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Flesherton Advance, 24 May 1894, p. 5

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TB1 FL18HI1TOI t ASKING OFFICK OF GEO. MITCHELL, *0*1 Vicinity Chips. Charartrri^lir* of Ike Past Week CarefMI* < mllrd for Ike Ci wiH Ic MI offtraet* fur 100 timt *r MKr. TWpatraaanf Tboaapaom'. ' wml ptemic mm Tbmnday, May 31. Q. -rey Commit BMvta at **atell oit M a Cuui* uf Reviaimm. Two young Uuwooghbrwi D*o WJk for mU. 8. Oiiver, Pnoenli* P. U. Mick. S:th left o, S*torxU.T for to frinifa i. fit I . LOST Two rod yoarlim*; Apply to W. Bamkoon or Ed. TW ChoWy Kntorprk* baa Wcm mm- larfod and akowa oridtmM of Caaaxial It iaam J. W. inotn>^. K*q , We Werf ftp- duttKt rrprtMatakiv* to tW Odench next Mr. t\ lin C. Me f^^k^wJ TBWM^MMM^MF l^CHHMl A4BM^^WW Mr. Tkus. OMMJ, KMT. of OraogaviJW Turf WAVTKD-100 Will pa np.4 . at UaWr. wj im dock at Lac- Mr. CUrUy MKMT. wW Wi Evrd im Mkhi;ui f--r tKe pmM year, tilMi< om ThurJT. TW trout rfriM of Uu* n- cinity Wr. an irrraioiU* attream for Charley. Drv MM>UWrMm. of no J OrU p*rfLrMM\ an iiQM.>n.i mj.> Mr. J*n Wnyhu ar , wm Wa WMI UM up fr MOM UBM with a anr* kive*. on VWaMMaf of kMt vck. Mr. nkt H now rMwreribc mt*aly. FlnWrtan A O.l'.W. vn viutwl <M MowUy fTMiimv by a nab*r of krvtk- i< fn MarkdaU and Prietrilk Ma> W bcler tW /IcmWrtom Win* Wm- Ottctdi tW ritnn at MMMkaw'a after cm r<iroUr mwetiag wa* I-TW. It > a fottumat. day fur a m Wm W iMOTn tW rmlu of \yrr Saraap- arilia a bkntd- purifier. W ith tba nidi- aiM. WkmovaW W* fommd a tMrtly uj*>n kwm W way rr|y, aad tkat ba bfv- k*g mUiy u at iaat enaqiMfW. H red other*, will eur* y.. im iu (<* may W cb*ekii by tW u-+ .>' Ayw Ohmr Pci.Tl. It rtoj> th* di UVMIIK oMb, a<h>tW. imtalk.* f tk tltnxt and twkra, and indaoa* Mttck d iv(<ua. Hundrada S> the rv uiariabW TirtiMaof thia IMTV v<vurad tW codlract of bmiViiii mtf tdtool bom** at VandoWur, f-r (W umi of f 1 13&, tWtr tadr Winf W !. eat. Tbia acboxi hoa vill W xmilar . tWorvatKob Rny. l>n ry t. :..> Mr. Wmk Clark, FVraWrtum. ia tW arcki- kmmV The FV1 iMmtar ia tW only f*' laVr* faal\in iriH-. and ilt ln-r v- uattr tWrrin i* ala>i of a bigk r<*r <>f rxvviioi*.*. i>u kouaMKld and <ciaJ i TW July ' byna a vbtM* and mil W .-f uwrial zodtenc*. <h> W'* pr T.-JUT. Tho IViinaator S3 a'rwrt .!. T r nt,v At th r|t\ilar monthlv mwvtitta: of )Vu,v Arthur lodg*. A K .V A. M.. on Friday vrriiimft, tW following <4k*r* wr<> tloHfd. IV. TV*. Csartor. W.M. ; i> Muckrll. S.W ; K kMiill. J ' Rr.J \\Vta.Chap, ; \V. J. Rollamr, Trwav . K J Spr\>uU>, S*c, ; AifclttMa : A. & Vanduavn. l5*.v MitoWU. Tbo paat wonk baa Wan MM of <* : tied tain and wind, oommioncinf wi h Wary I huudr*toraM \MI Thurly ami >'n:imiiiig from the ivitk and *t Hrary fr\*t and aW< .xi Thuraday ni<)it, It thought, nuvht da*ia|r* th crop, but w )>*liir >u-h w ill not W tW oaa a* ItMvy rain.rradiwilly arming. Uv .k > ihp froat without injuring *ko t* 1orvM plant TW gaW) did immtoom* d*uv.t i<> ahippin* on Ukra Hutv MK-NI . off iW >nxTth-n M Ckwiaso. Drirwr* UvIU r*mnibr tkat a wko iiu to KO faalcr tUaM U.iy .' a rulii ui ba kiw >. il.o i\*d. If Uv by U* i4k*r aud - . ..i. m pvna toai*M f ibm bAim'a mt^f.r i.' uUKriKUoh^t u .w,. t.iu J K tW da mag.. Xo at*, im tW *ya f t k\w kas a rujbt to imlim^a * iW rad f mil naicbbcr or oWak tW pa*iD. He ia. im fad, OMBBni to b.m tu paav TWr* arc a bug* uf mmobM im *Trry CUOMMMI kacyck. aro mhw cMbtM to balf lU road. If ejeiprllod tu turn omt i* romgb plicai tWMlA^tobrmakiWarwWMi aW bna gmmd artum far bmt mrmdy tWa daya. Om TWnmay Mamiu. Hartaiaa amd Py*,uf C<k.Uu. aavl am Fiaway a oommbt of fc< Bar MaJeaty-a ImfmTO*. cu djdatc paid M a riaU. Wrd- hwt Mr. Uamxy (who, by ib. way. ) Tiartod tW " towmmwdbmd bia to an aroaO- aey. amd aB Imal M oommdcmt of olocttd a* br'er brW far. It ia aad to tbimk tbat Jmae9 twoof tbamt aijat of met "OfaU or ftm, tW M.rlaw of UMBC : Ii bar. Warn. " TW imiid nvui wiB qmotm Bomthry : but wkatjeoodeamwmf it atbwt f ' Q'k Iwtat PMorkia. " " 1 j TWt I r.nmnl till. " imil 11. " Bmt twa. a fa mini Ticorj. " Gmrbor RiebarJ S*er. ui B Battary, Royal "im-Jr- Artilkry. at*t^W at QwaWt, at pttmtmt om a tbio. wMfci' fmrfemrb. liaalint kmt krutb r. Mr. Uam Spioar. of FUaWrtom Stornim. Mr Smaoar Wa aarv<d >parda of two ywart M tW Royal Oil i * i Artillery. TW tidy appoaramo* of bi aaif.tam. of tW 4mtwa awl .rolmtaoM uf a of tW atrrtc*, amd tbara M mo mono* bmt tbal omr Oa mdiam aruUaty will xj*nf farurabry with tW Mawo krmwcb of tW imp r^l armiy. Gammor 8owMr ai-potf. to W prowd of kia mtufwatom amd apoaka k%bryof tW marno*. wbiem pivwf tkat W) mnmdm.t danof a bam Woa soampaary. W asm jrrdy bwmm \bat Wm W rmjoima bm battery W wiB TW TWrnbmry Hataki com* BdiyFaUa. old BUry FaBa, maw W mo old, ton. bmt a.t niMmnl.ii WtauH ram mi ta mtaiuiu* ywani witk tW Kla bad fembTTbMa Cd itb k know kimi wtU adnut, amd yrt tboat fwry t W boHW* lyatim U a prfriail dmat- BUI po-pU. wbo, wWm tkat ayatoat Wa workod omt ira tmeritable rmMfti omr Ckriatiaa Uwa d*Tl tik* it* bnabcd aork, -*l! kimi a Tagramt. and aknt kim oi of %bt. Sarwiy wacb kw. want iwaaafinc amd omr dtnatnut ooaaaia ti< T. mt .<f tmrir abmmdmmto, i bo mid aaak pri iaiom f* k.- oar* of tW mofVttmmata, aji amd tW to- min% Umkfva av4maawa^ and indiaWvm^ma f,* tbon wetf AT* Ha- . dwmrf^d tWir vrmiAlBMO, tbat tWy ean ail qa-nly foir .<f awekw* - po < oiaHi!ly Flfc>. " Cbmt WM prootaaal. M bit fottowora r praouoal amd Wa* iW WlpWa and nrwiy omro, and dn aw >y witk thia Vaikar M cot- ** of mmmi mj i WM i.. * a oonMmom jaik, WcamM t ry ar p>* a .J old amd h mo ku< r t ' Don't TW Uwn partT at Eoc wa tw^Uy, TW M<rtii at Vaudair Amd u. k>m IWOM, (Mama, ttc , at M-.Uiocry. M wnrwWraat Mr TrimHV. Uvd. T Ii r>cWa|v W. Wx.lrUa b% rmab rdr tl fcr MHl a-d Wr. Ti'u' W Wa wudif| tkinsa at w.m>. r- fml mricwk X.xt.l.*to R. TrumbkiV Dtviai on Court. ! .*hn Cou- 1 w WM ia Dmmmalk on rnd.i Ut hrfur* Jud(* M.imanm. F J < ar aami* ul tW mvnv Ucrvl T. IV Soaidon *4 ' Action om nomu*<i><rT not*, f.r *Si(tt Jobm Lin- t--i\ |f>ioih.*. Jmrnnmumi aajaimt Scan- I M f-r full amtuMtwamd my w>i i arnJi - *. auh-MMt owimf pnaaary dobua. v Morrr T. Jamiimiim Aci nm for tW J kw Jobm K* , Jwbnnwnt W,,, Vvck n T. M. L. Claim ajiaJMl marato ttf Sawndrra forHKi.lO. pUintiiT f< r *: 10 amd r..i T ltrwandf- Claim > aooHinl i -. .>tk and ordVr mvatUiy R. T. Mctiur ,m J. Brwtir*d* in fr> t>f plainlit. |^&. (V- 1 V f I . bad paid into corn** fS amd ! and dwpmtvd ordor. K>r il.-ft . i<rdr mot Writ ^ ami ba id or atatuhr of .m>it*ti><<n. ScWtl *. Wwb>Mnj Stit nr\>*jrkt to tr\>- < r tho | rnv of a <\>w of k)di plain- nxd dmfviMhint had ow*ni tW drath by |<rK-ii>i5 in tW f ot i:k a *k ScWII W<( l>y tkrwatommMto kip iW hr \V>lli.iiix -m. mad* kw. ma- ki>owW<d^r bannfc jahovd IW w in tW ftK4 witk a p>t<4ifuHi. TW f"4 of iW , anin al ntrtiWd and MMwd ita doMk. I in tW MM* ammmr tbnt nwot) , otber -miual* Wrm ami dmtiivj tW paat iWM, tW jwd lull i tbat Mr. bad mM a* ran b MM aad Mmv Lrada.j r Pnmoe In. On. A/n* to a-aa. tbcvafcre, a. . C albW. of B* amW R. J. and W. J. almx. to IMB it Im two OMMI tWy paW fee tk*j ry~ amd wurkod om to a (aimatwmi of f?,w9mV TWanma M^Mmtoca! pani far. TW obi awa rV a W. J. kmt rUooad to o****y to tW aon. TW 'attor WM amoeoamfml at trial am otWr <ariuodof twcar dtrool *MM iwmm<ry Builders' * Hardware. e*r loma of wit* teaammTerM Tbat U wbmi Uw beat emUei, madvtmrv Ui peo|4e vb* mra Milima; Utem. WT wmrraut oo. to ftt* tatittyuow. wmd or at* tk TTT W* bmvr Uw naOMt KM of milk pail* mod Bilk cam* o*ar ** aud oor (iMMHi eac.*rt tbo fctrt. R> mw^mbor tk mrice for tbwoi a only Me. We Lar joct iotioimj itotbwr tbap. So if you aant an v jna* rail at ', ':*. ;r>:r: !lt*L Attention IB UBM to any trrefwiarity of tbo Xdrmr. or Indigrsttoo. COStiTtDfSS, bemdach*. aao- |m tain and t% tbia Is tbo Moal aily MfWiciNr tb BKW* ] and mmaful apnicoi in pbu- Mra, M. X BBOCKWKU, ars: Ho Bner Medicine, I rnatKy ta n> a. TMM at. Ufa fmtnafctwrni imaMMaay har4 work am<a amMMawaC mimw^Bm mmm alt mBawanm -\J *>> ImmJnka* ^a*4^*a* ^pt'offmi ^^ wbfi m"B*V * w*TT*r mmmmmmmmj nwammmmw^ u Mp^tmvJKc tmV W tot ft V*YA*V ***** *vy VMM B O SHOES S We have foil lines of Ladiefr. Men's and Children's Boots aa4 Shoes. The best assorted stock (mostly all new) in lien's aod Ladie's wear.fine or heavy grades, from $ i per pair. Ladie's Shoes and Slippers from 250. per pair. Children's. Misse's aud Boys', all sines, and all a Pnces cheaper than the cheapest. Custom work and Repairing promptly attended to. Best stock used at Clayton's. IILLWERI ! Fashionable Millinery 1 / TO LABGB SALES Inoajr] I1EALTH FOll ALL- 'S Pills and Oinlneal. THE PILLS l.i> i-. 8tom3aOh, Ivulin v.-^ in*l lio-vvfla*. For SOKK IHXO.ri.BlcO.YCHlTIS.COl'GHS. COLDS Otanmalar mwaDnmm. an4 ttu ! it to ilia! a*! tori jototi it o*aa mto a otonm 78 Sew ifortf >Mrve( vlfttr US. iford aa4 an aM at kv l4~ mta. a> at. Ua. Ma. aa>i *. am BM or PoV M! AWm. I/mW< Auction Sale SATFBDAl, H.U , 2 P. M, Otoa> to tallb*mfc*rwalm. vrniura. i mm "ni',s: Bali. WANTKD- !2tiI*rri MmVMwMmTV m^aVMwafc. wbwka) laaMaal **% Many liml ul Finn! Inmj, AVER'S PILLS toawMtoBa. j.a AfmtMa^WwMVmMa ry Ooa> Effotlv Uuni^ Rita. of iW HawNartt. . Indvpomdont r : t "I wa< tmnWing ftrni Py>p>-p and LIT. k I Uioka fvw tw*t^o*<f 9Ki)-<4'a T* ! \ Mataer and it omr>< mo. I c*a h*i J >U v xr*< FARM TORRlfT

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