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Flesherton Advance, 9 Aug 1894, p. 1

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TBUTH BEFORE FAVOR." - PBI.NCIPLES, NOT MEN. VOL, X!V. NO. 6?5 IUOKDN, GOT THURSDAY. AUGUST 9 94. WH. THTBSTON H.MIII i ZKIII. sends One of the finest assortments outside of Toronto and at prices to meet every pocket, from $1.25 up *% A full stock ot beautiful and useful kt poods in cruets, pickle dishes, knives, forks, s|<oons, ornamental goods, &c. ** JE1E ^^ ^ magnificent stock in every line, A enrrvp n<leot from Mt . in 'he following personals : Mrs. Geo. J. Carter and Muter Albert Carter have returned to their bme iu Destronlo after a few week* uit with Mr. Joe, Wat**), of Mount Zioi. Mrs. Northmure and Master Earm* Dryden, after spending two mouth* m this part, bare returned u> t'.eir hnmii in Dceerooto, Mrs. Xorthmore being ranch improved in health Mr. Joe. H. Wsteou ha* been on the sick list lately. > b,liaib-rir> to collar buttons. ARMSTRONG BROS- - FLESHERTON Repairs, Repairs ! D. 3IcTavish t Flesherton Horseshoer and General Blacksmith, keeps on hand Bipirs for lissi] i iarris, I.IID, Fliarj and lilkiisii Bras, From our 010% f As News has been o hard t-> get I have net sent you any weekly budget as regv- larly at was my cu*tm. Onr fsnnsii in this valley are hustling through with their harvest, some of them being nearly through. The fall wheat is being threshed and is j a gid crop. We are informed that one nisn threshed of twenty acre* 'wo bun- dred and seventy beanem. Mr. Geo. Walter drove over to Walters Falb en Saturday sveuiog and has sister accompanied him home. Mr. Joo. Hsnna astd wife are visiting ! fnerds in Durham and vicinity. Mr. W. H. Thuri..n. of The Advaaos, I Fleahertu*, spent Sunday with hie par- did a roaring trade. There were no less than four bartenders aspiuyed. and nat- urally eainnah, Mr. M. expected to reap a rich harvest. Judge of bis at the dnae of the day. or a little less than half had pat in the till Kit Tbe North Grey fall fair is being boom ed this year for aU it m worth. It will be heU in Owen S.umd on Sept. 18, It sod *3th, and the Lieut. -Governor ha* seeepssd aa iavitatiusi to he present aud open the show. Mr. Dooald Black. 4th coo. GleneJg. bagged a bear on Sunday week. had been boardin j oo Mr. Black Mr Black burmi him. EVERTEBIDG GOES. S.IIE1 SUE oocoo >F FI>E Imported Worsted Panung at 75e. per yd . Fine French Wor ted. $1.36 per jd.. and TWT thine *!* CT J . MERCHANT TAILOR. e-s 411 Kicht. Htaai sot TEiS-rr was n 10 So Mr. Geo. Proctor m plastering the school novae this week. Mr Jss. Hanr.iton, aa old cham "f oun whom we bad nut teen If nine, years, tave as a very welcome call on j Thursday. Hi was formeriy s Markdale ' boy but now resides iu Miukeg.jn, Mich FARM IMPLEMENTS. Plows: Fleury and Ye ity on hand all the time, also all kinds of repair* for th same. NVe manufacture Wagons. BUKXI*:#. Cutlers. Sieijflii. elc. Horseshoeing promjHlj attended to. Special attention to lender or contracted feet. Loggiug and Plow CLains eoasuullj ou Laud. GENTLEMEN : I I>ESIRE TO AXXOl'NC'E that I have taken over th Carriage and Wavou making bii!>iness lately carrini ou by Mr. Moore, and am now prepared to nil all order* in my lino to your entire satisfaction. Having Ulelv added to ray sixteen yean' expe- rience in tlie business a nine mouths' training in one of the best ^."uaiM slin|'! in tiio city of IVtroit. where I snceeded in carryini; ofi a tirst cla^ reoommetidation. nnvUt to be a snfficient guarai.'.ef that all work will be done in a tirai c]i.-. inaniiei. I niauuf^cliue Wai^ins. r.aii^it's. Cutters. Sl'inl.* ; in f^ci everythiiisj in th car riage line. Wood aud lumber taken in eicuauge. KiuJly giv tue * call. H . U L, -V II . Flcsberton. , Next door to McTavUL's blacksmith shop. To the Public in general or all intending of Euggios, Cartes and Democrats I desire to call your attention to mv spring stock. Kindly giv* me a call and yon will be conviuced. I "so notliiug but first -class material Come and judge for yonrftrlvM. Repaiiin^ suictly atteudei! to, also painting and reiruuuimg. E. T. WEITTE1T, fksberton. V t V'Tfl^ ANTKU MBMe rarfuh*l WM MUki I uf iv*r 4ft r.i-.i. fhoio* \v# h' iXir HKlo u* wcurlugaiKl to !' "i Call tor our STOM. Kl I IX. !<>. Out. Fan for Sals at Eickaqii. A Kara Chance. CVUt dale or Kxchaacw fur M;if prvr*rt> Is P _K*'U. PlMberton Station. Mtxwvll. ., thf9r wMl oweviiey. r. S. A.. Snii Dievo, ,y. : "Shiloh's Catarrah Remedy IN *"'' ;t medic ui.- I have ever f.-unJ thai io Msauy gvoL" Prise wU seats ! Sin ti*<p*'i>. KTT(IIL . valnabU r*rni at 1^7 korw>.iMM UliU aortS ot KimhcHvT ! lk |ii-wr v%ll*v, Tp ot KiifhruiK i> Ik* jtntu- iw nrv Kuo.1 tram* h..n. bw aa>l 10 W. A JU I f -r S>iln'>ii Flra IM. C.. Wal Fail* Mr. Wright. .< PruAon Station, and Mus CauipbsU.o( UruadMoiM City.Mkh. paid our buix a visit Sui'day all Frvmt our ,>. Times are rather >jui*t arouud prment. Tbe farmer* in this vicinity beginning their harvestian}. Our Uicksuiitli al*< saj* it is the dry weather that luiU bis harvest, the wet dayi seem tu daiiiStfe bis trade. .Mr. R. P. L>-ipi:e i* doing a good bosi- , ne m sbiugles this seneots. Messrs. Pickle * Cook have 500 abeep and lamta during the pa~ days. Srveo car luada have paseed tliruugh here, although the Trontu suvk markou ari verging t their lowest pvi*it Mr. Jas. McMullen vutted Buffalo and report* very bati marLets there also. Quite a nuu.U-r i our citiieus t><ok in the pici'ic to t>rsiigevilU oil Saturday but. AmoO)( them Mr. and Mrs. Duuald McKeiixie, of this place. Mrs. Co.* and tbe Misses Millie and Mary Conk are absent on s tnp t tbe city. The Ktris *re rntenru; a Torouu> oollege for jouo< ladies wbjch thev will attend for a time a* a tioal U> their .'h^ 1 day*. 4 ty aad w>ilrirt. A Brant (aruier had to fork over *J -V> u*iuir\i* aud oiv.,ts a* the result >! su J'%; killiui; three shuop and a Uiui> tu >e vf h N w tbe boarder from the city maacs the ticld t careless rover, trying hard to tell the dioereacs between Indian corn and clover. For tbe turnip ae* he searches ' _ and he seek* with sen! divine far there*- the lism, wfc ah tfc. hatf-l ataelj. stii- absga orchard and the apreadu* parsnip ^ ^ nMtee sU the tie*. Sow iir vine ; climbs the T,pe vine for bananna. ^ ^ h-lw| to |k- ^ ^^ WM-r ^ and through fraf-ar.! reU. ae cu.Kann- tk- matmn m tm j, for ^, ing thUiheiiy bushes in c search for j eucoaawte ; and through swsmps anrf tan- { fled f.-rests with unwearied feet he peskre, searching day by day in psliemM far the I watermelon bwahes ; aod h* asks the eaar> * TEAS*- IT WAS DC*. TO KUIT tied fanner if he . thr-^wh his nutmeg D-*-So .*m BM-KACU 5w. hoemn ; how his lemon vines sre rrowin*; HAU. Bmuwa. i.nt. Ant. . -Richer I if he's dug his barley hay efon, if he's Bsmson M well know* here and every- sowed his sweet potatoes ; if hie slippery ' "kere highly resperteiL That he has elm. pmntwd. if ^fted h- U^n- ^ ^TJS^Xi ts: if he's Uimmed h early grass trees, . k-oml- {^ , that aivjed mech sympathy if he Uuaka there <wre nwney in potato forum. Lately he has K^n ssovn.g a- bux* than rmsikg "wryMckle fur iu roand here as spry as a kitten asm in the best uf health. All am kidney troejmV* ! had dteapneered. s.. he amd when ones- > - . Marys son who has five imgV- tamed, nud he rert her nud that the era. who aie uf msrnngeble nge. arwt his i aM uf their disappearance was hi tav- k- ~_ ..,.1 .< rk. fcUUivimv ia I '* "* * lr bot^ W Onti S KhibeV aer^mvauda^ '"* " PUhv The twoutuio. of ,hss .ill. mi a a partial list of the artams* which had > lf ^ tl> m ^ Mmty disoresrs u now slipped between the hack and ceshine. sa tnsly esahwshed in this part of Ontario, recorded : Forty-*even hair ' . - - Is* buttons, thirteen needles, thirty nve cusr fen, vixbt ** of coffee. f-'fty-*sveu cloves, twenty-sv^en cmTbnttooA. ix pocket knnr. filteen pkr chips. i*l of hvnMopatbic medi- , ^ { ~ cine. lUirty-faui lump uf chewuig tcuni. me tootfcpicks, twetity-e'iiht matcll- es, thirty ninec-Jlar bwttoo*. eU vea *ek. ties, twu I.>ve letters, a few pieces of candy, twdi-ue*. three >jartrs, one nickel, eight berkle*. ' w lea.1 one pen, and foe* bnrtoa h-.k. A little item in a newspaper may somi times saake a man an enemy to the pep* r for life, but < w..i, : stop him reed It merely change* him fr~r a tubecnber a borrower. Every pablishw cam. re- es .-f many ciuaeas who cnn.e A bank barn, a]in<*t new. belonging to Mr IMMC t^ueen, con, 8. Egressmtt. was l>uned dt>wn at llf-|*.t two Kudyv rnii'g Tbe owner atiributes lh trv to a irauip whi-ui he m> he saw iva> HIM thr ImilUin^. The ttn was niuu>i for fl.ti'V iu tbe Pli.<inx. The latesr u|vr>(iiu>n is that if a <ir( tikes the iuall bow which iaateim the In - tng ..( a man's ant aod WSM* it m*l<. her shov, ahe will hate a propueal irou the yuth in.ti-le a invuth. The >iKxves i>f t 10 wtieuie may be "pen to .jueefco'i. hut it M pronux very ilvst active to the hau. Mr. D Mann, a HilUburg hotelkeeper. s^piMrs to hate euipl'ivvd a lot of typical bartender* on J ely fix) t hi tbe ssvrn- ut)( ( the day in >^uveli<>ii he put *lJfT> in ahange iu the uUs. and dttriug the day he Potato Rwl. ID BuUetin V- J. iSM. . i ;he C.utral Expeiimental Fanu. just out. Prof James Fhrtcher deals siih |-tatu bittthl*. lie says : " There an* few dMeaaws -f odd crops which are the caww of mure dnect 1 * In the fnuer <>f Canada tiuui are the two blight* wiiwh bare been aptly named ' .he early blfetht aud the mie bliKh of po- tatoes. ' These are usually confounded iidvr the tarHiu* uai'ie*, ' !' tato rot. ' potato b.iitht ' and ' (K>tato rust. ' bat as a matter of fact although tomew hat similar m gvueraj apiear*ncv they rr very di- t.oc, and are due to the attack* of t*<> different vevetable pikraailee. Carvful el- (vrtuieuu bave heu that by *|>rsyin^ the (U!< lofAa five or til time* at uitei - vals f UHJI to seeks, b^miiiiut early in July for tke early Uu: I it. aud at tl e t we the rwit firt i>| e r, for the potai o r-t. with UK mixture >f sulphite of oopp>r s .U liiMe.'^iiowiiasthe 'IV. miltun.' both of tbe lojuru u duea**-* cau in a Uryv manner be catrolleU. The We M.Kht, .-r potato n.t -K! .iu h *< itseif uutil AitKUet. To make B rdeaux mixture, take wx pound* of ct>pper lulphatv (blue vitiK>.) and be it no in a ilru cK-th an ordinary salt haw answers will then, sespend it fruui a >ttck Uid serous a owl oil other barrel half-tilled with clean water, so that the bag may be just beneath the surface of the water, wlieu the copper nulphajh) will di*>>lv<- iu aa hour or two. In another \MW! sUke four (>uud > f freh lime in sutficii-ut water *o saake a thin whitewash. Strain I hi* through a fine uere or sach to remove all lumps. When the copper enlphar* is all dis>lved "Only the Scars Remain," Svs HEXKT Hrooox. of the Jnmjna Wooka Machinery rot. Fuiladelphia. P.L. who AM as follows: " AXOB* the ate which I e . in regard to cer- taia msUicines Ips r to r saing Icurit. the bleed. saere aw than say case. TurcnrT jeatJ ago. at the ae swellio^s on my I*(S. vhathbrokana loc swres. Our fimil.T pay. aioian cvaJU <kj BM ao good, and It was (oared that too bones woald ha afcclnl At last, my goml old Mother Urged Me to try Ajre**s Sanapnrilla. I took thr bottles, the sots* healed, and I bar not been troubled aince. OaOy the sears reenataa, anel the sew-ory of the nnst, to reeaiaU nae ot the c*o>I Aj*r' ge.rsnerilto has don* MS. I now weigh two handnrJ and twenty Bosnda. and ass la the best of hsaith. I have been en the road lor the past twelve years, have noticed Aj*r* Sa- aanmriila adTrthwd la nil parts of tbe raited Mates, and always take pleew- are la telling what good it did lor me.* Ayer* s Sarsaparilla r. J.C. Cureoth.-,wlllcuryoi >\

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