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Flesherton Advance, 7 Jun 1894, p. 7

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THE WEEK'S NEWS CA.NAOA. The treasurer of the Irish Home Rule fund of Ottawa has cabled fifty pounds sterling to Mr. Edward BUke. A man named VV. L. Kantz, of Berlin Ont., was ran over and instantly killed by a train at Portage la Prairie. The Re/. Dr. Williamson, rice-principal of Queen's University, Kingston, o:., has been elected a fellow of the Royal Society of Canada. Tbe experiment ha* been inaugurated of hipping coal from New Branawick to the United States. Two barges loaded with coal left on Monday for Boston. The Pontifical Zouaves have passed a formal vote of thanks to Major lieneral Herbert for his recent speech in Montreal, when he referred to them in eulogistic terms. Mayor Bell, of Indian Head.N. W. T., reports that the crops all along the line are in a most forward condition, and that the prospect* on the whole wen never brighter. Mr. Alexander Lindsay, three of his brother Uavid's children, ono anil and two boys, aged thirteen, nine, and six, and Mrs. William Ingraham, were drowned on Tues- day at Smith's Bay, Ont. Th* bodies were all recovered. Mr. LaRivicre, M. P. , stated in an inter- view at Winnipeg that there was no truth in the report that he had handed his resignation to Mr. Daly. He also denied that he was embarrassed in connection with the Colonization Company, The Fraserrirer, in British Colombia, has become a raging torrent, aad is doing great damage. Bridge* bar* teen destroyed, a portion of thj Canadian Pacific railway track hat been washed twy. and the loss of crop* is very heavy. Reports have beea received of the loss of eight live*. At the annual meeting ot the Imperial Federation league of Canada, held in Ot- tawa, on Wednesday, a rest lution was pass- ed adopting a basts of a new policy upon which the general league would be recon- structed. The policy includes commercial union between the various colonies and other portions of the British Empire. A memorial i* being prepared by the friend* of the Whiteway party in Newfound- laud, for snbmisson to ths Imperal autbori ties, asking that Governor O Brieu and Judge Winter b* relieved from ottice, the charge being that the former is acting con- trary to the will of the mass of the people, and that the latter is not an impartial judge. i.KBAT BaMTAIX. air. Gladstone i* rapidly recovering tram the effect* of the opeiation on hi* ey*. The alleged racing of ocean sUamers is to b* ma<i* th* subject of enquiry in the Imrerial Parliament. Heavy storms- reported are from many points along the south coast of England, and much wreckage was washed ahora. The Princess Alix of Hesse, the fiancee of tr>- ''"arewitch, is at prreent at Hanowgai* taking th* waten. She i* in poor health. It i* Announce-! officially in London that the Lon^ Service decoration for volunteer otbmn wiil be extended \f India snd the colonies, A detail of tho Russian secret police hare arrived in London to act as a special guard to theC/ vr--viu:i 1 iruu hi* visit to England. The Dublin Freeman's Journal says that Gen. Lot t Roberts will lucceed .iea. Lord Woiscley in the autumu a* commander of the forces in Ireland. Mr. Jams* Bryce, the new President of th* English Baard of Trade, i* expected to taks steps to prevent racing between At- lantic steamers. Ex Sheriff Pearo, of Southampton, who is the candidate of the Labor party for the Imperial Parliament, ha* been commute 1 to gaol for fraud. Owing i tne continued depression ot trade Meurs. Fenton, Connor A Co., the extensive bleachers and spinner*, of Bel- fast, are retiring from business. Cart. Mahan, and the other officer* o th* United States cruser Chicago, paid a ment of th* C'uston-.s' Act with a view to enabling distJa*. colonies to conclude mat* na.i preiereni^al trading arrangements. 1 MTXD iTATl-. The Chicago Citv Council ha* passed an ordinance against the ale at drugged cigarette*. A good deal of opposition t* US* bill in Congress requiring seamen working on the lake* to b* I'mted States cituons i* re- ported to be organizing. Mis* France* Willard, owing to the finan- cial distress in the I'mted State*, has re- turned to the Nation*! Women's Christian Temperance Union her last two years' salary which she received a* president of that organization. In the coarse ot the debate on the lumber schedule of the Tariff bill in tbe Senate, on Wednesday, Mr. Frye said that Caaad* wu one of the wont enemies the tailed States had, and the UoubU was she wa* too small to fight. Kenneth F. Sutherland, charged with balloustumng in the Graveseni election* was sentenced on Wednesday in lirookyln, , to imprisonment in Sing Sing for two years von thuxk *** n *PP n 1 and eight months and to pay a fin* of five " Don't know, my dear," sai BUNTLE'S BUBGLAB ALARM. Myrtle Cottage, situated oo the outskirts of the thriving lawn of Rlairmslley, wf occupied by Mr. and Mr*. Ban Uo, a worthy couple, who, having smsd a competeuc in th* grocery line, had retired from basi CM. hoping to end their day* peacefully in the pretty little nine-roomed raeidence, which had been especially built (or their accommodation. Aad very peaceful aad contented wj the lite they led Bontle oc cupied with his gmrden and his pigs, and Mrs. Rontle always finding plenty to do in aaaieting and supervising the one neat maid-servant who farmed their entire domestic staff, until one memorable day in March laic " Oh, Bunile ' " cried Mra, B., rushing into the parlor, where her nusbaad wa* canning the morning paper : ' what do friend*, returned home in very pleaiant frame A mind- Mra, B wai delighted at the pr->mputu ie with which her wish** had attended to : and her " lord and eater'*" nightcap was stronger, ew*e.*r, and natter that night than it had been for many a moaih. A boa', a week after Bantle s vint to the) Alarm and Detector Depot, he received by the morning s poet a letter from ha law- yen, requesting nil immediate preisaes at of a certain earn of aawf- that had beam out on mortgage*, and had been repaid. " I mart eaten the 9.33 r exdaiosd Boatie, ae he roee from the breakfast pay i hundred dollar*. A* the reenlt of a misplaced iwitch a train on the Wisconsin Central railway wa* wrecked at Manhlield, Mich. The can caught fire, and it u believed that eight persons were killed and aome fifteen penon* injured. Pro/eeaor Henry Preaerved Smith, for- merly Professor of Hebrew in the Lane seminary, Cincinnati, ha* been declared guilty of hereey by the Presbyterian Gen- eral assembly. A iwcrd duel wa* fought on Saturday night <n Boston (Mtween a lawyer and a newspaper man over a love affair, in which the latter drew tint blood and the duel co- ded. By the law* of Massachusetts duelling i* punishable by twenty yean' imprison- ment. The Special Committee appointed in Washington to investigate the charge* of attempted Senatorial bribery on toe part of I'harle* vV. Batu, found that Butu made the attempt at bribery, and Senator* Hun- ton and Kyle are exonerated from all blame In Richmond, Va., on Wednesday, at the anveiling of the monument to the memory of the private eoldien and (ailora of the Confederacy, the Rev. Mr. Cave, in the conne of hi* *peecb, eaid that instead of accepting the defeat of the South a a Di- vine verdict, he regarded it a* another in- tance of "Truth on the scaffold and wrong upon the throne." UIXUUI. The itrike of the coal porten at Port Said ha* ended. The German Government ha* formally protested again* t the Angio- Belgian treaty. The North German Lloyd Steamship com- pany ba* ordered four new (teamen of tour thousand ton* each. id Boatler, looking up from hu p*pr. " Nothing wrong with the pig*. I hope ! " " Pig*' Nonsense ! far worse than that '. Acacia Cottage only jolt down the road, Buntle wa* broken into by burglan last nignt, and all the plate, aa 1 a lot of other things, carried off '. " " By Jove ! Than awkward. Good job it waan't Myrtle Cottage, -.hough ; eh, my dear? ' And Buntle, who i* of and phlegmatic nature, pr pared to the peruaal of hu paper, when Mr*. B. exclaimed : " Good gracioo*. Buntle : Don't you *e* that it'll be our turn next * There'* rare to be a gang of the wretches n the neighbor hood, and we ahall wake up to find they've been here and taken away Oh, Buntle, what are you going to do about it "." " Well, my denr," and Buntle scratched hu head meditatively. " I'll sit up, if yea like, and watch. " " But you can't lit up every night. And how do we know when the burglars may chooe* to break :n ' "Very true very troe," and Buntle cast a '"^g*"; glance at the les>dmg article in which he was *o interested ; "what then do yon think *" " I don't know what you'd do, John Buntle, if you hadn't * to advise you. Why, we must have bvglar alarms Died up at once, at every door and window. Then it they do "' But lbat'11 coet a let of money, won't it '." asked her husband, who wa* of a thrifty, if not nightly penariou*. nature ' Ah : that'* iu*t like you, " and Mr*. B. ' voice became more and more accentu- ated. " Burglar* may break in. they may macs off with poor dear mamm*'* watch. " What f-ae will you b* juirea his wife. " CeaVt say, my dear. Impends upon how long old Smith may keep me. Beside*, I shoui i iike to hare a lack at those houses for which this new mortgage s propnssd : nothing like seeing what aort of sscurity you'll get tor your moae). "Bat you'll be b*ck*cme time to-night *" asked Mrs. B "Oh, certainly '. No damp hotel beds for mo, thank you. Good-bye, my dear," and so saying Bunile rushed of t* the station. fls had not hoea gone more than half an hoar, when there wa* a violent ring at the bell, aad a "squad of half a doawa men. laden with apparati* of varied and peculiar __, . appearance, aanounoed that t n *y had , ^re of "come lo fix the burglar alarm*. Mrs. Buntl* was delighted wa* in her element, a* she mad* the ALL THAT 13 BRITISH. Cewatl Bn-alB ha* (fee < ir*4 la if nan Ballrea4 aad Trlexr^fta Liar, Well I e>r War >ome yean ago Olave ^ehieinei. toe norejet, wa* talking with Cecil Rhodes in Capetown. The subject was the develop- ment of the colony. The Premier pointed to a map of Africa upon ike wall. -A. I that is British." he said, running his fingwr from Capetown to Cairo. That ha* bean his policy. "Ail British," wherever ae can plant the dag. tie hssnsMs* in th Rear npublic so that the German country on the west ha* been cat off from it ; he has poshed is* Portngnse* aside ; he nas pied Maationaiand and beaten down tae) savage* of Matableiaad, who stood in to* path of his onward march At last, taroogh a treaty with Leopold, King of the Bai- giaas, h* ha* swcored a strip of territory through th* Caago Fro* State which ex- taads ths Bnuah sphacs of isflysare fro** th* carl TO THI vi.-j 'ranee's advance from Senegambta i-'pp..- Egypt There are some : his stretch of territory, bat they little importance, aad through { Premier Rhoie*' exertions it may be said {it* j t ht Great Britain baa the control la Africa. Already th* taJegrana ua* from British i crew aa it wa* placed, each nail a* it was driven home, and asking a thousand ques- tions as to how "this worked ' or bow that "operated." "New, mem," said the foreman, as h* and j Companv hi* men prepared to leave, about six o clock ~ in the evening, "Everything's fixed, aad you oan as* how it work*. Hera's the 'switch' <ust outside the kitchen door. You turn it 'on' before yon go to bed. and if anyone trio* to get in at the door or window before the morning, your bell will ring loud enough to wake you up mstanter. Thee* are the 'links' of the Detector. You make the connection so, putting the end Bay to the Mediterranean. "AH British." prodicbsd Premier Rood**, aad tae test port.ucs or Africa aw t portion* el Africa are* U^BfUaifcS AJncaa Seatn Company hare played a* unimportant part*. Led by rosolnt* men, taer have beaten down opposition and extended their power upon ail sides with little or no assistance) from the Imperial authorities. Th* act.oa of K:=g Leopold in granting a portion of th* Congo Free State to the British is cer- tain to inplease the French aad Germans, who are BOTH GKASPtXU hook into the end lint of the opposite chain: aad if inert 's any attempt to break in at wherever possible, bat a* it will strengtaen V_ J :_ J .. 1 11 f..i_ . . . aa of th* Free Mate, and M. Dupuy. president of the FrecchCham- | that I've worn for thirty they ber of L*eputie*, na* contented to undertake ; take the silver tea spoon* an<l forks that ' the task of forming a new Cabinet The Paris pap*n*are generally agreed in urging France to checkmate the Anglo Belgian agreement in regard to the Congo frontier. 1 1 is rumored ;that Turpin, th* Franch inventor, ha* sold the *ecr*t of hi* melin- ite, the ne- explosive, to the p>wers com- poiiug ths Dreibund. A distinguished Chinaman is arranging to get two nun. ired thousand of hi* country men to settle in Mexico to work on cothe and hemp plantation*. The Earl of opening the Vic- toria Parliament, in Melbourne.on Wednes- day congratulated tbe people on the grad- ual return of the country to prosperity. Tie marriage of Prince Charles of Hohen- ollern Sigmanngen to Princess Josephine of > . eat , _ 1 _ i Uncle Jam** gar* as when we wen inar ried : they may ransack th* place, and perhap* murder ua, if we disturb them, be- fuie rou'll make up your mind to spend a few pound* in " Tnere. then, my dear, don't put your- self out about it," aaii Bun tie. soothingly. Yon shall havs th* alarms lixed. nerer faar, I'm going to run up to town tais afternoon, i and I'll give the order." The promise seemed to satisfy the terrified the door or window so protected well, I pity the man who trio* it. Good-evesuag, and thankee, mem." Mr*. Buntie and her maid had plenty to do to "clean up" after th* wsrkssaa. It wu oast nine whea they had finished ; it was ten when the good lady had eaten her supper. The last train from town was due at Biainnaily Station at >.. and it was evident that Bunile had not com* by that i h* mnet have beea detained in town a by no means unusual occurrence. S>, feeling tired with cer exertions, Mra. Buntl* de- cided to retir* to rest : and the switch hav- ing beea turned "oa ' and th* "hooks and link* ' duly adjusted, mistress and th* Government break the power of the slave trade which centres arouad Lake Tanganyika. and uirow a vast stretcu of termtory open to peaceful trad*, it mac. be regarded with approval and satisfaction by all civiiuad, Th* Soudan ha* always been a barrier :i improvement and eaterpn** from Egypt This concession will expo** it to attack u> th* rear, and it is certain to b* ubjugied from the south as soon as British interests warrant. Aad the honor aad glory of it all will rast mainly with Premier Rood**, to who** foresight aad perseverance an a butabl* th* inimmH stride* which the British power has beaa saasUd to saaks in were soon sleeping the sleep of the weary. ' south ui,i equatorial Africa. Now Buntle had (pent a very pleasant tl*y to town. Hi* buiinee* aad heen satis- factorily terminated a! an early hour in the afternoon, and Mr. Smith, hi* solicitor and Tory good friend, had dmed with hi* client THE BEST BRICKS. Ta> are Ha4e j in* Trier, t Central at tne club, of which they were both mem- bers. Then they had trolle i into the cafe, where they bad listened to a sonj or two, and had returned to the club for a glae* something con.tcrting ere they eeparate-1. Bui then were M many things to ta- inny thing* to woman; Buntl* wa* permitted to nlurn to ortr> tnmt ml l%it wnea Buntie r^che.1 the his beioved paperi and when he took th* \ urmuiu , whence hi* irain C-arted. he found train to town alter dinner, it was with the understanding that he was to make every arrangement for the fixing of the alarms, at an early date. Tbeownsrandoocup.erof MyrtieC'ottag* was a man of hi* won: and when he got out of the train, h* w. it stra.t to th* oawat I WI t^t M !*. 1.1^*. H fcv .1 J m- r. k t Flaider* as celebrated in Bnnsels. Wed- ; and emporium ot the hirglar Patent AUrm dock-vard on Wed- Lord Chmrles Beree- viitt to the Chatham oesday the guests of ford. Tlie University ot Oxford will confer the degree of IW.oi of Civil Law upon Captain Mahan.of the I'nitod State* cruiser Chicago at the commencement exerciase in June. The cotton mill* at Hayfield, Derbyshire, owned by Mr. T. H. Sulibottom, have been shut down owing to depression, and three thousand people are thrown out of employ- ment. In thelHouss of Commotu.on \Vedne*day. Mr. Gardner, Preooieut o! the Board of Agriculture, id that the lung* of an animal, landed on the AHh mat. from Moutrea', appeared to be tainted with pleuro pneu- mvnia. A notice ha* been issued by tbe C'unard Steamship Company that the Lucania ha* beaten all ocean record*. She accomplished her last round trip at an average rate of twenty -one and three-quarten knot* an hour. With a view of securing the labor vote in the next general election* Lord Kose- bery ha* mad* overture* to Mr. John Burns, M. P., and other leading labor men, on the subject of their accepting office in the Cabinet. The required draught of thirty feet of the new Canadian Pacific mail rout* steam- ers will likely bare the effect of throwing Liverpool out of the competition a* an Knglisb port of call, owing to the difficulty of crossing th* Mersey bar. A book written by 1*. '. Tynan, the fa- moil* No. 1 of th* Phoenix park assaauna- tions, will shortly be published. It will give a complete history of th* Irish revol- utionary and Parliamentary parties since 1861. including the stories of th* Caven- dl*h and I'.urks murders. Mr. Justin McCarthy haiiMuod an appeal to the In*h people for fund*, without which a continuous attendance of the Nat:.-=> i*t members at Parliament cannot be assured, nor can sattifactory prepar- ation* be made for the general elections, which roust take place at an early date, Mr. Sydney Buxton, Parliamentary Sec- rotary tii th Colonial t me*, stated in th* House of C mimon*, the other ds^r, that th* oovvrnment was considering tPe anend- nesday. Th* wedding presents were very costly, A despatch fro-n Bombay say* that the daubling of tree* is extending, and there an serious apprehension both in Kngian I and amongst ths Anglo-Indian* that a rising cf th* natives i* imminent. Mr. lame* Sioke*. who contributed si\ teen thousand pound* towards the erection of a Youbg Men'* Christian Association bnild ing in Pans, ha* been made a cberalier of the Legion of Honor. There i* a strong feeling of irritation in German political cir.-ies over the conclusion of the treaty between Great Britain and Belgium, by which England obtain* an unin- teirupted route in Afri.-a from Cape Towa to Cairo. that it had already departe i, he was about three minutes too late. Th.r-> was, how- ever, a later train to H.iim:hy J in.-Uon. where it was duo about I". .". and a* the junc'.ion wa* only about thrae mile* from Myrtle Cottage, and it w a tine moonlight W *hoold hardly expect to learn much about the art* of civilized life from the tr.'oe* of Central Asia, aad yet, according to BOW 01 our meet noted explorer*, the in- habitant* if Western Mongolia know how to make better brick than we cin make. They as* about tho same material a* wa do, and singularly enough the thing that give* to their process of brickmaking i* ono of the most powerful agent* o: tation steam. When the brick hare beea baked fr three or lour days, the opening and Detector Companv, Limited, where he m;ne j lo rat nrn home :::;nt, Buntie dismissed the me* of remain- ; in the oven is cioeod up fe! . wet, so that the bricks still in.; :n town till the next day, and deter- was received bv aveiy suave and polite manager. Want to ace oar 'slum'' Certainly, sir; ploase itep this way. and Bunt'.* wa* oon inspection tho virioo* contriraacos for defeating the aims of Bill Sykes and his fraternity. This" said the minifer, displaying a , IMS ho d: :. The walk from the jnac- tion waa a pl**j*ant one, for t untie'* case was full of capital cigars, and he had ab- sorbed just en. . : refreshment to make him feel "buoyant" nothing more. Vvrtle Cottage wa< all in darknse* when he reached r ' AH gone to bed, I *>ippo*e," answered Exchange of Courtesies. Tie New Parlor Mud" Mistress t .Id me to tell you (he wa* not at home sir." He "Oh e; : Th*n teli her I didn't call I" Good Soldiers. Daring the Afghanistan war, having left our encampment w attend a parly, Iwa* on* night returning home, after a heavy dinner at th* mess of another regiment, when it s.idden'.y (truck me I hadforgotttSB .he Countersign. The sentry that night happened to be an Iruhman in my own company. Ai I drew oar be met me with the usual " Who cornea there.?' ~ comg up to him, I said, "Hang it, man' I've forgotten the counters . And hu answer WM: " Bezorra, sir, aad so hare I.'* complicated arrangement of wins, springs, I Bu n rl e : aad I haven't got my latch key. and tinkling bell*, "is our patent alarm. S:em a pity to wake 'em up too If that You fix it on the door or window, and dur- j^fc kitchen window s unfastened and ing the day it milent. On rearm* to rest j ,. ;., ,,_i .1 g,t in that way," and so you (Witch on aa elecinc cut-rent from a .,, Buntle approached the window, mall battery: and if sithsc door or window ' is tvnpered with a bri. immediately rings at the head of your bed.' 1 " And the balled burglar make* otf, ;o try his hand tomewnera else, eh*" said both of which he rem ,ve-i Buntle. 1 should Ilk* to catch and punish . t( , mak , hi , entrance. Then he thought th* rascal." | that he migl.t as well take his nadeicnat t:u.' ve*ta. and saw to hi* deiignt that the " sm'u ' of th* window had not been turned urer the lower sash. H* wa* wear- ing a tail hat, and a natty blue over in tiis attempt Lord Rosebery and Italjr. Italy ha* not only th* other two powers of t e Triple Alliance to depend upon. Sne has a strong ally m England, for E. interests in ths Mediterranean sea an "Precisely, my deir (ir : and that is or!. *no mg that th* back 'kitchen window identical wuh n*r own. The fr;*nd*hip where our Detector comes in. Hen is th* ! sill wa* not aiway* fre* 'rom dirt. The ; '-otween Italy aad Gnat Britain is likely to apparatus, W indow or door can b* oart'.y hat and two coaU were deposited where j become mon apparent in future, a* the re- ooened. just enough to admit of the depn- they could easily be reeched from the in- tinment of Gladstone and the appointment dator putting hi* head and shoulden sile, the sash of ths win-low was cautious \ of Lord Rossbery will influence very gn.:- through : but at that point this weight*) , ly and noi*eie*ly raised, and Buntl* care- >}' -< re ations between the two countries. kept wet, so that th* brick* still intensely heated, an enveloped in steam. This pro- cess c*ass4 a remarkai/e change in th* character ?f th* brick. From red they turn gray in color, and at the same time they acquin a remarkable days* ot teaghaee* aad hardnee* aad rests: th* effect of weatner much bettor than do the bnckt ot E-irope and America. Necessity, a* usnal. was th* mother of invention in this ease, for the climate in which tae** in- genious Mongol( lire is (object to great extremes o: temperature whtch bar* a disastrous effect apon brick mad* oy in* ordinary process. bar deV-end* with soire lo -co, and at th* same moment this little cistern, containing a patent 'stickphast' preparation of our wu. i* emptied, covering tho head of the intruder with a liquid something like bird- lime, which Amporarilv blind* him. and thoroughly prevent* him from making hu e.i--po. The Dectector is easily placed in position : and will only work after the ad- justing link* have been connected, which is done the last thing at uight.'' After sowie consultation, aad a thorough shoulders, nth fully inserted his heal and preparatory to following them rest of his body, and it that precis* moment that the Detector begin to work. Something swung round and -aught poor Buulle a stinging blow at the back of the neck : while at the same n: -ment an avalanche of (tickphast decend- ed on his head aad lace, confusing and a! blinding him. And a second later he eiied from behind bv an "active and mteilu-ent'' member of the police force. warn MS.'St- inspection of the article* di(t<lared. Buntl* whose attention ha.1 boon drawn by the arranged to have the alarms tiled at all the > (inking of that un'ucky match, ami who, doors snd windows of Myrtle Cottage, whil* the IHtector* were to be adjusted at those which presented easy access to any prowler of the burgling community. "And when can you a\ them up*' asked Runtle, who bad insisted on a heavy dis- count for cash, and had given a check on account of hi( purchase*. "WaJl, we're rery busy just now, s:r," said th* obsequious manager. "Our mn an fitting up alarms at Brag Castle, th* seeing a partly dressed individual creeping cautiously through the window, naturally juf.ped to the conclusion that it was a.i in teiesting burglar, caught in the very act of burgling. Gladstone was, indeet, always a th the j 'rteo 1 of Itdy, in ), in the nfties. he i M it i (< i tratiriaiiy in bringing about her unity. But the one-ddodaoss with which the " Grsnd Old Man" bo*ied himseif with his Home Rule projects during ths lat* year* d:d not leave him time to pay proper atten- tion to the weighty interests which are identical to both countries. Lord Rose- bery has, even before he was called to th* Premierahip, understood fully how valuable the frivnd'nip of Italy is to British interests and h woui i hare used his influence as Foreign Secretary to cetnent that friendship had untoward event* made it necessary. England cannot arford to see the equilibrium of th* power* in the Mediterranean dee* troyed, and Italy's position as oae of the great powers depends upon this urn. It took about four pound* of soda and <>oft soap to remov* the "Stickphast" from Buntle'* hair. wi*kers, and beard : and !t was a wsek before he got over th* effects of the Mow from tne Uetecior, and could Duke of R'( ; and we'n executing orders ,-more his head and neck with anything like at half a do/*n smaller place* ; but I'll trv and get '.he job done one day next week." " It von't take long *" inquired Buntl*, who wa* determined nut to have workmen hanging round the place longer than was neceeeary. " Oh, dear, no, sir. You see, our pricee include the fixing and fitting ii[. I'll send down half a dozen men arly in the morn- ing, an-i the whole thing will be don* by tea- time. Good -day. sir." Buntle, having p d a risit to his club, and enjoyed a " cr >:k" with several old comrort. But he is now himself again, and both he and his wife sleep peacefully, regardless of burglars and all depredators of that ilk. . "Let' em come if they like," says Bunile, with a chuckle, "1 wish they would they'll get agood doal more than they bar- gain for, I can tell you." Whether hi%own adventure reached the ear* of the burgling fraternity I cannot ssy: bat I do know that no (eoond attempt ha* *v*r been made to eater surreptitiously into the sac re t precinct* of Myrtle Cotlag*. . What He Cot It For. In a case tried recently at th* petty eecioiu. a very bullying counse'. wa* c >m- pletely put out in hu cross-examination by a very simplo answer. A countryman wao wa* a witness was asked: - > you had a pistol * ' "I had. sir." "Who did you intend to shoot witn " i wasn't intending to shoot no one. * Then was it for nc thing that you got in !* " Xo, it wasn't." "Come, come, sir. on the virtue of your solemn oath what did you get that pistol 1 1 the virtu* of say soie.-nn oath 1 got it for three and fovtpeac* at th* pawn hop down th* Iso*."

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