TH1 FLB8HIRTON ADVANCE BTABLIBHBD IN 1881 Advance i WKBKLT A? THR OFFICE, 8TU- NUAJI STKBKT, riJtSHERTuX, (1ST., BY W. H. Till K.ST..N $1 per aunum,8trlrtly In advance Advertising Rates: Quo Column, 1 year, SW> ; half col., 1 year, 927 quarter col., on* year. S15. Tranaient advartiaeinent charged at tlie rate at a seats per hue for Ant Insertion and 3 cent* i subsequent luaei tlon. A DEMORALIZED COUtfTUY. During the coarse of a reseat de- bate cx-GoT. St. John, of Kansas /;ave some startling figures regarding the fi- nancial standing of United States farmers, which certainly proves that tLo farmers on the other Bide are re- trograding with serious speed. Mr. St. John fears that in a few years they will bu a nation of tenants ruled by a fow money kings, and says, " We have more farm tenauta in tweut,v<four states in this union than th'Te art in England, Ireland, Scot- laud and Wales combined." Tlie country's indebtedness has of late been increasing thrto times faster than the wealth has increased, and iz times faster than the population. Nine oer cent of the fiamilies of the United BwU-s own 71 of the wealth, according to the census report, while C 1 por Cunt of the families own but 9 per cent of the wealth. In 35 states aiid territories, including the district of Columbia, the amount of private mortgage indebtedness resting upon the homes and property of the people equals 11,500.000.000. morn than the face value of all the gold com in tin- world. TuU ia a terrible ih'owiug .ml triUiiily accounts for tho unrest demoralization so rampant on other side juat now. To show tho extreme speed with which matters iiave been going 10 the bad, Mr. St. Jolin gives the following comparison : In 18bO only twenty farmers in 100 were tenants ; in 1890 it was 82 per 100, and in tho last ten years the ratio has inoreated over 60 per cent. There is uo doubj whatever that the farmer bears the brunt of this disast- rous state of affairs and ia tho great- est sufferer. To illustrate the sad position in which he is plaoud tho fol- lowing is related : " In 1H7.'I, wlion the party 1 nctiziil Mlvwr by *iionlti>ig a lull l!it. . null (.'nngi-uss > adroitly that ei>n Hi.' l'i,i,|.'i,t ,lid not know tliat th.-n- WAsaSSMM ill it demonetizing mlu-r lion h,. MI>I,I',| it, and two yosri eUimud I . : ,r (iur country cami< to a full r, . rum uf id,, tri.-lc. wheat in Mi,, I , Si.n. . ln-.,ii; -lit HII nrrai(e pric In Hi,. I iiMi'Li'i ,,f fl 16 per huli,.|, wluK. in IH!(4 tin! itM-raiw price U 40 n<uti p. r I I us,. in m the t,U. of Nu- U riwiilly, m,.| while ou ( ,i,,i ..f the i:nlajr I run* ifi'iiiloiuaii cam,- tlin.uh M, I ml; " |jiii,nr I* now ready in tin- ilimiiK cur. " A farmer who tut ivri.u I' in inu will I : " How much ,1 . /"for adit r?"aml tho nmn naiil ' > W dollar. ' " Holy Nn,,,k ' " ,.,! tin furniur, "llm n hunliola ,,f wlmat for iln.ii.r!" In IKHt Nebraska wliea'. won i only >.' ., ,! (hirty flvu conU |,i r I, and KHHII Mtlmat tho .MIX, ; ami it , >tlii, NHIIIK mi'l. Three hunhvlt .f vrliogf for adiniLT, thr.. hiiHh.-U nmn. t linlifunt. HI,, I *up|M.r, till fit (mull..!*. . i,ii..ii.'U , ,f Hliwt for thin. ii|UHrt< '!. And if *n old farmer Uy HMT in_'M w a Pullman writ tak.n.u i.u-,1,,.1-, in, ,n ; lilt.... n (HI.MH nf whtiul to !,< p ti old Uriii,.r,,n it piilluMn oar nvur nig-hl, Kt I line mi uU. " Wo hear prrcinus lillle n )w-a-dy8 about Canndian* expatriating tliMii- fi'lviH to the United hint. *, and it in not pi'iihnblp tltat this will b<> mini,' ,. ry in tho next eli-otinn. AcconliiiK to tho factH an 1 figures adduced hy Mr. Kt. John our own country is a li I tlo paradise oo'iiparnd to tin, CM) I SUlcs at the pri'Mi'ii! mum- ,||, nml our people have much <in, that they do not live uudor tliu llui an I To tht Editor of Tht A'lv-inet. DBAK SIB I hear that a report has been raised and circulated by a certain fanner living Dear tho "Morey House" corner* that the affair* of the late Rob- ert Park were crookedly manipulated by his agent, the late Joseph Legard. A my wife it the sola legatee, I pronounce the report a base slander without the least foundation to act upon. Mr. Legard ac- counted for all moneys and other property left iu his charge to my entire satisfac- tion and I am entirely s^'-Uficd with the nianuer in which he conducted the affair. By tho will of Robert Park my wife wax left sole legatee, and as I am perfectly satufied With everything Mr. Legard did in the matter I cainW under- stand why such a slanderous lie should he circulated against his honorable lutine. Yours truly, Wi. HUTCHISON. Heathcote, May lit, '94. *- Eugenia. From <mr vvm cormpvtuimt. Tlie Methodist Sunday school opened hut Sunday with a gnod attendance. Major Rorke, A. P. P., and Mr. Camp- hell, P. 8. I., fav.>red our village wiih a short visit last week. Mr. Aikina, a prominent citizen of Tot- tenham, hnti been visiting %t his bru. tier's, Mr. Thus, brndbury. Mr. and Mrs. Crockett, of Toronto, ant visiting at Mr. H.' William*'. Mr.J.W. Armstrong shot a four eared rabit lately. The fact illuitrateK one of the funny freaks of nature. The same gentleman bo* been bloased with a big boy. Flesht rton visitors lately are as follows: W. H. Thurston, Banker Mitchell, D. CUyton, J. Smith and R Henderaon. Picturwsquu scenery and n|Mcklcd beant:e are the chief attractions. Tie Methodists an to have a lawn social and teaparty here on the Q lean's birthday. Arrangement* are being perftct- eil and the best accommodation as well ss a pleasurable time is insured. It ia expected thut the Tho-ubury F. B. C. will try the metal of the Eu- genia boys here on the 24th. As these are two of the beat football te-aius of the North the public may expect an excellent ex- hibition of football. TK Bugtmta tj. will probably have a game with the Fever- ahain team this week. Borne ladies wentanahinit Ust wuek and of uglit a number of trout, bxyinning with one, and it wasn't one million. How a projxir and fair division was made ha* not inen divulxd. lonor Roll. The followinx is the report of the stand- ing of the pupils of 8.8. No. 6, Ospray. for th month of April. The namea are arranged in order of merit, IV. Claw, ir. Ada Kaitting, Brti Kaittin<r, JvOura Orawfnrd. IV. GUM, jr.- Kli)betli Hod|{K)ii, Jane HO,|KMH. III. Clasfl, (iny Kaitting, Hunj.iman Darker, Manuel Moore. II. Class, MM Itiickingham, Men- etU Smith, Harry Toplin, Millie Smitli. Pt II Cliias Jane Sugvitt, Aimer Bar- ber, Chiistena Mi'Ki<n/.in, CiiarU* Htxlg. son. Pt. I C1as\ sr. Maud ItiickiiiKham, Hurry Buokingham, Artie Hn^itt, Cha*. Sugxitt, Ooorge Ultewell, Alice Ottowell. Pt I jr. MavKie Toplm, John Dnnn. H. JifKUXn, Teacher. II. iinr n.ll 8. H. No. 10. IV Class, r. E. RutMgo, M. Cook, r Whittaker, W. McFarlane. IV Class, jr-C. C.K,k, W. Melia, A. Mi'Knrlano. Ill fl.,s.. f M.I,.,. S .W ,!.., \V. Hutldgp. II Class ar. -0. McMullen, \V. Yiin, M. WillianiBon, Pt. II Clasa-W, McMiillon, S.Adami., K Httinphill. Jr. II O. Thompaon, E. ROM, L Int. Clrtsv-H K WaiiNlmni, E. Ylin, W. Williitniiioii, A. Him*. T. M, .Mullen, T. Logatn. M. JotlMNTtiN, T Brrnkrrs. DROWN BAVH INI|I M'.I KIIINKY 1III.-I IIIVK UNIVIIUIAI, Sal I T*l HKAIO.N IS Tllf.V Nl.\ KU nil TO Sin i.n RKII, MAY 14 Frank Hrowi,, llu.W'lll known illtl|;V-t hi'ln, II\H ; " In < [ IU.I i u-htevll III ,| ; i, . I |,a.r , i,l I I't ,|,./.,-n ,,f HoUd'n Kiiln.'y I'. si<lti,'i:ii( thn i|iiin!it\ 1 hu, .,,',!, | >,vu hal an op|H>} ,l ,n ,:.., ,.,ii, ,,,^ whutlier llui pill* KII-I- -""i-f't, lion or nut, I uan miy, that duriiiK uiy Tut ...... v , ,,, e\| ."i, in-e in 111,' cliiiK biHini'iiii, I n.vor -.Id u in, 'icii.e thai ijivos tho uni\rsal aatiBfaction that I>odd' Kidney Pills do. I am satigtie<i any person suffering with kidney trouble only requires to give Dodu's Kidney Pills a fair lnl, and he will be convinced of tbeir wonderful, cur- ative prcportiex. ^m ^ - County and DUtrlct. Messrs. C. W. HartniHii and Pye sail- ed out on the war-path on Tueaday morn- ing laat behind a team of fiery homes. They to,,k with them two valises, each C4>ntuiiiini( 1 clean collar, 1 tooth brush, 1 hair bruhh, 1 night robe, 1 indestructi- ble election smile, 1 tin insect pcwder and a large quantity of soft soap. Re- flect. >r. Dr. Rogers will take a courae in the Old Country hospitals, London or Edin- burgh, lie intends sailing from New York about the 1st of June and will be several months away. - Chronicle. W. St.aiid. recently mentioned aa being arr.-stcd xt Hoptville for an agravate as- nault n John Oerric, near Fergus, was Ust week i>eiittnced to three mouths in the Centr.,1 l'ritk>n. The fallowing from an exchan((o is only tou true : It is strange how closely men read the papers. We never say anything that anybody doesn't like but we soon hi-ar of it. If, however, we once iu a while happen to say a good thing we never htar of that ; nobody seems to not- ice it. We pay a man a hundred com- pliments and give him a hundred puffs, and he takes it as a tribute to his groat- ness, and never thinks it doe* him any good. But if we should happen to say something this man doesn't like, or some- thing he imagines a reflection on his character stw how quickly he flares op aud gets mad abutit it. All kind* of evil are charged to us, bat we never, pper- ently, get any credit foe what gocd we do. A number of tanners of the townships of Derby, Sullivan, Kvppel and Sy.U-u ham, have entered into an agreement with M r . W. K. liarkuess, uf I.eith, to ship cattle for them to the old country, and the tint shipmewt of 2M head will leave in a few days for Glasgow. Mr. Harkiiosa gnsranteee the ownm $3.50 per hundred pounds), and th-y pay the ocean freight and 98 < pet. head to M . Harkitee* for his services. Mr. llarime s has made arrangenMMsis for tpaoe at 40 shillingM per head on the steams* Aniar- antha, which nails from Montreal on tie 16 iii-<t , and the Khinniaut wilMoave h.'ie on the llth. The cattle will be insult d f T 970 per head at a cost of 7v5c. each. Tlie result of the venture will be looked for with much interest among farmers both in and outside the county. The hiKhont prioe obtainable here from the buyers is, we understand, from 4 to 4J c.'iiU per pound, and the cattle will have to ttrilie a very |>r market indeed on reaching QUsgow if the net resuks to the owners do not exceed that amount.-* Ad- vertiser. !. II. IIoitsxTDKn, 133Pnclflo vc., sauta Cruz, Cal., writes: " \Vl,,.;i a girl at school, In Reading, < ", I had a severe atlnOkMif bcalq (ever. On my recovery, I found myMU l',-ife,-tljr btiM, anil, (or a long tlnio, I feared I should be permanently so. Kri.MiJs urged mo to u Ajrer'a Tlalz Yt;vir, nml, on dot ng so, my hair Began to Grow, ami I now have an (Ins a head of hair as ono cnnKl wish for, being clianfrod, how- pvor, Momto to dark brown." " Aft,-r n flt of sickness, my hair came OUt Iu conibfuUs. I usud two Kittle* of Ayer's Hair Vigor anil now my hair Is over a yard long ami Vf ry full nml honvy. I haverecom->,l thin pn>irntlon to others with like K>| I'fTi'ot." Mrs. Shlney Oar|, UM U,v:iuiknt., Ilarrliiburg, Pa. " t Imvo nsctl Ayor's Ilalr Vigor for evnrnl yoarn nt-,1 uhvnysobtalntMlsatia. (urtory results. I know U Is tlie bos prepnrntli.n fc<r thn hair that U made." O. T. Arnctt. MMiiuioth Boring, Ark. fcyer's Haii .; rvJ bf Dr. J.O. Ay * Oo, A complete suit boys clothing A nice buggy duster A new style fedora hat fl. A pair gent's boots 81.' A pair ladica fine boots' 81- 12 pain" thread glovis 81. 16 pairs" blk cotton hose $1. 7 yds. double figm-ed cashmere $1. 20" striped Hatiellette 20" fast color dress prints $1. 20" towelling $1. 1 box new raisins 81. Tibs. japan tea I 1 . 20 Ibs. good currants |1. 80 ttis. raw sugar 81 40 bars electric soap t- Doll&r &ri lilt; Sale of valuable Farm Property. rr and by virtue of tbe poirer of iale con- Uiu,. I in a n,',rtii^o ui* le by MK'tii.-l Ualtou, default barniK been made in paytuei.t tbereeL will be aold by PLMUC AUCTION at kfl 1 ! F:t:l, -OJJ- TUESDAY 22nd MAY, at 1 o'clock |< in., the following property : Lot* No.t9 luid Ju In thltconoe-i<i^u north ot the Djrl. ;T:I Uoari in thaTowDfhip of Artu- ioxia.ii> t ,u| ' ,.iniy of Ur.-y,i.! to ooutain 10J acres. in.,re ur !.-*. , :-out tbre-c|aArten c'flfcre-?; KIXX) builuingi; well >ltuatt a to road* anJ tuaikvu TKUMS-Tlie purchaMr fblll pay a depoiit of IU jx-r cent ot tbe tiui of uJ. the loUuce ,<f oub tblrd of tl,t) piwrbuv niooey Iu three woeki thereafter ; thr rvmaiuiog twu-tlilnl j In ciub. u-txl by a iuorui*e paytl'la In from oao to Cveyear* At t!,e opiiuu of the purchd4r. For (urtber iirticulnr appl/ to - VK. t'flKRAK A IIANKIEB, Vendors' Holicitoif. Hauilltou Hanilltrn. May !,. will bny as much dry^aods, grocoi -ie and other merchandise iu our store. to-day as BF UTS would purchase in any store in G er when we came here. We are prepared to prove (his statement- Tl-e above quotations are only a few samples tk- eo at random aud might be extended tenfold. Boys 9 Clothing Will nave special attention and special discounts this mouth. Get tbe bo>s riggnl out U fore the Queen's birthday. We will ^ive you special terms for purchases bifou tli. 24th. Give the girls some of the e^gs thin month tlicv want bats June will bring us uiidsnunnr. Let them ge; their dreM aud millinery befoiv Sum- mer is ualf over. You can get a laig<- choice here and goods as cheap as any- where iu the province. Our orde/cd clothing department is keeping ahead. U'e have nobby siminirr nuitings in woititeds.cheTials, and tweeds. HtailquarUrs for fine millinery. Notice. BO.LR I v Ji FLOURING MILLS Manitoba Flour nluio.oit hand. Buckwheat ojround and bo!ted. Tbe only mill in this suction of country that doea this elas* of work. Chopping done at A.B. Bell - Frop. COURT OF_REVISION TOWK&H1P OF AUTEMK8U. NntiCfl '* n "K"V 01VKN THAT T1IK iiuuia flret *ittli,o the C-iurt of Xerliloii ou the A. aainuiit Ki! of the T. wnihlp of v, trniiila. IIT tlif \e*r IW4, will be lii.l.l In tin, Town Hall, Ktsl,ei ton. on Mon,tnv. Juno 4th SB*, at 10 o'eloek a.m. All |>aitu Intrrvetu.) will teko nntloo accordingly. iiil**"* 1 ** rl ' bort011 ** mh > * "* \\ J :I.;I.HMY. n.'.k COURT OF REVISION TOWNSHIP OP OMPKEY. Ndtiffl I8 HBKKr(Y OIVKM THAT THR 11 . uv Court t tl*\lhl> n ou (he AMrmuivui Hull for tlie year IHW of the 1owi,l,lp ,.f o- nrtiv UI !>.. l,l.t In thr Oiai'K" Hall. In f ,- Tiliaip > ( HaxwaU, al lOc.rluk a ni. on lion- day, Uat r", 1M>4. All | *itl*a lutrreeUd will goteru llituiM-lvva acroullngly. TIIOMAH SCOTT, Cle.k The Markets. Cnrrftilly orrcrtr4 Fnch Wrcb KUmr f 3 20 to J ;i Lti Fall \Vl,.,,t . . ( to tl-l Sjirinij Wlirat 06 to 05 Barley 81 t<> ;il Oats Kt to si rVs . . 6S to 62 Buttur 16 to 16 , fri'uli !' t.i ft t,es IMK . .. . 6" to ;,.| 600 to B W) HII> |H-r l -n fl (10 to i, mi 300t" 3IO SW t,, S8 "'" 8 to 7 Tarkvys 9 to 10 ,'i-H|H-riir... 8B to ;i ' " |"u- 60 ti rtS "' 16 to JO Hv I Ili'li'i hrm Property - IN THE - TOW.NSHirOFAKTEMEslA I'uiler ami by rirtueof a power of talc con- tti'.i i n ! ,-,-rtsiu luortgaed mad* by Edward " -r-"'i i" -.i rn Ion n >w ia default and to b pro Itic.-.l it time of talo. there will be offer* I mi . -i. |, H'li.- auct.ou t tlic Ti!la|t of Piirevi ',^,'jn K.l'lfty, the l-*t'i .lay ,,f M*y, lljfH. at tl,..|, '.n ,,f tirj ./.jlock iu tbe afternoou. a!l and iuKU'a>. i'-i" No-*. 8 and 9 la tbe flrat oon- e **ion audlb of tbe u. h >m tbe towu- i>hiu '< \.uiu- u, i-nnliKiiiK about 1UO acrk. Tin- PHK>. t. n eligibly aituat.l on tb* tua/u ro't troiii Flu-'herton to Vrieerlll*, balnf about oae-bH in, , f.uui i'ncerllle and throe luilei from h ,-ix,t -ii Station uuC. F. H l'l>- n tbe p -op <rty U ai 1 to be a rough ca*t lw-.i!l.iij(. H)xA "lib ki', hen attached, also r ,iu liAi'ii and table. There 1* alaoat-mail :^:<ii'iw alojt 4J oung f inlt tree*. Tbe pi(>iK'.t..uf wbloh about 64 *cre* ar> steerM. 1* wall traSetel by tbe riTer B*uigej wbicii if -*it to be capable ol beiug couverte 1 into e.o excellent trout pr**er. Tbe i.>i>ertj will be ollered >ub)ottoa ra*- ,-rve I ui'I.' 1 > 10 per cent, of t'ic pnrcba*e monpy will rwfulre to b |>al > at li"i of ule aud tbe ua kiic-e uio.' K t,> favoi A e tei uit ^jj eoo- to i,- tht't, tnadekL, wn. >or fin th r particular* apply to . XBUlirf A OBiOWlCK, St Melht^ton l >., To-uuto. r* for Vendor* . liKAVTT. er to J. W. Aanraoa. Flviherton, Umt Dato-i al Toronto thi* Jflb day of April. MM. VIGOR or MEN Eu% Qilckli, PMVuiify Rittonl , Ner vou*iws, Debmty. sad all the tnun of tvils from early eiron or later excracs, the nsu!u of ovcnrork, kW- Dtu, irorrr, etc. Full Mnngtii, deTtopcnnt and tone given toevrrr orjj.m auj ^ortun <J the bodr. tiimj U, natunl mrtluxls. Inune* diate iuiprnvrmr ut sc< n. Ftitnrc impossibl*. 1,000 rcferracfs. Book, ei| IsoaUon auJ proob mailed (Malsd) (rve. ERIE MEDICAL CO,, Buffalo, I.T. CAVEAlX.lKAlJt MARK? COPYRIGHTS. aatliin eomraln* Palriu anJ n them cent fiw>. A)MI a eatakirM li md MentWe bonk* MntrreeT Patent, taken throat* Mnna * HELLO ! HELLO ! RVKHYIIUin I II V T WRAR8 Boots AND SHc es do to thi. iho* ahop ID Xtmberley an I I u.| sl,,>e< or rptlr i . til or. at neatly and cltr|i a ^"^..:n' wilbfn twenty uillm. Tvy we an 1 be eoiivluo>k .1. \V. VVhitby, KIIUKMVM-B - .- KIMUKKLKT lApr|fu>.