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Flesherton Advance, 24 May 1894, p. 3

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AGRICULTURAL How to Start a Creamery. IB connection wiU tk* .abject of starting creameries, Ue following from n aoatemp- orary to very timely : "farming interest* in many place* kav* been built op and nad* prosperous by th* crea-nery bu*in***,and good batter Mill Mill jut a* high on* year a* another, with a light variation. Why no; git a few of year neighbor* together aad talk the matter over ? Canvass the cow* ia tk* county and. if aeoMoary, go into th* neit county, for tk* cheap and pioneer method of rtninni* to tk* 'gathered imm ' By thi* system, where only the cream u brought to tk* factory, it oaa b* collected fifteen or twenty mile, with a wagon and brought almost any diitance by railroad. TM oo*t of each a creamery u quite imalL ' ' In organising sock an association tk* principal point u to get eaoagh farmer* interiotod to make op milk enough for th* factory to run fall handed and Uoa b* abl* to make a profit. Having one* got to the point that it pay*, there will be no trooble getting more patrons. Ther* U nothing acoosd* like serr>e ; therefore, it u of every importance Uat you Mart njrht Te begin wiU, von ihoul a have the pledged milk of 500 cow*, if poeubl*. Three hun- dred cow* will support U* factory, bat to get 300 yoa had bettor hav* 50} pledged. The boat pledge to to get Ue farmer to take itock in the entorprto*. If yea can get fifty dollan oat of him h* will certainly et lorn* cowl to help yon. Da* riu.inae. tact, bat do not draw too glowing account. of early profit*. Tkat will depend much upon the good faith of Ue patron* aad the kill of th* manager. Ii ii presumed tkat tk* factory will itart on the co-operative plan. Any nun to at liberty to itart hi* own factory whenever h* plea***. TM fint thing for yoo_to d* to acquaint yoonelf with U* need* and e**t af nock a ereimery, ao a* to be abl. U> an*wr que- ' tion* intelligently. For thi* purpose writ* toa.ll th* larg* dealer* ia dairy implement* for their price lut* and descriptive oato- i logo**. Beware of the creamery berk wh* i atejBoee. to build and equip the factory for yoa oa long time and oaiy payment! He will eat the bowel* oat of your ntorprue. On* member of your proposed company, or two are bettor, ahoold n-ak* a visit to the kind of factory contemplated and make an inventory of th* ntenaiU actually needed. Alao not* th. lin and conveatonce* of th* [ building and lU location. It to eaaier to copy than to originate. "Having settled upon Ue UM aad .tyle of building, it ii eaiy to determine it* cat in your neighborhood. Any builder can ' tell yoa that. The next thing i* to **l*ct Katfcar*d cnam. It oantaiM IB* *mc* of all *f tk* kiletMacaBB'MM *f tk* Mf pu aad duty ttai* of it* p*n Tk* maa wko oao l*an t g*t a o*i m'*t far MUrr mad* from gat .ler*- 4 crvun M WMth ke*p " A FIRE ESCAPE But * a TTMB d c i ir >4> Uk r a TlB>r. ahowi an exUauea fin atoaac reocady patented. lu *p*ra4Ma eaa r*ad- liax maiBly oi a operation of ing in the toothed bar* of tk* of I sag*. Tk* top to atemated by "a alnt- form which eztoad* to the aide and which trolled by U* tooth and crank A HARROWING STORY. Aeaarared to alberta Caeaa**]. B>leraie4 M la. warrlrd mm* DIAVOffD SMUGCLIKG. WHa *>b ca of Ik* BtiaBiaM de*i*a* for aina** that of ike heUo< It i* aaterted tkat beoti and a* a* I* .ea v Ike Cenltneat, aad tkey are *ptciaUy factareil for tk* pirn an of oaaJying witk a BBWM far aeaaig de- Tb* poroo* piaster hai often nrved a* a MM of seoreuag H unto* da When u to aaaentood Uat $10.000 wectk of diamond, or BMC* can oaaily he isrlne.n' in a pi pat parcel ab**t aa wii* a* tkto warn, 1 1 intake* a>igh nadakewtnai of an inch tkir, it to *a*y to at seek a poring* eaa M kept *ece.rely ia place ky mee* of aa lanocMt bat bigkry SPBAYIVG FRUIT TREES. ValaaM* lal*ru. of IB* Kxae.-i wA, Hay U. By ttamtm of MM far tk* caatrel af Ike froit gne?iaf *)MWBE** * Gnmaky aad St. ranMnaai. Oat., by Mr. Jean Craig. Hectical tanat af tkeCeatral b. panmiatal Farm. Ottawa. Tk* aiacuci* of apujiig frail tree, for tk* pr*v*au*a *f mean aad faageaa far MOM Ume, beta etreagly urged by the* . ealtanat of U* Central Farm, aad tke oub- agncoJtnnJ ceo veaIMM far tk* mat two or OM*/ U* i a* af a oak* of It to highly Btwkokto tkat tkto plan wwold kav* proved IBM mrfil had it of tk* Oeiota- meni bad received m format ton Uat tk* meadawnh kirn, eu *e tkeroagkry tkat the M*B-*tadded block efa*ap. Tk* wife af tkii am __ IB i an. aad kat aba Ian than tkat af Mr hatband. Her af aav* awakeaad the envy iif ilkor n. Within U* grape* aad fancy note* of great vale*. km*, aad fairy of sack work to tk* trait Bttaetto of tk* r. U* Miatotar af Agnonltar* corn- ed Mr Craig U meet ftoit grower. in IMB* af Ik* important centra* of Ontario wiU a view of hiiamg their ce-**. by l-revideac. wrth a i.mfc'n.' Cn*i. tke abapeof a heavy cevenn*f thiek^kaaky hair, which k* arranged ae tkat it itoed ap from ha forehead bk* an irnpt Within UK mae* of heavy b* *dagoodry*Mekofdiamoada.aad d for a oat* in iinipiag Ik* vigilaaca of _i ^ ." aad MBfjen in carrying eat Ue ihav*l A .tory ra.rh.ii LB<M tk* otk*r day from Ruaia evea more lis*i n as'iag in ito Mintitl detail* tkan U* atory of tk* hero tM caatoevkoejH aaihontM. U* ingeanity af MiuKglen kM keen more aneruiy taxed. A recent imnvms leli>< tk* fellow .a. labor*.!* plaa. which any Una** kefer* it Two in tke iinmeoy nad Sv CitMm** uJMtitta. Ue oaoeaal forwardaasi of tk* iiano pre viBlmg isjsmmg *a a Urge Male. Peach U* twofold object of preventing toot treat B faagna* i<ms**. muWmg tk* frail to rat M tk* tree, and naect attack*, and peers have ala* for MM* yean W eoduag meth aad prayed witk tk* mnil by tk. peat. iag,-da* t*tM aad ky tk* earcalaa. Tbea. hop* Uat U* directly to U* aslish inlenjt* of each | shareholder. It U eaaier to got them to subscribe Mock before tk* ait* of the factory to nlectod, beeaaa* each on* hope, to get it near hi. farm. Bat there to lore to be a | big fifht when tke subject conte* ap for | ettUmenl. Tb* win* manager will make ap hi. mind beforehand where it i* really . be.t to have the creamery located, with avi*w to railroad facilities, water .apply, | . hade aad petceof land. Then h* call* a meek ing of the itackholden to wltl* tk* q*se- 1 t**a. H* honid aak each on* to *agg*M a location, and than let verybody Jiseas* ' each luxgMUoa. Af tor they have fought ihcnMelves tired and settled nothing h* can , come in with hi* location and, by slating the re**on for it, and each stockholder baring leea tha the cannot work hi* own lit- 1 tie pstochem*, will M ready lobe at hi* neigh- bor by agreeing to your* Thii look* lik* taking a mean vtow of human nature, bat ' yoa had bettor b* prepared for JMl *neh an emergency if you do not want your Mtorpriat to fail. " Be ear*. In aUcUnj a ait*, to kav* an Thirty-eight year* ago a Raaaiaa lad. IS year* old, Ivan Rykoff. who drank too much vodka M a wedding foaM,eater*d mx candle*, tk* cram! law* of condemned to tk* Siberian mouth, later b* atoaped fearful ad vcntura* and tee ibid the city of Towek befriended ky a farmer, *eeurd U* paa* port of a aioiaoii workman, aad beeame a good cittoea. H* married, prospered, aad becanM locally prominent. Recently at n family reunion be told ba wife and ckiUtom tke itory for th* Gnt tiav*. Th* waito moil have had ear*. Tea way* later a geadarm* on tor ad hi* bedrooat one momiag aad told Rykoff b* wo* ohargd wiU escap- ing from Siberia. Th. gray-haired man, turned pale. "I* it true sake,) tk. ' "It ii true the t i. uue*neah, Go.lbepra 1 **d.-rpUed trembling oKl man. "Very well, then, yea are my Rfk.ffdreeied himielf priaon, By tk* advice forwarded a petition Bi* plea produced an prieeaer. " weal to hi* lawyer, k* a 004* Tk* fin: rumil U* aad before leaving th* wharf ntara hertk for a eeruia date The aad the Bomber of th* berth wvr* at oac* cabled t* kto smmyace in HoMnra Hai leood kto diamonds, ia dee urn* M to tk* Slats* ia aecerdsoce with rwatMM pnvtoaaly cabled. No af xaotiaaiica revolted ia ftadiniT any diamond, open hi. person. Moaa while, kowevor, kto partner had Mowed tk* M* bank. W he* Ue day for aaiiiay cam* No. i .fansBBBBtod by kto family, iBf-pUoa, |mam.a.imigktMraaUyliniBia. Far earl* Bprayiac. kofor* iM bad* open. cop. I par Mlthato, 1 Ik. dtoootvud in 35 a*llaoi ' wator. to used, tke a*ti apaheainei to d-UBlftf TnTaUT 4 llV Of AsVontaTafMT aVeaVlBa^BbZal ! * iny gellea* of wator. aad amkaag 4 Ike. freak Lime IB theaua. suoatiti of water. hi.i- to hi* tearfnl family, wko. after k*d<kig kirn feed ky*. left the MaaMakop oaaeepected. and breaght th* iliimnaai into tin markev It took a loag while to dilceverthk) qsaatity Mtkeo added to tk* aad U* whole diluted wiU to *i gaUoa*. or tk* capacity of an ordinary eel 2 barrel. take rleos To* Uird iprayiax MadiaMly.fMru7l aad tk* frail kM Mt. i* need a* before wiU Ue af Para gina to af leaf -eaunt MMeai f Ue ORCHIDS NEITHER DEAR NOR FRAIL too much to be near a * rarttrelarir Xeeel UlUe tare. Many of tk* popolar nitiao* ehid* are all wrong, ay* tk* ">, ROTMW. Their cmluvatM*. to net, at rally Mppml a ceetly loxory. Mr F. j Boyle aay* that, whito Boine orrhid* r* juir* heaty ixpona*, cool orchid, really coot vary UtU* to cultivate. No eaetly beating ap ' parata* n required II Uat aaiaiOBg. which ' later. Tkto to raBarii ky dml viag af eepaer oarkoaato IB two *aem of k and dilating WiU 49 gaiioM of Th* tiaaliaaot ja*t lalBaiJ to lo iprayiag tk* otaae trait* tk* qo*au;y of Pan, grvea m ridae* I to tare* oenoa* per barrel of wator, a* tk* feltog* to BMT* *at> ceptib*. to lajary. KsBomBt iMttmntioM for the CM aad proporaiiM of t beae mlxtarot have been forwarded to each froit grower m charge of xpenmeat*. a* well a* atformaUM re- garding ike beet kind* of ipraving appar- boildiag need not oxoecd hnadreii dollan if mad* new,* tkat would do to bagia with b* ecured for much loo*. In three or four . while aa old might n th* gathered umperatnre in wtuek t below 45 3 , will do. any erduv neh e*t cream .yitom, a deep con eight me he* IB diameter u and by tb. patron, and they are credited with a pound of butter for each inch of cream lorawbod from the** can., which are a* t in the cold**! water th* patroa can forotoh, aad akimmed by U* man who come* from U* factory. Tk* oaa* an either told or rented to tke patroo. by the cr.amn. company. Tk* patron* take better care of them if tkey buy then*, but il .i better tb aoourae them by a loan of a fow to Hart with. If mad* of good three-croe* tin lh*r* il little danger of Hurting them. Tk* fac- tory ihonld b* furni.hed with a unall engine to do the churning and a large boiler coarse. Rykoff WM Madoataed t* M takea back le Ue mine* of Siberia aad kept in pjaaal servitad* n loagar time than tkat taxed by tke Coart which tried him wkea a boy. Before leaving th* prison where he to aow confined b* to to receive a **v*r* flog- ging of forty or fifty lashes. Il MOOM incre<tibl* that raeh a sentence ikanld ka executed, now Uat international publi- city hai been given M tk* p: ufol nary. VICTORIA'S SAT. beta reongnind that tk* It ka. alway* monarch ibould be permittoJ a Urgedegre* of direction aad ret foreign relatioaa. ponaibjlity ai In England, regard* m fact, _ saysa London writer, which to of allRoreaeaa tolnrniih iteam and hoi water for wash- j count nt* ih mout conititational, vjueen ing. Then then to to bee power churn. Victoria ha* more than oac* insisted on tke oream vou, butter worker, scale*, butter diamietalfrom office of aaliotaler WForasosi ton* and so on, all of which need not oo*l Affair* Lord Palmentea. for insrsnce for any great amount. On* thing b* *on of, ! hav mg either taken a step without her a*v*r bay a asoond hand diary implement ; ' *ancuoo or forheviag acted contrary to her get year churn*, worker*, paddle*, vata, wiskee IB the conduct of England'* roUtieae aad even engine, new. Such tjing* with other nation*. It U to tbi* control n*v*r wear out ; tkey get loo**, cracked. , exereierd hy Quern Victoria that lh* world oat* ihaken off aad a t bonaan.l little i* ind*bt*ri'for th* prseervation of p**M be- that .tick better h.-n they are a*w. twoamRaglandanid ihel'mteHi 8tate*tnlMI. "Having gotten all the** things together ' Otswrwi** U* Cabinet then in office in Rag Ue .tooo *utwcrib*d, tb* patron, satiatied, I land would inavitahlyhar* involved lh*o*a- th* factory built and furnuhed. now come* : try in war with th*l T nit.tS:!e* m ooaaeo- thr tost of yoor ability to .ucceod. What . tion with th* "Trenriocidefit. And even at are yon going to do about a batter maker r tke present time not a aiagl* despatch of At this stag* of U* gam* moat men sit any importance M not out by tke Foreign down, take a loag breath of rel.ef. kin the OrKoe from London withool having been fint fellow that comes along who will work , submitted io draft l the Queen in the same al a low poo* and then fail Some more way that oopiM of every telegraphic aad Mnaibl* fellow, who has been tilting ky mail deriet.-h *r forwarded to her tk* watching the proceedings all the tlme.comea ' nomeat they reach the Foreign OAco tram forward, buy* th* company oat at old iron abroad, rstea, hire* a good battormaker and iae- M*d*. Here, then, to when U* really fia* work cone* in. Of court* , yoa can not really afford t* hire a man with aa astab- ' link belMve it," aaid Mr. Beyto. kat do not require i*y thing like tk* and eip MM af-^diaarT grata Buo**n*aata. aad the pleasure IB their emitnr* to taaa- itery greater. CM of U* charm* of arckid* u tkat tt*y flower all th* year raaaa. " Faakato* nad ger.nian*. newer for a tew Somnaer moatV and an prracUeally dead for tke rent of tk* year Bat wiU a well ihma eoUwUoa of or. hid*. OM ka* hi OMB, all tke year. I kav* *om* pnau that la* t r* (tower ton or twelve week* in fact, ea* ret. tired of *g them bloom.- TV* belief Uat th> art etpraaiv* to bay to lto amatake. "They aoai not ot*t ator* than a Mook at My other kind of plant. You (ea bay pUnty of good cool orchid. for freen half a crown to 3*. each." That orchid* ar* delicate ii ala* a popa- Ur error. "No deakt yoa OM kill year eranium* and fachaiaa." naid 11 r. Bayle, but I defy you to kill aa orchid Jee* you at* it 0*0*1 abominably. Th*r nmply won't die if yea give them any nkiae. of life. One miht term them ike immortal*' oftk* plant oeauna. Tke Mardy oak will die of o!d age, bat aa ereiid wiU live M far thiBMaM of yeara." Ger.Ttany's Youthfal Criminal*. A Germa* paper itate* thai io cool criminate iatiermany b*>- li*hed reputation M a fine buttermaker U* big factorte. want him. Rut if y< u hav* I t'wun twelve and eighteen yean of age, tka gtany wit, bring it to bear on the prote* I Imperial Miniitry ol the In-.erior '.t Berlin ...... i-; .. i. If yoa know any of Ito oantompUtnig th* rrorgsnmuon of th* cosnpalrary vduomtion iy*t*a*. The < \ ernmenl has IB view th* inv.latien of Ka- or. of dairy lohoola. them, all -he better; if not, thea write a aimultaneou* letter to e.*ch on*,*taiin{ ho- much \ -u c*a pay on tria'. l\>at>t m*k*a Betmanent fT*r, oat n fur .alary for three month*, aad a*k for a bright youag man. You may oaloh a towel; bat anyway, th* rhancee an yoa will gel a fair maker, and mu.'h bettor than though you took the n fatal of some other factory. Il to extnm*lv hard work t* mak* good bolfr oal o! li.h mititutiona. All th* Oerman Uw* have tb* |>reat fault that the interference of th* authorities i* permitted naly when a ckiid ha*c< ora* crime, brt Uey give no handle attain*! morally tlebeoed children wko ar* >iill free from oriair. Tk* number of youthful orirainah he. riaen fr*B 4J,iHO t* ~4.46S that to 10 per OM*. in ea* year. High Heals. It ha* been ttated that a young lady weal oa* day to aa oculiat wiU a tree, be* to) her yet which thr*at*B*d frightful malta. Sh* wa* already in a .tale where reading WM Mt e( tke qeettion. and other *atar> taiament wa. iatt becoming a tormecv Th* ocalhit looked at her wiU hi* prefeeiiMal wiidom, aaked her varioM oairtioat, nad thea tadwMty aied her ky atkiaj: her te pat oat ker foot. Th* feet, m in kid beat, with * wicked lit.le higk he*U wo* tkrawt forth. Tk* doctor *ywl U a moment with attolid faee. "0* home," k* laid, "and takeoff the** kt*U ; keep tkam off fora mon th, and then com* to me agaii aad we'll a* how th* } are." U n month tk* yet wxr* w*!l, and the yeemg laely teamed by bar exoeneac* and a tittl* wtoe talk T near the hi 1 -* to baring ae ere. :l It *er\i t nkaw tkat tkere a tkat wiU (Nat t ct tortsre caoitaatlr at wcrk :P the centre of tke foot, whore ** many delicate nerve* and toadwM Ii* tkat are eo immediately oan*v:- e.l with all vhc- other delaeaM nerve* of th* body, tkor* *wM ot***ntly OMB* di*ejTaa.Te- nwnti and >ii*e** that may work fatal n-.vhief wiU the helU. ZTh* kertxaltartot of tk* Caakml Kxpen- BMatal Farm will viaitaieftoBMaMMMiy daring tk* lamiaur tk* inkarn* IB wkteh tMaxpanmiaH ar* WiilUMMehtote t*rardiag Ufcur aa. It kM already beea tk* qoakty af Ue FaaiiaM ana**, to large- ly grown N Qeebec, oaa be pretliakly I-B- proved, aad it* vale* mech oahaacad by ih* jainM ate of th* auxtnrM m*atiea*d akove, aad it u to be regretted tkat tk* re M ragardiag ovrny tag. o freely tram th* ExperuBMtal Farm, hat* L ot boat Mr* fenenliv ad*itM\ A New Doare of the Pickpockets. LMBM kav* devtosd a new liked o< rebtamg ikon firiiai wN> an fceUak Mogk to carry cpp*r* or silver in tke ticket pl*kitB W their eoata, Tkey procure a few cos>iat of aa matog aoant. and a con ton ts btU. A katy Uorevghfar*. ack M th* Sirand, to Uen Mkt, aad tk* operator Mtenmoly iimmMon to akll ha ieumate. As. however, he walk* oliajaiii kia victim and apparently arms him to parches*, kto nagera, hiddea ky U* dw pUyed oeatMta bill, daftly "go aver "the ticket pocket of tke pedestrian and MM htm of whatever mail ehiag* may " to k* therein If U* victtot knni for tk* CMB to any for U* paaer. dor anddoaly raaiaka* am *aa tka I BM ea* of U* many MH ahonad. before, tke weald be folly rinKiM what kM hiapiail throng or if. which Rxania)** rentiao* M bieom* public of tk* evilt of daelhBg. At F.nfkirchen. Hungary, Us! week, two volunteer*, life ran*; fnend*. wer* plaTing kesiog a tk* barrack* yard. Soedetly tws isliai who won watching dianJ that oao had akipaii tk* otk*r* face, aad tkto fotalt M vslontoer oaki bear. Yonag lbu and hi* nrade, SMTVOB, ss*or*d tk* *?*. that otkiBt of th* kind bed takM piece. Tk* for sarva* aad ordered him te ihaBM-* ..-. or otkcrwiM k* wtmM never be allowed te pau hi* eiaouaau. B for otVer. The young own celled Mt kb com re i* ! -r i*l wiU takrav la Ui Bret roaad B>'.:.-.< rvcetv* I a alifht weamd in tk* ana and the* * lerioa. cat in tb* Book. 9*\rvai had two rib* h.wo BMndtr ; beai.le* bong wwnaVi ia M* of his long*. H. M iu a priearioM con iit on v :S Military kae. pita), keit ki* heoer ww pr**err*d frtm Ike ttata that tkreateccd i. BRITAII'8 OLDS8T COLOIT nWPOUHDLAJID WAS DISCOVERED Of 1407 IT CABOT. mad M Bntoia* BBM W tk* iilia I a so frsqeonlly wiU UM liliiissi The hjatary giaiiaHy known, aad aa artiai* in Tk* r*Mdstn BligB.iai.ry J. F. Morrto Fawceu the stery of the arigiMi pas*< uea, wiB, tMrofar*, k* nad oitk ciereet, d, tethiaao dMeovereu sa 14*7 byCaAot, wxaot W adva*lren paaaton aad ike CUT*** Jer U* CeUay W Ko TV. BMweea tSTaaay wealik *f tk* TT I if I M i land hanks and tke aracasejt BMtnl. of SooU , wiU aa rridMt and as far tfc* tit in il. Tka osamaany reseive J to mikt aeai *a tk* eoaev. and pat tke eipiiilitai 1 of OM MasMr John Oay. aa i of BnatoL Gay of tk* AUaatsc. aad tkto net oaly lay- try tkou fertaas* nt a a*w iaad. belt drew tae attaatMo of oaaxtai**** ia tka City *f BnstoL With Ue aid of MMO* ** get tsgnhir a geelly ooasaaav aad set anil U1C-. TM iilionni amvei m Ceaa*|> uea Bay abia tk* oak a* no shsrs* were . at their vary beet, and at M ast a We i Ue tank tkey kad M kaad. Tk* tostiaMay to tkal U*y wore of cml Uf* aadof MM ' a* a wnter W tk* day i IV Taey oat* B***aiBaaMd by amWtk*l suftcMotiy itroag to t astral* the eatlawa. g wo* U* pnaccBolMdatlry af tka U* trod* n* fan aad eansaeniss seaafl thtoji. ht al Ike end W twoiveyeMO tif," OMB tktogi. bat at tk* M tke company w** aht* t* r fessadlaad " BM becooM a I Gay kod *BMt eahv two year* there, Wt ke *ky John Stanley, wko kad maay yean Treaanrer of Ue ceen- b MaTIUeietUen t*t p*.-iBtomea at a tax of - per coat, oa tk* eatok of all'tibirmM wkeattao tkew oaliang so Uoa water*, an i tk* reveaa* WM aer to ialBto.Mji a iiooli of vansto M after piratea. A Utte* later etker sol peay. devoted witk vbo book Al Uto petal tk* erigiaal oslUemeal bo- Mr. Fawoetl say*. " Of - W _ . pvB*,* .MlmBmV. .' Bo t as tk* stool Mart - of worthy to be ' Indian Hunting- Women. A very emrioo* eastern to '.bat oslto< tk* B'B bank which prertili tnbes of Ckela it *Mt *f Iktav TWy k lk*ir *wm rw U -y ktU. aa Wry bbxkiMil tnm tk* ( UM nUan* f or ; h awck*** W U^MT, *r b lky a* U*mw)r* I* k* kMffkt off fw a Mll * W BMMT aW a Mf. Toward Twiax U* BMU( Barty rtbr* to c*ek aa4 al Uir wial, UMMctvM 4riag U* Jay IB a MMMlia* aJ linUrim Baa- Ik* Ttilag* tkal kM b*** rm<4 ca a lumkr ticmnMB I* U *a*t ol U aa4 *o le U* nWlk* llr. Ry ittii *pfoi U* rj Vlliim M Mt*)y oaJu.-.*-.1 o*t of Ik* dusncl wilBMt <> iu Jicaity. A MBf'* TiUan it *xtptW fraan latopcnuoa of U* CMtM, . i M vV.!l MaaaaaiTa, it w l*fc*^eM Kf n *>ffMtrtiaSi , prsatliaud befonit will nt S.

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