TRUTH BEFORE FAVOB." PRINCIPLES, NOT MBN.' VOL. NO 660. PLESHERTON, ONT., THURSDAY, APRIL 26 1894. . H. THURSTON, EO 'P T R O O %* RI ETOH Epping. From or ow't corrtipontlnit. JK -saam r"":f One of the finest assortments outside of Toronto ' * and at prices f .o meet every pocket, from $1.25 up. SIUEB11BE Afu11 stocko1 beautiful and useful goods in cruets, pickle dishes, knives, forks, spoons, ornamental goods, &c. * JEIELLEB? A magnificent stock in every line, WATCHES f to collar buttons. ARMSTRONG BUGS. - FLESHERTON- j ec^ .x> Repairs, I). McTavish, Flesherton Horseahoer and General Blacksmith, keeps on hand Bopairs for Massey & Harris, loxon, Ffery and Wilkinson Bros, FARM Plo*W8 : I'Meury and Ve ity on h.Tnd allt he time', also all kinds of repairs for tLfc same. Wo manufacture Wagons, Buggies, Cutters. iSleiglia, etc. Horseshoeing promptly attended to. Special attention to tender or contracted feet. Logging and Plow Chains constantly on hand. *T?i\'?* ffei GENTLEMEN : 1 DESIRE TO ANNOUNCE tliat I have taken over the Carriage and Wagon making bu: inc^s lately carried ou by Mr. Jloore, and am no* preparrd to Uli nil orders in my line to your ci'tire satisfaction. Having Liteiy arldud to ray sixteen years' expe- rience in the business a nine months' training in one of the best c irriage shops in tho city of Detroit, where I sucoeuili.J ia carrying off a first clans recommendation, ought to be a sulhcicut guuraiuc u iliat all work will be dou.- in :t lirsi class manner. I uiantifactuie Wagons, Buggies, Cutters, S!ei.;i.s ; 1-1 f.i':i erer/tbiag in the car riage liuc. Wood aud lumber takcu iu (.'XcliAiige. Kindly yive me a cull. 13. tlL. A. IIC. Flesherton. Kelt door to McTavisIi's blacksmith shop. / CJIJP% ; |ENT[ KMEN I desire to call your attention to my I waiter stock of Cutters, which will need no words of recjin..iendation from me, as I will leave the public to judp- for themselves. I have also on hnnJ a stock of heavy sleign;-, i.i-.*sure sleighs, market sleighs ind skdetcn sleighs. All I ask is a call, and judge for yourselves. Thanking my many friends for their past favors, I re main, yours truly. R. T. WHITTEN. VV IV Tli' II Knr-!t c.noiicuu Hinlsrsanly " .Vi' I '!* ' "'< uHnlo. u not ti*c4fm*i-v. Htfcii.lfioiiia VIM V lllli'l. ('holt'.' H|HH-ilil .i:.1 control of l-rn:i i . \\'o hv ovur 9^0 acre* of clmit-o stock. ainl oan Klvn vou inauj a*ivaiilAti*. '"if ln-U of fteiMo oi|4 ni)<l i-utaih- IIIK wtlcniiion is U,>H. ior. Call (or our turinr TU* trial will '.-t ><:u nulliMit;. STOKE & WKI.MM; r\. Torinito. Out. Cap'ain Sweeney, V. S. A., Snn Oa.1., ay : "Shiloh's 0tarth kvmeily is! the first medicine 1 have ever found that wuuU do ra-i any ({**!." Trice 50 ounU Farm for Sale or Exckanjo. A Rare Chance. nOR Sal* or RxnhaiiRo for Village property In I 1 .. Kii*rtuu, Kliwliartou Stalii>n. Maxwell, Kin* hum]. ton. ,.r Kevunha!.. : a valuable Kami of J7 acriin.oiie mile north of Kinihtirloy III the Havor valley, Tp uf l-lnphraftla. On the prain- ln ara a0'^l framo IIOIIIM, b*ni and drive hoiiae, alno a good orolinj il aud well nuppliod with watar. Apply to w. A inm i\. Ag t for Syilmiham Fir* Ia.. Co..WalUr s FaJla this Seeding is progressing rapidly district. The showers of Friday aud Saturday hut will be vtry bene6cil to the grans and such izrniu as is already sown. Mr. Jobn Matthewsun is about totrect a fence m front of his lot John thinks he would not like to be a post-hole digner. The conimodiuUM residence of Mr. Win. McCoanell is now resplendent in a new ' coat of paint. Mr. W. J. Black is also having bis house repainted. Mr. Aaron Wyville has the cmtract of tbe latter. Mr. John Matthewson has purchased tbe little brown driver " Sandy, " from Mr. Johu Eaton, atd hereafter will ride after hi* own horse. Miaa Fanny Ball, of Toronto, is visit- ing with her sister, Mrs. J Matthewsnn. ing on their wheels, when one of them, Chiirlie Bigger, gave his wheel a sharp tuni, t avoid another wheel, and was thrown headlone, receiving some severe bruises about tho face. He wan carried, in a faint condition, into one of the drug store* and <li<t not regain consciousness for about half an hour, but b U now all ri'.'ht ,i?ain. Mr. Mark Armstrong wan poisoned on Sunday last by eating canned tomatoes. Mr. Armstrong w.v made very ill, hut under the doctor's cars has about recov- ered. Meaford Road. From our oirn (\irrajxmdrnt. The school trunteos hare been instruct- ed by the ratepayrrs to proceed at once wirt> the erection of a Dew bnck at hol house. They wi-ro away to Usprey in- specting one there that haa bet-n recently built, aud we are informed that they are going to liavu one erected like it. tfom or ou-n CormvoHdent. M 8 - Douglas, one of Buphrasia'a re- tired farmer-, has purchnKed tbe old If the present fine wither contipue* i Eolipso mill property and ban taken pos- to the end of the week, a numb** of I ,;,, farmers will finish sowing. Miss Mary Kills is home from Winni- ( >ur amateure butanuta made a tour of peg lu,,kiug well after her stay in that the woods diujptl Uie early |>art of lust clt y. week, and rac*eited in securin the fol ; j| r . J. C. Buchanan is able to resume lowing plants ia bl n. viz. : Lever-leaf, , n j H school duties this week. (Hepatian Aculiloba) ; Spring-beauty N r . R. S h;ov has *.ld hia farm to Mr. (CUytouu CaniOnuana) ; Dutchman'*. EJwm Cullis. an-l bought another in the breeches (Dicoutra Cucullarin) ; Dande- Quee,/, lion (Taraxacum Deunle 8) ; Strawberry ! (Fragaria VitginaVia). and in addition to these, specimens uf violet* and willow in Eugenia. flower. The Epwurth<*ue of Chriatian En- deavor in connection with tlm Mctho.lisl church *aa reorganized Im.t Friday even- ing aiitli ;i good muuiliuibliip The fol- See oar stock and prices. C.a.LEITCH, MERCHANT TAILOR. HARDWARE STOTE AND lowing officers Woftu elected : Prea. W. J. Hlnkcattm ; Vice Pros. Mia* Edna St. ne, Dr. Bnuder; Treaa..John S iiijiK.m ; S-c , Mis* Flossie Hartley. The Letgue will meet every Friday evening Mr. John McArt'iur waa down V> the i ^jp^j,,,, m _ l t >u-en City last, we- i nth a ho-,' .1 :: . of '.he Grand . 'ii'iip uf ih- Sons of - !vid, as a representative from Camp 87 of thii bur.;. J M. rvp ins having A lionny time among the Camp sons of old Soutia, Lnly Bank. From oil r < ten f nrrap null nt Not far fiom Liuly Rank w lost recent- our oirn corrttpondtnt. That there will be a new bridge in Eugenia thia year, seems reaannah'y curUi'i hut the cost, dimensions, the loca- tion and who will build it, has not yet been divulged. S'.me of ns have thU public work constructed in our imatitna- tion a certai-.i way, while others do not | ular. A very strong to having it limit on the old situ f. r fear of contain. natiin from the object beside it aud they are i i right in the contention that it should be . removed an far .w possible from evil aa- .-] itioi.s. Outside of thia there etm to be two thing* MHHCiitial in the ('instruc- tion of this bridge. In view of thu Hteep declivity on either side, the demand veins very reaonabln that the now Ijinl.'ii Hhonld bo considerably higher than thtt old one. To those of us who have observed team* X On* load X X of mixed ttrnhaeci a in cuntumars will . hardware JastrtBriMd' which wii. pureiiuad t specially low rafaa. ot which our eimtoiusrs will rocuivr for iustftnoH : the benefit. " , 7.. per 100 i . ; all uthwr uaili law fool. 8p*O. lioTlii.ho, nUe.. mannreforki ami Try thu K requuiU (or garden UM. OILS, ly a youiiK mau by death. More , i * - 11 11 * * * "-.-' ly a rallier green religious leader gavo out | , . . to young people assembled to 10 hia instruction* (?) that younn man had <jone to the j jf ig j,^ M j mpor , Mlt a doty ^ f^.Ht^e 1 travel on the public, and especially the struiu'iiiiK up thorn: hills with a heavy liiad i* .. .'in * 'ii'ly a riyht that thu iTtd^c ''" ahrnl'l l. raised at least six foet. It is hit y of tliu council to economize but Daisy Daiajr clr.irucou.uuitly kupt .m place of woe. Tho parents of th- young man are iimong the most exein- plarv people in (!a|>rey, Hiid so was the young man. l*> r.'i.iril.'y the luxdt r could not have known t'ie y ui- ; n..-in or he would not liittu consigned linn (o thnt ab- borent aUxlu. There is a Nek uf charity .|ii'to obvious heru for it suffers lonu aiid is kind. Leas wimt, less can't, lew ,"ish and nonsense, and nioru oUi-fus'iioned, every-day, pniciical piety is the nt-ed .>f these timed Aye, m.rt' elmrity, without : which wt are no betttr tlut "Hounding bras* and tinkling uymbuls. " .Varkdale. From our "int Corrapondfiit. " Oil aiy heart ' my heart ! To bo out in the sun and sin.' ; To sing and si:, nt, in thu lie!. I* about In the Iwilni n'ld th" bloK-onunit. " Tlie above I'm s are thu In-st oxprosnion of the subtle fueini-s which move in tin* s<>ul of tlie most ) tliesa l>eu'ifu] days, and how uiHiinutively we turn to our pott* for expression of our feelings. But there are a. .mo of ua who, failing to get out in the" Imlmand l>loH*<nniiig, " yo around with nn mjnrud air because of the Hinoiilderinu heiip of ml.i ih in uur neighbor's back yard, lillitu our houses with the dlMagrueahlu smoke. But these littlu things must be liorne, and in a month from now if we gizo into that saint- offending yard, we will see that the rubbUh has disappeared, n:id in it ji'ii'-.j will b*ea cnipet ot beautiful green. Wednesdwy night laat the town was aroused by tho din-ful cry of, tire ! On liret glance one would have thought that one of the larje blocks on Mam street WIIR in flames, but the lire amounted to nothing woi so thnn tho bun. ing <f tho -tiilileK of Hughe's hotel. Several rigs, a i|iianlit.y of oats, und hoiso '.vei-e con- suint d. Thone who availed themselves of tho opportunity of seeing Miss Uupert's paiutniKS that wura on exhibition las" week, had a ureat treat Her work lanin r The .M.- i ''i-t Siinday School has re- organixcd with Mr. JaineH \Nilli.uns aa stiin'iinteiiilr'it iinJ Mr. 11. Mi-Ulfiun aa Uiiile class teiicher, a'so an. th.-r Sunday nchi'ol on I'M- 'ill, has oigauized with Mr. Whitford as aiinurinteiident. The meet- ings will be lield in thu school-house. The Army meetings were attniuln.l with succecs, ten unjiiilwrs having been enrolled. Mr. Wai. Carr and Miss Rosy Carr have moved into thu town. The Williritns Bros, threshed for Mr. Win. H.iey Im-t week. Mr. IU>1. t. Vurvia lias distributed tre.-H f.>r tho Wihiner Nursery Co., of Port El- gin. Cusiomera express themselves as well plensrd .virli them. Mr. Somera 1ms l"st a beautiful Englisb pn-> ilg which Tie" received as a present. Any person returning the same or giving nimtiuii of its whereabout* will be suitably rewarded. It has been learned on pood authority that a man was seo.i diiving a ffrey horse uut north with a pug ci-rreapouding to the above named under hia arm. Through tlm kindness and generosity of Mr. I'uniel MoMullen we have secured a good footbnll ground. 1 was going to say that we abknd a bono- ii.-ent shower through tbe Advance last week and wo have been abundantly bit-nod. The death is retorted in Glt of Charles Sclii'wnMilt from eating canned tomatoes, which it in thnuuht had corroded in the run after 1 1'unj opened. Deceased wns 31 yran of age and leaves a wife aiid four children. PI ur , u *f? nl for am it it comet prlc.-. will ioTMtlgaU bfora buylug 8 lM m it Nott Joor to l'lio(oiraph (iallery. ////A Makes all garments of wear in the best stylo at short notice. All work guaranteed. A trial solicited. F. A. BAKER, FLESHERTON. 1.0V.. LEVEL and CLEAR Only a man who ha* " been tbero " could have written tho following : Sing a song of poiiitcuue, n fellow full of rye ; four and twenty serpents danced before hia eye. When his eye waa opened, he ' shouted for his life ; wasn't ho a pretty . ia chump to go before his wife I His hut V really very fine and it is to be hoped she ' w in the parlour, underneath a chair, will succeed in forming a class hen> his boots wore MI the hallway, his coat The young men ot this town are already was on the stair. His trousers in tlm putting themselvK* in training for the kitchen, hi* collar on tho ahelf. But he summer sports which will i baseball, ' hadn't any notion where he was himself, lacrosae, tennis and bicycling. Last , When the moon was breaking, someone Thursday evening a slight aooident occur- heard him call, his head waa in the ice- ed. Several of the young men won raw- box and that was best of all. Ate the head of the people who subscribe for The Advanc* for the balance of tlm present year. Only SQc aecurua it,