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Flesherton Advance, 29 Mar 1894, p. 8

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE .<], tori*, Vei<y ntarn a CAKAUA TO GET A Bducatitm. Take a Round Trip gM and uiuuurelal Department* In Canada, then vUlt Niirtlirru MutiDM* College ; elamtM nvery- Jn^ thoroughly. If we fell to produce the rnet thorough, complete, practical nd esteu- ; tliu Imit college |>remlel .1 Hi.- belt and moat ix>n>|il*t and must null furnltur>.. and ai.pllai.c.-ii. wo v.lll give you ut course KKKE. For Annual Aunouuce but giving full pertieularn. free, address C. A. FLEMING, Principal. To The Public. nc rented Written'* Mackimlth hop for a torio of years, I am now iu a petition to oaterto all wanU in uiy line. lorseskMiiig a Specialt;, ntiHfnct ion Guaranteed. For anything in the baekmithing Imt call on F. A. BUNT, Oppoilt* Bfchardwn'* Hardware (tore 4^%*v%^%%%%%^'%^^* Eugenia Mills AND- Carriage Works. la^ea made and Repaired, also facing and Matching, Band Saw- Wood Turning of every des- iption. Planing and Orain Chop ;doae while you wait, for Beaver tarns tne wheel. W. WILtMIN Manager A FAMILY GROUP PHOTOflRAI'H A %^*>%>%^%^%% A lm fully equipped with re- ^uisites for turniif^ out ? per- Msct claw of work. All kinds pictures taken anS'ftnislicd a style equal to any city work, while the prices lower. Pictnre \t ARBIAUK 1.1< K S HKS lasiad da? w nigbt a* the office or reeideuee of too undemlgoed. lllVISIOSl-Ol'llTCLII K.COMUIMIONKB m II. ('.-'. Conveyancer. eta. Notary palillc JOHN W. AKMHTKONO. iLf . Cl 1.I.UL-OH A YOUMO, en^era, MarMale do a general banking bu*- Inee*. Money loaned a* a reasonable rate. Call M R. HAMMOND. r*ot Msti-i,Kinib*r)oy. Commltiloner for taking Affidavits etc. Insure* and loan* money at lowest rate*. Executes Least*, Deed*. Will*, eto. promptly, cheaply and efficiently. p J.BPBOUUt, Portruaater, Flecucrton, CoinmlesloMr ID B. II, Lie need iuctlooeer, Conveyancer, A praloor and Mouey bonder, lUal Estate ani Iiuurtnoe Agiut. Deed*. Mortcaxe*. Leaiei, iid Willa drawn up and Valuation* made on ihortt notice. Auction Bale* attended to In auy part of the County. Money ta loan at low- eat rate* of luteriit. Collection* attended to with prouiutn*** and deapatcb Charge* low. A|{unt for the Dominion bteauiibtpCouipany. ch*ap ticket* from Plenhtrtoii to LlTerpooI, Ulaio. London r any of the Hritlih port*. Partie* inteadlog to ltlt England. Bcotlaud or Irelacd, will ploau a*k rate* kntore purcbaiing their ticket* eiMwbaro. \ I IbS EDITH K1CHARD80N. of Bobt. Mahr, of Dorlln, <leruian. (riolin); Mr*. Hradley, of Toronto Coutenatory XI U.K. tVoiee culture' : Prof, h t-i rmon, late of Toronto, (Piaim) ; will roroiva i>u|>i)4 in HINGlMi, VIOLIN. I'L AMI aud OI1OAN. nil. nuTTO!.. M I) C M, M.C. P.* H.Ont.. Prleerille. Residence and offloe one door wn*t of tbe Metb- odiit Cbnrcb JCluroM St. Offlc* day*. TnecOay* aud Saturday*. j i. CARTER. M. C. P. * B., Oct. rhyclclaD. r(eon. etc.. FlMherton uffica-btraiu* b'ock. Kecldaoe* Uuuibaw'x hotel. JOHN A, BCOTT, M. B. Member College Phylc.& Barneoni. Ontario Orailuate rn Medicine of Toronto Unlvenlty, Fellowship Diploma, Po*l Qradoato Medical School and HmpHal, Chicago Dtieaaeeof ee, ear, noaeand throat cpeclally treated. Reel deuce Maxwell, viiu FeTuntiam Thursday" IS P. OTTKWELL, Veterinary Burgeon. Oradnate of Ontario Veterinary College. Roeldente Mast door toutb of Moore'i pianlng factory. J V HALHTKAD, M. D . M. C. * B.. Onl.. praethM at Kim berley. llbeamstlo dlenue* * >pec(alily. P. M U.^H U.I,, L. I). S , M. D. B.. Dentist. V!lti MarkiUIr the l*t aud Hrd Wednesday oj, each uioutli 4T lol. .wluj. W. FKOHT. llarrUler Knlieltor, Conveyanoer, Kte. Fleabei-ton :!in. Nnt the pott offlte Kproole'i balldlDC on Tlmr,ley. Owen Hound omoe- rt)AB A WRIUHT, narriiteri, Holloltora, Coavityaneen, etc.. Oven d.Miii.1. On.l Mwkilale. Out. W. II Wi.i.air. I II l.ff. i. N. B. FloabcrtOB ofBoe. Mitolieir* Dauk. every Wednnday. SOCIETIES. A<> 1 W. ram>Ue*nry Omt *nit IMrrt Mon day In eacli month, rn their liMlga rooi.> i In i-t. . ^ Hlork Klrthntiin t 1.11 in. (in. lollOlt.'M. >l \\ . U I I'-r'.Uli.v, Iliiiu i \V Irwln Httconlor. Viiitini; Ilrellicru Invited. ROVA1. TKMn,\nS OF TRMI'F.KAN'-: Tteaular Uennell ineetR every fir-t n I tll'l'd TuiM Uv ov ninu In -'n, Ii i 111 Rproale 1 * Mark at A p in. Sclm-t iiHurancr) inoetn inirlil>, (h WmlneMay K.ItuK tlie Kn.l of uac'i month. OK Tl MI'KKANCK. Tai. ._ 3 i.iei Dr. I lirUtoo* Mail ever* \-. , ,1 'yrveuliig at H |>.ni \ I-.MI^ l.rclh- n Invited luMirane* In coiinrrMon. V" M > 1 Hielr liall. ( Ii i t,,, i 1 I... I, i YIT. Ant and tMMTlmriilay in <!> in .mil. Win ;-hi|., Matter. T.Clayton, kcretswy. o Framings done In all its branches. If you have shopping to d MV! pictures to get taken on he same day please attend to the latter first. Careful at- (potion will be given to copy- jlaig other pictures. Mrs. Buhner. i'.< I AILM'r-li I.OIKiR. v.,, :. 1. A.P.* iet In the Maaoile Rail. Strain's , , KlMhertoti, veri Frl.lny oo oi tpr, MI, -r,n n.oon A. H. W. M. . SI>TOII>, ^mittary. plii'.< i i , > wtr, Usa THE CELEBRATED B.Laurance F. O. K*rt*dt, le/T- III Mt inorlain Of Mm. Tho*. Hill who d : ed Jan. ICth at Pretty River Valley. Qnletly, .a-ily , we laid Uie down To reet wltb tbe lilent dead, Tired thou wast ; oh re*t time loved one. In toe aruM ot Cturlit tby Head. B* called the*) away from tby earthly borne To tby bluMuil home above. Me more in tbi* weary wcrld to roam, But to reit in tb* llfcbt oi Hi* love. Well ml** thy dear face when we meet Where tbe family gathering* are, Too' u* with tby voice tliou It not (reet, Yet in spirit wo'll feel the there. Thy liuil>an 1 mourn i tby raeant cbalr, The light from ht home I* gone. Hut tbe baud that has stricken h* knows i* the** To tuito'.h tb* path of the kmtly one. Tby little one so dear to thy heart Will miss thy loving care. In life if *|>ari*d to take her part, No mother will her troubles ihare. O Saviour grant that the little feet slay ever stay by Thy *ide near by. May hu*baud, friend* the loved one (reft. To part no more In tbe tweet bye-aud-by e. [Mrs. Hill taught school in Arteuieaia and Glenelg for some year*, and wan well and favorably known. She died at Prstty River Valley ,-u Jan. 16<h last. -Ei- A i- VAMCB.] and District. The Presbyteriau burial ground iu Durham is shamefully neglected aud cattle are allowed to rnu at largo therein. The Keview says : "Bome semblance of a fence Ima been put around the plot, but a gap was pur- posely left for the privifeged hot so and inlu-r animals paslui in j^)u the glebe to run through the ccuidtery aud eat the aweet grass growing over the bod ies of departed saints." Last summer Mr. Win, Caldutll had one of his horses kicked by a Rial- lion aud for three mouths the aniui:tl was useless. lie brought initaguiual the owner of the ktallion wliicb was tried iu tl&rkdale on Tuesday. Judge Morrison, who preauk-d, vendeivd u decision to the effect tlut Hiai.i n- wlicii upou the highway are there en- tirely at their owner's risk aud for any damage done they are liable. Mr. Caldwrll was awarded twenty tl iUrs aud costs. Durham Chronicle. A Mattawa yi-ung lady has invent- ed a uovt-l itppliaiici! for the pin-)' getting uc<|tinuiu-il with youii^ inoi wlium she inay Uncy. It is n.l.xl the "go-botwteii," aud ia composed of u band around tbe arm from winch a small steel hook protrude. When paupinglheman <.f h--i c o a a e i as to only Hli^hlly extend her elbow uiul iht two ate (oat together. Wluiu b.i kiti^> to nudo in- Ltgwiiin^, ample oppor- tmiitx i-- alfiiriL-d for acroping an uc- quaintance. A luigc fulu is cxpvcu il to tlie gula of tliid pvi iud.and a pntcnt is applied for. Robert Ma nhll, of the Olh con cession of ('olliii^wtoJ lias In. I -i row to (roe laUly. Homo timu ago hU wife loft him for j-ouie reason, a>id u certain auiouut ta be pnut ber yearly as alimony. Thce puyiueni> Mai8hll failed to tDeet proirptly, anj as a conseqiH nee Las ever since U-. n in hot water wiili slier. IF ifc-i^.i e, court costs, and iniiiinicr.l>!c othoi anuoyancfa that havi ilrax -' 'I duw:t n once well-to-do farukei to ) a poverty stricken wreck WH'I r . anocd mind. His troubles IMM- so af- fected him that one night too n ago he left liin house and hits not been seen or heard of, n!;! < ,i_,-|, u thor ugh seaioh has been m.u; him. He left fonr small cliiidn n, I'K eldest a boy of fourUeu years. 'P'.n children are yet liun^ aii-nu in house, but receive help, wi fr HP thu nuighbors. Tiioinbui v Suinhmi ieo. ROUITEINKHH BXJOY A MI1.I' ORB Hx <r UHUI'H ki CfaE* TIUHR KBTJ.OW ill. tUCKACRB ASD UDMBY Hl~. Hourrcn*, M.HCB, 24. Tl.i i,ui t village i* in an II|HM.I- >,f ex> t.vm .it jn-t BOW over the ca: LI <i v ... f- -wt, u w !) Ihs u4 n. tu.,- ii-v- \.-\i\ many | anllo'.i in . |>! .(% , i i-t n- e here. One box i.f I>;>M'n K .!., v I'.lU cured him of kevviv li-icltuc'u ,-,! kuli i \ diiaaieof U>ni{ (.tuidin .-, .-.f.,-, I ,< ! -, ; trieil every nthnr tomttly n', n his ri'.ich, I ut without nny g<^d icmli-. These pill* ore nmmifaclurt:.! ly I >r I,. A. Smilh & On., Toronto, mid are s^M y all dealer*, i-r will bw mnilcil .m r..i;.i of price ; tilty cents por lx, or sii I for $2.60. Pi-rt Arthur harbor u still At lueethikt of the quartley U.anl of tliu Parkda!e Methodist church ii was re- solved tu du awy with all funm of outer- LainmunU M aim HUB of ruSing iin.iuy hereaher. This npnlira to tlie fund* ui* only for IOCA! ohu-ch work, but f.irwmii miiaion* aa *-ll. AD aom* needed will tie nil**] by Htralyat contributions. all M J ^- avw ^ * m. * **s ^* ^^ * M. M. A M. x.v^. * j a. a a x_x i. jv x v NERVINE i TONIC ASD JS'TO.VI A. C7II and. I-.1V15J1 CUH.K. The Wonderful HEALTH BUILDER & NERVE FOOD. ( kronle I>IM ;IM - are caused by Deranced Kcrrc Ctmtrtn -at baar of Brain. nerve centres, will cause the ment of the different orj-js oi tftp ho<ly which they supply wit!. N*stB FLUID or NERVB FOJU:B. The wouJurfol success of SontL American Nervine in due alone to tHfe fact that it is IxtcHxl on tiiu Jort-jjTing principle. The nse of a *in#le hot;!: of tbu remedy will IMUHCO the moet iooralnlona. it is indeed, veritable- NKRVE F,wu and WILL RELIEVE IN ONE DAY the vxried forms ol ucrvotrs di?t a*e and stomach troubles. LATK discovinea have absolutely proven that the Stomach and Lungs, and luJeed all internal organs j are controlled by the nerve centres at i the bate of the bruin. The mauu- ' ufacturtr of SOUTH AMERICAN NKS-. has studied this subject closely for more than twenty-live years, and lately demonstrated that two-thirds of our Chiunio Diueaaes, areVlue to the imperfect action of nerve centres. i itni-r witliiu or at the base of UK brain and not f.orn the deraogeuii in ot tl-.; i,r<,'.4ii-. tln-iuscivcs ; litncc tin; the oruiuary methods of utaimeni are wioug. As ail knoxv, a serious injury to tin spinal cord will at ouee cause I'AI:U.Y- sis of the body below the injured part. it therefore will rv i omitly wt-il inv'fi- stood, how tin- derail,;* ritnts .: This <-!.v of disf>9.'3, isi rapidly iff- crr!Utn encti year, on acccuul of tBt wear our in.xJe of living and lab-- or i;i ..o> nt>on the nervous jtjstem. -, i.Uis of all tlte ailments ft> nj.,c;i the hanviu fuuiiv is heir, arte dependent npon nervous exhaustion, iuipuiif! i ! ideation, nud a deteriorate^ und impoverished -.join! rion of the blood. T!i* Sooth American Nervine- is a great uervc food ami ctrve build- er aud this accounts for its marvelortB power to cure the varied forms of nervous disease, such es Neuralgia, . iasness. Nervous Pr --:i iiion, St. Vitus's Dance, Nervous eh-.>kiug,Ncrf- oii9 Paroxysm?, Tw Mai- Hot Flashrs. M. ii'..- DtcponA- i-ney, Forgrnfulnes*, :- -uesa. ., Nervousness of Female*, I'al^iutbn of the Heart, Sexual \Vrukt;: -a.<. etc., ete. by ir.M KITH i:: USD*. A Little Daughter Of a Church of England minister cured cf a diitromiag rash, by Ayer'a Sarsaparilla. Mr. RICHARD BiRKd, tlie vrell-known DniRRist, 207 UcCiill .4., Montr,-;.!, P. Q., says: I bar* aold Aycr's Fur.iljr Mcdlrtocft for 40 7ft%rs, and have heard nothing bat good 8i<l of them. I know of man/ Wonderful Cures performed by Ayer* Sarsaparilla, on* In particular utliitf thut of a littlo daocht-r of a Church of England minis- ter. The child \voa literally eovorvxl from bourl to foot with a red nnd ez- roedia^ljr tvotitilesorco rash, from which the hail Kiitr. v i> or three yean, la ftplto bf ;!i.i beat medical ;.>.u-:u pt nil:il lo. Ilor fathur was in gr?*tt distress atiout tho case, and, at my ncommomlAtiou, at last began to ail- minister Ayer's Bappari!!n, ii-. tins of Vhlrh tffectod a complete cr.r*, much to her relief and h,-r f.;th< r' delight. I am sure, were ho here to-dar, he would u-st'fy Iu '-ho Btrongbitt UTUIS as to luo muriu oi Ayer's Sarsaparilla Prepared by Dr.J.C.Ayer ft Co., IxnrcU. Hue. Cures others, will euro you LOSTORFA1LIH6MARHOODL fimnl ul Knots Dibilffc WeakasM of Body and Mind. Effect* It Error* or Excesses ia O1J or Young. Robot. : Noble Manhood fu'.ly Rntored. How to Enlarge tod Strengthen Wca'.., redeveloped j Organs and PsrUof Body. Absolotel/ tj> sailing Home Treatotnl fienefiii in a da> . Xen testify from 60 States and Foreign Gmv tries. TS'rile them. rescriptiv> Book, sj. pUnatkm and i root mailed (sealed) fiwa, ^ ERIE MEDICAL CO,, Buffalo, IK * Cereals on hnncl- Doiicated r.. 1 1., I wheat, I cats I PIMU Oytters, B:M'<wheat Hour I Fteth Kiu. H ..kfa>i ii'n. .inv, I Rolled Bacon, i' )*red \n 1. ur , I (.roturie* ot all kind*, f rmoe or t -. in meat I Kluur. iry tome of t;i j above. | Any Ibiiig you Bay want injihew line* oan h got at Ba,fuhone Paj Attention 1 Having purchased the harness bnoiuess from Mr. Clayton, I wish to intimate that raj en- deavor will be to please and satisfy cMst.iHH-.s in .in work which may I eeii'rntUou to m*. All kinds of horsemen') re- quisites kept iu stock, at low rates. <..-.. i w.irknuiifehiy goarair teed. . Soliciting your r. dors, W.MOORE- H shorten, Jan. 24, lbP3. J. B. SLOAN r . on lu.i .1, and. In tste Nil k.!i ^, M. 'i .1 >oi uJ luml er. aud pln'ii'iit. f >ut to orjer. in coi.ii rti"ii. Ii:fi>riualii .1 wiis laid tiy;J.H .insist Hi- |- t-i.ttice losprotor of charging Mr. Jam< Gihion, sr, of Stock - <*al*>, Out., with iuir>n a p->etag ata*p which ha^ bea b^foM ned.

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