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Flesherton Advance, 19 Apr 1894, p. 8

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FLESH Efci OK A&VAN<?fe Owni Siomiil. Ontario, The Vei'y PLACE Dl CANADA TO i.KT A Bunnen Education. Take a Round Trip a __^-^__^ - Collnce* and U-xiimercial Departments In Cauad*. then vinit _ , I , innw Collate ; examine every- nonghlr If we fall to produce the irongli, complete, practical and oxteu- . tlio hent college proiuioe* i.Kt an ! mt ruinplate anil uioit imt- iltire and at<|ili*noe*. we will give you ni- Kill K For Annual Anuouuou ut. i; i ting full particular*, free, addre** C. A. FLEMING, Principal. J To The Puttie. J TUrlni: rented Whitten 1 * blackimlth hop for a term of yean, I am now In a position to caterto all want* In uiy Hue. taesteioj a Specially, .iiar;inl <l fur anything in Uu baekamtthiny limt CflU OH F. A. BUNT, C Opposite Uichard*on'< Hardware itor* J Eugenia Mills AND Carriage Works. OjwHages made and Repaired, also Planing and Matching, Band Saw- Up. Wood Turning of every des- tion. Planing and Grain Chop ; done while you wait, for th* Beaver turns the wheel. . U 1 1 SON . Manacrr A FAMILY GROUP I fully equipped with re quisites for turning out ? "p" feet class of work. All kinds rf pictures taken and finished ryi a style equal to any city work, while the prices are lower. Picture Framing^* done In all its branches. If you have shopping to do and pictures to get taken on Hie same day please attenc o the latter first. Careful at trillion will be given to copy- ing other pictures. Mrs. Buhner. M ARKIAUB LJCBN8EB, I**a*d dar or night at the office or rnldence of tb* uiKleriilKiied. Dl VISION COUhTCLK K.COMMI88IONF.1J a H.C.J. ConTejraneer, Ac. Notary publto. OHN W. AHM8TRONO, - cCULLOUOH * YOUKO. , U arkdale. do general banking bu- . llouajr loaned (I a resvouaM* rat*. Call R. HAMMOND. i*ott Maxtor, Khnberley. Commitiloner for takLttf Affidavit* Mo. Iniure* aud loant money at lowMt rats*. Executes Lesaca, Deeds, WIIU. .l'romutly, cheaply end efficiently. t> J.BPROri.K. 1'o.tinuitcr, Fleaherton. CominUidonr In R. t , Me nucii /octloneer, Conveyancer, A <riti>r and Monvy Lender, Real Kulete an-1 ntarance Agent. Deed*. Mortgage*, Loasas, aud Will! drawn np and Valuation! mad* on liorteit notice. Auction Hale* attended to In any part of the County. Money to loan at low at rate* of luterit. Collection* attended to with promptnea* and despatch Charge* low. ot for the Dominion htoauiiblpConi)iaiiy, choap ticket* from Plnhertou to Liverpool, llaagow, London or any of tbo llrituh port*. I'artlu intending to rl*lt England, Scotland or Ireland, will please aik rate* before purchailng tbelr ticket* eleewhar*. M IBB EDITH lUCHAHDHON. of Robt. itahr, of Merlin. Germany, (violin); Mn. llradloy, of Toronto Couacrvatory aluic, \ i >.' v culture! ; 1'inf . Krrriftiui. late of Toronto, (Piano) ; will receive pupil* in oINOl.S'G, VIOLIN. I'l- ANO and OKOAX. QB HUTTOH. M. D. C. M . M.C. P. A K.Ont., Prleevllle. Kealdence and office on* door we*t ut the Moth- odlit Cbitrch.Kinrou Bt. Office dayi, Tuoaday* and Saturday*. Ql. CAKTEB. U. C. P. * 8., Ont. Physician, Fle*h*rton office Strain* block. Ueitdeaee Mun*baw' hotel. JOHN A. SCOTT. M. B, Member College Fbynlo. A Hurgeoni. Ontario Graduate In Medlcln* of Toronto Unlvenlty, Fellowiblp Diploma. Port Oradnat* Medical School and Hoepltal, Chicago. Dl*oa*o*of eye, ear, uowaud throat ipeclally treated. Bed- dene* Maxwell, vfclt* F*verabam Tburaday* 1-9 J P. OTTE WELL, Veterinary Hitrg*on. Graduate *f Ontario Veterinary College. Be<deo*e Hell door eouth of Moore'* pianlnf faeterj. J P. HAL8TKAD. M. D . U. C. A S., Out., practice* at Kim- uerUy. Kheniuatic di**aa*f i ipeclallty. J P. MAHBHALL. L. D.B..M.D. B., DeatUl. Tlait* Markdal* th* lit and :inl Wednesday of each month. Fleiberton Kach trip on the day following W. KKOHT. Harrl*tr, Bollcitor, Conreyaneer, Etc. Fleihertou office Next the poet oBc* Karonlu'* bulldhiK, on Thnnulayi. Owen Bound office Krokfil>uiUlliiK. I ffAH A \\KIOHT. narritter*. Solicitor*, Conreyancert, et.. Own Souiirt. On t Markdale, Ont. W. H. Win.. ii r. I. B. Lucu. N. Il.-Flwhurton office, Mitchell* Dank, erery Wednexlay. SOCIETIES. AO.U.W. meet* every flr*t and third Mon day fti eiii'h timntli, In tliHir Iwlffe room i iiiihtiii>' MiM-k Hi*liiTlon,t .p.uj c,,.,. .lohniton.M. W.; W. .1. llellaniy. Hninc'er; W Irwin Uucorder. ViiltliiR Itrt tlirrii Invited. UOY.M, TKMn.UiX OF TK.MI'KUAM'K - lU-t'iilar t'ouncil meet* every flrvt third Tne* lay evening la "*'''' ninn In H|>rcuile' block at R p in. Select dt^ ilnmirniicfi in.. i nicinllily, the WedncMlay I'r.-i.'.in.K tliu 'J'-'ml of each iiiontb. SONS OF TK1IPF.UANCK. Thlf totlety meet* In Dr. Chrlnteu' Hall everv l nH.lay cvunlnii at H p.m. Vlnitli.R lireth rren Invited. luturaiiee In connection. \ Mock overv flrt and third Thund*) In oach niDiilh. \\ui.Kharp, Ma*t*r. T.Clayton Hecretary. PHiNCP AllTH I U LODGR. No. m. A. F < A. M , in.... t In tin. Maxialc Hall. Strain' Hliick, I'll -h. ri,.i' . V.TV Kriday on o heforn Hi.. rnlLiniiuii. A. H. VauduMO, W. M It .1. S|>roule, Hocrvtary. Usz THE CELEBRATED B.Laurance d- KYECL4HNEH O. Karotedt Hole Afrnt Thw i the time of year when the louHewife aeeins to the masculine ore to >e teiz-Ml with * crizc rr producing li:iis. She diaarrangea all the furniture, aud what she d->es not turu out door* slier .mini in hallwaviMid paangea for his un- wary faut to ituinble over. Slie tear* up all the crpti to adorn the cluthetlinea n tlio back yard, and not content with her fiendiah work ahe pull* dowu the cur- ains, leave* the step ladder in the draw- ng-room loaning up against the bare walls, from which she bat borne away the iict urc*. And over and through all the ;liaatly acaue is a smoll of fresh {taint. The paper hanger, the kulsonnner, the carpet slretchor and the yeiiius of the acrubbiog brush, are in jwaieaftion, and more damage is done to carpat, furniture and woodwork than a whole year of or- dinary uaage would give them. gome time about the middle of the .hird week wheu the poor subjugated breadwinner has learned by experience all the (harp angles and fresh paint ipota to be avoided and is even becoming esignod to disorder s >mo time, I say, veil on into the third week, he walks into a transformation Hcene. Everything is BO pretty and fresh it is a i if he had never >een there bofere. Can this be the same old carpet .' How luxurious the carp.u feels to his feet ! Who would li ive thought curtains could make such a dif- ferenc* 1 How filmy, white and fairylike they look 1 And how much a little paper add* to the furnishing of a room ! If the housewife has taate she has sel ected a papr to serve as a background to pictures and furniture not with a pattern that will fly out and strike the sense of lit before anything uUe. If her rooms are low she has put tlio border on the ceiling to apparently add to thu htitfth of the room, and if she is wise has chosen a paper with cailii>;, wall and border all ready made to match each other. A vague thought in forming in the man's mind. Is tins impression of boauty .11 due to the atnoncu of uitt .-mil dust, or had not the weekx of chaos something to do with his appreciation of it ? The law f contrast works so strongly upon the senses. At timed he lias thought that if a little i Hie leas lirnwn and a latie More brain were used, these smiei of discomfort might have been avoided. But there is a depth of wisdom in Madam's method and by pursuiuic it th* inal effect is cnrtainly heightened ; o it in with a tired t>ut san.stied snulo ahe views the result of hi r toil. Something signiticant bappenel week. The first annual meeting of the National Council of women of Canada opened in Ottawa, the Count of Aber- deen being in the chair. Of course M might bn expected at a woman's iiierliiiK, tin hall was beautifully due .rated with bunting, nnd flowers hllid every nonk. Women from every city in the IX.piin- ion, and represent ing all agencies fr the uplifting of humanity were the**. Liter- ary and social clubs and their inflnunct mi Cm adinn literature anil life weie dis cu.ssod as also were * !u;ativu |i1iilanth rupical and n-lii>nu topics. &lrs. Dig num. of tlio Wntnan'M Art AMocia'ion, read a paper on " Art Club*, "and Mrs <'.i|.|>Hi>iie on " Musical Clubs. " 1 lo ikud .n vain for the name of the rrd'>ul>Ul>I< I'r. AuguHia Slowe Gullen, of Tutniito Slie was probably too busy with her Imp pnietmc, or frnni her p.i:i"n on thu school board, combat inc srms* and the innovations which encroach vpou the lib ertien of tbe school teachers of Toronto Her mother, Dr. Emily Stowe, however was there, a veteran in the baltte fur the enfranchisement of women. It is tV.e age of specialization, bat lsi the age of organization, and it is only "He iifthesigna of the limes whun we see these women *|iecialiHt* in their various lines womeu repn minting so many am diverse societies creedw and races Uiu<lin^ together in one common council for the l.ini-lil of all. 'Union is strength." It ia -mil women are not "Clubable.' In tin- city of London alone there are eight magnificent women's club*. The bane of unenlightened womanhood is a cowardly conservatism, which simpers a pretty sneer at the woman who brave ridicule and misrepreiientation for the sake of the pretty mieerer. It will take some time yet to evolvi from the traditionally subservient hal of the race, the independent woman o th future. And we are) living in the tins f tmnmtion . DOT. Proton Proton council met at Bell's Corners on March 29th. Corbett Watsmi The bill >f H. E. GlendenninK fr publuihini( )raLuse Bylaw No. 42, 8u ; nnd 100 \uditora' Reports 920 ; exprcui clmr^BS, 10 ctn. be [>aid. McKenzie Watnon John Dazvll be mid f*20 fnr drawing gravel on 7th side- road, con. 7, div. 2. Laughlin Corbettr Bylarn 40. 41 and 12 for appointment of pound keepers, ence viewers and pathmastvrs, read 1st, Jii'l and 3rd time, be signed. Healed, etc. The clerk be p%id bal. 3 mo*. HaUry ^32.50 and 50ct.for mesaonger re Diain- a.'e Bylaw 42. The petition of certwn ra("|>tyer5 of West Lulher.S. H. No. 101* n-t en-er- ined as it U n>>[ affecting '|>. I'rotun. Walsoii Ijaughlin Tlie re|x>rt <>f ,\1< -x. illenpie, towimliip auditor, re treuturer'n Kecurities, bt accepted, and 82.30 ! paid or search in regintry o9ic relative tn same. WatM)n-~McrT(flizie--All partitts ap- pealing under Drainage Bylaw No. -'.- e lieard on oath. Watson Corb<tt The Cunucil do now adjourn tmieet at Scarlett's Hutel.Hope- villo, aa Court of Reviii..n. tuimliip asaeasinont on May liKth, 18!*4 also a 'ourt nf Revision aud Drainage Bylaw No. 42. JAB. CAVASAOH, Tp. Clerk. I ! I Shiloh's Cure is *ild on a guarantee. It cures Incipient Consunip'i<>n. It is the bent Cough Cure. Only one cent a dose ; 25 cU., 60 eta. and 81.00 per bot- tle. Canada's Colombian Yirtors. The Win. Weld Co , publisher* of the Famn-r's Advocate. London, Out. and Winnipeg, Man., have jut favored us with n cup}- of an exceedingly handsome and life like engraving, entitled "Caiia da's Cohmibian Victors. " It contains the portraits of a large group of pure- bred Ayrshire cattle that won phenona-u al honors at the World's Fair, Cli> last Mummer. Canadian live stook breed- ers and dairymen especially will appre- ciate the commendable enterpriae display ed by the Farmer's Advocate in thus giv- ing tho pubtk? such a permanent in.:ui. ..: of the success of Canada in that gruat \-ritn ri'iu. Out of $2,036. in prizes, AynhireH won 91,883. ; frnted Statei 9160. It U aleo highly creditable to Mr. P. Bri^den, who is, without dnubt, tbe leading live stock artist in Canada. In the way of live tock portraiture we have seen no'.hlng liner than thin, the shading and grouping being artistically done, and thu individu- al characteimCics faithfully brought out. We niinht mention that the cuttle portray- ed in this engraving were from. the heids f MeHsn R., St. Anne*, P Q ; R. Roln-rtson, Howick, P. Q. ; Thomas fJuy, O.hawa, Ont. ; W.M. &.J.C. Smith, Pairhuld I'lains, Ont.; D Druuimnnd, Putite Cote, P. Q. ; Thus. Irving, "Log- an's Kami, " Montreal, P. Q ; Joseph Yuill, Carletou Place, Out. ; Wm. Stew- art, jr., Mime, Out. Daniul Ritz. Proprietor and Publisher. of thu Hamburg, Ont., Independent says : 'I was suffering fr-m Dyspepoia and Liv- r trouble, I took a few bciftlc* of Shilnh'a Vita'7..-r .Mnl Hcurod m. 1 can heartily reci-mmetid it." A Racking Cough Cured by Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Mrs. F. D. HAM, 217 Oenessee St., Lock-port, N. Y., says : "Over thirty yean ago, I remember bearing my father describe the wonder- ful curative effect* of Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral. During a recent attack of IM Grippe, which attorned the form of catarrh, soreness of the longs, accom- panied by an aggravating cough, I used various remedies and prescription*. While some of these medicines partially alleviated the coughing during the day, none of them afforded me any relief from that Rpamnodlc action of the Inngs which would seize me the moment I attempted to lie down at night. After ton or twelve surli nights, I was Nearly in Despair, and had aboat decided to sit np all night In my easy chair, and procure what deep I could in that way. It then oo- curred to me that I had a bottle of Ayer*s Cherry Pectoral. I took a spoonful of this preparation in a littte water, and was able to lie down without ennghing. In a few moments, I fell asleep, and awoke In the morning greatly refreshed and feeling much better. I took a teatpoonfnl of the Pec- toral every night for a week, then grad- ually decreased the dose, and in two weeks my cough was cured." Ay er's Cherry Pectoral Prtpand by Dr. J. O. Aytr * Co., T mrill.laT***.'* Prompt to act, sure to cure The Markets. .'ftrefnlly Corrected Earh Flour | 320 to $ Fall Wheat 65 to 31 to 32 to &2 bo 17 to 10 to 60 to 6 00 to 6 00 to Barley .......... .. Oatt I'eaa Itutter KKKS, fresh Potatoes batf Pork ........ Hay per ton Hides 6ft 31 10 W 600 tteese Turkey! Chicken!! per pair. Ducks ber [*kir Wool 25 to 6 to 9 BO 85 U> 60 o 16 to SOD 20 T D 90 60 10 IHE GREAT SOUTH AMERICAN NEIVINEi TONIC AND Thfi Wonderful HEALTH BUILDER& NERVE FOOD. tiroiilc Diseases nrc enu.srri l.y nrrniued \-r >< Centres at baa* of Iirain 1:1 1 vo centres, will canac the (]eran*?a> meut of the diiTeivnt organs ot the body wliisli tltej supply with NEBJW Fi.rii' oj- NEKVK FUUCK. Tlifl \voinU-iful success of Sonth American Nervine is due alone to th fact that it is based on the foregoing principle. The usir of a single bottle of tliis iciiicdy will convince (lie most inert dulons. It is indeed, a voritablb ' NKBVE Foor. itnd WILL RELIEVE IN 1>M' DAY Hie v\ried forms of nervous disease and stomach troubles. T ATE discoveries have ab=oln',oly 1 j proveu that the Stouiacli and LungH.aud milcf>d nllinteiiml organs are controlled by the nervr centroaitt tli* base of the brain. The uianu- nfacturer of BOUTH AMERICAN NKHVIMK has studifd this subject closely '.'or more limn twenty-five yrais, and Las lately demonstrated (lint two thirds of oar Cluoiiic I'iseasrH, are duo to the iirprrfcnt action of nerve centres, either within or at the base of the brain aud not from the derangement of the organs themselves ; lu-nce that the ordinary method* of treatment are wrong. AH all know, a serious injury to the spinal cord will at once cause PARALT- aitiof the body below the injured part, it therefore will be equally well under- stood, bow tb derangements of kbe This class o{ dificasos, is vapidly creariiui; each year, on account of I great wuar our mode of living and lao> or iiiiuose npcm the nervous system. Nii:s tenths of all the aihneuis k.i :.,cii the hmirui family is heir, aw dept'tident nin>n nervous > xliaustiou, iiupairod digestion, and a deterioratt^ and inpovwiahad condition of tlw blood. The South American Nerr&iM is a grrat nerve food and nerve bniitK cr and this accounts for its marvelous power to cure the varied forms of nervous disease, such as Nenralgl^. Nervonsner s, Nervous Prostration, Bt> Vitns's Dance, Nervous choking,Nei>- otis Paroxysms, Twitching of_the Mn> cles M"' Clashes, Mental ency, Furgetfuluesi, Hc8tU'siue*a, Palpitation of the >.Wrt, VVaakness, etc., etc, ^old by WM. KICB4KDSOM. V

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