THE FLISHIRTOK iDARCB OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO. T he Very Beat FLACK IS C ANAH \ TO OET 1 EWiw, Take a Round Trip . --- COIICM* ailli Cora.u.rctftl Department* in Canada. Uwn UU tlio SorthiTi. HuttuwuiColli( . ri.iin> uTury linns :lM.i' If we (il to producn the n.nti Uio'<>uli. cum|ilt. practical and *tn- . >,tudy : the bt college pftSBUM lu I fin i..'t ud mo*' com|ilt ami u.ot >ult- ablefurniture o<l inliance*. we will give YOU k full court* KKb.... Kor Annual Annouuce- leant giving full, addrMt C. A. FLEMING.' Principal. Eugenia Mills AXD Carriage Works. Carriages made and Repairs'!, alro Placing and Matching, Band Saw. ing, Wood Turning of every des- cription. Planing and Gram Chop piuj done wliile yon wait, for tni Beaver turns the vrhtel. T. W 1 1. SON A FAMILY GROUP n, flMwnTfll in. [L^aiiAsUB PIIOTOrdtAPU .'%%'*WW. %%%VU^. * * < . \ I .1 I l< V Is fully equipped with re- fjviisites for turning out 9 per- fect cl;tss of work. All kinds of pictures taken and finished id a style equal to any city work, while the prices are lower. Picture Framing doDc iu all its branches. If you hnve shopping to do and pictures to gel taken on tlie sa:uc day please attend to the latter first. Careful at- tention will be given to copy- ing other pictures. Mrs. Buhner. To the Public. Having rented Whiltttit'a l.lm.ksniitli li"|i f. i a Irriu of yearn, I am now in a ) '.,11.111 1,1 utixrioall waniH in my line. Horseshoeing; a Specialty. Satisfaction Guaranteed r.r s.,yilili,4 in ii,. i.i.oin. ,',(, ,. |,,, P ' u i . Uall iitl H I I* \ f A J? uw 4 .:- (Adn.J Iii Mftnory OF MiTTIIlAi WILI.UtHOM.WHO DIP.P OTT AUBI1 1C YKAHI. V HONTUI, AM' i' DAY Our clarlluK brother left ui In tin* nil worlrf aliHiH, Hut we know tht Iw in happy Uwulliaf I* hi. Heavenly dome- He irai o kiu<] rod patient And trtMl no hard to etidaro Hit min without a rauriaur Although hi* death wai lure. WK 1. .11 r tball mtM out darling, Each day we eooie acront Rom* tofcrn of rmr lewd CD* WlM* al**nu i> tuob a lo*. We lmier.1 to e-|> our dear one Hut rfrid see* more tha* w*. H wtHht*! toktv)' our dear ou* K n mi .ui anil Satan Int. Ank H/r hr took i-nr brother And placed hin there aboT* Where all U puvv and beautrful An. I blln aud Heaveuly IOT*. We know w* nnu!d cvur weaprvg And Bubrnfuivijlv should ay IWf <aed be the lx>rd that i:i\ i-t'i . Uloeaed He that taket away. Farewell to little sUllte. Kor we now shall nwtt no Him Till ( hi i.I ~U.11 call tit LI him Todwell on CADaan't there. M AICT WILLIAMSON. i:ln-niii;itiin ur-il in a !:> Smith American Rheumatism Cure, for Khttumntiam ami N.-urali(iii, radically cures in 1 b> 3 days. It* actum |i<n tlie system in remarkable and myHte-iuw. It remove* at once the cause and tW <li- ua*iiniuo<liatly dina|n>>ar. Thu first .I'M.- .Ti-iitly I..-U. tit. 7-~ ci.t*>. by W. . Itichardsoii I'nilnll H..I..-VI 1.-. Oct. '.*. Corbett Laughli'r- Tbnt the follow- ing be |iii for work Div. 5, O.S. money: Jno. ( i"..lfi-li..w. Ml.uO ; John Allen, 941. :>; Win. Mifclu-ll, K nnt, $23 60 : r'ml Mil-'*, f2& : (it-urge Acln-mm, 93 : .l.ilin ('i.rh.-tt, $) ; Ti uiiitiinT ( I>iu.d:ilk, trrnvi-l, $4.70; '. Rbiiiiiii, yraTt-l, $17. W ; Mwlcolni Sinclair, lift). Drnin- 8se By-|jw 20 ; Joseph Kaex, $220, l)r.iiniie By-Law 43. M.-K-Kvtizio Watson Peter MiKJrath, tl, grioit, $17.50, Div. iiH-ney, Div. 1 ; .l.ihn Tl ..... i;ia, tor hrulgu townline Egre mont ami fnilmi, 941. \VH'.i>--('i.rlH.'U For w.irk I>iv. 3, .Inner r-Vri-Moii. umvrl. 94.4l>; U. .1. fill; Win. AliU-ot-n, >*-' . #|M;I liv i; 815; Tlioiuun Kii-rn-, JW.5IO ; H All in, rqi -tT|>!r, .Mi,i.l. A. II. I'.iiriuMt, ii'iwir m-n|>fr, jl '.'." : 'I1n.. 11 > ip i . -." i-r; ' , |::.u -1%. i uitiiiu' iiinli r. ?1. McKfii/.i' Watanii - Kor wovU Itn 1, I>. Hni.v. HO: Win. TrU.y. fkVW); K.I. Ki.oU. $1 H j .!.- Ki-Jly, 01 . T. M. I.Hn-n, f^H.'Ji'i ; (.'<'|n-i, L'ravfl, 50 r.M.K ; lly \\a-iicr. ynivil, $1&; D. I'ry.u', KtHe', l?- (l : -I"!' > lx-\tni'.i;ntel, N.'.'O ; ...*. i'l.RlUu-jpr, &> . .'i.liii 1 .!}, \\ ,.., i .), K....I. IJlack, $7, i'\|.rlii. ii.rnrrol for imlii(riit. LnuK'ilin ('..itn'ii Kor wurk Oiv. 4, (i S. UH-nrv. .I..,, Maxwell. :t.'_'(i . (' CavrtiiHgli, fU'4); C 1 . V.-uuIrtin.-. S^CI , Jar Corbftt, llH.fcl ; Jaa H<.liinon, ID; T. Johninn. {2(*> ; J. Cooper, KtO ; (. Leptmrd, HH); NV. CUr,. ir. ; S Iliinly, fl-JSl..l.. |-J .1 $T>0; R. Dunn. 94'.' : 1' M Jntli, fl.'.Uti: W. Hrown, drut, f.'O ; It.ilii. KiiiL-lrtiiil, Kravel, #7. l.nii;!.liii Corlirit -Tlmtlhi- clerk W | Inhuu-t- iinl i|ii.utr aalary. f.'S- 50 t Int Met. Ciirlwlt - MHcKoii7.ii- John Dvztll l*> pid|1870f..r wnrlc Div. 2. LMUiflilin Wntaoii a grant ol 825 to cut hogtiiafk mi Ttli Con. T!i.. ii McAuley 8.K) for gravel Rup pliml In Div. 6. \\iit... n Corbett John McAithur 00 cunt* for ajn-c l nieiMunuer. MacKeuwe Ci.rUitt - For wotk Div. 2. H..yl, 95O, townline K.HI l.iiiln-r nn.l l'iot..n ; Win HI|!III L >*, 94$ ; Wm. Hryox, 93 ; Wm. Tioup, 98 45 ; D. C. Mi-Ar.ll.-, |'Jf> , Malcolm Mc'l'.ux" ! . $i:tl ; T. MrClaren. $fl 75 ; Win. Hill in K <, 918 67 i T. Mi-l. ,1,-M. 917 44. . .. tiiwnliiie EKD mont and i'roton, 1'i.ii.n't harv ; .lav McKay, 98.(K<. i'..ri.>-it I.Hiiulilin -That the Council he |.....l 94 <mcli tin 2 ily.' aittiiig of Council. <liin Council .Ijouin to moci t Hopcville on Nov. l.'dli at 10 I' a.m. .' *Mh< c\ AN-tiiH, T|i. Clerk. Doiinl Hiix. Proprietor and I'liblislirr of the H nnliiii ;. Out , I n.l. |N'inlciii HHVH : "I wai aiitrttriii); fr in Dy*p|Mii in.l Liv- rrtinuHu. I tiKikafnw bottlMn. Slnloli's Viialivr And itcurod ni. loan heartily raciitntuend it." rokM ci'Ki A l.nrky MM. LAID IP fc.K MONTH! H\ A SIVIKK i>r ainxKr IU*KANR TBK HMrLB HI i aKi> HK'H WILL MOW. 'IHKDK..KI.. Oct. 2JJ. RHIIB nun don't kn.iw h.-o they n- in luok and K ma do. Albirt M iit.!in, i.f thm plaov, la one ..- th* lucky ..lie* who know* of hia iromt fnriun^ an I t. !ln alM>nt it. He KV h ' . I.I.I up and ,. H ild do n urk for. i. ".II. A IMOUM of k iiln.y d ; ar*an Wh n I |J..._> U -.. > ..a *Uk.. .. .....a oil u ....til as I hat, he is in a serious condition. Mr i Maillinm recognized this and uteil every ! remedy he cnuld think of, but without any help until lie li.rii using Dotid'* j Kiitney Pills. Tlireo boxes cured Inni aiJ lie is attending to IIM nff.irs mioj more and is as hearty iMni happy i ever Kflirf In Hovr> I> Ki.l aey aiid 'Bladder disexiws relieved in n hours by the " Ureat Suuth An.rricau Kidney C'uru. " Thi new rvmctiy in a nl delight on account of I it* exceeding ii.uii>iiu- m relieving pain in the l.tad.h-r, kidney H, hack and ewry part of the urinary panaceas in umle or fe- male. It rriievcn rereiition ft pain in l>sinf{ it Ja nnio.).1itely . U you want <iuick irlief and cute thin i jmu remedy. Sold by W. E. Kichardaun, _ AVER'S SARSAPARILLA R. P. SMITH, of Towatula, Pa., whose constitution was completely broken down, is cured l>y Ayr' Sarsaparilla. I In writes: " For eight years, I was, most of the time, a crest imfTrr.-r from constipa- tion, kidney trouble, and Indigo*, tlnn. so that my constitution aeemi-d to be completely broken down. I w.i In.lnrr.l to try Ayer'a Ranaparilla, and took nearly seven bottlo, with Kuch zrellont reiult* that my atonacli, bowela, and kidney* are In perfect cn- dltlon. and, In all their fiinctioni, a> regular as clock-work. At the tlmo I btpan talcing Ayer*a Sanaparilla, my weight WM only 1?J pound* ; I now can brag o( 190 poanda, and was rarer In so good health. K you could see me be- fore and after nsins. yon would want me for traveliaa; advertlaenent. I believe tills preparation of Saraprill to be the best In the market to-day." Ayer'sSarsa par ilia Prprd br Dr. J. C. Ayr 0e.. Lowell. MM*. Cures others, willcure you llt-arl IMsfiiHr Krllrvrct In :) HilllllfK I'r Ak-im's wr t'urt-ol lUe jjivv* [wrffct relu-f in allcaxva <>( (Joriji'iiic or SyfiiwlliHtic l|i-nrt lhBu in ItO niiiiiitf.s. Mild n|ir(Hlily etlWt* a euro It in H (lUfil.-KM ifiucily for I'ulpitatinii, Shiirtix's* uf Hrvitlh. S iliering SpflU. I'nin iu l.fii Si.l,. .,i,l nil nyiuptona of a Dmu <! Heart. Onu I|..M> Sold l. 7 W. K xry ^ See XIV OUR STOCK OF Manitoba Patent, Strong 1'ak is', StraiL-lit Itoller Flouis, liirukfust Cereals, Dfixicatcd li.ill Oats, Dcasi- pKti-.l linll Wheat, Fan-now, Pen Flour, Split Piss, Huck- Flinii and (iioccrit-sof dbBciiption. DON'T DESPAIR DODDS'' KIDNEY ', PILLS WILL CURE YOU We |manate*nwld'4 Bl i oTlki;hi'i DtMatJL p., RJ>,m.ll|..T( Repairs, Repairs! D. McTAVISH, FLESHERTON, HOHSKSIMKR AM>I;KNKKM. r.i A K8MITH, KCBPkj < >\ HAND Repairs for MaMy Harris, and Noxon, Fleury and Wilkinson Bros Farm Ipmlenients PlowobS Kleury and Verity 0:1 1 >Ke time.aiso all kinds of repaint for tlie >uin. \Ve ianiifa*tiire -u-u'^. 'niters. Sleighs. *ie. sshMMsWsMf fMOSjsftl y at) :,.,n i teuder ccntraeted feet. Loj;giii'/ and Plow (. . ,.]. r<) tlie Public iu general 01 all .1 < of . Buggies, Carts and B-mocn+s sire to *ll joi?r tii" Kiii'!!,- Riv& me H call and MH> wiH l- m . : i^it, li class lu.-itei-nil i'luiip iiniijniloc . ;i,i,- icily atteu(kd to, aliKt paiiiiin^ E. T. WEITTE1T, Flesherton. Roes to Europe for Treatment Suffering- For Years from Insomnia and Nervous Debility Prostrated, Exhausted No Vitality -No Rest Until "Nature's Sweet Restorer," South American Nervine Tonic, Built up the Nervous Organism, and Gave Back to the Wearied and Exhausted Nerve-Centres their Wonted Vigor. ADOLPHE LADODIE. B.C.U J.P..OF THE WKLL-KNOWN LEGAL FIRM OF LADODIE ii LAI10DIE, MONTREAL. Kor four generations the remarkable family of Lalkxiie have beeu promin- ntly ideatitiad with the legal aodpro- feational life of Montreal. A long line of active, intellectual men, whose am- bition to riaa to prominence meant a constant drain upon the nerve force* and a tremendous demand for brain power. MrAdolpheLaBodi*. BC.L., J .l'.,etc , baa for seventeen yean been actively engaged in the legal profea- aioD, living, a* the tlutiea of intellect- ual men of this fast age demand, beyond the raaerve limit ol natural nerve force, requiring wore of the nerve centre* at the baa of the brain than they can possibly fulfil, which always result* in nervous prostration, dysiwpaia, hot flashes, insomnia, constipation, and attendant evils. Mr. LaBodie spared neither tin* nor money to obtain relief, went to Europe for special treatment, a)) to no purpoMi. Ilia attention being direct- ed to South American Ner vine Tonic, be oonoladed to try it. Result iiu- tdr-ilT relief from insomnia, and a perfect and pnano.l cur* frosa all ther dlaonlMV, wltk tot five bottU I tLe Mr. Adolphe LaBodie, under date of April 27tb, writes from Montreal : " 1 was suffering from insomnia an<) nervous debility ; prostration anJ exhaustion, rather than rest, followed a night's experience. I took tiv.- bottleg of South American Nervine, and am wholly recovered, and now enjoy restful nights. I have triej many remodiea, have tnwn treatud in Europe, and can say with truthful em- phasis that the South American nerv- ine has cured me." There is reason in all things : basi- nes* reasons in business, truthful reasons in truth. Mr. LaBodie'a statement herewith is the truthful reason why, if South American Nerv- ine Tonic cured him, it will care you. It is the net ve builder for brain work- er*. Brain and stomach cannot both work at the same time with healthful and happy iaanea. One msjat suffer. Intense intellectual activity produce* indigestion became the braiu is con suuing all the nerve power. South American Nervine Toai hulUs nature to a happy pwiM, and life and ita duties swing to frvltfnl V R. I_A. SMITH F*or ITml