THE FLESH6RTON ADVANCE BANKING OFFICE OF GEO. MITCHELL, \ nu.m ! bm i. .. t an acted Ora I- 'adtio i an i rait- M>irav alwayii av.. . tuuiuw UiMbMM euteri rise. urni-c (wo door* , . 1)1 < ( niobartfsou JsCo'n Vicinity Chips. Cbaraeterifltlrs of the Pant Week Careful! v Culled far th. 4'ucioa*. Hiittf't nm-.i'^ local* tciU /* <tt the rate of lOe per linr fin- each vMtrtivn. A r/u/-ft'n vilt I* made on contract* for 100 Una or over Gai den plowing in now the order uf tlie Township council will meet on Mon- 4*7 next. MerehaiiLs are now erecting their awniogs. Two boys wauled. Apply at oooe. J. E. Moore. Rnv. Rupert and \J'ella exchanged pulpits on Sabbath evening. Pleaae call ao4 *ee tlie latent novelties and designs in millinery at T. Hill's. 4 pain for '.!"> cent* Ladiea HUM, fait blacx, at M. r.Kli.-irdwm A Ou'a. Tha first b At f ,r fie Siulc left Cull- U\gwood on i.itur.l.iy. Duokett, of Euxetna, haa a large quan tity of fine fresh liiue ou band. Buy from him. If you want some good flour for the summer go to R. Pedlar's, be haa got in the Erin flour. Price $3 20. Rand will be in Markanla on Friday of this week to purchase good chunky horse* from 1150 to 1BOQLW Richardson & Co. are nhewiirg a lot >f 1'ruiU. Lut season 'B patterns at half See them. R. Prdlar baa got the Erin flour on hand. Tim boat in tuwn. Try it. Warranted fiiV, .c'awt. If yc.u want really good and cheap Boots and Shoes CUyton's is the place to toy. _ _ Svral Clarksburg people were fined 910 and coat last wck fur encloaing writing in iiewsp.i[wrs. Clayton boa received this week a tec- Hid supply of the Men's dollar Boots that they have sold so many of. TEA Do you want something bettei than any you have tasted for years. Get a sample dnwing of Golden Seal, juatar rived at Richardson's. Sample free. NSW CARPETS See uew stock in Biusxuls Tapcxtries, \Vooln, Union Hump*, Floor Oilcloths and Lino- leum*. The Advance has no travelling agvitls in tlie fieki. Anyone paying tummy lit ro after to travelling salesmen fur this pa|>er will lu ao at their own risk. Football and kindred games will, we fear, fall behind in Fleahertnn thin yeur, as many of the boys arc taking to bicycl- ing for a change. A couple nf days of damp wvathc-r hurt Mewk brought the grass up with a jump, aiid the forest is putting ou a greiiUh tint. Art Musliiu, Cretonnes, Cam jo I > i,> cries, Damask Hangings, Lace Curtnins. A large stock and cheap at RichaiiUou Jt Co's. Mr. Meldrum, the obliging driver of the Feveraham stage, is building for him- self a IK-W residence, and Master Paul ix driving theae days. Mr. Whiiten his secured thu contract cf rebuilding Mr. Hum. Ktrn, 8th con. Onprcy, which wo imticeJ laat week an having been burnt down. Dr Sinclair, the well-known specialist, standing at thu head of the profritsi. <h. will be at. the. Markilale Hoima, Mark-late, on Wediieaday, May 2nd. COIKII! froe. is i-oaxl y tn he cauglit, and the man mi.ih rovaricator is awakening frnm hia alum- >er. li<: will Ix- ready for action ou Irst. Men's, Ladie'a, Boys' autr QirU BtMita a- ul Sh'ie frnm one dollar per pair. Ex :u\ good value, at Clayton'*. " Hull" a sp in of Hilary steel " will pro- duce m> more fatal result* than a nvgloct- ud cold or oough. Fur all th.-'it and lunjj dtHuoae*, Ayev'n Cherry Pectoral is the best remedy. It is valuable in cuua of croup, whooping cough, bronchitis, aud la grippe. Mr. Jacob Levor preauiited The Ad- vance wi'h a jar of tine maple syrup laat week, for which heliaa our hearty thajika. Mr. Lever manufactured this aurjn 75 Dillons of syrup ai: i 40lb of sugr.r. Major Buchan, uf Ti.nmto, iivpecUxl the Ariuiry on Thursday Unit, and cave Col. Sergt. Fields great |>rr.iae fur tire manner in wtiK-h thu accutremi<iiU am kept. The ban 1 wu-t unable to perform the music advertised on Saturday evwng, owing lo tbe dump wu-ither. The pro- gram printed laat week will be rendered on Satu.-day cVcnin. next. Messrs. Daiiiudu & Wright am placing in |K>Kitiou tliis week at their factory a machine f.'r aawing up t!.e iar;V! quintity of ulin logH on their prciuiaoa into stave bolts. Mr. Daniuda waa in town on Monday. The people of Vandt.-le.ur are takirg time by the forelock and have I-KU- <l posters announcing a Quoen'n Birthdny celebration, to consist of bicycle and foot races, Annies, citlithumpian procosslon, etc. For list of |>r izc.i see bills. Mr. \Vm. Burnett, a well known and respected former of th'S tuwualiip, who lived in what is known an Orange Valley for the put 30 yean, but who removed to Harkaway a couple of yean ago, died at liis home thin- n Tuesday afternoon. Mr. Tlios. Ganiey waa iu town on Tues- day. The Advance is sorry to learn that he is stili considerably "under the weath- er," and unablu to attend to buinuis on the farm, but we trust that with the ad- vent of warmer weather bis hitherto vig- orous constitution will triumph and his won'.od health return. Mr. Ed. Lindnay, atnve cutter with Mesais. UaiiiuJu It Wright, was called away on Suturduy l>y a despatch that his little daughter, 2 years of ago, had died at hia home in Milton, and the factory was closed for two ur three days in cou- sequenoe. Spring ia full of terrors to all whoso constitution is n-it able Ui result the sud- den chanties of temperature and other insalubrities of the Mason. To pat thf system in condition to overcome these evils, nothing i tut eiTociive as Ayer'a H.trsupari In. Take it now. Two important ilditi<niii have lately bocn made to the Plfuhertun band, in the persons if Mr. I'.iuoe Lawrie, Pltrt Hope, wh.i has tnken a |Kmitin with Mr. F. Q. Kanto'lt, tiiiHini'li, and Mr. J. L. Tipp, of SunderUnd, who arrived on Tuetday towwik for Mr. Tucker, tailor. Both Kentlcmen an- Krat class niusiciona. The license coumiihsiournt for Eosl rey mot ut Ki>cl>lyn, on Friday laat, and arruu;.vJ the liccnsca for the ennuirg year. Few changna were made. A trau-- fer of license ma- 'e in the caao uf Bftdjoroa Imtfl, a. <1 .1 n .- license zr.inted to Win. T. MuL'er, ><--\..l Hotel, Clarksbuig. The niiinliiT < f licenses in the tiding re- main a* heretofore, one hotel at ChaU- worth having been burned d >wn. Dr. Hi;;-,', i.f 1'lark.tburg, IIUH become a ;>rhibitiuiiL.t nince tfoing to Calif onus for hU health. \\ riling fnun a lown, named after his nalivo Oi.tnrio, 'ie snys : " I wan not a prohibitionist in Canada, but 1 con'ess the working of it, heienudat Riverside IMS tt'-no far 10 clinngH my views, and 1 would support prohibiumi now if it could bu c.i:ried out as it is here. " W notice by tbe Colliugwuod paj>eii | that Mr. Will Sullivan was one m nix . end men in a minstrel exhibition givuii | in the IVI IInuw), C >liiitKix'u. liatl , week. Will biut a good voice tlut wiui tiaiuiug woulu do him much a edit. Get your Hailing tackle roauy , f <r the tno appvoacheth ; yeu,Ui ouuuuiulh lit.ii : llleaal trout liabing is said to he carried ou at several points in this township and i-i Oiprey. A rumor rencliul here on Monday that twnity unfortuutttn iinglem had bceu lined \(. S.i :;'intnptuii for trans- g.u-s.ou uf the In A. Sj itiinii uiu-t lu.i- tiuu their attontMiiiS to .ucker.s 01 g<> wi.h- out, unUl nt-v Tuesday, o^lieiwisti thu tiiMi uiuy *' tl<eui clenr. Mr. Win. Uutchiuaon, a well-known and hinhly ruapectod farmer living at InUtiime, this Uiwnship.drnpped from hu hone in Dundalk on Wednesday of last week and eip'ied immediately. Ducoa*- od wat 67 years of age. The funeral, which tu .k place to Fleaherton cemetery ou Fr'd.iy Utat, waa luruely attended. Mr. II juhiiiNon haa be?ii identified with the Mt-tluMliMt church for years, and was u 'lun^ht and ooiisisioiit member, lie leavel) a largo family to mourn hi* sudden leath, two sons of which are in the inin is try. The Delineator for J une ia called the " Summer Number, " and is a superb issue ia every respect, the amouut uf practical and interesting reading matter being largely increased. Nursing aa an Employment fur Women ia ably treated oy Louise Darche, Superintendent of the New York City Training School for, nursen. An appropriate ' pattern " arti- iS in axi'lition to the regular monthly issue, IK >n Dress for Summer Sport* ; and another, equally suitable to the time, gives information on Trunka and Trunk Packing. Among uui.y other articles are ; How to Suive Small Fruits, Dainties in the H'.ine, the ever-popular Tea- Table QoMtip, and Among the Newest Books. $1.00 a year, single Copios, 16 cents. The Delineator Publishing Co. (Ltd.), 33 Hieliniond Street West, Toronto, Out. I.B. I. -it-UN, barridtcr. Narkdale has $10,UOU private funds to lend on farm mortgages within tbe u.-xt few months at lowest current rntea. No coinmissionH, no delays, expttuaeH low. Apply at office in MarkdiUe durin!* lheweek or at Dtui- dalk oltice on Saturdays. Notice. Tbe tic-il year of tliu Bfuchnnica insti- tute ends on the lust i!ay of this mouth, and thoxf uirtbing to retain membership and tbe benefit* of the library will require to pny in their subscriptions before that date. All books must be returned to tbe libmrian thia week. The regular annual meeting will be held on the first Monday in May. Barn Burned. A fine framo barn belonging to Mr Win. Cameron, lot .'!.">, con. 8, Artemeaia, was burned to the ground late Tuesday evening, together with moat of the con- en U, including 9 cowi, G calves, 2 sheep, fanning mill and turnip cutter, and a 1 the seed gra.n.and four tons of hay. One horse was badly burned. Mr. James McGee bad au extremely narrow escape while loosing the horses, having both bands severely burned. The horses were saved. The origin of the fire is a m jittery. Personate. Mr. Wei. Armstrong has so far recov- ered from his recent lonu illness that he returned to business iu Liicknow ou Sat- urday last. Mrs. J. W. Armstrong returned from the city laat w. k. Dr. Rogers, and Mr. D. McFarlane, pharmacist, of Durham, wheeled over on their bikes one evening laat wrk and re- mained with friends over uiht. They wore welcome callrri at this olHce. Mr. Will Sullivan, of Collingwood, upent a couple of days at his parental home here this week. Mrs. R. N. Henderson returned from a leniftliy visit with friend* iu Brighton and T-Touto on Friday but. Mr G. U.-nnntt removed hia family to Toronto last week. The furniture i* still with us, however, under the watchful eye of Mr. A. 8. Vandusen, who is engaged by a Montreal firm to protect it from damage. The town of Hunt-mile), MusVo':n, waa al;i,ost entirely uimaumed by tiro on Tliurmlav last. Tim d unage is estimated at 126,000, with iiKurancu of $4 1,000. HAVE YOU BACK~AC H E , 00005 KIDNEY PfLL? WILL CURE YOU The beet aanorted atuvk of II. n m aid Slioea (new i<uutl8) are at CUj ;>r'. N . "Backache means tht kid- neys art in trouble. Dndd's Kidney Pills glut prompt relief." "75 per cent Of disnasa is frtt caused bij disordered kid- neys. "Night as welt try to haut a healthy city without sjewer- ai/e, as good health whtn tht kidneys art clogged, they art 8-<4d hr an dmlcm or of pnce crti -. j*r the "xiuengers of tht system. "Delay / dangerous. Neg- I oo ted kidney troubles result in Bad Blood, Dyspepsia, Juer Complaint, and tht most dan- garaus of all, Brights Disease, Diabetes and Dropsu. " "The about diseases, lannot eiitt whart Dodd't Kidney fills art, used. f cnt by mail on b.-. or ua for J^ B O SHOES S We have full lines of Ladle's, Men's and Children's Boots and Shoes. The best at sorted stock (mostly all ne\r) in Men's and Ladie's wear.fine or heavy grades, from $i per pair. We have received a fresh lot, having near.y sold out the first. Ladie's Shoes and Slippers from 250. per pair. Children's.Misse's and Boys', all sizes, and all at Prices cheaper than the cheapest. Custom work and Repairing promptly attended to. Best stock used at Clayton's. HEALTH FOR ALL. llolloivay's Pills and Ointment. THE PILLS Purify tbe blood, correct all Disorders of mid Tbey invigorat] aud restore U> health Dubllltate;! Coiitltutions, and MX Invaluable in cofv plainta InoiclooUU to Femalas of all ans. For Children and th a|jtl (bey aa prioclea*. THE OINTMENT an infallible remedy for l(a Leu*, Bex! Braasta. Old Wounds, Sorts and Ulcers. It is famous lor Oont ami Bbumatisui. For dlsordanof tbe Cbwt It has no ]ual. For SOUK lHRO.lL,r,liOJ^CHlTIS,COL T GHS,COLJ}3 Qlaauulsr Hwolliuxi, and all Skin Dlwases it has no rival and for contracted and ntilT joints it acts like a cbarm Manufactured ouly at Prolloanor HOLLUWAT'N Uitsl>lihiueut, : s New Oxford Mtreet (late 5^3, Oxford street), London. Mill aru sold at Is. Iftd.. 90d., Is 6d.. Us., Ok., and :a. each Bnz or Pot, e bad of all MM] icine Vendor* tbrougbout tbe woi id. iiiuuld louk at the Label OH the Putt a>ut hoxti. If the addrtn it not 533, Cjcford Itreti, Lundtin, they are tpurioiu. Sliiloh'a Curo is aold on a guarantee. It cures Incipient Conauinption. It ia the U-Ht Cuti|(h Curo. Only on cent a doae ; 25 eta., 50 eta. aud $1.00 per but- tle. Daniel Ritz, Proprietor and Publisher nf the Hninburg, Out., Indejwadunt myi : "I waa buffering frcm Dyitupia and Liv- er trouble, I took a few bottles uf 8hilob'n Vitalzer iind itcurud me. I can heartily reeouiinond it." CO. Do you ever read newspaper advcr tisemouta about aatonuding bargains. great setisatiou sales, telling yon to come or seud qtiick ur the stuff will be all gone and tbe opportunity of a liV time loat. It's (unuy isn't it that every to-morrow briuxs a new and better opportunity ? You dout have to gd ten miles from Lome for the richest gifU of nature, fresh air, pure water and sunshine, and you don't have to go a hundred miles for real bargains that is ralue for yonr money. We have bargain stnff offered everywhere; it often moans goods out of s itson.out of style or in souie way inferior. We never find any bargain vendors ofler^ ing good dollar bills for 99 cent*. nevertheless we keep both eye? and jrs open to get the best dollar's worth that knowjedge, experience aud rsad} money can buy. We put home manu- factures aud importers iu competition with our own direct imports, retiring a keen and htalUiy rivalry for out trade, and can meet any competition. . Our drossgoods stock is large, too large, most people would bay, for am outside a city trade, but we sell them Customers come because they can get choice with confidence of g^od vali e for their money. Our assortment of Piiits and {Cotton Dress Gojds is large euougSi for four ordinary stores, but the careful sulection of choice pat- terns and colo: ings brings the tr.iiU-. No fiiKT, cheaper stock north of Tor onto, so say the travellers. The busi- est cjrucr is our M. llinery Jep:irtmeut This season's orders up to duto i? ahead of any former season. We have the right goods and you will admit it if you visit our Millinery dapartmeut We do not offer to trim or make np millinery grati", \Voik well done and ours is ia worth rciisonablo pay, but we have ribbons, silks, huts and trimmings which we imported and can retail at ordinary wholesale rates. M- B1CIUKDSON & CO- Flsskerton Cemetery Trast, Tlie annual meeting uf trusisss and plot hold- e . f hle^uertou oeinolij will O* beld on Fri iajr, ittf < at o'clock p. ul. A (nil t.ood , au>.e U it^tt.<L Sue. ******** * BVBKTBOOT THAT WKAIIH Boots AND SHoes Go to the shoe sbop in Klmborley and WHITBY Will make your boots and alioes or repair h*rn eiteer. aa neatly and uba|i aa anyone wiUjtu twenty uillea. Try me and be touvioc**!. J. >V. \\'laitby, BRORMAKBB KIMHKllLBT 1 Aur.riw. HOTICB TO CREDITORS' In tbe matter of the cttale of A.Iain Hinlop. late of the township ol Arleiiteiia, iu tbe County of Orey. farmer, deceased. Pursuant to the l'r< VH.I.IUK nf thu Havlawd Statutes of Ontario, vha|iU>r 110. notice in hn ra- in in ven that all tlieurtidit rn and perooiie liav- iiiu claims upon or against thu umateni th said Ailain Hislop, late of iliu Townibip ol Aitw meiia, iu the Countyof Urev. tanner, who riled ou or ftlniut th fifth day of Kulu nary. A. U. 1HM. ere hereby required to deliver or wild by put.t prepai.l. to tlm tiodenutfnd. solicitors for the uxuculors of tbe dnnsamd. on or lieforn tbe fourteenth day of May, AD. 1HU4. a itatuiuetil in writing of their uanim ami addreeee*, to- Rethur witb fnll particulars nf tbelr claims, and ihoiiature of securities ilf anyibeldby thorn Aud aotioe Is further mvn that after tbe eald rourlwflhday of May. It**, tbeaaid executors will proceed to 'liittribute tbe assets of the Hald ilecuaiwd among the persons eutitlud tliureto. hariiiK regard only to the rlaiostef wliicti no* ticu sliall have been Kiven aa before requirnd, mil thu Mitl executon will not be liable for the <atd aasots or anv part tburaof to any punuin or perilous of whose claim or olaiuis notice shall not have been received by tham or thoir >o>u.i tors at tbe tune aforensid. LUCAS A \VUKillT. Markdale, On*. Rolleltois for thu saiil ciuvutun. Dated this 8th day of April, A.D. 18W. LOST OH FAILING MANHOOD. Beasral and Ninons DiBlllty, WeakasM of Bo-Jjr and Mind, ESacto ol Errors or Ezcetacs ia Old or Young. Robust, Niibls Manhood fully Restored. Mow lo Enlarge and Strengthen Weak, Undeveloped Organ* and rartaof Dodjr. Abtoluteljr un- failing Horn* Treatment Benefits in a day. Men testify from oO Slate* and Foreign Coun, trica. \\'rit then.. Datcriplive Book, ex- planation aod iftoaft mailed (sealed) free. ERIE MEDICAL CO., Buffalo, 1 tV