THE WEEK'S NEWS ADA. The dominion Line steamship Texas i* a total wnck off Cape English, Si Mary's bay, Newfoundland. Mr. H. A. Mauey has been placed on the honor roK of Toronto's mo*t t**md citizen* by tneC.ty Council. The Customs and inland revenue return* at Montreal for last month show large de- crease* from the corresponding month of last year. All the engineers of .he Canadian Pa- cific railway itaff at Winnipeg have been sent wesi to the scene of the flood* in British Columbia. Mr. R. K. Kingston!, barrnter, Toronto, ha* been appointed by th* Ontario i.ov. ernmtnt Assistant Polio* Magiatiale for th* city of Toronto, without talary. At th* request of a number of the citi zens of London, (Jut., Mayor K***ry will oall a meeling to devise mean* for help- ing the sufferers by the British Columbia flood*. Manan & Bruneau, extensive hay and commission merchants, Montreal, are in financial difficulties. The cause of the trouble is the drop in the English hay market. A report from Vaneouver.B. C.,*y*that owing to the flood* all train* on th* Canadian I'aciti- railway havj been can celled. The destruction of property u immense. At a meeting of City Council of Toronto on Monday bight a by-law wa* patted pro Undon rhroniele ty* the Nonconformitt conscience will not much longer tolerate a lone-racing Prime .Yiiiutter. Being dis*atiti*d with the Maminafon of th* Canadian cattle by the liovernmeir. xperts. Sir Charle* Tupper engaged the eminent expert. Prof. Hunting, who r< - ported that the ca*e* of ulleed pleuro- pneumonia are limply pneumonia cot tract d on th* voyage frum expotare and uot infection*. CHITED STATES. Prof. W. I). Whitney, of Yale, i* t the point of death. Seven new ca*e* of (mall-pox and two death* from the disease weie reported in New York 01 Saturday. The t.rikin|{ miner* at Cripple Creek, Col., have fortified their portion, have erected barri :ade and dug dynamite mines, and are prepared to oiler a dperat re*i*t- ance. Th* Coxeyite* at present in Washington are on the poini of itarvation, ard the authorities are considering what nan be done to relieve the men from actual phy- sical suffering. The United State* Treaaury aUtemejnt ihow* that the expenditure of the C.overn- ment for the eleven months of th* current 'inancial year has exceeded the receipts by eventy-tw) million dollar*. A monument near New Rochelle. N. Y., which marks the place where the bone* of Thoroaa Paine once lay, was on Wednesday the Mecca of a thouaand pilgrim* of the Brooklyn Philosophic*! Association. An addras* wa* delivered by Col. Robert In- geriolL Mr*. Margaret Moore, a prominent aei- talor in th* Land LBU* <lay of Ireland, ROUND THE WHOLE WORLD WHAT IS GOING ON IN THE FOUR CORNERS OF THE GLOBE. Old Wnri.i I .nu, MI Interest i I ft Krl.-H. Inlrrr.lin- M|i|i< in uv <' Urr. Ill Max Muller has jint turned 7'). Russia ha* 700 lady phyiicians. KeroMoe n 50 onu a gallon in Mexico. British wheel* "on'.aiii Amcfican spoke*. Cigar* for the Prince of WalM co*t him $! ea-:h. ')neout of every five native w. men of India ii a widow. ChinMe loldiert get f 1 a mon'.h and fcave to board themielve*. A. Billingtgtte Market, Undon, 10.000 tool of fun are bandied in a month. The only sy ttan of mgnal in UM among the Rio police its weekly watchword. Uimsh light h*use* are supplied with nil to pump on the wave* during a itorrn. Ruuia'* metal Industrie* date back to a time previous to that of Peter the (jret. Australia it tlr only country in the world in which no natrv pipe* have been found. Kurope hat l.'if.oilO more armed men than a year ago, acceding to the late estimate*. riding for the payment of three hun-lred I who i* living in New York, wa interview- ' ed on Wednesday with reference to the sensational publication of Number One. She corroborate* *ome of the statements *et nrth, but emphatically denie* that Parnel lad any hand in the proceeding* of the Invincible* or that he had any knowledge of the order for the mjsassmatioi, of Caeudish and Kurke. dollar* per year to aldermen, and one him dred dollar* additional to tht chairmen of the committee* of the Council. Donald Morriion, the famotu Megaatic outlaw, who defied the police for month* in the i 'ounty ul Megantic, Que., i* dying of phthisi* in the hoepital of the St. \Vent de Paul penitentiary. A movement u on foot to tecure hi* release. There i* tome apprehension on the part of the director* ol tne Kxperiuiental Farm in Ottawa a* to the fate of the (Jovsrnment branch farm at Aganir, B.C. The farm i* in th heart of the flood district, being only ten mile* below Huby creek, one of the wont point* of destruction. Prof. Saunden, director of Canadian Ex- perimental farm*, laid on Wedneiday that a* a whole the crop* promised well, but he wa* afraid that if the rain continued much longer low land* would lutfer considerable damage. The rain *o far will be rather beneficial than otherwue, if immediately follows.! by dry weather. The Montreal and Sorel railway wa* *old the other day at Montreal to Mr. To'irville for one thcuaand *ix humlred dollar*. Mr. Tournlle i* the president of the syndicate now running the road, who arc holder* of one thousand four hundred and eighty de- benture* of the value of one hundred pounds sterling each, upon about half a million dollar* intercut is due. i.KKAT I'KITAI-:. Lord Chief .ImtieeColeridire, of Kngland, it IB rumored, ha* tandured hi* rengnaiion owing to ill-health. There i* great difficulty in coaling th* Cunard staa'ners l-allia and (Campania at Liverpool, owing to the coal heaven' striae. It i* reported that the Duke of Devon- shire, the Duke of Portland, ami Itaron de Hinch have decided to retire from the turf and *ell their racing honet. The difference between the London cab- owner* and nab-drivers ha* been submitted to the arbitration of the Duke ol I levonihire who will undertake to end the *trike. A party of xcur*ioni*t* near Tralee, Ireland, on Sunday, picked up an old *hell and began rolling it along the ground. It exploded and killed three of the party and wounded *everal other*. The Prince of Walr* on Tuesday held a levee at St. Jame*' palace on behalf of the Queen. Th* attendance wa* very large, and amongit thoee present were the otlicert of the United .late* cruiser Chicago. In the Imperial House of Common*, after lively debate. Sir William Harconr'.'i motion that (iovornment butines* take pre- cedence for the remainder of the teuton wa* carried by a majority of seventeen vote*. The conference of the National Reform Union, a movement in favor of the aboli- tion of the Hnue of Lords, or at least a considerable abridgment of the powen of that body, wa* opened in Londen on Wed nesday morning. The cloiing aervioe* of the jubilne cell- bratiou of the Young Men's Christian As- sociation look place on Wednesday in Kxeter hall, London, when thanksgiving prayer* for the fifty years' work of the a**o- ciation were offered. Mr. Herbert (iardner, president of the English Ko\r<l of Agriculture, *tated in the House of Common* that the lungs of th* slaughtered Canadian caul* showed signs whish were always present in cane* of con lagioue pleuro pneumonia. The manager* nf the Church (-'.migration society of London say that notwithstanding i he decrease in the total emigration to Can. ada this year, the number of families apply ing to the society for aasiitanc* ;o emigrate to Canada I* airadily increasing. There are rumor* afloat in London poli- tical centre* that revelation* will loon appear in connection with Iriih affair* which will utterly destroy the Home Rule movement, rout th* Roeebery party, and triumphantly carry Lord Salisbury into power, Mr. I. Henniker Heaton Intends asking the Knglish Postmaat*r-<>*ne:al whether any considerable *uh*idy will be given by Ureat llntain ami Canada to the Canadian Pacific Railway Company's new mail steam- hip line from Canada to Australia via Kng- land. A i ircular, signed by one humlre I and five member* of the Knglish House of i 'om- mom, ha* been lent to the proninenl newipaper* in the United Kingdom, asking them to cease demoralising the people by reporting lenaattona! oases of immorality and brutality. Lord Kosebery's dtclaration of pride in th* ownerihip of a good race hone has iii*d a 11 or in of indignant protest in ultra- moral clrcla,* A di*s*nttng minuter in the In *ome villag u I SIR At- The Pope ha* been losing strength for ome days. Advice* from Coreaaay the rebellion there i* becoming daily mor* leriou*. Kmprror \\ illiam i* rapidly recovering from the lurgi-al operation on hi* choek. It i* rumored in Sofia that Prince Fer- i i nan I contemplate* proclaiming him*elf King. Dr. Wekerle, Prime Minister of Hungary, hat tendered hi* resignation to Krr.perm Francis Joseph. Premier Crispi announce 1 the resignation of hi* Ministry in the Italian Chamber of Deputieion Wednesday. Prof. William Koicher.lhe eminent Her- man political economist, is dead. He was ev*nty-*even year* of age. The Kelgian Chamber of Deputies on W.-.lneeday, after a three month*' debate, adopted thu bill pruvidipg for the revinon of the constitution. Prince Bismarck continues to decline receiving deputations, and is said to be suffering from ureat weakness, resulting from his recent illness. It is said that Emperor William intends to write a personal letter to King Leopold luppurtmg the protest which Germany i* understood to have made against the Anglo- Relgain treaty. In Sofia oi, Sunday there wa* a very serious demonstration against rx-1'remier i Htambouloff. The c-ity is greatly eicitrd, and there have been many conflict* between the military and the populace. The St. Peirishurg Novoe Vremya pub- iihss a significant article upon the Kulgsr- an crikis, laying that civil war is apparent- ly looming up.and that foreign intervention may become imperative. ary when aa en ge-menl i* broken to loll the bell. Kmperor Wil biggest diamua .".,< iN),000. K very day thi banks I.AOOtoi lion tool a yeai There are IV. >ap*r* published in the in- r. the majority of which am of Cermany is after the the world, valued at Pname* icoopi out of it* of matter, or half a mil- temu of anarc are i**aed in S The largest Bibliotheque N tain* I.4BMM The Archduk ha* invented ai VK) shoU a ml The \\ ar-aw covered an exte the freedom of The Society i check for $VI:K us* in lU social cheme. In the islao'l (of the sea station* occupi convert* numbe \ - . Petenb ,'s reign India ha* coined Id and 16,000,000 in During Victo; a.OOQ,4M in j silver. Kllen Torry n s born on Feb. 27, HIS. She began her I isaeiation with Henry Ir- ving in 1878. in (lermany it is custom- "ngregational ministers in Enpltnd and Wales, '2,\<oi return them- Helves a* toial abstainers, in Ireland there are no exception*, and in Scotland 95 per cent, are acutaiuers. I'rince ISernadott*, whoee romantic mr- riage with Mis* Monk created so much in- terest ib Kngland a year ago, ha* just h*en appointed to the chief command of the Nor- wegian navy. The Crown Prince of Siam U among the boy author* of the world ; he ha* written several itoru* for English children'* mag i- /lues and can write fluently in three European language*. One of the moat important Industrie* of Gurmany i* the utilization of amber refuse. Many long and beautifully clear pipe stems are made from amber chip*, the watte pro- duct of amber carting. An Edinburgh life insurance man aays in that the largest mortality rate in indoor occupations i* found among liquor aeller*. Among the 1,000 sellers he found the aver- age nioriality to be '.'!>._'. That failhfu! royal widow, Victoria, of Kuglaud, always wear* on one plump wrist a bracelet, in which i* a miniature of her departed husband. On the other wrilt she wean a* constantly a bracelet with the miniature of her latest great-grandchild. A strange avenue of tree* is owned by the Duke of Argyll, and it it growing longer. Each of the tree* ha* ben planted by some notable person, and a brais plat* i* fastened to the iron railing surrounding the tree, in* scribed with thu name of the penon by whom it w* planted. un. rary in the world U th* tonal of Paris. It con- 'arl Salvator of Auatria trailleuse that fire* nearly e. oliu* claim to have die- ive conspiracy to secure .land. Friend* recently *ent a o the -Salvation Army foi there are 211 by 190 miMionariei. The -^u THIS BABY HAS TRAVELED. i- Brier Career Mas Been >! I..-H. Trains and iMcaMenk There i* a baby living at !l!( Bremen street that ha* spent the greater portion of it* brief existence on railroad traine and on steamship*, say* the Cincinnati Kntjuirer. It ha* practically circumnavigated the world and ha* been an unconscious partici- pant in (everal adventure* and one romance and, a* matter* are shaping.may expect ti do more traveling at an early date. Over two years ago Herman C. Liskeman and hi* young wife started from Merlin for thi* country to better their condition. On the way over a girl baby wa* born to them, and the little one's advent was duly honor- ed on board the steamer. Litkeman, short- ly after hi* arrival in New York, was stricken with typhoid fever and died. Th* widow thereupon went to relative* whohave a farm near Lo* Angele*. Cal. Three months in the glorious climate partially re- stored Mr*. Liikeman's health and spirits. She then accepted an invitation from ft iend* at San Franciico. While there *he was introduced to Captain Bancroft, master of a ship that t ruled between the (iolden < .ate and Sydney, Anitralik.. Th* sailor saw, loved, proposed and was accepted, and when his ship, the Water Witch, next set sail southward, his bride and his lit tie step daughter were on board. At Sydney Captain Bancroft received instructions to sail for the Brazil*. The baby in the maantime wai thriving on *ea air and fare. The Water Witch proceeded to one of the Amazon ports, and while there Mr*. Bancroft .aught yellow (ever and died in a few hours. In spite of th IOM of it* mo. her the babv grew and waxed fat. Captain Bancroft lavished on it all the lot-l- ot a real father. The Water Witch nixt ailed for Liverpool, thincewent toaMedi terranean port, returning to New Y ork a year since. Captain Bancroft lift the ship at that port and proceeded overland to Seattle, Wash., the babe being with him. On the way and when near Salt Lake City the tram wa* wracked by a washout, but the child and it* giianiian escaped unharmed. A little later Bancroft was appointed com- inauder of a ship that trade* in thr < .nil of Mexico. He took the little one with him, hut realizing that that the .Innate might Injure it* Health sent it North to th* friend* who now have it in charge in thu city at the address given. notion of prmti able lor maku Sir Andrew wealthiest phy practising med Japan has o schools in the manufacture i ery. The Ameer i and stout, I it r beard, a good eye*. A companion of trie lighting in **v that the later i* f higher. Daring the last ! of Berlin have gi the erection of ntw capital. In some place* coupon for $.V)O, g date of sale, goes w of liquor. During th* last (iermany dittribi copiet of the Hoiy of $5,0011. A compulation make* th* Dumber of the globe 7,4(1.1 Te in Europe. The meet numer i* that devoted to idO.dOO. K "liter ha* hit upon th* hi* journal on paper *uit i; ire Me*. .rk i* reputed to be the tan who got hit money by ae. He left f 1.000.000. i.t the be*t engineering id, and i* beginning to 'litable electrical machin- Mian of presence, broad I, with black hair and a head and piercing e cost of ga* and elec- ierman cities shows J."> to 7-'i per cent. years the Christian* 4,600,000 toward* urche* in the (ierman Berlin an insurance for (even day* from every s.x cent drink I i r the Basle Society of more than -J..,mi ipture at an expense lewish population Hebr*w* on th* face ', of whom u',800,000 body of religionists l.iisin, 4'JO,(IOO,OUa The number of Chilian* is estimated at 408,000,(K)0. Court* in New Soth Wale* decided r* .ently that empUers canno: compel employe* to work r Saturday afternoon without extra pay. The Church Misshary Society <( Kng land last year had si income of t'J7,i"Ni in excess of it* expenilires, which amounted ristian colleges and ">."' pupils. I nere school age, and only ool. India ha* eight 26, (MM) school* and are ls,<K,lHK) girls one in tixty attends The Sultan ha* CroMof the Imperl I idie upon Vr. Mi SMALL BULLET WOUNDS Tke Nader* PrJe<-llle Travel* I .i sn<l Far .<M<I Is Very *>anxert>ai>. The celebrated English surgeon, Professor Victor Henley, read a very interesting paper before the Royal Institution, London, the other evening, on the effect of moderns small projectile*. In the course of hi* re- mark* he *aid : Some people teem to think that a small bullet at a very high *pe*d will pierce the tissue* of the body without doing much general damage. Thi*. how- v*r, i* erroneous. Th* bullet hurries for- ward with it* particle* of the subatance through which it u pa*ing, and thus prac- tically become* a larger projectile). If a bullet be tired through a hook it cut* out disks of increasing diameter a* i* tra- verse* the page*. Henee, is plain that the greater the cectional area the greater th* damage. A* to th* heating of the bullet it ha* certainly been muoh exag- gerated, and it* effects, if indeed it ha* any, may be lately neglected. The physical constitution of a body ha* a molt important bearing upon the be- havior ot a bullet entering it. Why doe* a bullet of a certain 117* and traveling at a certain rate limply perforate some *ub stances, such as wood or iron, while in others, *uch a* clay, brain, etc., it exer- cises a bursting and disruptive action ? Th* answer is quite simple : the destructive Sect* vary directly a* th* vicosity of tin- body. Thi* wa* established by some remarkable researches on the effect* of ballet* on loft tissues mad* by Hugier after he had ob- served the results of the wounds indicted in Paris in I sis. He suggested, from ob- servation* made on oertan dead organs, uch aa lung, that the tissues contained water in large ijuanti ties, and that the energy of the moving projectile being impar'e.l to the particle* of water caused th* dispersion ul these in a hydrodynamic fashion. Thi* suggestion wa* shown to b* correct by Kocher in |N74-t>. If a (hot be tired through two tin canisters of equal size, ihe one full of dry 1ml and the other of wet, it will limply perforate the former, but cau** th* latter to bunt explosively. In the same way (hot* fired into dough have more or lea* disruptive effect, according to the per centage of water in the dou_-b, and in general the more fluid in the suhetsno* th* greater the diitruction. Now, in lit* th* brain i* a more or less fluid body, though in a state of rigor mortis it is practically a solid owing to coagula- tion of the blood and protoplasm. Henc* a hot fired into the skull mutt have a dis- ruptive effect and tend to bunt it. ferred the '.rand Order of the Med m, the inventor of ihe quick tiring gun baring hi* name. The Bank of Englajl manage* the entire public debt of Greatritain, and it* com- p*n*ation for doing k ha* in some year* almoit e. | nailed f 1 . I Ml. Rnglilh carpet mafacturm have been obliged to reduce wfcs and increase th* standard of their goolin order to compel* with th* American p Mr. (lladstone h booki in hi* library ha* given most of tin general library at Ha Canon Farrar i* ab> Margaret'* church, is rector, a email but th* late Bishop Phil! In Dutch Guiana t their penon all the hap* of heavy braceliankleta, necklace*, and even crowns of goland silver. In point ol dre" thCeiman Emprea* i* considered to carry o|he pulm, and the number of toilette* uct. twenty thouaand years ago. H* way, chicly to th* rd*n Church. to put up in St. sdon, of which h* >utiful memorial to Brook*. i.iineu c*rry upon lily laving* in the court* of the year is When th* ,)apan< "hitch" a horse they fore feel together. never u**d in eilher by foreigners. Th* idea of an anci at th* south pole uni Madagascar and Auiti iderable interest and oirc the .he palm, and he order* in considerable. and the Corean* o by tying his itching post* ar* or Japan except tropical continent South Anien , i* at outing con- UISU'IUO SCH'Ut Iti.- Scientific Facts. The wind* from an area of high premure blow out from the centre, with a motion the same a* the movement of the hand* of a watch. There are 173,706 ipecie* of plant* now known. Of theee 1U~>,I I are flowering and o\IT.~> flowerlew. In 1771 l.iunaeuH, the greateat authority than living, only knew -s,. '.."! plant* of both kind*. .Mummies of people who are believed to antedate the cliff dweller* are said to have been unearthed in Soulhesslern Utah un- derne.tth the ruin* of the clilT dweller*. They ar* well preserved specimens. If it were po**ible to cut cection* out of th* lide of soap bubble* and then by aome dclioat* procea* handle, th* piece*, then would be required fifty million films, laid one upon another, to make a pile one inch in height. The average rat* of travel of storms acroe* the country i* about tjOtt mile* a day; ome have traveled from the Rocky Moun- tain* to th* Atlantic coast in thirty-six hours, while others have taken aeven or eight day* in covering th* same dutanoe. Lucky and Unlucky. Moscow wa* burned on Friday. Washington wa* born on Friday. Shakespeare wa* born en Friday. America wa* discovered on Friday. The Bat'.ile wa* d**troyed on Friday. Queen Victoria wa* married on Friday. Napoleon Bonaparte was born on Fri- day. .lulim Caeiar wa* aiaastineted on Kri- day. Th* Mayflower pilgrim* landed on Fri- day. Th* battle of Waterloo wa* fought on Friday. Joan of Arc wa* burned at the stake on Friday. Lifc-*av*n on th* Fr*uchcoa*t are here- after to b* aided by trained dog*. AGRICULTURAL A Spring or Well House. There ar* numerous reasons wl.y the ipring or well from which the. family's sup- ply of water is drawn should be covered from the weather many of which are so patent a* to need no mention. An uncover- ed ipricg it warm in lummer, a receptaci* for flying leave* and dust, while in winter it i* filled with mow that frequently ha* to be (hoveled out before water can b* obtain- ed. Then, again, an attractive little house over a well or spring addi considerably to the appearance of a place, and this it not a vaiuelett factor by any meats. The little .V'! HOL'St houae shown in the sketch could easily be bui t alo.ld moments and at a trifling expense,** it is low and but six or seven feet square. The sides should be mad* of .-natcbed board- ing, with 1 tttice-work windows on one si-re and in front, into which window* may be iited for winter use. The roof thould be mingled and stained, with a contrasting stain upon the wall*. The foundation should xclad* vermin and small animal*. Read and Digest. We never yet *aw a larmer who wa* "down under the hi.rrow," who wa* handl- ing a poor dairy, just getting out at the end of the year by the "(kin of hi* teeth" who wa* willing to have th* true reason of his poor success told to him. Rarely doe* the ucce**fnl farmer ruth ic to print cursing the tariff, and thi* or that wrong tbeor). It is the other fellow. The one who never believe* that ihe fault is hi* own fault. There U no earthly use in coddling one * pride at the expense of one'* pocket. Poor cow*, poor farming, and wai'ed manure are the remit oi a poor use of the brain* (iod ha* given ihe farmer, and it is lime that the poor farmer wa* hauled up in front of the question and made to see it. Tije agricultural paper that tell* him of it it hi* true friend although such a paper vrnie time* Borne* under condemnation for not being vociferously "local." But the man thai trie* to make the farmer feel go.xl for a moment by turning the warm wa-erof rt it- tery down hi* back, is the farmer's wortt enemy. We are in a period of low prices. Only good cow* and good, eomo firming can survive sucn a pressure. Poor cow* and poor farming will b* (queeTe 1 to death. The low price* w* are uot to blame for but we are to I. lame for the poor cow* and poor farming and we ought to be made to face th* truth every day until we com- mence to use our intelligence to itop at leait that portion of the eviL The Importance of Breed. Prt>r**or Henry once took thr** represen- tative cows of their respective claMei, a com- mon, a grade and a thoroughbred cow, and put them in *he aame stable and uu-ler a* nearly exact conditions a* poesible. Each wa* fed the aame exact ration, in amount, quality, ai,d kind, coating 17 cent* each day. The common aow, from her 17 cent*' worth of food, made a pound of butter. the grade a pound and live ounce* and th* full blood one pound and fifteen ounce*. Why did not one oow appropriate a* much of her food for butter making as the other? askt the Practical Farmer. If it is dairy produce that is wanted, doe* feed mak* th* breed and produce the thing and amount we want! l)oe* the common steer pat a* much of food onto hi* rib* a* the well- bred animal*? Does breeding, even in it* mo*t successful aims, give animals that ar* essentially all alike where individuality is loat in high average ? No, but it come* far nearer it than where uo breeding is in view and feed is held up as the great essen- tial in excellence in animal*. Bitter Cream. Th* reason for bitter cream if that it ia the result of keeping it too long, or, in other word*, of having old cream. I'resm kept from thirty-six to forty-eight houn it very likely to be bitter. It i* produceri by fer- mentation, which take* place at low tem- perature rather than high when the change i* sufficient to produce bittern***. Whil* there are other can*** for l-ilter cream, a*, foi instn. -e. bitter weed* which the cowi may feed on in the pasture, yet the main can** i* old cream. Cream should b* churn- til within i hirty-nix horu* ot th* tin* of (kimming, and taken off the milk inside of twenty -lour hour*. Curious Facts. Seventy million people in Kurope waar wooden shoe*. The Mohawk Indian* will not allow to much a* a blade of gras* to grow upon tne grave* of their companion*. The daily capacity of the eighteen shingle mills in British Columbia is 1,3*0,- OIX) (hinglet, with a kiin capacity of '> nil Maryland, according to a recent bulletin of the I'm ted States Fish C-ommimon, produce* one-third of the world'* oyiter product. Th* eight flower* mo*t prized by th* J p*n*** ar* the morning glory, apricot, ch*rry, wistaria, peony, iri, lotua, and chrysanthemum. It is laid of th* fur Mai of AlasV that there is no known animal on laud or water which can take higher physical rank or which exhibit* a higher ord*r of inctmct.