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Flesherton Advance, 29 Mar 1894, p. 6

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A "HOLY WELL Where Pol- The Plague Spot at Mecca Devout Moslems Drink luted Water of Zem Zem. A !en Believer Blll*e4 " a rilrlm Witnesses the HlraBg* la Ik* Kaabah. Th* Holy Well of the Mahometan* U at Merc,., in Arabia. To thm it i* known a* Xsm Zem meaning fill hll-snd in their <** it* i ater. ar* sacred, and a f*w drop* of it, ilrunk or spnnklui ov*r their l>odies, i* .urticient to wash away their link B .1 moderu science ha* shown that this so called sacred water reeks with th* germ* of cholera, and the record* of ohol era epidemic* j,rov* a startling mor- not died away before the extortionate de- mand* of '.he oanva**er. were met with re- proach and execration In uch term* M '< wretch ' 'O thief !' *O extertioner ! plunderer !' interminelod with the retort* O thnu that art drepiaed I 1 'O thou beau that lieit !' '0 Ihou etinpy one !' baseit of the bae !"O thou deepiwd o: Allah !' 'O Allah *ave me !' culminating in interchange of blow*, which threw the whole camp into confusion "Order being in eome m%nner reitored by the aheikt, prayer and praie were re- iume.1, after which they all breakfasted. bathed and put on the pilgrim garb, called El Ihram, descended the bill and entered the winding itreu of the city, and when th sun had well riaen our ChrUtian wai comfortably lodged in the home of a devout Arab named Achmet, whose I* and good will bad been pin-based at a very highficure. A few houraof sound ilrep and a well tali'y auong the pilgrim, who journey to Mtv-ca onoe every year from all part* of _ Ana. From there *pre*d the cholera p re pared dinner, served on a broad wooden plague, that periodically break out in tray and placed on a wooden (tool fiv* or India, A.ia and Europe. su inches high. be*ide which the false The Holy Well i* not f*d by a ipring, Mo,!,,,,, u t on a cushion thrown on the but oalohee the rain water that filter* floor eating with hi* finger* from each Iman, to *et about preparing for a the mosq'ie. After purifying HE CAN CLEAVE A SHEEP WITH A SINGLE STROKE. *rl. Major Wnr s <, er Hlnu-l.... Out . C'kamiil**] Feneer and Inslraeier Ike Military Cellece In All xtouil MbMft Sergt.-Maj. Morgans, teacher of gym- nastic* at the Royal Military College, Kingston, Out., now claim* th* American fencing charnpioncliip with (word or bay- onet. Up to the present time he ha* de- feated all comer*. Hi* laU-.t victory wa* over Fencing In. tructor Clarke, of New York. In that content Morgana scored ii points to Clarke'. 17. SrrgL-Maj. Morgans has been a resident ef potato', c iver, and nearly all elan** of garden and !i -id vegetable* and fruit. One load ot good uMeachod hardwool allies ha* as much m.nurial value in polish as ten load* of th* bet barnvard manure. Hardener* anJ fru>t growers in America ar* fully anare of this, and honcn the keen demand there is from Main* to California for lhue Cana<liaii hrdwind ashes. our farmers had the least reflection upon this point, they might know how important ashes were for manure, inasmuch a* they are the inoiganic part of the land, and no plant can grow or t irive without th* chemi- cal element* of which ah* are composed. When our fore.t tree* or any plant u burnt up lhe organic part of the plant goe* away in .moke or gate., and the inorganic part in left in the shape of ashe*. Tins i. plain enough to (how bow important they are a* a fertilizer, and to ree'ore that fertility which i. being continually taken from ^the oil in the shape of crop, and .tock. ' of King.ton.0nt,, for ! year., and every , , nart' of her winter "durin, this neriod he has conduct- " "PO"* * h * n * l r f* grain and live .lock, and nearly all ashes, and how is *he going to replenish winter during thi. period he has conduct ed a well patronized gymnasium. Socially, he U very popular ; and he i. a universal favorite with the cadeu at the college. A short lime ago he wa* pmented with a through the overlaying mass ot foul matter | j,,|, j ij|j e a true Mussulman, refreshed him ! gold medal for long and efficient service in the Kritish Army. He was born in North Wales in lS.V2.and I enlisted at Wel.h Pool al the ago of 1 S i n ' lhe Soots Ku.iu. Guardt. Hi th. for *ge. ha. accumulated in the vicin- ity. HT* the water from the well, after . being sprinkled over the luppliant form* of n j, body by thorough ablution and having th* Mo.leui, or poured over their diseased hi , hea j n ewly .haven and hi* persoo well per*on>, run* back at ones into the wsill. I perfumed and freshly arrayed in the pure Analyii* >hjws that this water is tainted ,,) , ean ,i CM garments of white color called with decomposed animal matter, rendered K! Ihram one of which i* wound artund the more unwholesome from the drainage the loins and the othar thiown ovr the into -he well of bacilli that from the .houlJrr. andwithhisheailan<llhe heeland putrefic.l oflTal and flesh of th* devout pil- ' j altep o f elc h foot bare, a* advised by Ach- ; grim* who have died there y-ar .for year, met ^ ^ ur C hri.tian was deemed fit by biir i n ur U ctor..June 3,'lHSJO.and sergeant major \ and we., buned in trench^ K .ro,ly a foot u ide(1 to lh thi* great drin upon her fertility ! exportation of grain, cattle, other live stock, and a*he from a country which re- ceives nothing in exchange thai can be SKETCHING THE LIONS. in t , -i I Xlihl In 1 is- IB stiver < Irr. she Taal At Pretoria, la the TraawaaJ, our exps- A- n joniB'l by a Mr. Tuft, a:i art ml connected with lhe Ix>ndon Illustrated New*. Whei we had croued the V'aal river and were in the lion eou-itry the ar.nt one day gal the idea that h winled a cer- tain ikeich from wbich to make a painiing when he returned home. He hai aketched our rapiive lion* a* we took them from the pits, but what he .ighrd for wan a group ot free lion* by moonlight. That he might carry out bis idea we had the native* ererta house ofoi.a^rv uio-i for him on the edge of a saudy plain, four (tout polls ware sot in the groun<1. a'nl al adiattnos of twelve faet from tho earth cross pieces were lahed to them and a cage twelve f -et square built up. Tnis ca^e was of the height of a man, and the bars were of u*rd wood four inches wide and iwo inch** thick. Ii wa* jmr. ucli ';*g a* we built to hold a full-grown black rhinoceros. We bad c*p ure I two lions in pits be fore the perio.i of the full moon arrived II ua<l be:a noticed that of all the lions approaching our cunp the most of them Welsh fool at the agool n in . .; . ,;_. . n :i O f .-u.ilier.-now called the Scot, vanou. parts of Nort iVu " or . Hi, dm .tation was at CheUea ; Aw. Minor, a* well a. Sicily w , long *ucce**ion of year*. wa the granary to be guided to the Holy Ben Allah. 1 They entered the mo*qu '*" June 7, I "-'. by In April, IH78, li n wa* *el- long and wet* buried in Irene-he* scarcely deep. Zem Zrs-n, the (real Mahometan to Allah, and tbe rendexv . _ w ._, . every pious follower of Islam. Her* is the cations, finishing by drawing lhe palms of I h* carried off tin fir.t prize in the presence ancient Black Stone venerated by the Ma- hometan, and never Men by Chri.tian eye*. Tin. waodrou* pebble, dropped from heav- en on the day that Allah entered into com Me wia promoted rapidly, being " They entered the mo^iu. through the octed by lhe Hone Guard* from a long li*t ' Holy Well, ii part of the ^^ galled Bab el Nabi, on the eaut aide of ' O f applicant* to be mitrnotor at the R.iy.l ' ' n .brine of Kaabah, aacn-d t he square, anditopped immediately within I Military College, from childhood he took ' j rendezvous once a year of ; ,| |e j m .| oture to rep -ai prayer* and su>pli- a deep interest in athletic sport.. In I ->7 i * ------ _ ...... rr ------ nt || conlleo id wiili the colonnade, and pact with the sons of men, and containing t)ieQ f,,n,,w.l a pavemen'. to the prayer- their hands over their face*, according to j o f Queen Vi.-ioria in tbe complete march- the custom of devout Moslem*. Next they , ing order competition with CO round* of took off their slippers and left them in a | ammunition. There were 30 competitors. the celodul contract neatly folded in it* . between the well /.era tly folded in it* p | ace o f tne shafer, centre, to lie read and to t*ufy, at the > /itm ^j th)) M a k am Ibrahim, or s.:red final judgment, to all wlio have performed tp , )l w |, r< Abraham offered hi* prayers. their duly by kissing its mottled covering. .. Her e they unk on their knees, with hs. always created a .ingtilar curiosity in j a ,. ei towards ths Kaabah, and twice bent the rmo'in of unlxili 'Ving Chri.tian*. Kroni time to time a few daring infidel* I their bodies forward till their form, touched th* ground in proetration, aft. r which they In tbe same and in the fol.owing year he notwithmtjadmt; lhe contest w the Britih^rrnv. In 1ST? he won the ame competition at Wimbledon, wa* cpen to won second place in the single-handed tug-of-war, also open to the army. At Hythe he received bis training in musketry, and won the high- etcertincat*of etfioieccy awarded. At Alder- shot in 1877hewagrantedafinucla**oerti- ,n< are *o blind to their interest* a* to their sourc* of land fertility [ath**] for a men song and let th* United State* reap benefit, the D >minion Government should enforce au export tax on every bushel of ashes, and this would effectually lop ihi. suicidal trade. ...... -------- r ------------ ' the State was enabled to detect was giv. have (haved i heir head* and donned th* , IlU . r) ,,i lne bu Iding of Xem Xom and drank ficate in gymnaslia and fencing. Since I trial. That trial, which lasted over " : " lM-J. to th. amazement of erdict from the jury of pilgrim'* garb, and, thus disguised, *> i c ,, p iously of the puiifyiug water; then his arrival in Canada he has UKen an active taken lit'e in hand and sought the jealously m oved guarded treasure. * In this way a few stolen ; , vu pictures of the Kaabah have beejumuggled out of Arabia, Th* Kabah tand in the centre of a high mosque, which cousists of a spacious square eaclosed by high walls, lined with colonnade* and pierced by nineteen Rate* giving admission to it* hallowed precincts. Five hundred and fifty -four column* and pilaster., composed respectively of white marble, gray granite and porphyry, form the immense peristyle, surmounted with a J 4| in all kind* of iport*. In I si I he on the .ilver cup given by the Y. L C. B. , with becoming reverence, a. near a. possible to approach for the crowd to the Black Stone, where they ntood re - pealing prayer* and *upp'tc*tion* from th* i Koian, the sentence* beginning with : There i. no God but Allah. Aeoept thou my .upp'ication, etc.' i important fencing bout* in which A 'tor several inolfeclual attempt* to {the winner w>r* with Lieut. Mayf A., for the rowing championship of th* Limestone City : and a .ilver medal at the Ontario IliHo Association match** for the () Allah I J second highest aggregate scon. The moet ; h^Mtn lubjected to imp'oper influence* may h he wa. | ^ whol , y wromg . n frey, late a , thjl iome of th , gu jltier partie* fulfil lhir duty hy touching the Ulack Stone | member of the Austrian Hu**ar*. Profe.r* ihi y paused again, repealing prayer* and MoUregor, Ried and Savage, of Toronto, reciting certain portions of lhe Koran, and Sergu-Maj. Chagnon, of tbe French ll j n g C eiUin pr>rti their open palm* behind their ears, more p r y, r(i hleasexl the Prophet, e immens p, M more p r y, r(i e , row of low dome, numbering 1.V2. Arabic k|iM ,| li)e tjp , o ( t he finger* of uheir right inn I iphein decorate tome of the column*, h*j,<J, t and began the cermny ofcircumam- and pavsd walks shoe4 Irom the colonna<ies | m | at<llli which brought them, in time, a- to an open pavem*nl of oarble moa c. encircling the Kaaliah, a ma*. v, ol.long, flat riofi-'l >i|iiare, with walls many feet round to the sacred "relic, .till repeating prsysrs and supplications commencing with the usual ' I >li Allah,' etc. thick, diaped externally with a heavy! i.yhn* they made seven circuit*, pausing ' "V7.aband and Army. Shortly after his appointment to the Royal Military College, Sergt.-Maj. Mor gan. wa. offered the position of fencing instructor at West Point Academy, at a alary of $ I.OOO per year. He had to re- fuse, beoauM if lis had taken th* position pension for service in tbe HritUb army .<.! h. I each tutu- n[i[>M<ite the l>eard of My/.< 1 . lietide lli--- burial place of llngar would have been cancelled. Tbe sergeant-major met Sargeant-ln. tructor Hawker, of the Duke of Con naught's Royal Canadian Hu**an, in a brown curtain, ca'.lod the ki.witt. The *truct lire ha. the appearance of ^ immense tomb. It i. surrounded by a her son, I o murmur extra term, of pra circle of iron pn*t. and connected by a croa.- > u |.,ing and .upplication, arid also at th* military tournament at Montreal on Stiur- bar, from whi'-h depend* a chain of lamps ,,), O f e , cn circuit to kiss and caress, with ' day evening, March 10th, hut owing to thai have for centuries Iwn lighted at ntn ,i tj f are and lip*, the Black Stone, then j accident* th* Routed, were not very satis- runset. Th* sacred elifice ha* but one Ilu t )ie ends of their finger* and resume factory. At foil. Morgan, won by fiv* door, and ihat i* *ome seven f**t from the lhelr oourme . " The ceremony of rircumambulation over, they retin to Xem '/.am to again im- turned into manun mu*t exhaust th *oil , ^ni, ( r om the desert, which ran back 'en in the long run. The present sterility of ml | el to a range of hills. On* evening, ' when tbe right lima had come, I accompan- ied Mr. Tuft to tbe eg% having agreed to beat him company through the nignt. \Ve tock provision* and bedding, but no fire- arm*. It wa* calculated that the cage c mid defy anything except an elephant, and are did not wish to kill a lion a* long as there a* any chance of capturing him alive for Uageulwck. \V get into the sag* by mean* of a ladder and a door, and the native* had scarcely disappeared when Bight came and the moon wa. with us. It was so light thtt we could see ants on the ground below us, ar-d the eye could have delected a man on the p'ain as far as a noonday. At about 8 o'clock we heard three differ- ent honj roar, bul far the next two hour* everything wa* to quiet w* feared that the beast, suspected sonia trap and would not show op on that ud* of the camp. W* were both lying on our back, and indulg- ing in a quiet smoke when I felt raiher lhan heard lhe tread of some animal and care- fully rose up on my elbow. Right in front ol u*, not over fifty feet *wsy, was A FAMILY Of LIONS father, mother, and two cabs, though on* of the cube was half grown. The four stood lid* by side, facing n., and bad come up a. quietly as rabbit*. ' Good '" whispered tbe artist u h* reached for pencil and paper. " They an not grouped * artistically as I could wish bat u is an opportunity no man ever had before. Ak ! The old chap is down I That's 20 per cent, batter ! SM ! Tne lit- tle fellow move* around on th* other .id* of the mother I Wa* ever anything mon artistic T I' 11 donat* a keg ot rum to yonr wVieioften "having their two .ittle children j niggn if those lion, will only .top right with h.r, manifestly had no little effect on then for ten ruinates !" the beart of tb* jury. Much of the You may have seen the painting he after- wora te.'.imony of the opposing ward made and called "Th* Lionsal Home." wilne**** was flatly contradictory. The It was a faithful production of th* pencil instructions of lhe jmlg* to th* jury. | .ketch made there by moonlight a* we look- while rightly anxiou. that no innocent ed into the great yellow eye* of the four person .hould be punished, may easily ' beasts. They *tood for eight or ten minute* stretch too far lhe point 'beyond every | almoit without moving, or thr*e of them reasonable doubt.' In th., as in other ,h,|, while the father lay .tretchei at tull cue* 'irial by newspaper' is an exceedingly length on tbe sand*. Then Iheir curioeily ; part of the moderu judicial j was satisfied. They had figured out two Uut it is at any ra,te an uuspeak- : white men in a cage, and the question wa* Tke rulB Murder. One of the mot atrocious murder* ever committed in Chicago w* that of Dr. Cro- nin nearly five year* ago. Three of the men implicated in the conspiracy wer* tri-d, 1 convicted and aentenoed to th* peniteoliary for life. Two of ihem have since died. One of them, Dan Coughlin, on some technical- ity which ihe lynx eyed Supreme Court of 1 enabled to detect was given four monlh., everybody, in a acquittal. Probably there are bat tew who do not *till believe him to have been one of the parties guilty of the murder. The sus pi .ou that certain m*mb*n of the jury hd e mo*t ; ^ n tub i, cv< d to imp-oper influ WM I be wholly wrong. The belief i* gener the guiltier par tie* in the never brought to trial. The Advance speaking of thi* miscar- riage of justice says : -" The presence all the trial of the prison*!- 1 * young ground. Ihi* inconvenient entrance i* unlocked ten or twelve time* during the year, when the pilgrim* mount on one another's shoulder* to its threshold, ex- | wiln oept on grand *cca*ion, *uch a* heM { lla.lj el Akbar the great annual | pilgrimage when at the .ilver door i* iwung a certain back for a hour short time, and a portable itairway, which pil- grims cun ascend four abreat, i* wheeled up to the opening. The Black Stone is described s* smooth, oblong in shape, wilb a glassy, red black, irregular surface, which suggests the idea of having once been brok- en into fragments and afterward* cemerr ed bib* lhe sanolifying fluid and be drenched leveral tkintful dashed over their and person., whil* thy teadily prayers, either from memory er by fi nve point* to four, ard at sword by five to three. In tb* bayonet bout one of .Mor gait's lunge* drove th* wire, of the mask to the new.paper-reading public that th* hideous details of this altogether horrible affair, that have loaded down the by' reading them from the Koran, a* before. Thi. ended the |>raie an 1 .upplication for th* day, and they left the o.qne, to re- turn as often and whenever nligiou* fervor prompted, always bathing, .having their heads and dressing in pure robr* and per fuming the body as a never forgetting to be preliminary, and con.lanlly on the into Hawker's forehead, cutting him badly, I ind Morgans wa* declared a winner by 14 point* to 10. Seigt.-Maj. Moriian* i* dexterous with tl.e sword, and exhibitions of his dexterity are highly entertaining. > lne of his cleverest feat* I* to sever the carcass of a sheep at one terrific cut. On March -.'6th, in Water town. N. Y.. nnder military auspices, Sergt.-Maj. Mor- gans meets Harold St. John in a fencing Imut for the championship of Americs. Si. John won the Untied States championship alert to be pre**nt when the door of the ' by appearing in the Kden Muse*. New- how to get at them. Tbe old lion suddenly rose up and uttered a roar which lasted ,.,,.. , fully *ixty second*, \\hile h* wa* thu* dailVpapen 'for four mortal month*, are engaged the lioness paced to and fro, and at lasl gone. The astonishing apahet of j th* cab* jumped back and forth over her. this trial give* freeh and terrible point to I When the roe' ceased the lion began to wbat Mr. Juatiee Bnwer, of the United twitch his tail, and as his eyes gr*w red I State* Supreme Court, (aid noently in whispered to Mr. Tuft : Chicago, on some of the ouirageou* defect* "Move back-move back he's coming in our judicial methods, if not of our I for as !" judicial system. In this Coughlin c*M. He came a* if *hot out of a cannon : everybody may be mi*lak*n except thoee twelve jurymen, but nobody really be- liese* that he wa. innocent. Judge Brewer only expressed th* conviction of intelligent people generally in holding that there I* a great deal too .nuch chance offered for de- feating the end* of jutice In th* appeal* togeiher. Hi* **v*n inche* in diameter , Kaallmh mlRtu be opened, and they could [ York City, with a challenge to meet all , [ rom on* court to another court, ^ M * _ ____ l_ . __.. A .. . . . I . .s'a-i .t .'_ _ _ _ a.^*U_.1 __ __ J I.'...] lv I - . \17.11 ...... i I ami some five feet above the ground, and | j ojn the j. V out in fighting their way to the project* from the angle of th* northeast lnter j or . coiner of the building. The (tone ard the apertun where it *nter the wall are bor- dered hy a band of gold. On th* waet lid* of th* Kaabah, come two f*et below its, flat top, a golden water cotnen, and defeated Maj. William*, ja- (truolor of swordsmanship of th* 17th At last the hoped for moment cam*, | Lancer*. He afterward* defeated in >uc- but th* great tair* not being drawn np, our I ceesion Prof Woolfe, Chevalier Kerrine pilgrim paid two murderous-looking Bed- ' IVcato, champion . .:_ .1 -;J ~ (( ro | ,^y i of Mexico ,,,, gdy sum to lend him theaid of tneir Mm , an j ,h oa Her* in elimbints up to Germany Havier champion of Klack Ha**ar*. nd last October he defeated pout, reputed of gnat oanciity, pr<j<-:l ln , | ev ol of the coveted threshold, whence Corp. Barbour, champion of the World's from the wall, with a golden beard, called I oh |j K j, l( , pilgrims, who had already reached Fair Kriti.h tournament company at Madi the "i eard ef Myxab,' depending from it* j lh(< ^^ ,,,,.,) hi. arm. and leg. and drag- ion Square (iarden. mouth and directing the water collected on the roof to fall on the pavement above the rave* of H.gar and lahmael. To secure a few drop, of water as it trickles from the bea d of Myub causes endless contention mom ths pilgrims The Holy Well, X*m /em, or /am /am, th* cry of Hagar wncn .he saw the stream and bold a vee**l to catch th* water to save the life of her pernhing .on, i* enclosed in a building near th* plao* of^ th* portable si airs, on the north .ide Allah. A *u>ne reservoir the water from /HIII X.ein, and is accessible, with a cup, through a grated window for purpose* .if drinking and spiritual cleansing before prayer*. An Oriental Chr stian who vi.ited Mecca disguised a* a Moslem pilgrim, related lome pilgrim*, who had already reached the goal, *ei7.ed hi. arm. and leg* and drag- ged him within the entrance. "Thb interior of the building waextreme. ly plain and without ornament, excepting the curtain* of re I and gold damask which draped the walls, thsir lower sdges Iwing drawn up U-vond the reach of the pilgrim's hands. The floor was composed of ohiok- ered pavement of different colored marble, and tbe ceiling was supported by three pilaster, of carved aloe wood; connected by a bright metal bar.from which a number of the hou*e of ! o f ,,,, lamp , WM , iuip n d*d, their flame '* j * y * ! 1 *om*what relieving the general gloom, for then 1. neither skylight nor window to admit light to the Holy Houie. Bfore making the circuit of the inter ior it is necessary to give the official name and rotiden ar* ra< isneoeuary to give the orhcia; name ftt out of their customer*. Midence ; then prayer* and bleMing. j J. th-f- haV8 bteu about w umed. and in passing the corn* i- in ip lM) ^ f rom London, and it i* ardweeel tskn. There are emtensiv* firms all over the middle and New Kngland State, whn make a specialty of dealing largely in Canadian hard wood uihe* and immen*e profit* ar* made out of them. In *ome di.trict* dar- ing the fall and winter months a large number of teams an employed to go from bouse to house in country places, village*, town* and cities and trade off to the women folk* penny-ban of soap for those aahe*. Th* dealer* make a handsome profit out of the farmer* and othen, and the large deal- ers on the other side make another large Since last c a r .| ad until, either by the ex hanstion of the i sources of one party or th* other, or els* by om* real or fancied but questionable technicality, the whole judicial procedure turns out to be a very costly farce, and the exemplary ends of ju.tice are worse lhan wa*le.l. In th* case of the appeal to the court* lt*t summsr ov*r th* question a* to the opening f th* Fair o.i Sunday*, the various proceeding* taken altogether, oon- itituted a piece of *vaiv* judicial jugglery without dignity or moral force. The s*nsi- tive anxiety of modern jurisprudence lest mistake be made and an innocent party be alloweJ to *uffer i*. of cour*e, commendable, but the trouble with the prc.nt method is, that th* guilty are tboul a* apt toeaoap* a* the innocent which wa* a fraction ol a caravan conveying pilgrim* to Mecca, ihay hall*d at dawn on the cr**t of a high ridge. ShouU of ' Meocal Mecca I' ' O the Holy City !' ' the Sane- Inary !' '0 blemed of th* Prophelof Allah !' O i. rats* b* to Allah !' 'O praise to Allah Almighty I 1 ' Allah, v.rily tin. i. thy Sanctuary I' came in variou* key. from the long line of camel*, amusing the less vigi- lant from th*ir slumbers, and causing the more devout to slide from lhe back, of their bea.u, before the latter could kneel, to prai.e and lupplioat* Allah at th* lirst gliinp** ef hi* holy sanctuary. "Somo, who hail been travelling for month*, soblwd and wept aloud in Ibo transport* of their joy, and all, after di* moui.tiug.offered up praia* Mid prayer from the Koran. Tb* holy city lay below Ihem, in a val- le>, the four tall minaret* of th* mosque in it* oentre clearly defined in tho gray light. Soon runner* from Mecca began to arrive demanding exorbitant price, for their lervioMM guide* to the pilgrims and t heir hou*e* a* lodging*. V rom praying to lighting wa* th* work ol a *-ood. Tb* ejaculation* of uraia* b*4 , Waiu U1 be giv*u. rank and wealth of the pilgrim, i* made al lhe door before departing." To enter the Kaabah is a matter of dii.-re.tion among pilgrim*. Thou*nd,^it I* .aid, never go into the Holy House. To do so tnlail* S.TIOIIS restrictions in the fut- ure. Keel that hav* once passed the hal- lowed floor mut never ajain walk with naked sole ; neither mult the lip* that have been in.ide the holy building ever utter an- other falsehood ; to theie aie added other forbidden convenience* that prove unprofi- table to the wandering Arab and tire.ome to tb* Injurious Oriental. The New Y. rk Tribune ityleil.ord Rose- bsry's late peech in the Houie of Lord* "ail impefuous oiilhunt of candour," an! say. "it i* dangerous for a young Prime Minister to be caught thinking ali.ud.' " The Marr^ui* of Duflerin i. going to fur- nilh a memoir of hit mother, II len, I^dy OufTerin, a granddaughter of Hirhir i Urine- ley Hheridan, to His volume of her "Poem* and Verws," which iho Marquis M editing, ami Mr. Murray i- to publish. Two p..r truck the cage at about the centre. One forepaw passed between the ban and clawed at us, ana M he hung there for minute hi* growl* made ihiver* chase over us. He dropped down with a snarl and walked off bout 100 feet. W* knew he was again, and we crowded to the bars as sxte.p. w e a trade with all parts American Union. For the orange grove* of Florida as well a* th* Massachusetts mar- ket gardens, these Canadian ashes are sold and me I. Tbe leading agricultural paper, in Boston, New Y irk, Philadelphia and other cities are filled with such advertise- ment* a* th* following : ' A NATfllAI. KaVTILI*IK. Cnnaila unitackttl Aard-tcood a*\t gathered l>y our men and (hipped In car- load loUs in bulk to any railroad point. W* have all facilities for supplying our on*- lorners with the belt ashe* at low price*. Km pamphlet , .ample and other information sddr***, Ac. If London 1* a rp>eienUtiv* of other centre* in Canada that are ihipping these " natntal fertiliser.," what a bu.ineas must be done every yarin draining this country of it. fertility. The farmers get some 6 to in cent* a bushel for these athes, and, ao- c.-r ling to the analyii* of Prof. Atmater, hard woo 1 a*h**ar* in value for fromjBO cents to $1 00 per 100 Ibs., er 60 cent* a bushel, ami .oft wood ash*, h* oon.iden worth 80 emu per 100 lb. , or 4* cent* a bu*h*l M feitilixer* for different poUsh plant* .uob A New MlllUry Implement. The infantry and chaueur regiment* of the Au.tro-Hungarian army hav* iut been supplied with a new implement wbloh can he u*ed M a spade, shovel, hatchet, and saw It is about one and one-half feet in length, weighs about two pounds, and i* *o arranged that it can be hung on the belt at th* left side near the bayonet- U will en- able tbe infantry to do all that is necessary in laying out a camp, fixing cook ing places, providing a water supply, and throwing up fight, earth works. Exercise* in the use of this new weapon, which U intended to render infantry regiment* independento their own pioneer companies, hav* also been introduced and will be carried on by the V imina garrison in on* of the large drill grounds in the environs. A Useless Weapon. An Irishman stood charged with itealing a watch from a fellow-citizen. H* toutly denied the theft, and brought a counter accusation against hU accuser for assault committed with a frying-pan. Th* judge wa inclined to take a com- mon-*euse vi*w of th* cae, and, ngsrdmg the prisoner, *aid : "Vi'uy did you allow the prosecutor, who i. a .mailer man than younelf, to assault you without resi.tance T Had you nothing in your hand to defend yourself with 1 " "Bedad, yonr honour," answered Pat, "" had hi* watch; but what wa* that against a frying-pan ?" (ilasgow barbers hav* denounced laly ( (havers. coming on tSe other side. At a distance of ten feet from th* posts he made hi* ipring, and thi. time he landd on th* roof above our head*. Th* ria* was eighteen feet, bat he made it with- out an effort. Had the construction of that cage been left to th* lazy and ihiflle** na- tive* alon* th* lion would hav* oome crash- ing down upon us. The roof had been mad* even mor* secure than the sides, the logs being heavy and well fastened. The weight of the lion racing back and forth threaten- ed TO frROOT TH POSTS, bat luckily for u* he did not tarry long When he leaped down he began circling about u* at a distant)* of ton feet, apparent- Ig crutiin/.iraK *v*ry imgle bar, and after he had made one circuil the family joined him and the four made tbe circuit fifteen time* by count. At length they retired about seventy feet away for consultation. How the lion Com- municated his idea* wa* not plain, as h* attend no cound, but all of a *udd*n the four mad* a rush forth* cage. Threoof them reached the b-ra, but the baby lion fell short, lhe trio hung there for fully two minute*, clawing, biting, and seemingly expecting their weight and struggles to pull th* cage off the po*ti, but one by one they finally dropped down. The nevt move wai al*o mad* after a plain understanding among thremartette. The cubs lays down on the ground .bead, toward us and ear* point- ed forward, and the father and mother male a iwift and limultaneou* rush and both landed on the roof together. Th* two of u* in the oag* cried oat in affright, a* the log* bent and one of the *upportiugpo*t cracked in an ominoua manner, and it wa* probably the aound of our voice*, raised then for the fir.t time, that caused tbe beast* to retreat. Had they continued raving about for a minute or two longer the cage mult have been toppled down. After leaving the roof they took up their fint position* *nd all lay down,with their glaring eyes fastened on the cage. " That mean* thay will *link away after a while and we might a* well torn in," I aid to th* ariitt, and five minute* later we wer* itretched out on our blankets in th* oentre of t'ue cage. When the lion* went away neither of u* knew a* w* soon f*il asleep 'and did not waken until the natives came in the morn - ing. We caught a cub lion in a pit thre mile, away thatnight.and bu resembled th "little fellow" of the family so much tb* we never doubted hi* identity. L M. Q t

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