THE DOMINION HOUSE, SEVENTH PARLIAMENT -FOURTH SESSION AT OTTAWA. 1'ii.u following Respecting the St. INTBOBfCRD. bills were read first time: ting t Comniny Mr. White (Card well). * Lawrence Insurance To* incorporate the Kreach River Boom Company Mr. CoaUworth. To incorporate the Alberta Southern Railway Company Mr. Davis. Ti.e House again went into Committee of Wayt and Means. HTKAKIHB. Mr. Foster said thednty on stearine wa* 3c. per pound under the old tariff. It had bee* changed to d) percent., under the impression that it wa* not manufactured in this country. There was, howsrer, a manu- factory of stearin* in the city of Montreal, in which capital wai invested, and which had been in operation for some little time. He believed the factory wa* a branch of a New York firm. He proposed now, under these circumstance*, to make the duty 2c a pcuad. CANXID VERITABLE*. Mr. Foster said that the duly of 1 14 cents per pound ou tomatoes and other reg* tables, including corn and baked beans, wa* a drop from 2c in the old tariff. Thi* wa* thought lobe too sweeping a reduc- tion. He proposed the duty should be 1 1-2 c*sit* per pound. The item passed as amended. M.M1.IOHMS. Mr. Foster moved to change the duty on earthenware and stoneware, viz., demijohns or jug*, chants or crocks, to 3 per gallon. This would restore the duty to what it was under the old tariff. The proposed duty of 'Jc would bar* destroyed the industry. The item pasted a* amended. AMENDED DUTIM. The following item* were amended to read a* follow* : Master of Paris, calcined or manufactured, 4'ij per barrel. Slate pencils, 25 per cent. ; slates, roof- ing slate* when split or dressed only, also school or writing date*, 30 per cent. OAI. OIL. Mr. Dari*s objected to the duty of 1 1-5 cent* on coal oil. He contended that this wa* a special tax upon the Maritime Pro- rinces. Mr. Foster said some relief had ben given this year by the reduction o! tho duty on the barrels. The Government proposed to give a (till further relief by reducing the duty to six cent* per imperial gallon. The item a* amended was carried. OU'DK i ITK :-M \i. there was a great deal in this country, and which should not be allowed to go to waste, would not go to wa*te. Mr. Laurier aaid he would like the Fin- ance Minuter to tell the House about the remonstrance* he had received from the users of scrap against increasing the dnty. How ooulti the Government defend the policy of increasing the dnty on raw mater- ial and reducing it on agricultural imple- ' ment* from 35 to 'JO per cent. ? Mr. Foster said hi* hon. friends must certainly be mistaken. The implement men used no scrap. They used pig iron, and there was no increase on pig iron . They used, also, bar Iron, on which there was a reduction of $.'< a ton. On nothing which entered into the manufacture of agricul- tural implements was the duty increased. The raising of th< duty ou sciap could not be urged a* a hardship in this respect. The item was carried. FIIIKO- M AMU AN MI. Mr. Foster moved to change term-man- ganese from In to o per cent, ad valorem. The item at amended wa* carried. VAN. BOM. Mr. Foetor moved that " Swedish rolled iron nail rods, not more than one-half inch diameter, for the manufacture of horse nails," be included in the ium ef "Swedish rolled iron rod* under 4 inch in diameter, and of not less than 1 jj of a cent per pound value, 15 per cent, ad valorem." The item as amended wa* carried. BARBED WIRE. Mr. Charlton thought barbsd wireshould be placed on the free list. Mr. Foster taid a reduction of one-half had been made in the duty. To place it ou the free lilt would destroy the work of eight or nine mills engaged in the indus- try. The item was carried. LEAD. Mr. Barnard regretted that the Govern- ment had not teen fit to increase the duty on lea. I, liars, block, and thefts, which was 00 cents per HO pounds. The item was carried. IM4TKIC Al'l \RATl'*. Mr. Foster moved tha'. generators, dy- namoj, and socket! " be included with "elec- tric motors and apparatus, n.e.s., 25 per cent, advalorem." The item as amended was carried. gCOAK. Mr. McMullep objected to the duty of 64 100 cent* per pouud on refined sugars. It was a policy devised solely to put a million and a half dollars a year into the pocket* of the refiners. THE COBRA'S POISON. I <.e la Which Ibe Den4l> *enn M Pert r Ike I'lerrr llni.t..... Dried and pulterized obra poison is al- i most a* deadly as when injected by the live Mr. Foster moved that the item of crude cobra, say* a writer in McClure'* Magazine. petroleum, etc., .'{ 35 cenl* p*' gallon, be amended lo read : "Crude petroleum fuel and ga* oil, other than naphtha, ben/.ine,or gasoline, when imported by manufacturers, other than oil refiners, for use in their own factories for fuel purpose*, also manufacture of itae, .1 cent* per gallon." The item as amended was adopted. TKRKITOHIAI. KXXM I TI'ISH Mr. Daly introduced a bill to 'peal the Homestead Exemption Act in the Terr. tor- lei, which give* lha Territorial Assembly lull power to deal with homestead exemp- tions. The provisioni of the Homestead Kiempt ion Aclconflicled with tht provisions of the Real Properly Act. Chap. 45 of tho ordinance of Ixss provided for exemption^ up to SI.Xi, but the courts had held life this wa* not within th* jurisdiction of ihe Territorial Assembly, and it wai desired to retain this power. The bill i* to accomplish this end. Tbe bill was rsad a first time. tKKI-.IIT RATES. Mr. Haxgtrt, replying lo Mr. Bowers, gare the following freight rales on the Inter- national and connecting roads : For grain, by carload, per ton, lo St. John, N. 11 ,from .\loiitreal, f.'l 00, for export, 14 ; local to Si John, N. B., from Toronto, 94.%), for export ?4 50 ; local to Halifax from Muul real, 83. t) for export mid $4 local ; to Halifax from Toronto, Jl :Ui for export, and f 4..M) local ; coal, per RIOSI ton, from Syd- ney to Montreal, f.'J. 51 from New Glasgow to Montreal, f^.KO; from Sprmghill to Montreal, $-'. l!l. Rr.NDAY uMRkVtM K. Mr. Charltin, in moving Ihe second read- ing of the Act to secure a belter observance of ihe Lord'i day, commonly called Sunday, hoped tht sulijecl would be approached free from party or personal influences. He ask ed thai the measure be considered simply upon its merlin. On some occasions the promoter had l>een oiled a crank, a fanatic, a Puritan, and a self-righteous man. He du claimed any pretensions save thai he de- ireil lo piomue the welfare of the com- munity. The bill was read a second time. TO PISKKAS'CIIIHK nklllKRM. Mr. U'el.lon moved the second reading of a bill to disfranchiss voters who have taken bribes. BALLOT* IN NORTH WEST. Mr. Martin moved the tecond reading of a hill to extend the ballot to the North- West Terrllonet. The bill wa* read a second time. i.K*D II H.IH.I IV ONTARIO. Mr. Kdgar moved the second reading of a bill to reduce from twelve to seven tho mimlier of grand jurori necessary to find a trii. bill in tlie Province, ol Ontario. The bill was read a second time. WHAT IRHN. Mr. Foster laid the Government had to i 'insider lirst how to keep the protection and encouragement which wai necessary mi the iron indiislry at a whole ; secondly Low to reduce to the maker of iron mater- ials the raw material, bar iron; and, thirdly, how to induce the further working up ol a pig iron from the ore to puddled i am. and bar iron. It w.ti proposed to en- .'f^ the lall'ir step by increasing the iln'y on f'Tap iron, making Ihe transition n\ easy u possible, by raising tho dnty by i. "> ihe end of the present year, i . 1 li.iMrtfur having a r.n' . n duty of ft f sr ton . 1 his, il was hope I, trotild induce r-rs 10 m*k* a belter '(uality. Il i "t ivido that rufiKo iron, '>' whidti Nitive iloctori use il medically in micros copio dotes and have a barbarout malhod of extracting it. They put a cobra into an earthen pot, and drop a banana in after it. They then tie down the lid and heat the pot over the fire. The wrtlched taak* is soon tortured into a rage In It* baking prison and bites ihe banana in ill paroxytmt. Tin- fruit is afterwards carefully dried, and is then ready for use. It i* pronounced under some ?ircumst<tnces lobe a wonder* ful powerful stimulant, but it it only used in extreme cases, and even then probably doei infinitely more harm than g >>.!. The sauie preparation it alto ssid to be employ- ed by leather-workers for poisoning other peoplei cattle, with a view to afterwards inlying up the hi. let cheap. This i* a form of orim* very prevalent in India, and one that the authorities find moil difficult to check. For how is the ignorant native c"l"v'' r to prove that his plough bullocks have nol died of cattle disease ? He may complain to the nesreit magistrate, and the magistrate may order tht boasts to be ex- amined, but snake poison leaves no *xlernl marks and it almost impossible to detect chemically. It is jiot surprising, under Ihese circumstances, that he often aecides to accept the loss and nol incur the enmity of ihe cattle- poisoners *bv seeking redress. Royal Misfits. A'l tln-ie German royalties are so much accustomed lo wearing uniform! that they never look well in civilian clothes, and I have never teen either the pronnt Kmperor of Austria or the Kmperor William look to tuch disadvantage a* when in mufti. It wasprobalily to this, loo, that mint beat- triliuted the incidenl that occurred when Queen Victoria arrived at Florence the other day Among the crowd that aasomhled on the railroad platform wa* a very ordinary and badly dretsed individual, whoaeatlire clash- ed disagreeably wilh that of the Knglish and Italian dignitarin who had ataembled to greet her arrival. Indeed, several of them took offsnoe at what they were pleated lo regard as his presumption in praising for wardamong them, ami roughly ordered him back behind the cordon of police a com- mand which he obeyed with merely ism lie. In due course th* Irain rolled into Ihe station, and after a few n mutes the Queen lighted. As her eye roamed orer the people assembled them she caught sight of t he person who had been ordered away ashort time previously, and apostrophizing him in Herman wi h the words, "Ah, soyon ro there already, my dear Bernard: how nice it it to rind you here I" l>o.:koned him to her tidi , kissed him heartily, and then presen- ted him to tho ludly <li*conoerled Italian (tignitarie* a* the husband of her grand- daughter, the hereditary Duke of Sax Memingen. THE WEEK'S NEWS The Talking Dag of Zeltz. A London paper publishes a wonderful story of the achierementa of a boy at tlie old Herman town /"iu. This lioy owns a dog which he taught, to pronounce 31 word*, -M d'ertnan and 7 French. The word* are poben one at a time, and only at the dic- tation of the young teacher. The "talking dog of /eitx" i* the wonder of Kurope, and nothing similar has ever been known, ex- cept the ring which was exhibited in Hull and in 17IS. This old lime canine wonder nil pronounce all the letters of the alpha bet, except "I," "m ' and "n." Manuel (Urcla, who taught Jenny Lind Is still teaching, although lie will begin his IHllh year March 17, CANADIAN The Canadian Pacific railway shops, at Toronto Junction closed on May 1st. A branch of the National Council rf Wo- men wai formed on Wednesday at King- ston. The City Council of Kingtton, Out., on Mouday night bxed the rate of taxation at 17$ nulls. The honory degree of LI- D. hat beet conferred on Lord Aberdeen by McUill University, Montreal. Sir Francis Johnston, Chief Justice of the Superior Court of Montreal, ha* ap- plied for superannuation. The honorary degree of L. L. D., of Queen'* University, Kingston, Out., hat been conferred on Lientenant-(iovernor Schultz of Manitoba. Pretident Van Home, of the Canadian Pacific railway, and party left Montreal on Saturday on the annual tour of inspection, which will take up about three week't time. A Ottawa evening paper complaint on the custom of the members of deputations visiting th* city baring their meals at the Parliamentary restaurant instead of patro- nizing the hotelt. The Montreal pool-room men hare noli- "ed the Superintendent of Police that they will not clow until the law compel! them to do to. Actiout will be taken immediate- ly againtt the owners of the pool -rooms. The congregation of Koox church, Ot- tawa, hat decided by a rote of one-hundred and twenty-six to fifty-seven, to extend a call to the Rev. James Ballantyne, of Lon- don, at a salary of two thousand five hun- dred doll an. In the Supreme Court at Ottawa, dnrtng the argument on prohobition. Chief Juttice Strong taid, when Mr. Maclaren for Onta- rio claimed the right to prohibit themann- factnre of intoxicant*, that they might as well claim the power to prohibit the manu- facture of cotton. It ha* Imen decided by the medical faculty of McOill Unirertity, Montreal, that on and after the termination of the arnnal lefiion* for I89T94 th* course will be extended to nine full calender month*, commencing in Scptemrwr and ending in June of the fol- lowing year. At a charity ball held in Winnipeg, on Th r<'ly aicht. Major Contlee, of the I Winnipeg Field Mattery, protested against the ue of American flags in the decora tiont of the hall, and a ttormy toene ensued be- tween Col. Holmes, the adjutant-general of the district, and Major Coutlee, the latter finally withdrawing his men from assisting in the decorations. At a meeting of Montreal insurance meu it was decided to wrile an open letter to newspaper* complaining of the custom of using the fire department for parade* and exhibitions. It was said that ihe Montreal fire department wa* getting to be a laugh- ing itock in other cities, where it was stat- ed that they did nothing but turn out in parade. i .KIT BRITAIN. The emigration from Kn^land to 1'iver St. Lawrence t >orta continues to decline. A sharp shook of Mrthquake wa* felt the other day in Cardiff, Kng., and it* ricinity. The I/ r.l Mayor of London has opened a Mansion House fund for the sufferers from the earthquake in (ireece. The Queen will leave Windsor castle on the 22nd inst. for Scotland. On her way north sho will visit Manchester and formally open the ship canal. Owing to the confessions of Francesco Poki, the Italian Anarchist recently ar- rested in London, many leaders of the party have fled to America and the Con- tinent. At a session of the Baptist Union, htld in Loudou recently, It was decided not lo end a greeting to the United States, at a proteit against the treatment accorded to negroct in that country. The American Consul al Bradford, Kng- land, reports remarkably succestful results of the eight-hour movement in Kngland, and gives examples where it hai been put lo a thorough t**t in some large establish- meals. A supposed bomb was found the other morning at the entrance of tbe recruiting office in Spring gardens, London. The public is Incoming alarmed at the ease with which bombs, real or harmless, can be de- posited m public building*. A London despatch say* that the move- ment looking to a British protectorate over the hamoan- islands it no logger disguised, but is proceeding in a manner which teemt to indicate that (ireat Britain believe* the will be supported in the mailer. The religion! balance theett which were prepared fur ihe May meeliiiK*, in IxMidon, thow a heavy decrease in mittinary dona- tions. The Baptist and Methodist societies show deficits which aggregate about sixty- eight thousand pounds. rsiTEl> MTATS, Mr. Frank tlaiton, editor of the Wash- ington Pott, died the other aflernoon . Alter a long wait, the World's Fai- ttookholdert are to be paid a ten per cent, ilividend. < Irnff & Co. , house wreckers, of Chicago, have bought the World's Fair buildincs for eighty-seven thousand five hundred lollars. The Public schools, of Chicago, are to b closed for a week as a precaution against smallpox, which is epidemic in a section of the city. .lulio K. Jenny, daughter of Col. K. S. Jenny, one of the best-known lawyer* ol (Vntfal New York, wai admitted lo the bar in Syracuse on Friday. Tbe Oreat Northern strike is over, am! the men hare returned to work, and are lui-v in gelling mil trains. The result was . .iiiplctc victory for Ihe nun. KadclilTe College, the woman's annex ol Harvard, hat been bequeathed the estate ol Mrs. Sarah Parker, who died last week, valued at one hundred and filly thousand dollar*. .lacoli Steelier Coxy, Carl Brown, and ChriUopher Colnmbut Joues, leaders o th* Falstaflian army In Washington, hare Iwon arrested charged with a violation o the statute* of the District of Columbia. A Philadelphia despatch say* that at the end of the first week ot the great coal miner*' strike enly one mine i* in operation in the district easi of the Alleghenie*, and the miner* f how no disposition to return to work. MHsMh An employe of the French War Office has been arrested on a charge of complicity with the Anarchist*. The Queen paid her farewell visits in Co- burg on Saturday, and left for London by a special train at seven o'clock in the tven- ing. The chief manager ol the Vienna branch of the Rothschilds' banking house wa* stab- bed on Friday by a beggar to whom he refuted alms. A wealthy land-owner named Cron.e ha* been arre*ld in Leipzig, charged wilh having poisoned hi* wife and adopted ton to obtain the insurance on their lire*. The Bavarian (Government, with) the double view of preventing adulteration-and bring profits to Bavarian Treasury, has opened an extensive drinking saloon m Mu- nich. Prince Carlos Bourbon, Duke of Madrid, the Bourban pretender to th* Spanish throne, wa* married at Vienna on Saturday morning to Princess Marie Bertbe de Ro- han. Honolulu advice* say that th* Govern- ment's internal trouble* are growing more serious every hour, and that the Royalist* are rejoicing because of the disaffection. Dr. Montaldo, the chief medical director of the Spanish Government, who was tent to Lisbon to enquire into ihe character of the dueate now raging there, declare* tbe di*ea*e to be true Asiatic cholera. While tixteen minert were descending the ihaft of a coal mine near Mont, Belgium, on Saturday, the cable broke and Ihe cage fell to the bottom of the shaft. Thirteen men were killed, and ihe other Ihree were fatally injured. A 6erhu paper assert* that the Emperor has plainly indicated to the Minister of Foreign Affairs hi* decided opinion that the interests of Germany in Samoa ought not, under any circumstance*, to beabandon- ed. Hendrick de Jong, the man who has been in priton in Amsterdam since September last on suspicion of having murdered two women whom he had married, has been found guilty of obtaining money under false pretences, and sentenced to four year*' imprisonment. Sir John Gordon Sprigg, Treasurer of the Government of Cape Colony, referring to the coming inter-Imperial conference in Ottawa, says tbe Cape Government con- cur* in the object* of thai meeting, bul its participation in trie conference depended upon the character of the reply expected from the Canadian Government. Their List Meal. A tragedy of a most remarkable charac ter i* reported from Vilna, Ruuia. Ivaa Klakwitz, a cuitomi ofticer of highly re*- pectable connection, became convinced that his wife wa* in league wilh a neighbor to aid the latter in a lawsuit which was pend- ing against him. There wa* apparently no justification ior the charge. The. lawsuit wa* tried in the local courts, and Klakwitz loet the case. He addressed the judge in an excited manner, aad, after making a rambling statement implicating hit wife in an intrigue againtt him, he left ihe court- room. Later in the day, however, he professed regret to hi* wife for hi* baseless insmua lions aid hasty temper, and asked his neighbor and his wife to dine with him en fainille. Thinking it better that a recon- ciliation should take place, the neighbor accepted, tad a social evening wa* arranged for. At dinner there were present Klakwitz, his wife, hi* two daughters, tged nineteen and seventeen years respectively, a young son aged eleven, his wife's mother, and his neighbor and hi* wife. The dinner passed off very pleasantly until the third course, wnen Klakwitz rose, and, ordering tome more champagne to be opened, laid thai he wished all present to drink a toatt lo a special dish he had prepared a* a surprise lor this agreeable occasion. He then left the room, and within two minutes returned, bearing in his arm a large dish, covered with a dinner cover, and placing it quickly on the table, he lilted Ins glass on high and shouted : "lo our next meeting '" He had scarcely spoken these words, when a dynamite bomb, which had been hidden under the cover, exploded and in- stantly killed every one in Ihe room, wilh Ihe exception of the servant-girl and th youngest daughter the latter living, how- irer, only long enough t > tell exactly what iad happened. The servant died within two lours. The unfortunate people who were the ictims of thit iusani freak were limply >lown to pieces, and the walls of the rou m n which they were sitting were partly .luwu out. The explosion was htHrd for lalf a mile. NEWS FROM AUSTRALIA, BUSINESS MEN EXPRESS HOPES FOR THE FUTURE. (nn'eileralloB Idered le be a Vere in iereet luiereal la Caaae'laB ASTalri Mr. William Stephen, arrived in Mont- real recently after baring visited New Zea- land and tbe different colonies of the Autt- ralian continent. In an interview Mr. Stephen remarked that it wa* not to be expected that those countries would hare so toon recovered from the receut financial depression through which the business world of Australia so recently patted ; ^el th* business men and financier! ex- pressed fond hopes for the future. "I bare gone over a good deal of the in- terior," taid Mi. Stephen. "I took espec- ial notice of what was going on in the large cities and I hare come lo the conclusion that the political and finanjial regeneration ot Australia depends almost wholly upon the confederation of the several colonies.which a* every one pretend*, will bring about the consolidation of the different railway ime and the rearrangement of the pub- lic debt. They bare in the past tpent money like water upon useless public works, while to-day the city of Melbourne, with almost half a million souls, has not reached beyond surface drainage. The class of people who look ahead, and those who think out these great question* for ibemselve* art) convinced that Australian confederation must be accomplished witnin a very short lime if Ihe -ountry it to take its proper place amcng Britain's leading dependencies. Mr. Stephen i* particularly sanguine as to the happy result* that would a .-cure from i an amalgamation of th* railway line* in that far-off country. A* it i* at present, he aiided, there is a change of gang* every few hundred mile*, which necessitates the erer additional expense attending reship- ment of freight and passengers ; and al- though the roadt are well built at a general rule, the general result of their management is a long way from being a* profitable as if the proposed consoli- dation were an accomplished fact." Why," said the widvawake trareler, " if the Governments could tell their railway! to a great private corporation the proceed*) would almost pay the country 'i aebt and at the tame time bring untold benefit to the people of Australia. Were confedera- tion to take place," Mr. Stephen opined, " the expense* of Government wonld be reduced lo a tremendous extent and the system itself wonderfully simplified. Each country is over-governed, and I noticed with surprise and regret that there it a great amount of jealousy between the dif- ferent part* of the country. Thii.howerer.' he believed, " wonld gradually disappear if a strong central Govetnmeat were estab- lished, and the conflicting or wirrin^ in- terests made to harmonize, as was the case when the North Amencac colonies were brought into one united whole in 1967. I should also stale that the leading cisssss I out there are eagerly watching the politi- cal, social and commercial development of the Canadian union, and no doubt our wonderful success in the way of becoming a great nation, will liava a deal lo do in bringing about a like state of affairs in Australia." Decidedly Useful. "I hop* my last book found faror i your eyes. Miss Lovebome?" Miss Lore-home -"It certainly did. The leaves were just the right width for the pantry shelf." Advancing Rapidly. " How about this new French teacher ? Doe* she take you along as r.pidly as the other one ?" Little Girl "Goodness, ye* ; she skip* five or six page* every day.' Broken in Health $100 FOR THIS BOY. Rrvlhrrlen i.irrl..l esTbr n Or...., lit t'aaatla dense* h*rr. A letter has been received by a Toronto detective agency from Athley, Venn., mak- ing enquiries for a little child named Kddie Hrotherton, a .". yer-old lad, who was recently abducted by an Italian organ grinder. The boy, the letter says, followed the organ grinder from his parents' home, and for some time he was not missed. When hit absence was discovered and enquiries made, not the slightest trace of his where- abouts could be found. Detective* were employed, and they worked on the case for some time without success. The organ grinder was traced through several small place* in the itate of Pennsylvania, at meet of which he had been teen with a child antwering little Kddie'i description. Finally the organ grinder was located at \Vilkesbarre and lodged in jail for another offense. . He at lirst denied all knowledge of the child, but on being threatened he said ho sold Kddie to two other men going north. They are supposed to be in Canada, the police and several other agencies have been notified. A cilixen of Ashley hat offered $100 re- ward for ihe recovery of ihe boy alive or information which will lead to the finding of hit remains if he it dead. That Tired Feeling, Constipation and Pain in the Back Appetite and Health Restored by Hood's Sarsaparilla. Sir. t'has. Steele St. Catherine's, Ont. " 0. T. Hood ft Co., Lowell, Mats. : 11 For a number of year* I have hen troubled with a general tired feeling, nhortncM of l.reatli, pain In the back, and constipation. I could get only little rest at night on account of the pain and had no appetite whatever. I wan that tired In my Hmos that 1 gave out hefor.- Ual( th> was gone. 1 tried ;> t>r<-.t number c.( me.llcine* but did not get any permanent relief from any Hood's^ Cures source until, upon recommendation of a friend, I purchased a hottte of Hood's S-irviparllla, which ni:ui me fwl better at onn*. I Irtve con- tinued Its use. having taken three bottles, ."id I Feel Like Naw Man. I hare a good appetite, feel as strong a* ever I dlil, and enjoy (icrfect rest at night I bare, mm'h I'li-aMiro In rt-oommonrtUig Hood's Sara- parllla tiiunis STKKI.II. with Krle Fre- sfMint! (' > . SI ( tt'iennr's. Ontario. _^ Hood's Pill* r prompt und efficient, ret easy iu action. Sold by all drugfltU. Vc.