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Flesherton Advance, 5 Apr 1894, p. 8

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THB FLB-SHER10N aVe.nel, mUHv, 5 Vei'y FLAG* a r** u* TO OBT A f BM the ma*" t',e a^-artl haa mod deal to do with the making of t lie E.COVMWH10NF.M , H( .iv a ejaBir, Ac Notary avMta. W n earnest. Let u, if lo the wooda and watch it niyt,irn>ui uiifoldiui;. Our own aoul will eipai.d and grow and perhaps spread br wings andauewa little iato the realm of tbe ideal uniH-r Nature's (pell. Th oi we will yet the very brat gift of the |'|>ncliiin> a-pring M! be the richer for it all HIM. on r j re all oar livrs. BRST Bonrrt farmer arrlra. Take a Round * * Cullttte* and aan miroiel PePartmTrT In Caoaila. then viit if. Northern HtaUaeet Oollene . examine every- K>8 tlmrooghly. If we fall to prodttee the flCtlhowxia-h.eomplete. practical aa4 ertm eUr v . .n. ..f .tu'ly ; tbe beet oolleae preal*e flU the beat and nwet eomulete and moat ault Befurnltare and epeJIawoee. we wilt live you aju! cour.* nn. fat Annual Announc. afct.slviM full e-Ureat C. A. FLEMING, rrlurlnal. To The Public. ~l * iwatod WbltUu for tarn o( >-. I aw no- " fc> eaeerto ell wante In ny Hae. it,, for pvIUon lirsisMq i Sptdaltj, ttllr4-tln Guaranteed rr .iHyCAtny in the F. A. BUNT, f OrfjoelU auhardeon'e Hardware itore ' *^ y, irui/ii tiH * rot' NO. UuXer*. ataradale. do a anral beakh IIIBM. Uouvy Icejata at a reaaooaMe rate. Call on i,-.. R. HAM MO5D. i>aatMartr.KliuWrl7. ComulMloaaT for Uklnfl Am.iaviu etc. IDOOTM and loama u>ooe itlowortrataa. RiMBtaa LamMa, Doeda, WUU, ate. i>rontptly,clMaply and atteieatly. Eugenia Mills AND Carriage Works. .tai?9 made and Repaired, also nine and Matching, Band Saw- Wood Turning 1 of every des- Tption. Planing and Orain Chop ; done) while yoa wai:, for th- Beaver tarns tbe whoel. W. WILM9M Mamicrr A FAMILY GROUP Tin 1.8 pIIOTOfiRAPTT O ALL, Kit v hi tully equipped with re- quisites for turning out y pci- Ject class of work. All kinds (pictures taken and finislu-.l a style C(|ual to any city ^ork fc while the prices ;ue lower. Picture Framing ^ O ' K done lo all Its brauches. If you have shopping to do and pictures to gel taken on tile same da-y please uttrml to the latter first. Cartful at to <'o) T .1 SPKOl LK, Poetraaeler.rieeawrtoD. CoroojieeloooT la H R.. U* need tmeUomvuT, CooTeyaoea*. A pralier aod Ma*y l-i.,ler. Keel Ketate aad lu.uratm A|a)nt. pMd*. Mortianae. La audWille riiawa B|> au<t Valuatloa* e,le on kborteet nwtke Aoettoo Balae atlB*J * la any part of tin County ktoavy to torn at low i-t ran of Intarae*. ColUctlaiM atieadod to with promntnaw aad doapateh Charge* low, Agout for U>* Dwtoioion MeeMehtp Company, cheap tlckete troai rT*berto to Uvorpool i ,!..<., w, Lioadon er any of the HrttUh port. rartle* IntMtdini to rtelt KngUnd. Kent laud or Ireiaad. will p!eaee aak ratea before pemha-einj lUelr liokeU elaewkera. I 1*8 KUfTH MCHAaMON. i. .'.! alahr. of rVerllu. UormaOT. IvMta) kin. Bradley, of Toronto Conerva4ory ataaai (Vulce .-iiltitiei: l-i ,.t kerrteon, late of Toronto, (Peo) ; will rec-Blve puulll Iu hlSlilNO. VIOLIN, VI ANO aud OR&ui. TJR HUTTOK. M. D.C. M..* 8..0D*.. PrtovrUte KMlilcnr* avd offlo* otM door *>* of b. Mtb cxiirt Cbwrcbjktaroa* 81. QU , U'.TKB M . < I- 4 H . I>M PbyiMM. nrMa. K iMherton aflW-4Hr(o b'ork. > Muiubaw'ibotl. [OHN A. 8OTT, M. H. OnUrlo MnintMT ( ..Ilr. Pliy.ic. * (,r..i,,.t. In UMM of Tnnoto KfillowiLIp Diploma. Po> Urxl School aad HoiplUI. CUUaa*. Dto**owf tr war, noa aiid tbroai apeckally trr%ol. ilnc Maxwvll, Veterinary Hurfeon. Oradaato of Oatarko Veteiinary Collefe. Hwldenee Meal .deer "nl of Moore'i pianlng faetory. J F. HALHTKAU. M. D. M. C. A S.Ont..i>rartloH*t Elm berley. Mheamatk dlaeaaei i ipoctellty. Jcntijtvu. J P MAIWHALL. 1 n s.M IVH. DentUt. Markdale the lit and Xrd Wedneeday of each nwalb rieahertou-Kaoh trip on the day following. J W. KhOHT. Harrliter, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Fl>hi,rtou office- Next the |m*t oltce M|>roale'i liiiildli.a.oti Thaniday*. Owen Bovjnd office- Froif* Imlldln*. 1 I'CAB A W1UOHT, liitiri>tr>, Ho'lclton, Conveyancer!, rlr. Own rfound, On.t Mai Male, Out W. II WaionT. I. R. l.vru. N. n r'lflirtn office, Ultohell'i Dauk. erery W*rtDeday. SOCIETIES. An V \V MwtmuBrv nrnt ami third Mon ,l<\ ii, t'K.-li iitoiitti, n, tli,-ii ItMtifo room t l,n.t..- c.|i m. Cm ..ii.a^.n, M. \V.; W. J. Iti-llaii.v. nai>r'rr . W Ii win ll.--oiilt!r. VliltlliR lliKthri u luviteC. ,>\AI, TKMI'I.AKS OF TKMPKKANfF. Hejrqlar C.MUU il m, ..i. urory Drvt mid .ti'ril Tu,~. lv i'v. nln In .IKI-I, nmuili. in proeje'l l.),"kat n \<. m. Helert ,|H^I.- ni!irim\4i iii.'.-ti. "ininlih, tliH \V0dii.tlay , i . . . 111,1, tli tf.'uil of each mnntb. SiiK TKMri.ntM'i- Thli raietv l In lir. clirUtm.' Hall uvvry \V.,I n. -LM .-vi'iiiii^ i H ),.in. \ I. itli u l.u-tli- , I. n i 'mt,., i laaeireaee in ri.niM-i-tiou. \' M P. II. A . liloel in tholr hall. III I.I.K.'. Hlock rvr> flrtt and llilrj Thtmda> In c.-li iin.iiih \\ in. Shar]i, alanler. T. Clayton, aetwtaw*. J>':iM K AKTIII II l.l>l'(iK, No. HUB, A. K \ M meet In tbe Maeoale Ball, eiiraln', Hloek, rternertou, .vcrv Kmlav r t.ufore the full moon. A H Van,luen W M H I. hiiroulr. s other pictures. Mrs. Bulmer. Usv THK CbLELlUATEO B.Latt.rwce and O. holr t<BClt, Having drawn the above circle with tbe aaaiatanco of an ink bottle) I Mt nibbling th end .rf my pei.ei), wondering wkat to ay nest. Thia ia ,.fum th way witk BM anJ atoat otUr great writer*. \\ V find it aaay en- tttgh to write tbe title at tbe lop and sign our Maaw M the botlem, be* tbe part that cotaeje between butben ws SMM. .1 yet aa the fuller a bntUe i* Of watst < any *Br liquor yoi aiay prefer) Ihe more JifKcult it i t-. p.,iir it out, so tbe fuller we are of great, and deep,and nobU ideaa, tbe> More diffieuky we find in giving them expreaaiuii. My aaja* the lir.t great Betay Bobbet, TUir whom I waa named used to write eonaiderable poetry <m Woman's 8|>here, or "apeab" aa abe cabVd it, and aeated to think it about tbe tiae of this : V^ Now, anyone can as* this ia nut a tphere atal-oiily about 46 ovt uf UM whole 3W-a MHt of a demi-aemi h<mi-a|>bere, a t.' apeak. Hweer after my aunt* marriaK* with tbe Bdttor of tbe "Augur" eb* chanRfd her mind a little and in b*r eat great aeaerted that "S,.w a Widl ,. ,,,y Them..- It ia aaid "a wie mat, cbangeahia niind.a fool never." > by bar chawe of opinion my aunt eacapwa the Still she wotitl bt;reatly almcked if s'.e CouU .-,- thiN .|,ln-ro mill wbat I bavv written iu it. And |wrbape tliero arw even M.inu tif llie iimny women who will road tlteae linea woinvn living i" tlii, Hu- t-mi of the nineteentli n-uuir , ho w,.ultl take hyiU-nc-i at the thought of >u Ii a |>lier. \Vt-ll, it ia out nf date to l*k liynu-rica juat aa it in out of date to be unhenltliy, juiM aa it ia out of date to wear ciH.t> aiiJ n^lii (In I-H, aud tiitcruiin it a in.'Uau. And tliHt. woman !H out of il.<to win. fail- to at-f tlitirt 1 i. a full, coninlctr nn.l gloriut circle open t> her, in !', of a niiHt-ral'le little aevilon. And in colinon wo urv pun-.- t., _ ill' wlm It- roun.l, fr,,m tiuie to time, inter l IMII'.; luntH on dreH. i'l<>i|it>4 art aU.ut tin- in 'sr imn >ri.n,[ I !.!,, ... n- ca- tUc about, when y.m tvniit- to of il Cliail.'< l>u.lli'j Warner, T!i >ui:ia C'arlylt- and lliatii Ilioiiglit ilf % |>ly on tin- -ut>j-v, mill liave , o.-.i-'i.>ni'l\ -IM-U out <> t ,n i-- t.. tlie t,rUl. ruiuinil* in* of i funny story Wainvr tullt, if tin u inlhi 1-11. r uli A ,-i-it tin woman fiiontl of lut Thin lii'ly waa of a innat M-riou; tun, .. ,11111,1, ,ln-Hfll III N Illlllfi- tH'lt'l Illlll WHH pronniii'iit in cliurcli work. Ouu t-arl.i auininor day, Hhe ytv ilrnl i tl,c l-guil incut ,( milliner .in 1 put K luj^lit n 1 ' hat on " )ut i, M- huw it lo->kwl. ' lii-tinctivrly slifiiiiiiftl it l.,i>k -'I 1 , i |iritn t.. tliin ^idily hat i,n.l th fff> -t wa to n'fintiiig that tlio bought it. Hut tli-s N mi y tin- U-.;,iim.' of Ihe end. Al tior n'l,.- uiitiliiaUy t-liatiKt-tl to auit tin- luil. , nn ' ln-r in.tni t-ia to tuit tl nnlioU>. Hiii tiiatet, her onui|ny am In i |>uruiU all umh-rwent a traiiaforina iinil in nlvaturv'H wturl be hail fount a |,U.-t \,y ill.' f.ili-'WuiK winter. There ia "vini:, "Show int< a man'* true. how in wouiaTTt c!Mh<> irM I *M1 tVll y.. w4ut alii- ii. For wlitlo " The |.|>-u\l t.ft OiaaTUl, lut . M^ieb HO The fe of IlilUborg bat IB ita lia>trr W (0 year* been ta* acB b( me liaage auJ tut, tml I.BC liavr OBM to 1% lit anab rooaautie intarrtt a* UM autriage ol Alexander MeClung to Ura. A. J. JWrgcut, which toi'k place ttier* bn Sai- arday, tb 17th lattani, McC'loun U a farmer frooa Glrarlg town- ahip, and ttriag of tb bacbeUr'i IKe wbicb be leJ, be looked about bim fur a * in-. Failing to fiul a anitaUe eue wbo waa will- US, be aak*4 a friend fur adtiee. Mr.. 8rgeat, a widowed lady, wbo waa luinu at domeatie with a firmer acar B3ietr, wa* to bia aa tUe pena> taiuble. on tbe adrice ol bie friend wb tamed oot to be tbe kartj a Ulhn -M r. Me- Clnng wiotc tu ber Mating bit tltaatiuo^uid atklog that abe appoint a day and a plaee uf ooting fur the pnrpoea of traanetioa of miin-m. Promptly by return mail he r. eivd bia auawer, wbicb informed him th she wai willing to nMiet bim In HilltbcrK < March !.">. ami accordingly on tbal evejiug > l.i n tbe train atraned iato tlat peaceful TiUagc it enM.I witb ii Mr. M r: n,.- u- . ,. m. t by lira. bUrgf*!, bo rcengatltd ln 7 u]'r.a:ri,ngid tigita.. aad Kb* ccuduetid bim t<> Ibe li..u.- erf a friand of liar* W Vivea la tl> v.Unc. After tupncr liad b*ra partaken of th.- Ivvprt tbua bront;M t.^'1 b er UK'HII i tulk lnuinrM, hut althoagli the ,|t riliOB wa* arnur<l pro and roa fnr iutu tbe aifibt ami n iiiin>4 raiiy oa Saturday morniug. it wai t*o v'rteck p. m. b<-f,>re the bargulu wai clmw.l. A uaiuiitrr and a lie ruc were atruinhi aenl for, and at 3 o'clock a'ft -rin-m Bet. R. \V. pronooucvd t'm-m limit aud wilej. m\ all the uain c f il from tarry arras or Utct ezcnet*, the iceBlts of overwork, akb. CM, weerv, tie. fulaurni^aVvvlapeaent >nd tome given toevrry ecgin and poitioa of the body. htmr>,aa:tl aK-tho.'.*. Imme- diate knpvwn>n icrn. Failure mynaiiriU. 2,000 reference*. Hoc*. i l >UatMa aad proofc mailed iW ) free. ERIE MEDICAL CO., B(Ali, N.Y. Breakfast Cereals A ifi-fat lxr Lilliug story come* limn Olipliant iu Urnee. A luan iiiiin.'il I'hiiifl l!ei)linw is iTpoi'ted to Lave r, iii ml a bear's dtn nnaimed ami ll ere found a the bear with twu cubs nit i no oilier weapon tlian his naked Ji is. On the bear coining out lie fun ;ht lier with a elnb until nlieif- ti'ft>l into lirr dm. wlirn ho went IK, in,' mill ^>>t liii >c\n and two sm and cnuie bnck and pliot hi inn. Tbe CU1CH.--1 wii^litd J < i' It's. Ili>Uiiv don't say wltal became of the cubs. ISow on bond- Oeelcate4 railed vfeeot.l oata. I fraeh Oyetera, Bnriwheat Boar I Freali Ffea. l;t.-ki.-t iioiuinr. I ai|ed Itaeon. IT.,rwJ |a oewr. I i.rot.rWee* all a>oe>. ranuuee or ivrni uieaj.l f'loar. Try MUM of the aboe.| > you may want in. these lirus BSD b got at liari'hoiinf M. KU-sliortoo. II ELL01 HELLO! K VKKA H.'DT THAT W KAKS > ASH UototkeelMie h|. in Klmberley aa4 1WMITBY Will make year toot* aad >hoee er repair tkeai vltter. ae Boatly nad cheap a* an yon* within twenty ailtee. T. -f DM am) be eon vlnoeJ. .1. \V. VVhltby, SIIOKMAKKK KlalUEBLTT. 1 April av THE GREAT SOUTH AMERICAN NERVINE! TONIC As all know, a serious injury to the M|,iiml cord will at onoe oauae I'AKAI.Y- SIM of tlivbrxty below the iiguredjMrt, it therefore will bo equally well uinlfr-" stood, how tin- derangement* of the AND t!>.- Wonderful 1 1 l-.M/ni HU 1 1 DLR& N KRVE FOOD. <ltr. nir Di.HC.tsrs arr raiiM'd liv Drrnncrd rn- Ontro at ba** of Uralu nerve ot'iitns, will ci - !50 the derange- inrtit uf llie iliflt tvt:t o lip us ot tuc ' , K which they mipi>ly with Nuvv Fi i :t> or NK:ITB Konos. Tli- wtnnlpi-ful success of SootL furl that it is ha*'il >M) tlit- f.Ti-);oinjJ |niiii'i|ilf . 'J'h*. <. of a single Bottle of tlii-t n-merty w/jil r >nvi;>ce the most inamlnliHM. It i- in.l.vil, a veriluhlii NKKVK FIMIP. ,i"J \\i',;. K'.ILIKVE IN ONE 1>AY the Ytrii'-l forms of iiffvom di*->v.- a-i i <t.u.iL-!i troubles. >' l-V4>unj - IA'l'K d'ncoveries have all- J l>n. en that the Sto:naoh and l.nn^-.ji.d IIIIM . <1 nil inlt ruul i' illf vontrolli il l-y (In- inn vi' r iitu B a' the b:ine of tlit- brain. Ti ,.- HIM nil - nfiictun f of Si. TH AMKIIU-AN Nr::\T\t 1ms dtndifd milijcci ctcM'ly foi ninii' than t*t nty live yrais, anil Ims Intel v dmioiintrntnl lliut two-thi:-.l>i of inn Chioiiio DiiM-n.-rsi. lire duo lo (lit 1 iirpcifri't ni'tioii of neive ccutus i iih, -i within or at the base- of the brain mr from tliu doiaiiKeuu'iit of the orgiuis theui8olvts ; hmce that the ordiuary iiifthodti of treatment are This cUss oi dlMMwt, is rapidly iu- ciT(Vinx' each Ttai-, on account of ll/i- ::>, i'. wrar onr mode of living and lab Of iiniv*o ii|Mii tin; m ; vous system. N" - ' 'ii'.hs of all t]n? niltneiits to A. ..tin the I nun AH family ,s heir, aiv tl, pi ml, 'in npni IK-I vims i xl.Miistiini. i up., i,. 1 ih^i-HMon. mul u ih'tfiiomkG ami ItupiTcrtakfe! condition of tl o hlood. Tbe South Anu-r.rait Xerviiio is a girnt npnrc food ami nerve build- er and tins iircoiiuia for its marvelous power to cure the varied forma of nervous diwase, such as Neuralgia, Nervousness, Nervous Prostration, St. Vitu.t's Dance. Nerrons choking, Nerv- ous 1'aroxysins! Twitching oftheMua- clesr Hot Flashes, Mental Despond- ency, Fnrjfpttfnlni'SH, Sleeplessness, Kestlessuesl, NenronsncM^T.Feiniles, I'klpitalion of the Heart, Sexual \VeuknPM, ct., etc: Sold l)y W.

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