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Flesherton Advance, 7 Jun 1894, p. 8

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- 1DVAHCI Owen Mound, t)av.rU. The Vety PLACE IN CAN ALA CO OBV A Busiiteu ducatio*. Take a Round Trip 8.& - - ...... k '.- allll C'.m ur(Ml Department! Ill Canada.tben vlait I.- Northern Ilii'iuwiiiCullWIu ; examine every- Lhu tli-)i<.ui|lily. If we fall to produce Mia in>i th.iroimli, complete, practical aud iton- coulee oT'tudv : the bmt college |>reinl-t I the l>t ami inrw> enmplets anil tuot MM- f uriilturu ami kjfjllau'ea. we "I" Klva YOB rfnl J course Kill. Hor Annual Announce- luout. giving full particular*, free, aildreaa 0. A. FLEMING, Principal. Eugenia Mills . AND Carriage Works. Carriages made and Repaired, also Pl.ii:ing and Matching, Baud Saw- ing, Wood Turning of every des- ornptlon. Plaulng and Grain Chop ; done while yon wait, for th Beaver tarns tne wheel. T, w. WILSO* Bfanacer A FAMILY GROUP PI, 1.8 pBOTOfiRAPU i %%%%<^%%%%%%% i i OA.LLK1CY ! iully equipped with re- quisites for turning out a iect class of work. All kinds of pictures taken and finished in a style equal to any city work, while the prices are lower. Picture done ID all its branches. If you have shopping to do and pictures to get taken on the same day please attend to the latter first. Careful at- tention will be given to copy- ing other pictures. Mrs. Buhner. TO THE PUBLIC. Having rente4 WbrHan't bUvkemlNi .hop fo a ler in ul yean, I ani nuw lu a (HxrUuB to oat u i all want, in uiyllne. t% Specialty . SATISFACTION GDiRANTEED. foe an r thing Iwued dav or Digbt at the office or renli'a ice I tbe un.lemltinod. DtVIHIONCOUkTCLK K. COMMISSIONER n H,C'. Conveyancer, Ao. Notary public. UHN W. AKMSTUUNU. PUUHKXTO*. M tCt'LJXJUOH & YOUNU. Hauler*, Mai Male, do general banking bui- uo. lluuuy luauvtl at a reaaouable rale. Call <D UB. U R. HAMMOND. i*. it Matter. Kituberler. Cominllilonei for taking Aill.iimu cti-. I IIMII ei and loan* uinocy tt lowimt rate*. Kxeout*Leaa. Doed*. Wlllt, etc. proiupily, cheaply aud efficiently. D J. 8PROULB, Poatmaiter, Fleehertoo. Coanulaiiior In B. K., Lie utrd Auctioneer, Conveyancer, A prataer aad Money Lender, Heal Katate an'l IIIMII uti.-i, A|tnl. Deeds, MurtiaMue, Leanee, ami Will* drawu up and Valuation! nm !< on hortvat notlcu. AucMcm Balm attended to In any part uf U> County. Money to loau at low t ratvi of IntereM. Collections attuinleil to wiHi prutnptneei and despatch Charge* low. Agent fur the Dominion htoauiihip Company, heap tickut< from Klribertou to Liverpool, lao.'nw, L/ondon or any of thu Kritn.h porM. 1'ariiux inten Ireland tbelr ticketi elxiwliora. ,- Bui how tott witli thu ISM ' ' hey won't veinaram.i if tlitty live han i wo or tlirer anioh oil <*" "I Kueliow where \,>urti"ubtej%ir)t*iil. You don't know niuh atmuwiib*) lml\ rachors in tins part ii '^ cosWTi -., . They're alwayoii hand. At jj* la t con- ention tlicte WHS :t load froiiWXh" annih- oat corner of OHpn-y, and n rliuy we.u Iriving through a drvnchiug r.iui, H n^,n^ We'll not go home li 1 in >tnitiu, ' on was nurd to say, ' I don't care it it Ukua us ill thu midtlltf of iex v. > i- . ; I am gU I 1 attended that in.-, iiuj. 1 tell you, i;irU, u are L'oinx back to our schools wall new l ; in fact 1 never before fell that I to auuh a degre> renpounlile for thu uir<tl Hinli^uion.s turn ,,.; "f '">' I" 1 nls, Ini thMfjseai of MI.-M Stoue'a iiai 1 1 me lik9HB-^% ai> " ' ll J ust ft"" Wo haveiiViuttiei\ily exalted id*>a of intending to Tilt Inland, HcotUml -Ijur eall.iu. I b.-lu-V. U,t, hiiw m * ,,o',h- . will p'eawa.k rate, before purclia*ini ** k lf * " ^ '!"' .'* "' ,' '"' ri -' l<t . "'"*: " Why, do thu lad ie>taU part in the rugular work of the , ,ntavi,ti..n t " - Well really they can't read e.-;i> s, each clause* and discuss the various aub- e ! very well, without taking part. I never saw a laily take ai.y part. t's new to me. When I taught achonl eixht or nine years at{u teachers appeared :ngo to thu conventiolu for thu fuu theic was to l>e got out of them. 'l'li:it used to l-e the rule, but now every lady to.clu-r vtlm i-lies to hitve the rexpuct of her aasociattM uueit tho very jeat attei.tion. Ofcnuntc there are still a few of both HCUH who peem to have IH> li-hniie object in Iwing there- but they'll soon drop nut of the wurk. In fact tltrrn are now very few opening* for such teach er. ' W ere there any other ladies to take l I The idea M so novel that it is renlly interesting to m anil I wiidi to hear re about it. " ' W i-ll. jin, there was Miss Korr, of Hanover. Shu ua>' a very interesting van ou the reasons forlsaching IMioii re*. I ing, and " " Excuse in". Whotkmdof rending ft| IHH 1.1 U I II l.U II Mil is. .S fnpll of Roht. Uabr. of Berlin, (lernianv. Ivlollo) ; Urn. Hradley, of Toruuto Conwrvatory Miulu, \.iu-ii culture); Prof . Kn r iuu, late of Torouto, (Piano) ; will rnri.ivu pupllll ill bLNUlNU. VIOLIN. I'l- AXU au.l CIIIOAN. TJR HUTTOS. M. D.C. M M.C.r.A s.ut.i K<'tic au.l oAo* one door west f the Melh- oditC'burcli.KiiiT<wa St. umco.layt, Tuetdaii and Hat urrtayl. nil CAItTKB. 11. C. r. * b . oi.t ri: v>l.-i>ii. or(MHi. aie., u-ii ufliw -Suaiiw block. Uwtideoo* Muiubaw'i botel. A. BOOTT, M. & , Member College I'hy*lo.& Rurgeoni. Ontario Graduate in Mdioiu of Toronto Luiverity. Kellownhlp Ulploiua. l'.'l Oradnale Medical HcLool ainl Ho.|.lll, Chicago. Ulnae of eve. ear, noee anil tliroat ipeclally treata>l. Kml- deuoe klaiwvll, vUlta Kvwuaaai Tbaratlay* 1-1 J P. OTrKWELL. Veterinary Burgeon. Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College. ll.-.'.l.-i..,- Nn door outh of Mooru i piaulug factory. J K IIALhTKAD. M. D, M. C. AS..Oii|..|,ra.-li.-,.. at him berley. Ilbeuinatic dlaeaM* i i|wciallty. J. I' MsiihlMl I, 1, 1> s.M I), s. DenlUt. Vlnlt. Hark. lair Hi.' Ut an. I ir.l Wwlnuatlay of racli uiontb PleHliertou Kach trip oil tbe day following. J. W. i i.usr. llarrlitur. Rollcltor. Convayancer, Ktr Flmliartoii ultlce Nxt tbe pout ofltr H|ironle'i liiilliltuii. on TliuriHlay*. Oweu Hound ..Hi. .. I I'CAH A WHIIIHT. llarrlHteri, Hollclton, Conveyaiieerii, etc., OWHII riniiiul. Ou.t - - klarkilalv, lint. W. II WIIIIIUT. I. u LOCAL N. U - I,-rt,.n office, klit.-lirll. Hank every Wcdiiuxlay. SOCIETIES. AO.U.W.-metM every flrnt and tlilnl Mon day III each month, In their I<N|R room < ini.ii.|.- Hlook.Pleahertoa atN.p m. Hen loknrton, M. W.; W. .t. llnllaniy. flninc'er ; W Irwlu Uwor.lor, Vlilting Ilretburn invited. ROYAL TKMn.Aim OF TKMI'KH VM I l<CiiUr Cniiiirll nii>ti every nrt nn. tli'r.l TuenJav rvriilnv In oaoh inonili In Hpronle'i lil.H-k at H p in. (-i.u-.-t ileiiri. Uaauranool m,,i- i.i..iilhlv. in.- Wwtlnumlay iK the Mini of ( .. h month. SONK OF TKMri.ANCK.-Tbla eoclety in. -I ^ In Dr. flirUtno' Hall every u .-.I MMwfavanlBi at N p.m. VNItlug bretli> eren lnvlte.1. lii>nraiiclii ronuertlon. YM.I'. H.A., niuet In hall. Chtlitoe'i Illock evurv flrt and tblnl Tliurada> In ear I in,,Li. \\ni.Hbarp.MMtor. T. Clajton Herretary. I>UiSCI' AHTHI-It LODdK, No. so. A. V. A M in.'.il In n,.. M.IHMDH- Hall. Htraln'i lll'Kik. KlMbertoii. every Friday nn or l~-for tli.' lull moo u. A S. \aii.l, i. .-n. W. U II. .1. Hproulii, M-, i , im i Us THR. CELEBRATED B.Laurance HPBt'TACLEM EYE4JLAMKEH F. O. Karstcdt, )) THE TEACHERS' CONYKNT10N. kH " sizKii n " av uKk, "iu> TIIU" THK KENKI IT or A nconr "Did the tcMDvM hav.- n i-nnd n Thuraday ml FrMn> wf Ual week ' Why yv4itlir iaila. " " But Vliu jreiiifcwc "> wrt, * umil. rind, 1. k!, i ife r rturk ivh, have a iiuep in- don't niiiul a little I'hoinc, was it / What kind IH tlial I 1 never heard of it Iwfnra. " 1 have hcaroely time now to u<i into ill the particular*, but if you only heard how MI.H Korr talked about that auliject you would come lo the conclunioii ut once l hat lady teuchttrn can Uke p.ti t and .how earneainesa ton. i tell you, friend, that girl i* a whole convention in lu-inelf, anil when shu tet" likrtud eVurylmUy ia on the i|tii vivu In hear the n.ti things aUu ban to aay. " Thing* have then changed, Mnce I wus iu the buaincM. 1 tl .n t think I'd U. atilu to handle it now." Right you an- " Even sun'" I ave up tfui-lung hvuyuaiH ngi I n.-tu-e, a l.i change in thinga. Th collVeiiUnliN, IIM., are inoie iu-ii>u, ami 1 always liku t,t at- tend them ; ihey bovui m pi.t uuw life in- to a follow, 'i'hrii theiu was that le->*"ii in Keadliit; thai .\1 is* V.-Ke.-lnnu taiiulil 10 a fourth class. I inner aitw anything ike U. W hat an'. of energy lln.t < n o in put into her work! Why, Itft mai vellou.s. In fact I citn't tind languiige to eiprea* myii-.i 'Iruly," eveiy tiling Keeins to nune SH if liy Htuam or elei tiicny. I wish, indeed, 1 I, a. I none to that cuiivi i.tim . When iiiul uln-ie do tiny Intend ti> holu thu next meeting f I'll nuike it a pi-int to ;o to th a oiiu, sure. 1 am not certain, but if you write- In thu Sei-retary, I think Ins name is Irwm, mid IK? live* III Kleshi -rlon, he'. I hcnn you a prouram givinit all p.uti iii-u-*. 1 uaid aoiiiu nf the u-achei* suy tin- next meuiing would U held in I'lealu-i-toii in the tall, but 1 didn't catch the nute. 1 am n-,t siiiKiu-il yet, but UXCIIHU me lor ti espiuwiiig MI much ou ynur tune, -- do the liuiies take purl in the ill-., u-si. n alto (" Freely ;" but as it in now gutting late and 1 w ih to tell you about other tunvhur* who took part you will kindly allow in.- to hiwten on. " Certainly. I have been an pleased wjth your remark* that I'll just let yon vostiaight ahead and till uie all about it. " "Theru w*s Mr. Mowat.acluveryoung man from M.nfonl, the head master .n tin- llii.-li .School there. He (f.ite UN u lesson nn Metre, illustrating thu uitfuruni kiinls of fM!t,such a* th lainbic.Trnchiiic, Anii'pi-stie and Amplul>rach, and a girni many other things that a i>er*oii who s not actual y eugaged in the work can t 111 ink of, besides, th. re wuru a hu i>f I. g name*. Mr. Ituri(eH, thu IIIHHI.-I in the High Sclu H, I in Uuii Souml, wns there, ton, and he gitve a great mtny hint* nn how to liui. h Untuilniir. 1 ditl like that loaann so uiuih. When hu matted In at he seemed In be at the wrong end nf hi* subject but 1 tell you, friend, bofm* he gut through 1 conoludud that we. h. d always bwm working fnuu the wrung unu and he had tho right one. You know yoniMelf, if you try i<> unwind a ball of twine front the wrong end, you anon tot i Inngn into H until. 1 see now plain y why .mi- grammar used to have MI many anarl* in it. We didn't go at it scientifically, as Mr. Itiirwem did. We tatted ut the MI..II-.' em!. I'm oolivincej that to taach (ititinmar you inut start t thu other end. Hut we're not to blamv, *>u did what w saw our teachers do in lln- old Uiaiiiiiutr .i-lio,.U WO altrnd. d 111 'til. Things h changed since tlwii, iberu may not yet bv ' royal mad lo l< k , ' but iLn-re u rwa nly a butler ro.ul that the one we travullud. Mr. Jfiikina, the principal of tba Owen Sound (iiammar School I think they cull them t 'olh-gisti- Institutes now-went i-iitilu-riily 111 work to show h method ul teaching Temperance ami Pliynolngy. What '. is teiiiii.-Miire tsiiyfii in the achiMils I bat excuse iuy inbrruptioii I proinied In keep quite." " It's all riuht. YI-H it i now compul- sory to teach t.-mi erai.ce in the achools, IK, tii 111 Grammar, Huh, and Puhlic, and an I was alxiut to say Mr. Jenkins gi>es about it scientifically. He U-li, v,-s in making Ixiys aud girU learn >iy obMerva- 11, ,n For iimtauce, if a buy or girf* wishes t<> know how many teeth, or tout) or lingers he ha*, hu can find that out hiin-ill by counting. It' imt a teacher's I uxineKM to look into a boy's mouth to .-"inn l,l teeth, the boy Vitn do that liiin- -,-'f AJr. .leiikiiM won't tell a pupil any- ^ h can hud out fi>r I'lium-lf.und I mil I,.- is 1 1 Jit. Mr. Campbell, ili# limpWtor, i a l.u.y nian, too. Hu inajr not alw.iy-8 have hi* eyeit tixed < n tlie i-jH'iiki T, but he hat hi* eats open ami lib can talk ii every Miliject. He is *>ftiawhat reat-rved. liut hei.tu m.ik,- l:i- [linti all the wtnu 1 ." I imtico that it is now afu-r midnight IK\ as I am very tired you'll excuae me i' 1 miuiily con- cluded by telling you that Mr. Mil spoke oil the suhject of History nixl k|ot tlie whole Convention interentud in ito rMychological tn-rin,iit. lint I must at.ip. Tlie fxcellent In tie prjsnletit, Mr. Blakestoli, in hi> (^Miiiiiir inline-.-., gave thiriefii good ralea for the guidance of teacher* who d*ired t make the con- ventiiMi a failure. Hi facet intia. But 1 will till ynu U.e rest again. (o,d night." Kf li-f In 6 Hours DistrstDg Kid- ney ai.d liUdder rt-ln-veil in aix tin' "<!reat South American This new rumrrly is a 'priau snd delight on account <4 .ling proinptnnts in ruliefim jKfB liladiler, kidneys, tmck and pv.-ry thu urinary pnuKg>-H in mule nr fe- It relieves retention of pain in you |irf . male HAVE YOU BACK- ACHE DOOD5 KIDNEY PILLS WILL CURE YOU "Backache meant the kid- ney* art in trouble. Dodd's Kidney Pills glut prompt relief. * "76 per cent, of diteatt It frit caused I / disordered A.J- neyi. "Might as weft try to huia a healthy city without sewer- arjtf ets good /vo/iJt *v*aij the iiidntya ate cMfrjed, thty art the "^auengers of thy system. "Da/ay it dnmjtrout. Heg- I acted kidney troubles result in Bad Blood, Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, and t ha most dan- gerous of alt, Brf<jtrt3 Dneate, Diabetes and Dropsy. " "1 ht about diseases lannot exist where Dodd't Kidrey fillt art used. ' r Sold by all (Water* orient by mail on receipt of priv-e 50 cent*. pr K- or aix for ?*.<<> Wriw tat . Pr. L. A. Swi'h Ic i ,-. T.jruuto. buukcaHHtkLJo.jT.lh. |uUMing it almost immediately. If want quick relief and cure tin-, in remedy. Sold by W. E. Richartlson, AfBlrlrd I'roin Infancy. A LAD WHO H.U> HKK1 MlrtrTsff !. FROM Win i IIII.HHiMili rlKKIl tl IMX>ti' IIIINBV rill- IliK KKMtDT THAT NKVBI1 FAILED. MI-I.NTVKE, Our. . Juno 4.- Tlie }-<IUOK HUM f lluvli Laniulit, i if til IN I'l.irc, hiv- UM n ;klHn.->iil witli <lr|my from uit.iiicv. Hu WM* I I'.iifl MIX! Ntvnlfn all over. Hut were nt their wiu end t<i HnU curu fi>r him whi-n they uf Dixlil'B Kicln. > 1'ills. Mr. UiniKiir uut HIS IniXl-n of ill.- plllx mill tlld U.y ln-^.in Inking tin-in. Ik-fort) thu sixtli U-x ws nnstu-il In' WHM I'uri'il. It ilii.'^n't unTti r wliu'.hiT tlit? (mduiit is yi'UMg nr old, Ilia iilm will HtTuot it curv nf any ll-uhi. y dia- or of any iliM-uv arinui; from dii- Daniel Riiz. Propriutor an<t PuKtiaher if the ll.iniliurq. Out , Indr>|teildent HiyK : 'I WM mirf'.'rini; firm r)yJi|ii xn<l Liv- r troul'lc. I took u fi- Ixitt i" <if Sniloli'it Vital/rr .-tiul itcuruil niu. I ran hrurtily it." t MARKS: HTS.' PAT-NT? lent opinion, write to bad nearly nfiv rearr UBlneaa. Coium unices- II. n. t.. who have I . Iba- patent bo UOM aulccly ermfldential. A II aadbaek of in- fonsatloa oooeeminf I'atrvta and bow to ok>- ila ibem *eot free. A lao a eatalogve o( mecoao- I and ci *n uao boot! Ma t five. it* takes throuua Munn a Co. rererv*. notleerathe H, Irnllilr tmrrlmn. anil ia* are swuaiht kerorethe public with- ont onet to tbe Inventor. Thin lulenlld papei. kwaed waeklv. elecact'7 illwstratea. bai bv far the, taneM circulatti<a ef an* *ci<>atiDe work In ths> world. 93 a rear. MMS c<iple* aent free. BnlMtaf aVntioa, m.-inbly. n JO a rear. HI uta. Hvejr eoplea. '44 ceut ry niuubvr rontam* . . tlful platea. In ooloni. and Pboiograpbi nf boiuea. wttb plans. vnaMinir builder* 141 nhow tha- kMeat deelrrta and aecuru nintracta. Addreea UUNN * 0.1, Niw Vui.w. 3tfl BBUAUWAT. THE GULAT SOUTH AMERICAN II, \V,.!i,!. .r,l HKALTH K & NERVE FOOD- ( hronlr Ui>t-a>es' nre r;uihf<l by IVriumrd \ rr .<- Outrcs at of Urali). ni-i-vo eontros, will oauoo the i rut nt of. tite tli&ietit oryflii* ot tLe Ixirfj wliiuli tluy supply with NtVr Ut.UH.Jf ^KKIK I ,.Kl H. TJi vrniiili.|fi)| Hticeess of SnaU.. Auieiican N. TMH.- is dno alone to the- fact that it is bused on the foregoing.. ' principle. TI.e n^t> of a single bottle of tliiii ieiu,',lv will r<mvii the mot'- uirridMoa*. K i iirde^dlt a vcrttahK :sa-i*vE r.D n mi WILL RELIEVE: IN ONE UAV tlie *wid forms oC niMuu disoa.e uud stuuiacL troublw - I>i>4*an*K. LATE discoveries have absolutely proven tliat tlie Stomach aud l.ilii'.;--, mill iniirt'il nil in ti-Miiil or^iUlH ro .-.niiMillnl by the nt>rv<> trnfrt-s at I'M luisi' of tlie brain. Tlii- mitnn- nfactnrer of ^01:711 AMF.KICAN NKUVINB han studied tins mibjcct closi'lv for III.H r tlmii t Ami \ In. years, niut IIHH liiirU deiuoimtratrd that twu-tliirds of our Cluonio I'lHi'dm-s, are duo to the iii'perfent action of nerve oe tres, eitlior within nr at the base of the brain aud not from tin- derangement of the organs themselves ; In mv thai the ordinary methodii of treatment are wioug. As all know, a serious injury to the spinal cord will at onoe oaUHO PAKALY- 8iK uf the body below the injured part, it therefore will be equally weil under- stood, Low tL (UrugeU)9Uti vf th Tins class ot diaw>, * < L mlly.. (n entMOfi each yeai . ou aeccnnl rf U- grent wear ou nuxle of living and ItV or himoae NU-; '-ntlt winuii ilic A.uverioau tin. acv of upon tho nervous system. s of all the ailments fe Ltinian fauiily U lu-ir. ** M|>UII rj w impaired and i blood. is a great t>r and this rt.cromn%n iu uarv<loa power to oure the varied feivs of nervous disease, such as Nenrtlgftt, Nervousness, Nu'vous Prostration. B(. Vitus's Dance, Nervous choking,Nerr- ous Paroxysms, Twitching of tho Mg- oles, Hot Flashes, Mental D oncy, ForgetfulncsR, Sleepl Ucatlessness, Nei vonsiu BS of I 1 Palpitation of thu Heart, \\t-kn88, etc., etc. ir!- . '

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