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Flesherton Advance, 12 Jul 1894, p. 4

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THI 8TABI.I1HRI) 1881 VUSJUSIIBD WBBKLT AT THS OttlOM, ST1V SUM SISSST, n uniRT..*, OT., T W. H THUaSTON. 9* 9** nnu iai.a r IrUy la ad v susce Advertising Kates: OaM Colaiau . 1 year, tw . half eel, I rear, ftf q aartar eol.. out year, SU TraofUnl a4*ertifaniant charged at tbe rate * S eau i I in. tor ftr. loaerUoo and S oeau eacb tubaequoal Ineerttoo. The great railway strike in the United States ii itill gaming in strength and its results an far roaob- iug. Kvi-n Canada is feeling its ef- fects. The complete railway system of the western sUtos is paralyzed, and an immeuse amount of perishable Freight hag been destroyed through inability to move it. Mob law held Chicago iti u.s giaxp on Friday and Setuiday, but the military succeeded lu qvieting tlic dasuirbauoe to a <r- taiu extent, bat not until a large number of lives were sacrificed and an immeasurable amount of damage was doiit to railway property. This is the most bitterly fought strike the United State* has seen. The amount of suffering aud losses to property cutailcd thereby oautiot be computed. II r. Pullman was an cm. ployer of labor. He reduced tbe wages of his iiieu 50 per cent, and (ht-y quit work. Thus far they wen perfectly jastiGed, but when it comet to destroying property and thorough- ly demoralizing the general baiinoee of the country iu order to coerce Mr. Pullman, that is exceeding all bounds au 1 iu the emergency these men have only themselves to blame for being classed as rioters aud subvertert of the peace, aud their treatment accord- ingly by tbe militia is only justice. Tbe Pstrous of ludustrj ha?e much oaiue for rejoicing at the result of the recont elections. Tliie society claims to be not makers or breakers of giivoruuiouls. but simply a baud to enforce economical legislation which they couctive to be iu tbe best iuter- c its of tbc country. They are now iu a position to demand with a reas- onable ho[ cf success all that they cu desire. '1 hey hold the balance of power iu the Legislature, just what they bave aiiucd at, and nod them- oilvtb cvcu strougei- than they autici- lated. It will be strange if the next session i.f the Ontario Legislature doe* not witness Sir Oliver backing water with a long oar in order to avoid a fatal colluioa with the Pstrou *hi|'. He will forget his autipatby t > the election of c miuy oftcials, the doiug away with government house, aud luany other little thing* which Mr. M truli tb and the Patrons have decided must be done, aud be will come down like a little man with everything asked for. Of course be will do it with a long lip. but be will doit. 1- t<lluiux arc tbe correct returus, far towusliips tor Centre Ore/: Game). Ilorke. Llartuaeu. Colliufwood...20o 198 Kuiilirasis.... 882 IHO Ait. iii.'.-ij. . Jl'J M.iikdul.) .. 'luoiubury IW 9 377 241 7 36(1 1H 88 lOt 101 82 I75J HtS 20 120 Hi Ml Be- lli lil M 1138 KliruiMlUtsi 4 uresl isi y H<>otb Aiuensau Jtheiuelnjni Care, for Kli.Hitu .1 u. aud ^i.-uralgut, radteaMy ctiruit in 1 In 3 days. Its aettuti epon tbe Mjrataui It remarkable auU ssyeteciova. U rwau.ivi-* at once the cause and the die- nuuiwliaWly detappeare. Ths Aret 'y benefits. 75 cat* Uolu.-dw.iMi, Druggist A Hr-rk the 'Cycle The era of looometjon has taken anoth- er wot! Jarful itride the past two or three year*. The bicycle has come to stay, aiid iU advent ha* opened up a new avenue to health and strength that patent eiues and doctors prescriptions cannot pre tend t . .. We tee a bicyclist pase us iu tho early morning and at night he may be a hundred miles away. In the mean time he has perspired profusely, drank sooliug drinki immoderately, eaten vor- aciously at meal time*, and at night he ill go to rest with an appreciation of his souch never before felt. He will sleep Hke a beer in winter, and awaken next morning with a clear head, strong muscles sod a Samaofuan appetite. He will also retain in pleasant recollection a panorama of hill and valley, woodland and farm, towu and village, which he has paused through in quick aucceaioii and viewed with pUtsure as h slipped quietly along hi. way. Tlie writer left Flethertoo at 6 a. m. on Friday, June 2t, himtelf and wheel consigned to I'-rt Perry on laku Scugoe, 10 the township of Reach. The day was rery hot. The route was via Shelburne, Alliaton, where dinner was partaken of, theuoo to Cookstowu, Bond Head, Brad- ford, and Newmarket, eaat to Uxbridge, puttinx up therefor the night about8.45,' after having levelled a dittance of 101 inilei. >'ext morning Port Perry was madu after a short run of ten miles. Tben caine four day* of nthing and an eiouraion on BcuguK to Waahburn'i Island, a beautiful reaurt at the south sad i the lake. From Port Perry a run wai made to Lindsay, and an excursion enjoyvd d-iwn Scug<>g river and Sturaeon lake to Hobcaygeon and 8turge<m Point by the [>|>ular little steamer Crandella, 'apt. Crandell, Mate Lewii Winter, of 8t Vinciriit Township, to meet whom ferniml like discovering a friend from Ikomu. Sturgeon Point is one of the moat popular summer rcsorti north of Toronto, and at present luuHt of the cut tages are filled with ike "exoduateis" 'run oif U-B and towns, frosn far and near. Uobcaygeoii if a ragged, rocky, pictur- esque and buay place, also a lummer re- sort of considerable prominence, but more particularly kAuwn an the paiiture field of llrti. Snilf, of the Bobcaygeon Independent, who supplies all the humui and pathoti thai is conaurovd by tin- na- tives, through 1m widely-quoted journal. From Lindsay a run was made to Wo.*] vi II,-, when we met and were royal- .y entertained by friend Kvaiw, formerly uf r'luabfitt.n, and ]tia p.,l Uuly. Wu were much pleaaed t.i find that Mr Kvaiu is doing a gixxl trade and enjoying life. He if also -i diaciple of the wheel and be- came our escort as far M Beavertoii, on tit Simcoe. From litavertou tn Orilla waa a nice, KsviJ run. Cr.taaiirj the Nariowa tu Oiillia wu found one of prniiual turn in of which Ceiled* can boant. We full in love wiUi it gitunt- ed uii Laku Cuuchicbing.on riniug gmund, nearly i-n-ry humeatead coninmniK a beautiful view aur<a Lake Coucliiching, Inch 11 dotted with li.uidn-.iiiti iilnuili initinu U>atiiig and picnics. It ii the ideal li'jiue fur lununer vacation. W. A. .Slier Knl, one of nur clever Canadian poelH, buM writteu tue following exquifiitv lines : Long since the red men named thee Coucliiching, Or built b * i',iin rude upon thy short) ; But Inugvr itfter hliall the miuitrel HIUV Of him wliu iiuiiud tliec but known tlii-M ii.. iimrv. Unlike with tbee had I tlml mioitrvl , I'd sinx thee every (xiwer, I'd linu thi-i- hour. At 8.10 a.m. on Saturday morning last w tore .an M.-lvcs reluctantly away fmm buiy OrilUa and pretty Couchtchinx. The mwU wwre heavy after rHin, and saedy, whieh auuie travelling dilUeult. The Mute from there home lay thniugh Rlllidale, Elmvalv, .bo NottawaMita and Stayner. Howe was reached on Satur- day night an hcur or au after dnrk, mak lug s ride that .1 iy of 7"' miltn nver very elow and difficult roads. The week's ni.- ing wiu vuhmlilu in many waya. A know- ledgo i.f tbe ooontry wai gut that aiuld not |Hisalbly have bven nocured in ai y other way ; the cunstitutiuu reoeived un- tnld benvlit ; new fnelidiihi|>i weie form- ed and ld i>ues reuuwed, and the weuk'i oeting was something to bu rum. inUnul with pleature for a long time to ouiue. From the abuvo oar rsaJun can form an Idea of the (NiaiibilitieH o/ the wheel. As we remarked at the beguiii^, it OOUMJ tusUy. Tby saj that tUre'ii notblof *). Uka iiMr.-rg, but lu i.r.Ur t(, U >uoouf.ul in to Tonr etnitoiuers. .1. ArUcv. the Mark- dale pomumaker, iovariably given latinfae- tion. That in the reaion that he ii nearly i)rkd to ik>ath trying to keep up with or- ders. HesoM 9 pompc aud 4 windmill* in two weeki, from June 26th to .Inly 7th. Bat In- bs* a big Held to work in. Tbe lul- lowing are tbe pnrenaaers : Mr. Patrick Logan, Uarkaway. one fal- vaiiized iteel ermotnr ami Kalv.t<>l tower : Mr. M. J. MeCormack, MarkdnU, ouo gml\. teel aermotor, pilr. te*l tower and pnrnp . Mr. M. U. Clinton, MaiwHI, one Ralv. nteel aeruotor ; Mr. Walter Locbe, Hoath Head. one galv. itawl aermotnr and f.-ri-i pninp ; Mr. Cllllil, Viiiidrknr.i.iM- pamp/i fi ft ill -j. Mr. Alrx. Whyte, 1'riot'rille, one uump 90 feot ; Mr. Vtank Iturton, Markdalu, one l-iiinp: Mr. Mark Mnrpby, one pump : Mri. \\ m. Dtadley, Markdalr, one pomp 40 ft,; Mr. Ooo. Radley, Kngenia, one pump HI ft Mr. U.,Lt. Cooper, Knkin 1'. O., one ''pump 3ii ft. Not bad for I* itavi. wb>n yon consider that he liai no leai than 13 pnmDmakan aad 7 windmill sgenU to eonjpete with. Belief ! DUtreming Kid ney and Bladder diaumeit relieved in six hour* by the " Great South Amencnw Kidney Cure. " Thin new remedy is a great surprise aud deligfit on account ><t its exceeding promptneas in relieving [mm in the bladder, kidneys,' back and every part of the urinary patsagrn in male or fe- male. It relieves retention of paw paaaing it alm.t lumwOiatt-ly . If want quick rvlief and .-wrw tint ht remedy. Sold by W. K. Riehaidaoej, Druggist. Heart S>IBCSUW> BeMrel iu 9 Mlntea-I>r. Asw- Care fer tbe Heart gives perfect relief in all case* of (inrvonic or Sympathetic Heart Dieuaiie m 30 minutes, and apeedily effects cure. It it a peerleaa remedy for Pmlpitafieti, Shortneea of Breath, Smothering Sj-IU, Pain in Left Hide and all symptom of a Diaeased Heart. One does convinces. Sold by W. B. Kichardaoo. "Only the Scars Remain/ 1 Bays HEXIIY UUDSJON, of tbe Jam* Smith Woolen Machine ry('o^ Philadelphia. Pa., who cem. fies as folloirx " Among the many teatimonW all which I aoe . in regard to ctr- Italn mediclnee Ipe r forming r.'f. cleanims; I the blood, etc.. none iuipreai me mar. i tlinn my p w n .ease. iTwunty yuars I ago, at the ago I of 18 years, Iliad I swellings emu > Ion my legs, wbich broke and became run- liiR sores. | Our family phy- slrlan could do me no good, and it was feared that the bones would be affected. At last, my good old Mother Urged Me to try Ayers Sarsanefllla. I took three bottles, the nnrra hcnlvd, and I bave not been troubled alnro. Only the seave remain, and the roomory of tbe> past, to remind me of the good Ayer*s Baraprilla has done me. 1 now weigh two hundred and twenty pounds, and am In tho best of health. I have brtia on tbe road for tbe past twelve years, havs noticed Ayer'a 8a saparllla sdvenlsod In all parts of tbe United States, and always take pleas* ure la telling what good It did for m*." Aycr's SarsaparUla I-rfpartdhyDr.J.r. Ajrr'o.,Lwn,JUa Cureothr, will our* yosj CATTLE OWNERS, ATTENT10M HOSMF.KTKIllfAT 1HK1I FIT EITEIIIUTII. H'in.. - llrxlcaa vi> Kitarminator 1B {irevviil Kll.'N KM. i ln-.-,-t of a I frtrm iKlitlnuon c*nir- and Home* wbcr*.vr It la i> iiDod. [lleevUeM thai many tiuiwi Hun** become mom jn.led 1. 1 Kiln, (ban l.v lhlr lar work. and It In a tiuniitQaet n.{ kln.ln favo tlifl dtiiuli l...*t annorano4 and iii to u\\f Ilium all tli.- .-..inf.. il that w* co rntly -'An ('own that ar Iroiililn I with lUTarlalily Rlvl milk thau Ib.w* roC fruui their NtliiKn. Hnfmnr*n Malloaa Fit K tarinlimt.n In H.HII, -tlnnu- iiwrc than a prakamk tl.iii to anlmaU from Kllaa, H lit* sadoabtedT Tbe Beat Hoof Ointment In Da*. If prouerly unad tlil Fljr Kiti-rnilnatar to a ivitaln 1'iuvi.utivK ii.iiu tli* aMaeka of Ilk* tuiall blMk By, eallwl In clldarant loealltla* bv th lullnwlnv nin .-. : nmui.i Pljr.Arahiaa Plm> T*(M Kly. wliil, Inrralltv tl.ot *ra thu ilr<*.lt>\ "Metluan" l-'l). TliM rtli )l(ht aroninl U. liorni of cattla n<l at rtuwn Into tbe head aul oauaa tvrrlliln nuffiirlnii. and man/ Uraat Us* toek ill., ftoui tho , if.M-t ThU KstwrulBaSM Ii a eartalu pravvntlirv attack* nf all PUa* or InMKiU IHI cattla ur lionw. It U alao a ia* death to r*l&f . ItlllKCTIUNH: Apply th RiWnulnator wtjh a itiff l-ruili, nr nib well Into th hair and bldh wi Hi tba flii(an. \v l,,.n..v,-r (ba S|M attack UM toek a new am>lloalli<n Knoal.l be mad*. Whra faithfully aiiulle.1. call)* aod horei will ran la paatun all .1.) wllliont auuuyano* tram lisa Or Infant*. Tbli INutoient oontalni nntlilnc lujnrlntif of polavnoni. TlmbiKh ftau.Urd of Ho>uir'prap- aratlotif, which bav* !..,,!, .,, lonu In the mac ket.if a fufttcient ictiarantou foi aujr ^ Kle IK** Ing blf nauie. For falo liy W. Moon, Harnttsmaker Flwhirtcn. FLESHE WOOLLEN MILLS Now Open for Business. ********* Having thorooghly repaired and renovated the Fleshertou Woollen Mi IK we are new ,a a ** i ie e*r -Mrs o >Uf. netiae aul * Mtis*W- ory mm m. HaMaagsa **A fix ALL KIND* Blai^it e ts, TARNS OFETERY KIN Carpet wenrJug dm to order, BRING US VOIR WOOL. \ow nn rely %cv gtttiog tutis-s HuaieOiotx Nuhn & Heriiiniiu. & CO. 5 bales of those cheap iactrory cottons, li cases while 3ottonn and sheetinga, a lot of summer tweed* for 2'2c per yard, worth 4tVs. ; 28 inch mill flannels fancy checks, 16c. per yard ; <i Ib. white blau- kets, 81 75 per pair ; men's fUu- nellctte shirts, 2oc. each ; meu'8 all wool tweud panu, $1 25 per pair ; men's youths' tweed and serge suits at prices lower than ever offered, bee them. K E R Tailor. Makea all garments of Men's wear iu the best st. 1,^ at short notice All work guaranteed. A trial solicited. f. A. BAKJBR, (arpi aid Flannel IHTI'I}. Dressgootls. I Tb umlenlgnwl Ii tiri>ai e,l do Car)"* ajud Flauuvl wi.aviiiRof all kiDiU on tliort noSBw ml rimneimblx tertiu. HutUUi-inn KUr*ut*1. Ordvm *nt IB by MtAt:^ will lei'f iv> pruui|it * tntinn. CorrwpoBdue lolio'.id. UI8S K tor ITH. rb. T.SW. Several lines clearing below cost, UeLiiincH in great variety, dark aud light ; cream colors in cash- meres, ergo. crcpon aud sateeu ; prints at priced to clear out sum- mer lots. Another consignment of cheap hosiery and ladie's un- derwear. Groceries. Prunes, figs, currants and fine sultana raisins at ftc. per Ib Choice teas at 20 au d25c. per Ib Finest teas at <80c. to Me. per Ib Wo are buying wool, butter aud eggs for cuoh or trade. KEichardson 1 U. ' v |i |TeB iiilo (ur any .Inht oontractl to my uaiit* by my of inv fainil*. OKOHUK. ItADLGY. ArteuHwIa, May 17. IW*. The Markets. nrr fully I orrr< Irel fcarh WMk Hour tS80t.it3 Fall Wheat 66 to (W Spring Wheat 06 t4> M 31 to 31 hu as to ;a Peas 5* to (U Butter 16 to 16 Kgx*. fresh u to 9 Potatoes bag M> to BO Pork 600 to ft (Ii Hay per tun C 00 to 000 Hides 300 to 3< Sherpkiiis '.'ft to 85 Ueeae 6 to 7 Turkeys ft to B) Chicken* |x)r pair...- 28 to B UuekH U r (tew W to 00 13 to Xi

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