rendered. Miss Moor-, i even in the province. Th.- followinu *, I"* 1 ""''"! the oivan. Next was instrii and daughters Kurvive !nni : M.,s \\ , i .lit " lf ui*\ music by Miss Mo.,r.s, Mr. Hanc-y ami Mr,. Dr. ll.itbo.i, of P, icevillo, Miss alld Mr ' Whlfe - Nwxt ,ne song by \Vriglit, teacher in Viet... la Co. : Mr <'l'""-'her,entitled "MoMniwand his spike tailed coat." J. Roberlstm gave a Sony. "\\"e have Ifoth been there.' 1 All iiiKtiiimcntal piece by Muts Moore and White and Clounher. wai well re - Mr. J. Merry gave a Hung which 'WIIH heartily encored and renp ,nded lo. Some o( the o'her iiriny vfootl foitnro s 8*aled^nHina,lilrnM<l to the umlemuni- i udsn^DtM "Teudoni for inaiiM iinii.iiiii: ' will In, reveivi,,) until lip. Ui \,, v _j-,, ,, ,, >'Uildl*n a dwelling hois* aoeonHim to * plan mi,t ipeoincatlon toliew^ii at tlm IIIM- > 1 I"' inn i.i.- n,,i I, m, I if.-lf to 1 ' "" !" t ' anv ti.ii ler. Hv ,,nl,, r of tlm iiniiMi building .MiiiinittoB of -it i ,;,!,*, <;niii.-ii. D. U Prii'HV lie. Out.. Oct. 91, W. PUBLIC KOTICfr A inibllc meetinoof all imrtlx* Intonwu-l i ii,- M.-nlc.lM Hcin.l IMll.iu- l.lll \ 1111; k >n,iin,| will 1 ' '"' '"" - timi (i ',i, -,[.. >ipv .t. at K. p. 111 . 'or tlm |,.irp<ii.H of , nnMtli ring |ilai> nl Ut inii miuln, linrviiiK t-ronuil ituil otlier iJiiMiii** by onler of trunteea. JOHN HOLXXII. Sec. TO RENT- Store in Fvt<rnhaiuwith lai-genarden. Ai>Lly to J. Pi L . * Feverahan;, Oct 9 choiue Nliriwry "n. MEN to .|| our line of riwry SUick ami wed potat- . rliKUyt aalary an, I , >,m ly. p,inn ami permaueot and nuok I^KIM.-I to . III.IHUI ir-nn t i In-ninnel I. x|ionuiu' not nvomwry. Exclusive trmorit v and your y^u nhnlue of naroti iynn. l>o not Uroweri i Pjmpasator, ROCHKHTBK. N. Y. Farms for Sale. Mi Sam. SVnylit, i if Hamilioii ; Mra, Tuck, nf Liinlsay ; and Mis. IV mi, of London. ml- tit. nnd : in tho 7th ooni-eion (if tho townftlMp of Artiiie>la, twn hnnilrml acres known an thu KliiKliiui. Kitate. Apply In M. UK IIAHDBON. Kleln,iton, Ailmmi'trator /'V. 11 iiiir inrii Corn M.-iny of the clulili-i,n i.f linn xccl ion wen, a ilialoj(iie, thu tramp s-iiiij, a din-t ha\'tlnti-l> lit-fii ihevuMinisnt tin. m.-ii^if,.. UyMi.n Moore unit Mr. S: i-ini;t>r, and (In Kiiilit.V ''Vriiuig l,t a puny was (lie iimt rilinental pu'ces hy till; three per ^ivi-n l>y Mr. Thos. Hntcliinson, ,,f Kn. ' fnrniura liefory niontioned. There were. pht'isia. A few of i IIP V"inr; |>i-, >^de many oilier features which \ve rnniut wutituur-tt. linil spaeu tu einiiner-ile. Mr. Huntur, M.s, Cilray, of Knphrasit, Ima lu-en li,-, seniHker a!. Vttiitry, ami Mr. C. Hel,-iiil .-it tlm teaclier i if iMir school t',ir Si,.-:ii t, ,,f Kleh,Mtoii. w,-rn eiilled nil next year lit a w,la y nl <.">. 'i. Mir<s (i. f.,r :i -;-, h Tin- rlmir, which i* i;oinl i c 'in. H iinjri.iv if, ....... m -ijilfd :ind no ilmilil "lie. sniL! a i-iosiim piefo. Tho pro^'nni I give Hiitiof.iuiion. FARM FOR SALE. Valuable farm for nalo. lot IH, con. 10, I'roton, oimHiiiviiiu of IIM ncrnit, of wliich V) art, cleared 'inii K-nminih-r ^ooil hAr'lwiMiil IniRl:. liot.l ,,. boose aud stable aa<l u,i r,.ii >m pn-uiisn*. Sitnatnd about li m Him from DnntUlk an, I I (nun Proton Stntion. ('hint h and Hohuo! convenient. Teriur tu -*uit purchamtr. ,K HNI'll'TBIt. Lot 7 cou. 1H, Proton. Swiuton Park I O, ii-pt.-M. .U. CAME AST KAY- I'siiii, to tint iirxiniMw uf tint;ii,.,l, i,,t ',.,:,, n. ^ OMII-H. ill ..... toil -. ,,i ..... ow dwi'.-r -,i |trofi, pro|tri'tv. pK aud taku the ^UIUM -,ay. \VM. MHIIIIIIM-, Ma> ,!! r >>. >ir Koi-l. who li.,s hei-n ' ill-, I,., iliUj I, 'I -.1,0 II.,., ll t .ill. C.ll'l , ,.| K M uj JVl !;, yiafting in K-llllllfll t 1 roiiglnint wns really itx ellont, and a vote uf tlinnks WIIM tendered to , who to,ik pint All preHt-nt ntir-diii il'eir iimiii'ii at 1 1 'JO Hrtnly convii'i,-,! t'-a- Mr SttinytT is a pliiluutlir.'|tist ,,f our tmj lirt water. NOTFi;K- NlDtirt, is li,-r..|\ i;iv,.ti Limt I wi'l not. hn rn *|M),inihIi, for K \- ill-lit^ tiarsmfter contrsot t in mv iiamn by any nf my family witllnu . a written 01 it,r. Man. KBANCKH \Voon, Kovoi shall, Otii. a, Ul.

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