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Flesherton Advance, 5 Apr 1894, p. 4

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_ THI FLBSH1KTON ADVANCE IM 1881 Ad vance nmuuuo WUUU.T AT TBI ttwioi, ITO- vtBUUHruit. oirr., I. THCMTOS. i ictly Adrvrtinnf Rat: Oae Uolassa, I veer. Ml ; hall ooi.. 1 rear, 1 Barter eel, eee year, ais. Traaaleat s*vertlseeB*at karged M the rate at eeoM per Mate for am murtiou aa< I Mb lubMqueot laMrMon. ArmugemcnU tn being made far a visit to this county of Hon. W. B. Mercdiib. Tbrw meetings will be held Durham, Owen Bound mid TLornburv. Tin di*s of these meet ingi Lave not jet been amnged. Tlie budget debate ie now progress- ing quiU flueutl jr In Ottawa. The big guns were blacing awa j last week and this week the small muule loaders arc popping away. On Monday thera were still U numbers of the Opposi- tion who wanted to "get at him." An Ottawa correspondent explains that ihe anxiety of members to speak on the bodget debate is dne to the not that it is about the one opportunity of tie Bcuion in wbieh they oan, without infringing parliamentary usages, dis- euss etery imaginable subject under the son. We present our readers this week with a supplement containing the com- plete list of tariff ohanges as brought down by If mister Foster last week. While many changes hare been made and redactions made on the many ne- eeeHarieSof life, still the great and cardinal principal of protection has been maintained. The tariff as it stands to-day ia essentially the poor man's tariff, with the duty placed principally upon luxuries. The new tariff appear* to give very general sat- isf action, the sole objectors being man- ufacturers of certain lines who tin n k their wares are not sufficiently protect- ed, and merchants interested in Can- adian manufactures of certain classes. The Montreal Witnew, astaaucli : Re- forui journal, says : "The governmcut is being eongralvlated ou all hands for baring adopted a tariff reform policy. The unanimity is extraordinary, al- most unprecedented." present. Moved by T. Kill., sennnded by " MoMilUn, Tlint the teport of c-.m^*'*"' re Eugenia bridge, be accepted -IM * '''" subject to any thrr SSjr****** *"* reeve uy proper U> ' -k wlth Tlew to economy and dr** Ml y- Carried. b T. *. Seconded by D. McMillan, T'- 'he committee appinnted to eiami*' *"'' repmt on the oottxtruotion and ;' "' building Eugrnia bridge, be pud i Mie dollar each for their services. Carried. Miivod by Messrs. Best srd Thompson, That thv ward apprf>f -ristions I* divided aifolloa: WarU I, tlM ; ward 2, 1160 ; ward 3, 9160 ; ward 4, f l&O. Carried. Moved by Messrs. Beet and McMillan. That sny pel son or persons taking s-uid or {travel for his or their own une, or for the uuro<e of making road*, nliall leave the Mads in u good repair as befotc. Any person refusing fc> comply wiih the above oi>nditioii will be provuU*! accord ing to law. Carried. Moved by Mesara. Best and M:afillan, that the cl.-rk request (iMhiuasleni t< oontull the ratopayera when doing the road work as town.. they deaiie t<> be pathmaitrr next year, and reuort the result to the clerk when making their returns. Car- ried. Moved by Mesara. Best and McMi' That John Bannou he refunded two dttaV Ian for statute labor charged on lots 14 and 1ft, Ludlow's surrey, the statute lab- or having been performed iu 1893. Car- ried Moved by Messrs. Kells and Bmt.That the biil of John Bellamy, caretaker of town hall, $3.75, bo paid Carried. Moved by T. KeJU, aeconded by D. McMillan, that the petition of Win. H. Wslker and Win Wilson be left over un- til next meeting of council so that the tnuteea of S H. No. and 13 have an op- portunity of consulting the ratepayers. Council meeting to be on tbe 30th April. Carried. Moved l.y Messrs. Kells and Thomp ii.n That lh petition nf R-ibert Turner, re bridge, lot ft, con 38 D. K., IM ac- cepted, and that said lirnl _' and appma- chws be put in a |.p.|n r ute of repair l.y the commisiioher of ward No. 1, and cliirge t" siM-cul grant Carried. Moved by T. Kelia, seconded by O. Thomson, That the ooronnUee appointed to exainine the aue)itoia re report for the year 18M having reported favorable, that tbe **>ue be aoce,td, and that 900 copies be prim*. I in pnutphlot form aud distii- buted. C'nrried. Moved by Oo. T>{>Hnpon,i>econdedby D. Mc.\MIn, That D. McMilUn be up poinU-d coimii<Hioiier for Ward No. 6, T Kella, for No. 2. J. Uat f..r No 3.and Oeu. TbooipMHi for No. 4, for the year 1804. Corrttd. Mi-ved by Oeu. Thnmpwa^seeotidH by Jss. Beet, That Ihe i tit.o-i of K<lward Ruts and other* be entertained aud that a fraut of $60 be given by this council to put said road in a Mkfe condition for pi ' lie travel, and that the crMumwsioneis %.r Wards No. 3 and 4 attend to the saw* Curt ied. Moved by Oen. Thompson, seonnded by Jaa. Bui, That J McNevin be |Mid 91 for repnirtnit the bridxeover the 8au< geen river on 70 nideniad Carriod. Moved by 1>. McMillan, seconded by Jas. Beat, That the oomioiiiaiouer of Wsrl No. 1 get a (rant of $30 to be ei pendnd on Con. S S. D. K., eatt of 30 aide liuo Csrr.ed. by T. Kells, by O. Tin MII | n. That the commissioner of Ward No 8. exnend 960 im lne line, known as Magees waiup. Moved by Ja<. IWst, neonnded by D McMillan, That the sum ot 9&0 Iw ex (ciiilril ii.w*nlx Hxintt tide road 190, and lht the eaiue be expenck-d in gravelling said r.-ail Curried. Council . I j'. in in . I to ini-i t again on Monday, April 30, IMH, for the tnnaac linn of M>- n. ml ortltirrd by tlwj council. Cat r Clark Monaghau That the lull tit JOH>I)|I 8eyley bo paid I.-M $3. Carried. Tin 1 council adjourned l<> mtwt t 8ini<- limn;iii'ii aa an iaaynsniyiit committee on Mny 2lHt and as a couit of revision at Mm w. II ,.ii May 28tb nut. Thn Bridge To WMHklp 4 vuurl I Artemetia township council mot fi M'Hid y for the iraiisxction of i.u-,nn . . with tho nxjvn in the ehajr. All lliu uitfiubur* wo u present. i ',,ni.uuinoM,iiu wet* road fn>m W. K . Mo-her, re deviation on road between Kl. .ilmi ton aud the station ; f nun Kdwitrd It.** and other*, pveibun re n*ds in tliu h >uili of lliu l'iwnHlii|i, from John II. n- ii-.ii, re taiea on part kit 190, 2ml S T. K.;(n>ui Robert Turner and m teJajj petition in hndae and deviation on I. .1 , ... I S. D K. Bylaws Nn. 4", a,.,,.. , ing Uiwiili'|> ottioen ; 600. a|>o*iilin(( \V. J. Bellamy township clerk, at a salary of $-<) ; aud 601. to < ! up a |iari of l&O M.le ruad, rwoeived their third irudin^i nuJ beuaiue law. Mr. Vaiise personally wailen ii|m the council rr|mrdiiig repair* IMI Houih Liu* at Lln Si K. 38. Referred to Mr. Mc- Millan. A. Graham aud W. Hielop WMIM) U|m council n> rapauato valley mat! at lot iM, 24, am. 11 and 11 tUleired tu Mr. M.wtra Kbits and Thompn >u. Jan. Hue*) wajh-d upon council ra ril \i-rl on liack li.iu aL Ku'mrwl tu Mr. Ospr ) roiinril Robert Mci/eod and others wsited up .11 council, re furiiuhuvi wire foi fence*. Ward Harriaon wailed no the ewuncil, re rt pairing south line Si lota 20 to 44. Tbe lominittee appoiutad tu eiaintaw Iliu Kui..<-nia bridge preMtutud their report which reconiiueudeJ that the new In nig i IM built iu tlie plsee where the old one u. >w stands ; t bebmhonslninebulsuvnts le that 3-1 feet apart, aud the bridgu Mi b* built at least few fee* hi/her than ihe present airuotuia. Tim rupnrt did nut rjcoium -nil any agaoified width, but Tbe Advance waa irivea to t md by the reeve that it was propueed to ma'.e il four tueu fed*, wule, 01 tvu Ic. t wider Tlie Municipal O. -until of (>spn-y mot iu McU-an'a Hall, Mclntjru, mi March the 26th aeonrdimt to a-ijoiiruiiiriit from Fob. I'.Mli l.vt. The nicmlx m wcro a) praHont uxcrptiiig Hwvu <i'i.i v who waa un.ililr to attend o*ini; to il i ...-. IX p uty lUwve Preatoii in thu chair. MinuUs of laat moating n*ail and Com- munication* wi>n> nmd fnun Dr. Rill, lul |H, Modical Htii-nilixiin- on MurdocV Me Ki-nr i-. iiiili;fiit from Iloburl li><nity, nk<ng ohainy , from Ruuve Uamey, nut ii"; that he wan uiMtble to attund owing to illnosa , mm Josepli Keeley, lull 95. for iuLi" M. McKcnsie, an invalid inilijjem lo Cullingwoud hospital and exp<HMw fnun Ruroau of Induntriea, circular re Muditora n-|N.rt ; from county trvn- un-r re siruar* of Uzen on lota 1ft anri 111. & 1 S. D IL .from An-.n(-il. i. .1. li.' i '. H-I.:.'III-(< ruad Hurapi-r ; ciicuUr* fii l.i iil-n liuiMin- co'i and \. i. in .1.1 lout iiincliiiie co. On in it' " of Mr-rN M'Mi i-li:in mill CUik, IryUw No. StR t^. r. |.,-l bylaw No 2/7. appointing intpeclor of ti-u;<, reoil a Nt, 2nd *nd 3rd lime. Mmiavhsu- Taylor Ilia* ih.> < ni.tily Ihe ciHinty trwuiurwr ti CHUM (axes rhsrjrtl agaiiiHt l-.t- !*> an.! ID, 1 N. D. II.. nnil |ihtco tin i anii.tiiit lots 15 and 10, o.n IK 1> U . I. u . heen an error in tlie rot urn of HIM! lota. Aim lo erase ilm laxeaoii lot 3D, oui. 7 fur 1 yjS, having beoii paid to the to* n ship treasurer, almi lo er*a ta\e chsrvn against b* U, W. pt. M, con. IS. Car- ried. Ulark Mmm-Un That the I ill of Ami* t >jilir be returued Ui hiui Ui IM cenified by Ihe palhu>uwr and forward cd to the oumojiH-u.ner of Oi*. No. 6. Can too. Mowwhaa CWk That the ote.k wiitetoDr. Ua'l.o' S n^hampt U.-I^-MUI- To Ou Lditor of Tkr Advance. L>EAK Sia. If yi ur (npcr knows more thau sll beside about building County bridges, pleane instruct, su that more than one quarter duarb of our, or of any ton> ahip, diKiiitica .n*y undt-rsUad whether the county has no voice regarding what hall or sluill u .t be aceepled M tbe length, tn-aJtli, heiicht, uumtrucUoii, Materiel, etc., of any and every Mitch bridge. For instance, it is aaid that fTOO u, t'ter in the hands of, or at the command f tlie Aru-ni-i C Hiui il, for erecting a ml. t orrr tbe Braver rivrr in Eugenia. 'lit three only of the townahip council- r* utiue last week and viewed Ihe pra- am*. In iil'/n witbowtauy imticv to the ratr yen to be there to aJrise, object, ur or their amusemeut : said three riiernas with lew as did happen to see them, aa tu how il aught be evade. Hut on heir owu concluding mentioned 'atone abutmenta W ft. between, the width of bridge to be only "14 ft." about eune as tow, and but "fi ft, bicber than Ihe pre- seuf ' "themselves to overaoe" and hiie work done by the day, and on such style deal out pay. Thus whatever the fiuuthed aflair would compare, no remedy for compelling completing deficiencies would there, lias either of - ! >e "thnx" any Midge building experieiico t or better would be natural tact aud capability fur such. They plan to have it pushed 'Jirough "duriug seeding lime," thinking ieaat public travel then to interfere with. So inside of tiro days had limber coming. The bridge pnaitively requires for public safety and convenience to be the width two IS ft. plank end to end would reach, and ihe surface not aa inch lower thaa 2i, but say 80 feet abuve th water, which inld be ten or 8 ft. higher than the pre- sent bridge. In *eedin<; time work ami material ahonld cost dearer, and the riv- er is then higher, but in Juae, men, wo- men and wide-awake children could wade or on a plank sidewslk run across in time I bridge being torn op. And then cl.eaprrdoue too. And again, on that beat of all rock bottom river how much, or how low price should each a bridipt be built for f if by how contract, if by days work, if liy night work t and who refunds if the bridge should float or prove to he t he other end north ( or if the workers by khe day should get their daily pay, and better than eaatwsid therefrom, what about a "stune arch" or "iron 1 ridgw" to endure t Kut what in the sense of making such I ridgu anywhere to be at Urge coat of i , n. win- every tw yean hy uu-s, and so almost exactly like the one n -w there f Why not come aome daik night and |wint the old one white, and on the railing write, "Thia U the 'county bridge f We any, "We know it sy< for we have sot the county pay. I'.i Hi r all "speak IH>W" Ihmi cui.demn Hinl 1 .1 mi. afiei us 27 S, '.4. U. MrLUsPtai^ His Hall in Heavy. KiSllKMIRM INM-n-n.H nKTM IjrTTBKM rUoM ALL OVKHTIIK lx>MI> l.n A4KI1I r>. i-\i<ri i 11:1 \i-.m-i E1ONKY 1-I1.LM ITEINO HIM >r l \l I **%*fe-< Harrison, of FSeskerton, Is selling Furniture, od Undertaking at Csh and no bad debts to m, bargains to yon. Call and see oar big stock ia Wrights old stand. No trouble to show goods. RESIDENCE OVER BTUKB. S (food second hand singer sewing machin**. Cheap. At Hi-it-k rill* jail on Katuidsy TV.- in.( a man named Covill, coi.finui aa a lunatic, miMtdied a raaor fr.- i a fellow- prisoner who was ahaving and killed himself Major Le (' .rn, who wasonee i-ni| ly. d by tbe British Government t-. py upon Irishmen in America, is AriULJf Ei <|niry :! i>i i id it HIM kt-iiy of J II. lirick- i .!' >-o'i :. iTn! ruru of l.i< rtn UIIIM.I in tiy iXxM M Kl.iin'V I'. IH li -i Lr-n-.-lit hint u iiu A i DriokweMI il.i ly rfcuirix<-i I nun nil i|iiorlar i.f ('n- r.U 'k i.i fiiichei imiticuUi* if Im curu. He i m HI. My ..n u.i. , HI after all ntlivr i- in ilnv. i'..ri-.l, I>H|I|'H i\i u rv lil, i. ,tor il I i n to lii-!<|. h l>.xln' t!u- limi k ilni'j- n in.dv in |nll foi m ei-r of f. rut ilu- | ulilic. Ili win. Inful Mii'O- * in uii'ing all f THIS ..f kxlxiy ilm, am>, IMH If. I ! II 11 i.. r^iu ti .n if tiuiiii miw clioap d *o'thlum m.i'itlioiin I'nrch aa rs. i".i ih-ir owu Ki r dy i-houM insut 01. K tin K Do.ldi Kidney IMK. S..!.l i l>ign U.II-K ; (irn-0 IITt\ I.IS|.,T Uix, 01 i I., v N f. r fj 50. T., U> h..d by of all 1. 1' iit i*. It i thought in Ottawa the mi-l jut de t*te nl bwi tun days or" to wvwks longer. Krutst "I.tiin, I i -mil ist, h* been i - ai riiralfurd U> two yosni in prni- Uii.ti ry Aberdenn has tiLeu a roudotice iu ulurli he auU l.i. xuitu will r p. n uf the lining kuwuter. The Best Medicine. J. O. WILSON, Contractor and Builder. Sulphur Springs. Texas, thus speaks of Ayer'e Pills i " Ajer PtQs are tbe best BMdletae 1 erer tried; sad. in my Judgment. BO Setter general remly coohl ba derated. I hsnre aead these 1 my faj.U 7 and seoBBBBewded thesa Se my friemls and employes (or more than twenty To aay eertala knowledge, many of the foMowlag onmplatats hare completely and Permanently Cured bythuseof Ayer-sHIIIsaloiM.: Third day ehllb, dejsb a*e, bllloeja fever, sick eaMiaeke, rheejaiathim. flu. dys- pepsia, rorutinaUon, and hard eofcle. I know that a gsoderate use of Ajes'e PlUe, ron ti n iinl for a few days or weeks, aa tbe Baton of the complaint required, wonlil be fount, in abeolate cave lor the disorders I have named shore." "I have heea eel ling medicine to eight years, and I can safely say Ikes Ayes** PHI* give belter sarbrfacttosi than any other Pill I erer sold." J. J. Perry, Spottsylvsnie, C. H., Vs. AVER'S PILLS IWvaraa- bt Dr. J. 0. Ayer * 0*, LBW*H. ataev Every Dose Effective BOAR FOR SERVICE lailiruvwl Yorkahlre boar for o vi. i. ...i lot IUV Inl iau|(i<, H. W. Toronto an I R)itoiihaoi rood. TV: n. f I at tlino of serrio*. W IIUHKIX. rirhri ton P. U TO mm. m;.ur r the Estate of KUKT i.vrTP. iHtr *f the Vil- l _..- i HCNII,-, inn. in the I'uuulT of w.n->, rXiinirr, d-- In rii.unl to tho |. avikioni of tlie ItrvlMMl HlotilUn of lintariu. i 'i .|.' 110, nun. ,. U In-. ti. (fl--ii bat all IT<!. Iiioii. and iwnoua having .Ulnis ii|.i.n ... n^.iin i ih.. . si*i.> of tin* aaid K.^.'.-i i vt r.lali ( ll.i- \ lllaK of > l,h,,. i,.,, in Ilm fuiaiik wMlii-x. h'.Mluuv, whoiliud on ur Imut tlio llnr.liUt ..i .~>. i-ii'iKtwr, A. l Mil. a OrMl l.:.|lllll I.I .I.'IH"! O,- M*l|.| \tf UlMl p ;iai.l, w< tlm uuJervtyaMit, holio i.n4 fur th ttXwuuUvrH o( thu lai>t will ami to>l4ni*nl of (it,. eBMe*se\eej *r sefera ll 'i l'winiiih day of V| At 1 . IHM. ailat<'ni! tit iu wutiuxof thair iiauiiw ami aiklrou. t4ttl>ar with full |>articu lam of itMsir < 1..IIHS Mini Hi ' natuivuf euuriti**. |tf any, I huM by Dunn Ai,.l E.I.II, i. i, hi. Hi, , Kiv -n that aftt-r thalaid TvonlivtlKiay of A|.iil. UM.tkassM Kioculon i I PIIMMMK! ui ili'li ilniUi n.o aiitolH of tlia ftal a^ejesjw leeaeag HM i-rNi>n .'i.titio.! iin.n-t< bavll ^ rtward only to tlie clAinm of vhioli ao lio.' liall li*u I.-.. , i\. , ao* r|uiruU, and thv aajd evrcut.ii->, will not bu Haul* for tin. ail ai'tii or any |>art ti i i^il l<> au r uanou ... oartomof who*-ciiaiiu m riaiiut uotlee ahall Dot ha lMH.a nauia I by tliuiu or tlilr aoliaj- ton .. t UM Uw aloi e*eM I.I < \ . A WH1UHT. i . .-I nouud. Ueii. HolMton. for Ui >aid Kto.utota. DaUd UM ll j -...^U,.v. i) .^HIL D. Mr Tavish, UOR8E8HUER AND GENERAL BLACKSMITH, Collingwood Street, FLESH EKTON, - ONT. - "seAe. _ KW HOTM ahoaian proof*)? la**ta> aitneiioe. givea te I or l.n<Wr fact. mm* HAVE YOU BACK-ACHE . uOODS KIDNEY .PILLS. WILLCUREYQU "tackmtht SWOM t*. U4- ITS art It tree** feeV* Kidney h'llm giut pnmpt ntiif.' 'rs pe, ssat / it cease /s fr*t caused b try to Aa/(Ay city without teiver- aqt, at goal Ara/fA ufhtt tht kidney* art they an f - r*. licttd (reaeVes rttult In lai a>/eo< <WMa/^ u vtf Complaint, a/ie" f * mott efe-*- D,ab,tt *i*t mktrt Dodd'i Pi lit art fp" f crnlm. for km or MORTGAGE SALE < ' i . '\ . . i (U-MiT km wn M >'!clieiW>li HUttnn) in t. e luwiilil|>nf x luiui-sU ii I r >anly ol (ir.iv Tlicn. i.! IK. nol.l l>j l'ubn A Saturoay, April 14, '94 *t Mini- .', ,. V in ih trtornona at llonh . Hotu), in th \ulanu knuwii M Kltolitu t.>n su 1 1 . . i. irirlu \ .f |> wr of .\lt> ountaiuej in i i-i 1*111 Iliormailn wlniTh w.ll b, (.raUiicj.) at toe vniiv Hie (I.HOWIIIK irilliKt. p i p.Mly \ UlsBi i,,t N,I. u ,,,, n... x. Weskarti i.te of I..HI MI.I.I in til.- vtllaKo irf M'allerUll^ ac- n.i.liiii; lo a map or |>lau at tbe ttufetivUkm of IMtitol lulN.. I.Ml In Ihn.liitrmiiKfori.-onow.SJwu >\ of UirT>r-.nloaiiil Svilinl u, ,,>,! In thn . vin u, ,,>, n n voahlaal* te by T. ,,, n. (ui- llaurt. MM, . ( I., s.. i I plan UHIIK lil,.,l , ih. <-KlNlry Dffloo Icr IS Si.uiL fi.ln ,. i.f th IIIIKI. K~I , i: i . K.. 1.1 1 |>!i oil...' ft r \:< f Si mil, . -;-.-; -''> on lh t . 12|b day ... .-,-,,, "' 'Keaeauttkaiamull uoriluaofaaxie* M in : foot horotofuru aalii ami ami eonv.irwt OB? tin- Houtli WmtiMly ooi mr .Said lot orMaall* cui.laiiiniK about J of an men. mom or loam. On -mill lot .i ,. W |,| to b.. eiectd Wfilllitg. JO by tA, a frame lail> T>.K>H -Tw- . |wr opnt. inoi,.. t., I,.,,,, | ,|,. W:1 ,,, aiMW tan in. KOI ru. tliur paftlevl of tlic porohaa* , Uv ,,ralr. Kork.1 . .. to Ulh J.j ot ilatth ISM

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