THl rilSHlKTON ADVANCE BITillMSBID IN 1881 MBLJSHCH WBKKLT A* Till OF/ICE, SYD- ENHAH xTMirr, FLMRBKTUN, ONT , BY W. II. THUMTOM. with bitter experience ;nat what the protection of Mr. Mowat implies. The act of dismissal should bo execrat- ed by nil fair-minded and honorable men. Things have come to a pretty pass when men must suffer a penalty or lie for the sake of shielding the wrong-doer. Common decency will biiroly cause Sir Oliver Mowat to re- pudiate this inhumane dismissal ami rcplaca the Registrar by a more com- petent man, but it does not look like il as the Globe defends the registrar ia his action. $1 prrannum,ntrlctly in advance Advertising Rates: One Column, 1 year. (50 ; half col., I year. 927 quarter col . on* year, *13. Transient adrertlieiuent charged at the rate M coot* pr 1 1 ne for flrit imrtlon and 3 cent* each abieq-ieut ioMrtloo. CENTRE OBEY. The Owen Bound Advertiser lust week turned id profound attention to Centra Grey politics, and spoke as follows ; The three cornered fight in Centre Grey opens up a good chance for the election of a Liberal to the Local Leg- islature foi that riding. The Candi- dates arc Mr. C. W. Hartman, of Cl&rksbnrg, Liberal ; Vlajpr Rorke, Tory, and Mr. Game*, Tory Patron Judging by Mr. Gamey's record In- flection wonld mean the election of a Btraighllaced Tory who would vote against the Mowat government on anything and everything. HIM cinr-<-. an far as the riding is concerned, ia be- ing engineered by thoto ighgoiug Tor- ies, and this has become so obvious to the Liberal Patrons that prospects of any material assistance from them are very sliru indeed. Had it not been for the Tory dissatisfaction with Mj~ or Rorke it IB quite certain that Mr. Oamey would not have been put in the field, lit- is there, in fact, us a Tory under the guise of a Patron. The- absurdity of the above is ap- parent to every intelligent voter, and was only penned with a view to de- flecting .the Reform Patron vote in the north part of the riding. That Mr Gamey's cause is being engineer- ed bjr thoronghing Tories is the lank- rst noupcnse, as some of the very fore- most (juoudam Reform leaders in thin township are numbered -among his strongest adherents and " engineers. " It is very likely indeed that the Con- servative party arc giving secret sup- port to Mr. Gamey wliilo pnbhcly the convention U nuaiu'moua in its choice of Major Jtorko I The Conservative party in this riding is not committing suicide in any such fashion. Mr. Van Horn now claims that be was incorrectly reported about the raise in wheat. He only " hoped " that it would reach $J per bushel within a year. Thus aro our hopes raised only to be ruthlessly destroyed. The Ontario Legislature prorogued on Saturday last, and the eU-ct.ons arc expected to be brought on about June 20. Considerable argument has appear- ed in these columns of late snent the fee system. A gentlemen the other day gave The Advance one instance of what is claimed as a rank imposi- tion and injustice, and claimed that tin pri-as of the county should tinani- moiiHly demand a change. Tiii.Vwas regarding the county treasurer, who, he said, was paid a salary of $'.500 and received, in OPS. he would vent- ui e to say, as much more. Thm- thousand dollars is too much money to allow any county official. The county should be refunded a portion of the fees. In the present stato of i iiltixtry and commerce when incomes from farms and business "have so not- ably drcronsed, it is absolutely ncccf s ary that the seivants of the people should boar a corresponding portion of i lie burden. Salaries of the above nature must come down. Bclf-pro- tection is tbc first law of nnturo. and the |.i ni>|<> find it impossible to longer the Imnli MM put upon them In tho fat-salaried officials in whoso ap- pointment*- they have no voice. Mr. Grandy, the assistant registrar of Pcleiboro, whom we lately mtn- tionrd is having given evidence as to the running of the office, before the Public Accounts Committee, lias been given UM walking ticket for disclosing the truth, notwithstanding the foot that the go rein men t promised to "pro tfO." him. Mr Qrund/Jhai learned County and DUtrirt. The Shell. urne Freo Prctw entered up- on its twentieth year of publication last week. A now cliocMO factory H Kiiui; built on the 10th In..', Collingwood. Over 120 Hharex of $20 each liav faun taken by farmer* in the vicinity. Rev. Sam June* EUYH that the most beautiful B'glit in tin' world is to see a family gathered around Hliearthntone with tho huuil of tlixhoiuuliold reading liu loc- al paper paid for in advance. Aftt*r nearly a year's litigation tho pro prietor f the Beeton World l-ax been awarded a judgment for $3,000 against the Caledonian Kiro Insurance Co., and the Economical Fire Insurance Co., of Berlin, being the full amount of insur- ance on the Beeton World, destroyed by firo on July 4, 1893. Wilann's hotel, Tara, was destroyed by fire on Sunday morning. Whun first diBcnvered willing liai-ds turned in and helped slay tho flame* ai.d several of thorn then proceeded to lond themselves with firo water. After their departure the firo again broke out ia the roof and this time it burned to the ground. Chcsley Enterprise. Tho scaiim for the purchase of laml.s i* nearinjj and tho burera havo decided that buck Iniulw if not caiitretvd will not be purcliaHed. There Iris been tr. nt lo o\'ur this same tiling several years cul- minating last year in a Huit, tho liuycr winning. Is would be well for farmers to attend to this matter ami save fut uro (rouble. Municipal councils geiiprvtlly will have to wake up in keeping s 1 reels roads and bridges in good oriler. I>inajeH for injuries are being got all over the 1'mv- inre. Mini Orange, a former resident of Kieter, not 9G,MH) and full cost* from lIlO ToWIIHllill of Ivij.llellll.l fir IM-MII,' thrown out it a wash nut on the rn*<l. Her friuuds ollurcd t<i m-ttlo for $2,(KH), but tlio council wouldn't. Mr. S II iger,l'ro!oii township'* geninl reeve, WIIN in town Kntnrday morning on III* way home titOdarvillu Irom Toronto, where lie I. nil on Fruity, in coinjMUiy vulli Mr. Uull, of liiindalk, ngiiin been inter- viewing thu Ls<it.l:ituru in tho h]>e of getting i due llui lowimhip by the Mownt ( in .-i inn .. in the mutter of the lirniniiiiir N>-liooi Ijunls. Mr. Uo^ern iinil bi.s i-uiieiL'ue eviilently tttrnck the (io\ ernineiit nt a favournlilo time this trip, us far SH thu inU<refltH of tin- town- >liip'nru coi.rernnl, fr i!ie fui'.iihil rouve i-.-irriwl home with bun Mr. Mownt's'il^o to give Prtiloii iSl.i"'"''. Tlio mini the t >wnliip liiui for no long v en- deavored to aocuro from 'lie ^''iit, .mil the mini it is justly entitled to, ia, however, many thoiunmlH <' ilollara larg- er than tbat which they just re coived. Wu cuiiLTiitulato the township on gutting even a portion of their li^ht , Hini iinm:i.:.iii! th.-r.' >irn few in that inuni- e'pnlity but ondsmtand perfeetly hy the I'ovi'rnn.ent i< strnining a puint to meet the wishes of the electors in thift part of the riding of South Urey nt this partic- ular time. The elections will soon be 0:1 and in Mowal's opinion, no doubt, $.'(,500 should prove a nice bait for one io\\n>liip and win for tho donors of the (uiinii much n |ipr<ivl and a Holiil vnt. I'ei \ e ! . dul iH>rfuctly right in 'kin^ h.' could gel for his township, but nt the sunn time we iniiiiAirinii Mr. Mowat'l b.iii hna come too late and in too mi a^re to hide the hook which it m oxpecud will land him a full binket of vot(> and etieot the ilefi-nt. of the 1'alrimn of IndiiHtry, <T .)ohn l'.l\ th (if he runs, mid we ho;io he will ynli to whom more th.-.n anyonu clue ii dun the ,i .lit of 1'Mton getting wliat it In-. For, if we mistako not, it nn lie wh > first I'l'onuht the matter before the ni of thu 'Juvoriiinont. Ml. KornMt Uep. The Best Medicine. J. O. WILSON, Contractor and Builder, Sulphur Springs, Texas, thus speaks of Aywr'a Pills: " Ayer*s PilU are the best medicine I ev<r tried; and, in my Judgment, no better general remedy could be devised. I have Died them In my family and recommended them to my friends and employes for more than twenty year*. To my certain knowledge, many cases of the following complaints have been completely and Permanently Cured by the DM of Ayert Pill* alone: Third day chills, dumb ague, bilioui fever, Ick headache, rheumatism, flux, dya- pernla, constipation, and hard colda. I know that a moderate me of Ayer Pi IL, continued for a few days or weeks, as the nature of the complaint required, would be found an absolute cure for the disorders I have named above."j "I have been Boiling medicine for eight years, and I can safely say that Ayer's Pills giro better satisfaction than any other Pill I ever sold."-J. J. Perry, Spotuylvanla C. H., Va. AVER'S PILLS Prepared by Dr. J. O. Aytr * Co., Lowell, Mass. Every Dose Effective WHAT 2SCBKTS WILL BOY AT M. RICHARDSON'S. 5 Straw bats for men or boys. 2 Boys' tweed caps. 1 Gold-braided blue cap. 1 Man or boy's lelt bat. 1 Pair gent's slippers. 1 Pair ladies slippers. 1 Pair babies' boots. 1 Lady's sailor hat. 1 Lady's leather waist belt. 1 Lady's lace straw hat. 5 Boxes aceuted toilet soaps. 10 Bars Electric soap. 4 Pairs ladies' black cottou how. 5 Ladies' undervest*. 6 Yds. new print. C Yds. factory cotton. 6 Yds. cotton shirting. G Towels. 2J Yds. lace cui tiiu net. 6 Yds. silk Uibbon. 2 Lbs. Japan lea. 1 Lb. black Congan lea. 1 Lb. choice flav. Japan. 8 Lbs. raw eugr. Bale of valuable Farm Property. UuiltT and by virtue of th power of Mlo con- tained In a ntnrt^a^u tn^ii* liy Micti**! DaJton, default tiaviiiK l>eeu uiadein i-avmeul tberoot will beiold by 1't Hl.K AUCTION at Full size men's flaunellette sliirta. If you want to lost the purchasing power of a dollar go to V. Richardson A Go's. Boot bnsinegs booming. Big baaketfitlls Brogan boots, only 75 cents a piir Hud better ones for f I. Men's, boys', ladies', mUflos' and children's tan leather boots and glioes. Men's Balmorial boots. beanti.-H, at $1 30, f 1.50 emd SI. 75. These ngueea are far below usual pi ices, as yon know (Jouie and see tlieui. I.adie's Oxford tie shoes and Doiigola boots, lace and button, oar leading line. Electric shot prints a novelty in summer dregggooJ*. New wool De Lames in both bUck and white groumU. Every Udy dutiiiin^ to eeono'iiiue in a^rin'^ dress should knovv the buying power of 25, 30, 85, 40 .mJ 50 of.its a y.n-d in oar iin>nen se slock. We are pajLiug tliroiuii aou-i.n ihited orders in millinery dep.irlinent audio tailoiingdejwrtniept both have been very biwy. We still lel iu spring sail- ings Come and sea them. 1V5. CO. AUCTION SALE PEICE=?. From now till Monday, the 21st of this mouth at 1 p m.. we are offering the whole ol our stock ai prices never before heard of in this part of the country. On ihiU date we hold a Gnind Union Andion Sale which will enable us to mako room for other goods You will never hare a better opportunity to get new and reliable goods.. Come early and secure a choice N. 1!. Our undertaking department, will becartied on as usual with prices below all others iu this line. Hearso and all attendance free. TDESDAY 22nd MAY, 1894 at 1 o'clock p. m.. the following projM.rtv : l.cit Nim.l'j inl auln tholitcouce.altin north of tlio Durham Hoa.l in ttiATownkhlpnf Art uiMlk.ln t IP|': inuty of Urej^aU tu c mta a 100 acre*, more or luti. Oixxlalay soil . about Uir. .- irtor cleared; K<xxl Imllilliih'* , well tituaVo t ai to rod an 1 uiark*U. TI'.HMS -Tin' purchaier iball pay a dn|KU of IU per crnt. at the tl 1110 of alo. the balance nf uue tliinl uf the puichaiitt money in tlirvu veek4 thercaftur . tlie renialnliiK twn-thir.U In .-li oraeouredby a inorlaci;. payable in from one to fire rear* at the optiou of tho puichater. For further particular apply to t lll;H MC. ( KI'KAK A IIANKir.K. VeiiiUiin Holiciton, Hamilton. llaiiiilton.May 1, Vi, NOTICK In tlm matter of the entnto nf A'U'M IliVop, rato of tun tuwiuhip of Aruuuaftle. in thu County of Groy. farmer, deceived. rnraiiMit tn the 1'u vialoUH of the Revieivl Htalnlei of Ontario rli iftur 110, :iotir,. IB l.mV- by givun thai all r mul ppi-pon* nay- Inu clainia upon or ai'ainl the efltmtnol tho lajrl A.Uni Hiiilop, late of tli.. 1 : Ait%>- meata, in tlio fount? of I.FI.V. farm, r. wlio die/1 on or abort ibe fifth .1., . r i . i.. ,1-.. >. A l> inifc. are. hereby required to dollvwrex *- . i i.y po*t pii'jini I. to tin- tin t'.r. for tho 11. of the '.ii c.r I . ' ii < the fourtnuntli ilay of May, AH. IHJ4 a utatpinnnt in writing of thi-lr nnim . nu.l a P Mi. i with I ill i 111 1 1. uini - of their rlAiniA. and tin 1 imt.i:.. of hootiritiun of anyllii'l.l liv tlit'in Anil i, ..MI i- Ii furthnr r'n-n that afti'i- tho aaUl fourtw-iilli ilay of Mi-, in. the aalil eimutorn III proceed to dint: Ilitii . ..f th.. iai.1 deoeaaod among tint |.>rona eutlth*! itu-i. . having it- :>ti .1> t<> t . rlaiuii of which no-. Uoe snail nave been U n a- l-f< T. I tln'kiti I .- .il.'.- v. ..! not lit liable fur the iai'1 a. ts or any Pi t liiurnof 1 1 am ,...-s-.n or peraoua of wbeev etelm i r clninin notire ahajl not lia !>! aeli i ii, lUuui or tliuii olloi tori at the tiuie aforoaulil. Out. Mai kilul.. Rolinit'iri foi- lliu anlil ri ei' tiiii lh ila ..f Ap. il, A 1). 1J4. AUCTION TALE The Stale National Bank at \V dnta, Kanaitfl, has vuH|icinlri|. It WM oousiilrr- i-'l unu of thu Nirnnnost in the slate. A parly of touriHts win. wore ini|irisnn- nl in the HUlactito ovr near Oiktz, Aim- irm, by * MHO nf water, have li.-mi reloaa. I ah vn after liiin< in the cave oref two weeks. Ftrm Property IN TUB TO\VNSHHM)KAi:TKM!MA I'ntlrr ttti.l liv vii t::.< of a pow<r of Rule con* !.. i: I war. I I' I. It I 10 1 ll.t \ ..11.1 I ^ IK>W 111 'I**!* lit VI I t :. I..- | ir i.ini'Mil at fin. < of in In .the. v will in. oil I foTSalebj I'.M.II- n-i. nt tlie \t,lv,.. of rm-evl.lf.i i f.\ Hy. til" l(tth 'lay of May. 1*U4. at Ibo bouf of twn ..i. ail ai I llnuu'ar. lotH N.I- H null U III Ihn n.M .on i noiilli of th. II I) ti i i. .t. 1, 1:1 t < 1 'Wn- ihip nf AlUmoU. ion' in i, ,; itl. iul i ... :" i < t in eltiftblv ltttete)*l OB the main roail f i-.iiu h l.'htti t .u i . l [!.'. \illt., tifin .If lull'- IIOIH I' i i . . t . H'fl tlirro li.iU*^ fiom I- 'iitiini tmO. 1' U i|i. in tin. |. op'ru laaaliltnbva roiut'i cjit iiw.iiiuiK. Out), wlih ki'. hfii Kttaeln Ir ,nif Imrn mul staiiloo. Tlwn I* )* a -n.i'i orebardroiiialnliiti a' 4U .- .. : i u- propel ty, of uhloli aliont ut wnn aro eleareil, Is well wateco I i..- IM . rivnr S which IK laid to ho rapalilu ol bolnu 00:1 Into au olcellunt ti out ju .>..-i v.< "\ in- property will ! ulfured i iihjvotto a ro- rrved (ilil, T Kit Ms : in per cunt, of the |-urohe* mouny will ro.|iiiro to liu pai.i at tiniti of aale an. I thu I nUiif.i ao-or.h K i . (.., .-nlile eou- ditloiot lo In. th.oi tnatle known. r or fin ih. i pui tii'iil.ii apply lo Hail rr. Bl.irKirrocli. KKIHIIT A CliDWICK, fih Wellington M.. a., ioionto. Sullultors for Vendon ; or to J. W. Anvsni'iNo. Fleaherton. tiiii. l>aeil at Toronto v>>* Ui day of April, MM. - Una Fwkj klsr. Rejideuoe : np stairs, Wright's old stand. LOST OR FAILING MANHOOD, eimri! ud Ninous Debility, ! Come along down and see the new slock of beautiful WALL PAPER WINDOW SHADES AND CURTAIN POLES which we have just received and which are to be sold very cheap. Brighten up your homes with ALABASTINK, the best mixture ever prepared for walls and ceiling, and do not forget to paint your floors with TI11C TORONTO LEAD & COLOK Co. PURE prepared PAINTS, the best in the market. House keepers aie all usin^ (jj.isTKNiNG CREAM for Furniture. It will poli h up anything from a Piano to a Buckle on )our shoe. Try a bottle NAILS, BUILDER'S HARDWARE AND all kinds of 1-hNCE WIRE to be had at lowest prices at Qardware Department COPYRIGHTS. TAN I OBTAIN A PATKNTt For a CTii'L *S*TX nc1 " opinion, write to Ml SN eV CO., wli hare bed Dearhrahr real? ., expertenoe tn the patent Untrlc1lrenn1Mnt , d Dearhrahr real? lneea. Oomennlea* A lla....k ,.f In- kow to ob- Jine are bmwrlit wi.idr before the public with- out eort to the Inrentor, Thu splendid paper, lamed weekly. *leamir ba by C the lanreat cjnmlatlnn of HOT eateauae work la the world. *3 a rear. Bample - Bnlldlng r.lln Weakneu of Body and Mind, Effects ol Errors or Excesses in Old or Young. Robot, Noble Manhood fully Restored. How to Enlarge and Strengthen Wealc, Uudereloped Organs and ruts of Body. Absolutely n> failing Horn* Treatment Benefit* in d*> Men testify from 60 States and Foreign Cow*, tries. Write them. DexriptiT* Book, pJanadon and proob mailed (sealed) free. ' ERIE MEDICAL CO,, Buffalo, HY. Carpet ail Flaooel The und.miKpe-1 l prepai <l do Carm< Klaunet wevini( of all kin.l. on short n and reaiiouahle turnia. Satiifaotlon gunrau. Order* evnt in hy Ktitge will recnlre pronipte tentioii. t'oi respovjvsuoe nolioted MISS K. OOU I'TH. Feb. T. ( ui. Mixwi FARM TO RENT Tlie Btone Houienteail Farm. lots 8 and 9,ODn. . Artemeaia. For further particular* apply to KF.lF:CA STONE. WANTED 'AT. Kellable men to Ml! our choice auil harxly Nnnery ttoek, ana Seed Potatoes, full andoom plete line. Many Tarletle* rat. only be, ohlata ed throufb na. Cemiulatlon or aalarr paid weokly. and promptly. Kxclualre and ebow* of territory fttven. Don't delay, write at QMS) for tei ma. AILIX NUUBKT Co , R -Chester, X. J