THE FLISH1ITOI ADVANCE X weal Homnd, nUtrl*. >lV Very PLACK 1* CAJIAUA TO OBT A fake a Round TrlJ en* riew ell other ButineM Colleoee end Joiumerelel l>..|>a.rtinenti In Canada. lbu vtalt fee N jrUirrn Hutloee* College ; ximu every- Elux thoroughly. II we fill to prodaee b ibel tDoroutfb, oomplete. practice/ eud emlen- T.cmirMolitvdy : th. but aolUae premleee fcU th. belt and u>o*t eonplete end moM iui ilr fur nit irtu.l.pp'lBc,o will gle you ilol I coure FRk.:7 Kor Annual Announoe- debt. flTln* full particular*, free, adore** C A. FLEMING, Principal. Eugenia Mills AND Carriage Works. Carriages made Mid Repaired, aleo nanlng and Matching, Band Saw- ~~ Wood Turning of every des- ttori. Planing and Orain Chop ; doae while yon wait, for thi Beaver turus the wheel. , WILttON Manager A FAMILY GROUP mm PHOTOGRAPH U fully equipped with re- quisites for turning out? p feet class of work. All kinds of pictures taken and finished in a style equal to any city work, while the prices are lower. Picture Framing^* done lu all Its branches. If you have shopping to do and pictures to get taken on the same day please attend to the latter first. Careful at- tout iun will be given to copy- ing other picture*. Mrs. Bulmer. TO THE PUBLIC. Having| Wliilimi 1 * l>laab*nil'h ihnp for a term of vi<i-. I am now In a po*IUuu lo oat eru all wauu lu my line. :o! Horaeatlioeintf it, Specialty. SATISFACTION "oUARANTllD. for aiiytliliiK In ilia blaokainUlilnn Hut oall F. A. BUNT, ti|i|ui -It,, i.i Hardware n u*m**$ Card*. \t AKBUOE LICEKSEB. iMvee'dav or nle*tetbe office or raetdence ol tbe an,lnrl*trw<1 DIVISION COUhTCLS K.COafatl&BlONBB o H.C../.CuuTeyeuer, *c. Notary public JOHN W. AUM8TKONO. f <CULJX)UOH ATOfKO, BeaHor*, ""*-'- do a feneral ban king boa. luce*. Money toaoed at a reasonable rate. Call a*. U H. HAM MONO I'D.! Muter. Kimberley. Conimlf tloner for taking Affidavit* etc Iinure* and loan* money t lo wot raton. K xeoutee Leexea, DK!, Will., ate. promptly, cheaply aod efficiently T> J.BTBOTJLB. Fo>t(D aeter, Fleaberton, ComtniMloner in B. U., DMd Auctioneer, Conveyancer, A preUeraad Moor) lender. Baa) Brtate an-1 Insurance Aifunt. (teed*. MOTtgafe*. Liaeee. ami Will* di aw D ap rHl TalaalleeM made on ahorteeeneUee. AUCU..U Bclce attended to lo any part of tbe C'ouuty Money to loan at low at rate* of iutereet Coil u Mum attended to with promvtaeee and datpaMcfa Charge* low. oiiUor the Dominion bteauMblrjConrwuy. cheap Ucbeta from Fleebeiton to Liverpool, Ulaagow. London or any of the Iiritliu port*. Partial Intending (o rUlt Kngland, Scotland or Inland, will pleaee e*a rale* luiujj perebulug their ticket* else when. M IM BDITB BICBABOfmil. Pnptl of Bobt Mahr. of Bwlln. Oortnanv, (Tlolln) ; bin. Bradley, of Toronto ConaeTTalory Muilc. (Vole, culture); Prof. Kerriaon. let* of Toronto, (Piano) ; will receive i.upilt In 8INOINO. VIuLJN, PI. ANO aud UKOAN. HUTTOW. M.I). C U, M.C. F A B.Ont. Prieevtlla. Ruetdene* and office one door weat of tbe btetb- o.l i>t Cbnreb ,Kinroe 81 Office day*, Tuaadnyi and Saturday*. Tjli CABTKB. M c P. A .. Oet Pbyalclan. rarfaon. e**.. Pleibertoa omee Btralne b'ock. Btildinee Muuih.wl hoeei. JOHN A. SCOTT. M . B. Member College PI. y.lo. A Bargeou. Ontario Graduate In Medicine of Toronto I'utvanity. Fellowablp Diploma, Poet Ondvate Medioml Hcluml end IloaplUI. Cblvafo. Meekeeeot ere, ear, noeeaod throet tpeeleJly treated. Beet- dene* Maxwell. *talt*re*eralMunTnandya ' P.OTTHWBLU VetorietMrr Surgeon. OnHuaU of Veurtuary Ovllege. EeiWteeee Melt door eontb of Moore's pianluf factory J t. HALSTKAO. M. D, M O. A B.. Out .. pru4te at Kim berley. Kbenmallc dlaneee* > epectalHy. y ] M AUSH AI.I* I. l>. H . M U. R . Deatlat. Tlalta Marbdal* the let and ftrd Wedneeday of each month Pleaherton-Kaob trip on the day fullowtn ffflftl. J W. FhOBT, Harrlitejr, B-'lloilur, CooTeyaaoar, Etc. Kleaherton oflloe N*t the poet office Hproul*'. bulldlni, on Tbundaya. Owen Sound oBee 1 UUABA WRIGHT. Barrlitora, Botlelton. Cotmyaneen, eta. Owtn Sonnd. On.t Markdala. Out. W. B. Wauiwr. l. U LOCA*. M. B.-rieabartoo olBce. Mlbabelfi Bank every Wedooeday. SOCIETIES. AO.U.W. meet* erery Ant and Iblrd MOD day IB eajtb monttl, In their \rM\g" mom Chilttoel llk>ci.Plel)erton.ata.p.m. Gen Ihnton, M. W . U I llnllauiy. Auauo'er ; W. Irwln Heoordar. Vnitlnw Brethera larlted. ROYAL TKMPI.MIH OF TKHPKIIANl-K. - Hejmlar Council moeU *rery flrtt and MllM TIM- lv T<nliw In each month. In H|iroulo'i bluck at S p. in. Select degree llniuraure) ninnu euoiithly, th* Wedueeday |trootlliig the SBnd ot each mouth. SONB Or TKMTKH AN<-K Tl.l. aotlrty iiipfin In l>i I'hrlilMi' Hall erery \Vwi newlay emulug at R p.m. Vldtlkfl birth- er*n Invited. Intnrance lo oonoeettoo. YM. P. H. A., meet la Ibelr ball, Cbrl.toe'i Kloab err> Brt aod thlnl Thorada> In acb month. m. Rbarp. Haater. T. Clayton, Heoretary. 1>1USCK AKTIII'H UIDOB. Ho. MS, A. F.A A. M . nil lu the Maaoul* Mall. Miraln Mliirk. Pleeaerbttt, every PrMay ou or before the full nHMK A . N. VaodiMn, W. M., H. J. Sproule, Hmiretarr. Uss THE CELEBRATED B.Lwrance NPBt'TACLRM n n il KYKCLtNNEM F. O. Krvratedt, Hoi,- Agent DBAS Dot A* soan* peo|ia appa* lo doubt that many wocuou an wruugly treated by their biubaud* in taonty mattata I wiah U> K ive my on that point . A yoang married lady of my acquaintance, wh. boaband wu comparatively wealthy, wiabed to attend a ingiua tehool Ttw fe waa fifty ceuta, In MI paid in ailvancr, and the had to aak lot h uabaud for thia amall um, which he tolMely Mhwed, (lling her it woaU be ;ime LMII iiiuli to give her th money after the teacher bad earned it. This lady re- marked to my lister that she really felt aaharned to go to the daea and be the only onabie to pay as repaired. My aiater, who had.alw> jotaed aod wiehed to keep her fium (znaiing over this unkind treatment said, "Well I will do the tame a you, w will both tell the tcber we will pay Inter on." Thu they did and after a f*>w weeks tk lady atanaged to cure the amount of her debt. Thii tusband spared noeipenae ia buSMuhotd decoration, or in clothing hi* wife; ae would also by a great number of books to auit his own bast* hot when site re- queated him to petrchaes a " Pansy " book f..r her he refeawd, aaylag he had already ordered Un doUars wort* of Bible ouinmentarie* and shniliar Volumes, aod be w..uld not waste money on itory bnoka, even if they were religious and interval- iiiK. lie emitinued for aome years weav- ing her the ptaawr* of having little money to spend in these ways, and a* k*t the became weak in mind and put him to heavy expense as well as discomfort, which would probably have been avoided had ho not disregarded her feelings in thia nwpect. A farmer's wife in this county told me when tbe duktren dareaaed, or broke article* about the bouae, ah* we* afraid to Ut her hnaband ku<>w, liar, if ahe aaked him for esoney to replaoe them he would get into a fearful rag, and act a* if be would like t- tar tbe house down over her bead, eonaequeeitly she had to buy thia tbttat without sjia know- ledge, and pay tbe shop keeper aa best ah could. 1 eoald tl iif n*a*> aiiuilar and sven worw s*>* M -this eoumiy and it tu-r place*, bat theerw ill hw hww very i Air are the oiirqBafiigatir o< women, It w'rmM he an n r *SBi*U ebanoe if aiteb wive* oi.uM hold th--fene, aavti duki out in grudging faahin ev%ry out that wss neudrd by their K{ioav, audeatt him to strict account (or * wry Bva eyuta that waa s|M<iit, but it would> act iaati 1004, for a rebellion eqnal to a asAianial war would soon be the result. Miacii AJIU. UkeMarohand. we euula all multiply nLan.-. of Biwineaara similar to the aboVr, Inch have OUSM under our nwo personal olawrvatiii. How many Miiaitiva heart* have been made aahamed by jiMt auch treatmentl But though there art Bu many inaUa e* i- inio to light, it ia bothing to what ia covered up and never breathed to Ui vlosest friend. It ii the accuniutatum of th ae imall annoyance*, hidden away, and wunied "er in aecret, that eventually uudrrniii.e and aap the mentaliitgr, or leave a nvrvou* wreck of tbe woman aukjeoted to them. , Daaa Dor Jnai ah<irt Jetrer lo relate my owu personal and private npeiienco in thin matter. When I returned from a LwW Co 1 f*. whero I was tupptwed to have reoetvfd all Hi" ii t>(ul at well a* ornaruenlal train- ing necsasary tnagtrl.niy parent* thought that all that waa u*c*earv t>i my happi- ness was to bs well drees d and enter fully into the round uf Kayety to which I had aoceea. Rut my taatea did not lie in tint direction, ai.d knowing <rell that the grealoat social suoceae oould not aatiafy aie, and feeling that for ui, life must U- earnuat, I iH-gan t..!,,,,^ :il>,,ut lo aee *hat I oould do. lUit my training had Won enmowhat iii|M>rncial, and at any rate livl no market value. My plea to be ant uniewhere for the training nvcreaary ! my making my own way iu the wrld a lor a long time diareirardnil, a* my uar out* my father |rUuularly denirvd aie t J " be like, other firU, " hi* conception being a uaelem Imitvrlly. Hut I was younv and itron^ ami ambitkvia, snd felt that such an oxiiU-nov would a'ifte im>,m>, after much |>K< .iluix and many, to hitter dn>a|'| iiiont, I H allowed to fit myself f..r u>y wtirk in life. This work ha* been hard, at timw aJuxiet wore than I CHUM Iwar, nut I have never rayretlvd iMoominii Indvpeiidant, ami havtiig the rujlit to ahapo my own course. Mv j ruin, ton, hi ve oome (o see that I wa* imht and their ureaent condition* in life are only too ghva that I am able to make my own way. " ALTMA " Thi* M i .-r sounds like an argument for the education of girls to acme useful line of life, and I ahull *,.n>.< day anon hav* sometliiug to any up thai t>|.ii\ but it alao hear* u(Min tlio ureaent. Ti.oui(h tha |iareiita *ro willlmi to s|>ehd freely -n dress and amuauient,they did not accord " Alpha" the human right of choosing ; wliervaa, had he bad an allowance of money she could have chosen freely be- tweeu drees aid education and saved much time and needless worry. Ton see the Ear deeper question of individual freedom * involved tbe right to say what abe should do with her life. Many a girl and a oman never geta tbi* right and she ia aa much a slave as any bought aod sold negro of the South in slavery day*. We must close thia dieensssoa, hoping it will not be altogether for nought. It was not opened for the fun of the much too serious a matter to moat wo- men, to be funny. e e One gentlemen asked me tn write about the Jews next week. I puttdred bis re rk for a few miiintea, then light broke and I knew that tins dhuinea*) was hit- ting hard in one direction. The following well-known etnry illua- tntes-what be meant A new jTuachwr bad ensae to town ai>d a parishioner, who was) hi* well-wuher, warned hiss in tbis wise : "Don't preach against the liquor traJBe, as one of our members is a dealer bwt a strong mpporUr of the church; and doo't saeation uaary or you will offend some our nnat iiifluen- tbal people, aod don't for asqrthinx refer to polities, " and so on. Bejwbat*hall I preach about t - said jbapreashsr. "Oh, pitch kilo tbe Mnnexma, they haven't got a friend in tbi* diatnct " Well I am not going to " pitch iuto the Mormon* " n JT tbe Jews either, in spite of my friend'* snsjseiinn Dor. llexhcrtwD Ktntlon From <mr ou-a Cnrriesune'iat. Tbe Rev. Mr. Rupert will preach Sun- day moraing at half past tea. Mies Pranks Stewart ia spending a.few weeks in Dundalk. Mr.^ and Mr* Bgan spent Sunday with hie parent* ia Veaitry. We are glad to learn that Johnnie Wright, who has been very ill is recover- ing nicely, slsu Mis, A. McMulle... Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Wadaworth, of Toronto, spent a few days with old neigh- bors here. Mies Bull, of Durham, gate a abort call to a fsw of lior old aoqnatiiUnoea on her wsy to Toronto. Fourteen cars of live stock passed through here on Thursday Us* from Owen Sound for the old country. Inspector Campbull viaiUd our ach>>I on Friday and waa much pleased with teacher and pupil*. The order is joud. Our youug folks are exercising them selves each evening with a game ot HAVE YOU BACK-ACHE KIDNEY WILL CURE YOU to Aave, a *a/f Ay e'fy f/itkout Muttr- Dtlay It y trvublti rttult In Bad Blood, Complaint, *4 (Ac iof tfait- grou of all, Bright* UltaM, am 4 mktrt \ Dodd't Kidnaj SSWB mod. TENDERS WANTED. Two of oar ritiirtu had * set-to on* arvoing lt weak. Mw A. LntgMto ii (warning the oiilli- nery with Mm W. Tnml K-. T*e>ean wO> be reretwl ap to the I0t ol ay tor the laytnc ot new fear-foot ide weJks IB tbe ?iU*e ot FlcenertoB Tbe work to b don* In a traileemanlike naunnr. Material lead on tbe (round. Tbe loweet or any teejdr aot aumirily a opted Apply to Wm. Reat- dereaa. Oa*o>le'. Mleek. TENDERS WAITED. Warled leaden are h.r.bjr a*ked for tb. erection aod MtwlT of taateilaj for a new brleb etbool boux- In S S No 11. ArteoMeia. at Vaax delear. Plant an 1 ti<ec^oavUou* roaj be *eD at tbe reanlrnrc o( the ncietil) Tender* will be oien*i oe Balnrday. IMh inet Tbeloweetor any Wader not otceo^rily ae- repeed. (..>. Waaxoia, Kec. Treaav Shiloh'tCure i* suld ost a giurantsw. It curee Incipu-nt Cooammption. It ia the brat Cough Cure, Only one ceot a duae ; ttcta., 50 ct*. and f 1.00 ir bot- tle. THE GRKAT SOUTH AMERICAN NERVINE! TONIC AXD rS-TTO.Mt AOII and JJVKI1 CUI1.E. Th Wonderful HEALTH BUILDERS NERVE FOOD. ffcronlc INMMM rr rausrtl hr ftcramrcd >rrir Onlrrs at aMM* nr Mntrca, will ousc the dernw niMit of thr ili'Tfivnt organs oi Uie body whicL tiny snpplj with Nmmvi Fu-n> or NtHvr. FOBCB. Tb woiidoifnl Bocceu of SootL Anioncan Noninc is due alon to th* ff t tlial it i.4 tas<d on the foregoing piinciplc. The use of tiugl bottle of this r ni.,i\ will ronviiu-o the niot incrvdnlons. It is indeed, a veritable NtvK Fo*ir> And WILL 11KI.IEVR IN ONE DAY the r.iied fornu of nervous disease and stomach troubles. Nervnma. I >i-*onoH. This cla ol diseasos. is ntpiJIv in- ereaa-ing ac!i yrar. on aoccnnt of thv great weaa- our mode of living and lib or iinDOse upon the ncrv.nn svstcni. Nicy U-ntli* of all Ute ailtiuuU u> winon the luuun fuunlv i.o heir, are dcprixlrnl in>ni norvoiis (shaustioo. itnuiired di^i-stiou. and a >K ti'iioittUtl and impin-, iisln-il ?oni1r...>ii of the blood. Thr South Aincricsn Nenriue is a (treat nerve food ar.d iu i M bnild- er and tins accounts for its u>nrTelons power to cure the varied ioiiua nervous diseaw. sneli as Neural Nervonsncss, Nrrroo* r Vitus'a Daitco. Nervou* OM* l'an\ v? UK. eles, Hot Flashes, encj For^t ulneB-; o( T ATE discoveries have ah#olntoly 1 j proven Uiat the Stomach and LunxM.and indeed alhntemal organs arc controlled by the nerrr centres at tho base of the brain. The mann- ufaotarer of SOUTH AbtmmicAN NKKVINB has studied thia subject rlosrlv for more than twruiv-nTe yenvs, and bas latol* (leiuoiiMM-alfd that two thirds of mil Chronic Diaranos, are due to ill* in-imf.'ot action of nerve oe trra, cither within or at the base of the brain and no? from th deiangemenl of the organs theinselvMi ; lu nee that the ordinary method* of treatment an wtong. As all know, a sorions injury to the npinal cord will at once e.u*o PAKALT- KIM of tho body below the injured ^rt, ii iherrfoiti will be equally well under- stood, how the derangements of the Palpitation