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Flesherton Advance, 2 Aug 1894, p. 3

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THE BAH OF ENGLAND, ITS200TH ANNIVERSARY WAS CELE- BRATED LAST FRIDAY. Tfcr Tfcrre leilllsnleas of Walrh II Really ..,.. 1,1, II,,,, a Ulrrrtar Nailr tkr L.,r ! V* l by hi. jrrlr, ,,.,-,. Interesting- fleam i ihr f, | B Ihr Wurl.l . .r-ui,-.l Bank. A London correspondent me : Th Built of England will reach on July the 27th the 'Jijotii anniversary of it* birth* Far two centime* it has been at it :s to-day, the greatest bank in the world. It begin bonnes* on July 27, IG'M, in a *mall ediCce occupying the centre of the Threadneedle treet aide of the prevent structure, with a capital of W.OUO.iKW. which had been promptly loaned to the Gorernment by a group of city merchant* to meet the press- ing necessities of King William. In return for thi* loau. Parliament passed an act 'levying new duties on '.he tonnage for the benefit of iuch loyal person* as mould advaocfc money for carrying on the 3am- paign againit the Dutch." Thu enactment created the inititntion and gave to the "Covernor and company of the England" a peculiarly favorable which has* been from time to time renewed, modified and lyitematized, though it, original fundamental idea ha* never been changed. The relation thnieatablihed between the (Government and the bank wai peculiar, but that it ha* proved lueceatl'ul i* evinced by it* continued eiten*ion. The debt orig- inally owed to the bank by the government ha* increased in the lapse of two centuries from $6,000.000 to $55,000,000, with interest at -'( par cent, per annum. The bank build- ing has exploded until it now coven the whole area between Threadneedle .Street, The issue Department i* so distinct in its operatious from the others that it could he juntas well conducted in a separate build- ing. It is require*! by law to issue a week- ly statement, and this .taten-.eut hung at iis door mows on this special day that the outstanding note i**ne translated inro dollars amounts to t-'J'.'.T'i, >-"). This indebtedness, is guaranteed, according to the talement. by tne debt owning from the Government to tne amount of $ other securities 1 1 the arnouct of (2V22, '*), and *H-J..".T'i.v.'.-, in coin and bullion now in the vaults. Gold iu bars is received by the Issue Ue partment and p*i i for in note* at the rate of 3. 17.!) an ounce of 22 part* of pure gold out of 24. This price i* three halfpence be- low the marks', value of gold an ounce, and is consequently *>s* by that proportion than the seller would receive m com after it had passed through the mint. He would loee interest on it,, however, while it w being coined, and the discount arrangement, which is a convenient one for both partiee, yields the bank an annual profit of 15,00<X Kor tne privilege nf issuing the notes and for the exemption of duty npon them, tne bank pay* the Government about '_iji>,0uo per annum. On the contrary, the amount paid by the Government for the manage- ment nf the national debt, according to the act of 1"<92, is x!:!2> per mulion up tu jO>, 000,000. and 100 per million for the re- mainder. This now aggregate* about the um above mentioned, 20C,OGO per year. , The Issue Department practically msnsgiii bank f itself, pretentiug no complications in me charter- : ordinary courne of business. As every bane nute issue beyond the amount of t'lti^'X), 000 U represented by bullion in the vault*, and the 16,70<),UOi) i* invested in Govern- ment securities, no risk can possibly occur until th* issu* of bank note* is reduced to this amount, and even then the converti- bility of the liability would be easy. ROW TUB BANK 1.4 MA>. The bank U managed by 21 directors, in addition to the governor and deputy gov- ernor, an i they by their committees nave full cogni/ance of all the bank'* transact- ions and lull goveining power in all re- spects. The governoi* ate selected annual- ly as candidates by the director* from among themselves, though they are elected by the stock hold.n. The chief accountant been the property of the out of rrimi has I'ortal family. The note to-day is practically the *ara* a* It ever ha* beet, and it* apparent aim- pl:oiiy ofers a great umptatiuc. to counter- feiter* out of employment. The known losses of the bank through, counterfeiting mount up in the 200 years of its history among the million*. Forgeries today are rare. The machinery of detection is per- feet, and the system of numlwrmii. as well a* the perpetual use by all banks of freshly printed Bank of England notes, presents iBsnrnounlable obstacles to mashers." The most sensational episode in the his- tory of forgeries on the Dank of Knglsnd was that of the Bid wells. V\ hil. tne total amount of money out of which they defraud- ed the bank was not a* large a* had been obtained by other great swindlers, the icale on which they were operating, the system- atic cleverness with which the coup had b sen arranged, and the wonderful skill with which a large number of forgeries had been executed and psiseii by the bank, showed clearly that bat for an accidental discovery, through carelessness on their part, the amount of their frauds might easily have mounted into the millions. AN IMPORTANT PUBLIC WORK. Th* aaall r*nl Will Give Caas4a an I aswekea rr**s la* a>*4 ef Lake *enrir 10 lk>e M>a. Ry the completion of the Salt canal another important and interesting puiilie work i* aided to the number ef which the Dominion now boasts. When tha wa'-er. T wa* ond*rtak*n opinions w*r* ssrisa*. ly divided tou.-hing to* a****ity for it. Immediately to the aoath lies the canal of the United S-.ate*. To this c inal Canadian vessels are aimilted on term* similar to those accorded to Americui veesels ; that u to say, we ase tne Caited Scat** can a. without toil or fs*. SMtag that the neigh- boring canal i* at ear dup.,al. it appeared to many of as as it th* building of a specia Canadian canal were a wast* of eftort and of money. During the debate on th* proposal to undertake the enterprise on* ef the legia- lators saggeste.1 that in c**e ef war th* Cnited .State, canal would eertainly be closed agaiait us : thus a Canadian canal, i constructed would turn oat to be a hindy and, indeed, welcome possession. Bat the argument from the military point of view was not strong. Should hcetilitie* unfor- tunately break oat either Canada or th* United State* would iiOWI50 BXOKMOC3LT. Princes Street, Lothbury and Bartholomew | and chief cashier reside within the bank'* Lane, a space nf nearly four acres, npon which iu windowless, brown-stone wall only one story in height, rise with an a* pect of raassiv. impenetrability. This sense of the majesty of many milliot.* u further reflected in all the crooked ani/nar row street* round about. One hundred and fifty bank* and hundred* of business enterprises of world-wide fame are crowd- ed together in the centre of the city of Lon- don, al 1 located as near the bank as possible. The visible wealth in securities and other assets here collected in t ipace not more than half a mile square, ea.ily exceed* IS,- walls, and they or their deputies are always supposed to be on the premise*. Clerk* of standing aad character are also selected to remain at the bank every night during th* year, and on Sundays and bank holidays. A guard of i* on duty every night, marching from th* tower and they are as- sisted by a body of watchmen, formed of porter* and workmen, fully trained m case of Are or other emergency. The total num- ber of employee* i* about I.2OO. the salaries ..000. The present price of liank of Englacd 100 share* i* and the holder* of the *tock are -7".- 000 in number. Only a convenient percen- tage of them attend* the annual meetings. I rich** in a sral! osntis that th* world has 000,000,001), the greatest aggregation o % THKKHMI.D INSTITUTION. 1 rider the general name of the Kink of England have been grouped, ever since its start, three separate institutions, each of which ha* been complete in itself and di*- tinet to it* operation* from any other since the patsage of th* act of 1S4I. Hyd* Park. CltCCBLLATl'KN DIPAaTMINT. You come next to the secretary's office where a polite messenger in a heliotrope coal an i t ip hat take* charge of you. H con- duct* you first to the Cancellation Depart- ment, which.with the Printing Department behind it, are, on th* Prinoes-street aide. No note out of the 3<>,000 or HO,IXI now twice. If, as a ! CANAL ENLARGEMENT. A eaelallea Paverlac Ikve Prelert P*M- eel er Ike ttanlleea Central .ru.-r - laslllale. The following resolution was adopted at. the annual meeting of the Manitoba Central Farmer's Institute, held at Brandon. Man.. ' Lal *~ i SUt ~ WOaId p ~ dU 7 contro1 th *- the other day. Moved by R. E. A. Leech, i tw C *" U - Th circum.tanc*. which Bonded by Henry Nichol, and resolved : - tO * lly M * tlle * * to. (1) That in th. opinioo of thi. institute ! ^ flMmI W< two , T in "" lb r - Ftm - th. gr~t lake, snd the St. Lawrence River 1 tr% * C ** "* U "* d Sul " c "* i U 'urnuh a valuable natural highway for the commerce of a great part of the Northwest on both sides of the international bounda- ry ; and in order that '.he publ'c may enjoy the fall benefit of that highway the canals along the route ought, in the immediate future, to be enlarged so as to accommodate ocean (hipping. (2) That *uch a deepening of the through channel is even now urgently demanded for th* accommodation of the fait increasing traffic of the country west and north we it j remember that in pi:e of me fact tbat we of th. lake. ; and it will, if a.-cowpii*h.d. ! **" .* Uo " d . by '" f**' *l"" , n * hu I on the canal, a discriminating toll was by materially reducing the co*t of trans- i,,.i , or <, ^.JOQ. J t tru , 'i^t a pre- portalion. greatly encourage immigration text wa* discovered for t is discrimination, to this diatrict, and most actively promote aj ln * 1 the hostile act on was declared to the development and pre.pent, of th. : ' uUator y- Bat th (mct na ** ln t country on both nJe* ot the line. Tbat the Internment of Canada.hav ' actual meaning of tne canal is, the: ing undertaken many years ago the deep- '"'on her own waterways Canada is to b* ening of th. St. Lawrence Canal, to .'our loa 'P?** k . Wnen tne P ro P* i - oar independence was mad* the co*t of th* teen feet, that work ought to be pushed process, based upon engineers' estimate*, forward to completion with the utmost w a* Died at a mil. ion of dollars : for a mi. pomible diligence. * UOB * lo ** 3al* caaal con-plei* ..,. aad redy for u*e. But tn. estimate, of the , -Tr.'p,,." JS.-S-J: -ra^^r.'""-" - - furnish, within ti. njxt two ,, ln ,]i_ LUCANIA SHIPS TWO SEAS. Ij mmn-A >all A mighty sea, lasned up by a westerly gale, caused consternation on the> Canard iteanuhip Lacania on Monday forenoon, when she was about SHI} mile* out from yueeoitown. bound for New York. The Lacania was bounding westward nearly at top speed, when the wave topplt ' over the port bow and roiled aft. It* spray broke on the promenade deck. The bridge rail- ing was bent and twisted. Passengers who had been sitting on chairs and looking as the angry sea from the Bain deck fled from the) invading water. A sailor who wa* knocked against an iron raiiiag loet several teeth and three f his ribs were broken. A cabin psme*- /er was thrown against a rail by the r .den cheeking of the ship s pro- cut. big *ea rolled aboard gress. His head Just after th* first another followed it, increasing the con fasten, of whom there were Wi. A knocked down sad bruised. A part of the tonenr smashed in the thick plate-class windows of the library sad noodeoT it. ruining some of the npnelstery. An iron ventilator under the bridge wa* twi*tado*t of shape, and other ventilators were washed away. The I'easiship wa* cloved down aad no more water cam* aboard. One o< the p***ing *n en the Lacania. Mr. D. D* Sola Mendee, said that wnen ths big wave csme aboard nearly all the ladies were in their bertha, tae sea being pretty roars, for *uch as were not good sailor*. Mr. Mendea, to whom big wave*, according to his own ac:ount. are familiar nil net, ve was a pretty feed fusd | thinks the wa-. With th* baimess extending it i* possible I A good many of the men were bslew. that, in las course of time, tne shipping of I Mr. Mend*> was one of apart*; ot absut a the Cmud State* may enjoy a preference j score who were sitting on steamer chairs m the use of the canal. There is aotning looking at tne tumal;. It wa* not raining, in any treaty to prevent *nch priority being and toe *k/ was almost cloadies*. A given. IB tr.e second pmc, the treaty ' under which w* are conceded the right to pa*, through the Sanlt caaal is, bks all other mtsruationai instruments, subject to reconsideration. A short um* ago it wa* fair-wea'her gale was piling up the seas. He think* that it wa* not so much thehe ght of the sea a* it wa* the lr*me*>doas forward motion of the (hip, which wa* being run at _ full speed, that created the disturbance. argued across tne liae that the treaty had i She p. tinged her snarp prow deep into the already been denounced, and everyone w.ll ^ til ,,. , O c^t o f which, Mr. M*nd*. thinks, cam* up almost to in* bridge. The biggest part of it was a solid green aaoswei . Bat the discnmination wa* practued, and Lhat at *om. fature Urn, it may be rep^.ed. The th* promenade deck, and wrenched from their fastening, two heavy bench**. The pu*enger> in steamer chaus on th* pro- m*nad* d*ck retreated aft, and some of th* chairs w.t. swept back witn them. I in progre I lated to An Electric Floor-Planer. th- ""-' P'-cip,. to th * ""I a planing tool, a Scotch sngi- neer, Malcolm Sutherland, of Dumbarton, hasdswjnsd the unique of ap paratusihown in the auetsd sketch, and a* well a* of the country at large, that the depth of th \Veliand and St. Lawrence Canals should be further in- creased so a* to make a channel of a rm- form depth >t twenty ft et t>> the ocean. inasmucn as the entire rout* is an international one, and as tbe part thereof on either side and conduct* the issue of all Government loan* and the payment of dividend* on it* own stock on national bonds and other se- curities controlled by th* bank. Th* second i* ths Issue Department, occupying the centre of the Threadneed!*ide, and having for r scope the issue of bank uotes, their printing, cancellation and redemption, an i the numberless transaction* in th* iisue your account 10 minute* afterward, they would b* cancelled. So also any other notes by you from any otiier bank in London are always new one*, crup from the *? Hank of Kcgland presses of the day before. : *"'' St - Lawrence y.tems The an ixpeo iiture of TWO HILLJOXS AXD A HALT, ami perhap* score. The canal, however, is a masterpiece of engineering, an-i of con- struction. It t* in lengih.mclnd- ing the ap preaches : and it has a lock .>> f*t long by sixty feet wide, and twenty feet three mche. ci*ep. \Vh*a it u opened 1 . by internal., mil treaty ded- it will be in a week or so, t a. reported icated to the UM of the citizens of both breakage not bemtf. a* ailegej. striea. er m*?TSS!+Z!*J& imporuat, we ,.li hav, an ,broki of further deepening the WelUod waterway trom the hea.1 of ought to be to the tea. Our canii ignature i* cut oil immetliately a note i Ull>i<frt * ken an<! torn b >' both ; o'ra- i* paid in. an 1 th* Cancellation IVpart- m " ot ** *o that lh* two eountrie* chall oaa- meot proceed* n tile ihem in their reuular ! "buie to the entire cost of the undertaking order, taking notice and Lake Superior system, curiously enough, began just where i: now end* : for the tint Canadian canal was built a* leag agoa*l79Kby the Nor'h-W'est Company all note. - ,,t been returned. ln reln - K old c.,m an.l bullion by One of th . curio , ui-t o( thl . do pa rtm<nt ,i |H, That the whole w nly guaranteed. ft { .,. t n wh . ch wo , m f ^ Lead of the lake* in the >orirniniit &nii I.Mnj,rl The third I* the Government and (lene-al Hanking department, nu 'he Trinces-.treet n which all the banking function* of a national tre<t*ury and ine ordinary bu>i- neaa of an ordinary commercial bunk are separately c.irned on. THI 1-WlE ntl'UTXNT. A Her passing tltrougn the mam envan in Threadneedis Street you come upon an inner court guarded by a gorgeous fur. ^ ...- -j -. a,* n -<- **> X VssUU*n>U V t m proportion to their respective inMrwis , a , lo . jj^i, to f^-UiUte the carrying down ln - -r. and the taking in of' supplite. , Thi* work wa* de*troyed by the Amen !:!* >1 .- '.J n * l^'Ti.! 11 i r*"** ?? U J ll _ b * PU ' CiU " 1B l*|*. j e'^'y y*irsago. It examination by Scotland Yard detectives in *eu-eh of stolen money or other people whose n<tes have been lost. A ijuestion often raited i* whether or not a Rank of England note, whi-u mainly com- ary in a black velvet cocked "Lat aud a long pose* the national currency, is invariably gown, of braided scarlet, whc haasomsthing of the gaudiness of a Brazilian parrol, but is much le* u. ';-. .1 to enter into convert- " paid at the bank. Thence eame the ation. He has great dignity, and hold* a habit wand of office with whieh to wav. you note* towards tho inner door which give* upon them. Th* cu.tom is for every person who the Issue IVpartmrnt. report* hiclossof a note to pay half a crown This is a Urge square room with counters , (HO cents i. aud for this *u<n th* bank on all aid**, at which all th* gold or note* guarantee* to send him th* name or paid into the bank by th* general public names of any person who may present th* ar* received. Any body c.\n here exchange stolen money. Nearly all the stolen note* note* for gold, or vice versa, and ail tne m Kngland are returned through bookmak- bags of sovereigns from other banks or from *r*. These men do business on race courses, abr.iad are nsre paid in. Its only peculiar and have no mean* of tracing persons who feature ia that anyone pay in* a note is* >k deal with tbeti. They uffe.r no loss through e.1 to indorse it on the back. This is :ur ' poer, and are very generally tracing purpose*, which will lx> di>cusse>i used in this way by tl-.ieve*. rtould be put caM , IS u, just e,gh-y out lor 1 11 T**rs. Th. records of thi* de- j permanent joint | WM , mj| tn t the tir*t Lachire cana partment are ot invaluable assistance m <--ommi*ion. to be app nr.ted by both coun- ; Wiu buiit, and in !*.' tliat the \Velland checking ior;ery. and the cancelled note* tr ' M - ""' IU protect i..n Wld be guaran which are kept'tor a perio.1 of six months ' t ** <1 hv international treaty, before being burued are con*tantiy und.r ! iTi I his mtitu-e rej..:c*s to learn that th. Council of tn. City of Toronto are tak- ing *:ep* for holding an International en -e in 'hat city at an early date with a view to the advocacy of *uch a K-heaie. tire ff __. > l"ht we would ir.ost reepecti'iil'v. good for, its face. A* a matter o7 fact' 1 hllt """ t rn t| y. "* upon tS* Govern- whether l.>*t or *tolen, th* not* will aiway. """ of Canada lo cans* ear f ul ur/*y to | Wlt h r**pect to ihi* project, that it will i at the bank. Thence cam* th* : " ** wthout delay, with a view lo as - j be a tntnendou* benefit to our neighbour* if requesting ail person* presenting | "' li > faibility of opsning a canal of | Mj, m . u: under the Wa.hinton treaty in th* Issue Department t.. indorse tlx *** ^fi 1 *"? the Rei1 Rnfer od I they hav* the use of all ourartitk-ial water- th. Lake of th. \Vooiis, and the probable \wtjt. For *<tcll a onerit thevr .ureiy cost of *uch an undertaking: as well as to ou< ht to pav. We may build a Sault canal cans* an estimate to be made from actual lo relieve the Tuited States canal, and to .urvey* of th* probabl* cost of opening a protect our own thipping intere.ts. but to THI KLaVTKIC rUX>R-PL 19EB. roller* which by means of handles, can be tr.o*d about in exactly tie same way aavd quit* as *A*. ly . u is ciaimed, a* the gardeai t K.1 mentione-i. Th* lawn-mower reaeat- HV have rebuilt the en- i blanc., in fa-t. i* per '. e frame, ar of canals *:nc the tir*t series ' rather baa* pate, i* of *teel. and carriea wa* projected, and have (pent seventy on* I l u* cutter on its under >id*. while the million* of dollars on tbe enterprise. There J motor is placed on top and iirive*th* cutler is a movement in faour o: an enlargement, | through intervening gear wheels, giving it exocedina ia magnitude that now in pro tress, on th. St. 1-awrcnc* system. w:th a view to th* passage of ocean \e**el* to and from the upper lakes. It is dimcult to avoid th* conclusion. furiheron. All the sovereign, and half sovereign* received here itnuuviiateiynpdfr go in a large room ad jour r,:. ' .! nr-ieal of th* weigher* or epar*iis. Thsi. are. mall bran* boxes. prli*|> i-'ibic foot in One of the directors in 171 ' deposited $150,000 and look a nn^le n.'t.V ti!id out hy th* cashier, in return. He went home, laid the note on the maullepiece, and fell asleep. It disappeared. He be- ixp, with glase sides. In \'\o centre ofjlievedil had fallen into the tire, made an the bra*< tup is a small r-n.vl bile, a little affidavit to this eflect and received J1JO,- larger than tho .ov.reun. vrtiich is rilled """ mor*. giving a c'irntee tha' if the by the round (date of a lielicate baUn note wa* t'ooiid he would assume its re- Upon this balance tho ivereigns or half sponsibility. Thirty year* afterward the sovereigns, according to t e machine, slid* nian having in the meantime died, the note one at a time, by their own weight, from was presented and the bank had to pav i', an inclined li-lf tu!>e, in which they are and a* the nun t es'^te had loo^ been placed by the handful, forming a long, in- clined cylinder of gnld coins. A* each weight* the beUnee, tin- latter sink*. If tre coin be of standard weight, the balance sinks far enough for a liny steel divide 1, the bank lost the money. FsUNTlSi; Till ' VNK \,)TO. The notes tre printed in a long an, 1 nar- row punling room, in which a dozen ma- climes of similar construction n< in full aetion. Their denominations vary from tingvr moving to the left to till th coin o:l down a tub* into a receptacle below. It n b* light in weight, the balance t'"> to ','I,OOO, the largest note u->w printed it'M'.s not sink ao far, and ii> onn u caught , Th.y cost fmm li> t> I.' e-nt* each. A (ingle impression completes th. note specially numbered, dated, and sign the cashier. ISreat reliance . is a check upon counterfeiting i* placed upon th* paper itself the engraving, as compared with the Canadian bank-note standard. Iwing le** e'.aborato. Tha paper, specially made from pure linen r*ys,i* ctrangely thin and remarkably lough. It ha* a peculiar hde of whiteness impossible to describe, and it printed in swWssttl blaek ink of special manufacture. Th. paper i* mad* by a secret process at a special mill, which time by a wcouii hn^i'i- moving tu the opposite direction, which tilt* it into a receptacle on tlie right. These nurluneft work auto- matically and perfectly, and save an amount of labor which can t.n'.y be imagine*,, testing 30,UUO,OOO pie,'** per annum. The roi>:u conums IB of them, all working ilently and regularly by atmospheric engine power, under the the car* of a single i mploye>e. The liijht coins are nn- nuvliataly split in half aud returned to th* mint, while thot* of ttandard weight remain in circulation. continuous waterway frotr th* Lake of th* Woods to Lak. Superior. (9) That topie* of these resolutions be forwarded to tSe Premier of Canada, to the Minuter of Railway* snd Canal*, and to th.' Hoards of Trade ai. i (irain K-xchange. of liraudon. Portage la Praire, Winnipeg, Torouto. Montreal. Duluth. W*t Superior. Cirand Fork*, Farg", Mianeapoli* and AUi. Pigeons and Bl cvcles in War. Ktperiments with 'cycliat* aud cam.r pigeon* for transmitting mewAgee are being mule bv the I'.ymnut - .; Kom in the ir.tenul ot the Italunarmy. Therrier carrie* a (mail cage attached to his mtchine in which are tev.rU well trained pigvoaa. When important olwvrvalious hav. been taken and jotted down they are (.laced in envelope* and affixed to the bird*, w'-ii-h are liberated. In every instance ihua far the bird* hare down promptly and ia a i: line back to healquarters. over aiMiK-e< of from ten to twenty kilometers. It is thought that this combination of . >n service can be profitably u*cd in military observation*. and the Italian 'army office propo*e* to continue the experiments. expemfa hue Ired millions on work* that I will bemore uaerul to our neighbour*, who [ contribute nothing to the com, than to I ourselves. is an excestof geQerosity from the praeuce o: w.uch we may fairly hope to be exci-ssd. a spe .atii>ns per minute. I Th. bind roller of th. base plate, whicn fol- low* in me cut. is title i witn ccotntrto I journal*, so that, by moving a Uvsr, tney { can b* raised or lowered, and the depth at ' cut nicely adjusted. Tn. principal of 1 ihe machine the one, IB lact. tor which it wa* specially deigoed u t :> planing of f th* pitch and la- eqoahtie* ot the seam* of deck plaak after bein, tail an I calkei. Chit work has uiuallv to b* done u drcaoMtance* of coo - siderartl. incoovemac and disagrnabl* aces, the carpenter htvi'ig to co down on hukaees.iiriTias jtck plaae before hinm, together with wool *havia^s and other thing* '** clean. Ordinary rl-x-r planing, however, can obviously be don. by the ma chine with fully a* gool result*, to that it i* not necessarily restricted to shipyard oee The Wasp's MUsioa. Moil people will b* disposed to doubt the utility of th* wasp, tnce* handsom. insect* which creat* so -nu -h t*rror when th*y invvlf our room* or buz about ou,- head* iu the country lanes. Yet even the wasp has iu use, aad a very important part it play* in the economy of nature. What hawks, kite*. r\vens, owl* an i prey generally are m the case of field mice aud such destructive rodents, the wi 10 grub* and other pe*ts that infest and injure plant l.fe. The bird* &amd hav* been noarly exterminate! ir. the itriti-ih Isle under the belief lhat they are imuV.ral to game, and vile plague, hav* been the result. Al this season of the year, the wasp particularly useful, especially in orchard*. Looking; Towards England No tep* have apparently yet bsea take* by the legislator* of the I'aited Sta:*e to prevent a recurrence of the in.iuitrtal dis- turbance* of the year. There are.howtver, indication* of the prsvaleooe of th. that something can be gained by toward* Kngiand. Arcording totbefigsjrea given hy the British Bor<l of lr. wet* till'.' strik** and eight locko laa.1 m lSt>.>. and of these 345 were eel tied cither by matual oosvciliatrae or by It's English You Know. Some idea of the number of New York man who gel theit clothe* in I..MV i n may [ th. wa*p au be gathered from the fact that recently there were 33 agent, for Rngliah tailoring house* in that towu. Most of th* goods ara brought into the count-y free of duly and ooat th* wearer* little less than the same cloth** maue her*. All th* big London houses have place* in New York city where alterations r made free of charge. median in. 1 !." by labmiasioa of th* work* peop'..- han-ij neing replaced, X! by conciliation an i tii>m:ssion, 13 by ooa- n an*i, h.ia<i* 1-i'ij replaced. 'JvJ ry ion an i . replaced, and |ii l.y ar-MTa-i-n. . ry m-tho-i* Ths yoang pup<(> mth. nest are fed entirely I hiv., thertft'ore. - >re than half of on grub* wnic i mv-t fruit trees : an.i but I th. di:Trnees. and it h\a been said by the for the activity of th* wap. ihwe pe*t* | W**tmmster (i uetl* that tbersis "a would becom* o oumerou* as to do serious iu;ury to tut tree. It i* quite true that ibMiu*ntly levie* toll on the fruit ; b it hi* laooi* hav* largely contribut- ed to the ctlvation of th* crop, and the little he takee should not be grudged. A waip. it should be known, i* quite hareilses, unlcj when forced to defend itself : then u i* unquestionably vicious. But if left alone i will not ling, though too lusec proxtmi'.y should not be tolerated. in ^ opinion expreased year by year, bath and workmen, in favour of various forms o: arbitration and concilia- tion.' Tne Viinadeiphia Record is ri/ft ia saying that "vidently the dulaetio ton* ef the London prs* towards' thi* jouatry during th* recent sinke ia th* \V**t wa* not altogether unwarranted." Of coarse, ao legislation is necessary to in ke aroitratioa possibl* where th* dieagrjeing parti*, ar* willing to arbitrate. ;

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