or JUUrottce* TBUTH BEFOBE FAVOR." PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN.' VOL. XILL, HO 658. FLESHERTON, ONT., THURSDAY, APRIL !? 1894. W. H. THUR8TOI, One of the finest assortments outside of Toronto and at prices to meet every pocket, from $1.15 up. * SIIIEJIUE, Afu11 .^^k of beautiful and useful 1 goods in cruets, pickle dishes, knives, forks, sjK>ons, ornameutal goods, &c. JEIELLEBTi ^ magnificent stock in every line, from WATCHES T T- T ~ -i ' to collor buttons. ARMSTRONG BROS. - FLESH EKTO.X Repairs, Repairs ! D. McTavish, Flesherton jr>ocr and C OU *th. keens on lipiirs fir Iissq i hrris, Inn, Flnrj ill liltinn Inn, FARM IMPLEMENTS. Ploirirai: Fleury and Ve ity on hand all the time, also all kinds of repairs for the tame. We manufacture Wagom, Boggiee, Cutters, Sleighs, etc. Horseshoeing promptly attended to. Special attention to trader or contracted feet. Logging and Plow Chains eonsta^itly on band. oas, GENTLEMEN : I DESIRE TO ANNOUNCE that I Lave taken over the Carriage and Wagon making business lately carried on by Mr. Moore, and am now prepared to fill all orders in uiy Hue to yonr entire satisfaction. Having lately added to my sixteen years' expe- rience in the business a nine mouths' training in one of the best carriage shops in the city of Detroit, where I succeeded in carrying off a first class recommendation, ought to be a sufficient guarantee that all work will be done in a first class manner. I manufacture Wagons, Buggies, Cutters. Slci^l.s ; i-i f ict everything in the car riage line. Wood and lumber taken iu exchange. Kiudly give me call. D. UL. A. III. Flesherton. Next door to McTavish's blacksmith shop. jENTI EMEN I desire to call your attention to my winter stock of Cutters, which will need no words ol lec^m.nendation from me, as I will leave the public to judp^ for themselves. I have also on hand a stock ot heavy sleigns, pitasure sleighs, market sleighs and skeleton sleighs. All I ask is a call, and judge for j-ourselvc.'. Thanking my many friends for their past favor?, I ic- main, yours truly. R. T. WHITTEN. WAN iM) " . . a* liav ovet ing STO.XE cv n'LLI\T\. Out. ii Sweonry. I'. * A.. S* Cal., **y* : "SiiiloV* Ct*rrah lie IP- the fint oioilii-iuc I tr>v- ever found that would do me any god." Price CO cents Finn for Sals or A Rare Chance. lA'K Sale or Kxohii" (or Village property In P -JPeaerto*. n*sbrtaa stiioa. M*'ll, sin bAmpton* vr Fevvrvhau : * r%luabl Ktrm of !<>r aen.oa mllv nonh ot tUmborUy i i the B*verTally, T|>. of Bnvbrui*. On to* prciu iM r * liood rrmiiM boiiM, h*ru aad drivd liom. l-o a good rchrJ iul wll ai>ulla with w*Mr App! W. A UiVNk\, Af'l for Svil^n>iBi Fire tat. Cw.. Waiter ' Fall* . Mr James Mntruw, ./ Markdale, has moved tu Mr. Burke 's fanu. latelj occu- pied by Robt. M**rin. who h*i moved to Mr. Juhnstun'* Itauw above Warebam. Mr. M f.-.-i. who bss been very ill with malarial Liner* ! ;. ,, Another Knifrht of the Forge has orwn- *" m OorreqwiKfcHt ed out in our town in the penon -f Mr. Mr. John Watson, sun of Mr. Joseph Dan McLean. Opposition ia tbe life of Watson, Sr., of this place, ha* now be- trade. come a resident of Warenam, having Ur. D. McDonald ka* been moved into tbe promises lately occupied this week ia extending the railing by U m. Percy, where he will work at hit ">t side of th* bridge over the 4a*. trade, blacks imiaing. We wi*h him sue- Drivers with akitiah horan wfD now feel safer in spproachum the bridge thaa ** tofore. This etitch in time may prob- ably save many nines. The revival meet i up in the Methodist Church are still going; on. The attend - - -- ... 7 .u *nc* and interest are increasing and la now recovering, we much good i* being accomplished. rehapyj to (**. We are *r.rry to learn that Miss Bertha Mia* Annie McKorin has returned from J sines is quit* ill at prment but we trust Weton, wher* she ha* been visiting, that under the skilful attendance of Dr. A wood-bee took place at Sheridan's Brander she will soon recover, bit Thurxday, followed by a party at | Dr. Button i* DOW comfortably enncnn- t night, when ail present fully enjoyed ced in his newly fitted up and convenient themselves. j office on Kincardine street. Mr. Clark baa moved into the place i , m , atoly vacated by John McNally.who goe* a Oweu Sound. Uut mother, Mr. Mc- >'ally, we undmajmd, go to Toronto. W e are sorry to loose Mrs. McXal'y and family from oar midst, but wish them - every success in their ne pnre <>f life M j j Carrie Taylor and Mis* Taylor aud K u* LjLZzie Mender*. 'U were around last , week a* mitnooary collectors. Mia* Lizzie Henderson bat gone to I r.Tjnto to visit lor a time. from our News i* scarce just now. Mrs. W.H. Thurstun, of Flesherton, i* visiting ftitiids iu this burg. Frank Low i* learning the blacksmith- in< trad* at John Wilton'*. J. J. Gneve*, our tailor, bad a visit r u'o to viait lor a time. f rim his father and brother, uf Thorn- Mr. Newton Gorntield paid a abort via- bury. Monday, t to h lends her* lately. <J - Walter, our genial miller, took a Mia* Lou Cornfield baa g-.na to Tomato trip to Walton Falls e* Bat M Jay. Geo. GraJ>*m ha* hi* sawmill 'runaiBf M" s Ms^gi* McMurry ha* to *h* city, after spwdiug . also return- time with friends her*. Measrs. Taylor, Garrett and Jamirson iv* gone to spend in* tnuimer ia the Ider se'tlerarnta. Mrs. Kerr baa moved into Mr. Chriv toe's house her*, while Mr. Uamlin fmm Eugenia bat cue** Mr. Kerr place. now and a more than cumug op the log*. At a meeting uf the Y.IMJ. C. B. Last officers .. . Tn**iliy flight the following weroeleeUtl f T the snnuing term Prea., J. W. Whithy ; Vice- Free.. T B. Caruth- ers;Sect., MM Ethel Himl : Truas.. Jf i*a Thonton : Cor. Sect. . MM* Walton. I This si-cu-ty meets evrry Tueaday even- ing at 8 o'cliick in the Methodist church. All are cordially welcome. HARDWARE STOVE AND ^intMri We hare on baud ih* fcUowteir U1 ^ gtxxh - from <NBT*M Carrttfondent. The h-ueeofMrandMrs. K Paul. who are moving frees uur audit, was the seeiie ber of friend* cathervd to spend tbe even- j ing, dariag which Mr. ana Mrs. Paul w*r *a*W the recipient* of an addreet ' and abeautiful Bible. The company dis- peraed at a late hour by siuging "Auld i Lang Syne." Following i* a copy of the addraat : " ME. AND Mia. PAtT. A* you sr* about to remove from oar midst we feel that we cannot let yoo go Klr.h.-rton Mad .u From at* < The Rev. Mr. Rupert and will a. preach un Milk Cool W A LINE OF CHEAP 6V 10 qaart pull U MM and rs 1 IB coats aad oi>wrd* your presenee. Daring y<>ur reaidenee with us we bare found you to be kind neighbors and true friend*, worthy of our kindest regards. Tour general di*puti- lion and warm sympathy have won lor you her* a wide circle of friends who wiil ; lung feel the loss, and we re amuie-J timt the sane light of love and good will toward men will win for yvu many nv TJ firm friends. We now ask you to accent this Bible, not for it* lutrinsicr vaiue, but as a tangible proof of our ei'eeni. and it ' is followed with a fervent wiah that you both may enjoy many yean of ;'-*oe snd prosperity in your chosen home. " The boys of Feversham met on the Tih int. to riorytnia* a football club. The , officers elected were ; Hon. Pru*., F. C. , Bruce ; Fr.*s., J. F. Hamilton ; Vice j Pro*., T. D<vvidn>u ; 8c., A. Mullin ; | Tre**., H. Alexander; Manatanit C< 1:1- < mitten, T. Hmlxm.E. Robiaon.T. Wo<xl* ; ' Captain J. F. Hamilton. The tem i*: ready to meet any othur for a game of this mauly sport. Mr. and Mr*. R Paul and family left for Meaford on the 9th. Mr. Reid-is moving into Mr. J. Paul's Mr. Hi-pry, of Colliogwoxi. is fri*nAi here thu week The young folk of the \ il!ge intend holuinx a conceit on the 17th. The Pstrci, vnterlaiiiuivut last Tuesday w:vs appreciated. Price vHlc. From our own Carr(ttMdfttt. Thi- eivcti >n of t!u> w,- >Ilen f.u-r iry is puihed forward w!;S <nri'rtsinx ia- ('I'lity. Thr r<M>f of the n-iir.ii&l pcrtii'ii of tbe sawmill has l-eeti r>-ui'W)l nnd t superstructure of aj>ut t el, r'.os ill * towers ab-'va the pluaii g Th* f..l!owiim left lately f'>r t!ic .-Ul set- :t for the seaso-i's W'-rk : M< J.ilin Nivhul, Jr. ; Rvttt. >' Leeate McLeaa; a*l Jno M . W* wish the hoyj gxhxl pay aud pleasant Mrs. .. . arrivod last week to spend tbe with her father, who ha* been living alone oa hi* farm. Mr. Sptcer and family are moving into Mr*. Sinclair's hons* this week. Mr. Arthur Whittaker purchased a hundred and ten dollar or<an for hi* Sbelbum*. R Cook ha* shioped hi* two last can of hsy for this season. Mr. T. Kells shipped two can of hay last Saturday. A fireman on one of th* freight train* '. to couple a car at this ' it;> n on Friday and got three of hia augers badly j.unbed. He t>.>k su.ithvr freight train and went back t Owon S. uud lo have the banddre>sed. The linger* will have to be taken off. Saturday afternoon Mia* McPhail'* bouse took firv, supposedly by a spark from the chimny,bunung the roof badly. In lee* than two minute* our fire brigade was on hand and toon got the fire out. Five minute* more and it would have been in ashes. <)nr ti re brigade is hard to beat, bwtwe hope they will not be called often on tuch occaMon*. The temperance people held their coo- n Friday eveuuig in the chnol hou*e. The attendance wa* tin ill. R. P. Legate, Esq.. occupied the chair. The concert was opened by a piece of music by tbe Lodge. A dialogue and several recitations and a number uf songs were given. hie especially, by Robt. \\ruht was especially good. Mr Chislett gave a short addrvas. R. McWiU wa* called on to <iv* a s;vech, but wa* not prepared. The rev. gentlemen did not [>ut in an appearance. We did not learn the proceeds. The meeting Wl brought to a cloee by sinking God tare the Queen, after which a large number of both mar- ried aii-1 -in^'o rii'. t.- the tvsii'ence of Mr. Arthur'NVhittaker, whre they put <>n a tiuislmiK touch by tripping the lubt fAiitiuaic t w till the wee small hour* of the morning. Air S. ami J. Hemphill vi.Mted their mother on Sabbath. Mrs. Hi-irphtll hna h*'n very ill 5 Corbett, of Corbetton, it visiting hor sinter. Mrs. NV .L. Wright. J. M'iriri'i. f Dvu.lalk, is l.-iiding Ul- egiaph. pL-8 tliiu wek. C. ranfir ' i ALL KINDS or UKih'tTK and ENAMUBLBD W T1APOT8 AT LOW*8T LTV ISO PUCKS ALL TI08S I>'T.1DUQ Bl'ILD Isewfatre. Me : 4wy down N door to Photograph Gallery. . pical i^rioultural proce(>ion passed tlir"i:^ii our burg last .Mmiil.i.y ev, in tlio shiti* of four teams and w,;_- each of which cnotained a hrn new >o\- .n seed drill. The happy purchaM>r> <>f these libor Mrinv iuiplenifiits wer >!*- i srs. Charles McKinnon. Archibald Mc- Lean. John McMillan and Alx. il.-I^an. all of the South Lin*. Well done South Sliiloh' Curo is sold on a gxunuitee. It euros Incipient Consumption. It ia the bt Cough Cure. Only one cent a 4e , 25 cts., 50 cts. and f 1.00 per bot- tle. Z2i Tailor. Makes all garmeuts of Men's wear in tbe best style at short notice. All work guaranteed. A trial solicited. Carpet aid Flaw! leavbj, Flaon*) w*rin4jof all kinds cm short ott-ii and r*MooM t*rmf>. 3*tita*tioe (o*taBt< Ordvn MUt in bjr IMI will r*c*ive prootpt* ** tentiun. l.\<rrponaM>c toliatcd. Tub. T. t m. MISS K. cor rrs. Ritz, Proprietor and Publisher of the Hamburg, Out., Independent says : ''I was suffering fr, in Dyspepsia and Liv- uhle, I took a few bottles :' Shiloh> Vitalnr and it curod me. I can heartily it." \\ ANTKlD- ^Tr7b!!?ee I> aa : ' vll snd hr IT KurwrT .took, and 8e^ Potatoes, fall Jo.-- ftoto lia. Msny varietiis cat. only be obtain d tbrouch *. CemntiMion or ularv paid ww>kly. and promptly. Bxoloslve aud ebolee of trritor> (iva. Dont 4*1*7, writ* at oe** for Wi ms. NIBSUT Co., Rvchestrr N \ \ 1