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Flesherton Advance, 27 Sep 1894, p. 1

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TRUTH BEFORE FAVOB." - PRINCIPLES, NOT MBS. VOL XIV. NO. 682 FLESHERTON, ONT THURSDAY. SBPTIMBIR 27 094. W.H THDBSfMI Can you see well ? Is your sight gool ? LdT If not we hTe something to tell you. Hare yon ever noticed thmt one of your eye* is stronger than the other ? lu ninety-aloe cases oat of a hundred this it a bet. l"n- dtr the old rtyle of fitting glass** both crystals were of a like power. We have the facilities for testing tha eye*. aud can fit you a pair of glasses to exactly suit the power of : vision o' each eye. We can suit yoar ease perfectly and , guarantee satisfaction. Come iu and get a pair and renew; your yoatb. Armstrong Bros. Jewellers from mr *toi Cut nae lirmt. Wre having lovely weather m>*. Potato awing is tke order of she dy. They are so excellent crop. W* IMTH that barn helmagiaa; to Mr. Samuel Eagle, of Colhngwood, was des- troyed by lightening last Saturday Digtit. Fuor horses were bvned. Mr. Thos. Buhner netted Lady Bank on* day this week and tok a number uf picture*, among which was our acbo..!, Lady Bank, and th farmers' mill at POT- caw earn Corraamwaami. Mr. Wee. Kells, who haa b*ea i Xorthweet for two years, is ham* visit. He look* hale and hearty, are glad to sew his casual oowatai one* mure. Mrs McMaaia, from visuiutf with her mithar. YOCR We Fall Suit -AND Mr. A. Barn, of Holland, who taught school hrr* fur a O>ort time, apart a few I Our Business Directory Mr. Hoy has been arond ID thia vicin ity taking out aoute of the laru stnawa. Miss May Myers and Master Tusaasy Dand left biue n Tuesday 'o attend acho.,1 at IWUotilU. A UltU son of Mr.Ctries Haamhky had the misfortune to break his l*f lately. but U *ttii bwttar under thw cartful treat BMtH.ofDr. Seut. S ~ ; &C Sooai fair. It ia report* i h* did not go ' c. w Mr. Mies Somers, wae John Cornfield, of Mrs. Car>D. of Priceville. spent a few days with her daughter. Mrs. Savn. Gil- last wmk. MERCHANT TULOR. (T.uils. iHnsic. XI AKKUUK LlCSinn. or M 1 , EDITH UCHAKDtOK. .COMMISSIONER . Notary public. JOHN W. ARMSTRONG. - FUSBBBTOK. MiVl'I.LorH Jt YO! Raa\ar<. Mai k'UI. do a ganaral banking boa- iuaaa. Moaay loanad at araaaoaabla rata. Call on as. If B. HAMMOND. Comml taklnc AflUaTiM u\ IIMUIM and loan, measy Ic. promptly, cheaply sad fflciatlr. R. CoaimiaaioaeT la B. B.. Lie nstd >u<:tiaaar. l'jnTvanc*r, A praiaar aad Money Luhkr. Baal EataM aii-l Imnranc* An% !>). MoncauM, Laaaaa. aad Willi dravu up and Valnatioos mad* oe .faortwt autir*. Auction SalaaalM*ad lo i* aay part of to* Cavaly. Maaay to loaa at low al rata* of iutw*aa. C'eHaastoai .twuJf-t o with proatPiaeaa aa>l aiaaa Cbwgaa low. I for U. Uomiaioa aeeauaaipfooipan*. Mokaaa ftoaa 'leakartou to Lira-pool. Ulaaow. Ixiudoa 01 any < Ua Br-.iimh pom 1'artiOT iaWiMliu to viail Kiwlaad. sk-oi^ Ireland, will p aaae a>k rale* vatoea )>*>rcba<nic .ickats !b*r. Kwtnl of Bob*. Uahr. of Kt\.a. Owmaar. rtolia : Hradlav. of Toronto Caaaarfmtory Mwia. ill ra - r Toronto, iP<ajio> will racoiTa puaiU tit DWOna. VIOLIN. PI- Cavil. W. FkOST. J . VSJkWEiOHT. Barrutam. OWB W. H. N B. Oa.% MarkUalr. Oat. I. R. Lrc SOCIETIES. AO f W.-mM vrf lnt aa.l thiH Uon > iu fc-h uiouth. in ihwr )! rooni Cll . iti-Dl-.| Johnatoa. M n ' K.iU-i.v. ft:i*<-. li win BveordM. Vi.iuun Hicibiu mvue* 1 . TV* musical ruar of the threshing wa- ehioe is heard with ureat constancy here. The) turnout taken all round is more tnaii ordinary and high prices wuuld uow b* a preciiHM boon. We have howcrs aud beaatiful weather . in fitful alternation. The run has displaced the nnhi*t pJ. The) lusty truut will ba- it annual rest while tha partndite. rabita, bears, at*., take their turn. A couple of wary wild ducks have taken up their abode upon Mr. Carr * mill r>.n.l and hare defied many crack shots around her* for aoaw time. Many of the shots have been aparently more wild thsn tbat of ih* Chinese nr their eo-belliger- |u euta, tlio Japs. Between Mr J. E. \VillianM blowing up auaes for material for the tarv now in progress hare, aad the con- stant reports of firearms, one would think we had eutorvd upon the scwue of the on- ' eatal war, wbera tht-pv tail fablers arem to be getting the wvrsi of it duoks though at " duckinu, " as they hav by this mode of defence evaded the round h.l HU per- Kiatently poured into them. Later. Mr. \V. Latiiuer lias succeeded in knocking the duck out Ute "< Saturday evening. All hare returned from the show at the no Metropolis BJ tiA'e aim -t Cimi- Sommer is over ? How sad. we win aot likoly have to complalu any more*boat dry wather this Ull. The harvest home festival in with the Methodist church held bete oa Taeaday eireuiug Sept. 18th. waa fairly suecwasful. The church had bevn very uicvly doci.rveo. fnr the mneeioa The dinner waa aJI that dMaU be deaitwd. there being oa sbuadaoce of roast beef. lamb audfual. hot potatoes and gray, beatdea delicious cakes, pastry awl fruits. After the inner tuaii (and woman) wrojgi )OYAL TKVIM.M:* OF T"MITI CVsmcil uiei avorv ftrM n.l 'Tuiola. . vrniac iu aach mxuib. ~ -Kitlr < Mink at * p Selwt dafraa aucal ai* -monthly, tha Wadaaaday Irdiral. T\R HITTOS M. D.f. M . M I' P * S..0n. Pri11te. Baa Mia it and offlo. on* door want of tba Uotb- odiat Chare b. Kinrow St. Offlc. day*. Taaadaya and SatanUya. S' ran V .IK TKMr.UiM'K ThU HHitly M.IC>. Hall ovary Wwf Vt>ith. bratk~ .i.vii ne la coaneetioa. Bssa rran invitad 'M. P. B A. mM*lu taalr hall. Cbrlatoat Block avrrv Sr<t aad third Thr.U> in raob moalh. *m. Sharp, Mattw. T. Clayton Socratarr T\R. CAllTSK. M. C. P. A S.. Ont Pbyalrian. nirccon. *te., Flaohar*o Aoa tilraiaa b o^k Muaabawtbotal. PhlNVK ARTHV K I.ODOB. Mo. SO. A. K. * A U . m*l in tba V.,iic Hall. Strain'. Hlok. Klobvrtnu. rv*ry ftiilay as or of... tk* fiill tno< n. Dr. C alter.' W. M . roul<-, crlr> JOH1I a. BCOTT. U B. Malabar CoU^aPhv.u-. A Kar*nrjii Ontario Oraduala tat Madiaina of Torouto I'tiivorMty. llowtblp Diploma. Pmt r*.lu4. Mvdioal school an.' Hu*iltal. Chiaaav. tna>a,4aat ara. r. noaaL>l throat tawolally tr.-M l Kai dvuoa Maxwell, vialu Kr*aa Tl>urada> l- J P. OTTKWKI Vetarlaarv Surgroa. HraJoata *f Ontario Vatarlaar.t Coilag*. K*>Wnc N,-tt ,l.r aoatfc of Moorv * pianino fact. J K HAI.sTKAU. MD.M C t-arlay. Hh hi KKMUN LOUUK. NO. ItJ. I O O F. mMa ia \ ton t ball av^ry Tuaa. ^vninic t > i>inbr*iriruoo ilially P. v't-ATTI-x I). McTAVIM. Hrc. H oi-se Caxe Astray. Cat-. nilaaa nf Ihi a v R.. about bay*, s, ' 1 '1 oatai saaiSi rii | n> I ai- owuar i n - n and takt tha aaaia KBW DOW, Pkthaitou Statioa P. '. AS n tiv ill vaM R MAI.V M UKAM | .praoti.o" al Kiiii * t apacia : > M. D. C. M.. M.C. r OfBcoaaU raakaac* .. Ont rri<-vlila. iw Hati.i- H *!. (alia muh or lay. |.i-..ii',.ti >tt^uJ<- Klaabart.ii StatlJil lo to 11. Wadaaa-tai*. CAME AMRAY- i'"iu tu *ba j>riuiM of tbo uu lTAimt*l. alwut cwaandtwo lawn*. TtMwnvr rvqatatad to prova pro Vi t > and iak* tb aaina avay \VM HWLOP . Kaawafa P. O. frntUtrg. JP M AH8HAU. L.D.B.M D.8.. IVnil.t Visits Msrk<U)a tha let and .Vd Wmlunartay of sash month -Kaahuiponl Ram Came Astray. Can* tothaprtnrtlvoaof tha nadvrsiitnad, lot IJan.lH.N U.K. about nth AoaTwat laat. oua rasa. Tba ownw la rajuiHl to prom property . pa; axBaaMa asd taha tha tama aws-. Joan McAaTnra. aaUatied in th basem<aut all repaired to the body of the oolleiu New c at intervals. Alter a few remark* by the chairman. Rv. Mr. Browc. Mr. Wallace was called, he spoke briefly, r a subject "pulpit aad pawa." til! ray, u' . lie speaker to the platform, and charmed the lance aadwuce with bis lecture, entitled "eleven busy WHTH SILE5IEI "stv Uaa of XCBVCBT BTOCK or SEED Uaa of XCBVCBT BTOCK or SE POTATOES, or both PE&M.\MUIT aa.i . GOOD MKX. Wa aaw TOO ucltui va aiitui it in wiah I write aa tor tarma. alhaii. The Bwb Nunery Co.. laocawte N. Y. Farms for Sale. FARM TO LET. Tb adarlai will raal lota Ml uH : ia In CM . X. K T. * 8 K . An.uinia. tor a MtB ply to . JOHN WmiURT. Sa. . F O waa liatemd U. with the deepest interest , Farm fOF Sale OF by all, and many felt the "half has not bseo told." The proceeds from the dm uer and a il held Thursday ei-ening amounted to smethini( like $44. (forty- four dollai* ) They will be allied to the churcli funds. A "odiy number fn<ai aroaad hers pletrd their iii(uromi:i< rehorw - - , iu tlie lutliMtnal this year, aoooc had the plea-lire of meeting the expllud whom wre Mr. S. MvKinghc, Mr. and cpUliit wh.. were to perforw |f r. Abe, Kuott and Miaw Auoie Mc- such aoiHlen h- re iwiiich they Jul.bu' m C-iinelL a wy that bn.o/it snrruw ib tuany) aod i Mies Clista Spike, of Mf.Td. spent a in keeping with Jhrir nutTd umde heiM ' WMk ,, r , w i t | her frwud. Miss Maggie Mr. JMS. Uilrty, of New York state, visited h'S parents here last week. Kr general hvpvriry. Kreu the great, uiiud of Dicketi.H failed to caojurv up a character e.|ial to th<.e u>ot with in more modern reulit'.ea. An old, and I believe n|tliy forax uafer- tanate state of atUin which they were uoat luatrajiiei.tal in briilgiiux about Words fail to express the conUiupt lu which iK-h iiion oujtlit to helield Pck- Miiff. the faui.ii hypocriu. poitrtysxl in Dickens work. " Martin Chiowlwit. if *s or etra er now Iivii4(, would be du'aucW iu a race Hen. we arw once av-r*. We take it ia Veil* ' but we e>|>ect that bvfora lonjf wa will be able to send in a weekly b admit. We are receiving some showtr* bow which w>ake the Uruirre sinile at it TV* ,.h* lete, c'istont of mnki'iK propitiation couaiwf the gram to ur.-w and the for sins committed. ba.i been succeeded r"""* " awttinf in rood shape for pfc.w- by a more unequal cuvom. K.r instance: MM- tXutt aj^randiae* hmrlf by m,ux'n^ the I***- ; <-'. Balf-Mir h*a h*en c-nduct wwtllh out ol a numbrr of hia brethrrn re*.,d vrvico* here duriu.1 the paM Ablea. by c.'iiienii'tible uteth.^U. auJ "o weeks. H i an a'.le ivaeonar. and then he makes reetiuiiiou by oaVriui; Hhe i.-us-tuip. l-vebn very well attwaMmw) having d>-trmiined to lead a Vietter life. Mr IV'ivv. our blacksmith, slid Mr. Sni-ll. our carnaievniaker. ha>e full fle<l)(Ml citisens now. John OomhoM. the renowned. uiarrH-i t Mi i S-'iamwrs lat week. W . Tf |>loaa>>U tu meet y< Editor on Monday morning. Tb K. L A are s< active war and pur)ma holiliug a hitrvrM hom here i>u Ute 12th of Oct. Tea will be nerved in the Hall aud a grand entertainment a/ler wards. It m expected that the Proton Orcheittra -h.- entertained us mi a farmer occaraou, and othvr lol en.ertaiuvin of ataudiiu will bw present. MK*> Fleming, of Nvw York, and nieeo of Mn. Jaa. Woudbtiru, i. speading a pleasant vie** here. Mr. TVnv Bradbury baa removed hie oMeet child to the Tntito honpital where Csire* . ta S..oth Amnc* Rheuinaim Cure, f>r radically cures iu 1 to 3 Have, lie action epn the Tesw ia rrmarkahle aad Mysle-ioiie. It raaioTea at oo the cauao and the die- ^^...^.^ di^pp^r*. The rirat she will be treated for spinal trouble. We doe* u ready beaafita. 7ft cents. Bold hope fvjt a tare and apwedy r*cverT >7 w B K'icKardaou That van iliniribli (ami of M aaraa in lOraasa VaaUyl Lot So. 1m. IM S. K. af T * * Boad. Artaauaala, far a tars* af yann ar will ha lie aad assy bsrms of pay- T. H POWEBaJUrby. or ANDaKW LARK. FARM FOR SALE- ValoabW fam far aala. le* a\ aea. W. Ptatai. ^ias of MB acraa. a( wktch M an ciaaioJ aasiSMlar wod Lartwoed bast. Good M< 4UM| tataMat %kO flOOd W*H M PCWijtaJsL d a*oa mllaa rroaa Dnadklk aad S from FroMa Hsllna. Cbuxb aad aaaaol aoawtaWat. Tanu>- w *ui smrosaiar. JOHN POmTKB. Lat T coo. IS. rrotoa. Bwiatoa Park P. O TENDERS WANTED. Taadvra wil! ba tacviveJ by tb aadarainad ut> :o 10 a, iu . Mb day of N "**. tar alliac ruadway with mai oa tuwalta*. Artaanniaaa-l Oapray. la U*h aoa. fteacnVatfaM mar be MOB atib.o.vofUMclik of ArtMOMta. rtaeaar. ton. Taadan vat ba Ufi with ritbat th dark* of C%pr*y or Arwnwia Tlta lua aster any aa i! Jom 8ae4M.1a. tin. Fan of 125 tcrts fir Site, Farm lot No It CM, 1% Tow tain o> Proan i in the Count, of lir-> iatinia I* a. r W aaraa ur cultivation an<) rt. frou atampa ar jao, with toe boiMiac*. Good bwrrtwaod woah aoaaiattrc of maat bvMh.alnt aud lurch, wita a ay*' a.Ur iwanp of asoel- l.-nt laree aiaa tnM. Thi> M ta ! a wSwd , n I i< <;> : mil*< ft m riaahacktm sta- tion aa.l aao< 4 mi!* fran* Proton matloii on tbaC. P.M. Thwi aaw atlll only \ smiU fioi'i lot. A * 1 titiv will tea (ivwi aaa Ih PH'chawr wiil Katnobvapaii*! on aaa tarn. of ay m#al For f urt bar particular* apui < t > MRAO \TUKRtVK !K PrieavUI* P O att Jun^'M. I lulii< t^wriatiwH A nnH-t:-> "1 tna l'ii.wii> Aa^oeiattoa of Cantra (irv* will W natil In PWhaftott al 1 p.m on *nt TV>. bv onlar of MM PraaMwti. for a- IMtnwM of laeiiaa- ofBoar*. ntakin* arraaa* aiit.f.r th

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