THI filllltm ADYANCI ESTABLISHED 1881 Ad vance !> BM-tllKIl WF.KKI.Y AT TH OFnCK. 8TD- KNHAV KTHEKT, FLK.SHEHT.iN, ONT., BV W. H. THl'IWTOX. si |.t r annam.Nlrlrtl)' In advance Advertising Rates: On Column, 1 rear. V> ; half col., 1 year. 27 quarter col., on* >ear, $16. Ti ni-nt alvertUemenl charged at the rat.- o' cent |Mr line for Brut Insertion and 3 ceuU rich subsequent Insertion. There be a fatality fol- lowing the trotting dog business in this country. During the past two works the owners of two famous trot- ling dogb, " Doc " and "Major," have committed suicide. The awful murder committed at Listowel on Saturday last is without parallel iu the annals of crime in this country, ind would apparently seem to be the deed of a madman. It is difficult to conceive ot humanity in any lucid form committing BO horrible an act. Although the body wait found only a short time at ter the deed was committed, and the murderer was both immediately before and at ter the crime was enacted, trace of liim baa been lost and he is still at large Thin is a matter of the deepest regret and one which docs not reflect much credit upon the officers of the law in that di <trict. The Toronto World uses MacWher- i I'* reprieve as an eicuse for the ad- option of lynch law, in an article en- titled " How to suppress murder. " The World makes a sad blunder in doing this, and in its somewhat hidden inference that lynching is the proper thing for the Listo*vel murderer is Rowing iced that will bring forth death to innocent victims. Lynch law must never giin a foothold in this fair country of righteoue and justly ne- cuU-d laws. In MacWherrel'a ease the World should remember that gen- eral public sentiment approved 01 the manner in which the guilty man was tluposrd uf.and are n'iu.' satistV'd with his incaiccrutioii durinj his natural I f.-. 'J ln-ir is alao a oortain percent- age of the pt-opJc who oppotiti cam In I I'liiiishmeut altogether. In atUttupt- i'ig to throw discredit np<>n the laws a> exeroixed in Canada, the World deaU to justice a blow that would weaken rather than strengthen her. Hint KimiH-rli y vsu. to proclvn that Mr. Harria wan nut the "villain." An to what particular state- menu the writer deairet ui to retract now, while the cane in nub judic, we do not tni'l s|i... iti.'.l. \\ i- made no itate- incuts Inn what are burn* out in the evidence before the mnyintraten, which evi- .l.-in . i* nt beyond the prove nee of any newipaper to publish. Again we would any that we iincerely h ipe Mr. Hams will be abl to prove hia innocence, and in cane he doe* tlii* pa|ier will be one of the first to publith the fact. Sweeney, U. 8. A., San Dir-n, Gl., Hay* : "Shiloh'H Catarrah Remedy in the tint niudicino I have ever found that would do ma any good." Price 60 cent* Afl Awful Murder. A niBL KAVlaiIRD AM> BrTCIIKREI) M <l LIKTOWKL. LtnTOWKL, Oct. 20. Probably the mmt lifinlili nnd fdulent crime that bus ever been c.immitteil in tlrs of the country occurred here ymU-rday when a young girl named Jemie Keith, ajjed lit yeara, daughter of Farmer William Keith, who livfs nbout a mile and H half ftoni town in the Township of Eluia, WHS out- raged and ni.inlr It ii mpiM.sed that the utifnrtunato sirl while returning from town between 1-' aud 1 o'clock was met on the railrond track l.y * tramp and nut connentiii'; 'o the hrute'a advance* force was uwed which resulted in lu-r death. Some railroad ectioiiinen coining down the track after dinner found cvideucex of foul play in the ili.t|>r of aoaie apilled rice, turn newt- papers and marks of a struggle. Kollowin^ the track* acmu a plouphed field and about nuhty yards into a swamp hey discovered tho mutilated body of he irl. It had been recently covered with iin*s and rotten wood, and all the lothmg liii'l been removed. It presented a frightful appi-ariiiicf, the throat Imvini; n cut and Uiu bo<ly terribly cut and orn Organized ]uirtie* of Mearcher* are .IIII in'.' the country in all directuma in iope of apurwheiidinu the fiend. County rowD Attorney Idlington, of Perth '.unity, Sheriff Hoaaie and the Coroner iav viaitod the ncene of the murder, and aftor i-ni|.aiiflinK * jury viewed the body nd aurrouiirlin^a and had it removed to ir I tie bouie. .An inqueat wan then leld. The murderer i* still at large, but hi* ndontity ia known, be having lieen Keen >y at lennt Ion witupanos li>-fn. and after he had committed th.i crime. He in les iiliml ai a man wui>;hiny fi.nii I'.KJ to- 20() |xiundi, over 5 f.-et U, UHMl>avrd,vry dark and Hwarthy I.KikiiiK. He had, in Fact, a dirty look,, nnd t\ai f.i'.-nnd Imivy i-vfi-sl anreala have been tuad),wicludini; .n ut i 'ntiii.-i. i, helow Oraliifville, but ii' .ii" of llietn have an yet Ixvr indentifioil a* the iniiixierer. pKAR SlK. Ill your Ual issue. I noticed ..ii Hem under the head of "Atlrmplud I; , o " Vim any the cvu'.tince wuiit to show that yoiiti'j HariiauHit mid aiaaulted t'te u'ifl nftur night while lelimmu fiom linrcli. These aiaWinentH are ahuolutely i<a thcro waa no direct ovi- to that rile.-, whatever, for ollu ol the CVon'k own witneiweH tuitilied Hint tho defendant W.-IM in Kiiubcrley. a h.-tll u mil.! .may at the t'tne of the iisiuudt. I In- '>.. n Atturiiuy Htato* tliat the evi- de ice was evenly Imlaiiced. The aucuseti was not Kent ti> Owen Sound, and t. i.l luit her action Hgaiimt you you wil find it iijc.'saajr to retract your state inenU in 1'iu Hem above ruferred t.o The f.tct tlint you hint) charged I In m-. ii-u.l with IKJIII.' a villain m mure Mmutis than xui anticipate. So looking for n f.ttoi.iiil,- ruault of \<tr i/enerou* c .ii-.>. i.tu MI, I roniain jour* tiuly, ONK INTKMMTIII With ivgnrj to the aliove latter The Adva o Inn littlu t> s.ty Mr. Hairi waa aociMod of flu. crime and the niMgia t HIM aant the ca*) to OWHII H.nind foi irml, accepting hail in 91000 The cane will n> d'HiU come up at the I>ceiiil>cr K lu.oii* ami tho accu.i.'.l will have ai opportunity of proving hU ininiuence Sli.nilil IIH be alila to du MO no one will be happier than we to herald the fact aut laat week. Heoamehouie linjinK, ''The ITU I I left behind me. '' Mm. Mitchell and Mr*. were the gu.**ta of the MiMe* Mtraohan Uat week. Meura. Thoa. ttamrixe and Clia*. Schenunnii left for Parry S..iin,l thin week. We will mia* them very much a* they are jolly fellow*. Mr. D. Madill,the popular agent, gave u* a call on Monday. The quarterly aervice will be 1 held in the MfihniliMt church here a week from next .Sunday. The U- year-old MOU of Mr. John Clark, of Alvinaton, while pitching lioneshoei with sonic companions on Saturday, wan .struck in the temple with a and killod. OUR CLUBBINO LIST. Tbe Advance will club with tbe follow- ing period icaU this year at tbe figures 1.80 1.80 1.80 1 35 The Advance and Toronto Daily Newi, a daily nnd a weekly pa- per one year for ........... $1 HO The Advance and weekly Olobe... Tint Ailvancu and weekly Empire. . The \ U .mo- .ui.l Montreal Star. ... The A.I van. -. and K,iriin-i - Sun .. The Advance and Ladie*' Journal.. The Markets. art hilU < orrr. l.-.l Erh . . k Klour $300t. $3&0 Fall Wheat Spring Wheat Hurley . Out* Peaa Butter Ki!a, freah 1'tilittiiei baa; Pi.rk Hay |XT t. m Hides Turkey* ............ ChickvnH JUT pair ..... Duck* ber |in ...... Wo.l .......... 56 to 55 to 31 to 25 to 49 to 15 to 13 to 50 to 660 to (i 00 to 300 to 25 to 6 to 11 to -:. to 60 to 15 to 31 'M 49 16 13 60 675 00 3(10 25 10 35 1C BUY YOUR HARNESS Good Stock, Good Workmanship, Low Prices inif i. (./.i Mr. Kuliiey li,w< In. en domy thu town ft.r aumc turn'. He represents the fan mi older of Korea! rri. The R,cv. Mr. MoLnrcu, H. A., gnvenu uddreHs hunt LjU TiKtad.vy evoiii'ig.on the h> Vbvsnould Rupyiiit tho- Hritmh ami Korei^t. IU.'.- S icicty. fh> lultlress was uood, hut thu attendance very Hinall. Mr. Tli.w, t iuy IMS purchased th houne occupied l>y Mr. Connm. The Ai'i.iul ImrveHt festival wa hvVl u Tuetday eveuniL'. Kith inn'., in omiiection witli Kt. Mnr' Clmcoli, >VxweU. Not- withitaniliiii; the very inudily rimdn the fealival wan iu every way a Mkccuai. Af ter frn^ting of a sumptuous fowl Hupper, whi.;h was served in Mr. Hickling'i hall, the immurouH friend* ru|miretl to the Orange Hall, where there WHH a urand cimceit uivun by the meinlieis of the . li.n.'li elm r, nssinti-d l.y other talent. Tin chair wn oc. upie.l l.y tho luctnr, the Kev. .1. \V. .loiu-, Who ).,! neen the ditt'urent iienm intorH|>>Taed s.iine witty mul ap|>ft>priate remaik*. Mms Annie Strnchan *aiig tht' *olo, "Eii.i on the Rhine, " with maivelli.iis u/lWt, wliich w w woll received. Meian. Krtul n id K: neitt Murray kept the subenon in ro.ii-, of Uughtor with their huniorou* nnd fate. i il song* and dinloguuv The Warehmn atrniK Iwiid furnished s. unr eicolb'nt mus- ic. The concert closed with tho ainuiuK of the ii.iii.nuil anthem. Thu proceeds amounted 'A> >fiwnnln of $^Q, which are to I* il.- M it it I t.. ihe |f. i lt ii.i| purpote fund. I u. !> Tom ili.! not come t.. town on Thursday. It IN suppoaud Ira wns s.ek. A |iar|..r * wa* iriven at tbe home of Mr. MuBachiiie, 4 Ii line, lant Fridiy Jlr. S aplos t K>k a trip to I>untr<on Curry Coniba, fyrushe*, HanieM Sleiuh KeUa, Goat and Cowhide KolicH, Axle (jreaae, Klanketa, and everything in my line on hnnd. we are ajway* UC 1 1 tall jciih ti. W. Moore - Htrntfiker FLRSHERTON, Lenve ortleri e trly AS nuhcil in thu full MeaiKiii The Fall Fairs Are now offering sppjial inducements. This is the bge of bargains everywhere, but nothing has ever been heard of yet to compare with the quality and prices of furniture we are selling every day. Our steady increasing business proves that our efforts are being ap- preciated. If yon have not called on us come in and let us get acquainted. It pa)g to deal in a town large enough to support a healthy competition for your patronage. DE'/ILs Ar.< r>yff, tint arHann ii and it it 'INI, to think nlxiut preparing for tilt) l;iil % \ M>4ciii. I Imvf pUt-rd ill tOOk a Illlf fli-l-llnll nf MlUifl'S Hlltl booU and tlnn ft .ill kiiuU which will In- *old at tile very il"<eitt |n;ifeM. I wit ymir tratlu an 1 .on U>und to merit your cnli- tlfik-f. I luivt> (uiinethiM^ t.{ f\tiH vnllie ill inon'j HiK'ny full IHMIIK. | niake a ttpuuinlty of ru-,ioin \j-..ik, and.uite n.ith- U>U Inil the lust t|f Kli.fK, placing tlicrc iijion ^"otl, In mi. >, i wiirkinuimhiM. Old tiii-iiiU will contiiiiia to bo henrtily wt>l- ."iii .. Imt 1 MI ,h to make ai>;nti new iinex. Come in and givu UK a triiil order. JOS. SMITH, Flenhurton. Opposite McTavisk's Oarriige Shpp. COPYFUGHTS. I OBTAIN ipwimae In th nUnl biuliMM. r. tloiu .tri.-i IT mnBrtiiiitial. A lla4lwk formation rancwrnin* Paicala and bow to ok. tain thm nnt fiM. Alto mulciM of ir-n-hia- leal and Mlentlie books wot fra* i-alenu tak tbroin Munn * Co. nfetn MoUltntlMlBtk* HrUiltle AmerlruB, and thus an brought WI.I.IT birnratli* public with- jmt en* to tEs hiTMitor. Thu iptwtdld MPOT, Inuisl wimklr. l6a-antlT Illutrmtwt. bu I.T far i hi lanM ojraalailno of an? soicutlto work In th world. M a TW. Sanipl* plaa Mot fra*. Bulldlnf IC.Hli,.n m,.i,lhlT. 1 50 a ;ar. Hlnfl* iinM. 44 owiu. KTMJ BunbW eontalm tmi*. lful platsa. In mlora, and tih<itnr|,ha of ti , witb plans, miai.Hiig huiidn to show Ik* OUR MOTTO GOOD GOODS, LOWEST POSSIBLE PBICES. \Ve have adiletl to our atock this week a tine aas<M-t*t of a superior e of picture uioukling aud As iistm], is rpceiyiug our best atten lion, coupled with moderate charges J.E.nOORE&CO. Rope Ties Oll'll IRDSIN CO. for B. ' Heavy October with ikchill- ing airs reminds us of ncce88 ' t y f r *'">*' clothing. Some month* go we were busy inak- ing provisions for this season , and ha/e now a most complete range of size? and qualities in underclothing. Our prices are also interest- '" 8 toevt ' ry f 6 ", T, l ' . wants to make a dollar go a j far as possible. ^ e liave a nne as * Rortmcnt of ladies' nn- Shirt and combination garments. If yon want to Bee tbe best overcoat in Canada at the price at our new $5 $10 $15, $12.50 Men's Fur Coats. Mantles Mantles Fur Cytes \ iwd Mantles Will buy a twted suit that would shame the guild that cost double the money some time age. We are now gett- ing the full advantage of the low prices at which wool has been marketed for two years. Will buy a black Wor- sted suit in sack dress or cutaway, or an over- coat the very latest in fabric, style and finish. We libTo cheaper made goods at half the price but wa want to tiau out the best inatei iaU le gantly made. For this amount we can make a suit to your or- der, giving yon as large a range of new fabric? to select from as any firm in this county and made up in best style of tailoring. Art ht guaranteed. Our stock of ladies' and gents' furs will be an agreeable surprise to intending purchasers both for extent, variety and cheapness. The Block ii linkj_v. New mul ityliah Kurmt'iitH at prices xvbiob couimaud attention, but the} urn made to our urdor from selected x.uuple mail- tin aud w cannot replace liuet .>ld out. Stock if (till now but goiag, Ladies' Wool SeaJ Capes, nr... popular ami we W> a tin* range in theie good*. Our 1-nu'k Opponum c ioe. r Btylioli and cheap. We have a variety of other Fun iit Cape, MJMtlet, Vuffi. C.'llurii. Caps, Ac. The lur^i-st TarietT ami .li-p-Ht Hl.wk of Mn 1 Km 'Jaus eer offered her*. MCMI'S Kur Coati II2.30. Wood Stock. Oar I'.ngUth fioodi are now o r* ne '' "F n'l com- prine moat denirabl* lii>e GOODS a K ' 11 aua Wiuler Good Cow Chains P.cst English make from $l.Gt> a dozen up. Cheap at 3 for 20 cents. Cross Cut Saws A good one for $3,-JS, aj;u every one warranted), Axes V I la ve. a fr.\l I ine of the bes . and cheapest axes on hand. Axe handles of all kinds. See our ax* and haiullc at 80 cts., it w a beaut;-, Anothei car load f Fiue Salt just arrived.