THB* PL1SH1RTON ADVANCE <>. < u sound, utarto. Very PLACE W CANAU A 1O GBT A flowiijh Butineet Education. If AHKIAO E LICKN8KH. .ied <Uy or algfat at the office oc rlt nce of Ilia undercilffned. DI VISION COUhTCLE K, COMMISSIONER to H.C..'. Conveyancer, Ac. Notary public. JOHN W. AKMBTHONO. PlJtaHIMTOK. Take a Round Trip oS.. %.! J Colloqu* and (muiiiprrial Dci'urtmentu in Cana<la. then vlitt ft. Ni.rih.jrn Hu.lueei Colloue ; eiMnlne every- lhtot'...,...ii.V.v. If we fail to produce the most thorough, comjiiete. practical aud eUm- 4Tcour.eof the bast college prouiUen I4 the l>et and io* complete * MM lult ' Xlef urnitore ami iliptlaneei. we will give you 5*1 ) cou. FBI. T For Annual Announce- Aent giving full particular*, free, addree* C A. FLEMING, Principal. UcCULLOUOH A YOUNO, llanXer*. Markdale. do a general banking bui- Ineu. Money loaned at a reasonable rate. Call on UK. M B. HAMMOND. 1*011 Matter, Khuberlejr. Commliiloner for takinn AOlilavits i-tc. Iniurei and loani money at loweet rate*. Execute* Lea***. Deedt. Wllli, etc. promptly, cheaply and efficiently. Eugenia Mills AND Carriage Works. Carriages made and Repaired, aleo Placing and Matching, Baud Saw- ing, Wood Turning of every des- cription. Planing and Grain Chop ping doae while you wait, for th* Beaver tarns the wheel. p J. BPKOULB, Postmaster, Fleiherton, Coanmliiloner In B. K., Lie ui-il Auctioneer, Conveyancer, A - pralser and Honey Lender. Keal Estate aud Iniurance Agent. Deed** Mortgage*. Lea***, and Wills d--awu up and Valuations made on shortest notice. Auction Bales attended to In any part of the County, alouey to loan at low- est ratei of Interest. Collection! attended to with proumtoes* and despatch Charge! low. Agent for tht> Dominion Stoauiihlp Company, cheap tickotn from Flethvrtou to Liverpool, i i In- i;i m , London or any of the Brltlih port!. Partlea Intvndini; to viiit England. Scotland or Ireland, will please ask rates before purchasing their tleket> elsewhere. T. M WILHOS Manager GROUP \ f IHH KDITH KICHAKD80N. fupll of Hobt. Uahr, of Berlin, Germany, (violin) ; Mrs. Bradley, uf Toronto Conservatory siunlc, (Voice culture) : I'ml. Kerrinou, late of Toronto, (Piano); will receive pupils In KINOINO, VIOLIN, PI. ANU and UKOAN. T\R MUTTON. M. D. C. M., M.C. P. * 8.. Ont.. Prlcevlll*. Kttnidunee and office one door weet of thu Motb- odlil Cburcb.Kiurou Bt. Office dayi, Tued*r* and Saturday*. nil CABTKB. II. C. P. A S., Ont. Physician, surgeon, etc., Flesherton offloe Htralni b'.ock. il numbs w'i hotel. If T DCIB Dor I hae t.en reading " A Wo- man'! 6phere" tli i! morning and It hae Jut oc- curred to ui that It we quite time I ent my congratnlatlon* on theiucoeeeof your venture. I wonder If I am rl(ht In thinking I recognl i an old friend. I fancy we imbibed instruction* from Daniel Driiuiuie. K.| . at one and the aarae time. HowthellfbtU ipreading. Think of dear, peaceful oH Flcsherton being itlrred up on the woman question. " It U the Uin of the tlmei tbat thii question li everywhere. I keard a man MJ a few dayt ago, "I'm lick of tbli everlasting talk about the women. " I turned to hun and laid. " M j friend, Jut think how weary the women must be of the centuries of talk there has been abuut the me. If your father and your grandfather and your great- grandfather had not sought all power and prlvt il<-e for themselvM, you would not hare to be bored with tbl* question. The slni of the fath- er* are being visited on tl.e children and if you don't want the visitation to extend to future Ktmonttioni you had better bestir yourself and help to get the question (titled. " Transition period. .like bpring house clean ing, are unpleasant but neee'eary. I suppose the men of tun 90th century will wonder that men of the 19th could ever have been so shortsighted ai to oppose women having a vole* in the Gov- ernment of the country and the women of that period will aetonliti themselves that the wo- men ol to-day did not saske more viguroui aud united effort* for their own f mancipation. By that tlmethe uatloui will have learned that " the woman's cauio Is man's. They rise or ink together, dwarfed or Godlike, bond or free. " I aiu glad you wo uld not take th bint about the Jew*. We live In a practical age and we have little enough tliue for groat Issues and none for trivtajltiei. Wuhiug you eoutlnaed sncoD** in your work I remain , Winnipeg. next Been in hi* rule of dullard, her enfranchisement. Only thu other day n \Velh uuivereity aet the world the example of conferring upon a omn the degree ofDct->r of Muiiic. In all age* |wt tn-in Snpplio down to the present, it mattered not what musical lore a woman poiwewed, the could not be made n Profeoaor or Dr of Music. Such lonx-wi'.held ami grdg ingly-given laurel* should nuke cve.iy man Muhh for hia aex. Away with etich petty jeal-iuiy and let u* see souie of that generosity so natural to man, but which hai been hidden away so lung a* ma-ke ome doubt its very existence. Any further onm:nunic*lioo* fimi Nell to this column will be thankfully receive*'. DuT. JOHN A. SCOTT, II. B. pllOTOiiKiPU) I ^vay%y%%%'^%%% ' * Is iully equipped with re- quisites for turning out 9 per- fect class of work. All kinds of pictures taken and finished in a style equal to any city work, while the prices are lower. Picture sfeuiber College Phytic. & Burgeon Ontario Oraduato In Medicine of Toronto University, Fellowihip Diploma, Po.l Oraduate Uedlcal School and Hospital. Chicago. Diseases of eve, ear, noseaud throat ipeoially treated. liesl- drnce Maxwell, visits Fever*namTbur*da>i 1 -t J P.OTTKWBLU Veterinary Surgeon. Oraduate of Ontario Veterinary College. Refldence Next door soulb of atoore'i pianlns factory. J K. H.VLSTKAI). H. I) , M. C. A H., Ont., practice! at Klin- berley. Kheumatle disease* < ipeciallty. A LETTER. To Mettrt. Bellamy <L Htndtr*>* : OKKTLKXXN. Allow me tothank you for the >ron.ptitu'l<! with wbicb yonr conii-a, watorlooUutual, have seuled In fall my ii:- ance claim for the barniug of my barn and itock. I would reoomntend your ftrm for bou ursble and prompt dcaiiurf to all '(utearting iu- Hirers. Wi!. U&MJtBOV. Artme*is, June 4. "04. HAVE YOU BACK- AC HE GOODS , KIDNEY WILL CURE YOU "Backache meant the kid- neyt are in trouble. Dodd'l Kidney Pi'tle giue prompt relief." "76 per cent ' i* tl of discaia jfrtt eaustd ditordertd ntys. " Might as well try to fi^La a healthy city without tewer- agt, as good hcaltti when the kidntyt are ologgtd, they are SolJ by nil ticaWn or mt by oiejl on receipt of price 50 cents. p*r K> or aia fnr 5f.5^ Dr. L. X So,,ih & Co. Tdfooko. Write lot book celled lusx/ ' ... the of Vie tyiiem. "Detag l dangerout. Meg- lee tiJ kid net trouble! remit in Bad Blood, dyspepsia, LJuer Complaint, and the rttott dan- gar nut of mil, Briqht On fast, Diabetet anil Oropty." "The/ above diteate* tannot ctitt where Dodd't Kidney Pi! It are J I MUisllM.I., L. D. B., U. D. 8., Dentttt. Visit* Uarkdale the lit and Snl Wednenlay of each month. Flesherton-Kaob trip on the day following. J. w KHOKT, do lib in all Its branches. If you have shopping to do and pictures to get taken on the same day please attend to the latter first. Careful at- tention will be given to copy- ing other pictures. Mrs. Buhner. HarrUter, Holloltnr, Conveyaneer, I'lt Klesliarton offloe Next the post office Hpro.ile'i building, on Tbunday*. Owen Bound Frost's building. 1UU AS* WRIGHT. Harriiteri, Solicitors, Conveyancers, ete., Owen Mound. Oq.t - Uarkdale. Out. W. H. WIIIOIIT. I. B. Lt-r*. N. H.-Fleeherton offlee, Mltoliell's Hank, evory Wednesday. SOCIETIES. AO.UA .lay I M,l, O.U.W. meet* every flrnt and third Mon- day In oach month, In their lodgti KM, in Clirlitoe's Mien k.Hi-l,.-rt.,n st x i, in. Ueo. .I..IHI.I..II.M W . W. .1. llBllsniy. niiKP,- ,-r , W. Irwiu Ilfloonler. Vlsltlnii llrethern invited. R TO THE FUBUC. MsTine ranted Whltton'ii bla*kinil*b ihop for s term of yvari, I am now In a poiHIon to oat- v in all wunth 111 my line. a Spooin.1 ty. SATISFACTION QUARANTINED. Ker anything in the blackimithing lino call nn F\ A. GU KT, (>n'"i tu Rtshardion HartUai Hate. OYAI. TKMPI-ABH OF TKMl'F.HAN'K. Hacnlar Council mcntu i<vnry flrntaml th'rd Ttii"i ln\ i-vrninu in oach mnntli. In Rproule'n block at H p in. Belnct degree (iiiiuranoe) inoet! monthly, the Wednviday I i it nliuK tin* 2nd of each month. SiiNH OF TF.Ml-FHANCR.-ThU totletv meoti In Or. Chrlitoo' Hall every Wd neaday rveiihiR at R p.m. VI. Itlnft breth- eren Invited. Intiiranoe In Connection. Y, n, Nell, we drank from the aauiu deep ell of learning, M we Mt iu the clouic H.iadoa uf the red (tripped chuol hoiue. The name kindly rubicund faced Dom- inie euoouratfed our y>,un^ idea* to nlumt and compelled u* to niako oopiw of the picture* *o skillfully drawn UJMHI the blackboard by '"* C1 "X> " f ' w " Mack, '' of " Saturday Nirfhi . " I nvraed it secret jt-al'.uny of Joe for'tliat. It eomd to me an indignity that I *hould copy hi* pictum-I who lift U-rii told | rivately by Mr. Drimtnie that mine w** better thitn tho copy but it nV Joe who madu the copy that time. If by iwiy pomibility I could hav drawn upon the blackboard 1 think I ah'iuM have m*iHted upon tho rivhttof women or little girls to set copio. a well i h>iyi. Fortunately, I knuw my own limiu- tioni, tlmt it ould irquire a j>*ir <f initxiiiticriit ulastra aud eyviight like an f>ai;l'a to diaceru my faint tracing*. How I remember Mi. IVriruroie'* *!<> KIM I of approval like tin- unuspt-cted radiance of i In- setting sun, HR lie rend my tirHt ci>iii|K>*ttion and remitrked hnlf timidly, " Your'e good at '.tint, you are. " Itut I am becoming too reminiHoent, or I could recall our later triumph*, under the Bomewhat democratic vjovernnient of the lammc and t.i.-itiiru McMiuitei htrnyules and triumph* in Al'jolira a:ul Ueoniutry, when we had all, regiid e* of *ex, an opportunity for drawing on thu board th<-W mystical circle* and anglo*, and for searching for that di.ilhilu-Hl un- known quantity, which maH<]uurading a* the inoffeUNivu and useful little x, ooiilin- ued to evade oar most ardent Relief In 6 Hoars Diitmiing Kid- ney and Bladder diseases relieved in six liours by the " Ureat South American Kidney Cure. " This new remedy i* a ^reat surprise and delight on account of its exceeding promptnesi in relieving pain in the bladder, kidneys, back and every part uf the urinary passages in male or fe- male. It relieves retention of pain iu (mining it almost immediately. If you want quick relief and cure thin in yoot remedy. Sold by W. E. Kichardhon, I)rugit. Rheumatism < im-d In a Day South American Rheumatiim Cure, for Rheumatism and Neuralgia, radically curea in 1 to 3 day*. Its action npon the system iii remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once (he cause and the di- 1 ease immediately disappear*. The nrt{ doae greatly benefit*. 7 cent*. Sold 1 by W. E. Richardson, Druggist. Lieuteoant-Govemor Dewdney of Brit- iih Columbia ha* telegraphed to L>rd Aberduon that the eflecta of thefl.iodaj have born over-stated ; that the greatest loss is in this season's crops ; that no! lives have been loat, and that at the time of leleuraphing little or no new* f stock having been destroyed bad been received. A Boon to Horsemen. -Onf bitti* if Eii)<lii<li S|mvin Lmiincut completely! rniovfd a curb from my honx.. I take ileaiuro in recoinniendint; tlio remedy, as t act-i with mviterion* |>n>niptuM i^the cmov.ll fnim lurn>_ of hard, aoft or cal- 1 ., used lump-, blood i|Mvin,8plinU, curbs, i weeny, *tldu* and sprains. GEORGE BOBB, Farmer, Markhitm, Ont.' Sold by \\ . K. Richardson, Drugxist. YM. P. H. A., meet In their hall. Chrlnoe'i lilock ever) flrt and third Thursday In each montb. \\ in. Sharp, Master. T. Clayton, Secretary. I AKTHIIK I.OPdF!. No. S.13, A. f. * A. M . nii-.-i In tiiu MitHKiiii- Hull. Rtraln'i Hloek, I'Mbfliertou, every Friday on or ilm full IIMUIII. A. H. Vanduuu, W. U., H .1 h|'ronlf. Sporutary. IE THE CELEBRATED B.Laurance HPECTAfLEM F 1 . G. Kar-stedt, ! Agent. COPYRIGHTS. 1 OAK I OBTAIN 4 PATIJtT ? ror . -T.7^? Daniel Ritx, Proprietor and Publisher f the Hamburg, Out., Independent says : 'I was suffering frrm Dycpepsia and Liv- er trouble, I took a few bottles of Shiloh'H Vitalzcr and it can. I me. I ran heartily recommend it." axpac-onee tn UM patent kaslaf**. OmBonloa- ttona trlctlf eonMeotla). A Haa4*)*k of In- fonaaoun eoneerara* Patean KM kow to ob- tain tbem lent free. Also eata-oeaef eokao- kmJ and wtentlM book* >eu t frae. Patent* tak*a tbimuik MUDD * V. reeetr* special D.4ce In the f<-lrlllc Aaierlraa. and tbos are broenht widely before the witb- evt edM to the Inventor. This 1 weekly, elegantly III i* ie circulation of ai world. S3 a year. Ban BalldltM fcjltm .JJeenta. V 15 laMetdeeicB* an . This saiaUM MMT. lustrated, ban br far the seientlSe wot* In tk* *ent free. ayear. Ul^l ptsia*. In aoiun. and pbotoirafhii of nw boueea. wiU plama, eoaMIng MMwato ihow me THE GREAT SOUTH AMERICAN NERVINE I TONIC A I' !'. discoveries have ab? nlntoly proven that the Stomach and I,UM_:-I.I,III| nil inh m;il orgaua Like your min friend, T,tiH>,ixm it li tired of the qucNtion and x time* in my indolence isli them no qUKitioii* iti tho world. Hut tint ((uoation IK here to *Uy nnd thi- most pat .nt evidence "f it i, tliwt thm Mtut old |Militii-.ian, Oliver Mowat, is betakinu hiniaelf to what he knmvN will ! th, winning *id. He In- not beou n [xiliti cian all these your* for iiotliiui;. !' good or evil, tl.c !>!' t mutt lie yiven to wnmon. It i.. the iui V>NI>I!' lojiic of om atre. Step l>y tcp th>y hve fought for their right, fimt to work, noxt for hiulicr e.luoation, next into thu prufeMions and tiiiHlly it will Ins t,, the polls. Kwn in as many yearx 1 havo seen mun take the. o four itops to romiTKioii. Tlie man wh last yonr o]i|xwit> a iiirl earning her owi living will thi* yi'ivr, having hd to tht position, oppose her entrance to tin I'nivenir.y or a mudicnl courao. Failing wioug to keep hid font ing there and learning A_ s a H know, a serious injury to tho nothing from tho history of ihe p*t, he spinal cord will at once cause FAHALY- will next take up the cudirels agaimit her sis of the body below the injured part, entering the legal pn.feMion. From that it therefore will be equally well nnder- lalaohehai been driven and i* tOod, Low the derangements of the AND JS-TOML ACH and I^IVISJV The Wonderful HEALTH BUILDKR& NERVE FOOD. Cbroulc 1. is,-as<-> ;irr aiis-l br l><- r.-i iut'd > r > Cratrcs at base of Bralu. iifi-ve centres, will oanso the derange- iiii nt of the different organs oi tue Ixiily which tlu-y supply with NKBW Fi IID or NKKVE FOHCE. Tlie wonderful success of Sontl. American Norvmo is due alone to the fact that it is based on the foregoing l>i inciplt. The use of a single botUe of tli is remedy will convince the moet inert dnlous. It is indeed, ft veritable XKKVK Fo,.i> nml WILL RELIEVK IN OM. I'AY the v*rd forms of iivi vous disease and stomach troubles. are contiullcil by the iitivr ctntrt'sat the base of the brain. The nianii- ufaotui'cr of bouTH AMKKK-AN NKKVINK ht.s Btiulind this subject closely for more tlmn twenty- five years, and has lutt'lv iloiiioii-trfttril that two thirds of mil Cl.umu' HIM tt.-i'H, art' due to the iir perfect action of nerve ce tres. either within or at the base of the brain nnd no' from tho derangement of the in-:;. in.-! tliellisclves ; h> nee that the di.uiiiii)' muthuddof treatmeiitare JL>ie,>*. Tins class ol diseases, > rapidly in- ench year, on account of the wear our mode of living and lab- or itiw>s r.pon the nervow system. ntlis i>f all the ailments to wi.nii ilic luiiutn family is heir, are (l,'l iiil.-nt ii|xin nervous exhaustion, iii-lt-ire'l ili^mticn, and a deteriorattd and impovfi ishr-d jowdition of tho blood. Tho feouth Aiuerivau Nervun- is a great nerve food and nrv Guild- er and ilus accounts for its marvelous power ti> i-ure the varied forma of nervous disease, such as Neuralgia. Nervousness. Nervous Prostration, St. Yitus's Ounce, Nervous choking, Nerv- oua Paroxysms, Twitching of the Mus- cles, Hot Flashes, Mental Deapond- enoy, Forgetfulness, 81eeples r nest , Restlessness, Nervousness of Female , Palpitation of the Heart, bcxual Weakness, etc., etc. Sola by WM HKHARPS,