i - TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." PRINCIPLES, NOT BN." VOL. XI1L, 10 957. FLESHERTON, OFT., TBDB8DAT, APRIL 1 >894. W. H. THUMTOI, CLOCKS. r m f ^f* * ^ One of the finest assortments outside of Toronto and at prices to meet eygry pocket, from $1.25 up. Silverware. ' A full stock of beautiful and useful goods in cruets, pickle dishes, preserve dishes, knives, forks, spoons ornamental goods, &c. Jewellery. F,am u We lfe*. .pri., h: actually 8om. aftod Ur. have doi.. p'ace oo Wednesday the Slat u!t. in St. Coluiub/i church, being the marrinue of t e Mr A magnificent choice in every Jne, from watches to collar buttons. Armstrong Bros. Flesfcerton ot a /.v BOOTS and SHOES to suit the season. Men'* tod women'* winter wmr wiling of at an<l t>If> w co t in make room for spring stock Oar stock u very lr^ aud completp, and u order to get room for spring gouJfl. iliis stock mtut b sold rgrd less ol prieec early in order to gel firvl elioice. Flesherton. JOS. SMITH, Mctnnip. nf DUpital kimt wan ti.l l,y the '""* McLeod, B. A , iu the presence of a Tha doug **ee rt of tha "Literary ndlnM> Their frit-nd* unite in S..ci*ty" waaa t^aad succeas. Although the adaiMsyisv f-r was * ' very small yet nearly-fti was realized, and thm laavoa (afur afl expensaa) ol Tana* who have a<> aUy aawitfted to moke (ha> -LnX a saouasa deavrve much (ljme . Mr< credit. Mr.. rUi. Wuodjor and MMU visit*! fneudsnau Daadalk butt week MiM U I>. Strrlm* wa in T.*..nt<i last seloetin* her tununer abick. Mr Jmph fclstrtna. bwi unie bom*, Mr. Dr. FiJd b* mord U. l-ia fann, Mr. Th<. PallMtw but ui-v.tt to tha Radley farm Mid Mr. Robt. Morrison IIM Sunday in th this appointment. Mr. Vin -r, n vsngaaiat from Cnriiale, ia helping the tU. Mr. Hartley in tha nt- > vival meetings thw week. Mr. and Mrs. Greenway paid a viait to the latter'. parents, Ret. Mr. Hartley, lately. Mrt. Joneo, of Fair well Corner*, Mue ' pa*d a visit t friends ia this burg but od ..-i. to the farm which he bought from Mr. PallisUr. Mr. Walt* McCiUtuu, of Toronto, haa been visiting (he parvntal root for a tint* and Mina Potts, of Minneapolia, h-w been holidaying at Mr. McCitlluni'a abxi. A uartf waa git -n by Air. ;uid Mrs MuCai- lra o Isjst Thursday evening at which had a v. ry pleaaaut GENTLEMEN : I DESIRE TO ANNOUNCE thmt I have taken over tlie Carriage and Wigou making bngiueaa lately carried ou by Mr. Moore, aud am now prepared to fill all orders in toy Hue to your entire satisfaction. llaviug lately added to my sixteen years' expe- rience in the bustnefts a nine mouths' training iu out of the best carriage simps iu tin city of Petroit. wherv I suceevdtd in carrying nfl a tiiff. cla-<!i recommendation, might to bo a snthcicnt ^iiaranu^ that all work will b<> dntv in a nrst class iiianiu-r. I nvaiiuf.ictnte Wagous. IJtisifii's. Cullers, Slei^Ls ; iu Lict everytliiujf in the car rage lino. Wool aud lumber takeu iu eichauge. Kiudly give me a call. I ) . I S 1 A. I ! < . Flcsbcrtou Nest door to McTavisli's blackmnith shop. 'eek. MUM Fauny Jam* friends >^n Si -it hard H undersoil left this week fur the vicinity of (juelph, ti put iu the auramer. The two J'aaie steady lads aud will no doubt Ci-ine home with well lined pockets ra the i ds laat inurauay venini{ .it * nlc " fo'l h . time. r>m,-l Ritx Pnipriet- T and Mr. Vajatitiue Ball hM n>.>ved from of the Hamburg, Oat., Jndep*odotay tow a to th* Madden farm on the 8tli liuc. Miss lokftUr has KUDU t take a achiHiL A littUj girl came to tho honie uf Mr. Litilr laat Friday. They have gfed to ktmp the little lady. -Mr \\ iu. Pairey has nne to w.-rk with Mr Media* Guy. Tlie mmurii of the Lit. have sursed tu OM the fui.dn in 1 uildiuu a**- auUwalk. This wa Buliui e tu be a wiae ld> a. A u uiwbur.i 14111 hei vt,-r in Owen A few of our yoauy lad MM spent a pleas- HAI9IA1E 8TOYEAHD -r trouUe, I took a few buttles '"' * '! Vit.!sra,.d itovred me. I can heartily recommend it." We bvr on hand Bea9oo*bi good* : Milk Uio following FTVM our uioi ourm/,uiuirnt. S-iiiio uf our eitiauna are hegining to talk lisli and. yearn for a feAat <4 th Beaver trout. The ijahntsaa Anay Vill hi4d out at Saloni and 'he o-rpa is d*ii; il* mk kj^ ! lw..... r t ( j),.. Milk Cool A J, WE OF CHEAP from TV to !. 10 quart pafla U r.nt. wid oj I* " " oanttanl of thirty, Mid Oiiiu >t y<iif, old 1 aat vvninir at tlie ln-ina of Mr. mid Mr*. | and adult*. The uiaetiii<;s draw b'tjr D. K. Ptenlufi on Wed. <>f hiat week thin n entertain moot aa young and old , n. K at his IIUM, on Too*dy e>ening. Everyone Undag-md time. Mr .and Mr*. Murriwii are a g<id natured O'uple and w Ere pleased they liitve come tu lire here. 4IXTHOKLNTB^Dl0 TO BUILD abould call on tbo Teaket tnOitUc Crwstlc rrs\Jirttlr. Mrs. K. Liuley isrustkatingat pre<ut. wend their way f-.r miles, prompted by ALL KIXB.S of OIU.VITE ud A surprise pnrty, oral Wast Mr. Kobt. ! rarioua motives. The budding ia scarce- R.VAMMELKD WABK aad M m ton, wai surprisodby a par',y g ither- j ly spacious onuuh to aco-nimodate tho ' ^'^J. *J LOWKST LIV - larye crowd Hint naoally c'-nzreuatw. Mo-uirs. Oreen and Pedlar irn very encr RBtic captains and seem to enter into thi.-ir work with oummt-ndnble fervor. Tlie vnunvir converte have im hestitatiun ia tostifyiti^ t their newly found virtue*, all viewing in % diapnaitiuu tu persevere. Son.e talent -d Udy aing- rt frn.-n the corps from Col!in<.;woud will entertain the l>atr>iiisin SAlrin c'lurc'i nil Monday tho 164h iimr. Adiirssi. n 10 centa. The Burk Falla A^r .w contains a v-y r pi-ciful obituary of the death uf Mr. Henry Lane who waa a reoidsut uf Arm- T[>. fi.r 13 ywin but finally of thin Fnnc imr oi" curre*puiul'-i<t. I urn frnid Mr. Ed^ior th-t >ou will bt neriuualy cMidrtiu<; llie :idvinbili'y f verting A n.iw c<>m.-v ndeiit at Eiiuutf if ww arv ii.'i :...ru pui.c'unl. C<nub!u ha^lukiiii Ulakfly of llih line !>...>-. .: i: <>i;li tlii-t ) lace Saiur.lny ENT' tME I desire to call your attention to my w .iter stock of Cutter?, which will need no words oi iec. ( .:j...endation from mo, as I \\?Il leave the puLlic tojodf* for ihemaeiw*, I have also on h.inJ a ftock 01 heavy sliM^n.-, ; ..jsurc sleighs, market sleighs inJ skc'h-tcr slei;hs. All I ask is a call, and judge for yourselvc =. Thanking my rnanjrfrienJs ior their past favors, I i N main, yours truly. K. f. WIIITTEN COPYRIGHTS, CAN 1 OBTAIIK A PATENT f aa ko prompt SSSWII and aa koowt opmuwi. writ o to MINN * CO.. wb.. bavt bad aaartT an, .~r.' xiwcK-ne. M the patwM bulMM. CiiDtniDnicm- I nrktly ennifcUot lal. A lUadko.k of lu- Farm for Sala or Exchqo. A Kare Chance. t*OB Ralu nr r-.xchii|(o for Villon proixrty In ' '"i Stnti.in. Mv - .1 mil liable Fan.) if Kinibnrli ; siii. On thn |" ' ' . l>ri? and Ilii'lUJ.al o H>i'.l n:rli.liil Mul W?II IU| with wtcr. A |- I'M tu W. A n\YH\. S I: ..I I 1 Baa .. lun.C.WaJUr Falls MaJaMn PatwiU talHM aMatal aoileasiaba sw4L _ _ thas an brows* wi4l j kirora' oot eoM to the IvraMor, Tbia book* Matin*. a tkrowi HvDa A OB. twstv* ana sMoaliae Amrrlraii. aM rMab Wfoc* ta* puNlc vita. rcMor, Tbla islaaOd paipw. i IT Utaatratw), ha> br forth* ol mar iaratMe work la UM WAMTEL) lUlianle oran to Ml- i>urcboic and hardy Numrry ck. ami Hvotl Potato**, full and com ji!ct Una. Many vi\i if ti* rai. only b obtain 1 tliroilifb ui*. (ViniuiMiioii or fiatary pJd waly, aud prnm|itiy KtcluniT* and oboier of torrltory Kivviu IVa'l ilulay. writ* at one fir ti ma. ALI.KX XI-KSKEV Co., R. -cheater, V Y ii pi: .MI-.: nf mi* Edwnrda, an Kncliali orpl.in. who Ud bt-t n living witb Vr P 1 ""*- The death waa a su ldn one to B akxly nn<l in .Unite of th funnlyde- h' f"'ly who have the heirtfell sym- ! wi:h a watch, s-ima inonpy an-1 ] pa'l'.v "' fnoiiils lieru aj well as ui oik*r v.iiuaU.. \Ve hare ni/c Li-ard if atiw abude On FrMny, the 18th irut they >\ t'.irir man. Mr. K >liiTt 15re.iilti.ire \\\\ beu i ill Ml the h< uu of Mi. C. U. L>vitt f..r "iiini\tl.5. Ilo is l..Hlv rvc.ivi.-rni:. \l^, . . and Po.'ly Gi!iiy .[leul II T'Tl 'lltil. tt'iK* M i , ' Itl.ick WM iii me while wiirkiint in the bus'i, Mr. Laii./ J took a paralytic stroke which quite pn.- ' traced liiui. I' IA supi-'soa tlit in reinoi ini( him t . thu house which was attended j with some difiicuUy, ho caniflit a chill, thu* ha-tfning h<s dith. which t-ok plit e i few hours afterward. Hia remains wur ineorrtid in the Chutwiud caiaetry. M A ii ii iv. while hnnliuf Imi* in The Ascenaod was fomieiiy a nifller in his l.unti Uwt ,,'!v. in.-i with an accident Eugenia, ai.d during his s..j..uni here was j whiwli .it-e proved very -e "'M V I by all whit kn-w him. <>. !i :Wt to the | Tlie charge uf larceny brouxht by v lie waaali-nc he wa<i' ijniti <-r* .i^iinut Lewullyu "the good'' waa ixtii.ine l.'in-uif Iv I'^fiujf tie earth nut [>n.ve:i. aw.iy vith Ir.s lii, U He h.-i.l lirn | ro'- , Tlie Eugunia F. B. C. uie: on Saturday ty sr anltle-, tut IM vjifn.jj ari<iin<l Kxt doer to Pbotorrak OJ,rv CajMsiii SwiMtney. I" S A..8ai i Ca.1., say : "Shiloh's Oaten all Remedy in , ! ih.' tirst inudicii c I IIHVO ever found that 1 1' fin <*"t" oMJi t <>rt't*fj<ih ' ^ -Tl, ,n,ll,r an.! l.i. ,,K,I hit ail t!,e ; *" 1J a " " 10 *" y " d ' V " co W " lU - !iey bring, ai.d while tliovg-. about s< " l ' t mi- o:enni thru* a 25 pound kaf their . rk ri-ht uit-rrily they sing." So of I'lwtii'g lewder, with fuse attached. ; . Make* all garments oi Men's wear tn the best styU at short notica AU work gaaraatoed. A trial solicited. F*. A. B AKE F*, fLESHERTO.Y Carpet aid Flicie! s.iy the puet, but nur niillers have be>u into the lBc* f The News at Twee* 1 , Oir., an SntunUy niht. but the fun The Dn<fontli>d ii i Fiaunal w**Tln( nt *ll kintU on lort * *nd rsajaoitab!* tatn *. Sxtiu'i . aimd. Ordani MUt In by <*aa will ,.'i>lv ;ir .. ,. t* at- tention. Oomspoadaoo* aoliu 1II> . TS. rt> 7.8DJ. t<i their utmost "to till all the baits they briny,'' as there haa been a tremen- dous ruli of c us tinners lately, especially during th few days of good i*lviyhitiK. Aa for "oiitgi'ig." woll.it ia not likely the two It curas Incipient Coitaumpiion. It is M. .t-s aad much time for exerotaitiK their t'te best Cui;h Core. Only otto cvi>t a vccal chords- | doa* ; 86 eta. , 50 eta., aud (1.00 per but Onngv Hii-sou:8 A hn'-jiy vtut tcok lie. Ixjcame extinguished and the schema W \NTFD filled. Shdoh's Core ia sold on a gu.irantee ^_ _ smployni.iit wt .1 'i,^,.i, ui^n. Bxpsrlwoc* DOS titico-wiarv. li*^a*iito.L outfit aad lh bnefl of ova.- m rr oicvr in ntairoa Otr tooda of oqrluu *tiii rutaiu Ing aalaamn It -uporior Call for 1! trial wlllost>oa nosbnig. Out.