wan aorta, rMebaemoo *Oa'. LTloinity Chips. THE FLESHtRTOH ADVANCE Put Week fr Ike ,'i|ea, something new for wadding o> KUmlMtrtou. TWa yoag wwipKi have ik rn up !>u.-k^-|>*mj in town, ai.4 The Ae vanou wUhea thai* wuch proeuerity TI* A Jvauce baa nleaaure m mtr-l uc in* a IHJW f.-mura tlna w-k in the f-nii f a > lutiin written eapeeially (r our '.i! neauera by a talented wi iter, whom, we fuel nun- will give them a fet in nor (lepartiueut each wk. Tlie brut article ap(*ar i-ii our but pe, where it will always b- found from tnu.- f > time. I <f 0W m(c '/ /' V i// ir M /er ri// 6c <Hi limn er <mrr Tlire. year oU eafc fur aal* f<0 e*ah tab office. / . . . Mr. Wright hfef na oporatkmi to-day at th *ta>Te factory Ground <ul oak* fur caJve* at Riefcard- .m' dnii Bet* I uejr in town f **! at Mr* 4 X lk, $3.20 per bbL A wfrty BICYCLE for aafe cheap E. Harnaao. Fvuitare Dealer. 8 ect garttnm e.da. al*any<(aaiUity of .-!inary raruVu aeeda from tellable graver* at M. Ricka,r>l*iMi'a drug iture. Rev. Mr. R-ipert 4alt v,-rr heavily with card pmyiug "pn^reaMva ewchre ' and datteiag. in kin orm.i on Sunday SITUATION WASTED -.U nwid or K--n-!-al servant. Applicant mid- dle aged. Apjily la Mr. Aa-laraon, Fleehortna AoteL Mr. W. UichardaiMi, ilrumtot, ha* jant I<M*TvjJ another larve emigiinint of tbe Smith Awteriaan Nerviua, the ui it popular medicine of tho day. The Man who get* OHM! at what the newapapera aay about him should returu th*nk three liiaea a day for what tl e newspapers know about him aud don't MIM Ruirt having obtained her eri 6etea fni th)fctari.. ArtScbo-J .U> fruaa the T. >n>t-> 8eanl ol Landeeap* and Dmwiof, it prepanrf to gi* laaiona in water colon, i3a or erayH drawing Order* fr painting* will ahu be rr- cuved. It may aa y time and money to be informed that, when ynu need a blood par- ttter, Ayer'a iMaaparilla ia tbe kind mnt in favnr with tbe medical prnfeai<ifi. It In the itAiiOard and, m auoh, the only blood- pun 4t adaiitted at the Chicago World'. Fair A kwfe namher have taken admuta 'f our nfler ko Mnd The Adrance for (he tahmce of thia year at 60 evuta. and xtill there ia room fi>r marc. One lady called in on Monday ant! ordered three co|>io . Thia i* cheaper than paying poataf o and cadinx away your own copy. The rapidity with which croup calk for inatant treatment ; and yet few houaehi-lda are piepAreJ for ita vix n An mliuirable reo-ody for tbia djioii^e i* \yt-r' Cherry Pwctur-.l. It 1 :w aave-1 limJrutln of lives and thoulJ bo in every liome whore there are young childreu. I.B. Lawns, bnrrNtrr. >fnrkdal<- hat ItO.OCO i*ivate funda t.. tendon fii-in nmrtifmi-ea within tbe neit few mrthi at lo*e*t current ratee. No C'>inmiiw imia, no delays, expensea kiw. Apply al iittico in Markdale duriut; th wek ur HI Dun da Ik olhce IMI Saturday*. At the romiUMM Mr. Jae. Oowtw, of Hi. Vui.vut, INI WwtuuaUay ervni | laat veek, a ha|>|-y event took place, wlitn IUH second daa-ht^r.Mary A., was wednW to M(. D.md FUHUT, a progrwwive JIMII g farmer of Artcii><i. The happy cou|-! fire wo'.l known and h'ghly raipectod. Mimir. Farmer*, as a rub, do nut g exteu- .,ly into the iMbufitctuie of mnplu syrun in tint octiuu of Uu< ywi.s, lir Mr. J.il> Lover arill bolivron t!iere i nixney hi it He has manufActnr->l ubuut 6fty falluns uf aplondid xyrup tlii< aptiujt, aud th ae.-uou thua far lias beuii a \*>--r one ft>ru|.erati<>iiH. Mr. Maloolm McDonald nd Miiu H.m nah Tbompaun *Ultt daughkLT, of Mrs. .). TliumpMXi, Klu*lirrli>n. eiu iinilt'it in matiiiiiony on Wdm n.Uy ervn'ng of laat week by !U. K. 8. Rupert, M. A. A large number of frivud* aore prvavnt and the fa .Uviliva ere kpt up u nil n early li.'Ur luxt uKirnin^. A un i(>ie fvntute vai the preaeuci( two j.ai..i U Scute!) A quantity of nutter ia auvnid*bly left uwr until nrxt week, including a reminiaeene* of the Ute l>.ui Koaauth, Ule Huiigarian patriot who died la*t week, pleaaiugly written ry a gnuttauan who had a perannaJ rnomnter witli him while n UM un t Great Britain. Thia rill aprmu- next we!c, aa i will be rend with internet. Mr. R. lli.l.-p. Fl.-.liert..ii tooanrial aniat, in considi-rahly under the weather tit *w day* -an much an that hia ivguliw cuatoiitvn hud t> undergo the agi-uy i.f >L.v. 111-4 Uit-nutelrea fr Sunday. Bt-ing 'in- <f the uiifrtunatea, aiuct-ruly hope to aaa him around _ uu before noxt SurunUy. A Mi>n kuoeked him out, aa it haa maiiv a unni brfore. Tht. Lawrence, a 14 y< ar old M.II <.f Ur. Noble Lawr-nee, fi <l-d aroand a outtmsf box oiu- day laat week. Tin- boy now wuixh* just three di^itu leaa than h did bufore monkeying with the niacliiu*. Ia plain Kngiuh, he put liia- hand in itrtii-ienfly far to hare thr--e nnirer* whittled off in brautiful atyle. In the loiwurial dialvvt - - nezt. Mr. T. Oaaiey, wan haa be.-n aerioualy ill, U now able u> be arouud, aud icave Ttie Advance a caU on Saturday hut. Ho waa unable to b preaout at ran laat mevtiny of Ua(irey Council, owing ta hin ilbirea, bat aa thia u hu first time h h boen abaa.it fr>-aa omincil aiectinx f<>r the paat thirty t . year* that he haa ben in < ffic", the clveum of Oaprey ha*e n i reaau IK c.-oipl un. We renturu to aaj u i utli.-rret-\i- in Canada can aho the i-c'-rd that Mr. Gantry can. Th annul mealing >4 twe S.uth Gray Ci>neerTaCtTe AaaueaMion win held in Dur- ham ou Thunday, March K. whrn the foUowing officer* were eloutird : Preaid- ent, H W. M.Kkler. V,cr |,redi,t, .lol'., Blyth ; Secretary, W. J. Mitchell ; Crr< Njiondinic Sncietariea.Fryd Keiif and and U. Rkhardaon. It wa* deeidad to have a eourentin *.n aa pueaibie) for t!ie purpoec of nnminatiii^ a candidnta' ft>r the Provincial Houw. AJdreme* War* delirerad by Mr. Th.w. Maxwond, M. P P., of N *th Perth, Mr. John Blyth, . . M P. P., and several other* Th Xdvaiice nnjoyeJ a viait to Mr* XV. \V Trimble'* uiilliiittry |nMiing < Tuesday, an. I viewed th < trelty tliin.'* on eiliibitiK (here. Urn. Triiul-le luuaiHav- t hi iii; totally n'W in rho nnllne.r line now ahaiH'i, new Oor>r*, new c >lor4 n I tiylca in itiuajr uloih for li..t trimming*, and IM>W colon in fi-atUem, ribona, etc. II. T 'ojk u larx) and will uU>ld,Mi the t-yvft of the ladies In onlur to Kt.t the ..f tliMH* lo'.iu itul ijo -d it will be to call early, aa a ([rw.it rueh .t itici|iated when the tj.ellenc* and U-.mfy of the ^U i< f<i ly un<iMnt<>l JIr. Triiubki lias .il.vi i.i a 1-iTjfo t k of lintu f-r buy* and itii'a in utraw aa>i I gliorn and attired data in iuniae ami eadiiaiM f'.r the 1*1. *a and girl* of . n I. i- y.- u.. N -body iaf'>Tj(tten. We ii'. 1 iwlviaoour Udy ruader* to MTeati- lite uaerf a. Mrs. J. W. Ai tuition-.; i* viitiiii( vs in Tom it. i It. I li"iii|>wn, of Mount Zion, ' Sjndy wiili Mi-ta Chrialoe. Mas'ur Fn.<l Sp uj'u m attending hiyh icli >"J a' \YiMii<ii. '.irunn;i Front, of Owoii Sound, apent Kantrr ImliJny* with Mia* Cbria- llc>UP(o:i t'lum "Hi im I'm rr*irmi> nt. Tie Rev. Mr. Kuporl av a very in re. t tig *eriuoii <>u *aSbth. We It [>.- it will pntrat<> the hoart of everyone ;>re-.- -ut. Th .HC that wwiu H n prvaunt miss- I a treat. Tommy Linrrence, while working with a cutting bz, t(ot hi* throe finder* taken ' utf. l>i Outwr arenae.1 tliv haud. taku.g j tho lintfer* ort at the s.-i-m.J j..inn Mr. Suuui>., of K-i,. mi i. Notice. BOUJW FLOUWH8 MILS Vtovr alway Buckwheat ground and bo'.tcd. Th*) oaiy mill in thia aaction of country that doe* thia claw of work . done at AL.L. time". 11 - [CD W liav just reev ived a aiiipment of tafetj barb and plain annealed wiie Only $-175. cut cask for plain an nealnl. Doo'l furget to call if yon waul any. Oar p iee for Nails aie away down, ao if yon intend build- ing it will pay you to call on tu be- fore buying elaewlitre Milk Fans MUk Fails are all UM go jnat no-./, aod w are rigbt in Hue fur those goods. Did you tee onr reamry can for 86 oU. ? It a WALL PAPER - AND - WINDOW SHADES of all kmd> and colon at lo west pnees. We are giving away a tack hammer with every paper of carpet Lacks trjM, 10 do not forget to coin* aod (ret one at M. RICHARDSON &CB hardware Departnieqt into taw teinierawca fcejmw. where l. m Uud. kwap*n| a fluod boardit)( IMMBM. MM* Morfau, f Dandalk, *pei.t Son- day with kor mater, Mr*. J. B. Fgap, > J.ey Couaor. The yoewg f|k* f ta ataaoi nuk in th* party given by W. L Wrinht on nday eroning, and report having bad a U'""' tim. Oue yxing IIINII aay* they all arrived Loaae aafe aod >und in Cim f--r a seven o'clock break faat. Mr. J. Dice waa made happy one Jay iawt week liy the arrival of a young son Mr. T. Mc.Vrthur ia able tu be aruuud The teiaperanoe people are going to (ire ait tm'ortamincnt in th (choul KriUy evming. A K<*ud timr is .'WHM|) mm* UUtrirt. St. Viueeat low*aliip council ka a bylaw prohibttntg ike mailing it Ui oy ,,| borsea, cuitle, slwep (",- Ao in that township at any time of tin year. A baru ou Lot 7, Cou, 7. Mulinur. owued by Jolin A. Love of Toronto, of 8lanton, was destroyed b> Ire ou Fritlay night. Ouo of Uie iu the stable kicked the lantern over, setting fir* to tho building. Free I'icss. Tbe charge of larceny pn ft-rrnl against I..A. Ai.u-iisuii, of the Peil. r ion Hoop ami \ enet-i Co., by J. U^ art, who was also connected with the iim, was difniisat-d at the Police Jonrt Toionlo, Wednesday aftornoor, accused Muni.sui> of apprupn atiug to his own us* the funds of tie tiriu, which Ixeaunj iusolvuuts some int.- ago. |h'|'lc imagine tbat < 11 bred ii* il.> not carry binnlles or parcels iu tht? struct, except WIM.'U it is absi>- nlely iieccssaiy. Tbal'8 just win IT lliey conli'iuiil well bud peisoua with i>aobi an I tl-inlie.-. \ we.ll b> ed por- HUII e*. iM it buudlu w.icu hu Irt* one Uio.iriy. A woll bii-d man can takr liia 8lu!l' home in a wbi-eiiarmw a d In* b.fonu; does no: iiitt- ra Iu No empinyiiieut hu u any UIAII s W are offering a brga qonntity of BOOTS \ SHOES -AT- VERY GREAT REDUCTIONS. Call and see us ami inspect our stock of MR5b', WOMENS-. MM! CH1LDREM8 light a*4 Leafy BOOTS and SHOB8. Wm. Claytonu HEALTH FOR ALL. Hlloway\ Pills and Oiit.ieB(. THE PIT, T,S Purify tit* bluoJ. -orract all Diaoroanef and Tbaf tavlcanMa aad iwatora to baalth Habilitated Cobatitutiona. aad are iavaloaMa la 001 plAiotn im-i.tuMJ M Pu.ltM of all afa*. For Ch Idraa aa I ta *a4 abay are aciaeaem. THE OIJITMftKT aa tafallibl. r*w>adr for Bad Laat. Bai Hrvaau. Old Wooada. Sorw and Utaan. It I* fnaiil t Ooat aad Bbaiualimo. Fur dlterdan af tha ChaK U baa aa < For SOKK 1HK.OA1. ni.'OJVCHITIS.COUGHS, COLDS "' I'TrttTT.IIIam. in 1 .11 ilti i ITi in II Im 1111 ilial aa4 le* eamtaaatal aad atiff jmtit g i t act* Ilka a charm Mannfaeturad only at froffimar BOUX>WA 7 >rw feral (Hreet (tate 515, xf.rd ud an told at la. >ti,t*M^ **.. lit., as.. *wI33vaach Bos or Pat, a a ad of all M't ieto* VnJom tbroufbuuc thv woild. /Weaaacn aVU U>L nt tk* l^iM <m Ike PoU and Bojeet. IftbaJJrtM w ao* MS, frf-r.t ,S/,,,/. LondoA, titty un muoeiaa. $ HORSEMEN ! The Markets. Pay Attention I Having purcbaaed the harness business from Mr. Clayton, I wtalt to intiouU* Uiat my en- dtavor will be to please and alisfy coatomr8 in any work which may be entrusted to me. All kinds of horsemen'* re- quisites kept in stock, at low rates. Good workmanship gtiaran- Ued. Soliciting yonr orders, 1 remain rcepeei fully, W.MOORC- sliottou. Jan. 24, 1893. Caretally Crrerteel Bach Fall Wheat Spring Wheat "Only the Scars Remain/ 1 Bays HENUT Ilrrjaov. of th.- .):irni \\ Philadelphia, P:L, who rt-rti- fie3 u * r>ll'i\vs' " Anion the inauy ii-..nii< ni- alii wliii-li I *co in rc^ar I - > '-i-r- taln in. .: - inca pr(or:uing .'ti . i i. Mining til- 1 111 I. I'tC., ;-. .- mo mori! 1:1 i my ovrn c .no. T f n' ;irs ago, at til" a^ of 18 v on m T 1 wliic!i lirol..- itiul b o r ill run- ning sores. Our (:imi: f pl>y- aictua conM tlo tua no good, and It waa f..-.iretl th.it tho bones would b* affected. Ai l.i--, my fuoil oltl Mother Urged Me to try Ayert Sonaparilla. I took thrp bottle*, tho sores hpulnl, nml I I; Ix-i-n tronlili il since. Only the *rurs remain, and the memory of the paat, to remind me ot the gootl Aycr's Snrsapiu-llla li:n done mo. I now weigh two Inniilrcil anil tw-nty pounds, and am In tlm r>i-t of h<x!ih. I have been on the roiwl fr tlie pant twelve years, havo notiovl Ayer'* Sur- anparllla advertisetl in all pans of th Tnited States, and always takt ph-aa- nre la tailing what good it did for ine." Ayer's Sarsaparilla T. J. O. A rr ft Co., Lowolt, Maaa. Bter ...... &CK*. freah Pbtat.N.ba Hay per ton Turkey* ----- Chicftei>a per pair. Duck* bar pair ' to 66 tu 31 to t.. sa to M tu 10 to M t.. 526 to f 00 to 300 to is to to 9 to 16 to 50 to 16 to Wk t 320 C8 6A 31 32 U 18 10 623 300 26- 7 10 30 65 10 Millinery Opening AT M- RICHARDSON & CO'S *% ON %,%* Ltdies are invited to see oor Sprint; Styles in Millinery, Mantles and Dre** (roods which we believe will exceed iu volume, iu variety and in value any former season's stock, and will not be naled in this part of Ontarm. We have jusl received direct from England, per 8 8. Majestic. 5 cases of L>res8goods. and a general consign- ment (if British and Foreign Munnfac- tures in Cottons, Woollens and Silks. We will do the biggest Dressgouds trade that we evsr did. and we havo aeeu away ahead in this line for years. >iu 1 >rp8Ru/>od8 are bonght direct at (lie manufacturing poiuls and we ha/e the inside track on cost prices. An inspection and comparison of values will satisfy nuy intelligent purchaser MI this point. W- arc shewing elegant goods ia \it Muslins and Lace Oil-tains and )tir salts in these linos are more Mmn, satisfactory, qnite i-xcefdiiiK expecta- linns. We have been repeating an, I ublin^ orilerg and expect to keep stocii well assorted. CARPETS. Yt s, this is the time and ours the- place to iet the ri^lit tliin<;.j<ii wlmt yon want, iu Carpets and at right prices. CLOTHING. Readyorade stacks of new goods for ill ages. Cures others, will cure you