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Flesherton Advance, 25 Oct 1894, p. 5

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THI ILI8HIBTOJ AD7ANC1 JHs OEO. MITCHELL A - '1 b . . -- I Ora't-i '*!! I an. I < ' ratei OVTIO to 4*ra r..<* cf li Vicinity Chips. < lt:ir*.- '<-riv- wf th* Past H>rk <*r*-AiM) < ulU-.l for *. icM be ,-karyrd .ft *< rutr t,f ie J- fit*- >r Don't fi*ietUiat Kich;iriis..ii tu netting the very buxJ tov< made. Re. Mr Gariiiier is riiu weA attend- iiiK tho JiaptiatCuuven.' TJiOmiw Rioliardaoii u avlliiv^ tlu> lat Vntcher fcniTea*r cM. K wry nue warranted. Mr. I* I* .ay tun kas parehancd a bar- tie** '.UMiiievi in I'.dhtfnmod a*d will taku . PUM. \ Ijodieti' c|, sturm collars, muffa, etc., iixjn'a oapaaud coats. Price* right. T. HILL. tt'ardrn Le>us "f *>w*n Sound, i* <!aii(jer*aly iU WK!I a complication of Improve your *<*k y breading to V* . Jtutkin'* tiiwtairiaj improved thorwugh- 1 red Yorkshire. T*nn 75 *rts. 3 uw. Per 8. S. Ktnria an<Mher ahipmeiit of , carpvta, nUclotha, direct from to Floabarioo /r M.Ru:hiirdoii J: Co Another wUaJ of cufarnh* wek<li- rittfr"iu rd'nery Uir M. lUcluti-<l*m * 4.\i. l"ha fourth carload amce April. OveeetU iiif'a, UJJTS' and youths'. 4.50 will buy ati aU wu..l twvod over- ! for acuan. Dou't /ail to aeo T. HIIA. Mr. W. SUan liaii k-aW Mr .1 plaiuiun faciory. Thi will Vr. Moore nv>iw loiaure tu arttud i^ furnitura buaiueaa, -tc. Davwi U'hiu-, of !. r.,!Unu-.ii rt*d, waa up br/ore M . RicharJaou. . .11 Mondv.v for al.u.-iux hu *i/e H lined $1 nnd c<*U. E. wi Kifty cenu *J1 iu-*k y* iueaijer<f (he Mcluinic.H Inat.tuU) util the tirat '>f May noxc. Over 700 volume* t<. cliooae frum. Send <r lund in your*ubacrn>r*m to W. Arm*iuUK. jawrllw. ,Ev. J. tt'ella, M. A. .will pnsach a ser- in, >u ti tb W^rkinen Siiday,Ni>v.ll. Tlie jueiubrra are reijueatod tojiieol ittthf li>d(;e IKMI at lO-fll. A oordinl invitation is cxludo4 to aiater l"Jgrt. W. Irwiu, rn-orlet . A luxi-.'im-i.l M ou f.-ul t<i iiifctituti; it in^ht oiitxil ni cotiuvfthiu with (he Mecliai.jcn' Inatitutu. Tbwae h would like to join alioald couuU Mr. W. Irwin, Mr. .Iu4iu Sheariowii, asjed W". an 'd nswleut of tlas t'twiiMh'}), du^ W bulil wf pvtadNW Utuly ni *iuJn *! * ll 1{ llouia. C..i*;diTiii:f Mr. SI.<Mr.l.>n\ j;rv:it |{r tlm ia really a reiuark*ljlc per- 1. illllllLt. \\ know wlivreof w ttin l<Mi w slate that Aver Pill*, tnke.i pr..inplly. ut the tiist yiiiiitoui.s ../ colds and fuvor*, arrent fui tliur |.r"(jrew of tlu-se d.s..nlis, and a|cilily rctri- tin- rtouiacli. liver, and bow-K to tlxir itoruial and rv^ action. Rev. \V. Ay.n. gv u lecture iti tlie M-th..dit t-huFctl on Tueaday evening Jiuhji** : Rouiniani va t*i-<* 'Hieaduieuce wiu rather nml>, bur ^retieirt appeared to thoroughly ui'j-y tl.c W:ure s wlucK wat *iit--na i 'iiiiig a:nl in atruclive . (n many oa<, tint fiiat w..rk .. Ayir'a ^anui]rilla ik t rpel the etfeota of llie other inclicinw> l)l l' v *' I**" rl ' l<sj '" \.iin. It would 1)M ivaiin of 'line .mil ijii.n-y if ex|>eriineiiiia Vvk Ay.-i' SBI !iaii of wimtorn but ter were offered in Turoato la*t wM)fc at ten emit* per pound with mi buyers. There is no (hipping linand fr tin* product and to murh hai bi-rii held back by fnrinvr* that it will probably be noW fur Half the (all prices l>.-frc Chriatnuu, if mild at all. liev Mr A yen if AiUa Craijf, ocou- pi. J "Aie. |itt|l nf the Methodist clmrrli mi Sabhath Mid preached two eloquent uiiiMwtraury sermoru. The evening <iia- course wan from SluMiiiiili 1X-20: " Thou {.tveat a(a<> thy iiood tfirit to in- struct elirtn. " T\te seating room uf tlie ehnroh waa taxed to iu tnoat capacity, tuai.y coejitia; front a nroat distance to listen to t IK- rev, utwtluavuiis who labored sucoet.*ilry on thia circuit a few yeara j>, and who 11 heldia the hU(lmst entuevi by ttte fe>f !e amoiiif wlioin he lu\x>rud. He ia aivaya i^WJly welcomed in Kleaher- tin. Aa annul the Prenbyttrtan convro. ifntum eourte.>u4y dJpiiaeJ with their iy aurvicv. The b.iy Huruvtt U-.'iu tl*i vJUi;e, who auile a hore from rJ Miv.hlliaiMri-, Kin ,i.l, and money a,nd ck-xhrajj froyi Mr. Jamra Lej-^lt, <>f tlna town, ia still ;\l larg. He waalaat heard <i( in N.-nnaii- by tp. - Oheatey KnUrjiH. ^N this the buy wh.> ran nwaj; *roiu Mr, liutiiutt, of the Orange Vitllej, a year at, tu o ? ED AOVANC*.] Meruhauta who have chared out their .tl<H.k of auuimer butter may coimnVr thauaelves fortunate in view of the prwi- t iu the butter market. Severn! Shooting Match. A hoo*,ing match will be bld at Van- deleiir on \Vtxltieaday, Oct. 31. A larjje quantity of fowl will be shot for, and auy Hurplu* diapoaed of in the evening. Uore 11 4 diauo* fur y ahooturs. Blood Stock for Sale. One black nitre. 4 yra. , with fual to Priuee Brie ; one brown inana, I yr . aired to Prince Brie; one spriiiK eolt^Ally) !>y Prince Erie. Any oim or the lot cheap aa I have no rovm tor thi'ui. \V. W. THIMBU. The Baggy Fuuad. The buguy ami hartina* bulo)(iii|{ iu Mr Chartura, stolen by the Clarfcafearx kiiru'ar*, vaa found nu Teaday M Mr. Mur' OBI* oct wect <rf the atatina. It waa only a few rod* frmi tttnroad. Cbivngiug Teacher*. Mr. Tint. Jiilmatou lias rexignod fri the Kugeuia Ncliool au ! Mr. HAimah.pne *nt primapiU at die Kimberley adu><>!, haa been ciiu)f0d to till the Eugenia tuUoa. Mr. Ccane. of the Yaodeleau- Pur Marl. Iu The Eia|enia itiim ac<tr|>lof wet-kn a|(o the Htateuient wa* made that a bcxl of umrl Inul beeo <iic<>. urt-l ON Mr. Duck- ett'w property which cuntainud '.1 )wr ouut. ot luavrl. Tbia should have reail mnvly- nwe per cent. A ainpi of tli mail h.ia Uwn left with nt, for \iiNpctinn. Hie bud w aaid ti> e an exteiiHive onu and iiwy prove valuable if the riijlit kind of men gi< bl J if it tu develop it. Died. Mrs. Win. ('unwell. >f tlila villauv, died on Thuixday laat after nn illnM if nniny yxara, at the age of 70 yearn. Dvce<u-il WH 'iM-rn in Lanarkalurc, 'Sc-itlaiul. S1u> wna Uio mother f a finnily f twclvu uliil- dreii, nine of whom are atill living. !' >r r|n- pnxt twenty yunrs Mm. Caiwell Ima lii-i'ii nilinit, and for lifteun c<riiipli'li-ly lii-ih-iililfii. The fiinri.V. took plucu <\\ Fiidny to Flenhenun cnuietery. Bible Society. A reprenriitniive of the Upper Cannila I'.il'h Society adilioM*'l a intetinit in tliu Pn-Klnteumi church on Thuiwlay evi-n- ini( \.*&. Tho ofti.-iTi eloftecl for tlie enauintf y-Mr ware: I'tva. . Rev. E. S. Uupcrt. M. A; Vice Prea., llcv. J. Wells, MX I'r..,>. Win. ; S.T.. ), K. M.x-e ; CliHirniHii n{" Com- mittee. A. S. VnniUiiwii. li WH deciilil to h<dd A uni 11 tliaiikHtfiviiig serr\ue of nil Uie cliiwclu-a on Tluuksgiviu^ day A Boon to HorHrmei.-Oiie battle of English 8|Mti>i Liniment uoni[< removed a curb from my home. I take pluaiture in recouiineinliiiK th remedy, aa it acta with aiyaterioiui proniptneaa in the romovHl from horaea of hard, of t or cal- louaed lump*, blood apavin,nplints, ourba, xweuny, atiflcH and apraiim. UCOKCB B<IBB, Farmer, MaiiliAiii, Ont Sold by W. K. Richard**, Honor Boll. Tlw fifllowiiiK ia tl honor roll f<r Priceville P. 8- V. Clans, sr. -Martha Urander, EdK4i Hartley. V. Class, jr. Edith Jame, PeUsr Me- Artlnir, Jewie McLean, Mary Campbull, Leu. < Jrii-r. Pi'. Claaa Joaaie McLachlan, Jennie McAnlmr. Frank Autuiuin.Eddiu Wat.son, JAIIICB Siillnan. IIL Claw, mr. Lottie Tryon, Nathalie Grier, John Conkey, William J. Conkey. III. Clims, jr. Myrtle McArthur, Cnn- Unce Conkey, Myrtle Conkey, D-maM Tryon, Katie McMillan. II. Clana, i-r. Mwjgie A. McDonald, Beatrice Conkev, Gretta Nichnl, Maggie I. McDonald, Ronaid MclUt*. II. Claan, jr -Mau-l Reiley, John Mo- Arthur, Maiigie Mvlntyre, Mgv>ie Mc- Millan, Malcolm McLean. Pt. 2nd. Ralph McAuUy.Manuie Try- <i, Mary Halpenny, Jewie MvK^t-, Hec- tor McLean. I. Clma, ar. Chriatena McMillan, Jaa. McArtliur, Dannie McKinni)n,Amnio Me- Keclmie, Mai;eie McLeoA. I. Claw, jr. (a> Jemie Tyilliea, Da-id Hcndtv.ion. Willie Se-jtt, Gertie Hooper, Janie McLean. Jr. B. Clam Flora Campbell, Tioiiald Oillipa, Roy McLean, Richard Kdith Mu-r ^ ia the honor roll ft* a. n. No. t, Arteniesia : Furm 1 Willie Jainieoon, Majrjriu Mil- NOTICE. !*t*ee Si herebj given that I will not h ro- MM for *l>v ,l,,ht iMtrnafUrnniitnii-Md in toy uuy ky ay at my taunlv without a written oriter. Mn. FakNcaa WOOD, 'IB Fmarahau, Oct. i. tM. PRIVATE SALE Tne nndenlgnedhkii for ala on lot H, eon. ft. ArUmioxIa, .1 bonumjoowii.:! t)riiit aoalvm, ftlno a niiin bar of farm luiplitinHutK wliich they wiHli to mill bv private sain tontura K,-l> Int. *W. M tbcy (tare OiiroMd of their praperty. WK. * Tvoa. WII.WIN. >* Ruceaia P. 3. CAME ASTRAY^ <') to 4he premintM of tlk* nndar^iqtKHl. lot '. < mi H. i )-,|ii'i-* about Oct. H, QUO cow. Owm<r is n* |u*Mt<l to pruve pro|)rty, ]>> ux[ivniM ana ttvko tint NAJIIA aw*y. WIL OmionNX, Maxwell IV 0. BOAKFORSBRVICE- ll^rknhirn boar for Hrvio on lot 1JJ, con. 2. R*M. T. ,1t H. It Tnrum !. CoiK|Urni . rr- iow.l A|Mii H. IK.I4. lirnt by W. C. Hnn<luroii. Korby. Out. tiir. I'nuuo Uarnt. 2VU. <Um. Coy )tii. t>y KiiturpriM, iuipi l.tTM. ( .tlrv I'l-mrl. uinp. 3H14, by Munny Maknr MH Mot* Km.. 'I.. i ir.-.|. liy May Uuk. liiT. MOM Uou -Jn.i. '..'(I. oy lli<mconfllil MOM KUMI. I). 11, u^l.'v l. I. floFebuil bv W.'n'urn Walk. Hoetovo llelK by Duke of SWIM .town. D-laumro. JM.- MI H.U.I.KT i ton P. O. "When I was a Boy," Fariner*' Inetituf. The fidlowimf li of oflc-'M "f K.vt ami Oinru (Jrny KariiiorV Inatitiita nKottld liave nf>|imrcii t.wo wcvkaaf-i but ;;t ri!iil : Johu lioliiinl. I*i.-s , .luliu Irwiit, YcePri^;.I. I. Jimliani, Soi-. Tiw.ia.: l> THi-ti'iH. John Conn. P. Mo- Auxiiu, i> u, anii.. Win. ittMiuMii, r.,-... IWl.'r, John Clintoii. John Inkulur, Jim. Uui'l nnan and <!. Stfrf; Di'lKtw t-i I', i'. IiiotUnN-. Joliii r.i.l.n.ii inn! 1>. T. Clint I'lirex N| winiv./ u ThoinUu-y auU Klgnlu-ri.'ii. General News. Wlnle hunting ii\ Miwfcoka "it Fiiday | .learn: Colviinin, m undertaker from Akion, N. Y., accident ly ulioL and killed Inniaelf. An Htit-inpl wax niiidi: nlnmt two miltut uat uf MoujU F.iroat to wrtctk a C.P. H. pataenger train. A tip waa '.hrown acna the track, but no aerioua results occurred,'ptiiii; aliglltly daintiging tins engin,- V/'rites Poatmastcr J. C. Forcat HiHW.Va.. "I nwlabron- h;al troublo of such a persistent and stubborn character, the Oortor pronounr ..-a it incurable with ordinary medicinca, atxl advi.sod me to try Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. I did so, and one bottle cured mr>. For the last fifteen years, I linvo used this preparation witli gouU effect \vhenever I take A Bad Cold, and I know of number.* of pooplo v!io keep it In the house all the tinio, not considering it safe to be -with- out it." "I h;ivo 1>ea ualng Ayr*s Cherry rcctoral in my family for 30 years, with tho moat g^tlafactory rcanltn, anil can ctiperfulfy rooommend it aa beiof oape- cially adnptd to all pulaioiyu^. com- pluinta. 1 have, for infu^yeaxa, made pn lim >nnry and other ieU(iBei aapecial atinly . and I have conte to Ue ooavteaion tli:ii Ayer'a ( IHTT^ ^ecofl cBp"u.'H a position pro-eoiincn* over tlnr- moili- ciupa o( the claaa." Qhaa. Davenport, Uovrr,.S. J. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral > I>ai>u-*d by Dr. J. C. Ayr Co., Low.ll. fata, Pro mpt to act , s u re to c urei litptn. Lillie RuaMill, Jamea Portenua, Killmm Mavcee, Victor I'liillitm, Frank PhilUpa, Lillie Milhitan. Form 2 Meda Radley, Garnet Mauee, Willie Kuamll, jHinea Huaaell. John Ma- gee, John Pnul, Wilfred PLillipa. Form S Mry Camer-m, Sr;ili Paul, Willie Kngiiali, Krho Phillipa. I) A MII WIIITIPTIKII, Teacher. i* the honor roll for .*. No *, Onprey, for Septenihn. Natiica in or- 4wr if merit. IV. Ctaita Bortio KaittiiiR, Jane Craw- forrj, Liaio Htidgson, Jane Mod^mi. IIL Claaa Bonjaniin Barber. IL lana Mabel llackinylmm. Mvnetta : Sith, Willie Smith, Harn- Tuplin. Part 2nd Okas Henry Huwitt, Aimer Darbur, Chriatena McKenzie, Jane Sue gel*. I 'art 1st Claim, ar.- Mulid Bokiiliam, , Harry Buckingham. Goo. S. Myura, Artie Suu'yett, Obo. Ottewell, Alic <rtt,-P4l. C|IHK. Hodgson. Part lt Class, jr. JoKn Dand, M:._K Tu|ihn, Mary Hell Tuplin, Jam Buck- 1 iiighani, Morton Sayera, Mary Rvi-r H. .In M IN. Teacher. Following ia the honor roll for M H. N.I. I 10 fur September. IV. Claw, ar.-B. Rulledue, T. C..ok IV. Claw, jr.-W. Melia, C. MU HI. Claw. M-. A. Aahduwn, W. Hut Iff. Clasa, jr. G. McMullen, C. Rut- !ede. H. Claud, ar. C. Thoinpaon, L Liwi-r ence, M. Whittak.T II. Claaa. jr -B. Whittaker, Kilburrt H.-niplulU W. MeMiillen. Part Sd Claim M. !Utl<*ltte>,M. Yiin. 1st Cla**e -B. LawereacR, J. Kyle. I l.roiwc, M. Thniii|.wMi. L. Piper, J. Hemp- lull M. JOHNSTON. Toachxr. Afer'K Hair Vi.'or, which hae outlivwl MH< .Sllpt-lfctldril illllldrPllKlif SI'lllliir pIC parationa, is undoubted the nrmt fashion- able aa well an economical hair-dn-wtiiiK in the market. Hy it ue, the poorest head f hair aiMin becomea luxuriant and bvavtital. Boots Shoes Rubbers It Hart FDD Lints if H.K.U, Shoea, Ruhbera, Oveiahiwa, Felt Bt>oti, for fall wear. Call and try u. The Best & Cheapest place to get ahod U at Prompt attention to custom work and repairing. I FURNITURE, UNDERTAKING, Pianoa. Organs, Sewina Machinen.Picture Framing and Repairing. Thia ia our buwiMtaa and we try to attend to it. THIS IS FAIR SEASON And we are Bailing at fair prices. Don't forset while in to aee the attrac- tioim at the exhibition to call aud aee our Oiaplay and take notice to tlie price* of our \Vc are Selling- Bedroom Suit* at the lowreat pomible nncea.and all other House Fiirn- iahings accordingly. Bear in Mind we excel all other <lea!ni in t.ho undortakiiM; line, Hnth in > { iial- ity, prices and siyl. W* di< our Iiii8inumm nr *hop and believe in quotuiK JIJ-ICUN them. So In-fore purchasing olsewliuto ijivu us a call, and don't bu deueived by placarda. *J. E. B ASK ER V I LI_E *Sc CO. MRS. WRIGHT'S OLD STOIIE, KLESUERTON. We Lead, OTHERS FOLLOW I Now that (In- si'n^i'M (nr riittcvs.ind slu'tilis is npproachini;, wn wish In draw tlir Ktti'iiiion o( tlw pulilic to tliM (uct tlnit wit nrvnow p<-fpKnngi> large Rinck wliioh we will hnve rvady (or iuxpecUiiii in a H<iort tim, uud will lie found to the both in priie, Htylu aud ijuu'lty. Von will find it to your intcrvxt to dfntl with IIH, wo .ir deteriumud to do Inuoni-so. U' would draw your Attention to the (net that we took tint piize for ttiu heat p\iliit of carriaccs at the Kiwt liroy Kxlulntioii. 1'jiri^lit dialiut,' - our muttu. Tfle loading uarria(;e Bmlilrr D, BLAIR. Pointers from Dundalk We are determined to iv.; tint penplu v.ilin-s thin, fall tlutt will i.r^/isc onn and all. The Flrahertun paper IIHVIHK lm|jc cirnulntioii we advertiae tbioiujh it tu bext .i eans of rxacliing you, i'Ji the glna new*. Do not buy your fall .and winter Dieg Qopdg uolil jou.liear the price* aud aen tlis .11. wi-t iiii-iii to in' ii i ai. *be Pa,tron Store, Dim cii^l l . \V have put >> uffart to have thia deparUnu4 utorknl with t-hn lateat -at wi'll M the beat giiodi Hold al |iric< that dtly cumpotition. We invite your in- hpeclion furling Mire, voii will !> tnora th*n plekjMd with the re* ulU. Aroyou in lieed of Mllllt-leM or CoaMllKM ? both in profusion u,l uennlinil M"o^ uniioii w l diievtly (1x111 Ufin*ny. etc, Vmi uiiwt M-P tlii-iu to know iir^a/UK wo Intve in those liuofc., UEl'AKTMhNT, COMPLETE. :nuid lin siiU ol' V;r rt ,e !iu,t ad oth*r.i nt nwntiotu-'tl, ou^ apace will M what ti Hi. i STAI'LE Mnoli Uio- not pwruiit. Gj : NT i H..IUr niu bo MTixi liy I'ty..^ ui the r-fllii Mom rcailT Mattk* anil |ojhifj. Overvoata, TwujwlK, "I'nderwear of all kuuln ca* ke had Iu be( nnii fWONM for aioitll mom y i-U AlhX|llN'. ' viri W Uob3,.Coal, Caps, SetcK, etc OUK BOOT AND, SHOE DEPARTMENT! Ia full. Thfse gooda are hongut from tho Iradjux iiiiknufifclurr, aud bj so doing w . aave you the prolU MI iiiuny ^ixa to wholesale. uousct. A $ n a $ tbia year. Colue and utte uipney by buyioK your goods (rum THE PEOPLE'S PATRON STORE, DUNDALK. I' 8. Oar Mi linery department ia full of baautiful g.>od, Miaa Long, of Torotto, wi pli .1 eJ to welvuuie uuJ nbow you througlu

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