THE 1881 WCEKLI *T mi: ornre, SYI>- r>UV STKKKI >. "NT., Il T W. II. In *f per nnnnm.slrirtly In advaiK-r Advertismti Rates: On* nolaeJE 1 year. '.0 ; half col., 1 year. 927 <jatrt. r ix.1., one yr, r l.J. Trinln 4*<irtlh>i ii'nt clmrsel t th* rate it 8 cent* |M>r hue for ill -i ui.-i i tnti n.| 3 ceutu ucn inbMqiif nt n. -.!!. '.. Mrledalo and ! I i ton oii!lit u> pnt their lioads t > :' .n.l I'II:I-!MSI- a counts of clicap forci jui'nps for fire (.infection. Artlry would no ilmht inakfl a rtdnction on a double order I of that kind At tlie Pi run ronven; i'in held at Durliim OM Thins Iny last Win. Allan. if K^remont towiiship, was w-1 H the r"%tro!i candidate for jouth Grey in the Hom" of ('<tinmnns. The Toionio .Sews u. , i u - "liv n? pi<inros " prodnci d in the the- ttters of Now Yoi!;, but treats itsiv-ul- en pvry dy to a (uct'in. of Ui nii'lo in art at tin head of u <|uaok ad- M rMrin"' that wniiid dibgrace tin 1 laU" .lo BetTs weekly. The NewH -ill-mid Raw it off. as other respectable l>ii]"TS have done. There is a *<r n ' iween Ohina jwl .lapan. Japan wunts to boss Corea, and Chiuit nhjects. Tin- sceue of battle in a long way (iff and the n -ult ix% matter of indi: r . P nee hen-, We VPiiturC to pn-dict h'iwevi-1, ^llur. 'he jxMiinmilar kingdom will Htiffer ull mnspipienc''. t>d when Jiip inul almond eve get tlninii(h -die will pro- bably retain only the first fimrlottem i hoi naTp. Tliu o'h.T.-i will owu 'he M"nt. The p^cnliii mul uiii-i'i lam reriult ol the t'e pniTtnri il . I. i-iion hns heiii [u olirtr nf many prv.'-*t. a, undadv.u,- IM^O i* now fonj-ht f.i in tho courU I mi* far fo'lrtOen peUUniH have I ii ni1. M follows : A^aintit Lihurah by < 'oi-'Crfntives ln*t llainll .n \\ i ^t Hamilton, Wnlliitid, Monol; I i--t Pet -rniro, South Jtrant inn Cflll'rP SltUC'-e. A^t'llSt ''mi-,. | Ml live* hy Liberal Lonihin, KII-I 'I'or ..n!". Smith IViili. North l.aimik l\iii./-ton Tin- 1'. .". A. r.'.einh r fm Wt;nt I,ainhon it* p:-otes!^-il a^ainx by 1,'bvraU. Iii it Arrimntlnn. r. The #/;;,,r ofThr Aitr... DKAK (Siu, I WM tinmen hut surpriMd n likiii(^ nvt-r Unl wi-.-k'-. Advunue to .. the itriii in reference to tln;t penalty ncl (Juir Jean led frii nd tin) cap' iin .' ill.' Kli-dln-rt -n K. H. train, IK* nnder un err<r if Im au|i|KeH fi>r a indinvnt that i.iiie nf.thf JY.iti.n playors knew rhat a iciulty kick was, and I imperatively ii ny tliat I citlliHi tlr.t kick a U..H! fttr I'leBlifrtiW players. Alwi tll Fleh- irlnii captain while .-;. caking tn one of i I) thi-\ liuil no iijin tn iJu kick. Ho . ntKrn.s il,,it it.t tnal wired liy I'ro- tnii was a f'.nlod nit. This is win !. iither ilp;iosiiinn cniiK-t IR. I wax in such a (> Mtioii tleit I c.-uld dearly m-e if a ('Mil war nnide, HIH! -.t.iii tli.-t i)u- aH an faiily .--c -reu an miv L'"-I! cmild be. In reffiunci- to thu aupper, we are lint in the habit nf having mipp^r mid hienkfitxt ii.'.'i iln-r. N..r WIT,' .- .-.-k.-il tn -jo to the lintel f-.r -.upper, ha-J w l.e.'ii KI> -in- . after the hOipitable Iroatnient re i tlicn l.\ Mr Muin>haw with siu-h i iMpliiiient ii \ K ni.iiku as they are not lit tn In- in 'In- I' h<>ue. Therea-wm tlicv wore not ;it)xioiis I'm- us tn hn\e i at tlii- hotel w.'is the ahni.'lity |ii.irter. Jn ciini.-liisinii. In ,'i!-.. stnte* llie J'rntnii caiitaiu WBM natinticil, NII :ui IM lie W.H < oiKjcrnerl, i...\. I made it a ., .nit it> iffee the captain tn ,li:i' i-:r> i. > :ni !n- tirndy deiiirs Imvinx Mild aiiv viich tiling. \1- i iili.nil the b"^ .- 'ie.' hiird (i nften. \Ve n i tlint I i tin- .juvi.'ii.iis M -.ay if it w A Until, IM tin-re were nnly t*.i wlp- eutt-r- euihtilnrilfroiii the U-nniniv ..f ilu- n until (be e! ani! that waa when h.'f time was e-illeil. Nr tho'D nnvthin:; there that would even iir,- c...! head nf the F. captain. However, that reminds unf tho aayiir.' . t'n- |mt call- thu keiile hJiu-k. Truntii.-,' that w- will nut a^'iiin h'-ve tn trmil'M i..: \.ihililo xpace, I remain, A. ."MII i OX. Iti'fi re. Diliii'l Itil/. I'rnpni'tiir mul I'li "f tin- II. in 'in i",', In' . liii:i-|.f-.i!i'M' "J WM mil'- '*)"!" !"" "" ' Iv !l few l>ii!l.ei . Slnlnli's Vital?.i-r an. I it..-uiel me. I >an heartily illOII.I It." Vr. Lkagdun Inul IP -in| .li i-iiTit cxper- ! i" I ;-.t t' . \\ illni'lK Ul'. ..;|i"l la\ -in in. in:'. Me -liji|.t-n a lo^ intii I . -nil >.iiik in r! . i,-|.. k-anil Uii Unit up in Ins in-t-k am! hut fnr tnnc'v .t-.n-l.-irre wnnlJ Inivo |M-.H dr'-wned. Kliriirn!Nm O'lrrd Inn Way- ^i/iuli \ > \ ' ..-.iii.,if sin t'nri', for KluilllllHtlH'll IUI.I \.MTll -i:k, ri. HI ll| till- in m :eni:ir'.>ali!e inul II It reuint !< nt mi. i ,li. The hrt .! i.i li'. 7-' cent-,. Snlil tiy \V. K. Ikii-ha.iU.iii, I'rn Tin new*!'*) imw .1 ;! "ii !' ' "I with ("!<' |>'ii lirully he nun-en fin Ui Chnii'-, Vine I!n ;n. Lei Mint; Chnnn, Daw I'! ini ( ;. Clmn '!K! tl Mho, Koiitnn, Ilium '!',] i ih. Hi Vri and ^nch > < 'I;, < Ulltfl. Nmv that pioviiicic,) *i''l dn nniiini) i|netinns arc nincwhat ilnr- iii. in' it IK '|>' i' fri -hi:i:; I i liuvi- .niie 'I "- of thiK n itiif- to roll nndor - tonpne in the iiilrrv.i! bilw. MI ice rp'iiin nnil niiut J4iln|)H. Sucii wnr'l" 'I iikiihliilni. I-M|-I-I iiilly, ate, *'igjrw"'"" nnd ro great :i|> :> -n wln.'ii tnl>en with pni|<er General Nw. Will nin Alldn, Mu'' lie-lit Inn in<lii|i, lii e- u .! riol *t> Cnlmii i-iu.ilnl.iii- n. Si nit 'i <4ri-T I nr ill.- ' '"in i in '. Sir .' I"- -""I Unlv 'rin.iii| twin 1 - rvii a fn MI -i' - ...... inr in llrnviii Inir-t Sliinil -y, -lil- in i... ii.< In bide li . in. lnie ''! \ lll i'lirml n\Ki| ii i, H. i. li '!' ^ i.-. ' i --I S u it.. i ' \nf.Til M<n KriH.i-i..-i .Iiii'n li.i> - i i .(Hi . In-Ill "li tie- ' ir Kite inr-u'li-n ri- r.'i.n.tnl fr.'in tin- <hri - ! M" Ainu- in-iriyiiol w i inl -rV >ii)< rnj .1" i i'l i il>e ); An -. i 1 Til* \< "II "I < 'Hlllnllrn "f ll l.i-.ll|ll'(; Will .,,, .|N ni'll 'In- M lllll.llm Aj | ; I,, I ||.l|.l ,v.-r ili'r - Ir-iiU if ;!. 11 * .nuii pitirip*, W- . li. - ,1 i,j fi-"<, "i|.1,N)O) ....... lit nrr |HIIII-|I>M. iity ]i'H.iim W"i' ilmwiiitil In tl,. I'-it A Racking Cough liy Ayer' Cherry Pectoral. Mn.J* D. HALL, -n ; - iee st,, Jxwkp,'-. t, N. Y., miya: "(unr tlilrt.r y-nr nc", ' licarlr Hi.- w.iinli r- fnl' rnrmi . r , II-M-IH of Aj-pr'a rii . ,i\ I'l-i '.irni. I'r.r. ig u rroi'iit iitl;ick ef I ji I'l'I'l"', Wlli.'ll : -Hum , | tl i fnllll i'( It rntiirrh.Mii-ein-<ti>r tin- IIIIIKH. |..iiii.-il liy mi aRKtavatliift, I uan't vnrliMis f-ri. .!!. <i.l |. Viiilr. H(IIII of tli. " iih-il-- Ihi-i |i .n i.. i liy Illll-vl ill I till' cull ;liill|- il" LIU III,' (I,|\ , .iitini nf tli.' .1 itir.-n,- i.i. ' 4Ji(1iHii-isK....|., m Uon nf li; ' i I mi- tlm niin-in- I iittcin|.ii-| Inllinlim IV i'.l l";.!.t. Alt.'. I.T i-l- tWl-|V Midi iri^-liljt I U-IUI Neatly In Despair, nil liml nlHtut ileuiilpil tii nil up ull nlglrt In niv i clinii, t iul pi.iun wliat ulcep I i. ."|i| In ili,i1.>, v It tht-ii IH>- rnrrml In me tliut 1 'i"iil n lx>tili- nf Ayrr'a Cli.'irv r.'i-i,.i ; i . R|Mmnfiil cf Hit i jir. p.inil|i<l' Uji n Illtln Wilier, ivin! 'v-inr'ili' t. In il., ti without CollKll'IIK tl I- I" '!'( Ill llli. 1 fell I.- I.-, p. i .' ', HI ,'li III 'tin- iiuiriiiin; Kn-Nlly rrfr-li<> iiml I tout a I inT'"!-'!.''.! -f I 1 - Inrnl errry :-,:ht fnr a xve,.k, tln-n -i .1- iKillr ilei n ii..i-l ili ln i\ mul In iwo WiHik* my i'nK(A wiu> rnnil " Aycr'c Cherry Pectoral n The Noxoto Binder Scores A Victory ! The leading Undertak- ers and Furniture Men cf East Grey. x0mm*maK^ nr lo\* one priced s\'$t tin Ins i-:vcn such general salis- bot'u fo our patrons as to urselves tluit me have dfdil iake it A permanent pfank in ur business plaijorm. Yon ;, ;'// find constantly in oitrit'arcr/>-\<n<; tints in all hi-. - 'i ind farm i:n/ I tue f irui i if 1'. E ' ory. ti;. : : tit wheat. ;4 n. -w M ' -i ami a in - - . . h.i\- i - 1:1 uiuder tied ti liier. aud did altogether cteantr work wi haft. 1 ;ue NXJH binJe UnHMMOnblT superior to :ln p. E.c.r.KGoi:y TLamtsville, Jnly.Jth. '9. Corroboration, I con . -'Kstsl tin* woit do- niii'lers. and < " tb llassey-Hr"- ris that I ! ' IJ expel :ei>oe i'f the two luachin. I - "i uiid Hit M t">r iur Ttn-innC. 0.. Jrly '.), ?i. \\ E '/the best makes in t'lc df> minwn In instruments -u-e /';.:. r the cclf- braU'il*rhi>inas Organ, the re. m>K'ited Uxbrid :n. the svcet-taned licriiti ami the noted /W:< rt\, miy r>f uv' at the Lowest stll Here's Another. This is to certify that I snw but!, the Novn aii'l Mi<r'T-n.\rri binders al work on the f ittu nf 1'. I'.. ( iii ! \ Both mai ill - ' ' A - l-rin.j tlw In ivx.diiwn (tiul tin:- i binder : . :i^ 11 .111 i he tidtn uud t.i I . U a tit nicer slieaf. and di . woik and if I wau'.oil a bluder ! woa'.d certainly Noron, the Tumi, -Inly 9th, "91 iiios. fin .OMON WAU'KLL. . O. Prices. Tlu* SKM-V of our 1 \\ c arc making a c! I'\T\'tnt>>i,i KecJ ;.'( \-<-rd, lluir nif \'dl km>:cn. I IV /.'.;." tlicni. Yen ;n>iy /i';v /. 1U our ustitil tits.. >i< itt />;/ ?. Ht\l : .s :///<* ii' :,-*'iui.-nnl (> . tiuu Mi t!:;t. !!'< liti^i rj;/;'c 7 :;<> ma!- tribes. jfns!i : . i//r t - a T v ./'s fiat. (.".' of ertry J. M: // . . ' chairs, '<<. >u! e> '.'/''' c-.airs, </; i /( ( ;:'r.s iind l:an v, in f<ict r . . /''/< mi!eritil ii'iil ' ;:.'..?. Our 5 ! I i\\ i ,:1! //, :. thr.iH^h our rtiri.'iif dep pi '.. - *f*^%^%*<t* - Any qu.iuiity of dry lumber wanted -for which highest price will be paid. sum met dry y and [tarasols, anil this u. i k wt- .-i'!<l mantles to tin- Hat. Kvcry day a bargain ilay. Monday. \Vc -;o through stock, (narking dosvn lines to In- c!-. ..iv 1 during the week. Some >t the i snaps tins d.iy. Tuiesclci,y. \\'- sell just as low, innke nc\v rustoinc'rs sui prised and old custom*-; !, aiui all ai;ree this is the p!'U\- to ;^et tilt- .: / ,UUl |Mi CATTLE OWKERS, ATTENTION '. IEIK1I FIT EITEIIII1TIL ! >-. : . :.. Will kl 1. Hl> ' f. Ml , ri'.t^K . I wit I - -.- i bf -of (,'iutjneut in Uae. . I v . t : -iM.-r im u>* i * I !-* ww. It u *i \\ e li.ivc luvkcn U!> live on !I.H ; ;.IPI eotnitcr ii and li.i\ e to .uM new at- V rit!ifii .- iiil li, .>.. tV to i t it - ,lfb\ 11 w '" never \ ; W. Moon, Haineamker Flesherton. i ban rvi-n M 1 >, >: . toaot,aurtocmw "Wo,reroosri s, V*** Strain's Blcc.k. Strain & M' <><>ro PROPRIKTOilS '!'! lu>l v>.?.:lni- makes sonio jH-iinii 1 weiiry lull \\e , M ltd d i-nsi.iini-r-i inu [-. k. [arpst iii FW Cm. The Markets. $390 Jn.^t UN j;<ioil lurk sii :; T on 1 1-' i. !"*. A diilUr'i ' Ull>>< ' \ arcliilly < ort u-.l Karh , ,-V, le. It bu\s the bijj^em jiarcul j.-!,,,,,.... . \\hwt , Sp. in, \\ I our hesl itl'.ut.s to wrv- mul I'h-ttse th. '.hiil iMiue In; Huttr i his stove. Usii;;,!,.,! jilaA-, Olllile to iill batDIUy. YiH' itmi* l< no well pU-aMotl. Xuo I'rtWt K'-;> '' Ik i t,. ti. in i;> t.. S3 all thn>iii(li Svncla,ij. Woieit. tin- pnhlic tost n I n.o grateful f ir liieihh'r-^i ,- ,'f : , . . . t . ft 00 t H.iv |cr inn (Ml tn :i tm i., H t . Sii, , |-4. mi Alli'cs - l'll> K~ l^wol ."Ml t,, i: t, M) 50 |1 (X> . JS 7 M