TEE ~ FLI8H1RTOH IfANKINO OFFICE OF GBO. MITCHELL, FLKSHE&TOJf. 4 jp erl h. k. I, u.l !,< transacted Ew*m*au4aii<1ebe<iuaseaabedatuu*l rt. - avtiey al ays available for >"gicnw biiiint,.* eBfr rii.- arrici two doors north c f Richardson A Go's Vicinity Chips. trrUtlcs af Ike Fut Week C.rrfully Called for tbe < uriou*. natux* among lueal* icM If. at tlu rut* uf lOr per line for tack itiMrtuw. A reu!i:tiuu iriU be mnde on coutractt for 100 Hurt or over. For ice erviin u to Minn Hindu. Honey fur Hale, iu c-ins, tun pounds f.sj one dollar. This office. t'leshrrt .,i Y. M. P. B. A. will cele- t*ate lo-iUy at Dunilalk, the Orange- nieil it Ki: ..-ma. Dr. Hunt, of Clarksburu, who his been in delicate health fr a lotig time, died o Weduea-l iy m<iriiin<> of la t week. He was iu his 52ud year. Fleahertun junior football club played yUehertou Station club on 1'liunnUy <-veniin{ but. Score, 2 to in farnr of To-day is the )(loriou* 12th, and Ktuvnia in |>Uyiiu< hoV with the ln*t. That all niay !mv a jolly, joyful time is the wuh of The Advance. Fleahttrton fix it ball club |layed Pniton .Station club on Friday evening. Storr. V to with 30 minute* play. The HMM- WM interrupted by rain. A grand tea meeting will bo held under the auspices of Mount Zion 8*>.ba:h udiiml on July 17. A good program M heUK arranged. The usual price uf ad- mission. Make it t point to attend. Messrs. Diunude & Wriiiht started last week to operate their new machine for the manufacture of stare* direct from the U'gs. They have an immense quanti- ty of timber ye* to work up. Mr. Wen. Buskin ban mysteriously lost rive sheep from his {Witure Held during the past spring. Four disappeared on Friday night last. He offers five dollars reward fur information ax to their whcru- aboati. The Durham Review IIHH changed bands, Mr. McArthur stttppii'tc down ami out. Mr. 0. Rainage is the new proprie tor. Doing a practical man. Mr. Ram- age will no doubt greatly improve the column* of the Renew. We welcome Mf. Ramitge to the newspaper circle. A serious accident occurred at Mr*sr*. Utuunde A Wright's stave factory on Saturday which iitftcMitated the stoppage- uf busineH fur a few days. Through the loosening of a bolt key both heaits were blown oat of tbe cylinder. Fortuu.it 'y no one was injured. To prevent pale and delicate chiulrcn fn*u lapsing into chronic invalids Inter in life, they ahouM take Ayur's Sani>nnlla together with plenty of whole*, me food aud out-do- T exercise. What they need to build up iho system is jfoiid reil blood. A fur den party, under the auspice* of the ladled of iho Prosliytertan church. will be held at the residence of Mr. F Chard Mr. Thorp Wri-jht'i farn. mi the eniiinu of Wednesday, July 18th. The Fleahertou band mill be in attend- to furnish music. Thi.s will be the 1'itrty of the oin m. Ail are cor- Jialbjr inyitod. Come and enjoy a plea*- Few medicines have held their ground so successfully as Ayer'n Chi-rry Pectoral. Dating the {( fifty years, it IIM been ihe m*r popidar of all cough-euros and ho demand for it lu-day is yroater than eve* before. Prmnpt to act and sure to Haste Galore That is what Fleshorton pe|ilo were , to on Monday evening a feast of ic. Dundalk and Msrkdale bands 4*uvv over to asaut our band at a prome- nade concert arranged for the hater's bwtietit. The three united band* made fto welkin ring and attracted a larx* or.wd of |>eo[il to the agricultural gtvsHMta, where a small admission fee of Mn cettls ; chaii<ed. A very enjoyable wuniitg wan spent and it was a late hour fen the KaiWing (J>prsd. A gani* tat *-'i'.a:i belweau tbe Proton Station club resulted in one for each. Villagers were lulled to sleep by the sweet strains of the various band* as they ulayed after thu "concert " on the wjiiare until about 12.31). This was th* tint of a series of similar entertain- ment* to be held iii tbe three town*. The idea M a pood one, and the success at- tending the first attempt is highly grati- fying. We hope that when there u a repetition in our sister villages the people will dhow their appreciation by ru*in,' t'liirnoiiU. Ten cents for an evening of tint class music is a mere bagatelle and a favor enjoyed by no other placea of which we have heard. Personal. Mr. S. Dainude was a welcome caller on Monday. Miss Lizzie Strain returned from O. 8. Hitfb school ilu> week. Mrs. W. P. CroeaUy and Mrs. A. M. Gibson took a trip to Paitley laet week. Mr. Horace Rutherford, nf Owen Sound, M the guest of Mrs. Win. Wright. Mim VanDuMtn is the guest of Miw Magill, of Chatmrorth, (Ins week. Mias Strain spent last week with friends in Owen Sound. Mr. O. B. Wright, of the Detroit Um- brella Co., is viaitiug friends in thu vicin- ity. Mr. and Mrs. W U i Wulw<>.d. of Li.ck now, spent a few dys with their friei.da here. Mr. A. J. Howard, amiHUnt poMtmas- ter, leaves thin week for a couple of weeks trip via. Detroit, Dutfalo and Niatrara Fall*. Mr. W. J. Thompson, of Dohbingtoii, and Mr. .1 Cruicksliankx, of Chcaley, arc visited friends around this vicinity. Mr. Wilson, of <JuvI|.l., was a caller oti MoiuUy. He. is taking j round ou lii wheel. Thu remains of the infant daughter if Mr. and Mrs. C. Bertmml, of Montieal, were interred iu the Fleshertuu oeinetry, on the oth inat. V tlKIKTI CUUXCD OF THi CBAIUIE OF STtALISU UK I)RIM)lir' COW BELL. dinonver it. Nevr before seeing it in your valuable |>aiHir had I any idea that iny uei^hlior, .T. T. Clark, was wrongfully McciiHud of iuch a foul act. Otherwise I should have tiittd to straighten matter* out. Assuring you that it ia a pleasure to remove thu Ulauk and threatening elnod from Mr. Clark's *ky, I remain yours truly THE ...... 1 or K..11 The following ia the report for the moii cli of June of the standing of tka Mupils of S. S. No. 6, (Mprcy. Names in order of merit. IV. ClasH, sr.- Ada Kaiwing, Bertie Kaitting, Jennie Craa-ford. IV. Claas, jr. -BliaaUth Hodgson, Jane Hodgsoa. III. Claiw tiuy Emitting, Benjamin Barber. 1L Class- Mabel Buckinghtsn, Harry Tuplin, John OUewell Mnnetta Smith, Willie Smith. Part 2nd Henry Hewitt, Aimer Bar- ber, Christina McKenzie. Jane Suggtt. Part 1st, ar. Qo. Ottewell, Artie Su^Kit, Maud Ifuckinghaai, Harry Buck- invhani, Shrrmati Ottewell, Alice Otte- well, i>nre S. Myers, Charles Suggltt, Charlix Hodgsnn. Part 1, ir Maiutie Tuplin.John Dann, Mary 1). Tuplin, Morton Sayera. H. JIUKUXU, Teacher. After Thirty T ALLAN HTaTWllCT. OP SPBIilGlnsl. HCFPCKH ALL THIS TtaUl AT LXST COifFUCD TO IIBD nuftT or mat itrrv FAI*. Charlottetown. P. B. I. July B Allan S'ewart of Springton, near here, asyn tliat Ucnld's Kidney Pills saved bis life. and he wants tbe fact to be known. For thirty years he has had kidney disease aud -rav.-l. Hundreds of dollars spont n doctor* and medieine failed to do n good On July 14 U*f. Mr Stewart bad to lake hi* bed. anil everybody consider- ed hi* ciktt a hoprl*s one. He heiwd of Dodd's Kidney Pill* and began uaing them. He wys h<; noticed an improve- ment from the brat, and ten boxes cured him. He ia now free from all pain aud enjoys excellent health. The case f Mr. Uriuin.ie's row bell, as published in The Advance, some time ago, and written by Joe. T. Clark, of Toronto Saturday Night, will be remem- bered by many of our readers. There be thi me stubbornly determined individual* who still believe that Joe wiw guilty of that act, but in the face of what follow-* thin idea will have to be revised, for the thief has confeaaed. and it in now discov- ered that Mr. Clark ;tn not ihe . nly ter- ror which Mr. Drimuiu- had to f.-ar by day and night. There wait o>ie other at lea.it whosucceftsfiilly taiseil Cam in thoMe halcyon day*, and he has forwarded u the follow nu confesMion ,u,.l appeal for sympathy. Our rvodors will, we feel Hure, undersUmilini! Hie terrible ordeal of courting near * co* \*-V. froely forgive the act of vsniUlisin. The writer umnt UH permission to divnlw hi* name to any 'ui|uirinu friend*, and to inform them (hat it is not the Mtinuing of cvn.ifi.iice which II.LI caused him to vonfuas, but only n sense of the justice which he owes Mr Clark. Here is hi* letter : Maiiy clianges liavo taken plaoe siuce the writer, one of Artemenia a b.ul boys, was an occiuiional cllr on .t fair youni; lady in tin- Illumine m-ulilioih'H*! During the cvc-nimt thu coitMtant .!in^- dmig of Tua-:hr Driminie's cow bell was * intwhst til ij"\ii c. Th old cow would .settle il i*n trtlie night to lu-r u<u.d |a tiuii- (cheanu her cud) and with i-ach che-w cuiue u fnrah but unwulcome oea! from that olijclional>le btlL Oue call fi.;|..nl HiioUier, urn! the trouble coutia- ued On the evening of the <li*t>pe*r- UIKX of UiKt now Dloi loui lell, I was lufoiuied that it had UM in a mrktua iiuiaaiice, iiuwmuch its it disturbed many otl.t-rw.sf pleanaut dream* of past and futuie eveuLs. Words fil to express the curefully concealed deiro thai accumu- latod under uiy *mook for that old cow'* lil. Mid. What was I going to do aboat it ? A few moments later found me with a M.M.<ly and Suukey ux|HSsioii on soy o -uiitoiMiice that would have done credit to His Satanic Majesty, trying to make the acquaintance < that dear .>1J ew. With my i iyhi hand extended, hut with- out even a formal introduction, I address- ed her So, bu*>y '. So, BoMy ! So I Slie was shy. Little by little we beoaine I ettiT acijuHiiitrd. How I sciatchvd and poured oue uisuiarce uf u r another into her ear that my intc-ntion.i weru the b* That all lioiuli a cae of ! at Arsl ghl I would continue faithful to her to the end ! During this time, I had bs* gel ting closvr tu her, when, with a despera- tion kiiuwn -.lily to lovers, I threw both aiui* around her i.rck. Tim strap Was Uoi.g (Clayti'U's nuke) nd well .-..cured. A little lime and patiKiK-u overcame thee luuc pievaulions. In evur. The bell wa placed aay carefully in the beech tree where it Would not annoy niiyu at I* COPYRIGHTS. CAM I OsTTafW 4f A1 RTTlN TTo. h.".^."b3 .. , ^ y 'TflT.efa ., epeitepee 'n te petent Unns strictly cnotMnitial. PATKNTt opinion, writ, t searlT flftr or fnraarl.Hi pomwmng Pafeale sad bow to ob taia ISiin sen* tree. A too a nalslnsus of BecheBv loal and Mentals bonks seat tree. Patence taksa tbromb Mnna A Co. iec<fe SJiHal aotleelatae *Wlf>Bi1sje Amtrttmu. MJ Uas are brooiM widely before tbe public witn. ot enes to the Inventor. THIS snlendkt panes, reeaty. slaxamly illwMrateil. bas b fartS etraslatloa at any anentiat work in tA 93 a year. Sample eoplesssnt free. et to the In taswstf ssialj. slsvamly lUwstnteif. bas b; hWfst r,nrl*tl. at - T ayesr. .-- , _,. i BdltloB.SKiat.alT. SlMa year. E cents. Bvery nam Hdl eoelsa. mlisi sontaine (ifnl puivs. la eolors. sod howcnphs of new s. w.t* visa*, eneMlsv VaJMeraio show ate " A Racking Cough Cured by Ayer'a Cherry Pectorml. Mm. T. D. HALL, 817 Geuessee SU. Lockport, X. V.. says : "Orer thirty yean ago, I remember earing my lather describe tb wonder- lul curauve sflects o/ Ayer-s Cherry P.cu.ral. During a recent attack of L*> Grippe, whlrh assaiued the form of a eat arra , eoreaesa of the lung*. acromv panled by an aggraTating cough, I oee.1 rarious rcmsJIes and prssrriptlomk While some) of theso mvdlcines partially allHTiaUJ the couxhlng during tbe day. none of thorn affordod me any relief frotn that spanoodlc action of the lungs T. hicb. would seise me the tnomont I sttcmptud to lie down at night. After ten or twelve such nighte. I was Nearly In Despair, and had abort decided to sit up all night la a y easy chair, and procure what lesp I could la that way. It then oo- earrwd to m that I had a bottle of Aref Cherry Pectoral. I took * spoonful of this preparation In a little water, and was able to Ho down without coughing. la a few monmntt, I fell sleep, and awoke la the morning greatly vwfreaaed and fri'llng much better. I took a U-aspoonful of tbe Poo> tnral erery nlcht for a week, >>. n gratk ally dejcre*>Ml the doitc. and In tw* wsski mj couth was cured." Ayer* Cherry Pectoral PMpaff4 ky P. J.C. A yr k Co., I *, w.!i. Mesa. Prompt to act . s ur*to oui<9 B O SHOES S We have full lines of Men's and Children's Boots aqp<l Shoes. The best ai sorted sirt^k (mostly all new) in Men's apd Ladie's wear, fine or heavy gradfe* from $i per pair. Ladie's Shoes and Slippers fms 250. per pair. Children's, Misstte and Boys', all sizes, and all sir* Prices cheaper than the cheapcsiX Custom work and Repairing promptly attended to. stock used at Clayton's. HEALTH FOR ALL. Holloway's Pills and Ointment. THE PIT,T.,S Purify the blood, enrrset all Disorder! f Lsiver, Stomach, Iviln*yi ctnd Do \veHK They Invtitorato and rastnre to health Debilltatad OokStltoMons. and arc tnraloabla In afcfc- plaiuta mci.leouJ to Fain&lM of all aw. For Ohildnn and th. Agitd tb.y ate priceless. THE OINTMENT sn Infallible ren-edr for Bed Leo. Baa Hrae*u. Old WoaasX Sores sad I 'leers. It Is f v.nn tar (out sad Ubuuiatisui. For .liiorden of tbe Chrat U hae no s |ual. For SOKR IHROAl'BitOtfCHlTIS.COUGHS, COLDS Olaadulsr Bwelliaiis. and all Skid Disease* It has no ri**l and for contracted and stiff joints It arts like a charm Manufactured only at Proffeesor HoLkowiT't Establish ment. 7H NV* Oxford Mtreet Uir S33, xforsj strertK Lend... ndare sold at Is. I Jil.. >>!.. Is 6d.. lls.. IBs., and Us. eaeb Bns or Pot, bed of aU > icine Vendors throughout the wot Id. J9- Purchaser! A.,nM I,** at th* LaM on At Pott taut Boxa. If thi luiirest is s4 5. '. ', < 'ffonl 'i(rr(, London, tkrf art tjnmtnu. Homes % Made * Happy. JET ra un UT W TO BUT * FURNITURE! -AT- COST PRICE At Harriaou'j furiiitare Flasherton. 1 Fill Lin if liMniN. PRICES LOW. Q- Jfo.ffison, Wright's Old Stand. la; Fork, iope iD. Polli;s, Urass Scythes an. Snatks. TurQip Baes aoil Shovels, At Rock Bottom Pnces. ASHIPMtNfOF Preserving Kettles Just to hand. CALL AND SEE THEM. T hey are cheap at Fin if 121 Ins fir Silt. Farm tot No. II. < 4 oi>. 19. Twsblp of Proton In tlielounty of lirey. rouikininii IID aeree. 40 acres under cultivation and fr*H> from stumps or stouus^wlth IOK hullilinaa. Uood hanlwo,l hiih ouimlKtlcit of maple beeoh.elm anil biix'h. with a KIXM! cedar KWAIIIP of usonl- I. nt lariii life tr. M. ThU lot Is in a good lo- cality an. I in only S miles (r. ni Kltmhertou eta- ti. >n and almut 4 mile from Prvtou Statloo on theC. P. H. Thri. i aw mil! only | nil (rum lot. A ( <od titlu will be given ami tbe )m ohaser will u- 1 it cliuap and on easy wrais of pavuient. t or hi* vuor iiart4culars apulr u> liiu owuer, illlS (. \THKKIMK aCOTT: am. l'ricvill P. O rr.ucvllle. tb June. ti. .!., lirajr, a fainivr, who livwl throe railiM fr.. u M'm {ham, committed suicide M outlay u.ortiiiitt 1 y culling IIM ikrwal w,t!i ;i r i7.'.r. Hi- ..) a widow vur els; Notice. J? FLOURINa MILLS ItOLLEIi riour alway;** Buckwheat gruvnd and boiled. The only mill im ibis Motion t ajuer* that dues this clas0 / wotk. done time-*. , Mil