THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE ESTABLISHED 1881 TI'BUftnED WREKLV AT THR omCE. 8TD- fNIIAM HTREKT, FLESHERToH, ONT., Y W. II. THl'RMTOK. fl prr nnam.Hlrlclly in advanre Advertising Rates: On* Column. 1 v*sr. t W ; ball col.. 1 year, $27 quarter col., on* rear, *1S. Trsnalmtt adr*rtleuient charged a*. th rat* of S esou pr lln for ftnit Inwrilon and 3 emits soh ulqiient luwrtlon. A COWARDLY CRITICISM. A meeting of the Patron members elect was lieM in Toronto last week at which Mr. J. L. Haycock. M.P.P., of Frontenac. was choen as leader of the new party, and a method of pro* cedure form ulated. Fir Oliver Mowat may be ea id to be in closer now, bat when that Hay- cock topples over on him, as it is likely to do, he is liable to get a few hayseeds in his hair. The conferenso now in ne'sion at Ixmdon has made import- ant changes in the boundaries of con- ferences in Untai in and Qiiebec.rednc- i-iu' the nnraberr in each from six to five. This dis'rict if now iu what is known an conference No. 3, embrac- iriK Toronto, Drampton. Uxbridge. Itradfonl, OrangeviHe, Darrie, Coll- in? wood. Owen Sound, Bracebridge, 1'srry Sound and Algoma districts. The itineracy has been extended from three to five years with the concur- rence of church board and stationing committee. Bf the reiiguation of Mr. J. W. Armstrnnif from the Division Court clerkship of Flesherton and Dnndalk the province loses, wo believe, its old- ret official in that capacity, and the townnliip one of its most painstaking official*. Mr. Armstrong has retained t'ie office for forty-one yean* iat und conducted the businefw of tle rviri in ftn eminently satinfaetory without any fault ending t!iroti!<li'iiit that Icuif pe,rio4 of. time. A BASE ATTACK UPON A M1NIHTRR OF THR OOflFBL THE MABKDALE 8TANDABD DENOUNCED IN 8CATHJNO TERMS. One of the moBt disreputable attacks ever levelled at a minister of tho Gospel was printed iu the Markdale Standard of last week. In order that our readers who know Mr. Keefer, the Kcntlenian so basely insulted, may understand the thorough viciousuess of the attack, we quote the offensive item, which was as follows : " Mr. B. Keefer, student, occupied B'v. Mr. Edwards' pulpit laat Sunday. Mi k--.-- fer is deficient in both mice and phyi-ie*! lore*, two rsry important requisites in a public , nskcr ; neither dos lie at.|?r to posaea* any other i|itnlity that would hi-pii one with hope uf bis becoming a succen as s preacher. " The Advance has r-ceired no less than three letters dcn.'uuciiii; the above item, to two of which we uive place. These letters voice the indignation of all who have any acquaintance with <>r knowledge of Mr. Keefer. Even were the criticism in any way a truthful one, which it as- suredly i nut, Htill it would have been unwise and unjust t<> wield it in this way. Considering its untruthfulnem it in hard, to fathom the animus and spite which lies at the bottom of it. Mr. Keefer IISH many friends to take up the gauntlet in his behulf and we let some of them bo heard below : in OIH-II I 'll-r. T thf Editor of the M.trkdai*'.- DRAR Sin,- Y >ur <>f hut week's Standard has, under the Bairns <if a criti- cism, a cruel, undeserved mid possibly libellous article <>n Mr Kn-fi-r, who sup- plied Mr. Edward's pulpit "ii the prcviuu* Sabbath. If the article was contribute.! and admitted into your columns inadver- tently, an explanation would be |impos, but if with your apprnviil and asitmnutl reaponsibilily fur it I Mutant you have jiui.. outside the limits . ^ leiniiu(' criti- cinin to dninaye in a im-au IUH\ o.wnrdly way a young minister w1i<> is most highly Wtenied by all wlm kn.nv him. 1 detm his enunciation clear, deliberate and dis- tinct ; his reasoning 1< gicftl. Heehibits discretion, good taste and judgment in the selection of his subjects of Jucoursf , The Fall Fair ii approaching, the season is mlvuncine. it i-ii The Markets. Carefully Corrected Earli Week disposal of the more abstruse questions of polemics nor descending to sentimental twaddle. He in a thoughtful, diligent nd careful student and has not by sny nieani attained his full intellect unl stature, but the time may jet come when plsces like Markdale will esteem it ft high prKileye to have his services if only for a S'-bath. Let me sdd, liarir.R known linn from hildhood to the present, I hare rarely, f ever, met a more truly exemplary, con- intent Christian. Have patience, Mr. Editor. Some years ago some peoplr ere rash enough to predict ym would lever be able to succestf ully edit a paper. 'he world knows now how urus'ly they were mistaken. M. Hii IUI:HI">N. it o>wardly, in lix he is \Vi we voice sei)tin^nts of all when wo pxprws oil? sincere re- eret that illness lia made it) necessary fir Mr- Artmtron}? to resign the posi- tion ho has filM for so nmuy year* with honor and.crodit to jiimself and patiafac'jon to the pcpplo viiom he ervnl. Daniel Uiix. I'r] rieW au<) I'nli'.i-h.T .f ihn lUmhurg, Out.. Impendent H*y: I w MilferitiK fir iu. I V>Pysi* vnl Liv- .- tt on I If, 1 tiM.ka fw bales'. Sniloli'n Yiisl/.'r ninl itourud u. V cav heartily ...... mm. MI. I it. " Lust Monday nbriut R n'rlnck. M Mr. KII...-II I'rei.tice. of Heathrofu. wsaonliiH debarred from entvrniii upon such uwrthods of persoiml vindictioii of hia^clf aa men in any oilier profusiui>n would nvitil theiu- Helves of. You kn.nv tlio JHtlity anil |M-Actice .'f tho Meihidisr i'liuich well euoui(h t.i know that Mr. Keefer did. not attaii) tohip(0sent standing uotij after related trinls *n'l teats., of ability Revere as iinpuwd by any other pro<estant rhiiii-h in I'.inwlii II- OK! not hayn t . ..rue to Mnrkdl- HI tin* date to Kt his rr ill-lit ml f M0lodist iiilnntry men '.he dome from Thnrnliiiry, tl>r-H pntiu fro u tin- side nf the ntd * ',n.l-..' "ii H "slip's tidv*r>n<l. < >iie ( them . 1 ill.' li.irseV hridli-K. lirmi;iii tKu {f it were tnat thst Mr. Keofer Iscket tin- |i|iymcnl ^ualjticstion.s fora succexs fill minuiter, vou as an nlKcial memtior o lh District that reconiiiiended him t< Cunfeft^tu, luul mi, opi^irtuuity of voic ui'j your "|.tiii"ii .in. 1 , aro reHpoimible t< the itent of your imliviilunl iiitluence M O ot>|uittmi>ty for pnsoiiK him and re roiiimemling him t<> ihu Conference. Th .Irfpicable character of tlmt altxck np|M>r in that having had aucli opportunily, mid after three years f K|.|im\ e<l Herriue as a prnUktlnner III tbv rhliivll, \.ill pel lull 111 yoiir ciiliiini'M all aiticlo ciilculHtotl to hlivht or vt'riouiily damage his |ir t<ick a Flour r ni ii y m wii >u. A u** B j <o_ * *' ' ' hne selection of rubbers and boots > Spriut; Wheat and hoe* of sll kinds which will be sold at th- very i-Umeat prices. I wai>t your trade and am bound to merit your c.uiti- dein-f. 1 have something of extia viklue in mcii's strung fall boots. I make a specialty of custom work, and use until- II...' hut tlie bent of stock, placing there- upon g.'.*l. honest workmanship. Old frienits will continue to he heartily wel- i"ni . hut I wish to make some new one* Coine iu and give UK a trial order. JOS. SMITH, Flulierl.,n. Opposite McTavish's Carriage Shop. Shallow Menially Editor. Balaurrd To The Editor efThe Adrauet. DEAR SIR, You, with many other*, lave read the very unkind and |M>aitively unjust remarks made by the. Standard of lie 13th lust., relating to your youni: :ownsman, who HO well and acceptably H-cupied our pulpit on the previous Sab bth. The remarks will go for what they are oi-lli, but lo<t anyone luiuht lliiuk thst the Siandftrd is the o<ce of the ] | !> in his mutter, I m safe in nayint; that Mr Rutledi;e is re*p.>nihJe for it, und our church > thorout;lily Hshamed of it Very mittiy with better, edu- cation and intelligence and better quali- lied to a sermon than i.ur editor, listened with, pleasure to Mr Keofei s MMMMM Further, we have heard the Standard denounced in tlsis UMtter by people from tl.e Kimberley circuit, Ilarksway nnd Menforil Kmul, where our hrother lias preached, and the feeling in Markduli- u oue uf iiiili^' i n. Cermiuly Mr. KutledgR SMinned nnd a great deal wlu-n lie is.ui-ii hit verdict on this matter, and we wnmlrr if lie WAN summing up the essential i|ti;i!iri- cations of a puxiliitt when he referred to the lack of " physical force ? " Thu Klimtiertiin (Quarterly lli>anl in its *ih roi> reoiMuiuended Mr. Keef.T. 'lie of o^c church bos honored him with a nnmt. tiud pk>e Kinonx our minis. ters ; he :' eapuOMlly iiccopialilo wliei- ovec seat, aid ko> - oi:il and alxivu Hivxe com * the cor|iiuii.J : " Touch not mine bqiioiated and do my pn>pheta no hnnii. ' Th-JB* greater authorities ara.set aside by tin- Sbivlw/l, whiciy. weighs our younx ftieiu) in its own little, shallow mental balance and him wan tin,'. Mr. Keefor IMS inai^- waim r>toiml friemls in MarkiCnU, niMjLy who veil k*iow his early religious hf, which has ben one ol n>re than ordinary steadfastness and (turity fiom childhood up, an I we ex- tend to hnn our sympathy, aoil Wu Manro him that mir church hero pray tlmt he may noi be hnulerud or hurt l>y what baa been sai-l by the Standard. A MKMIIKR OVTHE M. M. i'ni H. 11 Mifkdale. Si-i.t ITih, '04. East Grey Fall WILL UK HKLD AT F L.KSHEIJTOX ON- Tkursday & Friday, Sipt 27 &28, '94. FIRST DAY. KOKKNOOX DmrntaH t* r*c<rinir**d placing exbihiti in lull ; lo tho Tuwnabip'i "... cumpetlui exhibits Produce. duiitfstiL- iiiauulfitir*B an. I iK'litftt' ^..rk nut be .lolivrMMl lu th. n|> ii IK. tf thu halt not i*ttr tkaii 1. o'cloi-k a. in. firmt <la> ft bhuw. FTK8T DAT, AFTF-RVOOX. Jn.l({irnctownhlpexhiii awtltcA. It- com- euctf at 1 p. iu. SECOND DAY. FC7RESOON. iTinion.l placing all .[.en to tin- piil. 11. at ] a. ! I'attlf. xlif^V- piK*. tvx -iinplemontrt, i'rria;< ni'i-t IHI on thKrounil> not later Unui lOav iu , Kcoii.l dky.if lir. . $ 3 00 t'i ;Vi to 55 to 31 to 53 to 15 to 10 to 50 to 6 00 to Hay per ton tf 00 to Barley. Oat* Peaa Butter . . . . Esiiia. fresh Potatoes ba:{ . Pork Hides Slieepskllllt Turkeys Cliickei.ft per pair.. Duck* be* pair ... Wool . 300 to :.'."> i.. 6 to !1 to :*i to 13 to 35<) 55 31 25 53 u 10 60 rit> 3(10 23 7 H> 35 1(4 Farm for Sale or Rent. That vrj iteilraMe farm of 90 acre* in iOrany VaJlaj I bol No. l. lat N. K. of T A. ^ K<..1 Aen.ria. for a term of years or will lw- old "ii ver> reaaooabla auJ ay term* of pay- Bent. Tait'ton will aluo be receive! for the pur- chKe * b wic*e o tnvroumiainu tiuibor nn tbv alHiv.- nieuti"iiH*l lot. i-outtistini; of choice ni. au.l KHII* cxlar, wbicli it unitalil. lrx or auy- . i-ini. au.l KHII* cxlar, wbicli it f.,r I miter or ire timber. ri. >iuaiait> >> tara w*o>l. The huiliv.-it tofidr not ncceianly ae*-pl*d. llwIHH'tion MI 1 c'>rrtM}>ondenc *oiU'iteJ. T. H.POWKKSJiirNi-. or .\MlK>:W CARR. Flwricrton, Hah Kair -isii 1 . I lie nt hepv}, jui|i .i,i.. id.- i..".n and jerked Mr I'n-ni I ' ,.,r >"l.."k w,th a for.-,, that st.i,,,,,-d Le IIHS maintained 1,110 I i i. mi time. They then went Ii Ina poc>ket mid sucmvd In- inoiu-v. wdii.'h was fortunately only i small iiii.'iint. JK.IO., Tliey then jun.|ie.l Hi a 'I give the ln>ne i cut tlmt s 'lit I,, i,. . : ... iiiipi-ring The I.MIJI ran over , ,, . Mr I'relitice ;..! them nn- ,|i-r . i Standard. in. I iisefnlneNs. Hut your criticism is not true nor in any dowe* justifiable- Mr. Keefer has at every st.igu of his probation appmved himself to the. rhuivh buth in active circuit wik am 1 . N the I lis;i|>polni< il Man. III. o . I : III WAH IIOIM. TO hilt fiKfiiKi: vv, tiS til'T, III T UK M A LI V It *M> V I I, AJtP WOMKIN.i W M \\ , Sf|.t. I Till "Hard !.!,,- i thf .-ry from f&intera in ilu r IP,' \,t' ur t'.iley, a (aimer living n-ar ' d IH hil double ns i t.> cry lini for eiuht months air* he I ,y ,. <l. a v .11,1, ,,f HiixliUa In-.- H ii. 'kno|iili;tTi thai he x- :!HI eirl of mini i| eolations havt been nio-t , . |., ami all MHIH.I. r lie hit iked on hu f.irui just m tdoiiuh I ,< Ii i ' er known/tday'killnuas l..i prin '. .'in Inking I) lil' Ki'luey |*il|. v Imxes conililetely oiire.l linn, i. \ h.tve every otrmr victim ut id, il -* Ii" In" n '"I iliein >Kical a i,'oi<r tiiiltiig nn, I his eiutinina.1 ions with lii^h t-nr.lit. Tt u nnthiiitf to his ilim-idtit t . he \tj* Imd to HluiMXlu i|il tud uml. ailvvran circwmstanoeH awl *: sue.-, s, mi. I. n roiiilitii-rix thst :irii<t hnrc ilia r- iiirn^iHl moil leSvH pliHlihu^, ixJiiHtiioin, :ilid |'i'iiv.-v i 111114 tluili hit wns, if these .|M.vlilieatioiiH Hie elei^ruiM of siuvtiss in i'n niiniHiry t tli.-y Ntirely ar in any- vn , MI MM, he giosVMkUS thi'ii) in ill einiuelit ilei'i . ' II is true he is not an tall us your nni.-li and justly iKteenui'l ].,isi,.i ,Mr. Kdward', but I believe he in fully as slnuii;, hsnly -ui'l rohuil, am) if lu< voioe- w n.,t I. ml IMS eiir.uue modusty nloiie |.i.-\ .-nte.1 Inm MIIIH! you iis full force. Olio mm has itltaiued iirld-iilu famvaH a pienoh- r wit ?s)r"Mrer voice ihnn Mr. Keefer. I r.-fer ( '. Kj>ti Farrar, ..f \\eotniiimter Abbey. Tl niadoin Spurm-ou, Kev Vkt-il, of Liverpool, is no lamer in build ami yet hiu powers to a' tract the UtrvjvMt c,.ni/r gations in Mr tnm Mr. K.'t-f, i dio',i''ii is choice,, his cloiueanur ni'..', s', Sporting Goods. Guns, Revolvers, Shot Shells, Cartridges and a full line of the best Powders. re. SECOND DAY. .vrTERNOOS. Ill he formally opened at I p. m. i M IV.aad S*., ly after nblch jll.lKiiil! utb iiiu*uiwly Mef Tliiji . award mg fprix** ofiborw*. cattle I.IIIM.J'. cu*. ml all it.K-k, iini'luinents aud luautifacturiw utltkidv* w: I '"ininenoe. if in tlie rtiu; to commence at 2 p. in. .|i. i... th,' famous mi'l world-rvnuwue.1 I'arkvr-Pitrt.'.l.i trmii'f will ap|>ear on the grand ataud and KIVU oiu' nf tlieir Krand exliib^ -.(."niHtiuual fjv i.Mini.tie. aerilUm. tra- i .11 for.uKiiceM. tiiinl'linc balancing, etc. ntfi t*;i,ui. tit will be worth tbe whole priotr of adDiiiou to tb fair. Do Not Miss It. Tile fair ir. be concluded witb s Grtind. C Concert ! lu the Town Hall in the evening when the great humorous vocaltut, JIM*. Kai and the accntu I hh-.l and talented elociuloniat. Mini Marietta LalH'll. will furuiab a rich, amueiug and hum oroua ,'iitMitMiiiiu.iit. Vlinlulon to the Kroumln. a'lultn. 13 cent*; cb il.lreu . 10 Admiaalon to concert, 35 cent*. O(o. BTBWAST. R. J., Prnid^nt. Sfcretarv. OP Vnluablr Farm Proprrt) in thr I oi'>hip of Kiiphrasia, tu thr OIIIIM of iir*>. I'M --imut t.t* rteivwl from Janr t R. MeKoeal.l. a>limnltratrix of the eslattf of AIM. H. M. l.e* >. late i\f tlu> towiuhlp of Ku- I'tn u->iit. vtH.inan, tKvceejiuit. tbere 'fill IMI offer- i"l for -alwb* It. .1. HBTOO!*, Kaif. auctioneer at Mmukaws toteL rtssBstton. on s^tur'Uv. tlM C.Ul ilav of Dctnl ar. 1MM. at 1 o clock |>. In.. the tnlloicuiK vijuftl'k** fftruxiiau>Hy ' The (Miilin Im.f of lot .'. I . tlu< III. rtJutmalon of the townvhip of KtipbraniA. in *aid county of (Irev. omtalnlm? It* acrea. uioro or leiaa. There i ai|uo,i iraiuu Inu-ii ami frauiu dwell *<* bou^ on in!* I'r.'iHM t >. Tli. i.r..]''rtv will l>t- oM subject to a nvort~ ga to Thot'miul* I'rrtnaiKint 1. an.l St'otn |in xtc-uilni: *117U and lutercat. TKUM8Or KAL.K : Ten IM-I cea4. of the |ir<-l,M' money .U.wn anil tbe balaJH'ulii on mouth tboreaftur Tim re will b* a rwrvu bid. Ku.'thxr twrui^ an I Hit of nalu will IK- n.mle knovu at Uu:of nalo or bv au|>lioatiti to Al.K.XANKKK SmssKR, HolliMtur in, a UuiuUtratrix. Patml at Meafonl. s, ot i^ 1.114 Potato Forks, Manure Forks, Grain ShoveU and Plough Line.t at right prices. and Saucers and 1'lnles in numerous patterns at lowest price.*, I > ;irM-,~"*>r Remember you t:v get one of tiie best fornply ,s>>c ;if Richardson's. Hardware IX THE .HATTER P Bi*uoe Estate OF Tri<v iulret In ilia rval etat* eonalstiag of a bi>u> an. I utor. In the v* of KeT.raliaui, will lw aoM at tin- offlre. of M HlrlianUon on k. on, lay III* ITlh of itu|>., at 1 o'clock lu Ilia A Hi'-etnin ft tho l'l,>Wiiig AaXK'lati'-n Centre limy will l>e *i).l la K'lerbortvu at I p. in Oil 14e|i|.U7t' ,.b> o ,\.'i of tlie l'i."<i I. ii !. |iur|< > i.l f.ielliiM odlfara, niaklMK auanuo i.i- lit" r.i. the |ilcwtll| inateb anil srraus oihrr b,iiuv> iatwr. T11OS KKI.l.s. uj Svx: -Trda , S CO.. \\ . have op- en. >! our fall iinjH.r- tati.iiis of Mantle* and l':t|H's, .ui.l os 1 1 L to select as Uiirldoii ot Cl'\ -' wiurct-H as tr- ial geat dealers. \\ il" IniiuiiesH at mucli and can We ssk an early in- spection and shall bo pleated to show j{< K'd whether we sell v>r not MISS RICHARDS. .N has just rt'tiirii"d from visiting home marke f s in search of new and prtbtty thmns in Millinery, and. is opening up stock, *bvth , home purchases and im- ports from Britain. We Millinery has a more thmi local reputa- tion. All that ex pen- Millinerv'"^- '" ur i" ist ; ntl lh t II 1 1 1 '"''y ailvunUce* to be truinetl in cash purchasinj; can do. l.iu Wen put into tlm t>ranch of our hiuinitu to keep it. to the. 'rout as second to none in this county. FURS e will talk about our ex- Incmliiiary lurve purchase if Kurn next week, enjiecutlly in Ladies' I'apeo. Meanwhile- come sml see. the Mnnrkjs and Millinery. CA1TLE OWNERS, ATTENTION ! HOSMKK'SOIIKAT I.EIKU Fir .anniiiTii.. H.nin.r'* Mexican Kly Kxterniinator will |. ie\. 'in r'h. ana loavcla of a I klnda froui llMbliuiiOB l'atll. aud Hor*M wherever it ia ap- It is evi.lent ihai iiiiinv '.in.-- I!,, i I l.i KlieH tban by tbeir rcRu- lar,! it is a buinaueact and kin.luvaalo nK\e the ,luniii beaut aniiovan.'t. an. I fain, ant Ui i vo tbeui all Ibe c< mfort Ibat w coimist- i-ntlv can I'uwK thai ar troubled witli Klis glva laas milk than tboas i'int,.-te! rrou tkir atlBpa. Hixinar'a Mexican KU Kx- teriniuaK'r in Koinrthiim more tban a |>rotwi* liou to auimala from r'liea. an it is umlonbtXHil The Best Hoof Ointment in Use. It properly u*d tills Kly Exterminator la a I'eltaill 1'ievel.tive ftOUl" the 'itlaeks of til.' imall bUck fly. calld.1 in ilitferrnt Kvalilie* In Tent Kly. wbtlo in reality, tt..-> 'l)i 'Vl.i - MeXicau " r I v. Tl> -.- i untul tlio boriev ,if cattUi an. I fiat down ^ri.-d;* i't.a>l nn 1 VHII-..' t.'i i 't,le Milfet i"u. and niuiiv liuivn the v "Softf , T .i- l.<teiliiinatnr i* a certain |<ievviiitr from attn'fki of all Kli. * or Inwi-l*. on cxtt.i or hocsws. Il la also a sure deatll lu T" lilrtl.CTI'iN-; Ap|.'vth||F.xterinluator with ;i -til! I' .\ii, -rft* in.,. th balr and blda with the ilntieri. Whenever the fli.n attack the Bloek a tit- w a.i|i)icAtiuti kb.uld be niadv. When faithfully apvlhvl. catUo ami uurea wiil ruu iu pasture all day without auuoyauce from fllu* or insect". Tbli Omtiiiriit contain* iiothin injiirinua or IIOIMIIIOUH 'lb. lu^i, of Hofuun 'K }.it)^'- aratluua, which have bo.ri v> IOQKV n tbe 111*1 ket.U a autMciuut Kuuantu* fu. any vootla bvai- ll R bin nan.e KOI Mill by W. Moore, Harcssmaker Flesherton ,