WHAT UNCLE SAM IS AT, ITEMS OF INTEREST ABOUT BUSY YANKEE. THE *rlihl>*rlr liHirr-t 'a HI- lloliig tlaltrrt f l.io- .11 ..ml Mint. ). illi'reil I r-mi I. Daily B>crd. Uncle 3am boast* 10 activ* volcanoes. New orkha*four Chinese "temples." There are .V>00,000, bachelors in the United States over 30. Organization of labor has raised wages $T>00,000 a year in Boston. Silver bars are being sent from the United Staves to Mexico for coinage. A gigantic ioe combine has been formed of all New Xork and Brooklyn ice compan- ies. There is a band of Cherokee Indians i i North Carolina who still use bows and arrows. There are eight edible and twelve poison- ous varieties of mushrooms in the United State*. The New York Central east bound freight track will be relaid with 70 pound steel rails thi* year. There is at pnsent a colored prisoner in the Alabama mines who *p-*k 12 diiieren languages. American locomotive buiMer* turned ou 1.95M locomotives last year, a decrease ov previous years. Mrs. Culbertson, tbe librarian of the New Orleans Ktale Library, has held the posi tion for eighteen years. Xella Nicolaus, who tried to get Ceo Gould to pay her S4O,' "', propose*, it said, to take to the stage. African ostriches are the ones from whicl most of tbe ostrich feathers m uie in thu ountry ore derived. Daring the last year the postmasters ths United State* handled nearly 4,000, 000,000 (tamped piece* of paper. A general shut off of si 1 vur mines is f caret in Colorado, owing tu the continued decline in the market price. Chicago pickpockets took 1300 in cash and I-'J.OJO in securities from a Wabair avenue car passenger the other day. Chief Arthur, of the Brotherhood of Loco motive Kngiueers, is the owuer of real estate in Cleveland valued a: about JS5.000. The average weight of twe ity thousand mer and women weighed at Boston was men 141 J pounds, wo-nen liilj pounds. The oldest newspaper in A nerioa is the Newport (II. 1.) Mercury. It was estab lishsa by Banjamin Franklin in the year 175*. A burning mountain is visible near Con- cord, Ky. It is supposed to be /el with oi that oozes from a crevice in the mountain. Twenty-three Pittsburg firms mtnufac ture flint and lime glass. The annual pro duclion exceeds J4,<MMJ pieces ot tableware alone. Only one-third ol the bodies cremated by a Now York company last year were natives of America. Half of the number were (Jerm ans. In Omaha a man named De France wa sent to the Sioux Fall* Penitentiary u serve a life sentence for robbing a nai carrier of one cent. A rabbit was recently Killed near .leffer SOD City which had the for-n and features of a rabbit, but was apparently wearing the skin of a Maltese cat. Two thousand tubs of creamery butter were recently flapped from a point beloi Ogdensburg to the Itoston, New York an< Philadelphia markets. A Massachusetts town treasurer h as re signsd alter serving for twelve year*, and has left in the treasury 1*10,000 that hi cannot account fur. People in thu Maine bickwools are said to regard the planet Jupiter as a mammoth incandescent lamp sent up into the heavens as an advertisement. The wheat crop of the 1). S. in I vi: was I'J per cent less than the average crop for ten years past or in money value a lois o |I50,<*>I,'JO was sustained. Undsrtaksrs in New York and Brooklyn, following tl e example of their brethren, in Philadelphia, have started a movement againul Sunday funerals. The Lehigh Valley has male thn wai-x* ol the hrakemnn on freight and coal train* f I. 7() a >Uy, which in in many ca*e* an in- create of rivoosnts a day. William Kiinn, ot l..i Porte, hid., had s corn on one of his big toe*. He tried a combination of Carbolic acid an I Christian i with fatal result*. Charles I', .lohnioii, of Tp*ka, tiled suit in the District Court againit Dr. Leslie K. Keeley for f lOO.lHIN for mined health as the result of taking the g .!! cure. The widow of the late Senator Stanford, of San Francisco has been granted an allow ance of JIO.IHIO per month, pending a settle msnt of her late husband'* nstat*. The "Poor Men's Party, "I* n new politi- cal organization at Shelbyville, III. It wil upport no man for a local offic* whoie pos session* amount to more than f I..MMI. The killing of any bison, buffalo, <|uail or Chinese pheasant i* forbidden by law In Montana lor ten year*, and the killing ol any moose, elk, otter or beaver for ux. Andrew Carnegie will have to give Pitts- burg IIJ.'i, l'i'1,7- to make good hi* prom to duplicate every duller ra,- 1 from other ouroe* during January and Kshruary. Miss Maria Outhwaite, of I> Pore, \\ is., has passed an examination a* an expert drummer before the jury appointed by Theodore) Thomas. She is only eight years old. Washington has salmon fisheries worth tl.Mm.mn a year, and catches |M,(KHI fur seals. It exports S,IKHI,(HI worth ot lum lr and coal and raises |.\IXI i.lXKi bushels of wheat. The hottest place in the United States, a 'ordinal o ths Is'i.'l meteorological reports, is IU.'d*d, An/.., where the mercury often stands a* high u 140 In the shade for a week al a time. Ky a remarkable pleoe of engineering nearly I..VHI acres of salt meadowi al llridgeport. Conn, have been ditched, diked ivganiM ihe tide, and rapidly being got into upland grass. A soiled linen collar converted Into a postal card, containing an address and tamp on ons side aid a letter written on th* other, lately passed through the post- i flioe al Worcester, Mass. A family in Mitchell coun'y. North '' >- oliua, consists of seven hrothi-r* and 'ive m'ers all of wt.nm ar over six feet i :iui.'ir.. One of the brothers is Mid lu be seven feet nine inches tall. A New York life *Aver, after a series 01 observations extending over a period of 'J'i years, says that the superstition that a drowning person rise* to the surface three times is entirely unfounde I. As the jknitor was ringing the bell for school at Fountain, Ind., the clapper in the bell became detached anil fell to liie ground, a distance of torty feet, and struck a small hoy on the hoad and killed him. \Vheu s> touer is arrested in Uangor, Me., he is usually conveyed in a paTol wagon. Should he be punished with a fine, filly cents is added to the tine to pay for his ride in the patrol wagon. 1'iosto-i isn't going to be behind hand in erectini; a memorial to < ileditone. A similar movement has been started in New York, aid it has the support of everybody, irrc spective of race, religion or iiauouility. The negro population in the United States is 7,">CO,ii'jO, or a^out one-ninth of the whole. They furnish more than one thirii of the prisoners, acd more than one-thin! of all imprisoned manslayers in the United Stales. IN A WARM CORNER. I |. l "Jl deal r ihi- Ind ln> Mr. Forbes-Mitchell, author of "Remiii- licences of the Great Mutiny, "found himself wit'nout an overcoat after one of the battles at L'icknow, and being unable to sleep for the ao'.d, got up in the night, went into a room of the Shah Nujeef, where his regiment was encamped, took a lighted lamp from its shelf, and shading it with his hand, walked to the door of the great domed tomb, or moeque, I oping to find a coat which some sepoy in his hurried de- parture had left behind him. He peered inside, and then, holding the lamp high over his head, walked in till he was near the centre of the vault. Here he felt his progress obstructed by a black heap four or five feet high, which felt to his feet a* if he were walking in loose sand. He lowered the lamp, and saw in- stantly that he was up to his ankle* in loose gunpowder ! About forty hundred weight of it lay in a heap beioie hi* nose, while a glance te the left showed or thirty barrels also full of twenty powder, ar d another glance to the left revealed more than a hundred eight inch shells, all load- ed with the fuses tixed, and par fuses, slow matches and port tires lying in profusion beside the shell*. " I took in my danger at a glance," he writes. "Mere I was up to my knees in gun- powder, in the very bowels of a maga/me, with a naked light ' My hair literally stood on an en I. I felt the skin ol my head lifting my bonnet otf my icalp. My knees knocked together, and despite the chilly night air, a cold perspiration burst out all over me and ran down my face and my leg*. "I had neither cloth nor handkerchief in my picket, and there was not a moment to be lost. Already the overhanging wick ol ill* Indian lamp wa* threatening to shed its smoldering red tip into the maga/me at my ' e " Quick as thought I put my left hand under the do vmlrupping flame, ami < Uipcd it with a grasp of doterminat ion. Molding il firmly 1 turned slowly to the door, and walked out with my knees knocking one against the other. "I tc!' not the slightest pain from grasp- ing thi burning wick till I was in 1 1 ). n air ; but. when I opened my ban I I felt the smart acutely enough. I poured the oil out of the lamp into the Imrnt hand, mid kneel- ing down, thanked Hod for having saved myself ami all the men lying around me from destruction. "Then I got up, nnd itiggering rather than walking to the place where Ctptain Dawion was sleeping, and shaking him awake, told him of my discovery and the frignt I had got. ' Hah, Corporal Mitchell !' was all his answer. ' You have woke up out of your sleep, and have got frightened at a shadow,' for my heart was still thumping against my rih, and my voice was trembling," The upshot of the matter was that on seeing the corporal's burnt hand and the powder nearly half an inch thick sticking 10 his feet aid damp gaiters, the captain was almost as badly scared as Mitchell him- self. Ths sleeping men were aroused, the fire was put out aaeipediliously as possible and a sentry was poetsd at the door of the mosque to prevent any one from entering. As may he supposed, Corporal Mitchell found it hard to get to sleep, and he gives truly horrible picture of what passed around him. The frightful scene* through which the men had recently passed had produced a terrible effect upon their nervous systems, " One man,'' says he, " would commsnce muttering something inaudible, and then break into a fierce bsttle-cry of 'Cawnpore, you bloody murderer '' Another would shout, 'Charge ! (live them the bayonet !' And a third, ' K eep together, boys, don't Are ! Forward ' If ve are to I'.ie, let us die like men !' Then I would hear one mutter- ing, ' O mother, forgive me, and I'll never leave you again I' while hi* comrade would ialf-ri** up, wave his hand, ami call. There they are I Fire low, give them the iiayonet I Remember Cawnpore '' " Kight years ago the body of Solomon vripiis was buried in Taylor's cemetery, near Bowmanvill*, IV It ha* been discover- d that ths body ha* turned into stone. The lair and beard are crisp like thread* ol APPALLING DEVASTATION, TWENTY-ONE LIVES LOST PUEBLO, COL. AT vTMe*prrad Iftrtlnrilou li, la..<l Kml! r..:i'l .ml IVUgrapU < '. MI ro un I. ul l..n hl IT Hjuiln-il. ll..iiif I... <ilrrtf Klx'Ueil With MH>m f Hud. A Pueblo, Col., despatch says : Iht cloud hunt which on Thursday night lent a vast torrent of water down the va'.l-y aud into Ihi* city caused many death* and rendered widespread destruction. The work of rescue had just begun when a re- currence of the flo id cautd a luipenaion of the work, and it is feared that many bodies which were waibed away and under debrii will never be recovered. The lilt of the ds.td and muting ccmpilej shortly bfore midnight comprises 21. The catas- trophe has utterly prostrated the citizens and paralyzed business. The property loaf will be about $600,001). To-night both the Arkansas and Fountain Rivera are rising rapidly. Seventy-fire feot east approach to the Fourth street viaduct caved in short, ly after midnight. The west bank of th,. Arkansas at this point is being rapidly eaten away by tbe angry waters. AN APPAI MM: HCBSK. It was 9 o'clock this morning before the flood subsided. Shortly after that hour the sun came out bright and as the weary night- watchers cam* fortii from their damp pri- sons the scene which greeted them was A NEW BRUNSWICK STORY, I Like aJViiracle THE REMARKABLE EXPERIENCE OF Consumption LOW Condition A HUSBAND AND WIFE. The * *sTllnK I r..iii .rarr..l tlrhllllr ami llir ilitur ru.u the Allrr in..l- f Itftkuit t>er Mere .r...iu:il ' t i.rln Wi-nUrr li'-B I ur- I aim- Rolk BOW Rrtiorrd i<> tvrrrrf Health. From the Newcastle, N. B-. Union Advocate. Quite recently there came to the know- ledge of the proprietor of the Union Advo- cate, two cases of residents of Newcastle having been greatly benefited by the qse it Dr. Williams' Pink i'llls, and these were thought to be of sufficient interest to war- rant their being published in the interests of humanity, if the parties interested had no objection to the lacls being published. Consequently a reporter of this paper called upon the parties and obtained from them cheerfully all tbe particulars. Mr. and Mrs. Hamrmll removed from Fort Fair- Held, Maine, to Newcastle, N. B., about fourteen months ago. For two years pre- vious Mrs. Hammill had been in a very poor state of health and was steadily gi"W- ing weaker and running down, until she was unable to do the necessary work bout the house, and the little niie did used her up completely. Pains in the back and limbs, weakness, dizziness and other disagreeable symptoms troubled her. For some time she was under treatment of several doctors at Fort Fairfield, anil also sin ? she movert here. Hut they ejected no improvement to her run down cystem and Wonderful Result* From Taking Hood's Sarsaparilla. Hannah Wyatt Toronto, om. " Fnor yean ago while in the old country , England \ my daughter Hannah wa. sent away 'ruin the hospital. In a very low condition vrtth consumption of the lungs and bowel*, and veak action of the heart. Tbe trip across the rater to this country seemed to make her (eel better for a while. Then she began to get worse, aadtsr 14 week* the was unable M icel off th<* l>ed. Shi- grew won* for flv(- nontenant! ton the use of her limb* ami lower part of body, and if she sat up In bed bad u be propped up with pillows. I'hyaiclans by the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills she decided last July to try them and see if she appalling. Oa every hand wa* rum and I cou id be benefited thereby. She purchas- the property loss 1* enormous. The carcas- ' ed some from Mr. H. H. .Johns tone, druggist. Said She Was Past All Help he was gradually growing worse and had | '"' ' JSi -- - ead aunU up she should not go. We then HoodVP-Cures es of horses and other animals were floating around in the whirling water, and the current in many places could not be stem- med on account of drifting derbis. Cellars aud the first floors of business houses wora covered with from IS inches to three feet of slimy mud, aud this had about completed the ruin of many stocks which might have escaped with only the soaking of last night. The mud was carried out into the streets, and the piles which rose in front of every tor* soon dammed the water still running through the street, and it backed up into many store*, giving them a second though much les* thorough Hooding. The streets are yet impassable. Streetcars weie found all over town. Trees were uprooted and and commenced to take them and ha. since ! to " n " Ho *'* Sarsaparilla, She ti letting continued to take them with, to her, wonder ful results. She had taken but a few boxes when a giadual improvement seemed to be taking place' The pains in her back and limbs left her as did the other unpleasant strong, walks around. I* nut doors every day; has no trouble with her throat and no cough, and her heart wem* to be nil right again She has a first ohx* appetite . Wr regard her cure iw Hotline <linr' "f a mlriPle." W. WYATT. H Marion Btrert. r&rktlale. Toronto. Ontario. the tirednee* and exhaustion of her former state. At her recommendation her husband also began the use of Pink Pills. About a year liefore coming to Newcastle he had suffered from an attack of typhoid lever, from the effects of which he did not recover his former health. His blood seemed to be thin ! and watery, and he was weak and easily I worn out. Through all this he kept steadily at work, although he says that when night HOOd's Pill* perfectly BAnult s* r* purely vegetable and Sold by all druggists. So. fence* swept away. About . 'MX/house* were i came he was thoroughly wearied and d lorn from their foundation* and many float- ' pressed, not knowing how to obtain relief, ed out of town. Only a few unfortunate* i When his wife began to feel me beneficial ere able to save any of their household j etiect* of Pink Pills she urged him to try them and he did so. After taking three boxes he began \o feel a wonderful change. The tired teeiing left him and he had a Mere able to eave any ol their housel effects. Most of the dwelling* are only one story and were either entirely submerged or carried olf their foundation by the cur- rent. In this city and for three miles up and down the banks of the Arkansas River the water was from .'( to 15 feet deep. 'Itll.R.i UH M MIR SKVEKBLY. The Missouri Pacific Company estimates it* loss at $10,000. Six hundred feut of double track is washed out near here. 'I he Santa Fe had about .'> feet of track washed out and Uie damage, togtther with the los* f a bridge, will reach $::." ,'HIO. While the THE FRASER RIVER FLOOD. Tke Water Mill sUilajE-Vrral n*i x <- al WrisBlBler >n.l VtrlBllr. A Vancouver, ti. C., despatch says : The Fraser river is itill rising, and the in- dications are that the flood will be even more disastrous than the great flood of IHM5. The river has already risen within eight inches ot the high wtter mark of thatgree>t inundation. Though the whole valley u un- der water, the Fra*er havmi spread out in- tc a vast lake, the tide i* crawling up at the better appetite and enjoyed hi* food with a i rel,.h hTad not had before. H. c,-nt,n,,e,t ! "" ' M Inch ""* thr ~ houri - At tak-ngthe Pills foi some time and is to- e*tmmst^r the river wharves are sub- day fully restored to bis old-time health merged. Many cabins along the water front and stre'ngih. Mr. Hammill was very will- have floated oil on the tide, and many poor ing to tell of the benefit* lioth he and his I ... , wife had derived from the u*. of Dr. Will j f4mlll h " e '"' " th<lr *ln*>- lams' Pink Pills, with the hope that their I l>ol : furtner up the river report that the experience might lead others to test the danger increases. , ... . , At Nicomen island 44 benefits to be derived from thi* wonderful , n ' n ' rm re entirely under water. Though remedy. I much live stock has perished, but eight I >enver and Kiodranie does not sutler any ! The gratifying results following the use human lives are known to have b.en lo*t. severe lose, in the city the damage by wash- of Pink Pills in the cast ol Mr*. Hammill I N further ftta.r.ies were reported yester. outs bet ween here and Colorado Springs and prove their unequalled powers as a Mood ! J*y- ,.**'*, *._ w *^ k yesterday since the Canon City will amount to over S'J.'i.OOO. ' tmilder and nervv tonic. There are many throughout the land suffering in silence a* dii Mrs. Hammill. who can reu lily tin. i re- lief in a couise of Dr. Williams' Pink Pill*. They are a specific for the troubles peculiar to women, such as irregularities and all forms of weakness. They build up the The Santa Fe succeeded in putting a train through from Denver last night. M0l;r RAIN. Late this afternoon the rain again began coining down in sheets, the precipitation being heavier than that which precede, 1 last night's cloud bursts. Report* came in from Florence and Canon ('ity about 7 o'clock to the effect that the raiuitorm there is terrific. The water in the Arkansas began to rise at once and in one hour the gauge recorded a rise of one foot. Krom Wigwam, fifteen mile* north on the Fount- ain Kiver, come* the new* of a cloud burst there about 7 o'clock. The ktream, which i* usually only from three to live inches deep and about 10 feet wide at that point, is now swollen into a rushing tor ren t over a quarter of a mil* wide. Canadian Pacific hat bad a train through to the coast. Anuaci* Uland, two miles above New Westminster, is totally submerge,;. Many fine farms formerly dotted the island. The rancher* were rescued by steamboats, but : all their stock has gone down the river. blood, restore the glow of health to pale , All the river steamer* have been commit- aud sallow cheeks driving out pains in the sioned by the (Government to service in back and limbs, wenkue*s and other die- , securing the imperilled persons. In the agreeable symptom* which make life a bur- i vicinity of Ruby the greatest danger is den. They also cure such diseases as rheu- ' apparent, and several steamers have been malism, neuralgia, partial paralysis, loco- despatched to the district. Tbe marks of Do Unto Others, &c. This expression is the very touch stone of moral experiment and will do more to regulate our views with regard to other* than any amount of speculation. It par- ti -ularly applir* tn the relation of producer and consumer. To let th imagination often call upon those who ure to mail them- elve* of our work, to endeavor to realise their need* and desires and decide whether they will be served or disappointed by it will often materially change our own ideas of it* value. If we sum*tinies ask ourselves : Were I to l;v > in thi house I am building, or to eat th I food I am preparing, or wear the cloth I sm manufacturing, how should I wish to lis i it done ? " Such an interro- gatory on ur part would, or at least ought, to have an immediate effect -ipon our opinion* with regard to the nature of the work on which we are engaged, how far our obligation* and responsibilities extend in his direction and how far our personal effort may help to make or mar the end in view. Indeed, the luooess of many an enterprise depends mainly upon th* insight which detects that which is agreeable or otherwise to the public, what are the helps and conveniences which people ordinarily desire, a.id what t he trouble and inoonven- inoe they wish to avoid. From this con- dition it logically follows that one who shuts his eyes to these considerations, who lookt at everything from his own standpoint alone and never stope to consider how they may affect the community generally, will never put his labor to the best possible use. In a word the man who forget* that he I* only a component purl of the great social liody and that all In* ends and aims should be directed to the promotion of the general good, should consider himself as born in vain. Colonel Ingrreoll WM riding uptown on a New York elevated when a gentleman illing opposite recognized him and whitper- ed to his friend " There's Bob Inger soil." The whisper was loud enough to b* overheard by a saintly-looking old lady in the adjoining *eat. She rose immediately, ca*t a frightened look at the Colon*!, and mad* a bi*ak for th* neit car motor ataxia. St. Vans' dance, uervout. headache, nervous prostration, the after effect* of la grippe, influenza, and severe cold*, diseasee depending on humor* in th* blood, such as scrofula, chronic erysipelas. etc.' and in all cases anting from mental worry, over-work or excesses of any nature. Dr. \\iiliam*' Pink Pills are sold only in boxts beating the firm's trade mark. They are never sold in bulk, or by the, do/on or hundred, and any dealer who offers substitutes in thi* form is trying to ilefraud you and should r><- avoided. The public are also cautioned against all other su-oalled blood builders and nerve tonics, put up in *imilar form intended to deceive. Ask your dealer for Dr. Williams' Pink Pill* for Pale People and refuse all imita- tion* and *ub*tilute*. These pill* are manufactuied by the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co. P.rockville, Onu, aud Schenectudy, N. V., and may be had of all druggists or direct by mail from Dr. William*' Medicine Co. from either ad- dress, al .VI cent* a box, or six boxe* for $_' .V). The price at which these pills are sold makes a course of treatment compara- tively inexpensive as compared with other remedies or medical treatment. the Iss-J flood have already been passed at many point*. SEVERAL TESTS. Of dignity ; never to forget yourself. Of unselfishness ; never to remember yourself. Of a clerk ; not what he earns, but what he spends. Of the inillionaire ; not what he spends, but what he earns. Of uuhappiness ; th* habit of forgetting actual happiness. > >f happinee* ; th* art of forgetting actual unhappmeu. Of a good comrade ; how much you enjoy talking to him. Of beauty ; not that it i* perfect, but that it always attracts. Of virtue ; not what It does not do, but what it doee not want to do. Of purity ; not what it has not seen, but what it has not touched. Of charm : not how deeply you feel it, bus how keeuly you remember it. Cf a student ; not bow much he know*, hut how much he want* to know. Of realist ; not that he never depicts ideally, but that h* never depicts falsely. Of a fine man ; not th* harm that he doee not do, but the good that he doe* do. Of fascination ; not how keenly you re- member it, but how much else you forget. He Was Not Surprised. A good story is told of the late Professor Owen. A wag thinking to have some tup with the scientist, sent him a lock of hair cut from a pet donkey, accompanied by a note itating that ne had clipped it from hi* own head, and inquiring it it was not , very unusual thing to rind hair of that kind growing on the human skull. A short time after an answer came from the professor, and rau something like the following : " Sir, 1 have never hoard of hair like that you have submitted to me being found on the human skull; however, I am not at all surprised at your statement that it can e from your own head for it is ass's ha.T. "Twas Alsily Done. A priest in an Irish rural parish was preaching one Sunday on the miracle of the feasting th five thousand people on five barley loaves and two fishes, and inadvert- ently reversed the order, and ttated that five people were fed with five thousand barley loaves. Being of a preoccupied and absent manner, he was not aware of his slip until it was pointed out to him after- wards, although h* heard one ol the con- gregation mutter. ' 1 wa* aisily done." The next Sunday, to mend matters, he chose the same subject, treating it this lime correctly. At the end he turned to the mutterer of the previous occasion nd said : " Now, Pat, was that aisily don* ! * " 'Twas so, yer rivereace, wid the lavm'i from lait Sunday !) He Forgot Himself. . A farmer, who was known to be a tight- fisted and parsimonious man wsnt to hi* landlord to pay his rent. Putting on a long face to correspond with the times, on filter- ing the house, he said the times had been so hard he couldn't raise the money at ll,and dashing out a bundle of banknotes on the table. 'There," said he, "that's all 1 can pay I" The money was taken and counted by Mr. , the landlord, wno said : "Why, this is twice as much a* you owe me." "Hang'ee, give It to me again '" said the farmer, "I'm dashed if I am t took it oat ol the wrong pocket '"