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Flesherton Advance, 7 Jun 1894, p. 5

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TH1 FLSSHERTOH KAMTCING OFFICE OF GEO. MITCHELL, s (>rl * ii ( 'intaM fa,<:ted Drm ' lsaa*.iaivleh .| c*h~i- umal rate* Knejr ala; ava.lable tar tais>*i< buia Bb.rp.rlM. Olmec two do*n north ct RfcaardMNs * On Vicinity Chips. Cfcarnetorfcitlrs of t he tat Week c*rrUj wU*d for tke trU 6* .-A.iry*cf at Ou rate ../ /<c jer lute fur arJi uuerriim. J rtdvrtum trifJ b< mod* on amfrar** fur l<*> lute* er eeer. W.ol wanted cash or trade T.Hilt. There wa* uo preaching in the Metho- dist church on Sunday. Macwherrel hat been respited until af- Ur Walker'* trial in the fall Mr. Runaudtler will ih.pacar 1< ad of egg* this wwk to Vancouver, B. C. Another shipment of creamery oaii- |ut arrived at Richardson'*. ~Mias Amelia Hill, of Mark-dale, WM visiting friends in Flesherton this week. Mr. Will Bell, .4 Hrll's Uke, w the guest uf Mr. Strain, fur a few dty*. Two young thoroughbred Deron bull* ft* sale!- R. Oliver, lYiceville P. U. LOST On red yearling heifer. toW. Baruhousu, KUsI.erton. RichariUon has received a case of Hewtou's celebrated buf.igr tp dress- ing. We an obliged to h >U over a large miiunt of corresimndeuce aud other mat ter uutil next week. WANTED -At once, two boy* to work in shingle mi'). wae and steady job. Apply at Legate'* mill*. t T For Csbb*i:e, Tomatoes, l'ali- fliiwer, and Cillery pUnU go 10 W. Bam- hoase. Preparatory service* will be Held in the Presbyterian cJiorch on Friday and sacra. - meut on Sunday ueit. Mr*. Lapp i-.nd MUM Whitu, of Red \\ in.-, visited at Mr. VV. Barohouses on Saturday and Sunday. At the Orange district meeting held at Kunenia OB Tuesday, it WM decided tu celebrate thw 12th tint year at Eugenia. The Buevnia Meth.Vi*t Suuday School intend having a grand picnic near the Vails on tke afternoon of Douiianu IK\ Mr. Jan. Hemphill, f the Station, by the glancing of an me, received a cut in (he W about four inches louq n Thurs- day last. Flmhertnn woollen factory will Wvjin tin- se**on' vroik this week. Mewtni. >u!in <k Herman make their announce- Mnt elsewhere in thin isnue. W are compelled this week to hld over our " \\oniwi ' Sphere " column. The " ghost " takes its place thm week, ruit we |ir>>iin*t* Utat next week it will ci'ii'aitt *>niethiug very entertaining to all. Rer Dr. Wwlbi, ,.f PMK.kshieUU, OU* y.iw, WM the (rnet of his oouin. K--v .l.ii.n Well*. of Kteshertoii. for a diy last week while on bin way u> British Ooliini- >>ia. The rer. gentlemen had nut invt for thirty five year*. Health and Happiness ar relative con- dition* ; at any rate, therv rnn h* little li.t| IHIIKS.S without henltli. To Rive rJSe N.ily iti full tneiwnre of strengh and eu- rxy. i !>e UIMM! thould U- kept pure ai.ri vtxonxa*, by tho ue of Ayer't S*rav MM - ilia. Mr. Oeo. J. Citrter, of the firm of Carter A North ure, Ah<> merchaiirx. IX-eerunto, Out., uul wm m-law of Mr. Je*f|>h Wat* !!. uf Arlc niewia, hiu been vUitiii): friend* in that Ticinity the |m*t f'r.Vlys, prior to taking a tour of north rn Ontario. >I.t oiugha way be cured in a fow l< -uni or at any rate iu a fw day* by ui <. of A _MT'S Cherry Poctoml. With euch n pn>m|>t and Mire reniery at thi- nt rutnd, f.ero i* no need of |>rliiKing the aC"".v f ( ' r week* and month*. Kuep tlr. remedy in your house. The Owen Sound AM vUtion of Bap- tist chun-hea. inclutli'iK Bruce and flrey ctAintie*. will be held in Kleehertou noxt wwti, U^iiung on Tueliy. Th prin- . i]il iU\, ht>we*V, wilt be Thursday niwl Fiiday. It is eipected that larxe number of ministers will b preeent. Markdale Citisena Band pid Flenher ton a fraternal viait on Thunday l.%t, Hid were ac<>mpaiiiel by a large number . { MarkdaU eitisena, half a iloxen of them mi bicycle*. A very pleuaant evening wa* l<nt. Uarkdale hat a. t.M-od bano, and the large number uf piece* played on the auu*r waa highly appreciated by the Flmliertun pauple. Come again, neDtl- roen. A few week* ago Mjat Anni* White teft her home on the tl O. R. . to VKU oni* tri4ii>U ii"r Markdale. l.n.lo did ahe think, on leaving, that the w >uM iMiveraM her knie ayain. Upn her ar- rival at the residence of her frionda. Mia* White WM taken III Medicl aid WM \t .uinwooed, bat h* gnHiUally became wi>r*e until she breathed her la*t nn Hat- urday June 2nd. The funeral tuok place >n Mund*y la*t tu the Pncotrille Ccuier- ery aad wu ianrety attended. The U*- family have the *yiupathy <t U<e uuaity. While the Ftrotttrtoa baud with their sweet atraiu* <-f music were, euhveuing the heart i of that atatiitt p*M>pte, lt V\dnwJav nigar, k was not kavwn ihat a bride ai.d xruom had alighted frnnt the train ai.d were wending their way towards the houau on the hill <(>;<( lira Motion. ii i f.ut neverthelrm. fM- Guuiwr Spicer, of (be Royal Oanadiaa Artillery, had, <>n that day, taken unto lnin-li . wife fruin auoni( the fair maiden* of Melanctlma. ^uJ ouue tu bid faiewell to hm brother prevtou* to his departure fr duty with bi battery at Quebec. Had their arrivkl been known at lb time. probably the rioya would aaw greeted tlie happy ouuple with a rddina; march, and very probably " the boufci xitjer Imy" would have retaliated to the; twu of a V. for the beneat of the buys, bt unfor- tunately their coining was quite unux- |>ec'eJ, conseqtifUtly the go- J folk* of the station unseed a bri<lal *er nade, and none would have enjoyed it ni- rw than the J"lly gr'N>m and your corrvapondent . The happy pair left on the 5 p. ui. train the following day, the groom to re*uin>- bin duties in the citadel at Qwehec ; the bfie t *hari with linn ihe ricntitu !> uf a soldier s life. We trust that the cal- ainitie* of war may mer mar their future sus and may he never hav ooca*- in to tire shot or shell, except at Ureet practice, but hoid<l the hravc defei-d>r >f our aoil be clle>i to f <cr tlieJ . ljur ner Spicer will be found in ria |4ce at hi* gun, ready t<i apoiiue, luad.ram hsj*. run up, traverse, elev;tte, prune and lire iu defence of hu i.ative land. COM. Patron Picnic. The weather for the past th re 3 week* waa not manafactured (or picnic wivlier >-r out of d'>r meetini^ of .my kind However, "Star",N" 1569, P...f 1.. decided U> picuw on Thursday laat in a beautiful throve be.^u.ti ^ t-. (.'unciHor George Thompson. Snd K. T. V S. R . Artemesia. IUM! Hhfii that realutn>ii WIM furwed no aspect of the weather could de- ter them from doiiiK it. Tde sky waa cloudy, the air very (.hilling, and rain came down in aumcietit i|Uantity tw intke thing* damp and diaagrteabie. still about 2W people, y.-uiii: and old, xtlieTcd to- gether and appnreiitly enjoyed thrin^elvcH thorouylily. But then, wlien younx i^>- pie 'get t.^utkcr they always do enjoy thru*elvem rain, shine or HIMW. Exten- stve table* had been erecud in the <" e, and tkrsw wer laden with * wealth of cake and pie aud aaudnich in ?reat variety and of a auperb quality. The ladiea of thai dmtrict know li>w tu cook and put their knowledge to excellent use on t!ns ocean i 'ii, and their productloaii werv >n thu.ii4vtic.illy Patrxiiiuwd by all. Mr iHmey was pietent and addreaseti the as- cembly for about an hour on the burning topic* of tlie day. The amniieim BtH were ^wlngsalld dancing. TheKatheruig broke up about 7 p ni. Several otUer pi.-uio were ann<>unce<l in the turroundmg town- slupt but the lamy wcAthur ha* pu what of a daruprr on them. A Boon t* Hor^rmrii. On 6)ttl* of Knglrali Spavii Liunneiit c<>ini>'eii-ly removed a curb fros* my hone. I take pI.M.Mir>- in recouMttetidin;: the remedy, as it aci.H wiili u>y<<tTiiio,N pioiupturt.* in the rvmovnl fnun luirnu* of hard, aoft or oal- lou.He.1 lump*, hlood -|>.n in, splint*, curb*. nweeny, stillun and pi mi.-. (jKoKtiB KOB, Farmer, Markiiam. Jlhit S.4d by W. E. Ricl>ard>n. Urugvut The Ciarkaimrg Rvrle\t- r h a the fol- lowing iiicir the recvnt V. It. ma'ch be te<-n th cluliof rltat pl.iv ai>d Eu^tnii: "Their ojii-.nenlH <U the tield lu-tol for the l<l(v.l of iheClarkshui^ !m\s when tliev u'i' it Uty diet k 'T Mconnl a |i 'int.' Tins inf' TIM iiH>n . v (I ily em An .ted from ilu- sc i|-r ,.sit is wholly ,.W4v from i > ni.ii k I ' justice to i lie tiii.' -on U y, > < rt-cilitlof ihe fiu-iH tliouM It- |>ub- lisliu<l. Tin- lirnt dw|-oto HP e ov> r a f, ul bef re the I'oid line. Tli N. it|>|>cr at once .vlnch wt* nllowed hv tlie referee (0 Tli* Knveina V>y in. rt-ly i>n t.-itnl ihar tliCI>rkhur^ bv shouM Iw awarded HIM n dry ki>k iu ac- i>rditi>ce with the ri.len, w)i.n the ncritp- or i' once inforiuod UM tl ac we knew n. tia g, Hiid pitched info a luntory cf what he bad done and o ul I d < in 1 that h (m-- out of kind'K-na to give Iks a le*- in. Tin* would liH\e |viwi,.il.of oourwe, ha I uot iuMul'iiig remai KH ad I ophem O'J epithet* lieen intrjected nt iDierval- Alter wiving more than sufficient provo- cation to occaaion a tiaric entvounter, he wuuld ret re to a ili.t;ni.-e anil rent upon hia dignity an a gent'euiaii. At another (jerio-1 of the K*ine the cracp. r kicked one cf our boy* hen don n . T.II* wa* too much for a couple of the hoy who order ed a stop to aucn rough proceed tu;*, and the scrapper, with tome offUnsive remark, retired again into hi* Pwcksnidian *Sll. Some Kug'-nia players r>civvd kick* on the ankVa tn<Ue:* which almost disabled them tr in further play, but they hung in*.. fully to it I am cure the worthy editor of the K Hector would h*ve rsseuttxl such treatment to the extent that he w u!J hive pouodwl the air mu inttniteMinal smi'herw im. H in e it rvly mmi.tkon a* to the " lut of nl l H><i l " ,a all that pr-cioun rli.,d flowed from the lu<* aiH ankle* <>f the homv team. Kickmit anH in->|'iiig were reported to tu olf>ei fair hodj checking Much more could he aid, but we think th* aU>ve a sum. ient anawer t" the oharg hsid C W. Uartuian, the Orit candidate. v ill ul<!rwM i he electors- her* n Friday evening Major Uockr, M. P. P. Id at present a*ldre*e>u* iiMwwogs in Oaprey. Ho is expected heie ere sou*;. Mr. Robert ( Mirley i* buildinf a sub- stantial dwelling. Mr. karstcdt, of Fleihrron. haijiwt completed the atooe- work. Mr J. Ui-wermau ha* the con- tract of ih carpenter work. Mr. Dan McLeod lia* the ojatract of getting stone for the Irxlge, which will suun be in ac- tive operation Mws Sarah Coon has bswn visitiog bar sUter, Mr*. J. Bowenaaa. Eugeara m a fa> or.ta reiKirt for c ty Tssitora. Mr. Thompson, uf Pud n Stati., proacttcd a very able asrsxi in the) Pra>bytenan church here ua Sunday htet, eart Maw?*Me Krlicvrd ! M Mialslles Dr. A *new s tre for the Heart give* perfect relief in sll oawaa of Uorgnuw or Sympathetic Heart Dwwaae in 3D minutes, and speedily esTeeu a cure. It it a peerless remedy for Palpitation, Shortness of Breath. Smothering Spells, Pain in Left Side and all syiupton* of a Diseased Heart One d.e convinces. Sold by W. B. Richardson *i-:if,,rd R oad. frusn esir "irx ' Wrr/'iu/nif. Coiuudermi; ihe a'lHiunt of oild, wet weather, the cn>|x> in this vicinity are lookiuK extra w.-.l. The fruit ha* earap- evl thefriMt so fir, atxl tlie fruit trues are giviiig us the promise o( an abundant bitrvest. The K; . rth Lei^Uf t<>k charge of tlie *>-r*Hxi iu tlie Methodist church lierv but Sahbath in the absence f Mr. Kupect. Mr J I. GraliKiu is building an ad- din. .ii to hia h<^ie. Mr. K SliAiin p, fmm Dundalk. is *[ ri<!:n j a few d i\i> with hi* sn Georce. !>.. ury Reevr K. 1 * has been letting j.'lsi -.f cradinif and xravcUing the road in i lit* ueitfl 1LKTEH To V'-*rs. Bet iimy .( //. / *u : Ovri rnkx. Altow RM to thank you for the p ui|^ *<ta wliich tour company. tti W*w,lnjrii*iieJ. !'v* Hrtt'lcd in full my io.ur i. .. cmiu. W>r U l...r.i:i ii; ..f my ITTI ,,.! WMC. I *oM r*cnniiiMD<i yuur arm for hon - procapt urrm. AfSxsMMia. June i. VI JOHN C.U4S.RJ iu< i... RJ.N NOT ICE TOCREDITORS- In the matter of th.. estate ol William Wat ten. latv t tb Towntoip of ArtwDMaia la U> County of Ur*> faruxir. iWvaMd uant to ts> umvissoos of th* rvvi nf Ontario, eriapt U\DOIC U b b> Pumuant to tb ssawaw* givi*u vhat n cw>Mtur atiU pi isoa* claiiu* upon or *a*l the estate of ili ..! William WatteraTiatx of Ui TM*II> of Art- uitftfia. iu th Count) of Gray, fa>rinr. who died ..n or about th*' *lt ' Of Hroaimho A. II 1WH. arv hrb rsjairNt to dii\vir or *-*at bv ix-Ht |>rvp*i<l to ttM no JiTiTd amnt for tb KXtfctrn of the JeM*s*d, o or bwfor* tb fi'iir- tevnth .la\ of JuK. A. D . lt>4. a stalaiiMot la wr'.ti'ii: nftbt.iv itameft ud *ddri?s<^. t<*ti*thr with full uartivwlani at thrlr ctaiiu *n>l naturw of securiiUM tif uyj lu-KI bv tbra. aa<l notice in further i;ivsi that afV-r ts* said fom t*t nth lay of J ily. MM th wkl *a<watrii will pr- rnl aui >nic trie pvn*.<ii patitlf.i thr*o. having r- -:r 1 only to ts- rlaisKof wblcit sotic aliall sai'l riocutriJi wi:| not be Itab.v lur th *a,ld ***. or any p*i t thvrwof t > au IHT^O-I or pr- o of whoMi claim oc claum n.>e e i tall IK bvUiMurvMi<d b> bor or hr ac>a: at SL* K. J. STROfLK. Mlirrton. Hlt (*M for the oaiJ >s*eairix Dat I thi* 4th Jay of J*o, A. D. . WM. Mrs. J. II. IIonsvniEn, MiBMsti Ave^ Saiita Cruz, Cal.. writes: 14 When a irlrl at school, la It,-s.linr. Otua, 1 had a severe attack of bralsj (over. On my recover T, I found mvselt perfectly bald, and, for a long time, I hared I should be permanently so. Frlenda argod me to a*e Ayert Hair Vigor, sad, on doing so, my bait Began to Grow, and I now hare as nne a bead of hair as one could wlah for, N-lnu changed. how> erer, from blonde to dark brown." " After a fit of sickness, my hair ran*) oat in cwmMulls. I used two bottles oC Ayer's Hair Vigor and now my hair Is orer ft yard long and Tery full and heavy. I have ract'm- uended thin preparation to other* with like rood *." Mrs. Ki.lney Car*. lw RefssasB., Harrisbun;, I'm. I has* sd AyerN Bait V'cor tor ersral year* and always obtained sails* factory rssalta. I know U ls the bawl for tb* hair that Is mads." C. T. Ararat*. wlainBBoth Spring, Ark. I Ayers Hah t , b :: sNs}Mil*fI^XO.Arwn* Je^lisai B O SHOES S i ' 1 1 (i We have fall lines of Lad Men's and Children's Boots Shoes. The best at sorted st (mostly all new) in Men's Ladie's wear.hne or heavy gra f from f i per pair. j [ Ladie's Shoes and Slippers ii 250. per pair. Children s,^ J aud Boys', all sizes, and all ar J , Prices cheaper than Custom work and Repairing promptly attended to. itock used at Clayton's. HEALTH FOK ALL. Ilollo\vay\ Pills and Ointment. THE PILLS Purify tl> Mood. une> all Disorder* W Liver, **T <>inii<-li, Ivilii\ and It>\-ls.. Tbjr isviv*rt aad reatora to bealsh Dbilitas*d CouMiHtloo*. and an InTaJtiaM* la oava>- platata tacisaosaJ M FeoisJ*. of all a***. For Ca.ldrsa sji 1 t h aa>l thy are pnselssa TH E OIJS TAlfiNT aa lafsJUM* raved v for Bail Lsc*. Bad Brass**. CMd Wonad*. MorM anl Closn. It is f wmu* war Goat aad Bb jmaticm. For disorder* of Ihe l*u* it hu no > |a*J. For SORK IMMQ.n.BkOJrCHlTIS.COUGHS, CO LOS Ulauaalar l>wlliBC>. sad all Skin DIM**** II ns>s DO n raj aad tor conn acted u I stiff Joints it set* likv a ebarm Ma*ufactvra<l only at ProHssor HOLLOWAT s Katabli<hmMit. :- \. OMord Street latciaa, xforsl strt^t), Load*>n nJr wiJMU. ld.. *xl.. tai.1. ll.. *>.. and ja*. saeli Has or Pot, in Vcailon taraocbout UM woibL ,>M tauk ,,f Ott UM UM tA Pali inU Bon*. // Ou <uilmt it njRNlTTIRE AT AUCTION PRICES FOR 10 DATS. ?, mm WrigKt.'s Old UESIDEXCE OVER STOKE. Notice, LOST OB FAILING MANHOOD. fcnril ul Nmou DtfcJJItT. HUJBI : FLOUBIN6 MILLS Manitoba rionr :il> .1 v.,m hand. I'ucU wheat Around and bo'.lxl. Ths ou!y mill in thi* svctii-n <f country that di-e* thm claa* of work. Chopping done nt -VI .1. time*. A. B. BeU, Prop. Waaknest of Body and Mind. E Sects ot rron or**** hi OU or Young. Robwt, KoM* Manhood tu'.'.j Rntorcd. How to IsTlV Jk t 1B?S W af\ t HELLO ! ll^LLO ! KVKHTVOOT THAT WKARS Boots SHoea "reaBBcnl Beoerita in a da> Men testirv frees (0 States sod IVreign Cuea trie*. V'riit theaa. Deicriptive Book. e sianaboa and praais mailed (staled) wee. DIE MEDICAL CO., Buffili, IT. Oo *o *a shoa shor> In Ktmh*rly aud n>.- t s-ll IWANTFD Win mAko yo' Nno *r ho* or rsr*>lr th^i Xaravry itock *V- rt*i .,.. full an ^^;X'Z^iX^X* -:- . T-:"::- -'.^ - K1MMKH1.KT ll 'ooa btain nt, i or >.'iwr i<as| f terriVM) f|*u. De*1Jl*>, lor Wins*. *VV*>*>I

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