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Flesherton Advance, 25 Oct 1894, p. 1

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Jttotmce. TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." " PRINCIPLES, NOT MBN.' VOL, XIV. NO. 686 3N,ONT THURSDAY, OCTOBER 251894. W.fl THURSTON EDITOR* ROPRiETOH " Full as a Tick. Yet, w are filled up with OITJ of the fin -st sleek* v e r seen north of Tor- onto. We have just placed in *toclt Six Dozen Alarin Clocks, SELUXO AT I'ioec. A ftplenJiil stock of silverware bun just been placed on Young men, the wiuUr seasou is approaching. Get your \VKI)I)IX( here a large quantity to select from. We have something exquisite in LADIES' FX>B CHAINS. Fl\K RE PAIRING AS USUAL. Armstrong Bros. = Flesherton. Our Business Directory 6ttfe %1 AIIUIAUK LICESBKS. 144I1H I .It/ or n.-jr- ti o.'Bjoor retidunce of tin 1 un.l.irHiuiiixl. DIVISION COUhTCLS .COMMISSIONER in H.C.. i. Conveyancer, Ac. Notary public. JOHN \V. AUMSTHOSG. - FLB*ttTos. M. C', LLOCGH A YOCXO, Banker.. Mark.Ulu. do a general banking bus- iness. Money loaned at a reasonable rate. Call M It. HAMMOND. i*ot Miwter, Kiniborlejf. CommlMloner for takfnii Atlldsvita etc. Iimure. and loan, money at lowtMt rates. KxeeuteeLeas, Deed*. Wills, tc. promptly, cheaply anil efficiently. n j.spuoi'i.K. I'odtinaater, Pleaherton, Coaiinisiiioner in B. B., Lie ined >uctionur, Conveyancer, A praiM.r mid Muney Lender, Real KstaU aii'l IniHintiii-a Acent. Dowls. Mortgagee. Lea*ee, and Will, drawn up and VnJimi i.nii made uu bort.t notice. Auction Salun attended to iu any poit of the County. Money to loan at low .t rat of luU'i:-Kt. Collection* ittuudail to with pri.iniitn."" and du.patcb Charge* low. Agent for the Dominion btuani.hip Company. i.i-.i;. tirkots fioin Flenhertou to Liverpool, tilanKow. Ijondon or any of the Hritinh port.. 1'arii*" intniidinK to Kmtlaml. Scotland or lrelai:d. will p oatwi ask rate, before piirchaeiiiK their tickt vlnewhere. | I8 KD1TH HICHAHDSON. I'll nil of Roht. Mshr. of Berlin, Itnrmanv. iTom Mm. HrMllBV, o( Toronto l.'utiUBrvatury Mumu Voioa utiltnrui; 1'r.if. Ki'iTHoii. l>t of Toronto, (Planol will ruculVD uu|.llH iu bl.NUINU, VIOLIN I'l- ANO ami OKUA.S J W. FHOBT. Harn.ter. Solicitor. Conveyancer. Ktc. Fleabertou office Next the pout office Hproule'. builiiii.K on Tbundaya. Owen Sound offloe Krimt'. building. T UCA8 A WKIOHT. Barrintara, Soliclton, CoDreyaooeri, etc., Owen s.. in,. I. On.t - - Markdulu, Out. W. H. WHIIIHT. t. n. LITAS. X. B. Klmhorton ofllce, Mitchell'! Usnk. every Wudnnxlay. ittrdiral. TVU ItUTTON. M. n. C. M, M.C. P. * 8.. Ont.. Pricevllle. IluoiiU-nee aud office one door wimt of the Muth <K|,I i-hiirvh.KiiiroH St. OUlca ilayn/1 uiid Blunlaya. TJR. CAJtTBB. M. C. 1' * S., Ont. Phynioian. lurKaon, etc., Kloiliortou offloe- Straiun b ock. lleoiduuce MuuhuW>botal. ^odrtirs. JOHN A. SCOTT. M. B. Member Colleg* Hhvio. A sturgeon* Ontario OraduKte In Meiliclna nf Toronto l'ulvarity, Kellowsl IP Diploma, Po.t Uraduata Medical iicbool aud Honiiltal. C'hioMO. l'i.-n~. * ( evu. ear. noneai.d throat H|ioclally tn-Atwl. HM daaca Maxwell, vlniu Pavaranajn Thurwlaj. 1- An ' .\\. -meets every tint and third Mon day iu each month, in t.hir loduii r,.i,n, chi n-toe'. Block FlaahartoBjul .p., . Oeo JnlliiKton, M. W.; W. .;. Hellau.v. flnsnc'iir W Irwln Itttcurder. Vi.itiiiK Hiutheru invited. ROYAL TKMPLAHSOK TEM HEKANCK naonlar Ceonoll meets oery Bret and Lh'rdTuealav nvenlnu in itach iimiuh i npronle liloek at. s ,, ,. Helm* degree lin.urance) menu -lonthly, ih<> \Vwlnesdav l>recdliiu tin- iftjnil n f each month. SONS OF TKMI'KHAM-K -Thin Beats In Dr. Chrtatee' M,,II O vr newlayeveiiiniiatsp.m. VUltlLi l invited. Iiibiiriiiicu in coiiiii.etii.ii. YM. P. B. A., meet in their hall, Cbrltoe> Block evert fr-it mid thir.l Tlniiiula> in aacb month. W m. Sharp, Mantur. T.Clayton Secretary. N,,. .to, \, K Hall. Btralii'i Ki Iday on 01 W. |.. J P. OTTKWBLL, Veteriunrv Burgeon. Graduate of Ontario Vetarluary Collage. Residence Ncit door ftoutb of Moora'i pianing factory. J F. II A I.STKA H. II. 1) , II. C. A B., Ont., praotloaa at Klui- berley Hliedmatio dlaaaaa* t apeolallty. T\K. MAKY M. BitANDRR U. D. C. M., M.C. P. * s_ Otit, Prleavllla. Office aud rrlcDca oppoalte Huttr' H ;t. 1. CaJI. niuht or day, fvonipilv attandvd. Visits Flsalierton station M lo II, Weda-ssaati. JN LODIiK. No. . ..'., I O (I i-' inputs ii. ClayV.n'K hall ev.-ry Tue 'lay'iiliiu itt s ui'i,., k. Vifcltiii); brnihreuco iliallv Invited. P. 'i AVTIIN, .N. O.; 1). MC-TAVIBH, >i Jklitisliil. J P. MAKSHAL1,, I. n H M l>. H. the let and rl MsrMal' of aaab Month TENDERS WANTED. Tnndeni will b recelvml liv thr un.len.iKMf,.> up tn 10 a. in . th day of Nov . M4. for flllini IroaxrwM with tom. on t-'wulloa. Artoiinviann. (Mprey. In l.ith con. Rp,, inoatlon mv bis ei at tho olflue (if Ui clark of Ariviuamia, Ki..,h,-. Ion. Taadwri IIIKV ho luft with ,ui.i tb rlsrk- i>f Oprv or Artanii.ain Th lowoat or a4i.v ten- der not uecwwuly a HeptM, 1M. (in. . JOHN CI.AUI Joint Commlulonara wiiTEi mm " Una at NUKoKNY KT< CM or SKK| 1'OTATUKM.or bosh, PKKMANBNT ..! H *Y mo tMsiTttiKH to nooii . W >oi, ex lualve territory H T ..u l-h It wll PAY YOt' to writfl ii for Wf in. Proton Mf at ion From our own broken a few rods from startiim and run the full coume without a bridle lakinu an easy second and his rider trying his best Many improvements has been added to t<l , l( ,j, | llm the village during tho pant few weeks. , ,,, , , Neilsnn Bros, have added an addition to Cliurnia their store, with the intention of also enlarging their sUick. They have alao /V " m " Mr '** eorretpandnit. adde.1 a projection to their aawr mill There ,s a dearth of great events in our it is doubtful if WORSTED SUITS TWEED SUITS ALL TO BE HAD AT a projection to Mr. Unwell and Mr. Wyville have also liule oit - v J UK| ""* enlarged their dwellings. llu>re " r " placca where more dis- We are *,rry to have to bid farewell to cu *""" ti4ke l' lac * * '" P" 1 ' !>">' ""' Mr. Wm. Martin, as he has removed to future - We BVur " J ttllo ; "- ar " f I1UW Newberry, but the best c,f friends must "*W** '" I )r<> r ct wliul1 wl " l' 1>c " arf Eugenia in Ms allolud place in tlie . -oin Mr. Sargent, of Toronto, who in visit- " lun ' tv " f cltlM - " e '" t '" nie R1111 ing with Mr. Lyons, is taking advantage P1 "' ""I"'. l"vini< but the of the partridge and rabbit season. of sooi to mark its exi.tence A number of sport* left here for the But ti " " do n<lt des,i.r. hut are still rough, of Muskoka and Parry Sound. bu "> 10tl U I' wlth ' * u '"M". "'> delusive Amonirtt aome of the boys are Mr. K. 1 "'l ) - White, for Muskoka.and A. Khennn. for Tlle ***O ' <i U P"" Mr ^ cV Parry Sound etti P'*" 6 sn ^ siirroumlinirs seems to be , m t budding into a reality. The marl, '.K> pure, and not '.( , aa incorrectly stated { C. J. LEFTCH, Merchant Tailor. PANTS OVERCOATS EppinK. From n'lr (iip.i rorrrtjwniimt. ; TO m your Itst iasue, m aaid to be exception- ally pure, and is certainly valuable as an Mrs. Gilray, wife of Mr. R-.b-rt Cilray, important ingredient in cement. Mr. J.P., who was reported so ill at last Meldrum has received some important writing, paawnl to her real i>u Wednestlay information re tlm manufacture of ei.meni tho 10th inst, at the ae .-f 78 years, from Mr. R. J. Diyle. the proprietor of Deceased was a native of Blair Athol, the cement works at Shallow Lake. The Perthshire, Seotland, where she lived material tlu-r extends over a space of until :ifler her marriage. The funeral (KK) cro, from !'_' to 15 feet in depth, or took place ..n Knd.-iy the ll'tl,, t.. Thoni- n estimate of 15,000,000 tons. Mr. bury and win* larsely attended. Rev. J. D,iyle stales there are more than 100 1 F. McLaren of Temple Hill church, con- ,[[ ae|.8its in Canada, but not .,f ducted i short service at tlio house, and sufficient magnitude U. warrant setting tin. funeiiil sermon m Sunday u[ , works, which, according to the lowest lat at Temple Hill. The de- estimate would cost 16,000. Mr. Duck- leaven ah a^ed liimlwn.l ami a ett informs us Unit marl is found MC irus family of six cons and Sve daughters to of fuct deep and extends over a lar^c area, m.'iiin her l..*s. :., whom thesympalliy of H.) is persuaded that the other earths the community i.s extended. suc |, M m . siliciate of which is necessary I F. A. Baker Rev. Dr .Shaw, of the Mission Rooms, ( en ter into combination, are to be Tonnit.., gave a lecture in tho church f,,u Ul l .u w ,.||. Ktf.irts art. being made here on Tiienday evening o last week, which will result in more definite infor- | The .i". n.l. n.-.- ;i' small owm^ to the umtii.ii noon. fact that it b.-uiiii to rain just about the j| r Hamm, of Kimberley, has been time the im-etin,' was t<icommenc. The enitagea as successor of Mr. Johnson, Hcant audience did not effect tbo Di .'s who resigned some time ago, at a salary eliM|iieiKo, however, Riid the lecture was of I3HO, including sweeping and fire light j listened to with tho greatest interest by : ing. Thin is a reduction of $35. VOI-R- Fall Suits -AND Overcoats As I have started up in Merchant Tailoring. I hare a tine line of black and fniu v*. Worsteds and *e.,i< |, >,.,-.... in l)la<-k and bin*. Before buying M.UI IjiMMlH call and see me. The pnctw i. l(.w us the lowest. Kniiu in ymir cl..tli ai-,I get it made up autl trimmed. All w..rk mwranteetl as usual. No charue lor cut- lint; goods purchased from inc. F. A. Baker Merchant Tailor those present. Mfufonl, wat Mr. l!i-\. Mr. Wullwoml, of alto the pastor, r m. A youn^ Mr. Williams has arrived at Mr. Jos. Williams', and Joe is smiling. The fiiigKina F B.C. played a picked team from Maxwell, Feversham ami U<ih Roy, which resulted in a draw. It was a swift name. The proceeds of the harvest home on the 15tli mat. wan 9'J7.i<i, which testified From iir turn <'i>rrfj>fxnnlrnt. The l.lsprev farmers' mill is doini{ ruHliinj; businesH just now. .. . , that thu annual uathuring is about or We had (iintH a fall of snow Saturday as popular as over. .inn Siiinlay, but it is all gone now. We had tw<. inii-riiients on Sunday in this neighborhood. One, Mrs. Kdward ll.-inley, who diod on Kriday after a ling- on in > and PIGS STRAYED- Strayed from the pramlm of th umler- niKiiMd. th nrmt wmk in Hwptember. two whita |.ii". liitorinatiiiu as to their whuraabuuls will IIM thaukfitlly raoeimd by Kiiubsrley. i , M. Hmonii. TOJRENT- Store in Pevenbain with lariii;anif>n. Apply to J. PAUL. ' Kevenham, Oct. 9 Lambs for Sale, The undemgneil haa a larnv utinibar of wll hrml LaMntsr ram lamlnfor al for brwhuK |.MII. .. . which will bu i>i|iu>,m| of ..haa Apply to .IAS HTKW IUT, v 1- C. Mr Krank Heninan. owner of the trad- ornii< illneHs itii cancer, and Mr. Thus, ti.g schooner, " l.;,ily of thu Lakes, '' hud Saigeon, who died on Kriday after a anvxpurience last Saturday evening winch i shurt illnuiw i.f iiiHaniination ot the lungs. ! he will not soon forget. As he wan mak Mr. Saigeun was an old and respected ing for Tln.rnbury on tho way from Parry ruKidentof the t iwnship of Uaproy, hav- Sound hix was caught by tho storm j nij,' inov.'d t . (>4|>ruy from Kin township about 10.30 o'clock. The masts weru' ami'iiLi tin! early suttlurs and resided on blown completely off, causing the boat to lot 24, con. 10, iiinil his demi*- He Mr. H>inman, with great prenencv luaves hehinu a luifi) family consirtinu of O f mind, xiabbed a rope belonging tu the rive dauuhtt-rM and three MMI, to mourn rigxiiiK, and adjusting it abuut his person, the loss of a father . Thuy nave the cynr tied himself U) th boat. For hour* he ptt.hy of tho whole community in their in the water.the waves sweep- s id lierimvnieiit i K uvur him like hutfe mountain*. It Ge irge loels .1 ry proud of the su ccexn a near daybreak Sunday morning when f il career he lias had durum the iinncnt t . boat, with Mr. Uenjnan in tow, drift aon's fuirM wiili his celebrated running od aslioru near Delphi. Mirror, home. Kin,' .lumen, havinu aliendifi five > James Thompson, who was arnmted on exhibition* with the f<iilowiiii< results: a charge of anon in setting fire to the ' Clark-tbiirv. takii it 1st piiite and Hein a OHUII .Sound Cement Co. 's buildings at general favoiilu on the gn-und, Walters S inllow Lake, came up for hearing he- Falls, h liiliiig a HOIK! pimilinn anu beHtutg tore Gtn>. Price, J, 1'. , yesterday after-' aome of tho bet liorsus in part; Men- noon in Mr. Price's jfHoe. Conmderable ford, takm.' 2nd pnxu and boaiiiHt the ovidenue was given, none of which was best horseit in that part i>f the c mnty ; very strung agninat the prisoner. The Shelburne, giitMt the grHtest. vwiory of mmtrate decided, however, tu wnd the i II, taking t)nMr*pri!!e Hasily from the ue case up for trial.- Time*. lrt lKnv.iib>11ainl .lai: |nel ..f Ihin.laik, The proprietor of the QIIMII'B Hotel, and we uudemutiid would have distanced Wisrton, wa* Hnud DO for breaking the them bad there been a distance post liipior liceium act, aud R. Abraham was on the rrauk, and thin victory WH fined 18 SOfor aikiog for liquor, knowing wax gmneil in the :-.* of that tho hotels lutd Wn notified not to groat op|niiioii. Uniidalk. King .lanni give him any. was entered a-^ain auailiat the HIHH horm-a, Twl e huga, htlongnif to Ja*. Dnwd, R venhill M4 J<|uol, and wnti hrt Chatsworth, died wymcnotMly )at week, hajaieawl*, in Monml hext IIM wtijockay- It is thouuht they wer* poisoned and an d off the tiaak, fjkia rJiird knit bo met invest u Mtion ui in [noiireaM. Mr. tUj ttwmmf.-rtui.tof ^uiM|ht ImJIo {<* wUl amount iu KNKWiKTlC MN tt> .)! our ohoio* kQil cuinplettt liue of Nursery Stock ami Bead potkt oea. HiKbnit lary and com minion paid weekly, |>a>ini; nuil purmanent poutioa ouaraateed and nuuvaiw aaeurad to niuii. Ipaalal IndaeaovMiM ta iMwinnern. i'xpiiriiini'.u not iitwaMuu-y. Kxcluiilva tumoritv and your OMB* choice of snm KIVHII. Do nut Uroweri A Propagator. KOCHKHTKK, N. Y. Farms for Sale. Lota .14 and 35 In the Tib oonoeuion o* tho township nf ArUtmeaia, two bnndrt,d acr,n known a* tho Kinuliori. Kitate. Apply to M. BlcHAUiaoN, Klch,.rton. Admmitrator FARM FOR SALE. Valuable farm for naJe. lot 18, con. If., P'oton oonHiivinu of 100 acres, of which JO am cleared ami remainder ood'lwtwMl htmh. (iood i<i; houna and stable and good well on premises. Hituated about milnnfrDm DiimUlk and 3 front Proton Station. Church and school convenient. Temir to suit purcbaaar. J< HN POTRH. Ixil 7 con. is, Proton. Swiuton Park 1 . Q Hapt.M, til.

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