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Flesherton Advance, 23 Aug 1894, p. 4

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TB1 UI8H1RTON ADVANCE 1881 i WBSal.T AT THE orrli'l. SYU KBaM araarr , rLBHKBBToM. OST , BT w. a. THcasrov. I p+r M-aavolrlrtlr la a.vanr* Advertising Ratfta : oe Oetasaa. 1 rear, * : half ooi.. I rear. eearttr f otra rear. sis. Tr.n.ieal edeerttewaweit ehatfei a. the rate e< *ceul per line for mt Insertion aid 3 oeuU Uiia line will toon Uke ft turn, no doubt. If Uicy wen ottierwiae what ou earth would the okrouio growler do, mywajf? The Creemoro BUr aUntea aeerUin pethmMter to go and bide under the tarn. II all incompetent pathmutors tin ougliout tbe oonntrj were to comply with thte adrice tbe barns would all netd to be insured agminst a new dan- ger. T bey would tumble to pieoei in paamit at being required to cover eo moh dense ignorance. LAW REFORM. Tbe Globe bas of late taken np and gone closely iuto the qneetion of law reform. It thoroughly under- stands and expones the fact that tbe laws of this country were framed 'or tbe rich and the lawyers. The poor man baa ft* earthly show to gam ins- lice when pitted against tbe rich. While con versing with a well-informed gentleman tbe other day Tbe Advance wu told that tbe lawyer was the only individual in this broad country, who was legally entitle' to a fee for making out his own bill in detail against a client. For instancc.yuu may engage a eoihtitor to do certain work for yon. He will charge you so much for hia Her/ice, or perhaps retain whatever he chooses trout inouies wliich way have been paid into court, and should y in reqnue from him a detailed statement of bis tees you are taxed by him for making nut and presi-ntiiii; yon witb his own lull! What would be thought of t Tin reliant, who, presenting you with a bill of goouH purchased, tacked ou this item : " Making out account, nve dollars?" TaU, af ooursu, is ouly one of very many instances where l.iwy ci-s are unduly favored. Of course wu are informed that there ii a uiaiino r of ledreas appeal to tbe tiini j officer a lawyer himself. Tbe items wliiou he can and will al- low to pass, however, would be a veri- table cyeopcnor to any hard-worked farmer who received payment for bis labor to the extent of about one dol- lar ,'! day. Tue poor farraen and laborers in this vicinity, who got bit- ten by the big Bugeoia bubble, have had an expurienoe of taw which bas left them witb a ver/ sickening feel- ing at the pit of the stomach. They an uot likely to trocblo tbe law courts hereafter any wore than ia absolute- ly oeaceasary. But they will have to do ao more or Uaa. In the general transaction of certain bttMuea. " tbe law " steps in and .ays, " yoa must employ a solicitor." and you can't get out of it, aud this it where the ooto- pua has its numerous tu tides thrown oat over the country. Daring the past apring this paper pnblniied a nuinbei of letters on this very subject, and we are extremely w >ad that the Olobe baa gone so taorouifli ly iuto tUe matter. There m a large field in which to operate along thin line, and tbe reform* which should be ioaogorated are nauicd legion . From tbe agitation thus started some dsfioite and needed lofurnisarc likely to result. Canadiao cattle have not found favor witb tbe britisb Board of Agri- culture, who have discovered what Canadians never knew themselves, via , thateontagioni pleuro pneumonia existed iu Canadian herds. A cable- gram dated Aug. 18 says : The final judgment iu reference to Canad- ian cattle baa been pasaed by the Board of Agriculture. Hon. Herbert Gardner, President of the Board, baa decided that the embargo must stand. Canadian oattle isust here-after be slaughtered at the first port of lauding as has been the custom since the schedule was put into loice. A parlia- meutry paper hasjuct been issued which deulai ua that beyond a doubt the disease with which Canadian cattle kavo been found to be afflicted is con- tagious plenro-pneumouia. " From tue last report of the Bureau of Industrie* we glean the following figures relative to the taxation of the various townships in this county. The figures show the taxatian per head of actual ratepayers iu each township. Ospruy is taxed the lowent and Col- ling wood the highest of uny township in the county. Following are the figures : Artniei ............... . Iteatluck ..... Colllngwood .......................... Derfcy ...................................... W Kgrauioul .................................... * OT Euphratla .................................................. H UlenolR ..................... _ .................. ~. ......... . * Holland ....................................................... e Kappel..... ............ ..... ............................. Nonnaoby ............ , ................ - ..................... 8 efl ilapny ........................................... . a > Protou ................... - .................................. <* 8t. Vmcaol .................................... - *> Sarawak ................................... 3 * buillvau ...................................... * * Bydeubam .................................. ** a ;o E. E. Shepherd, of Toronto Satur- day Night, ia a keen observer and a traveller of uiuob experience. He is therefore iu a position to, aud is quite capable of, " siitiug up " the condition of tbe country and his conclusiona are worth listening to. Here are hit views upon tbe prospects of Ontario and the maritime provinces : " borne time ago I elecu*l myslf a visiting com mittee of oue to perambulate the prov- inces and see how things were going, aud I have just eouipted my annual tour of Canade>. NotwithstandiNg the ery of bard times, 1 am convinced that every province of Canada is doing very well indeed this year. There is no source of revenue important to any olaaa of tbe people in any province (bat can be considered below tbe aver- In British Columbia the aalmou Mr. Van Home's prediction of big for wheat appeal, to be explod- ing through the reeeh, tbe pries, in- dead of advancing, having gone down to fifty oeiits. Van is all light aa king, and ho might ee satisfactory as prieat, but wbun it comes down to pro- phet he cuts a pew figure. He em- erf ea at the mouth ead of the Home * it were. catch waa magnificent and tbe ehaoge in tbe United Slates tariff will mak* the coal mining industry much moi profitable than ever before, and tbe lumbering buaineas there and in the North-Weal Territories must also be improved by the change. The wheat crop in the prairie is up to the average, and ware ha been DO suspicion of frost so far. In New Braniwiek the average has been maintained and in Nova Booti tbe oatoh of fish baa been fair ; the hay crop iu tbe valley of the Bay of Fuuday it nearly four toot to the esre ; iu Prinee Edward Island alee they have had a good yield of their (keptes, and there is no reason why Canada abould not aoaaider her- self prosperous." The grain crop in tliia district is above avui'H^i- and u beiiii( AveJ ia uaiiijj to tbe eun- wcalber. Boot orups snd . io of course suffer iug, tad d.MDj; up. but Uiiuffl ia Whsn a asareaant er buelnees mar don't alvertiae what he has U> soil, he u evi. dea lj either ashamed of vis be liaa k o wr he duu't want the (woplo tu bay. If yofl have anytain t<> aell.let it be known Toa Might as well try to make a dead taan seisa p stream aa tu keep people f row detlust with the wide awake jedicl- <^s,.4rerUer. Frosa Sonth Dakota. A ltt*r to The Advance from South Dakota datod July 31, giro* the follow- ing entertaining fact* regarding the country, which, although a private letter, we lake tbe liberty of reproducing a few extract) (nun, for the benefit of our reader*, who, no doubt, will all be ex- ceedingly anXMHis to fo out there ami en- joy the blowing* referred to : "About four weeks ago I was at Bantoe Agency on the Muaouri river, aad (he thermometer registered 116* in the shade of a veranda, Jjwt Thursday I was at Muntnuto and at 3 p.m. things were het up to 106* in the cooleat plaoe. All that night thti mercury held it* tinker on 114*. The next day we felt very much relieved, a iliiiht weatern brcese epfang up and the temperature dropped tu 100* mark. The dust waa flying an that I nvarly choked and at tiiowi could aoarooly aw the fields. A few uhenrvations I made while paaniiig : A grain field where a reaper had Iwuu wauoerini through in no definite dinretion, vainly trying to Bud grain tall enough tu cut. Another field where they were getting down at it with a mowing machine while a man was trying to rake up the nunuanta of )>lai- IM! hopes with a hy rake (I guess it wa). I only tfot about oneKliiopee of u aa the breeze cleared some of the cloud of 'lint from around it. The Vertnilliou river has all gonit into vapor aiui cattle wander in the bed praying for it t<> flow again. At another place a woman with unbonnet mi, sat <>n a water iruugh kicking her hecU against the aidee. 8be looked an if she intended to uy there till ihe well dried up and tlion make her grave in the trough. All that U lacking hore U brimstone and the alkali in the wulla ii a very good aubatitute when you drink it ! it niooki you. Last night we had a h<>wr which cooled the imnephora ^imcwli.ii , but the 'dry earth twalloweU the shower at one gulp and lu-diiy there i* acarevly any muisturo vuible. The place where I uoarlrd, while at Sftiitve Agency, wan the wont typo of hotrl I ever entn<d. A one tory, frame building, with four room*, kept no not kept but keeping, a Frenchman o( tlm Luwer Crtiiiwlian type, hia wife a lulf lir.<'d. Tliu characteristic number <>( urchins of French families and myriads of fliea. That ii not all either, every morning as 1 left my pillow, the black flat fellows would sit up aud wipe their bandanas at lh thought of parting. Some of tli.'in, my luiMt intimaU) acquaintances, I aqueeavd heartily and bade good morning. i i iei i i 1'roton 1 .sinrll Met at Uopeville A-i;. 7th, 1W4. kUcKeuaie WatlOM Ju.i. Klllis be paid |6.30 for gnvel Div. 1, Malcolm SnirUir |100 work under Drainage By- law 90 as certified by Tp Engineer. Laughlin Corbett Draiitage By law N i. i3 for diaimiiK luM in 8, &, 4 and 6 Con. and for borrowing UW pro*iaioii- ally passed, he UoW tinally pavud, sealed etc. The rate for 1>96 for Co. and Tp. pur- poses be f>J mills ou the dollar. A grant be given of 916 mi lownline IVolon and Mulaiiorhoa, ocuditiuiial m aupplecueiit by Melanetheu. The clerk notify. Mac Ke. ...e -Corb*t-.U rant 160.00 supplement to simiUr from Tp. West Luther, Cowmiesiouer Dir. 1 to expen!. Corbett UngliliiiTh'.t the Mkiw- in i I e 1-anl f .r n*d jobs Div. 6 : Jae. Russell. $30 (IU, grat of 1893; O. U. Osjneron, K40 ; Cnaa. V.nalstin. , grant, $26.00 ; John QoMlfUow, ISO . Jno., to M| Ueo. Nrsbrtt, 94 70 ; Wui. Mitchell. 9* no ; Th.-. Wyville, II 00 ; lararl 8ch. U, 950.00 ; Taoa. Johns- on, 9 00 ; Jno. Allan, gravrl, 91176. The olerk write to Seat Lather and Ariemeeia, uking !>i eieJiafe awMiunta o; staiute labor performed It* 4 yeara paal >w lownlinua. Wataon MacKeiuie -Ttial the follow- ing be paid fnv r.*u jolw Div. 3 : JIK>. T<4d.9UOO; UoUt. Black, 91 W ; Jae. 933.56 ; Jam. McNu y 91*6; U. W,U.ii 9300 i Win. McMurdo 91.30 ; (W Campbell $17.16 j Areh'd Fei*iwua 97.W ; D. 0. MoArdle. grant, 914 00 ; Jan. Kinsman 91 SB i Juaeph Philips, building bridge, 910100. Oorbett Watmn-That 9600.00 o each Comminaion be givun out of the 99600.00 Oimnimar Helm .1 Land mon^y fur road imprnvement aa the CusninUsioit- eta see it hi M|M , any balance ra* maininf to Q .. edii. f each L*iv. fur next year, tu atone/ expended to U aaekeia >uoh by esii aavlu oracia diu MacKentie C..rhett That the follow ing he paid for road jobs Div. 1 : VVm. Brown 934.92. John Wagnr 97.00, Win. H.k ridge 97.00. Wm. Howlott 94 W, Moon 91*. 92. Wm. Boyd 91500, Kd. 8augdon 917 00, J.H.Bittorf 914 62, Jae. Smith 916.00, D. Shields (grant) 948.06, -'as. Brown 94.20. Edward Knolls ( 92894, M,.hel Olenny 9301*. Jacob Merklin/er 97.92. W. H. Ell H 93 38, Hn.rv C.du 110 40 Laughlin -C'>rlx-it Jas. Cavanagh he jiMi.i 9.'). i>> 3i<! quxrtrr salary. Tbe Co-incil 94 .-ach for 2 days sitting and 92 for 1 day, for s|cial on Draiiiace By-law N.I. 43 ; ihe Clerk 92 and Tree* 9S- Waieoii Coib-it Tl at ihe following U- IMI.I to. work Div 2 : Cl a*. Gillies 944.06, .Ino. Drvinr (rvrl) 96, Aden Br>ce 96.L'6, Jno. IU..H. l-.r. 9^.76, M. M.T.^.U.. 91140, J. Mc- Kacdren 26.30. Jm>. Brown 96.44, \\.o Billirga 922, Thos. McUiren 9&2 25. I!., i. HiovUodO.T.Vrl) 98.60. McKeni -' r 1 t- T'l S..umel Rit er . I . d -a a Tmynor, Tp. K ^ ' in Mi-i.|..ii,-r.H to let and in r: -. o c nsiructrd under Dr. oui LK So. 43. Ma. K-n Ijt'i.-' lin - Tht the fol- lowing b>- ,-id forwoik DIV No. 1: Wm ('utnni' n.'H *; 80 A't-x.1- d-r 9'J1. A. M. 1' 18.76.H. 17 WaK-er 914.26, Ch.-< <;>ll$5 .1 a:li Srrauli $T,, Jas. HIO..II 98. I .H Mil, 93.76, Jos. Kl .- ail.i'6 \V.i- [., ighlm That thn Treaa. rci- fM H'J Ivvlancr tai< Mm. Moody for 18!3, the CVetk te mrifv Co. Treas. to eiae. Tim' *' full wing l>e ptid ( T work in I) v I) .lot. P>i>''i|M 91060. Th *. Ferric 92, Wm. R- wi i *o Rot,- Frr 9.T5, AH. I > ^1 10 .!... Kn.. 94 56,Rbt. *4 40. Ricl-n.d Panl'-w 9! 86, .In.,. P,,r'<-r935n. D C. McArdl* 9 25, Jos. Kla.1 917.36 Lau'.'hl'n McKenr.ic That the follow- ing V* i* d for work Piv. 4 and 6: O.H. Camrri.ii 9U> '"O, Peter Jrffrry 919.80, Clms. V.iniiNtin.- 920.80. In Oil'. No 4 : Cha. Cavanagh 91960 LKiivlilii, Walaon .Ti^rph Essex be paid 91RO f..r w..ik on Drain No. 10. aa per eeitilirate <>f Eni'inerr. MarKei'iiie Watsoi, That 'hcarc't of ,( Inaac Trnyii'T, Tp. EiiRineer (or pre- liminary nuivry under Drainage By Law 43, and assistants, be pejd amounts 936 62. Watson Laiiehlin That this Council adjourn to meet at the Connor Houao, Dundalk on Thursday, Sept. 6th at 10 o'clock a. m. JAS. CAVAKVOI, Tp. Clrrk. CATTLE OWNERS, ATTRITION ! IEIICII FIT EITEIIIIITII. Homier i Mexican T\J ani Pllos and Inasrts of Kxtwminalor will I kJad fmu M When I was t Boy/ Wrltea Poetmaster J. C. WOODOOK. Foa4HUl.W.Va H ~IheJahes- of such a persistent taneter, that the doctor ptxMMWKd It htcanble with me to try Ayer-e Cherry FeetonL I dM SA Md M bottle cured For tbe last Uteen years. I have ted this preparation with food fleet whenever I take) A Bad Cold, and I know of numbers of peopte who keep it in the house all the time. not eonaUtrinf U safe to be with. HIV "1 hare tees aria* Ayer^s Cherry ftsetstal ID uy tassUy Is* years, with shssffaMy Uaed te ell I kave,lw Use r sasalriaes special rt eo y i asM a aave eesae te tae seaelasvosi that A jet*e Cherrr PeetormJ eseaaiee a elaes of the class," Chaa. Daveapect* Dover. M. J. Ayer*8 Cherry PwCtoral fNawet kf D* J. <X Ays* ft 0, LevvSX I prcvani Pllos and Inasrts of I kJad fmu ItuhtiuK mi i ;alll.: and HonM wbcr.vor II to ew- ulivrl. It i uviiliit .ht many tim Hor*a* IMCOISM morn Ja.Ud by File* than by thalr ragn- lar It is human* act and klodoM* tu Mvi>l)ic>tnim> b*a*t i'noyDO and palo, awt ton!?* tlisiu ll he. infort tbat oopl* mil j can. Cows tint .r. trfiubl*'! with flfeM lonriaMv i ! nllk than Utoss |nulnesT fruai thrir niii.K* Hutinar'* Mciicaa Kl K- tonuinator i <mithinx uior* HIMI Uoi, to aiilmaU (raia I'll**, as It M aadoa Tbe Best, Hoof Ointment in Ue. If properly IIMK! thli Fly Kitwniinalor Is i^rum I'Kvnntivp hum the acuckl a( th iiuiall black S v. railed In <itffr*nl Incalitiw bv iiif>full*iua iiaiuo*: Huffalo Fly.Arsbiau Fly. T.I,.,. Kl>. while In r*a)ltv tl.ey ar (be itrasxUd Meiioan " r 1 . . Th**e die* liuht r .juo<l UM liorug u( eactlo and cat down inu> tin > ! ao-l cauad Wrrlbla uffwrinR. aod uiaoy tiin tA ri'ovk ill* from tbe etfMl*. Thu Eslsriiilnator U a (wrtaiu prerttntiT* fnim attack. of all Plir or IUMCU on calll* or boms. It ls also a ior <Icath to Klo, IUKK< TIuNS Apply th Exterminator with a utiH bruib. or rub wll into the hair od ln.lo with th Angwra. Whuvr tb flie attatk tij.- stock * n. w at|llealloD thould beiuade. WUn faithful)) applied, cattle u'l honee wiil run in paetureall >iay without auaoyaaoa Iron fliiM or iaiOTU. Tbli (Jiutrarnt contains nothing Injurious or powououa 1 lie high ttauilard of Former's pr*v aracious, which hart bosii ao tontl n the maT* kt.i intttuient tcaraotee for ai y good* bor - ing hit name. For ftkle b W. Moore, Hirnessmaker Fleherton. Carpet a. Flainel leavioj. The uD<Urmigno.t U prepared do Carp*: a- it Fiajjnel weaving of all niU on alirt notice itnd leaaonablo term* Satisfaction iiiiantutoe<l. Oniern *-ii io by stale will receiTe pru.upt* - twntloo. Corrsapostietio* M>)ic od. HISS K. COf ITS, Feb. T. Cm. The Markets. (artfully errcrtJ Carh WVrk Klour Fall \ . . Sprint: \\ inrat Barley Oais Peas . Butter EKUI. frfsh Putative be>K Pork Hay per t"ii Hides 8herp*kuia (iet*sti Turkeys ChickFne per pair Ducks her pair Wool . t 320 t- $ :; .M IK) to U6 to :ti t,. 33 t'. 52 to 15 t.. tf t . 60 f 600 M 000 to 300 t :.'.> to Ii Iu (I to 26 Io 60 Io 15 to tw tiS 31 as 62 u I M 600 I, INI 7 10 91 ut> m Song of the Season* (NEW, SHORT AID SWEET.) There's a time to sow and a Mine to reap, Now is the time to buy dress* goods cheap. The summer season's ad- vanced, and we Have our tall goods coming across the sea. 1 o make room for these we now will ell Summer goods at prices to suit you well. Holies. For this week and s^ long as th stock lasts we will oi- ler : 42 inch colored Cashmere lor ioc., worth 27c.; 40 inch Ger- man Twills ior ^sc, worth 35. ; 38 inch French Shot Colors tor 2OC., worth 250. ; 28 inch Silk Mixed DeLames ior 190, worth 250.; 28 inch French all wool DeLames for 350., worth 450. ; at inch De- Lainettes f. r ioc., worth 150; CashmTwttas for 150., worth 25c. ; Prints for 8c., worth uc. ; Prints ior gc., worth 14C.; Lisle Gloves ior ia i-2c, t worth 2oc. ; Taffetta Glovesi ior i8c , wor:h a^c. ; Silk Mitts ior 2oc., worth 300 ; Lisle Gauntlets for 25c. t worth 35c. ; Blk. Cotton Hose (4 prs.) tor 250 , and a better Duality at ioc. per pi. K'ciuainder of Milliuen, Hats, i'araswls. etc., etc., et equally sweeping reductions. M.B1CHAROP * (JC,

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