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Flesherton Advance, 17 May 1894, p. 1

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-.31 Jt&rattm " TRUTH BEFORE FA YOB." PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN.' VOL ML, HO. 883 FIJSHIRTOH,OW.,raD18DAT, 1AT ff.fflW. W E THUB8TOH EDi ;" One of the finest assortments outside of Toronto and at prices to meet every pocket, from $1.25 up *. IRF A ful1 stock of beautiful and useful JIL I UII nQLi j - i i i- i_ i goods in cruets, pickle dishes, knives, forks, s| oons, ornamental goods, &c. *% ^ magnificent stock in every line, to collar buttons. : ARMSTRONG BltOS FI.ESUERTON D. Mct'avish, Horsethoer and General tain hr fe. I Repairs, Repairs ! Flesherton ail littiisu t Fleury and Ve-ity on hand all the time, also kind, of repair, for th. ine. We m.nuhW Wagon. Baggie. Cutter., etc. Honeshoeum promptly ***** to - Sp*-- 1 "antion to tender feet. Losing od fcow Cl-un- onitU, on Lnd. and M and i^ --e 8ti. F ' GENTLEMEN . T 9 ANNOUNCE that I Lave taken over the *)" * basineei lately carried on by Mr. m prep*r*d to fill all order, in my Hue to your Having lately added to my sixteen year.' expe- a nine mouth.' training in one of the best '" '^ u CIt - v llf ' ) * >tro ' 1 - *^ere I .nceeeded in carrying recommendation, ought to be a sufficient guarantee W 'U be done in a first elan* manner. I manufacture ifieu, Cniurg. Sleighs ; in fact everything in the car Wood and lomber taken in exchange. Kindly give me . to MeTanah's blacksmith shop. 13. DL. 4, 1 1. Flesherton. o the Public in general or all intending pnrehsMr. of Buggies, Carts and Democrats I desirr to eall yonr attention to my spring stock. Kindly give me a call and you will '* convinced. I use nothing but first-clas. material Come and judge for yourselves. Repealing attended to, also paiutiug and retrimmmg. R. T. WEITTEff, WANTBI) .S men. r \ "* not . lo> incut wiiti anai *ala*- oocouarr. Haodnoiu* hcnffll of or*r *S Tr cxpor- -'i var> mail. Choic* polal of territory. W bare over took,And can plvo you manj aivani; .ir tu-x1 of tecuHiif; aud rtiii- i-i i*upii(>r. Call for ujr korma. ; . I. ial will ocwt >oo uuthlag. WBLLINTN, Toronto, Oat. <iutflt n-l (h i.oc* fnr !i;e : TOO \ i Oaptain Sweeney, U. 8. A., San Ol., my : ".Shiloh'a Cakarrah Remedy i* the Brat inodioiu* I ham ever found that would d me any grxid. " Price 90 centa Fan fir Salt ir Ei(tai|i, A Rare Chance. .fabarton. VlMbartoo Htatlon. Wax well. Sin h*mpton. u r Fennbau : a valaable Farm of U*T acr.on mil* north ol Kiuiborlvr Iu the HMTW rlty . Tp. of Kuph raala On 111* pr*na- ! are a good frame boon*. bru and drlT* boaa*. alw a food orchard and wll luppllod with water. Apply to W. A KAYM4N. A. for ajrdaaham Fire tea. Co .Wa]|r Fall* the older a* are a taw*f o r'roet <mr etss Potato pbnHru is seeding aad hee thepaat The 24th i* goiug lo be celebrated in our town thia year. Basse ol our sport- ing men hare arraeflad for sosae c., amonget the Wtcr a ball might be saa*B*V>ne4. Mr! Wright ha* take* a position in the nf foot- Long ha* been visiting friend* m Hiuuhampton. Mia* Browdridge, of Thornbnry, speert Sunday hew. Mr. and MM C. M. Field speut a few day* iu Bad jen Utely . Mr. 8uas Seuat, of Mclntyre, supplies u with fresh sseat at present. Mr. and Mn. Little went to Flesher- ton Uat Sunday. We are pleased te know <bat Mr. Baa* Linley ha* recovered i but we are sorry to know that a n amber of children in this aect i-ti have a a* .-ere cold . Mr. MedUr Guy g us a call the* Tuft- of MMS Katie I with her Sing Ka tuple* Mr. Walter MeCuBuM, f Teronto, i* at pr*s*it. Mr. aoJ Mta. Wri*h were oat iait- iag fricnda at Ratnn Uat week. The *t one wall of Mr. John Kertov'e barn ia nearly euesfiited. The last avesJM ef the Quarterly board took pases a* Mooday of week. Lajnont and SuatWat, esT ere iu tuwm em FrMuy . There' weave briak cattle aid think that they would be benefited by a ; good shower. Mr. Wm. MeConnll raised an addition to one of hi* out-buildings Friday. We were in error two weeka as-> iu stating that he had had hia house painted, ha in- tend* having it done aoou however. We understand that he also intends baring hi* hams raised and (tone nulling put , underneath, thai *uuuner. Mia* Fanny Ball after (pending some week* with her sister, Mr*. J. M. Matth- ' awaoi, returned to her home in Toronto, ; Monday of bet week. She was ceom- paaied by Mr*. Matthewson and children wh-i will spei>d a few weeka with friends in the Queen City. Miasee Anuie Charters and Maggie Black, of Meaford High School, *pent Sauday at their respective bosses. Ethel Seett, of Kimberiey, is ber aunt Mr*. J. Dixon. Proton Ktatto Strft Bee oar stock and price.. From oawowu CanafondaU. Wall, Mr. Editor, it is BOW sou; aino* you hav r heard from ua. Perhaps a. .me ..f yoor readers were under the roasiou that w* were dead and gone IO th* happy hunting ground*. Mot so, however, a* we are still subjected to th* trials that are it. connection with having across wife. I truat our ntx'igssles Will he ovw looked under such trying circum- ss ours. Tli* Uws of gravitate * must have undergone a change or thia orb uf our* must have gained time aonie how in it* revolution* or we would ao* have had such a sssgniAeent spring. The iatasei* around Proton aeeui to be iu the) heaven of blia* over it. Mr. A. Brown aad Mr. T. Uockhart ass the fire* of the season iu the "barn FLESHZKTOX HARDWARE, STOVE AND XXX I bardwar* inas arrived at f peeiallj low rae. ol will rmlv* the lunaes. Mneh n*ila. *.* per MS Iba.; aki*cte nalla. es TS par 10S1W ; aBaSuer nail* aa cqaaUy low for young *** 6at ******* to T Proton audience, Mr. at the fair Uat ! *"eUetead, ftmer pastor having resigned Monday, for w Wen fntty -j-nod price* were offered. Qwsea large number ol animaU changed JSUJJs. Judging froej tie ptmut appearance of the crops, harve* will he eMuMera- bly -arlier this year thee heretofore B w> have M> summer hats. The E. L. of C. E. in the Meihodiat church is rapidly ticreaaing in interest and n>iuberhip The tegular neetiug ie oe Friday *vet*g of each week. Mr. Jamea McDonald returned hrae Uat week after **i>diiig the * inter and apring on the Ncth Shore. Jim iutenda going back aaiii a a week or ao Mrs. W. J. Blkeaton spout a few day* in Proton Uat wek. Mr. Wm.U. vslson, of Walter'* Fall*. ia taking a few dy of well-earned rcet at hi* parental deiicile. Mr*. lv'twr**v, who ha* been quite ill ie n<iw rec>rir under the akilful at- tendance t.f Dr.iary Brander. Muter* Brnctand Harry Paton re- turned to their t*ae in London Uat week . rrtey From Owing t> ourutnd being occupied on the subject of -s>)l<xy Ust week, we clean forgot to uu 1 in our usual hudicot,. but pardon u* sa time and we will try to do better m-e fururv. W* were pbesl to meet ye Editor in town 041 SaturJ. We are aorr- hear that we are go- ing to loose M' MoT*iruart fr-.m our mitUt. She h heen ri*iting her brother Mr. Jas. Thuis\ *ul other friends, all winter here, ehe h.n made up her mind to start rfcerh.nMi on Tuesday. hi* position ia the pulpit he Mrs. Alex.* Stewart has returned from the hospital in not much better health. What waa your object in contradicting our *tatoBM<nt in our Ust communication in reference to Mrs. Stewart not having went to the bonpital f Our statements are to be relied upon, Mr. Editor. Mr. T. WyvilU is st present engaged building a brick provision store. Mr. Wjrville in aUo very fond of birds. We believe he haa his eye un one at present. Quite- a number of our young men have gone to the So or Bay MilU lattlv. We understand the football is again under full swing under the supervision of Mr. Frednck White and are also open for enjn^enients. Who i* fint ? Mr. Tics. McQnay had a serious loss the other day by getting two of his horses killed t.y the C. P. R But ss he has 7 'eft and horae fle*h so cheap perhaps he wa* not auch a looser. Mrs Gto. L>kkart returned to her hone in British Columbia on Monday, af- ter spending tl.e winter with friends around here. Mr. W. Boyd cut* the figure ei^ht in great style with hi* new cycle. Will *ay* there n one good thing about it, it won't run swsy. Tools. *^ 5fi i^aas^']^ n a '^r "- General News. Mr. A. P. Scott, ex-county judge of Peel,died at Bramptoii n Saturday from dancvr. Some politiciMis at Ottawa prognocti- cate that the tesakui will cluee before I\<raiiii<iit Day. TalroMgv'a new tabernacle and i>thr SI,eh.,n M uk--.yf'und.w l ,aei. this Building, ,,,Bro,klrn w burned Mon- ^^ . day. L* f 1.000, 000. A BeMball ih.was ntaniaxd on Satur- Up to Saturday the shipment of livo day muht in sJUx.the name ..f it being ' * t " ck f " >ni Montreal f..r Kritain included th* KiinberUBewer*. C*p. A. B. Bell; 6,370 entile, 1.S8T sheep and 309 horse*. Sec , J. W. tiswy ; Treaa., Will Ellia. ' Doc. Andrews a; d his wife, who were We will be *sss to hear from olhe r chaiyed with cauaing the doath of Lucy club* now. | Penning by a criminal . pvrarum. n fuuud not iruilty, but will be re-arrested on a charge of abortion committed on one '< Nrlli Lafoiitaine. Make, all garments of Men's m the best style at snort notice All work guaranteed. A trial solicited. F. A. BAKER, FLESHERTOX L0\6. LEVEL Seeding l> h ere are dtt The crop* around j Then i* no change in the great cel ' 11 out *"' psop 1 * miner*' tnke in the Sutes. A-o the hd*4 ol the {> -.\i wh,, tubserihe f.T The present year. th* baUnce of OatJy Wv tecaro* it.

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