WILL SOON BE A SCIENCE, HISTORY OF BALLOONING KROM ITS INFANCY. TOLD . roanotl. rcrlvlac !) Alleeilaei In Ike la. i Veaw* f Ikr Crmlnrj ' I.IMlr Hare ikan l*e Vmr> Marr lk<- NnfKl*rr ttr.isjrr. N>d>- Ike Initial Trip Witk a -c Air n.x rit. Laieat Invea-llaiM tm Knreae Are Meereel A- Caliwt IbeWleiel-rreKrew Kspeeleel. It i* only 1 1 1 yean since the Moetgolfier brothers sailed in th* air a balloon filled with heated air, a erode affair at beet ; mw the latest development* and investigations of Langley, Maxim, and Holland are becoming well known u> tbe public. But it is only within a few yean that any real progrea* ha* been made. Jane 5, 1783, Joseph Montgolner, at Annonay, Prance, assisted by us brother Stephen, sent up a balloon made of varni>he<i paper. They are credited with being "the tint that ever bunt into that unknown sea." But in ancient time* mechanical flight waa spoken of in the claa- ic, a*, for instance, tne fable of Dirdalua and Icarus in Itreek mythology. In the latter part of the fifteenth century the natural philosopher, Dante I not the po*t) i* said to have sailed seven! time* over Lake Trasymene, in Italy, by means ef a pair of wings, till in decending too rapidly he broke bis leg : liter Mill, a smith at Sable, France, waaabl* to <lecend obliquely through tbe air by means of wings, bat eoaH not lift himself. There are also traditions of the airship of Laurent in 1709, that of the .Jesuit priest, Lara, and finally that of th* I'ortaguee*, ijuxmin, of whom it i* maintained that he invented an ari balloon with hydrogen gaa, which bur** at a great altitude, and came down about twelve mile* from Parir, whore the raper- titioas peasant* destroyed it with hayfork* and flails. TUIY ARKIXD Tbe First a*cen*ion with passengers wa* undertaken by tbe marquis d'Arlande and I'llatre d< R/:er. coming down in twenty- five miuutes at a <iutAo.ce of five mile* from tbe stalling point. Dr. Jokn Jeffrie*, a graduate of Harvard, mad* in 1 7$o the tint pauage by balloon from England to France with tbe aeronaut Bianch^rd. paying him t'T'-'for tin- cost of tne trip. The trip spied two hours only. A monument waa erected at thepoiut of debarkation and Mr. Jeffr:es ara* much fated by the municipal council of the city o: Guines. in Fraoce.and it* eompte having deacende i in the forest of Uuinea. Improvement* were mad* soon after in the safety valve, hanging the car in a net, the method of nsmg ballast, etc. (iay Luatac -uid Rit reached ax elevation f 7,0<>0 meters, or -JLUOUfeet. No further progress was made in the construction of balloon* and the scientific development of aerial navigation for nearly a century. The employment of balloon* in warfare wa* found to be practicable during the siege of Paris in !>?", when Nadar an.i others established the balloon postal service. i,m- be'ta him**lf did not hesitate to escape from Paris in thia manner. In Tonqum, in the late French war, balloon* were employ- Mi. Th* balloon roe* to a height of 15<> meten. or during battles t> i"><> meters, and from that heuht it was possible to inform th* commanding officer a* to th* point where th* projectile* f*ll, the itnngth of th* enemy, etc., by raising the voice or by dropping written communications weighted with alone*. It wa* also through this mean* that th Chinese wer*prev*ut<i from retir- ing from BaoNinh, and that place waa taken without tiring a shot. The us* of th* balloon in the recent great military maneuren in Franc* has perfected the science greatly, a* shown by M. Debu- reaux. an officer of engmeen. in hi* report- In concluding hi* report he claims that if Napoleon at Waterloo and Bazaine -t Saint Prival ha 1 had a balloon -rv.ce at tlieir dicpoeal a different result might have been expected from both battle*, and thereby th* course of history would have been changed. M. Deboreaux think* that at % ill italic* of three mile* the balloon would be beyond ih* reach of artillery, an. I would command the ground for a distance of more than ait mile* -. and even at night the coun- try la sufficiently illuminated to be compar- ed with map. It is difficult, howevtr, to distinguish the movement* of troop* in a wooded country, and (her* are other draw- backs. M XKI <OVIM:. If the proponed balloon venture* succeed a new era will have been inaugurated in aerostatic*. The greate%t ot these i* the navigable balloon, based on the theory of Lieut. Clement de St. Marcq. It consist* ID (ending an electric current to a motor placed in a casemant, which is suspended by a balloon, thus operating a propeller situated in th* anterior part of the caso- ineoi, the current 10 I* conveyed to th* motor by mean* of a pliable cable towed by tbe balloon, snd sliding along an elevated aerial way by means of a trolley. The balloon i* an elongated or cigar-shapetl forir. The central part of tl.e casement i* the governing station, wi ere t he motorman I ha* *cces* tn all the actuating levers. The anterior part i* reserved for paasengera, tilted up like a aaloon steamer, and will accommodate twenty-five to thirty people. The posterior part i* reeerved for machin- ery. Here i* located a motor of U,Vhor*e power. The speed of the balloon is e*tl- mated at iw*nty -live miles n hour. Th* lectric current i* genrtel by two d) na- me* of -.'.UOO-korse power each. The Irsck i* to be lain frin the house in the city to the fair ground*, a distance of about a mile. The other venture in aereoat >lio* I* chateau aariau consists, aa its ni.me sag. gest*. in having a oaatle suspended in mid- air by means of a balloon. TM gigantic enterprise i* not expected to be in operalioa until late in the summer. The basket, or " chateau," will hold 100 penon* at a height 01 1. *X> fret ; connection between th* chaleau and th* ground i* to he **tab- I'sbvd l<y mean* of fast elevators between heavy cables. The balloon, tbe chateau, and tii* ei*vatort are to he eqaipnwl wr.r parachutes m caae of accident. Th* moor- ing* of thi* aeriil monster will consul of forty steel cable*, so arranged that th* air- ship can be ilrawn to me ground in a very few momeata. fieM may be briefly m*ntton*d th* aerial balloon of M. < 'hampagnon. Tbe propeller* of this an noi screws or paddlewh**!*, bui ighl oblong wing*, similar to too** of a dragon fly ; and they are claimed to develop AGRICULTURAL The Outside Cellar Stain- At usually constructed, the ou ;de cellar i tt * lr >>> 7 " dilapidaied after a few yean of use, and many arioa* accident* occur by failing or ilippinj from aoil upon the decaying step*. If stones of the right j lenutb can be obtained, they art me beat by Ui knowledge that success or failure! TTTT WFTTT'Q NT WQ depend* on the T .ality of hu work. By 1 H-Lj VY JJUlIV kj 1 1 J_l M O toe UM of the modern ma.-ninry the old- rurigery impoeed on :ne good nouae- wtfe h*s b*eii removed, and .unu*ben<i.T.4n a propelling force of twice tbe stnngth ef ; crew of paddlawbesls. Deiprad's aerial velocipede aeek* to bring the unaided mas calar pow*r of man into service for the working of the .crew flighu ; neath the n down , lhe u , e , o , tfc . In .-rar.ee balloon* nave been made with- in the year that can b. seerd agam.t lhe . c-1Ur tfm ' be laid up in maeonry. Wher* wind when blowing twenty mile* an bear, only small atone, either round or flat, in at the next beet being plank, though neither can be de- pended upon unlea* the whole spa x under- the while in licrmany a balloon hae been pro- due*! which can be iteered, which n used in warfare aolely, hence the meaner of it* construction i* not made known. CANADIAN CATTLE IN BRITAIN. The drrf i la-aeraare oi.pi>"-,! tm Great Kriijtiu tb.< < aaa4laa 1i rn. It ha* long been well known that the rintish public in general, and even penona in high positions from whom better thing* might be expected, have displayed wonder- ful ignorance about Canadian matter*, but it wa net so generally known that an accountable ignorance of matten within the boned* of their own little laiand I prevailed among inch official*. Prof. Tanner, aenior examiner on agriculture in the S:ienc* and Art* Department of the Briiith < Government, i* now on a visit to thu country and was interviewed both here hand, lay up the s'.air of thi* material thoroughly imbedded in mortar, making the step* of tbe needed height. When this i* done, co*. a plank step of the proper width and length for each step, and i>lace them on top of the stone step, as shown in now perform* the wore; with ease and it:H, .:med calling on hie wife only to add those artutic mineral water. CANADA. tnat *u*am 01 valuable touches in which th* ladle* alwayr excel. The Use of the Cellar. To be sun the cellar is not a good place to boose farm implements, carriages, or the family provisions and ihey do sum* time* contain worthiest ciutcB, say* J. W Ricker, bat doe* not the man who shows a lack of order in th* cellar also show the earn' in the barn above and other building* * ci'ieely famou* A].'iil>c.sri* water, bat been found al ki.ln.ir Forge*, (jue. Th N men- in Balta:u>n, ef Wianip*K. ha* been mcreue<l in aireeglh nearly forty per cent, lhe total treugih now being ifti, instead of 36>, aa previouaiy Tnbercalou* i* prevalent sttsng herds *f dairy cattle in the neigh her ksed of Van- couver, B.C., and a liovernment inspector i* now examining the cattle. Mr. Thomas How, manager of tne Loa Ion, On i.. branch of the Bank ef Toronto, ha* been promoted to be gsn*ral of the Montreal branch ol th* I And if so doe* that prove mat he ought to live without building* " If lotficient abwrbenl* re used lhe ban cellar is nol a nuisance, but th* beat place ' Owe of tb* large mountain angina* ef the 1 to make and ttore dressing lhat I know of. . Canadian Pacific railway bant near Field I Th* liquid manure COOIAUU nearly all of j Station. RC., on Monday night, killing from the animal, tne driver and stoker, tnd (evenly ' wounding a brakeeman. It is proposed lo establish a on-operative colony on on* of the many fertile telaada along the Bntian Coiumoia coast, to which the potash which and we should aave a* much of it a* os- sible, bat at those bant witnout cellars very little is saved. Our cellar is a good place in grew pigs in. Even in cold weather ihey grow about j a* well a* in summer, aa they never suffer promised aaaiataao* . n farming and CELLAR TAIB.". tbe accompanying illustration. Upon each side tit a retaining board, and the recall d '"Ottawa, regard.ng the reason why i wlll ^ ., ^S^t dutable and general the Briush Government continued the I , y ..ajBiW It poaaible, mak slaughtering embargo on Canadian cattle <lovnment ha* | The settlers will rom cold and an pro\ iiied a dry nest to dining. leep in. We hav* more than dou'bled th* ' A far , laborer named CauniHf, who was production of our farm and to the cellar due much of the credit. FACTS IN FEW WORDS. is , mfta y9d by Mr. VanAlauue on a farm three mile* north of Morden, Man, haa charge of murdering named Lani. I'anauxT ha* t.'anada's amonnta to foreign bust year. <.h:cAgo i* the ^reateat railroad centre in the world. In K ranee tae bicycle i* ridden by nio*e women tnan men. Ther. are 1 3.HOO.OUO men of military age , " D 1 00 ~ r - in the United State*. b*en arrveted on th* in a tne steps from two-men pine plank, covering Football wa* a crime in England during landed at British port*, and on boib j tb . WBoU Wlln , oitll * do0 rs7in th* uaual occasions he gave a* tbe principal reason | mtnntr ibat tuberculosis wa* known to exist in I torn* par- of Canada. Now, while i Feeding The Dairy Cow. confessed lhat he accidentally shut Lard, and through fear buried the body. The Whil* Star steamer Majestic dens* tog off the Bank* on Monday i ran down th* fishing schooner The steamer lowered her lifeboats and picked up seven of tbe occupants ef the On* of th* men resenad was to be subsequent. y datd. unfortunately too true that tubercular disease* do eziat to some extent among Canadian cattle, (till it is a well known fact that they prevail to a much greater eitent among British herds. Catlle from all part* of the Dominion, excepting the Maritime province* and Bntiah Columbia, are being brought regularly for sale to Montreal and are liau^h'.ered in one of the two abattoir* w lie re there is a skilled inspector employnd to ex- amine every beef uarcaae, ye: not over one in ten thoueaiid i* found to snow symptom* of tuberraloeis, while according to some re- oentreportenearlyone percent, or Brituncat- tle slaughtered for beef havechowD symptom* of the diseaae, and in sum* of the '.arge cit- ies tw*nty per cent, of th* cow* killed for beef were more or leas affected with the diseaae L'nder such circumstance* the fear of im- Mr. M.T. Cole, says Where cow* are kepi for supplying milk for chees* fa -tones an 1 making butler during warm month*, a good paaturr, plenty of pore waler wilh a liberal crop of fodder corn to tupply tl place of shjrt pasture isora* now us* en- silage for summer feeding), there i* per- haps not aa much labor or car* required a* in some other branches of dairying. Where one make* butter toelve month* in in* year, supplies a creamery or ship* milk lo city dealer*, it is very necessary that be | knows how to do. l. In talking with pro- i prieton of several creameries or butter factories I found that th* greatest trouble in running them * ufactorily was tee fail- th* re:gn of Henry VIII. The L'nited Slat** use* nearly one-half of the quinine produced in the world. Pneumatic tires hav* de*n found v*ry serviceable on hospital ambulance*. There an more muscle* in th* tail of a rat than then are in a human hand. Lt*t year Anvralia produced gold to . th- value of .*.'." ",iioi) in excel* of any other country. The *tatem*nt .1 made that daring the lasi I<JU yean r'rnce ha* lost fi.OtXi.OUO soldiers m war. There an clubs of gir.s :n Sydney, th* object of which M to atlauU the tneatre without male **cort. The woodpecker exerts a force with hit bill against a tret equivalent proportionate- ly to that of a -Jit-ton trip hammer. In i 'hina a man who porting the disease from among tbe most heallny her Is in the world seem* rather . illy, aid in fact it it nol -.he reason given i '" offo< mllk <lunn * " lon:ht wb * cr " ln | by lhe Brilish anlhoriuea who pretend to ' d butler were icerceand high. Farmers dread the importation of contagious pleuro- ' have to be educated to the basin***. Many butler factories have failed becaoee they could nol get enough milk during the winter month* to pay for ruuuicg. In looking over my m:.k account I find po.u has nportatio from a rom a country where it never bad any exietence. It is difficult tn say whether the fjlue charge* made by Bri list;. officials of pleuropneumon: existing among Canadian turds, can be laid to their ignorance, pure "cnaseonese" or to " political etigenci**." It i* devoutly to be hoped that Prof, Tanner will improve hi* opporlunitiee while in Canada for gel ting correct information about tb* real con- ditmn of Canadian cattle. executed, and along with him hi* scnool master for not having taught him obiter A Florida turtle's burrow wa* *>p!ore<l an i among it* luhabitant* were found thir tvu species of luaects, ten of tnem nw to science. Bicycle ri'ien in Southland, Australia, n reqaired to dismoun: twenty-two y*nt* Mr. L. J. Seargeent, general -nsnagsr of tbe Graad Trunk railway, in an inter- view said that it Appeared to him lhat the Intercolonial Conference al Ottawa wa* the Ant step towards the unification of ike English people of the world, and the dest- ination of lhe Engu-h language and th* sentiments which regulate the live* *f the. Anglo- Saxon race. Sir John tiont, th* eminent British statesman, and formerly L'nder-Sacnt* ry for India, who ia al preeenl in M Maire. . say* that Canada is a great country, and must hav* a remarkable futuie. He *sp- poeed that fn* tradf could not be adople<i in this country. Dot be tuooghi that pro- lectio . in a great many cases is earned to great extreme*. ..KIAT BUT.tl*. Mr "ia-lttoo* declines the invitation ta v.si: th- I'aited Staiae on account at hi* advancing yean and the recent operation ou bis eyes. The hoot* of Princess >oltyko*T, at Slough. Bucks, aoout two mile* and a h>t from Win.lior, wae entered by burglars on We.inea.iay night, and jewen to tb* valu* of i en tnouaan.l p un.is were stolen. A despatch re.-eive-l :n London from Basal ns Ayres anitoonced that Jabex B*.- from an approaching hone and draw \h.ir foor lh . ,- .. .^..^berof Pmrliam*st. he-., past. _ ^ been ...rnndetwd A NOTE OF KINDNESS. _ __ ...--..^. by th* Argentina tr-plorendeclan that no aowenng plant MtnorillM w th . representative. e th* that our cowsaveraged for June4<JHo-iun. is nai ever ueen found within lhe Antarctic Bnlish tiovenment per day ; for August. iJ7 pounds per day ; ' Circle. In tne Arctic Circle 76:2 different for Deoemoer. 3 pound, per , lay. We kiu.it are known. Th Arbitration party in the Briial, keep iwenly cows and m- Ik about ibe sam* I Recent azures .how thai the total value House ot Common, believe, the Gevern- aumbei- all the time. I conf-ss mere is loo of the match** mad* and consume! eaon Bcat .nuch .hfferen.-e in the showing between th year througno'ilth* world is bat little short ; '" * a P tlon OI * iwenty-nve year ef $200 000 OUO. srburation *greement between lh , ' !>lalea and Graai Britain. In test* last year in th* (i*rman 'own of i r*il]r *l*pltallly ! It Wa< lilven anal Brrrl.eJ With Hearlr Ceee) Will. An English woman, living in tbe town of Bergen lu Norway, during many yeara.wa* in the habit of preparing every Chrmtma* an EnglUh dinner of roast beef and plum . month* of J one and August, bat did you ever see iwo nach extreme* ? Ihirmg June the f**d wa* never finer : in August every- ; ! thing parched with drought, die* trying lo 'extract what little juice there wa* lu a cow. Care shou id be taken to feel cows with the gr*al**t regularity. W* wsign our milk every night and morning. It is truly surprising to w* what a variation irregularity will produce. Last t a slight ' week we , l>easau it was snown that cooking by wood and coal coat* a little more than tw.c* that done with gaa. Whenever a morier I* comm.tted in Argen'ma u is customiry to put every possible witnen* in prison and keep him there until tb* real culprit is convicted. Forty-nve pound* of corn are sai.l to be - were gomgont to an evening entrrta:nrr.-ut . pudding, to which she mvr.eU al! of tbe * "'' * consequently milked one i l .,..' e ;D . hour earlier. I h* next morning w* milkr Knglith tailon bo happened to be ,n lhe M th , retfulmr ;,, Ther , WM \ inrillk . K . port al lhat tune. The tailon ate, drank an i were merry, and we hope went ou the.r wv better men, a* every ooi'y (hould b* better for th* touch of kindliest giveu to cheer th* hours of lue. Bui that was not th* only r**uit of her genlle deed. An American woman happened to be in Bergen on Chriatirai, bean) of this ilinner, | tnis tbe stable must be and coming home to America gave an ac- the feeding performed In a lot of cheeee *ei/.ed on Thureday in \-w York were discovered the bacilli of diphtheria. The i'ullman work* war* reopened an Thursday quietly. On'y iwo hundred and li.'tv men wen reported for work, althoagh th* company *xp*jte<i eigot hundred. Ther* is a p ague ot black apiden in Crawford country, Ind. Many penon* were bitten, and one nun died, having orlh ooiy a cent and a half in Kussia to- lay, an I iruny fannen an sanding the.r o toe Deld*. a* lhe ol of harvetl- would exceed lhe price of corn. oftw.ntypoun.U. Th. weather and feed- | - the interior of Au.trali. , ^sene. of \ ""* *** '"" ^** tl ,ng were just lhe saiie a. u.u.1. A. I | " r " ; : k - whlch * ?? b y w *'- only at long interval*. The mud which remains whsn the water it b-tnt it tille'l with the bone* ot geologic monster*. A notice bat been poste.i on the doon of one of the moat fashionable ohurche* in the I a**i*t with the milking and f**d the cow* my*lf and attend lo weighing th* milk, it i* very interesting to note the** varia- tions. Change* m th* weather will affect th quantity of milk. In winter warm wea-her will increase th* flow, whil* in sharp windy weather it will Jecr-a*. To obviate comfortable, an.) ilh the greatest hut on* ' There is no us* in talking about getting j attempts of an American company lo boy " count of it to some of her friend* They all listened with pleaaun aid, " Why cannot we do likewise T" a good flow of milk without plenty of good They were all ready t follow. They food. It requires mon in cold weather lived in a large teapot I town. When the ! than in warm. It is aliuoet as bad to feed next wmt*r came they formed themeel--** I too much a* not enough. Only a few day* uuc vi VBJ*B n.we>n iinTtsi L/u*n '/i iiu*^ue9*n 141 bu*: I . . tit- west end of London to the effect that no i for , th * >taU ?! I "' i ' more .oppen will be ajcepled in taking up the co lections, Preaident Diaz, of Mexico, lia* seat out a topographictJ and geological expedition to in volcano Hopocaiepetl, owin^ to th* jug. i Presi.ient D*b* *,.ys that he will never again )>e connected with any strike orgen- izatiou. Hereafter he will advise all work- men tu seek redress by ih* ballot. The annual report of tlie 'ia* Inspector into a Scandinavian dmnei club, and gave much time lo the concoction of h:therto unknown ui*he*. They sougSl out all the Norwegian, Swe- dish and Danish tailor* in port, an. I invited them to a bom* dinner on Chrixmas day. Th* room waa gaily decorated with ever- green and iheir national flag* : th* band played their own music, and on lhe table i nee I came near getting tb* cow* off by not decreasing the ration* to correspond guide* it. the mountain. Two colored women at <e lalia. Mo., run a farm themselv-s, and, when ploughing lime cooit*. in lieu of using a hor.e. on* woman draws the plow whil* the other iana has been ixaued. and contain* the remark lhat the limit of the natural gat tupfilf has beeu reachtd, and th* end it only a question of time. In the United State* Disinct Court m Oenvrr, Col., on Thursday, MVen i-r Junction railway men w*t* convicted of detaining tb* mail by refusing to handl* train* on which were Pullman car*. The judge fined them each ten dollar* and cos's. Much surprise was expressed at tn* light- nes* of th* sentence. with the weather. It is all right to talk about a complete hill of far* to produce milk, hut the*e limes farmer* will be governed to aom* eitent by what they have on hand. I know that dairymen do noi generally giv* credit enough to corn at a milk-producing were their own dishes, chief among wnich I food- I have and can do it again pro- I with her during her predatory excursions, wen Risgreyuegroi (no* porridge), and Leit duced a good quantity of n ilk tb* winler ' Th* infant had a wax face and a hollow, nek (codh*h). { through with no feed but corn in the ear Ur. John Snenk. living near Labanon. Pa., went into h*r cellar to procure *om* provisions recently, and while there was Cholera i* epidemic at Vlaroeillej, an the authorities ate *aid to b* concealing lung uy a copperhead snake. A favorit* I th* actual situation. cat which accompanied Mrs. Shank at- Chief Malabach, who ha* been giving so tacsed the reptile and killed it. j much troubi* to the authorities el the A Parwian shoplifter carne.1 a bogu* baby I Soutn African republic, haa surrendered. The It was not costly hospitality, bu*. u waa and good corn stalk*, with an occasional given and received with hearty good will. ; ration ot hay. The men who probably would have spent I the day drinking in tavern* were :r:n,n.le.l of th.ir homer, 'heir w,*. and ^Mnn, *** Private Dairy. and of the holy purpose ot tbe day. At a meeting last winter of the Nebraska | It i* not the song of one bird that cheen dajryill<ni K. H. Vaughn (aid a word in I the summer morning, but it is the song caught up and echoed from 4very held ana for-*l, until '.he air it turnt-.i mu> music. This little not* of kindnee* has been echoed once. Can it go no farther ' Euphemism. Doctor's Wife "Have you told Mr*. Blank thai her baby is deaf and d-imb?" 1)1.1 IWtor "Not exactly : but I have told her that if th* littie girl grew up and married, her hiuband would be devoted to her." Kvrry map bat his own vocation. There is one direction in which all space u open to him. He has faculties ulently inviting him thilher to endleu exertion. He i* like a ship in a river he run* agaiutt obstruc- tion* on every tide, but one, on that tide all obstruction i* taken away, and he sweep* serenely over a deepening . hanael into an infinite lea. favoi of private dairying. Whil* not wuh- ing to say anything dirparaging to the creamer)**, yet be think* thai for the man who is imbued with the right spirit, taste and lev* for th* work, that th* private dairy present* th* most inviting field. It encourages and stimulate*) him 10 hi* beet efforts. All of th* various conditions *re under his management and immediate control Step by s'ep through the entire piooea* his perception le quickened, hi* vigilance made mon watchful snd .**! more earneet. for the reason that the whole responsibility nets upon him. Quite a large share of thi* busin*** i beyond tbe reach and influence of th* on* who perform*, cares for, and directs the work at tb* creamery. Yet all of th* many inr^ortant and in- tricate step* and turns are performed by or under ihe immediate direction of the private dairyman, who all tbe whil* it stimulated leather bo-lv. It wa* th* thief's custom lo dexterously transfer purloinel article*, such aa glove*, laces, etc, to the spacious baby. _ Remarkable Action against a Surgeon. An :ntere*tmg surgical law sail lately took place in Germany. A girl (even y*ar-> old waa taken to a hospital affected with tuberculosis in the fool, and th* directing physician, after vainly trying in other ways to prevent th* spread of the disease, proceeded to amputate ill* foot. Th* father of the child ha*1 previously declared he would nol permit tn operation, aad the lull* patieni was already lyiug on the operat.ou laid* under ether 01 chloroform when the father appM*red at the hoepnal to lake tbe child away. But the physician, faying, "It it loo late. I will speak to the father afterwards," proceeded with and completed lhe operation. After ihi* no new tuberculous appeared, th* child regain- ed it* streug'h, ami haa gone on developing normally. The father brocgbt a case of "wounding by mean* of a uangerou* in- strument ' against tbe doctor, but the latter wat acquitted. again, how*v*r. The case i* to be tried overnment wa* tV Orel to accept liraat Britain'* inviiaiion to observe strict neutrality during the war between ; China and Japnn. A loukimiili nemed l^>'.i>oiski. hi* wife I and tw-i sots were Muu.i iioa-i in Keilia on | Tnura>iay mararig. ail htving com*aiti*4 uioide by hang-i-.' ihcinat-lvet. The gold that w,, *twl*n on: of a oenaiga- nifii- from New York to Kiris wna feuad in some sacks hniden in a lipoi coal sear the railway station at Havre Dr. Corneliuii Hern, the I'lnama lobbyiat wno refused lo [*(,uin lo France, ita* been sentenced lo tiv y.-r' impriMHiinent, aad to pay a fine of ihree Ihousand francs. The Japanese Government ha* instructed its Minister in London lo apologise lo (real Britain for firing upon an<i sinking the transport Kow Shin^ while she wa flying the Rrit:h flog. Fearing epi.ietiuc* ot ili*<a9 ic Coestan- tmopli u lh* people are any longvr allow*. i to remain hu.i'l 1 in the irardenn, w*j*r* they *oaght r*;uge at the time of the earth- quakee, lh* Government i<i comrielling them lo relurn to their homes. Kverv tingl* action of our life .-am** in ill train either* re war. i or a punmhoteal, however litlle .lupueed we are to admit that each U th* <