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Flesherton Advance, 9 Aug 1894, p. 5

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE BANKING OFFICE OF GEO. MITCHELL, FLESHERTOX. au<< eh bii \ t)r t* iMu x uny vateri-riss. Orno tw doors Berth e I Riofcardwa A Go's (or Vicinity Chips. CtUsraeterfettea f the Past Week CareAtlly Culled rr the itt,cr.i mu9 l-rali >ciU bt rA,ir,j'f eU tke rate f tOe per fw /r KA mjeriwm. .1 riWw tct'H 6 ON contract for lOOfauvr wer. Get ice cream at MBM Hinds. Something new in ouitua blankets at $1.15 a pair at Hill'u. Honey for sale, in cans. ten pounds for one dollar. Ac thin ottc*. Th Township father* did a heavy day'* business uu Monday. Report elsewhere. WANTED Twu work home* in ei- change fur sawing or other mill work al o'i null*. liaskervill* & Co. pUo* their snaounoe- ment in thia v>u. Do i.ot format to it. There i* an armistice iu the Tbornbury newspaper war tliUwev-k, and none of the three jM h <;r* will be published. Mr. \V. 1'. Cr*Uey ha purchased an lenant new 'baand BOW iraveU it be- twea the village aad Station Mr. \V. J. Muoreh*.'. ahi ly cut iu two by a (ram at Bait's lately. The mmmit broke out n( the field. Don't fonwt that Mr. J. Thorn paw* will serve dinner and copper in P. Q. Karstadt'* DW block ou Moaday noxt. Quarterly services were held iit the Methudist church n Sabbath last. At txith semctM th seating room w* tasud tn iu fullex* capacity. Rer. Mr. Wei* rvtanmd from hi fort- tu*ht's vacation on Saturday last, looking much invigorated after the holiday. He occupied his own pulpit on Sabbath. Dinner and ripper will bo served in K. G. Karstedt s new block m M uext by Mrs. J . Thouipaou. Come and tujoy good, hot meal. ^ Boots -Now M tho time to buy your long bouts and harden them for the sluxhy fall weather. I have just what you want lid guaranteed not to rip. T. Hill. Fine brick house, with kard and sof water inside, Uuve lot ami lUble. with factory at present u*ed at pl.iniiiK f;wt. TV . for sale iu the Village of Kleoliertou \ l>lyU'Mrs. T. \V \ViUm, Kurviiiit. eow -'7;i Dot, " in the woman's column. -wido this week to have a knock at the Canadian thutlfs which l-nsik- by "iir r.iadKides, and handle* tho .| leation with 4iut glove*. Her remarks are worthy < f Attention. The Metliitdist Sunday School held picnic at the beavermundw on Wednesday aftern<*oii laat. The day was i-loii ly but pleauut, and all the little folk enjoyed themselves U> their hear:* content. "Canst thoti minuter to a iiiinj v.l I' links Macbeth. (.Vrtainly, my I >n!; the condition of theiuiud depends l-jtv- fy, if nut >U-lv, on the condition of the vtoniacli. liver, and bi wels, for all uf which complaints Av-r' Pills are "thr mivei%ignet tiling on earth." Tho Temoernuce and lie.iernl 1 il\- In aumnre (\>. KIVI* cheap and utisCact >ry iniuranve. It is tho p.>p"lr R. Hi-ndenon, aiji-ir. Vl.-.-h, it^ti, written up a number of policiua tin' pant two wi-i-ks. '-4ll on liini ' end cnti{M'iidence t" Ifc x T'. N , iv.uud. While very many of oui exchanges are enjoying the usual week's holiday* The Advance ha* decided to struggle along through the dog days and tire off it edition at the people regularly each week. It may, however, decide to take its turu later on iu the season. Viaiton on Monday next will pleaae bear in mind that the ladi of tke Metho- diat church ha<re put thenuclve* to a xreot deal of tn>abl in gettui up hot dinner, to be served in the Town Ball There will be sufficient fur ill comer* and of Grat ciaaa quality. Patruniae the ladiea. Mr. and Mr*. W. A. Brown, of Mark- dale, recently lost their only child, a little girl aged three month*. Mr. and Mrs. Bruwu are at present ou a riatt tu frienda in Belleville. Much sympathy is ex- preaaed for them in tbU vicinity, thin being the third child which they hav lost by the 2rim reaper. Kine brick h->u* for sale or rent for *.ei iu of yean. Pleasantly aiiuateii. near Pre*bytriau church. Coutaiaiii); 5 bed- MOBW, diuiiiK room, sitting room, kitchen Mid tuuiuier kitchen, hard autl soft water (luuipa in woud sued. Good stable and orchard. Apply t. J. E. Moore, furni- ture dealer, Fleahertou. Kvery man, young and old, should carry more or lean insurance oil his life for hi* own benefit or the benefit of those depending upon him. Are you iimurvd ' Or can you not carry a c<mple f thousand mure f R HetKlersun, Flexherton. repre- sent* the popular cmau.ny the remper- tice Jt GenerJ. Call nd see him. or send correapoudeuce to Box 72$, Owen Sound. At a special inviting it Pnn e Arthur \adje, A. F. 4 A. M , on Monday evi-n- iog laat, Kav. Mr. V\\-l! gnve an account at htt> stewardalup at tUe Grand lr+\-fi which met recently it Hamilton, and r ceived a Tote of thanks. He alo re- ported that an application for a charter for Dundalk did not come btfore the Qraaid Lod^e for the raoapn that the etncen considered the district alrevly well supplied. Th*> V. P B. A. of this town are pre- pariuf for a hi(t time on Mouday iwxt. A Urxe number of visiting lodges sre ex- pected. The (ioke.- iil be Rer. Mr Mad.lL, of San.ia. Rev. Mr Joiiea, of Maxwell, and Rev. Mr. Well*. F!e*her- ti'ti. In the ereuing a /ran I concert will be held iu the unit shed at which Mr. Fred Warrington and Miss Njckfd, of Torntn,willtake part, noist-M by other-* Mr. VVarrington is rocognized M ona of the finest baritone siru^-rs iu Canida. and will DO doubt ('.raw an immense crowd, a* it is hit lii-l appMsraifo hero An ni\ ilul named Mc5 iw.from no one knows where, worked upon the heiu-v > lent ffi-IiiiKH of our town's inimical i-' r.-i-k, .tnd penuiadod them in: htm a benefit conceit in the Town 11*11 on Monuay evening. ' The band al*' fav.-nil hem with tlu-.r prwseoce free unitis f r iiothin-'. Tlwre were very few present .tiul li did not p*y expenses. Whilw the in.tii may l>e o"verviii<, he survly has f a cl.uin up>>n some other com- munity than IID lias UJMIII any in (hix dis- trict. Ho u be!<l puts the |>rople iiin'ii;: hoin In- thrust* himself to a ileal of u .con The younx pe|'l* wn>1 rrturtied Ust week from e.Ainp at Bell's Uke had a ter- ui'U oxcitui'j time while there. The ladies heard a bear pr<wlin<t around their tent ittid made the youni; men ot up and tiro .1 fussilade int" the bushes to scare irilni> ay, ami on of tho yi>un^c men dropped inti>* 1-ed of quicksand up t.ilns waist, nnrrowly eHcapin^ from a lernMe death. We conKratulnte the p*rty upon arriving home wth all their number. It p|>fur* to have IM.H-II mute a in nl<-. ii>ni.ieriii>! the terrible pitfalls mid snare; set for them. Nvrvvus debility is coumion cm- I'Uin;. ^pecijtl'y ;\iu< im \son.en. The l.->t inedi<:nl tivatnirnt for tliis dinrd<-r i> it [KTMstrnt r.>uiM .! Vvi-i's S,irs[ J*r- i U to cleanse .uid iuvinorafe th li!K>d. This htinx iuvoiuplialuil, uatuie will il.< the rvi. 1 Loi>n hei ! U doc. inm'- snll.-\> tvdci' l>c. ami !i5c. >HcU. It i- < to buy but if yoj wut t.i. j *<1 ^tiiif. Tli"r are >i..._ t ivury O.y\ T. . Rev. Mr. \\ell*. ..f FUsherton, form- erly of Nairn, occupied the pulpit in ihe Methodist chinch Ust Sabbnth eveaiu>{. Thij church was so cmwJetl thitt lanje imin'H-rs wore forvod to turn awty Hi* trxt WM taken fn>m Mi't _'"> latter |<*rt of lOili verse, "Ami they that were rvatly went iu with Inm to the marriage, mvd the diKir w.vt shut." Th-< special thouxlii \<'.i\ ol 'oefoto the c<>i'groxt:on MK the t "iH-in,! rad>." The ilhiR- tiatioii.s w-ro v.-ry foiviMe, .vu) clearly eAI>ri'XM.0 iJiei.ii. i. mn! plictt) trie need Kruily uii-l "re thv niliicHiif the (Ks'j'le i-f tile concre^i: 1 u .ViU cor. in Loud- -n .Ydver'iMer Football M Ale la. On Thursday of last wevk, an interr- ing fi-tl>ll nmtch wi pU\ -i i 'i tho Dut'.iuui, tixtJ a team from Fleahertoo Station. TH Durham R<iad juniors some time before ha-i chalJtncttU the juniors of the Station. Thin chllenge w>w readily accepted but when they appe^wl ou the KroanJs. M a junior team, they lacked two in number. This deficiency, however, was most hero- ically supplanted by tw i of their best seniors. The young kickers on the op- posing side protested stntuicly against rhi bat w.tboat sail and they were obliired to undertake the perilous task of facing these monstrous opponents, so with the aid of one senior the junior* of the Durham Road entered the riela and acted their part in a praise-worthy man- ner. No KOals were scored by either team. Fair play was shown aud no ill- feeling was aroused. The Statfon team evident!* rere well pleasad with their referee for they introduced new feature in football custom*, that of cheering their own re fere*. COM. Personal*. Mm* Kate Moore, of Owen Sound, re- turned home no Monday. Mr. Geo. Smith is holiday ing with his f* ter Mi. Jos. Smith. Miss Bellamy, of Tnronto, is visiting relative in town. Misa Vanant, of Toronto, is the truest of MUM Gertie Vinxuit. Mis* Becroft is spedine her holiday! with Mian Simpson, of Oollinxwoud. Mis* Euitli Rupert left for Muakoka on Friday last, where eh,e w>U spend several weeks. Mr. A Byron, of Tomato, spent a few days of the past week with Mr. C. J. Lei ten. Miss Aoie Moore retumed thia week with Miss Shallow to Durham t<> upend short viwa'ion. Mr. Will Bel! and Miss Emma Bell, of Ball's Lake, ire (pending a few day* with friendd iu Flesiierton, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Gibson, after tak- iit( in the Niagara excursion, visited friends in Owen Sound last week. Mr. J. W. Henderson, Inspector N. >>f S. Mortgage Cu. , Toronto, and family are rubticurm^ iu towu f> r a few days. Mr. aivl Mrs Wro. Strain left on Satur- dsy laat to visi' their sons in Dakot.i and Montana, taking boat from Owen Sound via the Stuli. Mrs. 11 V. liaudm, of Lmiu Island. slid littlo daughter, have been visiting with reUtivei here for the pnat three Mr. Frank ami Mis* Amelia Hill, of Markdale, and Muss (iuasie Smith. tunt, were the guests of Mr. Thorp Wright, on Sunday. Mr. A. ft. Fawcett, proprietor of the LeaJer, West Toronto Junction, is pendiiur a well-eamed vacation with hi* parentv iu rlexl.erton. Misa Berry and Master lieotite Berry, of Luckuow, who have Keen vi-itini{ trie ad* here for the past tew weeks, re turned to their home <>n Tuesday. I'r. 11. V. Lt-rch and family are home with the f'-ruwr't parents. Dr. Lrilch had for some time been in the T >r nxto hospital where he was eoiiipvlletl to undergo an extremely delicate operation <>n <>iid of (he krlilev*. He .< "'.:\\ in a somewhat critical condition, with f*ir pr\wpect of recovery. Tie village of Harrow, twenty miles fr uu liriumhy, ;is almost wijed out by fire on Saturday. The Pope h decided that the C.itho- lic clenry may ride bicycles. M tnitobn wheat returns 20 t.' S.\buh- eLs per acre. Notice. IvOU.KU M MI11S rhnir iuu .:uiid .tinV The oii'.y mill in thia station f anuutry tliAdi-e ' -- work. at rim-**-. IP r 4 iV -." BOOTS AND SHOES FOE THE FALL. To the people who want good Boots and Shoes and every- thing in that line, try CLAYTON'S * Because his goods are cheap and good, and has received a large lot of fall wear of Boots, Shoes, Slippers and Rubbers. Also a lot of first class Men's Homemade Long Boots on hand. Custom work and repairing promptly attended to. Belief ! om Distnssiiig Ed- cy ai.d Bladder disease* relieved in six hours by the " Great South American Kidney Cure. " This new remedy is a grvat surprise and delight on account of its expending pcitDptni-s* in relieving p*in 'in the bladder, kidneys, back aud every psvrt of the urinary pawtigv* ui male or fe- male. It relieve* rvtvntiuu uf pain ill pausing it aliniiat immediately. If you want quick relief and cure thin is youl Sold by W. E. Richardson, cart Diseaw K.-li- ,-d in MtnallrK L'r. Acnsw's Cure (or Henrt <ives perfect relief in all i t. the of n:i- or ^>vaipath'i>; Heart Diswaae in 90 minutes, and speoiily etfects a cure It in a perUs remedy for PaJuiUtion, Shortnes* of Breath. Smothering Spells, I'aiu in Left Side and sll syuipton* of a Diseased Heart. One d,*ie cuuvittOM. S.-U I'.v W. E. Richardson A Bettn t* Hrr ?. -On* b>ttls i>f En^iwli Sjisivin Liuiment o-npleiely removed a curb from my lu>ne. 1 take plesiMire in recooiuirnuing the rvnwdy, as it avtK with mysterious promptness Iu the roinnnd froni bones of hard, soft or caJ- luunv'1 lump*, blond spavin.soliiiU. curbs, Mwevny, slides and spntii>H GlOMI RKBB. Farmer. Markham, (hit. S.ld b? Yi. E. Richards.'u. Dru^-ist. BIHDER TWIHE. We havve jast reoetTed a stock o the following brands of binder twioe Common Stow, Bd Cap and Bla- Bibboo. wbieb we are s*Uinx rerj cheap. Gt oar prices before baying Hook**. 1 '>! U~ If ilU'- A i < i iitiinu >1 itt At Rock Bottom Prices. FRUIT JIMS and prcflerving kettles are alii) very low at Firm if 120 icns fir COPYRIGHTS. TAW I OUT \ II A PATEMTt It* * Fsra Jo* So. 11. Coo. 19. Towishlp o Proksa In th County at Or*., noassintm UD sera*. B ssrsa sodor osltirmrtoo ud fro* fruti stomps or stows*, with IOK kaiMiasn. tiood ssd birch, with s gool e*4ar SWSBSB< of i leu: lar* >IM ITMS. This lot is la a ceoJ n> iij aad is only S luilw In ui Klbrtoti os>- tiua sn>1 about 4 mil* from Prosos B*sliua un ; K. Tkssossasasrssfll easy i sail* fro lot. A g K>! titie will N fivon sou to* nsrobaser wul cvt It COM? sad on osxy torwt at pf rn.nt Fur turthar partievlan *j'l - tb owusr MKS. CATHKHIXK S<- v. T ss. rtiooUl i -> Ui Jan., 1H. SOMETHING NEW A N D We Have Come to Stay. We n-'sli to announce lo tlw public in genrtd that wa have purchased aud intend to continue iu the same staud, the furniture aad undertaking btiaiuesj lately carried ou by Mr. H. Harrison iii Flesherton. A larve aud well ajuoit- oil stwk of new good* lias already been aiided lo that parcbaaed from Mr. Harrison, and still mor* on the way. We will carry Piaucw, Organs aud tbe> relcbrtkled Singer Sewiu-; Mvlnne and repairs for same. Iu the undTiakuug line wr cititiot be sisrpa^aed in tlitprt ofCaua.1*. having the fiuest tiea Nortlit-ni Ontario, a h-iii.lsomc black watu anl a youtu maof old to manage fAiueralg and do practical e tub* 1 tain,'. Si .-U^-uoc, :i;ue. > j txioai uu top for we art there with a ru*i aod at youi' . I" so IH. Hemeuibor yo-i v/ill looso more thaa we will it you dou':. We dj not believe ui boasUn^ but ticw are iitabbora. thiu^a aud wa v.iu leave our cMMomers to be the judges aud we will trust to our straightforward dealing and our prices to please th people aud build up oar traie. Goods will be de- livi-ced a reaax>uable distauco from, town Srw of charge Turu ou ycitr heel and tbllowr your toc> acro.lh stret &x>m Aruutroug's. Jtwsllei-j Store Aji there U wliere you will tkii*. J.E-BASKEBVILLE&CO'S- Fi'KxiTUUK WAREUOOMS. HEALTH FOR ALL. t.oSlov.:iy\ Pills and Oiatment. TH K PILLS Tbvy i Purify th b:<xl corrvet ll ! [Ji:i-l-., Ivitlt adrwor to hwklth rwiM^UiitotOnuiUtaltons. ami . tnnUuabia 11 c.>m- ImiteHuF' ''* of sll j(W Kv <.ti:hlreu ku1 lh , i t:^.j , f-'-'-jl-r^i T M K O INTMENT ail lutalliM* ru>* for Nitt ir-k*. o:.J Wouna*. Sorssan.l Vlcwv It i.< fvj)>* tjc Kfeasualiiui. Kor <ti -ordsrs at MM C'IM* It : i j no /'or lilwi..u!r SwvllluavsAii J s*4< rw^oauM It has no rtMl auJ ;0i!l* t SCtS Ilk* * 7H ( -'>LD6 -*> tut* us., dav. ' l *. MMt> Boi ot r VMI>|U<* tbrovghos* kho vil& :.Jk u< (Ac 6..W *H Us rs U AMMS. //Us isMrrii is (. ^/v. u 'il

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