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Flesherton Advance, 19 Apr 1894, p. 4

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE BBYABIJ1BBD 01 1881 Pl-BLUIIBD WIIKLT A1 Till omCB, 8YD- IXHAJf 8T1HT, FLM1IIRTOK, OJfT., BT W. H. THUHaTOJf. I per annum,*! r Irtlr In adrance AdTcrtising Rates : Odd Column. 1 year. 40 ; bait col., 1 year. 27 quarter ool., one year, 15 Transient adrcrtUeinent charged at the rate Of B cents per Hoc for flnt insertion and S ceuts each subsequent Insortion. Many people were undecided , from the fcpeeclies of D'Alton McCarthy, exactly what is the color of bis politi- cal cloth, bat tbc effusive, bubbling, champagne-like eulogies of the Globe on his budget speech sets tbat matter foreter at rest, The lontf budget debate came to a clote on Thursday last, aud in the division that followed the government Lad a majority of 56 votes. Mr. Mc- Carthy was conveniently absent on thil auspicious occasion. The Ontario Legislature will pro- rogue next week, aud thcu will come (...<. increased battle of words and war of factions for a few mouths, aud on this occasion the agriculturist will be decidedly " in it." He will plow and sow hid grain as of yore, but at the same time tl is will not prevent him from doing a deal of thinking during his silent, rounds behind the teain.and all evidences point to a heavy vote at tlie coming election, whenever it may be held. We particularly direct the attention of our leaders this week to the ably written Woman'* Sphere department on unr last pa^n. It is as interesting this week to gentlemen as to the ladies, and deals in a sprightly manner with the awful period of bousccleauiug which is the bane of man's existence, and touches upon the women's congress at Montreal. " Dot "is quite capa ble of filling a potation on any of the Lest woman's porodicals, and onr readers are highly favored by contri- butions from her clever pen. General News. William Tnylor, a farmer from near (ilen .Mi. in, Hit* *uffc>cat<l by ga.s in tlio Market hotel, C.ili, on Friday night . He hail left the jut open and rvtireu. A ! i.l n:unr I Janu-H It, -\ M. .Mi, nbout 15 yuan old, a ion of Mr. JHIIIUM Koynoldi. of Aliiatmi, wo* drowned Momlny l.y th. c*|izit.K of a boat in which hu and some i iii|>itiiiii.-. woru Hailing. Withdrawal* from the Government S\iuH bank during March exceeded thu delimit by f^.lKNI. At Vlrderi, Man., Willio Huston, Hged foiiriet-n, M.II ili >ni<l win Id attempting t. *ve a t..ur year-old girl who had fallen i i i . i-L. Silvnriii.tii, a iiiim-liniit and ntorukuf|itT i>f Wcl, I, ,,<!, Out., w.i arreHlnl in Smlliiiry, Tliuroday, on a nit 4-lmrnni,' him with defrauilin^ il ^0.11 mil nf |4.'>7 wiirtli i,f good*. ruiitii i* IHIW nut <if jitil and at-vera! (i|. i.i 4-11 Imvo |H!(,II n|i|iln-il for. It it ! that liia fraudH will reiich 8,000 <KM>. A wntiT wli4, fviili-ntly IH in hard luck put* it in thin way : No inultiT Imw thing* UK t!u! poor in in nlwiiyHiuiriin. Yea, the ' !in own rnilrn.vla don't think anything of ruimin^ ovur a poor nia.i's horse. Ye*, and tliu initn who can ntt'i nl n hurie run.i down ihu |t.ior fullow on a !. .liwt m. And tlio fallow on the bi,y.:le ruim down tho pO4. r chap who Inn ID *alk. TliMt'Nit. And (he man that w!ks atunililuM Ki/iiiiint tli poor eri ( >| I wliiigmmon rriitt-hrii. That'll the wny. Aii'l the cripple tpuiid* nuwt of hi* time jamming hia ttioki down on {>,..'n oorna. lf a world. other A FINAL RECKONING. Dr Smith'.* report on Gangrenous AS HfBHITTtD TO THB OO fBHHMBMT AFTKH iii.i vurr TO THIS becrum AN OFFIC- IAL OOHKOBOHATION OF Ml. OTTE- WBLL'S Through the courtesy of Dr. Sproule, VI P., The A Ji MICH i* enabled thi* week to place before its reader* the full text of Dr. Smith'* report on gangrenous ergot - inin, which ha* *o seriously affected many lierds of cattle in this district. Certain uewsjMp4 rs hare ducried tho airing of any diseases affect ing cattle -at thi* junct- ure, when the trade i* at a low ebb, but that is not uur view of the case. Eng- land has scheduled our cattle fur pleuro- |ineuiiMiiiia alone, and due* nut bother herself about other diieaiea which are C4iiiini'ii among her own cuttle, nuch M tuberculosis. When a new disease crop* up the more information that can be dis- seminated about it tho better. It it now known that nothing approaching the past serious i-utlneak here IIIM ever appeared in Canada bef4ire, al.hougli, as Dr. .Smith says, n fow cases appeared in 4>nu other district. the very full discussion which we have given the matter our read- ers will be thoroughly i|uulitii-d to guard against tho disease in future, by proper feeiling, and we believe the value of the articles which have appeared aru fully ap- preciated by our re.idelfc. Dr. Hproule haH kindly hrfoie an copies of all letter* that have panted between hiruaelf and the two agricultural p.'iitniriits, including m-. 1 l'i.-i i J.Lowe, D.M.A., one from Dr. Am!r.-w Smith, and I>r Smith'* report 4111 the diaeaM. Thu two fi.nner are not (.f sufficient inter- est to print in full, but the latter we ap- |n ml by way of a wina up t>> the diag- si* a* furuiiilly printed, and whu-li fully bears mrt in every particular fiery-thing The Advance has printed regarding the matter. rlM.K. SMITH'S I'-KI'OUT. I>e]*trtnunt of Agriculture, HJTice of O '< I'lttriniuu Intptctor fur /'r.-r- iiKe of Ontario. Toronto, April 3rd, 1'J4. rief,tft Hi ilU'-'Of among caW' in ( 'uuuf y ,,j <irey. SIR : Ou Tuesday March 27th, I visit- r.l thu t'.islriclH of Maikdale and erlon anil nmdo un investigation as to a disease existing among cattle in such district. First visited tho farm of Donald Me- Cormaok, Lot 15, ('on. 10, Olunelg, who ha* had twelve cattle more or lens nlli ct- ed, I'.ni having dieil or liecn destroyed. Tho disease was first noticed .iln-ut the end of January snd at present five ani- mal* ar.> ahVctod, one very severely, thn riuht hand Irg ihowiiiK signs of ilnugh- ing nil 'iibme tin) tVtliM'k. Mr. Mct'niiiiiiok'a (nn is very poor land slid tin- cat lie are poorly cured f4ir. Next visited li.-orgo Leech's farm, and fiiiind oho cow and 4>no year old heifer severely affected ; the latter having loot part of the Innil linili, and (ho stump grannlatin./ over. Tho cow is affected iu b -til hind lg*. l'...ili ainiiiii's nlniuld be destrood. At Mr. J..liii ll..)va' Lot 101, (Jli-nclg, I found iiir 4 'W ati'i i t.'d Imt IH likely to recover. Mr. HayoH ha I two other ani inaln dinesMwl which weru dUtroyed sonio time Rfo. At Mr Blair's farm, L-.t 24 and 25, Aitrini'sn, I found Rcviral dinuai-od ai.i- mill*. Mr. Blair IIH* set ei t. 4'n In a. I of cattle and thirti en li ,\>- l.i.n allected. One cow WSH Very li.nlly divnm-4 1 , anil Mr. Klair had H tid 4-ow d. sin. \,il in our preHfiice, as both hind h^s were tupttrat iliv< alive tho fethick. I aund '.'!.|i Mr. hat n PIMM) lann iin d his cat- tlo art) well careil for goiierully hut ihu hay > 'I. whii-h they wore fed il'jiin^ ihu fikll i-arly winter wus Viiy :..u. li 11 gotiaed. Judging fr. -m communications and {<IT soiml iuteriiiiWH with Messrs. Cunning- ham and Ottewell, Veterinary BotMoa*., Markdnlu ami I'lrslns (4111, as to mi-d t\n e.ise, nnd from I' of proven- der ami from my peiHonal of caseH, I behove thu diicasee in due to local raiiMvs, and aro well maik.-il cajes or i/iiiiiii-rouK ei\'otim. Tliis disease ia >i"t new, but I'M rnre'y ii4iti'-ed in Ontario. A fuw Hgu there were a few citwi ri'portiMl n the I 'ininty of Perth, and nlnnit li-niv years ago it existed to a .!:;;!.' 4-\tein in iho \Vetem |iart of the 1'iinii.ri-. In 1HH4 it existed t-xtenxivi'ly in the variou* parts of Illinois, Misaouii, and Tlnmo eri;4itisMl Kr.iAHes when used con- tinuously mill under c. rtnin cmidnii ni, injiirinusly alfuct the sy.stem in gonuraj ; a IH I [by their action i.n unvulini'ar) miiHiuilar fibre impair thu circulati- m, cauHiiiL.' capillarycontik' -timi anil g ingren.i. more eHpecially of thoso parts ro'iioto from thn cent 1-4! of tho circulatory system, as the h.wer parts of the limlm and soiue- i inn -4 the tail. In some cases it may also aet locally snd ihiiH increase the irntaiK.n. The diaiaae liegina by causing a slight ilsturb- Slice of the digestive organs, a gindual fulling off in cohdition, followeil by tend- iirnesa of the feet and limbs, at hrt slight heat, then unnatuial coldness ( impaired circulation ) sud gsngreno. The hay which ia the principle cause of the diseM IB a specie* of blue grass,com- monly called June grass and readily be* comes urgoted in certain seasons. The diaase is serious in character but is easily preventable by avoiding the ue of ergoted hay or any hay showing signs of ergot, smut e\o. The trealmept of severe case* of gan- greneoua ergotism i* difficult, but any thing that tends to improve tho general condition, such a* nourishing and whole- some food, and especially rooU,s turnip*, carrots, in moderate quantities, combined with medicine and remedies i* of benefit, together with the uae of antiseptics local- ly when required. Grasses readily ergotised should be cut early in the season before an ergotised condition couies on. The veterinary surgeons referred to hive given good advice to the farmers, I expect the du- eatt will be easily controlled and with the advent of spring will disappear. It is noii-cootagiouii, and there is no neeuuity of causing any alarm. No doubt it i* unfortunate for tho*e farmers whofo animals are affected, and the loss in some cases is serious. I enclose sketches of two well marked cases. I am, &c., ANDRBW SMITH, F.R.C.V.8. UoM. A. It. AM.KKH Minister of Agriculture Ottawa, Ont. 1'OBt ofSiiiiuno-io. To the Editor o) the Advauee. MB. EDITOB, "Public Opinion" made a slight error iu stating the cost of a summons for a debt of $5 was $2. GO. The statement was taken from Dr. Ryersou's figures. The word " cost " is a tittle inappropriate as it las Lain interpreted to mcin merely the c,jnt of issue and taking copy of summons. I have been kindly up plied \\i-h a schedule of f. is from which I take the following : 1 Issue of summons 40 cents, 2 Copy of tiuumons 20 cts., 3 Copy of claim (including particulars) when not furnished by plaintiff (to be paid by plaintiff) '20 cts, 4 Copy of ge toff ( including particulars) when not furnished by the defendant (to be paid by the defendant) 20 cte, 5 Entering n turn to any summons 11V..C Service of communication 80c., 7 Return as to service of summon* 16c., There are other fees whic^i agijrinnte more than this which an not dirtctly charge- able under this head. I voluntarily make this correction, believing that it is nothing but right that there should be a fair discussion on public opinion. PUBLIC OPINION. K. Bridge. 7'.. Thr fcWif./r .,/ The Advance. Second part first and then " Second Header " again, as the profcssioual rducatiomzers compound tiicir school prescription, little children to under- stand but this for " children larger grown " connected with the county bruise near where Heaver River stands on cud in our Eugenia town, which needs more breezes still to raise to grade of hill. To read the back council reports in the Advance, from first paper in Marcb, we see that the five councillors dis- cussed and voted that a committee, three of their notable members, should examine, etc., whereabout and of what style to build a bridge over the Ueaver Hver in Eugenia expending thereon tTie> $700 which the County C'ouucil had given tin in for such purposes and said committee to build such bridge "the coming summer of 1891, " but our " first part " said that work was brxnu " in the first month of spring, " wilh intention of completing Ix'fmc summer, months earlier than the a own voting in council gave tin in any unlhority to begin in- en 1. Bet- tor ut tl.eii inx inij- on yOlh April pass ' -j, vote of wunt of COlit'ldeuco " ill UK iiiK4 l\es - uiM) a vo:< of cfiiaure, etc. but sonu taxpayers "should have an evi. " that they dun't P.IKS and in^ ilinae all as " le^al expenses " or make the wording of tlie /ote n-ad u want of oonii leuce ot keeping tho cash, il <1 i.iun^' to guisp it as ijiiicl; as a ll.isli And irf.-.a'iiint' eesisnif, tlut said Aia- M'!i:iu ' ci.nncil ore deciJeJly dcU-r- innii :1 iu ki c,i the cents sure. And ut Ihu Apnl c.>unoU moet- ing *>iiu! more down grade was voted, allowing that SMcli bn.lge may be onl.v f nir fed higher than the present, anil of wliaUvci cuntiinictioii tl(|- oomiuil- ttemay see proper, or in other vety different wording that the oommii- U e's ivpoi t Le accepted, " mul lu f t over for "any other construction," and v> ' i-li .--iinl committee i!,)i;lii!( ,m rolid ^ciiipon. There, there! dun't jib* nn with " making fun of tlieui, " as they are capable, as 1 was always cap able of making fun of myself If such outlay of bun-owed money, for taxpayers to have to rapay double for has to be thus expended and an acceptably well-made bridge shall be buil 1 , I nui not inclined to charge for sufficient stone right there but if not of creditable higher, wider, better t make ' by a goud dd*l " than the . council indicates, Uieu I will GREAT Harrison, of Flesherton, Is Belling Furuiture, and Undertaking at ^ and no bad debts to us, bargains to yon. Call and see oar big stock iu Wrights old stand. No trouble to show goods. RESIDENCE UVKU STORE. jjj. Harr-ison. Gents BafctyBICl'CLE$:J.>.<JU. 2 good second hand singer sewing machines. Cheap. that my brother, who owns such stone shall claim and be paid honest value for it. " Trnly " U. MI-LEAN PL-BDT. Eugenia, 16, 4, lr-91. ANOTHER Tu the Editoi of Ttte AJvince. SIR : So it would appoar we are going to have another " pAtch up" to our bridge. There seems to have to bo a difference of opinion as to the lui-lii that the bridge ought to bo made but not a word about building a bridge on the straight line and abandoning the crooked donu hill track at present used. The bridge over the river onght to be straight with the road goiu,' to Kimberely and the north, and going south by Mr. Car's aud Qilliland a. This road is exactly in the center of the town plot and might bo made quite level. This would surely be a great improvement on the present down hill and up hill crooked route. A little more money would be spent in building a pcrnament bridge on the route 1 purpose, aud surely would not be grudged by any one. Some say that the present route being established by by-law must be continued. Are our laws like those of tho Muedcs and Per- sians which altereth not? doubtless tho same power that made the law can repeal it, aud let us have the road aud bridge where it should be. BATBPATBR. Eugenia 9th April, 1891 \JI7 \ \I T 17 I i Kl'.l,l.. men to Mil W /\ il 1 FjL/- ourcholo* iii.l Nurwry itook. and Sae>l 1'otalom, full and com- plete line Many vtrlotlei cm only b obtain 4 through ut. Cmuiulnloo or Mlary |>i.l weekly. mil promptly Eicluilre and cbole* of tiyrttory Klven. Don't dUj. write U one* for tel mi. Amu Nt-wiSHY Co., Rochesttr.N. Y BOAR FOR SERVICE. Thoroughbred ioiproved Yorkshire boar for orvice OD lut IC6, Jrd rauge. 8. W. Toronto au 1 h> JuLhaui roiKl. Tormi $1 at timu of MTTioe. W. JIUSIUN. Flibrton P. O INT!! 1 ? TO mm IU In the matter of the Estate of Uo, r L-V4T. !.( Of lilf %'II- la-r >r !<:. -rnii'. in thr t'uiiuty uf Or-v, Esiiulre, de- ceased. Puraatnt to the pmvitloni of the Reviled BUtuto iif Ontario. ( liiipu- llu, notice i kerr- by RlveolbM all crvitorn mul JTII-HM having II|K>U or aRiu>t tli.i mitittu of the ti,l T. ;t uf tin \iliiwre of Klubvrtou la toe County of Oi . or about tbe third >U. ber, A. L>.. KIJ. arti hereby rc<iMir.-'i 1. 1 .l.'iivHr ur wml by po*t pre|alil, t> th" uadenlKDed. ftolicltorrf for th uxecatortof the lat will aud tentaitiimt of the dMMMeLoo or befure thu Twentieth day of April A 1) . UM, *taniBt ! fii- MU&ea aii-1 a.lhi-kH. toKHtber wlUi ^uil i.i lar* of thulr claims aud Ibw u-. u( am I.. I.i by tLuui. And notice it fuithur giTcu tbat after the said Twentieth day of April. IMII, th,. wid Kxccutorn will procuixi in too aueu of the MU.I deceased auiuui; thu p.riM)iiH eutitlud tboreto, havioK rKCanl oulyto the clalrui of which uo- ticii shall uare boon iiiTen as above rwf aud the said executor* will not l. liable fi>r the said aasoW or any irt thereof to auy IWIMHI .T |)rou of whose claim 01 claim* uotlce shall nut bare been rewlvud bv them or ILulr solicit tors at the tiuic afaireaaia. LUCAS 4ft WBIOltT. Owen Sonnd. Out* Solicitors for the inl Kxeeuton. Dated the 1st day of Marcb, A. L) , ItSM. Come along clown and see the new stock of beautiful WALL PAPER WINDOW SHADES _/ -- AND CURTAIN POLES which we h:ue just received and which are to be sold very cheap. Brighten up your homes with A LAB AST INK, the best mixture ever proparcc. for walls and ceiling, and do not forget to paint >our floors with THii TORONTO LEAD & COLOK Co. PURE prepared PAINTS, the best in the market. House keepers are all GLISTENING CREAM for Furniture. It will polish up anything from a Piano to a Buckle en your shoe. Try a bottle. NAILS, BUILDER'S HAKDWARK AND all kinds of FENCE WIRE to be had at lowest prices at hardware Departnjeiit HAVE YOU BACK-ACHE OODDS KIDNEY PILLS WILL CURE YOU "Backache meant the kid- ntys art In trouble. Oodd't Kidney Pillt aivt prompt relief." "75 per cent. disease It it caused by disordered kid- neys. " flight as weft try to have a healthy city Without age, a good health when th kidneys art slogged, they art the 'ywengert of the system. "Delay / dangerous. Neg- lected kidney troublet result in Bad Blood, Dyspepsia, Liuer Complaint, and the most dan- gerous of all, Brights Disease, Dia be tea "Tli about diseases lannot txitt where , Dodd't Kidney i Pill* ait used. * ' & by ad dealers or sent by saallon receipt , oc price 50 cents, psr bo< ex six for tW i b^^Kia4T^ erwl1 * Wrto * '

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