THE FLESHUTON AD ANCi Owen Sinuiil. Ontario, IV Vety 1'I.ACE IN CANADA TO (iT A ,i t k Buiinett Education. Take a Round Till __ Ciilli-iiro and i,- Department" lii Caiiala, then vlit \ inline every- Tf we fail t- i-r.-luc*- the i Uh.oonipl. practical au<l exten- . . (. uii't mult suit- || .. we will utva ou tour-. I Hi For Annual Annouuce- n; full particular*, free, addreaa C. A. FLKMING. Principal. Eugenia Mills -- AND - Carriage Works. Cwn.wres made and Repaired, alo riai..:..; and Mulching, Band Saw. .jd Turning of every des- cnpiiou. Planing and Gram Ch< r> .o wliile you wait, for Beaver tarua trie wheel. T. n. HI L.SOX Manager A FAMILY GROUP inn PHOTOGRAPH I %/* %*.v%*'<.V^ * * (ji A.L.L.KU. V Is lully equipped with re- ijuisitrs for turning out 9 per- Icct i I.iss of work. All kinds o' pictures taken and finished in a style equal to any city work, while the prices are lower. Picture Framing ^ doab lu all its branches. If you have shopping to do and pictures to ^et taken on the same day please attend to the latter first. Careful at tcation will be given to copy- ing other pictures. Mrs. Buhner. TO THE PUBLIC. Ha*lni! rente.) \Muti.-n '* hlackmH ih-ip I -. I K ii n.iw ill a podrimi to H lu all *..nuiu Hi) liiiu. M A&BUUE LICENSES. ,1*11 e<l clev or ulgbt at the office or residence of the tindmoitinixt- 1)1 VISION COUhTCLE .COM MISSION Kit ii H.C../. Conveyancer, Ac. Notary public. JOHN W. A1IMSTHONO. - PUUHIBTOK. SATISFACTION GUAKANTEED. I -i Jiuyilii'ij in iliu bUokiuiilUing, ttuu nil i > F, A. M^ ' Hardware . V cCULLOUOH A YOUNO, lUnXvra. Markdale. do a general hanking l>ut- UOM. Money loaued at a reaoouablo rate. Call K.HAMMOND. V f oat ManUr, Klmberley. Comniinloncr for taking AtfrlariU etc. Inanrea and loan money at loweat ratw. KxecutealjMw-n. Unvda, \Vllla. i-tc. piumptly, cheaply ami efficiently. J. BPKOULE, PoetmMtcr, Kleaherton, Co:imiliour In II. U.. Lie usrd >uviioucr. C.inrtyiuioi r. A pralaer an d Money Lender. Uoal KataM au-l liiMiritnou Aki-nt. DuKln. Mortgage*. Leaaw, and Wil)> .1. awn up and Valuations made ou horto.t uotlce. Auctlou Sain attended to lu auy part of the County. Money to loan at low e>t rate* ol intereat. Collectloua atteiuleil to with iiromntueu u 1 despatch CliantM low. Auent for the Dominion htuaiuablpCouipauy. cheap ticket* from r l>-lu itou to Liverpool, lila*iio*. l/on<lun or any of tlie llritUh port" I'ai tiim luteiidliiK to rUit En>;lanil. bcotlainl or Irtiland. will pleaae a,k rate boforv purcUaamg their lickuU elauwlii re. \/f 1SH KD1TH UlCHAli: Roht. Mnlir. of Berlin, tiennany. Irlollnl ; Urn. lira. u, v. . (Toronto! uii.iurvatury Vlunc, I'rof. KitiTiMun. late of Toronto, (Pianol; will iei.iv,- pnpiN in - V1UUN, PI- ANO nml (lltGAV TJU inrros. M. D.C. U. II. C. P.* H.Ont. Prloerille. Itunidence aud office one door weat of tbe Moth odut rhurrli.lvluruM St. Office daya.Tueedaya uudSa.turtla>i. T\li. CAltTKB. M i r 4 S.. Out. Phyalctau, aurReon. etc., , tun uhioo Blralu* block. UeeMeuce- Muukuaw'* hotel. JOHN A. HCOTT. M. D. Meinbur (.' . * 8urgoiw. Ontario Cirxlnate in Medicine of Toronto I'uiremty, l>Vllow>l.i|> |)l| l,.n,,,. Po*t Oradunte Medical i au.l Ho|.ital. Chicago. DlaeiMaof ero. ear. noaeai.d thioat (peclally treated. Kel- lU Ki-veriliani Tnuri~lv I- J P. UTrKWCLL. Veterinary Hurxoa. OraxluaU of Ontario \>-t. unary C<>Uuu. UeiWIeno* Next ilooi mull' of Worn. pianlnn factory. i i i. AD. M. I) . M. C. ft R.. Out., practle.m at KI.u- Hliouuiatic dlaeaae* i npuclallty. J P. alAllHHALL,, *!.. D.8..M D. 8., Dentlnt. Vlai. Markrlale tho lt and .Hrd Wednxulay of each niontb. PluahurUm- Kach trip oil thu day following. J \V. UtOHT, KarrUU-r, Hollcltor, fonvoyancer, Ftc. Fleallertoliolllce- -N.-\t th" post othi T r-|ironle'( liii.l.hi.u. on ThunMikyii. Uweu 8ouud ofBeo Kio>f>bulldiui|. I I CA8& \VUH1HT, llarrlotKri, Holloltora, Couveyaneen, etc., Owen H..HII.I. Ou.t - - Markilale, Out. W. II \Vi . I. H I N. K.-Kle>liertot> office, Uitoheir* Hank, overy \VtftlnoHday. SOCIETIES. ArU'.\V.-metH every dnt and third Mon ilv Hi ciii-li tiiutith. inttirlr loilcti rnotn I IMI-IIK > Mli>cli.Flri>lieitoti t >*.p " ' " J,llltltM. M. U . \\..l. II. -11.111.%. III,..' I \\ Iivfin Itfi ........ \ i-itmi; Ilii-llii i u i KOYA1. TKMl'I.MiM (IK TKMI'KltANrK. in. i onnril niMitM uvery flrAtnuil tlllr.l TIIIIK IAV I'Vi'llillii iu I'Mi'li lii. in Hproule'l l.lork at H p i,, He'i-ci (inaarauoai n ,<-t- *^ionthlv. th* Wt ut\ of uat:li uunitli. SONS OK TiOMI'l IHM'K Ilil- IMI., i- lii I ir Chri-toii' Hull i-vcM >.! IIH..III, i- \ 1,11 1 III; t |i III Vl.llll.i; tiiuth- . -. vitfit. liihiii ancfe In con net- ti. 111 YW.P. ):. A .. mo,.t In thylr hall. < I lUoik i.vor> 9rt ami thlr.l Thnrxla) in eacli inonlh. \\ui.Kharp.Ua>ter. '1 '.!'!> ton Secretary. Tuiiaiia N Kiowrltc." WISTBKX KA1K. .*(iKICl LTL'KAL ANH AUTH , LOMXI.N, CAN AHA. PiJlNCl- AIITIIl'K (.1 \ M ..... ''I ill !li" Miruiiiic Hull. Ktraiiri Hlnok I'll -i . r \ KI n'^v hefmii III" full nio.ii. \ -, \i,,|iiai u, \V. M U. J. Sproulo, Heorutary. E THK ChLEIUx'ATEO B.Laurance JPEITIIJ:S u n J LYEtiLAKNEK . Gr. It in with plens'ire that we ciill alten- tion to tlie ail vert iwineiit, which appears In thin isaue, of this Grent Fair, for Much it ha* grown tol-e.- It i now second to no Lite Stock and Agricultural Extiibi- lion on tlitM ci.ntinnt. Ever since 1888 it ban Hteadily increaaed in size and im- 1 ortui.c -, uud IK now looked forward t<i aa an annual source of enjoyment im well a* uiMiriiCti'iii to the people of Ca'iai'u It U di-Mir.Uile that thi-ae Faint hou.d be uiaintained for the benefit of all, but ea illy tbe farming community, aa they afford opportunities for seeui'.: the steady ndvarjceinenta in agricultural n. aclinicly, the improvements in live clock, and num- eroua new varieties in field and garden product*, together with the late*t inven- tion* of all kinds. Bach year bring* iU menu in t e grounds and Thi* year it la along the line of "public couifoit," nnd thu Dtrcctoishave d> to expn'id some of their surplus funds in thu direction, and tlie YI-H..IS to the WBHTKItN KAIK of 1 114 Will find tin in kttlves IN Her provided for tlian by any other Fiiir .\H-ii>cia:ion in this province. Tbe exhibition of Live Stock of all kinds pioiniae* to excel, in excellence and nuniliers, |iast yean, and the exhibns of iltural and Horticultural produ.-t only ilrpcnd U|>n the production of the country, for, us in the p.-tMt, *[ieciinen* of every description will be on exhibition The alteration* being made in the in- ternal airaii'/i menu of tbe Manufactur- ers' ana Liberal Art* Buildirg will add largely to the tttractive >\i^- plays, and already very wealthy linn* have signified ibeir intention to ex pi nd ooiisitlerablu money ou fitting up their M- : : . i.. and H<IIIIO extra tine e^ nib- it* may IKS lo..k. ,1 for. . T!i< IP the ring will equal any tii n ever viven by the Association JN Home of tbe fanteiit hor-r* in the cmm try uii- !.' :.!-ic.l nnd .ill tlie eventx will be liotly colitiNted. Tlie fpecial ft-atuien, many of which hvo been already enif.iyed, are tho best for exhibition pur|MiHi-s that can lm n.l - 1011 r. .n. ii, itt. a aie alive to the public. I'ennini! for this branch of the .->!,.. :iinl l.ave .-.piled ii.'itlu r time nor money in making their se'.uctioiiH. Ainony tbom> alreaily - are the f^inouK 1C im.i'i Hip|M> ilr.mie A Chaiiot K-<ciiig t'oiniiany ; Tb- Kemp Slater* ; n new feuturo in l!aloon Hieing, a l.vl\ ami M'lit y..ii'^ up on tb one baliHiu and r.ii-in^ down on aepant'e IMiai-lniti-4. nixkiiiL;;* very exciting l*r f, n.soi Calvi ri. y, NiKgua'a Uur on tilt- Hi)jli Wire, who _--iv,- hiu'h a daring exinliili'in last v. ai. ai.d wh met :ih erioun an uc> nlt'i.t. liu-li WHS thniu^liout tbe PreM of the Continent ami Knr p.- . Tlie Celebrated l!u.,jeiii Kocvnti K- (iiolenipie I'.iiitoiniiniat ; T ,, Albion", originators oi tlu> Aombatio Cuu edy ; C. W . I. unit, Am'.iui's i>ieate> Illuhioniat ; "UfljxnV Wonderful Table I'uaiil; Trained Seal*, Aligacoii I'l.i n< I'o.'H ; and the beat I'yri-tuclin: I)ispl*y.i ever given on ibeir i.'Minnl(. Intending exliibil. .1-1 Khoiild maku ibeir I'litrieo HI ou.-e, and I|HLSI> dialling Prize Lials. I'fojr.itnmes or oilier information pertaining to 'lie Fair will receive it promptly by writing t.'io Secretary, Mr. Thou. A. Hrowne. Remember the date*, SKITKVHKK 13 b t . r.'nd. Krlief in 41 Hour* ' . Ki i ney aiid Bladder diaunaeH relieved in *ix hour* by tlie " Great Souih Ann-iiean Kidney Cur. " Tins now remedy it yii-iil >-'ir|'i i-i' mill ili-liL;bt on iicc"iint ol it* exceeding pi-oinptneiui in relieving pail in the lilndil'-i , ki'hu'vx. luii-k ami i- .i\ }iait of the iiiin.-tiy |IHJ;I-H in .n.ile or fe- male. It n-lievc-4 n-teiitioii of pain ii |ia*tiiiiK u a'luont unmeiliately. If >"( want ipiick r-'luf ami rnre this is r.-ini'dy. Sold by \V. E. Ki ^ist. Hhr isSitll Uell in.. i 'HIT TH-" MHSPK\\V- I n o\ '-i^ \\ \v ovi v vi Miol: M:\ A ri.KA-.ANT inxu-ri 1 ,.n: !-, BKrruk TUAN KVI:II. M-art lls-a- lt-li-vcil in 3O iHMtrn--'^. AKII^W Cure 101 the ieart gives perfect relief ill all cases of iorvoinc or Syinjwuh'-ti Heart Diaeaau in ttl minutes, and npeeflily effect* a cure ~t it a peerl.-st leniedy for t'.-ilp t ih..n. Shortneiwof Xre'ith. Sniolliering. Spells. '.mi Ill Left Side and all NyniUloiiH of a Diaeased Heart. One done o>u\ Sold l.y W. . Richardson John D. McNab, A surveyor, was aen- enced lait week in Owen Bound to ser>e five years in Kiiiust >n penitont.niry on barges of fraud ami n.-duclio'i, ;n-.-k-ii. d >y one L<.ina Wood*. A Boon to BlorsiMiieii. -On- o.uu. if English S[ri. i-i l.lllllliell'. coinjlli-lf'x rem.ived a curlj Irom o y horst*. 1 lake il.-.isur.- in reio:nini-i|.liit'.' the renirdy. K t wi'li inyxterioiix m-^.s in lli.- removal from ImrsiM of l.uid, <.f' 1.1 DURed lump-, blood Hp,iun.Hpliiit3. , sweeny, unties and p UKdlUiK IloBn. F'.l III -r. Maiklmin, ' in* Sold by \V. E. KichariUon. DmgjU'. I'baUwortb cheeae fxctoiy ban tteen ol>- iged to clnae down owing tn the vnpply of milk guingi u'. liro. I'lythe. of the ClniUworrh News. was lined e'ght dollars *.nd K - l. ( st week for aboaultiu,' one IJo.i tlr- i i with bis walking stick. lion Chiiatopher Kmley Frawr, > idillo of .lune UHI Coinmi- I'ul l:c Wnrka:n the ()ntario<'.tlnn t, , ,1 lint tiiiu 1 iiiHiH-cr r of r.- fica and inipun.teiiileiit of fore>t.y, a> found dead at ii ..'.-nK'k Friday in. i i ln> a(i;irtm,-iits i i the we<t i 1'urlinlnelit I'llllihl.js, Tor. i, to. , \u^. _/ \Vlioii Mri. 'n le'ti-r appeaiv<l in a pap. r itaii tiuui ago, Ktyiiui a hintory of liei loiiy illni.*H nnd |.erf ( -t ciin- of kul- iliwim,' liv I )...!>! ' Knlni'V t'ilU, mam ! i llioULbt lii 1 li'ipinvellielit teln|..'i is \ ' MI.-II have hi-cn lilont -.tulU c.i|ifruli,:t.-il, in a letter 111.:- ly liven e>l h.-i.' from Mr< Kenny |! ; tli.n .she liux all aloi.x Ix-t-n ifniniiiL' in yiMiural llenlth, ainof lnr kidneva Weie ii-kl.,1 il '.- .i I -.1 <.,., ,! (), ;l t f,, P luanv yral'H Mhf IUIK nut. etijoyeil Mich UI.IK! MMs. Mis ReKnv, t'o-ri'fi.r. M-llpumher faith to Ih.Uil'i I Knl ney IMls ami 1 1-- niiin-ii.U 'hem aa 1 utronjly u. i va to Kul.clc-1 uiuiubtub of DON'T DESPAIR DODD'S '>. KIDNEY WILL CURE YOU We pi..- "> Ki<Jn<-Y PTI- to cure any - .:,;,-. K-male T,,,,,!,;,. ;'/.>*! crmunry refunded. Sol< 1 by all ' -.u i-. n nit-Iicinc, or by null oo receipt ni x, or Six bo*aajav, OR. L. A. SMITH & CO.. Toronto. ONST! RATION, ^BILIOUSNESS, ^ DYSPEPSIA, 3 SICK HEADACHE, REGULATtTHE UVER ONE PILL AFTER E ATI N G INSURES GOOD DIStSTIJN. ' MOTHER AND DAUGHTER Rejoice Together. Ine Year Old Maggie Me Ritchie, a Victim of Chronic Fainting Spells and Nervous Weakness, Completely Cured by South American Nervine After all Other Efforts had failed. The Mother, a Sufferer From Nervous Prostration and Indigestion, Likewise Cured. Hear What the Thank<- lul Father Has to Say. 7 MR1. JAME-S MfRITCHIK AXD DAUGIITXII. ? local physician, whose proftwaion takes him among the chil- dren of the varioui public inntitutions, remarked to the writer, that on would hardly believe that so many childien were affected by nervous troubles, which sap the system and prevent proper development. In many cases tho doctors arc powerless to cure these troubles. They can relievo the suffering little ones, but in South American Nervine we have a medicine that does more than simply give relief. Its peculiar strength is that it completely cures where physi- cians relieve. A case in point came to us the 24th ulr., in a letter from Mr. James W. McKitchie of Bothwell, (int. He aays : "My daughter Maggie, aged 9 years, was afflicted with nervous faiuting spells for over a year, which left her in such a con- dition of weakness afterwards that tbe child was practically an invalid. We tried several remedies ana doctor- ed with her in one way and another, but nothing gave relief. Seeing South Aniericau Nerviuu advertised, as par- ticularly vffiuacious in nervous dis- eases, I decided on ti \ in;j it for her. and I must say that I noticed a decided change in my dauxhter for the better after he bad taken only a few doses. As > result of uni>ig this medicine, l U cow entirely free from those faint- ing spells and posscsM-<l of that life and brightness tliul io iho happy lot of childhood. I am satisfied it is an excellent medicine for any nervous weakness. II y experience ir.ut been further supplemental -in the fact that my wife has i.lso been using South American Nervine for dyspepsia and nervous indigestion, proatintiun, hr. ..I tli. It is a absolutely from and has found very groat relief." Whetlmr the pxtinnt be man or woman, young or ulJ, South American Nervine provides a complete medium for restoration to medicine differing every other. A cure is (fleeted by application to the nerve < -mrcs of the human system, and science has prov< 4 that when these nerve centres am kept healthy the w hole body is Ueu!Ciiy. For thes* reason* failure is imapss- ible. For \Vm.