THE DOHNIOK HOUSE, UVENTH PARLIAMENT -FOURTH SESSION AT OTTAWA. RK VISION or VUTCHS* LIMTH. Mr. I^aurier aaid he noticed in the Mont- real Gazette, which he believed wa* a Gov- nnieui organ, that the electoral lute for the Dominion were now undergoing revision and that those who had not regiitered their ana* should do to a* early a* poMible, in rdrr in gel on the lista before they were clewd. He understood from the Premier, IB a statement made a few week* *go, that JBMrnction* had been given to the revieing en not to proceed with the revision, in ' of contemplated amendment*. Sir -John Thompson e*>id the paragraph ild have no reference to the Dominion Instructions had been given not to froceed with the reviwon of the list*. Thi awls would not be revised until Parliament had patied on th* Franchise bill. THIRD It KADI M.I. The following bill* were read a third tin. : ' Respecting the Montreal Park and Uland Railway Company. Respecting the Atlantic and Like Super ier Kailway Company. STCAMHllir Hl'BSIDT. The House returned in committee on the hill further to amend the Act respecting ecein steamship lubeidin*, and reported th. kill without amendment. RAILWAY DKAW*A' (. Mr. Haggart moved the Houie again into eenmittee to consider the resolution re meeting the allowance of drawback on eoitain articles manufactured in Canada lor lie in the construct!. m of the Canadian fai i tic railway. Mr. McCarthy laid the proposal now sade mas to allow the railway 30 per cent. drawback en steel u*ed in the construction tt original permanent bridgee. Tai* would .prefect an enormou. sum, more than StiU'.'KKl. He wa* not prepared to alter the contract in any respect. He Jcrlare.i this vus not the original meaning of the wmtract between the (Government and the rii .. . and he did not know why they awvul.l be called upon to interpret it in a KM* it did not convey. The company had he.ntl'l* to float their securities, construct he roa.l, and pay dividend* on no *uch BtierstandinK as wa now proposed. He claimed that the road wa* not entitle.) to the drawback, and that the prnpoeition wa* wholly unjuilifulile. Sir J'.lin Thompson routenilol that tl.e Molutiou only gav. efTact to the agree- eat which wa* known torus'. The point ha liad foun.l neceaury to i the nvaning of the words, "oriuinal itr i.-f...ii. ' The bridges had first !*< n hull of wood, hut he conteniled this wa* a tMipoi ary fonslrnction, anil thai when the WM w* declared completed It wi uii.ler 1 to mean with the temporary (true, i yet to be changed to eteel structure* The revolution wa* adopted. i . r. IU I ASIJ BI-BHIDY. Mr. Daly moved the teuond reading of a ill iwpertinq the lainl subsuly tn the Caiadtan Pioinfl railway. Th* object wa* e permit the llovernmrnt to (raut land ebsuhes in tract* en bloc and not in alter- ale lot*, a* at present, in order that th<< ailway my get th* fu 1 Ix-netit of the ir- isgation wbifh i* nei:i>Mry. Umler the reaeit arrangement the i-ompany w >ul>! 4eriv* no lienelit in alternate section*. Thu bill was tn apply only on that por- UM of th. road between Medicine Hat on ihu c.tsl sn I Crowfoot Crossing on the houses senl duplicate ord*rs by diffsrsnt in**. iNsritAxri AT. 8,r John Thompson moved th* consider- ation of the bill to amend the Insuran.-e Aot Mr. McCarthy aaid th. bill w a direct blow at the Canada Life Insurance Com- pany, a. it proposed to restrict the seouri- tie. of that company. Proceeding, he sought at length to establish the liability of theee securities. Mr. Wood (Westmoreland) defended the principle o' the bilL 1 he bill was read a third time. RAILWAY SUBSIDISE. Mr. Daly moved the Hruse into com- mittee to contider the resolution* provid- ing for the granting of subtidie* in land to certain railway companies. Sir Richard Cartwright again protesled againf. the policy of granling *ubeidie to wild-oat schemes while vast tract* of coun- try in the North -West wsre Mill unoc- cupied. The resolution* were adopted. BILL-S INTKODCi'ID. Bill* bated on the following resolution* wet* read afirtt time : Respecting drawback on article* used in ihe construction of th. Canadian Pacific railway. Respecting the deduction of the indem- nity of abient membert of Parliament and Senators. Respecting the Act respecting Dominion note. . THIRD BCADIKUS. The following bill, were read a third line: Respecting Ocsan Steamship Compto its. Respecting Dominiou Land*. .voKTH-wtsT ' taken into consideration the petition of hit eminence th* Cardinal Archtishop of Que- bec, the Roman Catholic archbishop*, bishops and prelate* of th* Dominion of Can- ada, presented to Hit Excellency ^Govern- or-General in council, the honorable th* Senate and House of Common., praying for the intervention of the Federal Government on behalf of th* Roman Catholic schools in the province of Manitoba and the North-West territorial, and, if so, has it been decided to give effect lo the ssid petition and grant the prayer thereof, that is to say : " 1. To disallow the Manitoba Act, 87 Vic., chap. 28 (189t) intituled ' An Act to amend the Public School Act' ; "-'. To issue tuoh direction* and adopt such measures as Hit Ec*llensy the Govern- or-! General in council thall deeji best cal- culated to afford relief under the grievances suffered by the Roman Catholict of the province of Manitoba in consequenoe of the school laws p***ed in their province in 1890; ".'{. To communicate with th. Lieutenant- Governor of th* North- We*t territorie. to the end th.t the ordinance, may b,' BO modified at lo remote Ihe grievances com- plained of by the Catholic* of the North Wast , and which are ihe result of ordinance No. 23, sanctioned at Ragina on th. 31st December. 189*2?" Sir John Thompson replied that the Gov- ernment bad taken into consideration the petition referred to on thit question. He was not in a position to announce to the Houae the decision of the Government, because the advice of the Government had not yet been tendered to Hi. Excel- lency. Communication bad been bad wilh the Lieutenant-Governor of the North-West territorial on the subject, aa to th. modi fication of the ordinance*, and Ib. Lien- lenant-Governor had been notified of the petition of the bishops. ROUND THE WHOLE WORLD WHAT IS GOING OM III THE FOJR CORNERS OP THE GLOBE. comraander-in-chief at PorUmculh, Eng- land. A young Englishwoman, Lady Mildred Jeetup, ha* written an opera which ha* Keen produced and en'.husiasticeJly received at Florence. Her husband wrote, -he lib- retto. Lady Mildred is the youngest daughter of Lord Strathmor* and is about twenty-five yean old. She call* her work "K.thelinda." The Duke of Westminster oosap'.aii* about, the new legacy duties: it seem* he has calculated that his heir* will have te pay on tiisdeatn the sum of 1,300,000. Of coane they will have the tidy little earn of sixteen and a half millior* left to divide between them, which ought lo console them. A recent English invention i* the "pulai- meter," a watch made especially for the us* of physicians in timing their patient', pulses. It i* constructed on the principles ol the stop watch, and indicate* the pulse rate on a dial in best* per minute. According to the annual report issued the _ latt of May th* Salvation Army is now wa* founded by John Lyon in IS.". j established in 42 countries. It has 1,997 .Swede* believe that the devil has power i corps, numbering 6,44.1 officers, I0.3M local 14 ! *W W.rH t.vral. r i fcr..l l"l Brlea. llere,H*>*- * i < r Bereol ii. RoM-leaf jm ii a Roumanian di.h. European naviis employ 300,000 men. Over 70,000 Brituh soldiers are in India. Queen Victoria is an ardent lover of animal*. The beet Chiaeee razor* are made of old horteshoer. Rain falls in the AodM about oooe in even year*. Australia's gold output in 1893 wai 1.87,5iO ounces. J. Pirn, the English tennis champion, it an Irishman by birth. The gnat school o( Harrow, England, __ ___ j_ i __ i _ i_ _ f ... . ;_ IHX^ OTer a child until it i* be>ptued. r. Mill* (Bflhwell) iai.1 th.t the bill *)ni not derine the territory within which M wa* in *pply, and that it might proper- sy t held t.. apply to any part of (he nail. Mr Daly said he would have th clause asnenilnl to ihi* eHect. In aniwsr to > ejnriLn n, he (aid there wrre yet over two illixn arrr* In be ntnlw.| to th* railway. The lull wa* read a srcoml time, and re- iWreil to the Committee of the Whole. i.'l H*l! WMT. Mr. Sjieaker read the warrant for the M.M i>! . writ for the election in Quebec We*L AII. AY TICKKT*. r. Raggart introilu<-<i<l a bill tnameivl MM An rmpeotin : th* sale of railway p*ae- enter tickta, which enao^ that tra\eller* who have purriiaieil return tlokets mul wat. do not wish tn n tin n must SIKH a eWuninit amrmint; that they were pun-has- er* f the ticket before they cau ulitaiu a tele, Fh* bill was read t lint time. Sir John Thompson moved the third riading of the hill to amend the Act. re- specting the North- We.t Territories. The motion wa* carriei, and the bill read a third lime. i.ivt'i'R COMMISSION. Mr. Foster, in answer to Mr. Bernier, said the translation of the report of th* i '.mimiMion on the Liquor Trarlic had been suspended because the Parliamentary vote tad run out. KAII.VNAT SUBSIDIES. Mr. Ha. -garl moved the Houae into cam- millee on th* railway subsidy resolutions. Mr. Charlton, on the resolution to pay ?KW.iXi to the St. Catharine* and Niagara I Central Kail 'ay Company, protesled aifainsl the principle of subsidizing roads that were not needed when the country'* fin- ance* were in so unsatisfactory a condition. Mr. McCarthy aaid it was monstrous thf. the road should be subsidized, because not only would Ihe Grand Trunk rsilway be injured, bul an extra burden wa* put upon th people. (Hear, hrar. ) He knew that the <.raml Trunk were not paying interest on their first preftr.-noe bonds, ll Ih* country could not support one road, it certainly could not support two. (Htar, hear.) The resolution* were adopted, r. r. R. i.ini sriiu\ . Th bill respecting t e land lubsidy to th* Canailmn IVitie Railway Company wai rrail a third time ' KI.VS llllllMlK. Sir Richard Carlwright, in calling atten- tion to th* Curran liridue reviewed the viiUnce taken Ixfore the Public Accounts Committee, and aiked what the House thought private employer* would do to ag*nl* who conducted uch a work. Th* work wa* characterized a* a groM fraud and extrtvagance. He moved an amend, menl lo ihe motion. "Thai it appear* from lli* eommi.siooers' report, and from the evidence taken before the Public Account I Committee with reference to the Wellington land t.ran.t Trunk bridge*, (I I That the | aaid bridge, were constructed during th* rirst lour months of th* year H!KI liy the Department ot Hallways itnd Canals ; u'i that tin- department decided to have the work done on tulntruoturet by day lahur under a contract entered into by the depart- ment to cairy out tr.e work a* laid out by ihe department and under depart mental *uperint*nd*nce and direction ; i.'l) that the original estimate of the department of th. cost was 9122,000 for the iilniru.'Uire, that the com- mmiotiers' report that any reliable contract- or would have i. ule.l the tame amount of work in th* same time for ISO.MHi, wk*reas the amnunl char|(ed to th. depart- mem wa* $1:!", <-">, whereof $.lm,iMi has been pax) : (4) thai the supply o: tmiK.'i liimhi-r certified to by the othier* in charge of the work for the department was over | 1,000,0.0 feet, officer*, and .1,331 bandsaieu. The number of "soldier*" is not stated, bat General Booth claim* that the army converts to Christianity 100,000 people every year. The British regular army at the end of last year numbered 220,000 men of all 3,000 above the establishment. The reserve* numbered men : SINGULAR SILVER CYLINDERS. inam.rplio.r. I* fntmte a ftirani* ' ..i With the 414 era *! *r Waler. Cur reader* are assuredly acquainted with the silven d.y!in.ter sold by optician and that permit, through reflection of rectifying th* distorted figures known by the name of anamorphotet. The effect! of total reflection may be observed by immersing an inverted glass vessel in water, and* method of obtaining anamorphic image* may thus i | 4F| , n ,j tne , h u become, be secured. Figure I show* the arrangement adopted The King of Greece is au excellent swimmer and ha* a perfect paeeion for fishing. Th* Queen hat taken 447 prize* at Eng- | lish uattle ihows tor products at her stock farm. Krupp, in Essen, i* th* second richest ; , 349 m , n . th , milmai 124,7'V: th* man in Prussia, having an annual income of TW)manry , ro lnnteer cavalry) 10,400. and over 7,000,000 marks. ! the volunteers, 237,900. Daring 1993. 34. It i* officially declared by the RUSH an j ST recruit, joined th. army. Of these Government that cholera, prevail* in .even Il,.1s2 were 5 feet Tinche* in height or over; Governments of South Russia. | 11,215 measured 34 to 35 inches round the Lady Dufferin hat published a brief j chest, and 11,224 weighed 130 pound* and memoir of her uncle, < 'bailee Sheridan, a j upward*. grandson of th* gret statesman and dra- ' THE BEAUTIFUL S.VOW LEOPARD. Th* King of Ihe Belgians takes an hour I or two exercise regularly every rrorntng on a tricycle in one t the avenues adjoin- Tim* Lane rellae Anlssal rrs the ing Lek.n palac*. **} Isnalas-a* *w la l*>* S-x corpses on th. ballroom floor wa. th. >*> '" ...rwen^-Bleareel a- a result ofT little diderence of opinion ! "eeuefceW rel I. India. among the dancer* at a in an Austrian j The ounce, or snow leopard, i* on* of the village a few week* aco. : rmTemt mo<i mogt beautiful animals of the P " k l" > , C ^"^ h4i j n ,!*JZ Me<i i P PU L* ftlln '""b'- The London Zoological lion of I,30O.UOO and 15.000 police, who signal from slition to station by yelling ''""lens have mil secured on* of these until Ihe new* retche* headquarter*, j animal*. It was one of the few interesting The little Queen of Holland is very popn beat* lacking in ihe wonderful London ' ' . i. ^ - " !" ylh "";, "I collection, a greater favorite b) being photograp!-.e<I in the typical peasant costume of her country. | >* > leopard inhabits the mountain- In parts of Frinc* a specie* of rabbit it oat dUtrict* of Central Asia, one of the most utilized for the wool, which u itid to be inaccessible and least explored parts of th. ..Her and liner than that of sheep. It I* globe. The One animal BOW at the Garden* obtained at interval, by combing tl . an,- (fom ^ w-Urm Himalayas. He , , , wa* captured when young by Ih* retainer* 8u Cbarle* Dilk* ray* th*t if th* control of th* sea were lost nothing oouldave Kng- ' ' Thakir Ueb, Chand. Chieftain of l.utd.a. land from invasion, " and once invaded Kng'.and would b* swept out of existence in a week." In th* museum at Mayence are several piles from a Roman bridge aero** the Rhine there. They are long nd heavy bean:*, tipped with iron to prevent splitting when driven. in Lahanla, and sent a* a preeent to Mrs. MacKay. of Kullu. She brought him up as a household pet, and thi* year presented him to the Zoological Garden*. He i* now Ii feet long. The *now leopard has marking* similar to Ihe ordinary leopard, bul ih* fur oa the by Prof. Thomas Kttricb* of the Institute ot Barcelona. A glass vessel, very dry .n the interior,!* inver.ed in a large bowl wilh ! There are no undertaker* in Japan. When stomach and chest it entirely white. In a wide Hottom. IB order to keep the vessel person die* it is th* custom f t r h i* nee.ret the other place* where the fur of tt.e orain- at tiie bottom of the bowl a weiaht is olaced re ' llvei , x P ut hlm ln * <>* '> hur y ary leopard is yellow, it is nearly white in 1 him. and the mourning doe* nol begin until i t he snow leopard. The fur i* very Ion,- upon it-a bottle, for e*mple-if there is a f ler burial. , n d .-Iky. The animal i. also adorned no other obis^t at Svnd. We thus ohtam ... T i. . . an annnorpnio mirror. Th. gla*. v.aael There I. a wild Sower in Turkey that ,, rt.tten.,1 through Hi. effect of re- '" '" l " llor * 1 "? ol " nulT - a n 8 J The breaal is green, ihe wing* ar* a deep apprarn with a tail of great length and beauty. The white leopard i* indeed a dandy among leopar.l*. The expreeeion of hi. .<ir .Inhn 'I'hniui'ion, in au*wrr tn Mr. leaner, Mi'l a rco'tilion wunl<l ln> inlrn- e)nt'l this niiMiiiu on the iiihjnrl of boiirly fer s'et-l anil in>n, which w< an eitension *j| (W* iluty on |>ig iron anil |inilillnl liar, a* aniinunoil by the Kinanrn Minuter Ma* tune nun. Thi> liiivnrninrnt ii'l if.i' *Mf<l to ask the House i |ir. ., I with the Insolvpiiry hill tins nni.mii. l.m tin- * If.iiiwi-il mi n ' y linn (!, in wnul.l ls> M> much toward its final a< 1 1 Irmriit next MMI.RflWIIIini. Sir A'liilplm Cnran, In an.wer In Mr Ba>li'il, -ii'l ' tmnunu |ii<l .lumm Uy*r* IsiH-U'. 1 '.'.'I 'nr rarrynittniir until* Mwcen Canmla anil linmi Rritiin lix dpi-n e*pe.-ilv*ly I. < II.:M7. *7 1.711:1, Mil Jl'.'i. XtX Tin' money was psul to Mnstrr. M. .% A Mini, of Mmitii'nl. Ii WMB not tlu< in fiiiiM! of the (lovvrninent to pay a su'ix.iy * th |ini|nis.| fast line (or carrying the all* >'i-i ami ahovp th* annual iilxiily of Th *iihinlins now |IM>| toother j***n for mail tervloe would b* <lii. ><n ) after the eilaMishment of the faet a*. The mall* between Canada anil lirrat Miain wnuM not b*oairl*d exulusively by W rail line, beoaue* Utter* were often BBfkctl via a . .TI ni line, and whoUiaJ* ay be painted in oil upon canvaa. h mure '2 give, the outline that aerve* for n.akmg the auamorphu- drawing. If one iloe. BO*, ilesire to i*nm*r*e drawing* .<r paintings in water, he can lubetitut* a lar,re flat-bottomed glaa* vessel for th* bowl. Th* ilrawmyi may lie placed under this ve**'. They are tlry noon the table upon whio*l one operate., and they are obaerved by trantpvenoy through th* gla*. Hospitable It i* customary on th* continent of hoard meature, more thin I Kurope to charge extra (or heating a bed- uouM have Iwenused : (A) that the cn*t of tone-fin t inn on ihe Wellmxton <tre*t l>ri.l)(e l.y piecework would have been 93, (KX),whera. the amount charged toth* Gov- ernment i. 9IA,7l.i, and the ooit of atune- iiinnu on the (iraml Trunk hrutge was till more uxoetiiv* ; ((i) that the prices (in I hy the dtparlmen* to lh nmtraftor lor labor were gieatly beyoml the current nrices.ln aoni*< iiislanue* li g a* high a* fit! i"r whioh thn contractors only paid 9t-AO, an<l 90.70 for oilier work, for which Ih* onntrnrtur* only pnl 9.1.7.V ; (7) tliat in many other respect* th* runitriu-tinn of the hri'ltfee was ron.lii.-iivl in a waatefnl ami in<|>ro|>*r inaniinr, an<l that in the .IHIMOII .if ili.. ll'iiKe the lleparlinent of llulway. an. 1 Canals i. <le**rvin* of the 1.1-vnrest rrnanrp lor InrllU-ienoy, nralei-t of duty. .xtrav||ani'i>. ami ros nil*nian|*, ineiit in . oniieMion wit Ii HIP sanl work. Mi. H.t;ii, in r.-plv. review*'! the work from the LegmninK, a-ul *al<) th. whole irl^ir rml to tie one of frau.l ami ..ln'i..ii, KIK) .hie largely to thu iKnoraiu** an.) in a|ut.-ilv ..I *ui ei inteiulniK Kii||ineer I'arenl. H<- ttiuujjhi ill" lioverninent time. keepers ha.) i-.ninivp.l with the fontrartnrs for the |.ur|i.i n( ilefriuitling the Govern- IIIKIII A Urn" amount of tne total ex- tien.lltur* of $:l:i4.miit ooiisuteil of money iMii.lulrntly nlnained fr.<m the<iov*rnrnenl by partie* emp'oyeil In the o.insrii.-'ion ..! H>r urk Me ilioii||ht now that 9'.'^.1. (XHi ought to have; fully completed an.) rlnishe.i the work, and tnten.ieil to l>imc th* whole matter before. hi. colleague, when they hail an npnortunlety to const. ter r. for the 1'iirp >< "I nunialiing the perpe- trators of the.* frii. Is. Th* ameudmsnt wa* defeated by 74 to -wir iirnoou. Mr. Raa.oleil, ". Has th* Oovernm.nt room, no matter how bitter the weather, hut it remained for a New England hotel- keeper in charged double rate, for heating a nm for two ! It wa* thl* aame man, who** tavern i* in a town so remote from civilisation that Tom's Catiin" is the only theatri- cal attraction ever billed there, who )>ul for custom by advertising: "Special rate* for theatrical rompanie*. I.ittlf Kva ami the dog* Ire. '" Not Sufflclently Daflnlte. \l..t',i*r "1 lol.l you to give your (later half of that apple, an.l jvu have eaten i: all youreelf." Small Siii "1 ottered it to her, and she uckeil at It a little ami then pushed it awa\." "She eays you di.ln'l." "Oh, you mean that sister? I thought you niraii' 1'ie baliy." u very mti.-h KIPII iiiii'.e.l ies. Mi> entered hi* store not i** " btatke.t A Trlrte Off. A Dallas shot-dealer la *|>ehs ot aluent Ktmerelda LongforKn lonit ago. What can 1 >io for you, tiiiuilly. 11 I want a pair of tho**, ' " Have you have you brought your feet with you f Sometimes an Advantage. " Isn't it a nuitanoe to havvatreaoherou* msmoiy *" " Not alway*. S.>m- dayt ago ray wife told m* uot to forget lo call a veterinary nh\ sii-ian for her poodle or it would die I fotgot." fin* going lo ihe King. There are said to b* only four survivor* of Napoleon's grand army, the eldest of them being Jean Jacques Sal>atier,who was born April I.''. IT'.fJ. The other* are also more than 100 year* old. Here is an ad t from the An*- tralatiau : "it Hubert Lyuott, my husband, doe. not return and .upport me within three month, from thi* date, I intend to re* marry. Florence Kmelie Lximlt. The Bnash Museum has books written on brickt, tile*, oytter thelU. l>on*t and flat tones, together wilh manuscripts on bark, on leaves, on ivory, leather, parchmont, papyrue, iron, copper and wood. A curiou. electrical fish, resembling the sting ray of the Atlantic coast, has l>een discovered in the Me>lit*rrnean. It* bony tail is luminniis and can ba distinctly *en 20 feet beneath th* surfar i of th. water. IV) we. the Mannheim tilor, whoie bullet proof fabric I* likely to make many other, aa well as himself wealthy, wa* so poor wh.n he had hi* discovery completed that he hail to borrow a revolver to test th* cloth. The Ctar ha* among hi. household an I umiemudy singularly Ilk* him in appear- { ance, who shows himself at Ihe windows of railway carriage* and the Ilk* uhen hi* Imperial Majesty does not with to disturb himself. Henceforth no candidat* at th* British Royal Military Academy will lie oonmderr.1 eligible unlras c r'iri* i )>y the Medioal Hoard to b* free from any bodily def.vt* or mln-euts. and in all reepeot* physically At tor her Majesty'* servion. There has \*mn a considerable uvreasr of \ nl.-nt .Time in Lower Miirmah nd a lar^e decrease in the upper province. The in- crease in Lower IV-rmah is attnhuted to the impoverishment of the cultivators thr.>ii)ili the alm.umally low p nce ol>uii<e\i for the paddy cr<'p. Robert l.oun Ste\enon has grown thin to,. His wrist is now ,> thin a to look, it ii said, ai if a child >s<ii!,i i-reak it in two. Hxiean Ixvly has become \lslbly leaner, and hi* face i so (harp al th* chinas to give a V-thape.i appearance . to his phvsi.ignomy. Kniji Hunil-er: .>! Iia'.v has th reputation i of being t*-e most aim'i:u.i.<n*: of >l. the> ' ..insiituti.mal m.'narclm >t Kiir\>|>e. The , only matter in whioh he mak*< his kingly prerogative felt n the arm v an.) n>.\. which he intisu must he kept up in their preeent em.-iency and number*, Sir H.-weii Salmon has ha.l an interest- log career m the British n*vrv When I'.' year* old he Warn* a radvt. wat a .-.>inman<ier at the SM of 23, a p t \| lain when -.N. and has been on the admual list for I A \*:. Hi**oon to become rongi sportsman in his native place*. But, m spit* of hi* muscular strength, he it very delicate. He only thrives m mountain air. The climate ot the Indian seaports ha* invariably been fatal to thoee specimens which it hat been attempted to thip i> Kurope. The snow leopard live* by pre- ference at a height of 9, WO feet on the border* of the .now* ir the Himalaya* and Thibet He catches and **' w . i sheep and goa;*. The cunning or astute ba**ari* { IU- Attuta) i* a relative of the raccuon. A baataris i* amoni; the re.-ent a.tdilion* to tk* Lon. ten Ihe exprewio* of his face i* eurnoieni lo justify the a i_i. ..* applied to him. Beeuiea, all hi* family are noted for cunning. The astute baicari* i* found in Texa*. California and Northern Meti.-o. He i* about a* large a* a **nall .lomestio eat. hut more slender. He ha* a long cylindrical tail of white, sir ped with even or eight diitinct black rin^t. This :s one of hi* mot remarkable feature*. He hat a. very pointe>i note. wll whiskerei. and larif* bright eyes. The hassari. i* very fond of a nice bird and (how. great ski I to getting one when he wants it. A wood near a well filed poultry yard it the happi eat combination he knows of. The Largest Churches- We find a 'ist of the largest churches in Europe with figures representing their .eat. ing capacity, but w* have an idea that the figure* given indicate the capacity fer the landing muitituic, a* in few case, ar there seat, provide.!. We give th* list h.'Wexei, a* we !;.. . Seat*. St. I'eter't Churoh, Rome .... Miin i v.hedral ' "t. Paul'*, Rome S'.'.>" t. Pii; . l...-,.i..n St. Pen na . --'MI*.) Florence Cathedt a: ... -J. Antwerp ("athedial. .. . <tanf.n,ple n't, l-atrran . 2J.'.li*> Nort* l*nir, Pari Cl.iX.1 I . .'I,. M . 1S."H .. ! . \ *ni I S: Dnmiftic's, Rohgaa I : S-. p. t r's Molosna Cathwlral of Vienna 1 M Mark'*, Ven .-e Spurgvon's Tabernacle, London . T.ta>> I'he figure* opposite Spurfvoa t Taber- nacle mean th* sealing oapsouy. Most of the Asiatic enunlnes have rume.1 by th* ty.tem of "farminf tax**." the It i* estimated that New lets than 10,000 opium smoker*. has no