I TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." PRINCIPLES. NOT MEN. 1 VOL. XHL, NO 659. FLESHERTON, ONT., THURSDAY, APRIL 10 1894. W. H. THURSTOH, PROPRIETOR One of the finest assortments outside of Toronto and at prices to meet every pocket, from $1.25 up. *** UiyFBWlRF Afu11 stockof beautiful and useful J -'- ! " fl fc, goods in cruets, pickle dishes, knives, forks, spoons, ornamental goods, &c. *** JF1FI I FRY A magnificent stock in every line, from to collar buttons. ARMSTRONG BROS- - m,- FI-ESHERTDN- f Repairs, Repairs ! D. McTavisk, Flesherton Horseshoer'aml General Blacksmith, keeps oa hand Repairs for lasse; & Harris, IOXOD, Fleor; anil lilkinsoi Bros, FARM IMPLEMENTS. Ploinra: Fleury and Ve ity on hand all the time, also all kinds of repairs for the .same. W manufacture Wagons, Baggies, Cutters . Sleighs, i tc. Horseshoeing promptly attraded to. Special attention to tender Of cou ti. ir ied foot. Logging and Plow Chains constantly on hand. Images ^ lyegoss, GENTLEMEN : I DESIRE TO ANNOUNCE that I Lave taken over tlie Carriage and Wajrou making husiiwan lately carried ou by Mr. Moore, aud am now prepared to fill all orders in my line to your entire satisfaction. Having lately added to my sixteen years' expe- rience iu tlie business a nine months' training iu out; of tlie best cirriiigo shops iu tbo city of Detroit, where I succeeded in carrying ofi a first class i-ccomumudution. on^lit to be a snfticicrit guarantee tliiil A\ work will be done iis ;\ fi'--t. cl:>ss manner. I inanufactnie Wajoi:?, Busies, Cutters, Slei^l.s ; n Qct erpcytliing in the car IM-. li'ic: Wood aud lumber tukcu in exchange. Kindly give me a call. II. 13 L <%. I It . Flesberton. Next door to McTavish 's blacKsruiib shop. c If f ^/SWC jkl I c> <c5 fc ^ENTl EM EN I desire to call your attention to my I i winter stock of Cutters, which will need no words of \^l rec^m.iiendation from me, as I will leave the public to judp" for themselves. I have also on hand a stock of heavy sleigns, pleasure sleighs, market sleighs and skeleton sleighs. All I ask is a call, and jodge for yourselves. Thanking my many friends for their past favors, I re- main, yours truly, R. T. WHITTEN . WAMTKD men. r,\\< in|>loyiu*nt with UKM not iiaary. Ham outfit au.l ill" Iune0i of ov;r > year* opr- leuce ftirni'hitl ivory man. Choice special Ituetand oontrwl'of territory. We have oe> TOO acrtw of uliolco utock.ani) can Rlya you tnuy dvantaj. Our mod*of aaourlDgand retain- ing naleatnt-n ! Ht';>eriQr. CaU for our toruiB. TLa trial will teei >u iiothin 8TONB * WKLLI\TO*. Toronto. Out. Oaptain Sweeney. U. R. A., Man (M., says ; "Shiloh'n Catarrah Remedj in the rt niediciue I have ev*r found that woold do me any g *>d. " Price 50 cents Farn for Sail or Exclango, A Van Chance. Sin hanipton, or PMaHhaia : a *alHbl Farm of \1 aoramone mile north of Kiuibcrlny la h BeaTar vall.y, Tp. of Kuphriuia. OB tba pMm- iiiau aro a good frame hoimo, l^rq auJ ilriva bouaa, alao a good orchard and wall supplied with watar. Apply to W. A. BATMAN. Ac t for BjntaabajB Tire Ua. Co., Wai Wr 'trails From our OICH eorrttttonJfiii. Fine weather and erery person buay in their gardcua. Ceo. Walter hag leased the Stiurt prop- erty which ia al ppeaent ivxupied hy Mr. WaddelL In reference to John Coru6e!J, nf Kim- berley, Mr. Editor, allow me to inform your readers that the aaiJ John Cornfield has u. lenvu Kiniherley heforu he can get that curaud .-tuff which seta men crazy. Kimuerley is s t-niperance town, thero not being a drop of liquor sold in the place. John Wilson is building a house ou lu.s lot adjoining his blac-ktuiith shop. Our txilor lias loft ua, not because he did not have work though. Bucause ho had more order* on BIB honk than he could have made up in three wek*. There ia a good opening bare for a tailor. We were very much pleased to have a call from Ye Editor last week. You are always welcome and an is The Advance. Maxwell Jau.uM Frame, R. S. ; Aas't R. S., Flossie Hartley; Fiu. S., D. Campbell; Tn-aa.! , Sara Kct*>r ; Con., Puter MoArthur ; Aaa't [j Con., Edith H.irtlcy ; Chap., Malcolm M l..iiald ; (). S, Wwsley H..-udi:raon ; I. 8., Dr. Brander. Fium imr omi Com *fxni<iti,t. The fine weather of the post week dried /he road and ground up nicely. Messrs Bern rose and Pi>tts left for Col. linpwnod lately, and Mr. Alex. Strachan returned from Owen Sound. Mr. Woodjjer. Sr, ha* come to holiday with hi ion, the Rev. T. Woodier. Mm. Button has moved to the houae recently vacated by Mr. Bell. Mr. Brown ii putting up a triable behind hia barn. Birth In Maxwell, <m Apr. 8th, the wife of C. M. Field of a*nn. The Presbyterian service waa withdrawn here last Sunday owing U> the Mcrnment. al sen-ice at ITerenham. A bam belnnuini; to Mr. Burn*, of the 8th, waa burned laat Sunday. A taffy party waa given at Mr. Albert Brownridtfe's on Monday evening. It waa a grand success. One of the aamo waa given at Mr. Burk's on Friday. Meanrs. Thuratnn and Hill, of Kleslior. ton, viaited town on their liikea on M n day. See our stock and prices. C.J.LEITCM, MERCHANT TAILOR. Fnan <mr <*iw rurrfttjxmd All we an- looking for UIIH Hue spuug father is a good warm shower. It is reportd that the Hoop ii Veneer c< iiLvm II..M panned into the hands f A.R. \VilliauiS uf the Suho Foundry. There if no prjapect of the creditors, who were largely wage earners, getting even a cent u tlie J.i.ll.ii-. XI. e authors ill bringing about thia state of attain deaer vo public ex- etT.itiou, and it is rao.it unfortunate that I thu law m puwerltrss in such a crisis. Thr* ia one consoling feature in thia that Lowellyn, the- hymnict, poet ai.d active all round religiuua spouter, gave his min- utration for nothing. Miss Bnull>erry haa been very low for s >me time aud notwithstanding the con- sfcit.t attendance .iniJ caro of many friends she in iiyt improving as fast aa w could wish. Wo hope that tho spring weather will prove a good restorative. Mrs. Samuel Paul aod Mrs. Stephen Roy are ill also aud under the care of Dr. Scutt, of Maxwell We aro glad to say they are alowly reeovennu. Messrs. John Bowerman, Hiram i One load of mixed hardware jnrt arri ved> Bowerman and Jaa. Williams are huitl- | which wiu purchaaed at apeoially low raiva, of i i i -.1- i_ wbioli our cuatouittra will ret^iTa the tenant IUK up J. \V illiama now blacksmith shop. I For - A slightly pecular accident t<H)k place laat week. A youni; man, whu had been out to tho station, landed hum* without a collar ou the horse. After a search, he waa unable to find it. Home person ia tbo richer of a horse-collar. It to be hoped that they do mt go on the principle that rinding means keeping. The foot bull team have had a couple of practices and have not loat any form -_. everything requisite f or garden UM luce last year. We are glad to see that the Fevershun team have nn-nnized and are ready for anything. The Eugenia boys would not mind pUying- a friendly HARDWARE STOVE AP Wodrhnu.sr. t Frum oitr own Crrtsp eWrut. Tlie weather is all tint r. u! J >< ikwred, and the farmers are unking good uao of their time. Rain wnu'd do a great dat of go.>d here at pres-'nt. Between talfy pulls and wurk the y<>uu<{ people nre kept preltv busy. Mrs. Thompson, from Fort Perry, haa moved into her new lumi.'.the house lately occupied by Mr. T. Carrnthera. Mr. Hirch receivvtl a telegram on Sun- day evening, Minoiriciii ; the den' Ii of a nephew. Mr. llobinson, nenr I^nm|iii)ii- The young man wa hiniked by a cow in tlie side i.f the neck, making a hole into the windpipe \v.<l allowing blood to run down into the ImiT, cuuiinit consumption. Mr. R was a youni( muii just married last fall, and will be very much missed. Mr. Frank Birch and John Julian went to attend the funeral on Monday. Misa Ella \Vilcox aw ret>irud to tbo city after a three months' stay with her sis- ter, Mrs. Lank tree. Born Tjast week, Mrs. Jacob Allen, 9th line, of a pair of b^ys. Priceville. ft-lnoh uaili. 2.<0 DOT 100 Ibt.; ihingla nailr. , all oth ' (2.79 pw icu ibi. faithful" henc a . l othar nail* at oqoall j low from or 01014 Corrtipondejtt. Now n the time fur cleaning up tlie back yards. Our storekeepers and merchants will soon have a few leisure momenta at their disjxiHal during tho diy. The cattle fair laat Monday waa well attended but the prices offered were very ansatisfactory. However, a uuuiber of animals changed hands. Mr. James Gardiner, our tinsmith, haa filed np a sbop iu hin residence. M isa Jennie Boas has pa*aed through a.iotber season of illoew. Miaa Row haa had her share of sickness of late. The following are the officer* of the 8. i ). T, for ensuing quarter :-- W.J.Blakea- N ton, W. P. | Mary A. Brown, W. A. ; prcvidtuft they aould nut boat ua to badly. The Rev. Mr. Perry will spend a week in the city of Stratford. Recent events have wived tho mem- i >ryofa thrilling disaatur which ti ok place on LkB Mk:hi^\n 37 years ago, furnish- ing w!nt Htiil r. iiinii s a notably tragic i atory in the wild nnnala of our lake ma- rine. The steamer Xingira, Capt. B". 8. Miller, one if the bKt boats of the really oouinodioua line that plied between Col- linnwuoil and Chicr.go in the fifties, left Colliij'.'wood on s,.j.t. 32, 1862, with 300 passengers aboard, and when only 10 or t-' inltcs mini < "lie i.;o fire bnike' out amid- ships, ipreiidinn rapidly. In the panic that Mlowivl 100 livos were I oat, mainly ! through tho capsizing of the overcrowded 1 boats before they touched the water The , remainder were rescued or drifted to nafety, and among tho latter number waa a deck hand wish n baby boy of two years old, which he had found deserted on the d<.k and had savv.l at the rusk of his own life. Every effort was made to find the chill's parents, but without success, though ittt naino was known to be Franc Will.-iti'.nii'l he was ndi^bed mid brought up by a family at Port VVaMhington. At 15 he f.iced the world for himself, and ia now a bag3!iu-nian on the Northwestern railway. The re-publication of the whole story in thu Minneapolis Dai.'y Journal a few weeks ago has led to the uiKcovery of his rclntivea after 37 years of separa- tion. His parents and three brother* perished in the Niagara, but letters have come from near relatives in various tatee aud the |rruwn-up waif iaa waif no longer. Oiled annealed wir,17prlOOIbs.;harbiro. plain wire and fancy galvanized u-oo wiro away down. Garden Tools. , Spailoa. *hovela.hoB, rakea. manure forka ana rerytliingrequUT ^^^S. o O a O O Doiiejl oil. raw oil, tnriMntine.maobine oil and- all kinds of varniabee, white load. etc. Daisy Churns. Daisy oburna ooutut!y kept on baud. I wnt roor custom fr all tba above, and am 5 have It If correct prices will bring it. rleaee lu mitigate before buying elsewhere. Next door to Photograph Gallery. B K E il Tailor. Makes all garments of Men's wear in tbe best style at short notice. All work guaranteed. A trial solicited. F. A. BAKER, KLKSHBftTON. LOMft. LEVEL and CLEAR Carpet ail Flannel leaving, narod on nhort no The nndemUned Ii i Flaimul weaving of ail and rwu.nblu term*. Satisfaction guaranteed. Ale the head of the people who aubacribfl Ordnra tent in by aae will receive iiruiupta aa* wntion. comKpondriioA^ipiioMd^ for The Advance for the balance of the. proaent year. Ou'j Mb mcurua .t CorrapondrnoA i M1HU I. COUTTS, rb. I. m. 1 \ '-I- *?-