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Flesherton Advance, 26 Jul 1894, p. 7

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AGRICULTURAL " Cleanliness In Dairying*." Of latt thu beading i* af tea *eea, a*e I alike by it* advocate* and iu *'..r.tta. Of all place* thai rlmnlinm* i* aeceeeary it M ia la* dairy, aad of all place* where it it urged, it meet* ihe me**, oppoaiuon here. Why i* thi* ! Doe* it no: convey the iapremioa that the ihoe piacae* aeme- wner* ? Indeed we k*ve beta t the ttindneti wilifal b: ome writer*, even, who act thex**ive* ap u teacher* of the people. Bat whether men will tear or forbear, th* tnti> remain* that tnilk. milked and cared tor in UM manner of the average dairyman or farmer. U filthy, and by filthy ' w* mean fall of dirt, man aad uoaeea. Of ! court e that wnich i* mea U moil likely to I b e.imma-.ed, but how aboat the ua* en, .the myriad* of bacterial germ* that have com* to it through th* air. from contact IB* milking vernal, hand* of the milk- er and varioa* other enozxa* ? Every hair or other b:t of teen' din hear* with it cor** ot bacteria. One may it rain the former out, bat the latter remain* to deve- lop in the warm, nutrition* fluid. The mile in the adder, tbo excep- tion of the fore milk i* clean ; now th* qnetuon that taeald concern everybody i* how to keep it c'.enn. Th* milk nhlnk in th* teeti i* toon 1 to be fall of bacteria, ana it there it one dairymen who hat not tae fixed habit of nalkinr. thi* oat into i tepu-ate VMM] or ante the groaad let aim tarn over a new lea: to-day, "ev era! time* a* hav*r*aintmaaJntl tberoagh- ly waiaing th* udder, under tide ef th* cow'* b>iy aad the flank*, only t* recetve name *arca*tic reply too wiot or too lazy *j learn. More or Uee of the waive fruit may be converted into cider and en* be marketed later aa at Tinefnr at a pnc* that will pay well for the week. With a food ketU* ec evaporating pan more or leen may be made irto jelly. Any et theee plane admit of ttonof away and ulliag dnnnf the winter and early innnc. and eren theaga a low price be riilinii. in nearly all cmeee it will prove better than alkwing it to go waete. A Model Small Farm. Some of the farmer* who manor, or who ay they jeano--, make a living on let) i of land, might g*t earn* pointer* ef B. F. Stv*aa.of Oriae, Ohio, who &a*a&. acre farm. H* bong*! it in 1STI, going ia debt for what every on* t&oogat wa* a very poor piece of Ian i . He bailt hi n a tod ham. eve., and i* : acthoagh h* had a teettoa ef year he raiaodnhirty-oao acre* el com the remainder of hie farm being garaoa, hwaa* lawn. pa*-. are and meadow. H* ha forty-three hag* ready for market that are *otimer*d to be worth eighteen tsock heceon I I Polaad-Ckiaa. H* hat aix horam, **me oi which are fer m!*. He Mid fear fat cattle { aad eae calf Utt year. H* ha* euO bath ill ol corn oa aaad. He ha* 1UO fia* Plymoath Rock etiirkeaa. H* told 100 te butcher* Uat year, kiaiim fifty roMter* ta farmer* for breodiag parpaem. H* toll *Mae lorkey* and iami trcit, vegetable*, and a good amount ef batter aad ogga. H* dtd no: pay on: a dollar for help er fer mad. H* i* liberal ia ku expenditure*, at- teclt atertaiameau of all kiad* at ta* Tula._re which it a mil* and a half away ; I ha* a woil-fumnhod boa** : an* edneatad ! hia children well : provide* hi* daughter* with ageadortea: ra* a place worth $5,- ' 3uy, and In ta* jedvawat af a man who >j<jat to knew, Uvee at well a* a man poe- nibly could in W olia* on a aalary of tUdaw a rear. It may b* added that be M not aaxioa* to know what the government cither ! can do for him he dee* thing* f*r kimulf and make* THE Jack's Wife o. r heaoteiv*! e'er tt I t* thet ava* er mar . be ta*j kumeU or craaa- A Shoe Batroa Ba*. Over a piece ef cardboard, fear by eight, with any prer.y ifcreJ aiik or eatin a whii* greaad wn with *er>*. aowm* tf brvjtv. aad dean ioekiag. Gather two pocket* ol t a* mme malarial, aad attack a* aoov* the ether to the eovertd, beard, brgiaaiag at thi bottom, llraw a narrow ribaoa threagh a apeel of very atreag bank thread, aad bang u* eaaei at the taw of the card by tacking an* and of the ribbon t* UM left comer, of tae ether te tbenhl It meet ha team enough far th* thread te eaoUy draw off. Cat a jew W white taaaal aad new inaid* the apper peawt fer n*idli. aa J heae, it ap ay a ribbon. Whoa ye j kave added the large aiiala, a thrmhli and (hoc halloa* to the peckeu yea will have ail the ting* a**aed. Th* ili fcihmanl a)iare latauad n re- named or varaMa*J.aedaaewkaak to ta* drawer wiiea i* to bald thread* while a dainty eprevi m made from eld naan lawa. Th ia cat four : larger all aroaad than the ataad tea, aad it* e htteaae* art of by adabeato tracery W eaUiae nmntniJiiT in a* ah earner. The dooica. a again or lew**, i* in yellow waah ewingnlk. Tb* waem edged wuh a two-:a-h JocKe r:.*-. teaen and a* naaah of la* wait* Iir->f a* Ken tie back of tie At i i MOV* wail* taeayrad a* the Inner ha* boon to the hoataa wnim. pat m ta* fren awaw* Soak tar**iil g r SERPENTS ARE NOTXEHVOUS. Uu* table in mad* from a kei : paint white, make a haf twelve to net on We Know what ioog and ex- periment u pro vine to be trae. Prof. R :- aeil ulU * that tha* waahing th* part* indicated redace* th* number of germ* "from on* -half to two- third*" a: a milkiog.becaa** bacteria can not be readily dislodged from n wet aarfa^e. Of coara* theee germ* may eaem mere real to taoee of a* who have actually aeeo them ai they lok when fattened on gelatine.*' but alter viewing many plat** of laoa, we bar* SALT PITS OF ENGLAND Ta* n.. *r Ike kali Mrata taae* <' I Sam* twenty-fire yean ago. a phyaaiaa of *om* rvpnlalioa pabluhed a troatta* te hiw that aali wa* th* " f*rbddea frmit. formed a decW aaupathv and feel "mov- ' and that atnce ear ant paraaai ate it, it aa* **'" :o ***"* "^ **?*" tk "\ . heea th* eaaat of aU ear dienaaea. On th* U e wuh we coald look into the face* ol all milkmca aad milkmaid* a* we aak the qaattion: "Da yon aiway* handt b*:ore beginning 10 nu.kV .>a on year clothe* your tham hand taer* are then* wa* aad on year clothe* theee mfni germ* are galhervd. bet there they might remiin. inert an>1 harmlee*, bat the nuaat* they toaah the milk ah. there'* the mb ! (Growth aad activity begin at oace. But we were going to nay above every- thing ei*, and will have clean venae!* in receive th* milk. Prof. RameU aav* wood- aa pail* ahoald never be aeed n 1 advi*** thaw of lia or galvaaurd material. ea , calding v*M*U JOM not ki'l all bacter^l farm* we moaa jnt taming water in aad at one* pouring it OUL Xethiag anon ai aoiaally immanmy them in hoilta*; water aad keeping them there, beilipg, for many atiaute* will aulfice. Tettiacmilk byitraiainghalfof taeeam* milking into a etenliiod can aad half into an unttenhaed one ihow* that tnal in the )oare of fifxred nilke'ea* in yoOew, gather tae lower edfeaad (in* to th*be*Am* t the hneket ; chirr the aaaer oace eni a draw *tnag of yellew baby ribbam, teaviaf n aenhie rwfle an ch wine. It dree a* graeafmUy in the bnaket wtea the ribha*) m drawn. Care of the Oven. There are tame eomaa who, careful even A ncr is .-4n. TBtrr. that eait i* the *pecifi for all lib t* waioa dead i* hair. Senaee tell* a* that th* latter aoaraf roan *ix to iwelv*bouraaouer ldy el every human being weichmg aae than thai ia the former. haadred aad fifty pooad* poun.l of aalt Soorneaa, ripen me, c4or. or had odor* or taatee ia milk are almost aniveraally d<i* :o bacteria. Some ol theee germ* give an agreeable flavor to the milk aad cat tor, bat th* majority neither plea** the taate n>rgo toward th* beiteraMaV of health nn:vruL Heat M ne.vaary to rapid growth of :b*e* irerma, ad a* many ol them ai* haraleet until warrneJ up nongh to *rww, w pre- fer to keep all milk in a very low tempera- tmre. In reviewing thii matter do we *ee any- thing onroaaoaeMe, anything calcalated to call oet protect or ntaiilui aroaim from taMlligent reader*' No need to brine up th* hackney*.] expretaioa but how ahoat our grandfather* T" They lived, of coane they .li.l, anil up to their light ; bat why do we lake ntck in aiythmg that later acieni irio roearch or m(enaity he* brought to our nouce and aid? A* well ceaT at mo tern machinery a* modern ditcoveriea. v ie troahi* i*. the on* make* work, the other tare* iu of aalt ; aad that every en* of a* neoo* in a year aboat fifteen penno*f ealr. Ta* aalt ladattry in Kngiaad umain!y freqnontiy acclect eae Use ki'Bbia. Th* oven, in and earor e* are ia :ura cooked, to go, week ia and wnk eat, witanat any atloatiee cicvpt an inreniinil brmk oat aad tha: oa'.y when pactry ha* bean bamt aad aJewed ta crumble. Ia hoeem where th* even in frejaeally aaad it eaaU be well wathiii eat oac* a wee t* whca a little men *r added. It may even TWO, aad where *ymp from a frail or gravy from a meat pie ha* baited ever, the hara a**- taac* meet b* craped off with a knife, ll a good piea te get inio th* habtt ol win- ing eat the ovea with a wet cteth after it i* e-i ; than wawafacxt it u r*quri there will b* a* demy aad Bianijaint vexation el pint ^before tie day tc hiag M *em- A Starch Gloss. I have had >o many letter* en thi* import- ant Mbject that M, impiru maadrame* tht I have kept my eye* and hove at met di*oc< reliabl* preparatMn, aad her* it u' permaceu. aad the all jrent.y in tor .and battM far i of ta.n Whnnneeaaa. add two tihlammatali to a quarter ol a p*aai of betted itarch, ttimng well fer a minnt* orao, aa4 yea will find that year iron will pat* MBoethly and *a*Uy ever year linen, whica will take a* brilliant a glam a* you can wiah. KtUO, MA> .oafiaed in twa dittncu, l"hire and \Veraotterahir*. Ia the** di*tricu, at aa early period, aalt wa* pre>i<.>e>i from bnae- >.nag* ; and it teem* that all the lecaliuo* where *ach apriag* or bnno-p:ia exiatod called Wica. a lerwimattoa that *ull eet of the *mall town*. The meat iatere*ling fact rotating t* the briae- ,ii*tnctt th* action of th* aalt anon the lower ttrata, cauaiag " eaw-in*. It it that ihe toJl dne* up th* under- take* from (treat ce weight. Or iliuttntivMi* are char- el lae dM'ncla, lireat ntturr* are tea every whet e : noae** almeei tumb- ling down, and ktker ewecu at what on* uid b* led to believe wai aa earthquake. ereaad waier-curreaw.and tha* lake the grannd the power t* *o*tia Saving-. After a crop bat matured .t eeetn* peer ooaon.y to allow any of it to be watte.i. Thi* hold* good with craw in the pattur**, grain in thefieid*. regetabl!* in th* garden or fruit ia the orchard er email fruil plot. Kvery part ot th* crop ahoulJ b* u-i:..-e-i no far a* poetise, to th* beet *dvaatage, aad It it the avoidance of wait* that h*ip* lU> ! materiallv to lacmew the profit*. j *' When iruit it care* all th* eurplu* ana ^ - be readily arketeo a: a pr^c* tnat will , Destructive Apple Tfww pay well tor the trouble et picking and gettin* ready to tell. Rut when there it anything '.ike a fa r crop it ta no: a! way* poeaibl* to a*ll it all at *ven a lew pnc* aad it matt he n*e>t or caret for ia tome way to that it can b* markete.l later. There are a aumber of way* that the turplut fruit can l ur i at >a: in a way that will avoi.i watte. In Uw oi chard oa* ol th* tweet way* of .vnvert:n th* tar- pla* f.xvl into a marketable pr.xlu.-t i* by A Mojnt Morrif.N. V .de*pe,U-h ay A new and at yet anexplainabee blifkt ka* th* apple orchard* of \Vyeanng anil .ijc*nt coantiea, which threaten* the total deetncUen of the crop. Ta* apple crop i* worth a million dollar* a year to th* farmer* ol thi* part of the Stale. At the opeaiaco' taeeeaaae it* preeptct* were tnrnmn in th* ho**, and if the'v ,>annot oat ver brighter. Within two weokta blight all th* (alien (run the theep v-n readi'.y ha* apread ever the crchtrd*. cawing the b turned in to help. O* advanta >^t leave* w>*hnr*l aad tarn yellow, and th* thi* rath* aariagofall lahor. while at the ' veang applee to fall t* th* gton<i One am* time more or lee* ineeot peat* will rumor aloe* in thi* Ti,-. -iy aay* h:i aa h* dettreyed. eepecially thnw in ih* fn.;r. ) orx ,p. , arerag* awantnVafflJwN bar- One fo*d reaoMi fr not allowing the fallen ' r*lt f appie* : ly ing en ihe graen.l, th* frail to remain oath* troead and ros i fruit havmg crown ta about ta**ineof <a*r that a good portion of it infeete-l with ! rie*. Mwilar roporte eoaw from all part* either worm* or intect poet* that if not ' i**troy*>l will injure ihr frm and tree* aeit year. It M ev*n better, if t* orchard i* not arranged a* mat thetheencea b* turned in, 10 gather up th* fallea fruit an J feed' to th* ho rather than to allov rot oa the groaad andor th* tree*. Mere er lew of M* fmit can b* dried or evanerat- I theappir .tittr: -t. Tki* blighi never ar pe*rv\l in weetern New \ ,ra before. It i*aot th* retail at any worm or mteci No Room for Another. 1 1* Tad.l'.e* T>'ni; to marry Ik* young eJ. The a.lvap.tag* wuh the *aporat*<i . lady he it wuh to-night*' i* the '.e*eoet rwk of lam, the cleaner aid I She" No. Re'i itiil devovad te hi* firat bettor quality al the product, UM mviag ) love." of the time aad UM belter price Hi* " Whcv that ' po**.bl* M realia*, 1 She-- Himeelf." Useful Recipes. Caramel F:Uin f ,-Pat one teacepfal of Hirer > naacwnan on th* at*, tur aul i: mem, thea let it cook aaul it haguti to mavk* and brow* : add i cipfel of hot water and let it boil, wiiheat *timng. an- Ul it tpin* a thread. Beat th* watt* W eae t* a dry troth, pear th* battmf caramel *a tae off in a thin ttrenm, heat- in* all th* while. Beat aaul cold, taen npieti between the cake*. Maple Sagar Caramel. Cook J peaad of apie lagar in a aaacepan onul it batia* tomtoke. Add fonrtncltenoiafaW of milk and boil caul it form* thick yran. Re- move from ta* fir*. aJJ a piec* of belter a* hvg*a*a wmiaat and beat aaul cool and Maw* Chocolate Fillinc. Diaeolvr eae cap el agar witft three tatlamoanfab) el water, thea hetl aaul it will " hair" from a apoaa. Add 14 tar!e*poonful* nf grated chocolate; beat MI* white oi oe* egc te a u4, dry froth : pear th* checolnta yrep m a tain tre*m upon i:, heating all the time. Wat until it i* cold, add oaa Miljiiarnl of the lifted bead latait* time, in aa* af i rul el th* naraoat-. mm and M ea* *l ihe tugaaat aaai ef ts* owect it tae Mem aad had el aa it M eery rereii*4 10 THE LUST BOCKEI WOO, a bnaatiral Unit mke. wiU a amaC laaani late it freea tae wet ani anot*ar eat to tae amth. Tarr < 11 marcin if th* i In th* httle oueam pattiag ml* the paaaiag tha gravel, joy CUed-lter breooM, far they baa tnaW a tinn ! The (ravel la tha rtiraa*. with the eyet aied oa lae be- balaor'* face. UM ewect may be very canona Em*at '..aar-l.e, a S-?uta Afrcan enter ku a. with a* than amrnkai hi* ewa expeneaco. XVaaa a bey be rreoaaaUy want *at lato tae been or mare t* the pan. The hncky gabi oali- *h* ham hi* tragedy tnat wa* abant t* no- he eat down to root m the <* WawiiUwoataehankaela On the eeaatfnl day. as aheet atraun ; utuag UM oa hu haad h* fell ate a After earn* tint* be became aware m a I vagae way that ea the waive, mady two) wark M areaar* dinaar. a'.l at once, with aa inward naak*. "Pttwtathr. witaaat nd nmady wan it reared iu head ahtve tae it then. *rect aad *ull aoad aa m* la ~ v% ^ Oa* wa* kJVi outright, bat be- theecaerwan U : aenma mfl. ai a guinnt. he boaaJed mto the tat -e Ihrnj aad heid get m an 4ed.iag.hrt breaV. TW at ta-ieaeU < apwiiata*ria>tnhrf ta* . eye *a a taake. aad I **t myeaU the t inujini aadaaacm he naU4 eat in** tae a*>eiiiiii.;>rjtka. It i .- aMhaa] I aerv Th* ahoat which th* waaar flowed withoat nan**, wore a* if carred m erael nawiakiag eyoa. with th* Uget i e: - ing aaa geiag in taeen anneared t grow by a fSK^ at <o ar ta* angaiar theliagirl Ueced. Graaaaliy 1 laa>,ted ia rort Twm el atckeaief it. weaid f :; i.r,^ .- ; , - 1 -i-^ a; OB aatrar. He wat p ,-ii a ia ar way to tae naaai aad Ia a belt wittch wjrt ha bad ahoat f 1. Mm* got J, hi* ahare el ta* work ba- ther* cam* over BM a mar. watch, if I ba4 vMtded to ntlVV *> 9v+ pnWBafaVMa* t*> uawtrTC, Dalt V.tal m erf I U in i i an. aa-t **Bm| a fa.' j*a willow Tke euaer retain** *e Siaka, araaca. attackoi the rentile wiui a aaton tae IM ef BM moriered par-.aer aad taa offary. Probably i W i tea ot tae loaati. ' aadiag of tae hmnin.aael mdaced a party omriaated ia a mauar expeneaoe el tome ' to go with bun in eterr* of it agaia. The Bit.v- party, mvaral m nambrr. te: fenh m n The loarti. it mat', be explained, i* a msaii ichtair. with th* mi pewerfal and mihgaaat batog that take* gaWe. Batthroaghtae meay the term of a great iirpint aadbatatnjgat ' in theceaneia mekiagacaiai ta* water he weald ot the po>i. and aboaU a man . aad th* wiadiag couroe taat .(TFtmrJrha4 ica aad Mtak down into ' to be taken wit n a lAnair. la* guide, a* I be nald nor* by the befar*. Ueami lent. Tb* crew barna la ,l*ming ey*a,aad naally deabt hi* *ty . aad gi^iag ap al hope af the creak laat led to aewat drawa down agniaat hi* wUlp*en aeechtem. to limpp.arfo^erataablaek athmawy , aadiag ta* month of the gaal. i.nuii na ' that he A RERCE BATTLE. a mam. Th* gaida *are'.y Cad t^e alaa that th* match be aadthtiaina*i 'Twmarch wan A ah art time ai'iat taetr retaru \a Sitnm the auaer. er bore el ta* " MM rocker,* ae narmia. wa* taken mck aad vanilla and eproa-1 an th* cake. Lemon Filling. Bnagoa* teacapral el milk te th* betting petal : numaa oaa :able*p*nafal ef oamitarch with a litt'e cold miik. and mr into the boihag aulk until it Ihickeae. Baal the yolk* of two ur U into th* .niiard aad rmve from tae tie. A"4 th* grated Had of one lemon, aad whee aoM. m mark of th* joke ef eae temon a* yea prefer. Crea^* filling may bemad* in the *am* way. Oate* Filliag. Kriagaaecep al ttroag c*aW and two ia>ilmpiafah) et cream t* the betliac poit, and thickea wrtJi oae taMmaaoafal el Beat the yolk* of two egg* and two table- pooafut* at *agar together, etir them thoroughly iate th* cattard, remev* from U>e hre, and when -v>:i ipread between the oak*. apple Filiinf.-r-iat* two large, ta* flavored, tart apple* into n aaaunea. add the j*io* and s"ie>i ri i a' oae i*moa an i a cupful of cagar. aad ov>k for five minaioa, itirriag coaetan w] ' -. a piece of butter a* Ur^r * - r well and from U* nro. \Vhea coke. Ketled icing M a Mictoa* feandauoa for nay number of .-ake nl.iage, and M made at tallow* : Betl aee rupfal el eagar motttenod with four taNeepeearu)* el water natal it na*at a thread. Boat th* whit* el eaa egg te a Hif froth, add } teovpaeaful at cream ItaJtan Tro^. raaiare Ka>la Vr.a* rooBlet. A denpau-h fram Manwwah, Efy. my. -Jl teree halt)* hat taken place hetwean a faro, ef aauv* aad ItaUan , y^, .^^ ,, B>> ...J Uo atcret ot new a* iliiin. rimmaaiH by the Otoveraor. and the roccar ky the mke. The rich I Ueaaral %ad a Urge force el derv.*ea which had aaaght refuge at Keanla. Ta* Itabaa '.art of ue t have roacrTel hare. A targe ol derriah** reoaatly raided Oanabau aa ItCian village. It* rvmbu kiiWd many of ta* : habitant* aad captarej and at into th* interior at *mven all then* maamcred. After Imiiag Carvabat. the Jirvinh*! maf*hi 1 tower de Agerdat, with ihe inteation el replating that piaoe. New* ol th* raid reached the vieveraer tioaejal. who wa* at Keroa, ea th* Rare* river, an Italian poet aitaated hat tern thaa half -way between thi* place and KamUa. Ta* Irovimat Ciiaaral had at hia dme*al a force af 2,400 tiiaai. native* aad I talma*. itmmaniil by M eaVern, With thi* fort* the tJoveraor-Oaaefal farted in panait el Ihe atTtihai, avd after tare* day*' '-' marchiag, during lidemblT. he &amr*<i in Ihe vkmity of wa* there n^ermed by Mm* native* Hat the .iorvietn* had bea iimalt of the varraiti of the Italian calnmn, aad Uvalthey bad maght refaf* in Kataata. The dorviahw had atraagthmii tae ferti- acauea* aad nrepared te make a n*a*rati for awhile on th* Mareb river, aad made Mwparauoa* to tarrr Kamala ky aaoault. On t'ne morning of Tacoaay Uet, Juty 17. the Italian troop* heuag tkaroagbly re*.od. an advance wa* mad*. Th* wniiabm de- ibimoilii* with epiratt' bcavery. bet UM town wa* finally carried by ateaali alter a fierce baitle, Tae lot* at tae warvnh. w wan very heavy, aad UM Itahaa* captured many fmca aad a ierye number cf oaaaon. Crawl.n$r Out \Vfca; .lid vea maaa. air. by aaakiag ol m* a* * ai eM cow ' ~ Bad Bay- r.oao*. I *al* meant that aMth* bem.'- yaaMth* Trtt Philosophy. Xeighber " Raa't you gain' t* bant ap iai feller that etoaoJ with year wife?" Smart wied " X-e. Let th* tiimi briag it* own psn akaieat." .n Surer alter hie death. %nd I'owwti a attaattoa. aad delayed n toarah in tha d*r*cuoe *l the " Wat roeker." aad after a um* h* wae ahoat to aaeeilak* ihe tn a* wa* killed by a mad tilde in tae : aad the* died the eahr livinc whit* thejmt lake, tke rocker, aad the I To t.v. -iy iptiag go ia laat'ch el it, aa i thn ipnac a number are iun( oat fer the niilnun I if reward* have baaa o4ere4 te laduin* T* reveal the locality, bat, tareegh tear ol etag impiMatai in lh*y nmiin tJeat. U<HUn*7 UeotottT* Fires A quartm- of a cent i ia itotif. bat waea malt the f reject M railway a fact which A eavmg el oaly 1 mill a day m the i al a locomotive ameaata ta Ja|e ia a year. aad with mveral thtaeaad Iteemttivot t^e nvtagix Thegoodi deal ;o-iay i* ta* man woM make* tkiau IttUa mrmg* aad the namaar *l war* m which they are doe* M a i> making. Take tha mailer al aHHoaj, a are far exempt*. Mo. i liaimiuve* ar* trod up with wood, aad about aa **ghth ol a card M aeceomry toetart n ooel blare. Wood preit'v evpeawv* reel to ue for reca rarpoer* aad even, railway* have bugaa te mbetttat* ail for iV TM oil w **orod ia a raeerroir eataide tw* r*aad heaa* and i* f*ra*4 bw umpiimi* air Uriaak a am** *l fit*i pipit te flexible pipe* aear eaoa lfmtaro tall. Whan it M iiioiinry to Mart a are a bed el coal m aproad ever ta* grate. *M wa*M tarwwa on top of it aad lighted, aad thea th* oil apmyed into th* freboz threagh th* fWxiet* pipe* by the e*amromad air. It take* j**l abeal a* mag M> mart a fire witn thin nffirilai an with wean, bat with the fertaer the coat oaly aboat *|e while with wood it mage* fram 11 la Me, aocordiag t* the price af '

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