THE*FLfcSHEROrt A D V A N C fe BBTABLI8HKD 1881 Advance rUBUxniU WBBKLY AT THB OFFICB, SYP- BMHAM HTKBBT, FLBIIHBKTuN, OUT., T W. R. THVMTOB. 1 per aiiniim.xlr i< 1 1? In advance Advertising Rates: Oos Column. 1 year, *50 ; half col , 1 year, $27 quarter ool . on* year, S;5. Transient adrertuwment charged al the rate <Sf 8 cent* per Hoe for Ant Insertion and 3 cents each subsequent Insertion. T1IAT TUBERCULOSIS. AB the question of tuberculosis in eattle becomes better understood, the case is getting clearer every day that the government will have to legislate thereou in some way for the protection of farmers and the country in general from its evil effects. At present there appears to be no regulations governing the matter, and farmers are not obliged to slaughter affected animals or even apply a test to prove the ex- istence of the disease, and the govern* ment will not do it. More than a month ago officials of the Ontario government were notified that the dis- ease exists near Flesherton and a por- tion of a diseased lung exhibited to them, bat have utterly failed to act in any way npou the suggestion, and while hero investigating the cares of crgotic poisoning refused oven to visit the suspected herd. They promised to supply tuberuliue to our local vet- erinary for testing purposes, but have failed to do even that. Are they afraid that these oases will be traced to animals purchased at the Ontario Agricultural College, or is it only Utter indifference as to whether or not the disease spreads in this district ? The fint hypothesis is most probably correct, but that is no reason why owners of cattle affected with tubercu- losis, or inspected cattle, should not have the matter attended to in proper form. Prompt action in such cases is absolutely necessary, and is fteely ac corded by governments of other coun- tries, who sec the vital necessity of each action. In the case mentioned the anthoritien have utterly ignored it, and the owner is at perfect liberty to deal with the animals as ho sees fit. The government should certainly cm- power the shughter of affected ani- mals, reimburse the owners in some degree, and provide for proper inspec- tion and testa throughout the country Some such Irgielatiou an this would better serve the iuterc-ts of the couu try than the government's etcrna tinkering with the Municipal Ac and other unimportant measures. Loals Kouiti. the Uungftrini PntrUt. f<< The K<lit,,r (,/ The Advance. DKAR 8i, As the newspaper* ro ac full of iirti.'lt* in tliu life and death n i tint Hiiiii;nrinn patriot, n few wordx frorr nnu who ha* soon nnd talked with liin way be out of place. It is over forty yi-Hrs ({ii when tho j-xilcd governor > Hungry WIIK nmkiiy a lo-jturing tour i> till- c-:i,i f iiianiif.i.-tiirii.jr l; ,.|,| ri .. s ,,, JJi.rtl Hritmn that I mi t h-in. At that time ] was lirml iuilo.iinaii in thu largest nitinii facturing estaMiihniont in my uativ ton. My uiiipluyur was a lino mm r.-il ehristian mul wn ovor n- rlv h.-lp unit sympathy to a good .' or In the t|..wi,tr.iildon and | At tin- limit ..f K.i.-nuth's viHJt he was i iliu-f nm>(islrl<', in thu town, i ...IIKI. w.-n chairiii.-in nt lh lucture ii- mul iiiiini-iliHli-ly fti-r the Uilri-os Mr. 1!. (my i-inj,|,,y,.|-) h< ninpli- ojiportunity of h.ariiui from tho lipn "f Kunutli n full .in i i ,,f t|,,. crill . iK-nt lit- hinl r-.-i-iM-d from tin- i ,n ..t, RIH w* ftilly uiti linl llint Kimsiith w' I tun- .iii-l p rMOUl <\, i.inl that the iinpnr.r i.f Ausiiia Was a tyrant. Tin untiiiKiils i.f th'-HM ){i<iitleinon (Mr. II iin.l Koskuth) wire in adinplrte 1 1.- [nMriot und hi* good wifu ii-.-irly all the following day with Mr. 6. ml hit family. The atiangen vinitud all he jihtceK of interest in town, including he tomb of King Robert the Bruco, and hey both said il was the happiest day hey had leen for a long time. Wheu >M*ini( through our Urge aalearomiM they rere much pleased with everything they law, and it watt here an incident took ilaco which, no doubt, they never forgot. I few of us resolved to ivo Madame ti'Fhuth a memento of her M.III to Mr. i a warehouse. In a very fw minutes about five pounds was raised and a very ine double damask tab'e cloth, 2t yards y 4 yanli, the size required to dine a zeii, and a dozen of full M/ napkins to natch, w& jiresi-nti'd to Madame Kmuth. fl.ii was a trying time tnr the patrot. I remember it well. I tee the spot where t took place, just at the end of my own desk a desk occupied fur twelve year* and I see every one that was then pres- ent, and I almost foul ths kindly gr*ip of KowutliH hand, as, with tears running down his cheeks he thinked UH for the gift, expressing the desire that the time might come when he could entertain UH by haviiiK ua dn.e with him in Hungary from the tablecloth which we had pre- sented to hi- dear wife. I afterwards bad the pleasure of diuing with them in Mr. li't house, aiui the variust pathos with which be spoke about his " beloved Hungary " is still in my memory. The dinner party was small, Mr. U. and his wife, Kossuth and hi* *ife, the cash- ier of the establishment and myself. Sad to have to add, all are now dead but your humble servant. Over forty years xeems a long time, but while memory I-IK'S these scenes shall always be n-nu-n.l <-u <1. "Time but the imiiretiloo deeper makes, As stream* their chanui-U il.-i-i . r wear." Little did I think at the time referred t.. that I would ever write of these happy days in a place so remote and so little thought of at that time. M. Artemesia, Apnl 2, 1894. i ii i i A lurnd Our Laws. To the Edit r of the Mu. EDITOK : The internal defects in our laws, and the dire results of their op- eration, were touched upon recently in your valu tble journal. It was thown that the law in many instances was burdensome and oppressive, and that it militated against the poor litigant. The main cause <f these regrettable results was nhown to be the constant appeals from court to court OD technical i|Uiobles to which lawyers have a constant recourse, presumably for three reasons, viz.: a desire to advance the interest* of his client, to e.<taMi>h. himself as a clever lawyer, or to drag out the suit so that his [lockets will not suffer. Apparently many of the laws were .made and numerous courts es'.ahluhvd in the interest of tha legal uroleasimi. If tlu-y were designed for the benrlit <>f thu sub- ject they at leant in many instance* do not work to his advantage, unloss hu IK- fab- ulou*ly wealthy. A awe in point c-nin.- from Thornbury, where a pour man with his vessel was detained 8 days in the har bor by a drift of logs owned lumber king. The uia.i asked ftiUOdauiagi-tt, ninth were not excessive, l mt which he was denied with an invitation to stand a suit on it. Of course thia ouded the matter, as thu man wss not any too wealthy. Unquest- ionably he would have won eventually, perhaps after dinsapnting ninny tiiiu-s the ami-tint of suit. The lumber king prob- ably knew that this course would termin- ate tl.e matter, and the law courts con- done f i ter such processes of robbery. \Vu have legislate >rs who are lauded to the skies as gtviit lawyers and statesmen, who have not seen these many evils in connection witii the aJministration of the law, and who take credit to themselves for a state of affairs which does m-t exist. \Vi ha\ e a case here in our own m uh- b -i hood which sadly denioiis'raU'S the ui- etticieuoy of thu law as a medium of jus- tice. I moan thu instance of lilignt'on ugainit the dofouct "Puiftction" tioop A Veneer Co., whoso milln nru built here. IL. Mint men pl.icni)! cohliiU'iio in the authors of thia c IU-CIM, from tho tune of itt incepti'-u w.tli il.ulyand week ly i-r.'iiiiM-* of pay until tht-y wnr obliged to iiiin- in Uiagust. S.>m,- of the largest creditor* sued for their hooel earnings ami j,'"t jiul^iiii-ir, but t'i n r IM- was ap- pealed. Whnt for f SVhat ilots the law !. '^nize aa n debt J How tu the name of ri inntoii jutico could a nm'trr a* a this be aupi-alol if tho law in any sunso ni/i-s fair play, and wha' is the ie- Hull ' That those men will ha e to iny their vouit costs in all probability. The Insl'-ry of this whole mntti-r -' .1 IK,- laid l>eforo the Loui.nlaturi! in ordur that they may nee tho totitl iiuKilny of thi law lo n:. i-m.i;nefiii.-ii,'i-iici('^. I !PO- lie. . l'n< ni.itt. r ix * | :i"i I- 1 .n :lu< hi.tti.ry of tho provinco. I con -.->o it to bo UM iaoumbant an4 pri- Ing '.ity thoio who are acquainted wiili ;li . in i-iiiinuction with tl is l.i.ain :, to \.\\ an exact Htatomont bvforo ur let;! lati r si. tint they may devise Rim.e inv- mii or etli-ct such chan-;i-a in ih.< I.'W us to ni:iki-(h repi-t lion of cuili mi affin im im*sili!s). Ai an ithnr time 1 wiM erdr:-. v.i- t.. -low whi is in tircnvC' sp H. KI >!i-fi>r tho injiMii.i that is fru qosntly balttg porpetrnt<-.l upon ninny lit igsnts in this provinoi-. Lai Eugenia Apr. 7, ''.M. ErgottMm YruilTaUd, In reply to Major Ki.rk<-, >' V. I'., in tlin local house Inst w.rk, lii.n. Mr. Mi_>- nd " The Department of Agru-ul- UH. has been .i-.mi. <l of a i o > ih ani.nig cnttle in tli.i Coiinly - 1 (ii.-y. t'l n-i-eiving the information tho de paitnii-nl iiiiinetliately coiiimiinunted w-itli Ur. Amliiw Smith, CUD of thu 1 >. mu '.on iimpid-tors for contagious di*oa( Jndar his authority the dintrict has been visited and the affected animals examin- ed ; the conclusion boing that the disease s not contagious, but arises from local caoaua, and is mainly due to the charac- ter of tho food, which is said to contain more or less ergot. Dr. Smith report* that as soon as the food in changed the animals speedily recover. " The matter was also brought up in tho Dominion house by Dr. Landerkin, and was replied to by Hon. Mr. Foster, who said that about a month ago Dr. Sproule, member for East Grey, sent in a report with a diagnosis of the sympt ins of the disease among cattle in that county, un- doubtedly the same as referred to by Dr. Laiulerkin. The letter was immediately referred to Professor Andrew Smith, of Toronto, chuf veterinary inspector of the Department of Agriculture for the pro- viuce of Ontario, with instructions to make an immediate investigation and re- port. Prof. Smith replied that be had had a previous notice of the disease referr- ed to, and stated that he had been in CiimmunicatioD, both personal) / and by letter, with veterinary surgeon t practis- ing in relation to such di*.;asj. He re. l>"i.-d that the disease wi.s confined to tho limbs and fret, and that it was due to local cauoea. He said he had been exam- inn g the provender, and had in that dis- covi red the probable cause, namely, gangrenous ergotism. He added that there was no cause for alarm and that he would make further investigation and report. One Bnndred Dollars Beward. Whereas tome parties have Ixen in luit rionnly circulating the story that I having joined the 1' of Industry gavs away some of the) secret workings of the society, catling me to appear in the light of a dinhonorabie, perjured man. 1 most em- phatically deny tie charge, and any that it Is a downright falsshr-oJ, calculated to injure me and bring reproach on the ', order, aud I now for the benBt of the I/O Ige, n ak the offer of one hundred dollars m caah, or a new six octave organ, for the benefit o! the ordf r, if any person can prove that I gave away on* secret word or cign of the orkiogs of the order. F. A. UAKEB. KOT1CE TO CREDITORS' In the matter of the sstat* of Adam Hlslop, late of the townililp of ArMiUMia. in the Couuty of Orey. farmer, deteeied. I'ur-uuit to th> Prlnitioni of the Revlaed Statntee of Ontario, cbaipter 110, notice le her*. by gireo tbat all Ihocreoit. r >uJ |Mroae bar- iuib upon or acaflutthtt eatateoi the (aid Hittlop, late of Ih* Townstiip of Art*- luotla. In II. ti County el Grey, farmer, who died on or about tl." ftltli day of Fl uary, A. I) 18KI. are bervby re|uir*ii t*o*livr or Ki-nJ by |H-t >u]>alJ, to the undonifmil, >olicitore for the executors of the deoeaaed, on or before the fourteenth da? at M**vA.D. IHtM. a itatainent la writing ol Hielr oanw* anil adilivue*, to- Ktli*r with full p*ril*Mar*of Wj.-ir claimn. anil t lie nature of *ucarmi*> (if jli.-lclby th.-ui 1 Aud notice is furthe* nivutb tter tbo >*id fourtarDlli day of Mk IbVt. the tald eucuton will proqeeil to dutrillt* tho ati uf tl. oaiil aniunK tho Ifci tmi, t nllt'o.) thurvt , having regard only u> hi claim* of -wli-cii u.i- tlci- h*JI Dav* U>on iv*h a* before reouirod, an J tbetalil executor* win pot be liable for the *.l.l aeeete or any twrttboveof to any (Hfreon or perwoi of hue i-lain or claliui uotiev sliali not tiave IHHJII rCtfive*^>y Qjuuior tlioir solid tors at the tluio aforveald. I.CCAfl*WK10HT, Mark.lali>. Ont. Bolloiton for the (aid eiocutor*. Dated this ttb day of April, A l>. 18M. HAVE YOU BACK-ACHE DP DOS , KIDNEY JMLt.5' WILL CURE YOU "Baokachp j the -^avengers o/ the system. "Delai/ It dangerous. Neg- lected kidney trout-let result in Bnd Blood, Dyspepsia, Liver Complnint, end the most dan- gorout of all, Briqhts Disease, Dlabete* and Dropsy." " 1 ho about disease* cannot txltt where Do itd's Kfdneu Pills an used. f t.y nil Joaleni or cnl by iimilon rrcrlpl of pri.e J" con-. p. r Iv ( ,r *i* lo(- ^50. IV. I.. A. Smith & i ... I on-ttUk Wrue ioc book wdM KWy '1 lk. the kid- ney* art in trouble. Doddt Kidney Pills glut prompt relit/." "75 per cent. of diseafa Ii frt caused by disordered kid- ney . " Uirjht M well try to hzve a h< nit h y city Without sewer- ail, at good health when tht kldny art clogged, they an GREAT Harrison, of Flesherton, IB selling Furniture, aud Undertaking at Cash and no bad debts to us, bargains to yon. Call and see our big stock iu Wrights old stand. No trouble to show goods. RESIDENCE OVER STORE. ff Gent* safety 2 good second Land singer sewiug machines. Cheap. n. Flesherton TURE WAREROOMS Strain's Block Jfow Qp en Where we are showing beautiful lines of all kinds of House hold Furniture. The stock is entirely new, bought at Clocest Figures from the best manufacturers in the Dominion. We invite your inspection and feel sate in saying that our prices will compare favourable with what you have been accustomed to pay. It shall be our constant aim as ever to merit the very pleasant confidence we have en- joyed during the past years in which we have done business together. IN OUR our motto shall still be ^'Perfection and Economy." Jt> STRAIN & MOORE. BOAR FOR SERVICE Thorooghbmd ln-.|-r<-l Yorkuhlre bo*,r for on l->t l**,:ir<J I*IIK. H. \V. Toronto anl H>deubm ro*d. Tariiid ! at time bf MTTICO. W. Hl'-KTM. rieebcrtou P. O im MORTGAGE SALE Viiiiji WALTEE7IUE In I'M- matter of iii- Estate of Kwucr L'-rr. late of the Vil- lage of Plvsetortom hi the County of Cr<'), L-guire, tit-- rcu.scit. : i ,i )>^ionn of the i>io I1U, notice i a nil i-if 'ui -. u:< I |.i-rs, M M bers- i.tviii^ i. ki\. wn a* Flesherton Station) In tb* towuahlp of Arttmmia ami Comit) .r ( ro TbsrvwiUbe >uU bj PubHo AuoUou on Saturday, April 14, '94 at thivo o'clock la the afternoon at nannah'n Hotel, iu tho tillage kuowa an rlmhortoa 8ta- t.. n. i-y virtue of power of lalu euutaiouj in owtaiii mortgage which will be produced at the *>. the folluwiiiK Tillage |ircprty Village lot NO. 11 on the N. Winterly ltd* of r.c-iit Mnt Iu tbo village of Walterrtlle, ac- I to a map or plaa f ta< iiibOrvitlmi rf jartot totiieue i u ib v llci-.'llilO.I, ami tksaatoreof aeouiil tn. said ' 11 tor* at tii tlK-lr io tiuiuitf ' ii i >a ij. l.i r \, .-; \TI1KIHT. int. 81 ' : .* ' tl.u 1st >...) ol .M.i.i li, \ I- . ISM. hk'.l ilaml, Mx| . I tugUtry olflco for the South Riiilu* of tliv .H. U'tll UAv "f ttfftt i t hM BfS*ll portion of about M -y M) led htirt>ti-fore ftolil ami fticl oouv-y. ri nally 'H.taiii.ii^ ^U.iii | of an iu ' teM. tio enctitd a com/on- i lj --t.-rv t-ane d welllOf, 90 by U6, on goo.1 r yiJ.iti.iu and all o a ftauie saddle ibop. > rent, of tbo purobaee l-ii I .town on dj >rbal- . im Jtl IK- laaJe k:>owu at tdo e*le. For fiirtuer ivirlirutara apply t.> ^^v to =. SUT1I . H I .A \ i . A RPROVL, I'- 11 ' Vendor'* Solicitors. Isml .n. ToronWi St., 1u;' Dated tuii I3tb day of March WH