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Flesherton Advance, 27 Sep 1894, p. 5

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THI FL18HIITOH ADVANCE J O ill en <>i GEO. MITCHELL 'ft KHMER rt.V A (0 -! fcvki ( h *inv*. t rr*, >! 4> I eh .<|U ce**wta o.l rat** jny aUtyi ava lible for UHJiru-.t.) bliJ OrWT. i. lo Uri nertk 'f Kiaar4sii*CV< Vicinity Chips. Charat le risrtr* f the rt Werk * arrfulU uHrd r the *mog l<l* icM lit <ti Hit rat' -4 I He per luu fvr .I rrf-*Wm i ** Homy for naie, in eana. Un ..(.nda lo- one dollar. At thin oA.ce. J. A. firming. dental student, .< Stay- tior, wa t caller an Friday, while m his way from Clinton to k.. fconie p=:r wkeeL Mr. John Wright, jr. ppl'c*'" f " r the positwn i'f tMililf by Mr. A. S. Van- -lujutn's resignation, has received *he Several article* kae bawii t.tkfn fnmi the hoop *nd v. neer null at Eugenia. S.iniethiii.i to interest th* guilty partlo* will be seen in our adverti-mtu; colemiw. Mr. A S has received the appointment of DIVKI m I'mirt clerk, aa fon9*iiad*ed in The Advance U't werk. Thi ner clerk entered ji->n his daties on Monday. __ The Oil uf L*f and a IH.UI who made fos, BIJ forth on the square Saturday v*mu;. It H da.btful which hail the greatest virtue which same n safin* utility little ' T the nj. Several farm* are being ad*ertiel in theae c -Juinii^ fur sale i t< let. T vance it becoming rec ionised a* a Hr.t cLun I'.odiuia thrnuij'i which to 'ln;'" "* any property. and scrsral ale have lately been fmuiumtted thrnugh thi* medium <!rand awtanin millinery ujwiiin.'. Mrs. Trimble has a most brilliant display vf high class novelilies this ei->>ii Slie xtend< * cordial invitation tu all her friends. Opening days, Thursday and Friday, fall fair d*y. Neil d'n to U Ti-intble's fteaeral st >re Rev. Mr. Itii|wrt wan called to Toronto List wek tu attend the funeral of hi* lirother's wife, who did with cancer. HIM jiul"il wan supplied by a Im-al in the nioriiiu^ u Sunday and Ky Rev Mr llulfour, of the Kimberley circuit, IB the it niug Mr. Andrew Bentham met with a naty little accident at a threshing last Thurs- day. The rim of h s hit caught in a .a> wheel and jrk*d ki* fi*eh;d aaiiit the wheel, cutting * t*uinch >;ah on his firvhi-ad. It a< a *>l<d thump and dazed liuu for a few moments. W.ien he ..tine to hiiuxelf his hat wn t.irnin.' i'ltnerKiult* around tho wheel, and IIP thanktJ kis tmrs very fervently that his lieftd wiw not still in it. Mr. and Mrs. \V. Strain returned on Saturday from a seven-weeks i*i' to their sons in l>ko'A and M >:il;iti. Mr Stniu nifi>ni4H The Advance Vhat they liiul a very enjoyable time and found their buys doing wall out we*t. Dakota and Mimtana, Mr. Strain nays, are wtaentially ranching tate, but fur fanning he still fceU'et-ex that this township can hold 1's MWII *itli any country in the. world, anJ he is still I y ally attached tu his Canadian home. Secretary Sproule and his staff have Wern very busy for some days taking in entrim for East Grey fall tair, which coined off to-day and tomorrow, aa.l v<Tythiug promise's a ln* thi< year. The grounds have been improved, a new fence having also bavin? been i- reeled inside the track to keep back the crowd Mr. McCarthy and Maj. l>ela mere ill be here. More than the oidi- nary mimher of attractions hve been provided ihis year, and Flesherton should. >i> KrnUy, see such A crowd of people in town M 'he hat never seen before. "Vh; mu-ht have been another ;onrt.;'ntion for Kleaherton nocurnxl on 5Stimt-<v when Mr. Wm. Henderm' manure heap wait found to be on (ire. The %Uuig wind was fanniuu thj name ai(*in*t ne bn ! IHIB, and when observed the board* *er quite blackened. A few lUiiuil- - n,.re and the ^fire would IIAVO b<vn > -ncl -.iitri'l. no doubt rvsuhing in th* ii -truotion . DaiuUe <V \\ rig .; s Uvo > and othr pn>pi-rty. It was a D.irr i> u>d fortunate encl>e. The I in" ' - (ire iaa mystery. Mr. and Mrs. Ge->. P*rk , of thi* village, e!*ljr*:d thir uoldeo wedding rtii Fri- day evening, 21tt ini>t., wtwii a v<try plrexaut tinte was p-t. A nnuiber uf cluldn-a and [{rand children were |>rNetit. Mr. ml Mi*. >*ik we e the recipients of ..i.! very hai>*l<4uf proeBts. After all had . nj V.--1 taeiiutelveit to a late hour the liatbi-iiii'.' divperwii, wiKhuig the bride and grouiu all joy an.i liapviuetta, each _ f -i.-t takinx *y a piece of bride's tu dreauj u} otau< will "uBieut rif ht, ' 1 1 tint tlie tiae you rige tiU you retire. IVu tu uue tli* tnmUe is m yv>ell. Vur i< in bad condition, auJ every cj;au in ooiuequruce. U hat yi.u nrvil i> lin^ mduenee u( Ayer's tHalfst Methodist for many ye^rs, and hxr funeral tiM.k place to the Methudiat cemetery it Maxwell mi Friday last, ac- . eompanied by a very large uoncouna of i BcifliboiK an 1 friemU. She paaaed .away J fru life just a* A dver will fade, with ' nut pin of any kind, gradatlly growing weak and weaker until the untans of life silently and unexpectedly eeaneU to per- form their functions. The deceased lady was ery highly respected and th be- reaved family hare the deepest sympathy uf all iu their great lust t at of m .ili-r than hich 1,0 greater lo can be sun- tamed in thin m-orUl of l>ses and At Oc^uude hall, T<>r>uTo. last week, judgment WM rnndiW in favor .if Mr*. Maitlia Thibodo lu lr Miit amtiant her former husband, Lou* Na|jwleja Thilxtdn. to enivrue tke |*yuiet of aliny. The defendant n a ica^>l imelier t Pmp<-ii. .. and forinerljr f .!!.. d tlie sume J III AlbtlHtl:l tu*ahl(l, '.:.\ c-.nniy In l>ect-inlMT. ls!r_', while his wife's suit f'<r dixurcu slid alimony was pemiinx, U' - tMnst rre<l bis piiipvity in liiiy county < Ciieater *. Martin, nf Ithaca. Mich., am] thi lady couM not iu covrr mi her judifiiient. The ci>ur' pM- nounced the tiarnfer of Thi'oodo's pro- perty illegal sn<l iJie ex wife also gebt her costK. Tl<il*>d< hm iiiarrietl a Miclii- ^an lady since kis divorce. Th* <!]< o! Mearity spiinst ii.|.h-w PHI STfeai-ws from croup aud bmaehitis. fell by thw who a^e p.o\uli*l with a butllu <if Aver's Clierry Pectcral, urmld He cheaply purchased at ten Um >!i- tout of tliat ri-ui- rily. lu ail IUBS oum|ils,ati. il i prompt t act Mil sore to CIT. Mr W. A Mi.liurn. if thi. town. w. (worker with M.-. J. H Heinl.V Bnn<. has reix-iv e-i an Kt*n i iiu- notoriety during the past week br l*ma written vp a a pickpocket, conbdence man and crook by the Toronto Empire. Mr. Mil bums private affairs tun. were wurteii p ( the information >( ome husyl>U win m.ide it their biKinena to teU the detail*, aiul who informed the Ln. ;.' that Mr. Milburu must have I. ad lut mental i'.cul'n- unp-iirwl by a dis.-i^|>oiiit- in which ;k vnuuij lady figured. Thr facts of the matter ar these : Mr. Milburue was boarding at a restaurHiil ilurinit *- hihiiion week iiud had h's poHtoHice s.iv- iiigH bank bimk and twusdk liaiidkeri-hivfa stolen from I i valise by a thief who raised a sum "I m mey on the bo .k from a druyx"' '"' 'hei.<l 'umselt >lf as Milbun , playing a confidence ifiuue with several citueiw uf West Toronto Junction. lie made apphca'Jou at Ottawa for Mil burn's moiiey, and came very near itettinx it. but Mr. Milburue hut stopped paymeii' by teWitraph. Tho thiof was run to ground at Bniiii;>toii on Saturday list and is n iw languishing in jail there. M Mdburn fi-i-N very sore o\^>r the wr*-cUi-w way that tin Tornuto Kmpire made une of I it naine. MarKcUle Tlw >;ieneln fall fair wA held t Mark dale ill Friday lust. The exhibition wan only f inly .iKVi'-tsful. and nt up to the result of but yetr. The exhibit in the hall, with the exception of fruit, wait meagre. Fruit wait good in quantity and i|U.ilny. The exlnbitoni were Mewtni W. Norton. Jn*. Br<d>v.J in. Stow- ;r , J. I Grnhum and Alex. Muir. Mr. M Jir U a fn I fsincier and took three oratu and three seconds in that claan. The tx- hlhit of horses uoiil.l not be called good, although sme handwime animals were shown In she;>. pfjs and cattle rhe how wan small, although some splendid Miiin.iU were exlnlnied. and also some hue p.M of sheep. The Maikdale baud gave good muou- tbiouyhout the day. Tiiere were a't i <f fake* HII the ground, but the people did not appear to bite freely, and the fakiix had a aid, fnr. away l<*tk. liku peoplo toarchiini for greener pastures. Clarksburg fair UMIIK- offon the mtine diy, and this f.u;t of coiirsu interfered wi'h th - show to a cor tain extent. Me* ALUsmn lnf>p-i'> "il \v*liiwwlwy. Hr^i 19th arali .Uu. buluveU wife or Cleurge AHUM . aMU 01) yoari. MIM Allwter was bum in the township of Scar binu. ill the year 1829, he* parents | being of I t Loyalist st vk Her j maiden lum n MiOinn. She ws* ' married to Mr. Alli^dT forly eiuht >-ais ago, and settled wit'.i him on lot 13, con. 8, I >sprey, 1804. Mrs. Allmta-r leaven a husband anJ :i family if nine chiklrvii 6 boy* aud U girls, the youngent agwi > l.t-r own d*th beiny the Ant break in ,tho t.unily. Mi>. A.aUjr hid twjii a HHn l-.-lreaning Kid- aey ai.u Bladder diseaaai relieved lu six hours by tli " lireat Sutb Amencan Kiilney Cure. '' Thus new remedy is a great >r prise and delight on account of its excelling pri^oiptnees in relieving pain in the bladder, kidneys, hack and evi-ry part of the urinary patsagr* in njaleor fe- male. It relieves retention uf pain in paseiag it a)niost immediately. If you want quick relief and cure thin w youa reine.iv. S.jld by W. E. Richardson, l'l;> aMK ASTRAY- ram* to tin promiMwof tlM undoroigned. lot \i*. iii.l raav K T * s K.. no or about Sopt. lit. twu PIKK. Tu* owner i raqu*stMJ to provs . |>*vip*BM<auil taka tbusausawmy .V TATLOU Notice. i; ,- i M-_:, i.u Mill. To ll 1 T.TI at tb |wrtia who have in ;>.MSMsioa*<ui4rv article* tokeu from tb viMr Mill In KtMvuia. if MI i article* *r ro terued to O I Ht:in..i tilt cut-toijtaj] uf tbn mill, r IHM .in.- w.vk !- r -i tii.-i- ti-in will b lakno. Kut tn4li*x t c.uuiov vilh tin*. i:.-ii.-i. >>rocefi~ ink- !<! taJiru tAlluc tb HiU'l : rtm. wbo tnki'owu. BOOTS AND SHOES FOR THE FALL. To the people who want good Boots and Shoes and every- thing in that line, try CLAYTON'S Because his goods are cheap and good, and has received a large lot of fall wear of Boots, Shoes, Slippers and Rubbers. A Isa a lot of first class Men's Homemade Long Boots on hand. Custom work and repairing promptly attended to. FLESHERTON Sporting Goods. Ouns. Revolvers. Shot Shells. Cartridges and a full line of the best Powders. Potato Forks. .Manure Forks, drain Shovels and Plough Lino at rijfht prices. Autumn and Winter Millinery Opening \ CUMMKSCIN OX THURSDAY AND FRIDAY, SEPT. rjth AND aSth. A very hearty invitation iseitended to all our friends to call aud see the latent novelries in Millinery, alsi> latest styles in German Mantle*. Retiienitxr. Thursday uni Friday, Sept. 27th ai*d Miti, at . Jf.XL' < (> Cups and 5aucers and Plates in numerous patterns at lowest prices. A | >pk- I 'i i rt* r."^- Remember you can vcct one oi the best for only soc. at Richardson's Hardware. FURNITURE, UNDERTAKING, Pianos. OrxniiK, Sewinii M-ic'niint.IV-turu Framing and Rvpairum. This is nur UuMueas a d we try to attend to it. TI I I S I ^ i-\\ I K ^ I ; ASOX And we are KfUirg at fair uricen. Dun't fortt while in tn see the attrac- it the exhiiiitioii t<> uill and MX our display aiid take notice tu the juice* "f i-ur |; Ir.iom Suits at the lowest price*,and ail oilier House Forn- 1 M . ir in XI i ml That we excel all other dea'ors in the undertaking line, buth in .|ii.i!- ity. price* and tyle. We do our business in our shop and rvlreve in {noting prices there. Si before purchasing elsewhere give us a call, and don't be deceived by plac<ini.s. J. E. B ASKER V I LLE & CO. MH< \VUIJHTSiLl> STDUE. FLESHEKTON. The Best Medicine. J. O. WILSOK, Contractor and Builder. Sulphur Spring Texas, thus speaks of Ayw's Pill*: " Ajrer's Pilb are the brst mrtllcine I CT.T tries); and. in my Judgment, no botter craeral remedy could be devised. I hare used them In toy family and recommruded them to my friends and employe* for more th.m twenty year*. To my certain kaowletl^e. many cme of the following complaint* bare beea. completely and Permanently Cured by the use of Ayer** Pilb atone: Thlrtl day chill*, dumb ague, bilious fever, Ick headache, rheumatism, flux, drsv pepsia, constipation, and hard cold*. I know that a moderate. UM ot Ayer* Villa, continued for a few day* or-weeku. a* the nature ot the cmplaint required, would be lomd an absolute cure for that disorders I bsvre naqtcd above." "I hare, been sellng mrrlinUie for e>ghi year% and I can. wrfely aay that Ay*>rt FUto give better saMnfartioa than any other Pill I srer sold." J. J. Perty, Spottstlvania C. H.. V. AVER'S PILLS r*svl Dr. J. a AJW * Co.. Lowell. Mat*. Ivry DCS* HEALTH FOK ALL. llollou.i>\ Pills and Ointment. THE PI T \S I'nrilv the blood, correct all Disortlem at f^ivcr, Stomnoh, liiUn-yn. auU bowula. They invlnoc4 and iss*ors to health Habilitated Cou^Htutiona, unJ are invaluable in com- plainuinoiileutsj to K*nials of all - For Ctuldrvu anil sfaa af|*xt they ate priculoss. T H K O I N T M ti N T an infaJUbl* rswedv (or Hs.t Lt^ Hat Breasts. Old Wounds. Sorts a4 Ulcer*. tkis\r\iuou tot ttout d RhuBiti. For dior-)sn of %b bas uo.quaJ For SOKK THRO, i 7 .JiUn^'CHiTlS.COUGHS, COLDS UlaaaalsrSweiliuiti. snd all Skin Hiwases laha* nnval and for oosisrastsd aad ttiH JIMI.U it acte Ilk* s charm Manufactured only at Progssof HUX>W^Y'H Btsbl1iik*weot. TM Xrw \ fnr.1 si rv. I I.IM- XK Oxfrd M r,-,-r>. I ,-M.I,,,, anil arvnoM at Is. Ifl. .*'.. In (W . lls., tts.. and .-Ms. Mch linx or Pot, . i-l of ..:) U ,4 u-ine Venilorn througbout the woild. .A,,M l-ttk at- th* LaM OH tilt Pott <uui Bt MS. fy' Hit aMfton it not Lomion, fAy GEKTLEMEN I DKS1UK TO \N.\urxrS Mit ! have taken owr the a<l W*KII iimkin^ bugineM lately carried on by Mr. Moore, aiui am uow prepaivd to till nil orders iu my line to your uutire sausfactidii. Haviug lately added to my siateea years' eape- ciauce ui the busmens a nine Daonrlis' traiiMi^t n> ou of the best V'TWK* *liopu in tliu oity of Detroit, where I succeeded iu carrying nit a first clasH recommendation, oaglit to be a sufticieut gnarauiee Uit all work, will be done in a fu<A alas tuauner. I luaoitfactuie Wagous. Bnxgies. Cutters, Slei^l.s, in fact everythiux ui the oar na<e liue. Wood aud lumber taken iu eicuan^e. Kindly give DM a call. n . 1 1 1 <K I K . FlvuLcrlaaV Next Joot to ilcTavUh's blacksmiili shou.

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