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Flesherton Advance, 10 May 1894, p. 5

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THE HlllBlTU ADVANC1 JjANKINQ OFFICE OF GEO. MITCHELL, a (?">*e r nl Dra'tt '-i? bnsincM ! *".ntct*d iqasseB*liIM&Ml rte f,,r lfviuit-< baninms Ojric two toon nortftcfRichardmtiAOo's Vicinity Chips. Characteristic* of the Past Week Carefully Culled for the Canon*. amon; locals vill be ekaryed at the rate of lOc per lint fur A redivti<m will be made on amtratU fa 100 Una or over. School Inspector Campbell was in tovn on Tuesday. Hen's Flannellette Shirts full size* 26c M. Richardson A Go's. Mr. R. Keefer returned borne from College at Montreal on Friday list. Please ovQjuul see the latest novelties and designs in millinery at T. Hill'*. FUeherton chcusc factory will begin the aeasou's operations on Monday next. Another carload of aborted Hardware received this week at M. A Cos. We are informed by a gentleman who ought tu kr*) that a second paper is about to be started in Mark dale. Double width 40 inch colored Cash- nentt at 15c., Do. do. all wool cashmeres 25cU. at M. Richardson & Co's. A fine new crossing lias been laid be- tween Sproula'ii corner and Richardson's. This has been needed fora long time. Notice Another lot of 25-oeut tea, "uoted for its fine flavor and drawing qualities. It tickles the palate. At T. liars. There appears to'be a dearth of news this week from all points. Our correspon- dents have beeu unable even U. rake up a uah story. At the quarterly meeting of the Meth- odist churcfc on Monday J.W. Armstrong, K<I , WAS appointed delegate to the dis- trict meeting to be held in Owen Sound naxt wc-k. air. VVm. McMurdo, of llopeville, was a caller one day last week. M r. Mi-Mur- do seeding on April 25. lie My* this as the earliest spring we have had fur twenty-four yeats. Friday was school Arbor Dsy. A little work was done around the school in thr foreniH>n, but the teachers complain t>iat the larger pupils.mstead of assistiutf.went ishing, and left it all to the smaller ones, Mr. E Harrinon, furniture dealer, bus issued bills announcing an auction **!< <>f furniture on Monday, May Ul, in onler to reduce his stock. Those wan-in-.- furniture at their own prices would d well to attend. A commercial traveller named Lewi* g >t a bad shaking up wmle driving orer from Oiiiidulk on Tuesday afternoon. His horse, a livery animal, lK.-c.imo scared at a bicycle and bolted, throwing Mr. Lewis out. His injuries wtrc severe, but not serious. As the strength of a building depends upon its foundation, so health drin-iiu< upon the condition of the bliKid. To ex- (K'l impurities and cause the viial fluid to tit-collie, vigorous and life-giving, Ayi r's Sanaparilla is the most powerful and medicine in use. The Toronto Junction Leader last week an excellent picture of Joe T.l'lark. " Muck, " the clever antstaut editor of Toronto Saturday Night, accompanied Ly a sketch of his career. It is reproduced on our first page this week through the kindness of Mr. A. li. Favcett. Ayer's Pills are recommended by lead- iug physicians and druggists, as the m.t l-r.iiii|>t and efficient reiucdy f >r bilious- nesr, nausea, custivness, indigestion, .V.utnzi*hiies of the liver, jaundice, and Mick headache : also, to re'ieve colds fvers, neuralgia, and rheumatism. The Advance was slightly misinformed last wek w ith tvar J to the dismissal of the baggage master at this station. It appears that Mr. Jas. Hemphill tonden>d his resignation of the position last full, nines which time his son hss attended to that. It Is the latter that has U-en die- cbarged. Poor old Billy Vails was committed Lint week as a vagrant by J. W. Arm- HtronK, J. P. Billy lus been aiwuted by the townnLip, but is old and infirm and caunot Iixik after himself, conseijuently lie mutt be bundled off to jail '. How niuch better would it be if there was a IIOUKO i-f refuge fur suih a he. Tais township paid last year 8'JG7. 10 for the keep of indigent*. Further comment is unnecessary. Tlie Rev. John W. Jones, incumbent if tli4 united pan-then of Maiwell and Dundalk, haa received the offer of prefer- meiit from the bishop i if Fluron, ti the important rectorship of Thameaford. At the earnest request of his present con- gregation to rein.-iiii with them, be has declined the bishop's offer. The reverend I'riitljurin was born iu IJa^ilt, North Wales, and educated at Victoria I'niver- Htty College, Liverpool, Eiuc , and Bishop Wilton Theological Cul!eg, Isle of Man. He came to Canada in 1801, and was or- dained by the preacnt bUhop of Huron, And appointed t<i the incumbency of his present parish, where he has labored with the moet commendable seal and 1 .-.Lull, I.LI | antorsle. beiu^c signalized both by increased attendance at church and by a greater heartiness in the work of our Saviour by the numbers of the con- gregation. He was elected county chap- lain of the Loyal Orange Association at the last annual* mc-etiux. Mechanics' Institute. The annual meeting of Flesherton Mechanics' Institute was held in the Di- vision Court clerk's office on Monday in.-ht, with the prrxid- ut, M.Richardsou, Esq., in the chair. The secretary's re- port showefl that toe institute is iu a re- markably healthjr mate, considering that it has only been in working order for thirteen months. There was a member- ship during that time of 106, and the receipts were ?20 5, it . expenditure of 9231.O), Uaviut; a belaucd due treumrer of $10.5C. The number of books purch- ased and now in the library is 314, di- vided as follows : Fiction, 88 ; bio- graphy, 22 ; history, 100 ; nmcellanouus, 44 ; voyages and travels, 28 ; religious, 12; scientific 4, general litumture, 16. Mr. W. Armstrong, who give his services as librarian free for the put year received the hearty tbauks of the members pre- sent. Offieeis elected for the ensuing yeir. are : Pres., M. Richardson ; Sec., IV. Irwiu ; treaii., (Jeo. Mitchell ; Direc- tors Rev. J. U ells, W. A. Armstrong, \V. J. Davis, W. J. Bellamy, W. Hen- derson, W. U. Thurston, W. U^rnhouse, J. W. Armstrong, T. Clayton. Auditors, W. J. Bellamy and W. H. Thunton. Mr. W. Armstrong was rappoiuted Iib- ranan. It in intended to devote a Unje sum to the purchase i more books dur- iii'.; the coming summer, and it is expect- ed that the government urnit this year will amount t.. about $170. Thy library has bevii a very great benefit to youn^ *iid old during the past yar, and should be even more full) . -I tiian it i>. Tli.- directors have uid-j a i{ol eleciioi! of btM>k, holding in view the great var- iety of tastes Uirtt prevail. The uiviuber- ship fee this year remains at lite former figure, $1. The number of books ex- changed dming the \i-*r was Id73. Mr. W. J. Davis was the heaviest reader.hav- ing Uken outtti h<>!<t, sud Muter Suiitli next with u4. Pnccvlttv. From u'tr i.-u t urrerpon <'<*<. LsHt Moiitl.i) Donald Stew- art i-f the N. L. was ssiiously 111)111x1! while woikin.- in .!.i- W--.-.U, by a falling trett. A tuih fence near the tiee hiuil ert-U iroin ijettiuvc ay fiuui it a* it was comiu..' down.>-!) a log wa laid acrmu (be path if the falling t mb. r and thus Don was saved from b;.iij{ crunheil to iith. A younji m.-.n named Baxter in the bu-h at tl 9 tiiue, consequently li 1|> uas s.-<>ii obtain ed. Dr. liutton IN atteiidiux liiir. Ke^ie*Jiu-r, we \enture t-f my, can compute with ;uiy other amateur bicyc- lit of his owuaxe in Out. Last Sat utxUy iu 'rnii ^ lie Ult !Vu-e>il!e on the bike at 5.15 and by 'J o'clock he was in Owen Sound, u-> doubt before snio of the Sound -U-. pers <>t burg were out of bvd. To wheel f n m IKU to O. S. in 3 limn* and 4.*< mm* is, according to ir humble opinion, vometliuiK faster than t .e couimou. The run from here to Maikdalo occupied one hour. Pretty good work for a 10 year old )>y. Arbor Day was duly celebrated st our P. S. The ymd was uicvly cleaued up, a number of trees weru planted, ai.u quite a few Mower bods were made. Iu our fish report last week we made a slijht mistake, the lAr^tiHt trout weighed 3J IU. iustesd of :s jHw. It is stUl a big finh all the same. We did not see the sjisckled beauty bat we can vouch for the truth of the foregoing as the word of Mr.Dou^al McLean, the fortunate fisher- man, can be relied on. Mr. McLean in- formed us that it took him all of ten min- utes to land the fellow, and that it is the !arCbt trut he ever caught in thin coun- try. We might add that Mr. McLean could give Isaac Walton himself a few lesiioi.s on snglins;. The Poet Office Inspector dropped in kind of suddenly the other day to see our Xenial P. M. Brown, but he found every thing iu iu place and a place for every- thing. If Mr. Inspector came around every day iu the week he would find things just the same. Do you know, its oar private opinion that those gov't offic- ials are sort of dissipoiuted soiuetimea when they find everything in apple pie order. Last Sunday night the increased flow of water burst the flume of the saw-mill and carried away a corner and a side post of the planing room and woollen factory, but strange to tell the building never bud.-eJ. It is a wonder the hole thing didn't tumble into the river. The dam- age in being speedily repaired. Mr. McAulay and family, of HoUtein, have moved to this village. As Mr. M. U a first class workman we trust that he will find business prosperous sg soon as the machinery in the factory U in run- nine older. Miss Kate Mcl.itjre, of Toronto, U spending a few weeks with her parent.*. Mr. Alex McArthur haa moved into the house lately occupied by Mrs. McKay. Died- On April the 30th, after a long and painful illuess, Mr. Dnniel Ferguson, aged 52 yrs. The deceased was up to the time of his illness the principal minister of the Disciples' church iu the village. He ws a member of the A. O. U. W. and h:vs occupied the highest positions in the Piiceville lod^e.who attended the funeral in a body. Member* also from Mark dale and Durham lodges were in attendance. The funeral cortege was very long. The Workman conducted their impressive and afiectiug funeral service at the grave. The bereaved family have the sympathy of the community. Mus Annie McFsyden, of Proton, was the guest of her grandmother, Mia. Brown, last week. Miss R-sie Brander, wh> hss been per- fecting herself st the art of millinery, re- turned home last week. General News. It Is reported that immense coal depos- its hsve been found at Buffalo Bay, Lake >f the 'A'ooda. The coal -trike in the United State* continues, and the 180, <.K)0 men are accordiiiK to the'.r officers, confident of suroevs. A Racking Cough Cured by Aycr's Cherry Pectoral. Mrs. P. D. HALL, 817 Geuesaee SU, Lockport, N. Y., say* : "Orsr thirty years ago, I remember hearing my fat'.ior describe the wonder ful curative efT>*cts of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Daring a reeent attack of Lst Grippo, which n.-wnmed the form of a Catarrh, serene** of the longs, accom- panied by an aggravating cough, I used various remedies sad prescriptions. While some of these medicines partially alleviated the coughing during the day, none of them afforded me any rrlicf from t!iat spasmodic action of the lungs which would seize me the moment I attempted to lie down at night. After tea or twelve such nights, I was Nearly In Despair, and haJ about decided to nit op all night io my easy ctiair, and procure what I couM la tlir.t way. It tlion oo curn-d t.-> !< that I bad a boll!-- of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. I took a !< i.nful of this preparation la a little water, and waa nblo to lie down without coughing. In a few moments, I felt asleep, anJ awoko la tbo morning (roatly refreshed and feeling much bettor. I took a traapoonful of tho Peo t<tra! every -'plit for a week, then grad- ually docjvr_->-<l the doc, end In two w<<*ks mjr c<xi?h was cnrid." Aycr'e Cherry Pectoral , MM*. B O SHO S ES We have full lines of Ladie't, Men's and Children's Boots and Shoes. The best assorted stock (mostly all new) in Men's and Ladle's wear.fine or heavy grades, from $i per pair. We have received a fresh lot, having nearly sold oat the first. Ladie's Shoes and Slippers from 250. per pair. Children's, Misse's and Boys', all sizes, and all, at Prices cheaper than the cheapest. Custom work and Repairing promptly attended to. Best stock used at Clayton's. HEALTH FOK ALL. Holloway's Pills and Ointment. THE PIT LS Purify th blood, correct an Disorders sf I.ivt r. Stomach* IYU!II.V* and liow^rt*. Tsy IsTtgorase sad restore to health Debilitated Constitution*, sad art invaluable in armn- p laias inoiiteutal to Females of all age*. For Children and the aged they are priclees> TH E OINTMENT an Infallible rewedr for Bsd Less, B*> Braaitn. Old W jon.U. Son* and Uicen. It it famous lor Oout and Rbumatiam. For disorders of tbe Cheet It bat no equal. For SOKK 1HROA 1, BRONCHITIS, CO UGHS, COLJJ3 Glandular 8wellius, sad all Skin Diioaies it ass ae> rival aa4 for oouvrsaud u J nut joints it sets like a charm Manufactured only t ProffesMr HOLLOWIT'I Bstebliihment, 78 N.-H O v f.. nl M r.-, t (late :,:;:{.] *irr.-i . London isoldstU. lid-.istM., 4.l. 11*., iBB.. md.13*. eli Boior Pot. e had of an Bed icine Vendors throughout tbe wot Id. PMrehaien ihvUJ look at the LaM on the Pott and Boxe*. If tA adiirett is wrf 533, Oxford Street, London, tAy an spvrtoui. The right place to buy furniture or get your undertaking done is at the Flesherton STAIN 'SB LOCK, FLESHEET01T. '.m New goods, new designs continually coming in. Cu jt J mers arc delighted, both with style, quality and pi ices. Our oak bedroom suites are causing quite a sensation, and make- ing many homes cheerful and happy. We have a very large range of these goods to select from, not only in oak, but also in walnut, mahogany light finish. Our prices are right* small profits and quick returns. THE UNDERTAKING DEPARTMENT is a feature we give special attention to.being practical. We guarantee satisfaction and moderate charges. STRAIN & MOORE. All goods delivered free. The Markets. Flour ................. Fall Wheat ..... Spring Wheat ..... Br!-y ............. Oats ............. Peas ............ Butter ........... . fresh ........ Potat.s baff ....... P,.rk ........... Hay per too ....... Hulos ............ Slie*pnkins ....... tieesv ............. Turkey* ............ Ctiickei'N per pair ---- Duck* bar pair ..... Woul ............. forrertcd Earh Week $ 3 20 3 20 t.. 65 to 65 tn 31 to 32 to M tr. l"i t,, 10 to 50 fr 600 to 6 00 to 300 to 25 to 6to 9 to 86 to 60 to 15 to IW 31 Si 68 17 10 00 600 6 00 3001 25 T 10 | 30 HELLO ! 1IKLLO ! *** BVEMTIKTDT THAT WEARS Boot* *> SHo Go to tbe hoe shop In Kimberley aod Will mak vonr hoots anil >bos or rap*Ir eilhr. M QMtly sail ob*^ ft anyono w iwuitj mltos. Try m sud boonvlucl J.\V. Whittoy, BHORMAMB - 1 Aj,r |i iu

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