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Flesherton Advance, 27 Sep 1894, p. 8

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THE FLI8HIRTON ADANCI (AVEN SOUND, ONTARIO, >* -The Ver.y Hest FLACK JX CANADA TO OKT A Bosiiiss [Won, Take 1{ound Trip S3., ft:,.^ [ - i'olllSWa ll l'oimCl*J U|rtlii'jnt- 111 I'anwla. lllfl Ylull li N4ri>>r Uuloil''ll(j. . cumnie ery- tliiau tli.inxuili!> If wo fall 1<> proluwi tlie uh, oomp'K>. practical ami *ln . 'iurof tuJ ihe b <v.ll<>< prviuiwM kuil t^o li*t soil mot* iniplat* mini maul lull- Ufuri.Uf and illline. we will K>V> you . full i ftin rHK . Kor Asul AIIIK.UUCO lull particular*, free. xlilrM C. A. FLEMING,' I'niK Ipnl. Eugenia Mill* Carriage Worts. ' Cam agte made and Repaired, aleo Placing and Matching, Band Saw* ;u. Wood Turning cif every dea- criptlc n. Planing and Grain Chop- ping done while yon wait, for tn* * Beaver tarn* tne wheel. " . W H 1 1.SON MMftrr A FAMILY GROUP PHOTOGRAPH I %.^%%%%^^%^%-v I I !-; hilly e<|uip|>'d with re- (juisites fou turning out y per- lect class of work. All kinds of pictures taken and finished irt a style equal to any city Work, while the prices are lower. Future Framing (toiib in all its branches. If you have shopping to do ami |>ir:ti:res to gel taken on the same day please attend to the latter first. Careful ;it tenti'Mi will he t;iven to copy- ing other pictures. Mrs. Buhner. To the Public. iiitr rnt<td Whitton'ii blacksmith li..|i I, i .1 I.-MII (if venrn. I mi lluw in n ji... I mi, 1 1 i .1 i'i (D ml wttiiiK in my line. Horseshoeing: a Specialty. Satisfaction Guaranteed Kuc a lythni,' in dm lil.iokHinJtliinj line oall un I A. HIT The Kaitcedy Man one time when he aukiii a little Ixiw-'n arry fcr mo, Baya, "M hen yuu'r* big like ymir I'a is, Air you gu' to keep a tine Mure like hi, An' bo rich muruhant, an' wi-ui tiuv cloth's, V* what air you yo' tu be, guodnem ki>owa :" Au' 'IKMI If lautthvd at 'Liiabeth Ann, An' I ), "I'm KH' to bit a Katfxedi I'ai iit no u> be a m; Ka^gedy Mau ! " Mn '. Tb little buy of James Whitcombu Rilry'i <|uamt htl) poem wMCt-tiamiy uuaiiphiiiUcated unversed in the 0011- v ( MII hit iniii i if later lifs. Tim Kugumiy nuui luui iiupireU hit byiih adinirarkm and wa* JUKI hm ideal nf what it was nice and pleastul to be. Fur : ' The Rjiguetly liau, he know* most rhyiuea " An' U lit 'm, il 1 be yond, iii>- timoa " An' nmi In- pajea in iHtr uarden, oo, ' An' tW-H muct thin.-s 'MI Uiy CHII'I HI'.'ltK. do.-- Ah, liter* in the last line is the secn-t <>f the bny'i aduiirnifc'ii moat l-y lok forward U> doiiw "*Uen I'm a nuui" jul those tliniu* they can't do now. And Uiey are uiic<iurgd tn think nf and ti-ll what tln-y ill !>-. The thouKhtful pareuts, knowing llmi hu niiwt linvu a vncittUHi and he a fa- tor in the >;rrt world of work, benr in mind IIIH yimttitul )iredileclioiiii and throiivih In* yrowin^ )uars he hears hinuuU re- ferred to iw> the |.<il*ntil doctor, Uwy*-r. liillli-l, T " \\ll-n you cull btkptlle xtoii- (or, in lyliaii tin- f;mn) off my haixln un I itiuit." In miort his iittuntiiin i> MM mil in KoiiK' one ilirrctioii ainl in unattiiiHt ion he M-M InniM'lf WIMMUI; lliu K"* 11 "' "in\ li'ann-il frifiwl," vowing the seed, or ^Biding tti.- >nl slick. How alxiut tin- litrl- maid ' PO.-N any k In i uhil -In- 11 kfoliif to IKI Hi.d do in ilnn l.n- hiie in which tliett- ihouUl ! no tlruiie* f And ihould the ifhyly lin.(.tr her ill't. I 'lllliittl.'ll t WI\lll Itml HMII lltltllfH ( frfn-n' .iinliiti"ii "I my own t tliu KKC of III) dOH n).'M' INft.ll, jHloll ! Il, I I. HI I ulilr (I, nil.- t" In- of nf ' Not Kuneml tiling, till ni-itiinii-j tln>U|{lit leinU IHT to rh e Something fi which khe IntitH tnlent. Imt wt.hh CMI in MI \ lo th/il --vonl when II will l<e of I'lui'lii il, I'ti^l itnd-l>ii"i i . lining value o tier Tli fond parent tlnnk-i, il he i|.if not nny, she nli, ill i,e>.-i hns,- t.. li-.ivr In-, liini-e to iniUk- lit-i own way until ulii' exolinn-ji-s H for n of her own ; Ho 1-h.i is iiliowi d t>> lr;tt. t .1* iv h- r l-t "i IIMOII IH d-l 1 iiM-l ii \.u ii-fy .if silliJi-.-t^, no on e of winch hu will ever know well ri|ou;;!i to coin nmiiil ii (.vice for nriil iit '_tl v.'nn* of H^* IH il uny w ..... l.-r that K lni.ln iiiin-l lin..- iu>elf unable to conceiilratc ' JuK alMiut tliii time it m borne in >i].on the parents nt a inohtlly largu aim ex- |iei,Mn family M.iinl must K-nin oM^Otblllg, 01 in. HI' j n 'i.lhiy llii! I'MIJ; IIM. til. Ii il ili".llr lu,-itkN out ll'olll t i i- till hi IM if. Sliu culi ulioui aiiioiiii tin- ininiy adowtiiplishuienfs i-f winch kin- hit* .in i lU^aul .-III.IIUTIII.' mid tinds tlieru IN nut niiu wliu:li link a In.tiket \'ue. Jual nt llic IIIIK- wlicii the family IIKH giowii in i i i-\|i. 0- 1- 1-, u is found nevoMMry to xi'liil Mmiil HWiiy to nut s|iecllil llnill ih|j I. 'I In i M IK hicli IIHH In'en > lolix ... l-Ml'i >ln' l-,,HP-i U|i..|i It Wltll II ii. .ml |iM-tly full of otlit-r tiling*. NVit'i H nlunili-r |niii>i-, ilrut* i, ,|<iu, n gi.o<l deal of ilii.n-^lit and nhi> li'iinittl lo no n larn-tj of littht iliin^^ in Mi,- way of un. proving l.i-i \..u.ii..i.i- Tim tune and athMltiuH f(uui her aiinlivn. Dr noi uni'itiiuiilly iliu IH liopuv,' lliat H|I. \,M\ inert I'linci- t'Likiiniiiu mill an In- ivlii \, M ol llin iiuvvMiiy for piuting t.i unit tier |miiifnl;y m<|inruu skill. knoKH llut In i .in, piwcihly fr..ui i-S|ifnkivu ninmeiH, IH n itliil ilniin on tin- hoiiif i.\,-li,-, ( i,i'|- uiiil that she IH t*yni|> vainly In ii ( ,(,uri! ill MX un>iit!i.i Imt inivnt l.n.i- i.t-i'ii v'l'idu.illy Mini uli-oi l,.,i in mx vnai-M nf vhildhiMHl. It he hai chum n ..lie of tin urla, they *ii- ol ull tliii,|(i ni.*t 'einuiiiiu of tiimi nnil l-i' - in-, , anil tin* ni<t dilu'ent wi-rkn- i- n. M. it a..,. in.- i he rkill alUtr t.-ii\, wl.irh sIloiiM IIAV,. |,r, ii h,'i.ui. In f. .i. Tlli-l,. I. .ii, lilt I'.' M till- i|Ut<stl"ll ,.f II. .Ill, , alt. I nil il,. l,liKet Itrin, in litf,. Hit; a vi I iiffny ( i,. mi !!.. ll.ll h htltei Imil Mnint'H |. ait ills witelK-i! eui-t fully her IXNteii anil HIIIII. mil-., it'y 14111 HI i, n, e<l HII,) tactfully (ilainl hrfoi e li.'i ii.iiii. i. in. ilrtinite object for wliieh 'i>- nil ht arrive, and imvinir fully ilitt>-riinnfil her tiwtu or la'i-ir. In in nil then ene"_'ifH lit Its rubiva-i beginning ywars beforn nhe hud entrd dtir teens, or M ftooll M it Jila'ii'y M!I. .Weil itaelf Knowlrd){ii i* timply iilaoilieil dm-ii-u tniiilur ya. ; n.iii| nriiluely little |.i.u-tire iimkin haliit ee.. mil nmuiv then ; the mind la cure flee anil tinker* me nimble am) f>ea ran i.. rn<i> mmle in M. e |.ro|.oiti..n, l.atnioiiy nn-i culor, hv Simply !.avmi( their attemion drawn tu eiternal Imaaty. Then no matter how pr<Hcient a prl in in any nuocul branch, is he any lea ti(iiipt>ed fur the duti^a til wife Mid mother? Ifay, a thuusnnd time* better. lUiwIm there Iwve been known to lie am h pH-iple m widow* in th* world wiiluws with ilnlilr. n dvpondiUK upim i hfin, mid with nothing !> tin n to. Wint a proH|ict '. have hen known to take to ves winna Kqi>i|i a girl folly for the world you need imt wnrry almut leaving her M fnrm, or H lrt;. hm.k atvmint , for which itoine Uxy butiv* will marry her If not you neod not be anrprisi-il to (.ml her a itiiddleaged "lUti^edy" woman. _ Dor. A lloi.ii |S) HorwilM-n. One b.ttle of K/ii^imli SpHvi-i Liliuneiit fi.inplelely removed n curb frnai my horso. I uke plriMii-it in reconniirndiiii; the > ltact>> with iny.trri.iiis prompt nea in the removal from horHe of haul. ft or cal- loused lump*, blond *[>v in, *|>lints. curbs, nweeny, aliflva and spTaiim. < iMiKiit Roav, Fnraner, Maikham, Hn( Sold by W. E. Uichard>ii, Drug-jut. "Only the Scars Remain/ 1 Bays Hcnrr HCDCON. of the James Smith Wuolen Machinery Co., Philadelphia, Pa., who certi- fies as follows: " A:nonsf llio many Uwtimoni- aJs which I aco I In regmril to nr- Itain mt-.lii iiii'j Iperformtng [cures, cli-anmiig llbo liloo.l. etc., I nona iiiiprcs* mo DUTO than my (own case. I Twenty ycsrs o> ut the " s9 ufHyars, IliaU iwelliugs cutua on ru y legit I which brokr unit becam.- rnn- Inlns; sores. I Our family phy- sician coiil.l (lo me no good, and. it was (eared that tlu bones would ba affected. At last, my gooil old Mother Urged Me to try Ayer*s SamarMU-llla. Itookthrro bottlra, the aorefl liealcil, and I liarn not I .-. n in.nlil. il sin. e. Only tho scars remain, and tli memory of tho I'.iM, to reiiilml mo of the good Aycr's BaraaparlUa hafl done me. I now weigh two hundred and twenty Iinml, anil am in tho r>o<t of health. I have been on tlui roaii for the pest twelve years, hare mnlicnd Ayer's Sar- nparflla aJven iseil In all parts of the I II.IM! Btatra, anil alwnya take pleas- nro In telling what good it did (or me." Ayer's Sarsaparilla Pnpandby Dr. J.C. Ayrr fcCo.,Lewll,Maia. Curesothera, will cure you DON'T DESPAIR DODDS' KIDNEY '.. PILLS WILL CURE YOU W fuarinteo TV1d' Kldnev Pills to cut* ray cue of Bnahl'i Pi'tatc, PlaMtr*. I.umhaa. t>r,,pv. RMnmattfiiv Heart Dliwin*. Fcmate Trouble! Impure Illow) -of nwnty rl"ix<4. SoM by all HfaUrt In nirdlclnc, or by mail oa racelpt ol rule. 5ui. pcilux. or Six lin|j MJ. R. t. A. SMITH U CO.. Toronto. Repairs, Repairs ! D. McTAVISH, FLESHERTON, HOKSKSHOKK AND GENERAL BLACKSMITH, KEEPS o\ HAND Repair! for .lavsey Harris, and Noxon, Reury and Wilkinson Bros- Farm Ipanfements. I*loiw: Klfury and Verity on hand all the tirne.also all kinds of repair* for I!M> name. We manufacture \Yngjn*. l^tfies, OftMera. SlfixliH. etc. Bonaflboaing promptly aitmded to. H(*inl uttenlionto tender contracted feet. Lotnrinjr and 1'l.iw Cliaii8 eoiinUntly on liana. To th< in or all inleixlin* pnrehanera of * f Buggies, Carts and Democrats I faint lo call jonr attention to mv i|fiiiff trek. Kimllj give inr a call and yon will be convinced. I u uothing but fitst-das-j material Come and jud^e for YOIII wires. Repaiiiog strictly attended to. also painting and rctriuioimg. B. T. WHITTEK 1 , Flesbertoa. A Mothers Beautiful Child Dragged Nearly to Death's Door by Severe Nervous Disease Suffered Extreme Pain in the Head Doctors Could Do Nothing South American Nervine Called in at the Eleventh Hour and Restores to Health Little Annie Joy, of West Toronto Junction The Qreat Remedy is Reducing the Death Rate of All Canadian Cities. MISS ANNIE JOY, WEST TOHONTO JUNCTION. A bright little lad, or golden-hnired distressing at times as to render her girl, is the delight of your home, completely helpless, sapping all her Whether you revel in riches, or know : strength. The best skill of the inot something of the privations of hLilled physicians was called into poverty, that child is all the world to I request, but little Annie steadily you. It is no wonder that mother grew worse. Becoming more hope- ami father became anxious when less and discouraged ai the weeks sickness overtakes the little one. went by, Mrs. Joy decided on trying The remedy, fathers and mothers. South American Nervine as almost a ii iieur by. South American Nervine last resort. Employing her own has been the means of giving back words she said : " I determined! to the bloom of youth to thousands of give it a trial, althou e ! 1 felt i\ was sulV.M in< little ones. It is not a useless.' 1 medicine that buoy* up the parents' j _ , I\> clav it is all happiness around hope-.only to have them inaahort tune that home, for before one bottle of daaheil down again lower than ever. | Whether with child or adult, it . .. i IIU'VItT"! %*~IISS UO *\1ILI|T- Will SMI VWW SSJ VW promptly gets at the seat of all . . . show decided signs of improvement, disnnse, which is the nerve centres. _,....,. , The child has taken three dottles and tii-ally regained her natural health and vigor. There ia nothing surprising in the fact that Mrs. Joy cannot speak too highly of South American Nervine. Much waa at stake, but this wonderful discovery proved equal to the emergency , andsoitdoea in ev?-y case. Thousanda of letters on tile . , icine had lvn taken, the , mother tells us Anuie commenced to Fiom this fact in it is peculiarly , . has pract the treatment of ner- vous diseases of man, woman or child. A recent case is that as told by Mrs. M. A. Joy, of West Toronto Junction, whose tittle daughter Annie, aged 15 years, bad been a sufferer from severe nervous depres- sion for aboat two years. As witti all mothers, no trouble and expense ' front well-known citizens prove tfci. was spared in the effort to bring I p or nervous diseases of young or fed, relief to the child Tha little one Sf I f rom whatever is an aU fsred extreme pains ia the head, so LsoU'Udr infallible onra For If ale by "\Vm. Ii icha rc1on.

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